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I was just going to let them run out and I didn’t know I could end them early, I make that much money now I suppose I should cancel them.


I’m one show away from Supreme Challenge


No worries. I was just curious if there was any advantage to keeping them signed. Although, if the broadcaster is not complaining, I would also just let them run out. No sense in wasting the money.

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Continuing on from WrestleMania III with the culmination of the 1987 Great American Bash Tour with a giant card at American Legion Stadium with a sold out attendance of 25,000. Included the announcement to the crowd that the 1988 Bash will be Live on PPV.


Main Event Steel Cage Match: Roddy Piper def. Ric Flair w/ JJ Dillon - Rating: 91

Hulk Hogan & The Road Warriors def. Andre The Giant, Big John Studd & King Kong Bundy w/ Bobby Heenan - Rating: 97 (!)

Dusty Rhodes def. Paul Orndorff w/ Bobby Heenan - Rating: 87

Intercontinental Heavyweight Title: Randy Savage w/ Miss Elizabeth def. The Honky Tonk Man© w/ Jimmy Hart by DQ. Honky retains the Title - Rating: 88

World Tag Team Titles: Demolition© w/ Mr. Fuji def. The British Bulldogs - Rating: 94

Ted Dibiase w/ Virgil def. Kerry Von Erich - Rating: 82

Ricky Steamboat def. Ravishing Rick Rude w/ Bobby Heenan - Rating: 82

U.S Heavyweight Title: Terry Funk© def. Jake Roberts - Rating 82

World Television Title: 'The Natural' Butch Reed w/ Slick def. Lex Luger© - Rating: 73

U.S Tag Team Titles: The Hart Foundation© def. The Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette - Rating: 89

Arn Anderson w/ JJ Dillon def. Rick Martel - Rating: 68


Overall Rating: 92


On the road to the first ever Survivor Series...

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Decided to take a break from my main save and finally return to the C-Verse. I started out with a local to global game when the game launched, but it went off the rails when I bought CWA and just had too much going on. At that point some Real World mods had come out and moved on after feeling burnt out on it.


So I'm doing another local to global. My company is Battleground Wrestling Federation (BWF) and is in the Mid-West. Starting with a roster of 6 wrestlers plus my user character who is ref and road agent. I have Ernest Youngman, Logan Wolfsbaine, James Diaz, Remmy Honeyman, Jack Avatar, and K.P. Avatar.


I'm running a weekly tour event to build up skills and momentum by having three matches a card, all against local talent. Each month will be capped off with reoccurring monthly event title "Championsip Struggle" where the BWF Mid-West Championship will be defended. The first champion is Ernest Youngman, who beat Jack Avatar in the finals of a tournament to crown the champ.

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So in my WWE Save, I've been doing a 'NJPW' type of PPV only type deal for over 2 years, but now I have WAY too many people on my roster to justify only having 1/2 shows a month so I decided to bring the brand split back and have Raw, Smackdown, Nitro & Womens Rosters. Will take a while to get through each week but should kepe me occupied!
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Ended 1987 in my WWF '85 game with the first Survivor Series in November followed by Starrcade in December to clear the slate for the super busy 1988 ahead:


Survivor Series 1987 - Richfield Coliseum, Richfield OH - Att: 21,300 / BR: 5.6

Andre The Giant, Terry Funk & Demoliton def. Hulk Hogan, Dusty Rhodes & The Road Warriors - Survivor: Andre The Giant - Rating: 98

Randy Savage, Lex Luger & The British Bulldogs def. The Honky Tonk Man, Paul Orndorff & The Midnight Express - Survivor: Randy Savage - Rating: 88

Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Barry Windham, The Magnificent Muraco def. Ricky Steamboat, Sting & The Rockers - Survivors: Ric Flair & Arn Anderson - Rating: 91

Roddy Piper, Bam Bam Bigelow & The Hart Foundation def. Ted Dibiase, Butch Reed & The Islanders - Survivor: Roddy Piper - Rating: 84

Rick Rude, Mr Perfect, King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd def. Jake Roberts, Tito Santana & The Can-Am Connection - Survivors: Rick Rude & Mr Perfect - Rating: 90

Show Rating: 96


Starrcade 1987 - UIC Pavilion, Chicago IL - Att: 10,000 / BR: 4.6

World Heavyweight Title: Hulk Hogan© def. Andre The Giant - Rating: 94

2/3 Falls: Rc Flair def. Ricky Steamboat - Rating: 93

World Tag Team Titles-Steel Cage: Demolition© def. The Road Warriors - Rating: 95

Intercontinental Title: Randy Savage def. The Honky Tonk Man© by DQ - Rating: 86

Ted Dibiase def. Rowdy Roddy Piper - Rating: 99

U.S Tag Team Titles: The British Bulldogs© def. The Midnight Express - Rating: 92

U.S Heavyweight Title: Lex Luger © def. Paul Orndorff - Rating: 89

Strap Match: Dusty Rhodes def. Terry Funk - Rating: 91

Ravishing Rick Rude def. Jake 'The Snake' Roberts - Rating: 90

The Hart Foundation def. The Islanders - Rating: 84

Show Rating: 94


Loaded 1988 ahead: Royal Rumble, WrestleMania, The Great American Bash, SummerSlam, Survivor Series, Starrcade, 5x Saturday Night Main Event's. 1x The Main Event, 4x Clash Of The Champions and the monthly MSG Network shows from the Garden. Oh boy.

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Crowned the new WWF champion at WrestleMania IV in my WWF 1985 game:


WrestleMania IV - Trump Plaza, Atlantic City NJ - Att: 19,000 / BR: 5.39


Sting & The Rockers def. One Man Gang & The Islanders - Rating: 75

The Ultimate Warrior won the WrestleMania Invitational Battle Royal def. Big Boss Man, Tito Santana, Rick Martel, Nikolai Volkoff, Boris Zhukov, Big John Studd, King Kong Bundy, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Jerry Lawler, Superfly Jimmy Snuka, Hercules, Koko B. Ware, The Blue Blazer, The Red Rooster, Greg Valentine, Dino Bravo, Michael Hayes, Terry Gordy, Bad News Brown, Barry Windham, Butch Reed, Rick Steiner, The Magnificent Muraco & Kamala - Rating: 74


Tournament for the vacant WWF Championship

Opening Round

Ric Flair def. Bam Bam Bigelow - Rating: 70

Dusty Rhodes def. Tully Blanchard - Rating: 70

Ted Dibiase def. Jake Roberts - Rating: 70

Mr Perfect def. Lex Luger - Rating: 70

Hulk Hogan def. Andre The Giant - Rating: 90

Randy Savage def. Terry Funk - Rating: 80

Ricky Steamboat def. Paul Orndorff - Rating: 70

Rowdy Roddy Piper drew via double DQ with Rick Rude - Rating: 90


World Television Title: Arn Anderson© def. Kerry Von Erich - Rating: 85

The Midnight Express def. The Road Warriors - Rating: 83


Quarter Final Round

Ric Flair def. Dusty Rhodes - Rating: 80

Randy Savage def. Ricky Steamboat - Rating: 96

Hulk Hogan drew via double DQ with Ted Dibiase - Rating: 96

Mr Perfect advances via a bye


United States Tag Team Titles: The British Bulldogs© def. The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers - Rating: 82

Intercontinental Heavyweight Title: The Honky Tonk Man© def Brutus Beefcake - Rating: 76


Semi Final Round

Randy Savage def. Mr Perfect - Rating: 82

Ric Flair advances via a bye


World Tag Team Titles: The Hart Foundation def. Demolition© - Rating: 80


Final Round

Ric Flair def. Randy Savage to win the WWF Championship - Rating: 81


Show Rating: 89


Show was running out of steam by the end, went well though all things considered with a tournament. April brings the first Clash Of The Champions at the start of the month and a Saturday Night's Main Event at the end. Onward...

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Completed a busy Summer featuring the 2nd Clash Of the Champions in June, Great American Bash PPV in July and now SummerSlam PPV in August:


SummerSlam'88 - Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY - Att: 18,200 / BR: 5.75


WWF Championship: Randy Savage w/ Miss Elizabeth def. Ric Flair© w/ JJ Dillon - Rating: 94

Hulk Hogan def. Ted Dibiase w/ Virgil - Rating: 85

Roddy Piper def. Dusty Rhodes - babyface match with Piper going heel after winning with help from his returning Bodyguard Bob Orton - Rating: 85

World Tag Team Titles: The Brainbusters w/JJ Dillon def. Demolition© - Rating: 91

Intercontinental Title: The Ultimate Warrior© def. Andre The Giant w/ Bobby Heenan - Rating: 84

The British Bulldogs w/ Paul E. Dangerously def. The Hart Foundation - Bulldogs newly turned heel with debuting Paul E as agent - Rating: 84

U.S Heavyweight Title: Lex Luger def. Mr Perfect w/ Bobby Heenan - Rating: 81

Jake Roberts def. Big Boss Man w/ Slick - Rating: 75

The Road Warriors double DQ The Powers Of Pain w/ Mr Fuji - Rating: 71

World Television Title: The Great Muta w/ Gary Hart def. Sting - Rating: 79

Rick Rude w/ Bobby Heenan def. Ricky Steamboat - Rating: 81

Terry Funk w/ Gary Hart def. Brutus Beefcake - Rating: 80

U.S Tag Team Titles: The Rockers def. The Midnight Express© w/ Jim Cornette - Rating: 81


Show Rating: 97

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Playing as AEW with the most recent RWC mod. Decided to add another PPV in July after Double or Nothing and before All Out called Blood and Guts.


The main event was CM Punk, Bryan Danielson, Jon Moxley, and Wheeler YUTA vs Samoa Joe, Adam Page, and the Jurassic Express in a Blood and Guts match. However Adam Page broke his neck and will now be out for 14 months. :( He's no longer the champ, having lost to Punk, but still very sad.

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One of my favorite mods for the game is the C-Verse 97 mod, and as a result I feel my most creative when I try something new in it. This led to my taking over AMW & rebranding as World Class Championship Wrestling, with a focus on being a showcase of talents & styles. I wanted to challenge myself a bit, so I didn't fire any of the initial AMW roster aside from Trenton Evenrud, giving them at least a year to prove themselves worth keeping. Aside from Postman Pete and Hank Hannigan, everyone got their full year and even made for some fun stories, but eventually I moved on from a majority of the AMW originals.


We're currently a month away from starting our 3rd year of operation in 1999, which also means it'll be time to put on my anniversary show/season finale the Parade of Champions III in January. I'm really excited for the event since it's going to be the catalyst of a lot of big storylines & character developments over the upcoming year, but also because I've been firing on all creative cylinders in trying to solidify characters throughout my roster.


My main event scene naturally has a lot of my creative effort, and I think it's paid off considering everyone has a multi-month story going in to their respective matches on the card.



Freddie Datsun: Freddie is currently our top babyface and WCCW United States Champion, winning the belt in July of 1998 after putting an end to a year and a half long feud with Eric Tyler in an I Quit match. Since winning the title he's been under siege by a determined Joel Kovach, who after failing to win his title shot against Datsun, has called a bounty on Freddie that's seen every month feature a new challenger in Kovach's stead. Freddie is running off of the high of finally putting Tyler down however, and is being presented as a blue-collar warrior that refuses to quit.


Eric Tyler: Speaking of Eric Tyler, he enjoyed a solid eight-month reign as my 2nd ever United States Champion and has been my undisputed MVP since being hired due to all the positive attributes he's had going for him. I always make sure to showcase Eric, and when he lost to Freddie in July I moved him over to complaining about the rest of the roster. From inviting himself to commentary to mock matches to straight up grading his fallen opponents on how they fought against him, Tyler's been a lot of fun to book as a veteran who knows he's in his absolute prime.


Johnny Lawless: The only former AMW "World Champion" to really establish themselves at the top of the card has come a long way from being a generic masked heel. Thanks to his massive popularity in the Mid-South region, he started off the rebranding in 97 strong with a redemption arc & the honor of becoming the first ever WCCW United States Champion. After losing the title to Tyler that same year, his stamina stat started to drop off thanks to his history as a smoker. So I decided to turn his redemption arc into a story about achieving just one more run. 1998 saw him come so close to being champion again, but now he's ending the year even more desperate than when he started. As a result of said desperation, he's recently challenged Train to a match for his title shot at the Parade of Champions. Overall he's still got a decent enough value in stamina that I can probably use him for another year, but he's one of my favorites in this save & I want to give him a proper send-off with good build-up.


Joel Kovach: Kovach is probably my current favorite character at the moment due to how much progress I've given him. Going from generic submission machine to remorseless, rich sociopath has made him a whole lot of fun to write as he made his way to the top of the card. I've tried to write him differently than a lot of other rich/money motivated heels, putting his focus on the way he uses money as a tool for his own sadistic wants than making him simply egotistical & vain. He's a vicious businessman after his own personal thrill, and he will spend any amount, do any thing to achieve it. Like send wave after wave of bounty hunters to fight Datsun & bring the US title to him.


Runaway Train: Train is the one character I find hardest to write for, mostly because he's a big bad guy who needs to be a constant threat to be the most effective and I have to be creative to keep him that way. I had him spend 1997-1998 as the star of Boss Man Brayfield's Stud Stable, but that ended with Train attacking Brayfield for getting in his way too many times in the middle of 98. Since then he's been an monstrous force that's won himself the top tournament in World Class and a title shot for the Parade of Champions. However, he's also gotten a bit too sure of himself with every victory he receives in the months leading to the Parade...and that might just cost him his contendership status, let alone the match for the title.


Puerto Rican Power: Power is the newest edition to my main event scene, having joined just after the 2nd Parade of Champions and immediately making a name for himself by taking on some of the top names in World Class. By the time July hit, he was a bonefide main eventer and resident big man babyface that would kick ass and take names. He's not really spent enough time for me to really write him a lot of character depth, but his latest feud with Eric Tyler over respect has given me some good stuff to work with as he shows off a brutal code of honor to combat Eric's hypocrisy.

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2020 is officially finished in my latest Total Championship Wrestling save. TCW ends 2020 as the Most Popular Company in USA (while still #3 in the entire world, working on that!).


The World Title picture continues to revolve around this ongoing feud between World Champion Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins. Hawkins continues to seek revenge against Cornell, who returned to TCW and betrayed Wolf, and in the process took back his stable, The Syndicate. At the final PPV of the year, King of Kings 2020, Hawkins managed to find allies in Joshua Taylor & Super Party Squad (Bart Biggins & Flying Jimmy Foxx), all four of which have been feuding with The Syndicate. Together, they battled Syndicate members Spencer Spade, Doc Hammond, & The Canadian Animals) in an Eight Man Tag Team Elimination Match. When it came down to Hawkins and Cornell’s new protégé Spencer Spade, Tommy would interfere in the hopes to stop Wolf. Hawkins would survive though, and eventually eliminate Spade to win the tag match. As a result of the victory, Hawkins would finally get the match he has desired for so long. Hawkins will challenge Cornell for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship at Malice in Wonderland ’21!


In The Television Title picture, Ross Henry Enterprise’s Mainstream Hernandez vows to take the TCW TV Championship to levels that it has never reached before, to levels that no TV Champion could ever possibly reach again. Whether Hernandez does that or not, Mainstream notched the biggest win of his TV Title reign at King of Kings. Not only did he defeat former champion Sammy Bach in the return match, he did it cleanly! That’s something you don’t see much from Hernandez or the entire RH Enterprise!


In the Tag Team Title picture, The Shade Gang (Marc Speed & Matt Hocking) continue their dominance over the division as 2x Tag Team Champions. With Troy Tornado rounding out the trio, their feud with W.M.D. (Maverick & One Man Army) continues. At the King of Kings PPV, WMD aligned themselves with newcomer Keanu Ipo to battle Shade Gang in a Six Man Tag Team Match (Ipo is the new name for the High Flying Hawaiian, which I came up with thanks to a Hawaiian name simulator). Together, Ipo & WMD came away with the big win, and WMD looks primed for another crack at the Tag Team Champions.


The Shade Gang will have to watch out, though. The tag teams are lining up for a chance at the champs. The list includes the deadly team known as The Cold Blooded Assassins (Akima Brave & Ernest Youngman). After they quit the RH Enterprise due to issues with manager Ross Henry, the Assassins would be ambushed by the Enterprise. That would include Henry’s latest signings, The Golden Boys (Cali Slick & Roger Cage). The Assassins, though, would find new management with Brother Grimm, and they plan on making Ross Henry’s life a living hell!


And of course, the 2020 King of Kings Tournament took place in December 2020. A 16 Man Tournament took place over the course of three weeks, leading up to the Semis and Finals taking place on the King of Kings PPV. Mr. Lucha & Matthew Keith would find themselves in the Finals of the Tournament!


Early on in the night on the Pay-Per-View, we would see the finale of the lengthy, violent feud between Aaron Andrews and Greg Gauge. Tired of all the backstage brawls and sneak attacks between the two, TCW General Manager Ricky Dale Johnson would book them in a Last Man Standing Match to settle it once and for all. In a shocking turn events, Hollywood Bret Starr would appear for the first time in TCW, and would attack Aaron Andrews to help Greg Gauge pick up the huge win!


Later on in the night, Hollywood Bret Starr would appear once again, this time trying to interfere in the King of Kings Finals between Mr. Lucha & Matthew Keith, attempting to attack Lucha. Lucha would thwart the attack, though, and send Starr reeling from the ring. As Referee Darren Smith was distracted by Starr’s attempt to re-enter the ring, Jay Chord would appear from crowd and attack Mr. Lucha! This was the first time we have seen Chord since he lost to Mr. Lucha on PPV one month prior! Matthew Keith would take advantage and defeat Mr. Lucha, thus becoming the 2020 TCW King of Kings!


Post-Match, before the PPV finished, Mr. Lucha would find himself beaten down by Matthew Keith, Jay Chord, Bret Starr, and even Greg Gauge. Aaron Andrews would attempt to save Lucha, but no luck.


Days later, all would be explained. They call themselves the Kings of Wrestling. All four men have the blood of wrestling royalty. Chord. Keith. Starr. Together, they intend to take over Total Championship Wrestling!

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Just finished TCW Summer Showdown 2020, headlined by the Total Mayhem rematch between Wolf Hawkins and Aaron Andrews over the TCW World Heavyweight Championship.


The show kicked off with Sammy Bach clashing with Greg Gauge, who has been showing total disrespect to Bach, claiming that someone his age needs to move aside and let guys like Gauge take over. Bach's answer was simple, make me. Bach and Gauge went into this one as #2 and #3 in the rankings respectively, meaning the winner would likely get a shot at the winner of the world title match. After an intense back and forth clash Bach made Gauge tap out to take the win, cement himself despite his age and almost certainly earn himself a title shot.


In a triple threat bout for the TCW World Tag Team Championship, The Elite successfully defended their titles against Devine Fortune and Hockins & Huggings, who both had to earn their way into this title match. This was a bit of a placeholder story as I didn't have anything else for the titles, and to be honest the tag division is going to need a bit of work.


After John Greed targeted Eddie Peak in his debut, Killer Shark shocked everyone by joining the House of Greed and helping Greed beat Peak last month. This time it was Shark's turn to collide with his former mentor to prove to Greed he was willing to do anything to get what he wants. Ultimately Shark's brutality, and a bit of help by Greed, led to what many would consider an upset as Shark bested the hardcore legend. The ethos of the House of Greed is that as a unit they'll do anything to achieve their collective goals, but the question now is who else will join?


After their heated feud at the start of the year, Joshua Taylor again targeted Edd Stone, this time over the TCW ACE Championship, believing it was a disgrace that someone like Stone was representing the company. To finally put an end to this blood feud Stone agreed to face Taylor in his own match choice, a Pure Rules match. Taylor was confident that he could outwrestle Stone, but he forgot just which family the champion comes from, and Stone went toe to toe and hold for hold with Taylor and came away with the victory, breaking the deadlock of a win a piece and retaining his title.


Furious after losing to Valiant in a Strap Match last month, Jay Chord verbally took his frustration out on T-Bone Bright by claiming he was being set up to fail and that he didn't have the talent and experience to be a main event player. Bright, coming off of an unsuccessful TCW World Heavyweight Championship defence, obviously took this badly, and promised to show Chord what he could do. While Jay proved he had that cutting edge that Bright might just need to find by coming away with the win, Bright proved once again he can hang in the main event.


The TCW Women's World Championship tournament concluded with two women who nobody expected to ever see in TCW as Joanne Rodriguez, who came out of retirement to help kickstart TCW's women's division, face off with the self proclaimed 'steal of the century', Tiffany Jade. This tournament has established these two as the faces of the division, but it was Tiffany Jade who walked away with the title thanks to the assistance of her new running buddies, Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose. The story moving forward will be whether J-Ro made a mistake coming out of retirement, and whether she still has what it takes to be a champion.


Last month Tommy Cornell made his stunning return to TCW, but he came back to a vastly different company than he left, which was the message that he received from Wolf Hawkins & The Syndicate, who told him he wasn't part of the group and he isn't the most important part of TCW anymore, Wolf is. Cornell, looking to prove otherwise accepted a dream match with Valiant, who said he'd always dreamed of clashing with Cornell. The match certainly delivered, scoring the second highest rating of the save (90, just behind the 91 rating Aaron Andrews and Jay Chord delivered a few months ago). Cornell got his TCW return off to a winning start, pinning Valiant with a new finisher, Return of the King. Cornell is playing the face moving forwards, and the question will very much be how does he get to Wolf Hawkins to prove his former protege wrong and take back 'his' TCW.


The main event was the aforementioned rematch between Wolf Hawkins and Aaron Andrews, who carried the first six months of the game while I built up the roster around them. Hawkins won the TCW World Heavyweight at Total Mayhem and refused to grant Andrews a rematch, as automatic rematches aren't a thing in my TCW Andrews had to pick up a series of wins to get back to the top of the rankings. He managed that, only for Hawkins to beat him clean in another 90 rated match to retain the title. The two men will now go their separate ways for the foreseeable after between intertwined for the first half of 2020.


The rest of 2020 looks exciting with new challengers ready to face off with Hawkins and the stories of where Aaron Andrews goes next, how Tommy Cornell works his way to Wolf Hawkins and whether The Syndicate will try to stop him, plus I've interesting plans for the House of Greed, a new stable for Joshua Taylor and building up the women's and tag divisions. Oh, and not to mention the debut of TCW's latest steal, the showstopper ZWB.

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The Parade of Champions III has come and gone in my C-Verse 97 game, and with it the official start of my 3rd year in-game. Grade wise it's currently my best overall show with a score of 60, as well as my best in attendance, or at least until I upgrade the Sportatorium to hold more fans. That being said I am glad that it's finally over, because from here comes the start of a storyline that I've been planning since day one of this save. With any luck, it'll be able to play out as I want it to up to next year's Parade.



Broadcasted LIVE on WildStar TV from the Sportatorium in Dallas, Texas w/ a sold out crowd of 1,480...


World Class Championship Wrestling presents...The PARADE OF CHAMPIONS III


WCCW United States Championship

Joel Kovach def. Freddie Datsun © - NEW CHAMPION


Caribbean Strap Match

Puerto Rican Power def. Eric Tyler


Mask Magic (Acuatico & The Great Yagi) def. The Spirit Warriors (Golden Fox & Dark Eagle)


WCCW Texas Championship

John Anderson © def. Archangel


Johnny Lawless def. Runaway Train


WCCW Texas Tag Team

The Rock & Roll Express (Geordie Jimmy Morries & Rolling Johnny Stones) def. Wiley Coyote (Wiley Steinway & Coyote Dynamite) © - NEW CHAMPIONS


Triple Threat Match

Big Smack Scott def. Darnell Harlow & Ernie Turner


The Stampede Invitational Battle Royal

Captain Classic def. 19 other men




Monstrous (Jakub Krawcyzk & Aleksander Kowalski) def. American Angel (Jack Justice & Adam Angel)

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Started a save to do on the side while taking a break from what I hope will be an extremely long-term CV97 save. Starting as TCW but having Jack Bruce buy it out with a group of investors.


Not sure what the plan will be, I'm hoping to not have this end up like every other TCW save I do with me eventually just stealing people from SWF. Going to try and limit myself but lord knows if I see Mikey Lau become a free agent I'm probably going to try and steal Mikey Lau.


Also unsure what else I'll do from there though, I don't want to make the obvious signings I normally do outside of the big companies, guys like Beaumont and Heartbreak, so if anyone has any tips to have me make this game different from my previous run-throughs, I'd be very interested in hearing it.

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Just finished TCW Summer Showdown 2020, headlined by the Total Mayhem rematch between Wolf Hawkins and Aaron Andrews over the TCW World Heavyweight Championship.


The show kicked off with Sammy Bach clashing with Greg Gauge, who has been showing total disrespect to Bach, claiming that someone his age needs to move aside and let guys like Gauge take over. Bach's answer was simple, make me. Bach and Gauge went into this one as #2 and #3 in the rankings respectively, meaning the winner would likely get a shot at the winner of the world title match. After an intense back and forth clash Bach made Gauge tap out to take the win, cement himself despite his age and almost certainly earn himself a title shot.


In a triple threat bout for the TCW World Tag Team Championship, The Elite successfully defended their titles against Devine Fortune and Hockins & Huggings, who both had to earn their way into this title match. This was a bit of a placeholder story as I didn't have anything else for the titles, and to be honest the tag division is going to need a bit of work.


After John Greed targeted Eddie Peak in his debut, Killer Shark shocked everyone by joining the House of Greed and helping Greed beat Peak last month. This time it was Shark's turn to collide with his former mentor to prove to Greed he was willing to do anything to get what he wants. Ultimately Shark's brutality, and a bit of help by Greed, led to what many would consider an upset as Shark bested the hardcore legend. The ethos of the House of Greed is that as a unit they'll do anything to achieve their collective goals, but the question now is who else will join?


After their heated feud at the start of the year, Joshua Taylor again targeted Edd Stone, this time over the TCW ACE Championship, believing it was a disgrace that someone like Stone was representing the company. To finally put an end to this blood feud Stone agreed to face Taylor in his own match choice, a Pure Rules match. Taylor was confident that he could outwrestle Stone, but he forgot just which family the champion comes from, and Stone went toe to toe and hold for hold with Taylor and came away with the victory, breaking the deadlock of a win a piece and retaining his title.


Furious after losing to Valiant in a Strap Match last month, Jay Chord verbally took his frustration out on T-Bone Bright by claiming he was being set up to fail and that he didn't have the talent and experience to be a main event player. Bright, coming off of an unsuccessful TCW World Heavyweight Championship defence, obviously took this badly, and promised to show Chord what he could do. While Jay proved he had that cutting edge that Bright might just need to find by coming away with the win, Bright proved once again he can hang in the main event.


The TCW Women's World Championship tournament concluded with two women who nobody expected to ever see in TCW as Joanne Rodriguez, who came out of retirement to help kickstart TCW's women's division, face off with the self proclaimed 'steal of the century', Tiffany Jade. This tournament has established these two as the faces of the division, but it was Tiffany Jade who walked away with the title thanks to the assistance of her new running buddies, Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose. The story moving forward will be whether J-Ro made a mistake coming out of retirement, and whether she still has what it takes to be a champion.


Last month Tommy Cornell made his stunning return to TCW, but he came back to a vastly different company than he left, which was the message that he received from Wolf Hawkins & The Syndicate, who told him he wasn't part of the group and he isn't the most important part of TCW anymore, Wolf is. Cornell, looking to prove otherwise accepted a dream match with Valiant, who said he'd always dreamed of clashing with Cornell. The match certainly delivered, scoring the second highest rating of the save (90, just behind the 91 rating Aaron Andrews and Jay Chord delivered a few months ago). Cornell got his TCW return off to a winning start, pinning Valiant with a new finisher, Return of the King. Cornell is playing the face moving forwards, and the question will very much be how does he get to Wolf Hawkins to prove his former protege wrong and take back 'his' TCW.


The main event was the aforementioned rematch between Wolf Hawkins and Aaron Andrews, who carried the first six months of the game while I built up the roster around them. Hawkins won the TCW World Heavyweight at Total Mayhem and refused to grant Andrews a rematch, as automatic rematches aren't a thing in my TCW Andrews had to pick up a series of wins to get back to the top of the rankings. He managed that, only for Hawkins to beat him clean in another 90 rated match to retain the title. The two men will now go their separate ways for the foreseeable after between intertwined for the first half of 2020.


The rest of 2020 looks exciting with new challengers ready to face off with Hawkins and the stories of where Aaron Andrews goes next, how Tommy Cornell works his way to Wolf Hawkins and whether The Syndicate will try to stop him, plus I've interesting plans for the House of Greed, a new stable for Joshua Taylor and building up the women's and tag divisions. Oh, and not to mention the debut of TCW's latest steal, the showstopper ZWB.


This is super cool man

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Started as RIPW playing as Cattley, testing out how much I can get away with spend wise before SWF tell me off or fire me. Upped my production slightly higher than needed, pushed for rapid rising merch, went for Written 2 year deals to get in Youngman, DWN and Dreadnought - in the hopes I can use EY and DWN to raise the quality of my shows and maybe them signed to SWF.


Running free events 2 per month to get the max popularity and growth and booking wise things are going well Youngman is up to 30 pop from 23 in New England, Arnold and Hellion have White Hot momentum and are at 28 and 29 pop in New England from 27. Biggest rises have been Whole Lotta Marvin up to 17 and Zap Poweson who is at 15, put them in a stable with Zeke as all have insane charisma and they use their entertainment skills each show which usually gets 37-40 rated angles which is great for our size.

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Just ran WrestleMania V in my WWF'85 game:


WrestleMania V - March 1989 - Trump Plaza, Atlantic City NJ

Att: 19000 / BR: 7.87


Main Event - World Wrestling Federation Championship

Hulk Hogan def. Randy 'Macho Man' Savage © - 93

Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship

The Ultimate Warrior def. Ravishing Rick Rude © - 92

Sting def. Ric Flair - 99

I Quit Match

Dusty Rhodes def. Rowdy Roddy Piper - 97: included a post match handshake face turn for Piper

World Tag Team Championship

The Midnight Express def. Demolition © - 99

U.S Heavyweight Championship

Tully Blanchard © def. Lex Luger - 93

Ted Dibiase def. Andre The Giant - 80: Andre recently turned face in preparation for him taking time off

World Television Championship

Arn Anderson © def. Ricky Steamboat - 97

U.S Tag Team Championship

The Steiner Brothers © def. The British Bulldogs - 91

National Heavyweight Championship

Rick 'The Model' Martel def. Tito Santana © - 86: Strike Force partners faced each other in National Title Tournament Final at Clash Of The Champions V in Feb, Tito won but was attacked post handshake

The Skyscrapers def. The Road Warriors - 66

Mr Perfect def. Brian Pillman- 70

The Rock 'N' Roll Express def. Doom - 70

The Great Muta def. The Blue Blazer - 88: Muta unmasked Blazer afterward, Owen about to replace Bret in The Hart Foundation so Bret can go solo

The Rockers def. The Hart Foundation - 87

Earthquake won the WrestleMania V Invitational Battle Royal - 82


Show Rating - 100 :)

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TCW Malice in Wonderland 2021

January 2021

Attendance: 79, 608

Show Rating: 86


The Cold Blooded Assassins (Akima Brave & Ernest Youngman) defeated RH Enterprise’s The Golden Boys (Roger Cage & Cali Slick). Two days later on Total Wrestling, CBA would be named the new #1 contenders to the TCW World Tag Team Championship! (84)


Mighty Mo defeated Sinner Society’s Aztec Prince in a Street Fight. The finish came when Mo put Prince through a stack of tables with the Plunging Spinebuster! (88)


In Six Man Tag Team Action, Mikey Lau & Super Party Squad (Bart Biggins & Flying Jimmy Foxx) defeated The Syndicate (Spencer Spade & The Canadian Animals). (89)


In his TCW PPV Wrestling Debut, Kings of Wrestling member Hollywood Bret Starr defeated Sammy Bach. The finish came after a timely rake of the eyes by Starr! (84)


In a Tag Team Tables Match, The Shade Gang (Marc Speed & Matt Hocking) defeated W.M.D. (Maverick & One Man Army) to successfully retain the TCW World Team Championship. The third member of Shade Gang, Troy Tornado, would make his surprise return after being put through a table by WMD weeks prior. Tornado, of course, helped his boys retain the gold! (82)


RH Enterprise’s Mainstream Hernandez defeated Keanu Ipo (High Flyin’ Hawaiian) to successfully retain the TCW Television Championship. On the brink of losing his TV gold, Hernandez would reverse a Victory Roll by Ipo…and would pick up the win by using the ropes as leverage! (84)


Aaron Andrews & Mr. Lucha defeated The Kings of Wrestling (Jay Chord & Matthew Keith). With the rest of KoW banned from ringside, Lucha gained revenge after being cheated out of the King of Kings Tournament by the newly formed stable. Lucha would pin the man who defeated him in the finals of the tournament, Matthew Keith. (92)


In a match six months in the making, The Syndicate’s Tommy Cornell defeated Wolf Hawkins to successfully retain the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. With The Syndicate banned from ringside, it looked like Hawkins would finally get his revenge on his former friend and mentor. But, with referee Darren Smith down, a “masked man” would appear and smash Hawkins in the face with the TCW World Title! With Hawkins out on his feet, Cornell would easily pick up the win with the Guilt Trip. (85)


In the aftermath of Malice in Wonderland, Wolf Hawkins would go on an absolute rampage. Despite being unable to prove it, Hawkins is 100% convinced that the masked man who attacked him is none other than Tommy Cornell’s new protégé Spencer Spade. This will lead to TCW’s General Manager Ricky Dale Johnson booking Hawkins & Spade in a match at The War to Settle the Score…inside a Steel Cage! It sure seems like RDJ believes it was Spade, too!


Also, the war against the Kings of Wrestling continues, as a band of babyface wrestlers simply known as “The Alliance” has come together due to their own seperate issues with KoW. Unable to control the war, RDJ has booked the first ever Stadium Stampede in TCW history, which will take place at The War to Settle the Score!

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Just did Elimination Chamber 2020 (96)


#1 Contender for the Raw Tag Team Championship at WrestleMania 36: The Usos defeated Jinder Mahal and Curtis Axel, and Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson (78)


Royal Rumble winner Roman Reigns defeated Nick Aldis by countout after Gallows and Anderson attacked him at ringside (99)


2020 Brian Pillman Classic to win a Cruiserweight Championship match at WrestleMania 36: Tyler Breeze defeated TJ Perkins (77)


Elimination Chamber to win a Raw Womens Championship match at WrestleMania 36: Peyton Royce defeated Naomi, Alexa Bliss, Dana Brooke, Bayley, Charlotte, Billie Kay, and Charlotte (81)


United States Championship: The Fiend Aleister Black © defeated Drake Maverick (82)


Raw Tag Team Championship: Erick Rowan and Luke Harper © defeated Chad Gable and Jason Jordan (83)


Cruiserweight Championship: Daniel Bryan © defeated Harv Sihra (78)


Raw Womens Championship: Becky Lynch © defeated Paige (89)


Elimination Chamber for the WWE Championship: AJ Styles © defeated Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Randy Orton, Finn Balor, and Braun Strowman (97)

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Penciled WrestleMania 36 card:


Night 1:

-Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins

-Womens Tag Team Championship: Nikki Cross and Kairi Sane vs. Liv Morgan and Summer Rae vs. Ashley Apex (aka Madison Rayne) and Serena Sky (aka Velvet Sky) vs. Sasha Banks and Bayley ©

-Cruiserweight Championship: Tyler Breeze vs. Daniel Bryan ©

-United States Championship: Neville vs. The Fiend Aleister Black ©

-TLC Match for the Smackdown Tag Team Championship: The Hardy Boyz vs. The New Day vs. The Revival vs. Edge and Christian ©

-Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

-Raw Womens Championship: Peyton Royce vs. Becky Lynch ©

-Johnny Gargano and Bobby Roode vs. Kevin Owens and Baron Corbin

-The Undertaker's Final Match: The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton


Night 2

-Intercontinental Championship: Cesaro vs. Drew McIntyre ©

-Smackdown Womens Championship: Emma vs. Nia Jax ©

-Finn Balor vs. Nick Aldis

-Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship: Sin Cara and Kalisto vs. Mustafa Ali and James Ellsworth ©

-Rusev vs. Brock Lesnar

-Raw Tag Team Championship: The Usos vs. Erick Rowan and Luke Harper ©

-Universal Championship: Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Sami Zayn ©

-Sensational Sherri Memorial Battle Royal

-WWE Championship: Roman Reigns vs. AJ Styles ©

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Rey Mysterio got injured with a shattered knee cap in a match with Apollo crews so out for a year, so done an angle apollo and Azeez attack him and injure him to rule him out.


Next Raw Rey gives Dominik his mask and asks him to do him proud as he doesn't know if hel ever make it back


Apollo and Azeez will torment Dominik but returning kalisto will save Dom and they form a tag team. Kalisto says he is a lucadore due to Rey so will do what he can to help his family.


Over the next year hopefully Dom's stats and pop will grow then when Mysterio comes back to reclaim his mask Dom can turn heel and attack him and have a match for it and retirement for Rey


Thought it was a quite creative storyline for the injury.

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TCW Hotter Than Hell 2020


We kicked things off in style as ZWB made his pay-per-view debut against Greg Gauge, who has objected to ZWB coming in and stealing a spot that should belong to a TCW star, while ZWB has told Gauge he came her because it's 'the wrestling company', so why does Gauge spend all his time talking? ZWB managed to shut Gauge up to continue his impressive first month, going 3-0 in his first three matches.


An old rivalry was rekindled as Freddy Huggins (and his running buddy Matt Hockings) have targeted Edd Stone and the TCW ACE Championship. The numbers game put Stone at a massive disadvantage until Aaron Andrews got involved, leading to a tag bout at Hotter Than Hell. Andrews has been struggling to find purpose since losing the World title and he continues to go through a rocky match as he and Edd lose thanks to some underhanded tactics by Laura Catherine Huggins. Freddy earns his shot at the ACE Championship, and the Canadian Animals are set to clash again, while Double A is left to question how he gets back on track.


Over the past two months Dean Daniels has shown a vicious streak after he broke KC Glenn's ribs during a match. This impressed Joshua Taylor, and the Straight Edge Saviour and The Expert have teamed up to teach the new generation a rather vicious lesson. KC Glenn returned from injury and immediately challenged the pair, squaring off with Joshua Taylor at Hotter Than Hell, but thanks to Daniels at ringside it was Taylor walking away with the victory.


After capturing the TCW World Tag Team Championship, The Elite's first challengers were Armed Assault (One Man Army & Human Arsenal), who had to fight their way to get this shot. During the match all hell broke loose at ringside as Mighty Mo & T-Bone Bright brawled with Chris Flynn & Doc Hammond to prevent Syndicate interference, and the chaos allowed The Elite to steal the victory thanks to a title belt shot.


Bryan Vessey spent the last month targeting Valiant as his resentment over being overlooked since his retirement return for outsiders like Valiant grows. Vessey's viciousness proved effective but Valiant's run in TCW has been characterised by the fact that he just keeps fighting, refusing to quit, and once again that spirit sealed the win for the All-American Boy.


Tiffany Jade made the first defence of her TCW Women's World Championship as she clashed with Alina America. While Alina certainly proved a challenge Jade reminded everyone that she is on an entirely other level to retain the belt.


After Tommy Cornell's big return last month he found himself face to face with one of the men who has staked their main event claim since his last time in TCW, Jay Chord. Chord firmly believes that Cornell isn't the man he once was, and that if Jay had been around back in the day then nobody would have cared about Cornell. The two exchanged verbal barbs in the buildup to Hotter Than Hell to set up what many in TCW would consider a dream match. Cornell would continue his undefeated return with a major win over Chord, albeit only just as he outsmarted Jay with a small package reverse, meaning there will almost certainly be a return bout down the line.


The main event saw TCW World Heavyweight Champion Wolf Hawkins defend against the number one contender, Sammy Bach. The build up focused around Bach claiming that Hawkins couldn't beat him without the help of The Syndicate, riling Hawkins up to the point that Wolf demanded nobody be at ringside for the main event. Wolf was a man of his word, as the main event saw no interference, but did utilise a rogue low blow to put Sammy down to retain his title albeit not without controversy.


Next up, Destructive Energy, and with The Syndicate's enemies starting to mount up, there might be only one match that can contain them all... Total Mayhem.

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