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Once again, I'm lagging behind and playing catch-up. Still a great read, and loved the Taggs piece.


Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis Presents

Thanksgiving Turmoil

Saturday Week 4, November 2023

Live at the Fountain Square Theatre

Bell time 7:00 PM | Doors 6:30 PM


Main Event

Singles Match

No Time Limit

Last Man Standing

"Indiana's Finest" Mr. Grappling versus "The Hillbilly Outlaw" Zippy Deverell


Eight Man Tag

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Thanksgiving Turmoil

Wild Red Stallion, Harry Allen, & The Texas Express versus The Cadillac Four


Eight Man Tag

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Thanksgiving Turmoil

Morgan Stryker, Frankie Carmello & The Bootcamp versus Ashley Keith, Talia Neema, Tameka Sky, & Deborah Young


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Tag Team Match

Texan Justice versus American Gold


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Luis Torres versus Dreadnought w/ Andrew Gibson


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Miguel Marcos verus James Diaz w/ Andrew Gibson


Opening Match

Six Pack Challenge

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Number One Contender To Women's Championship

Esperanza Montero versus Black Diamond versus Coco Malloy versus Piper Hale versus Mirai Kajahara versus Tzilla

- I'm guessing that, with Urena leaving, you're splitting the crew and giving Diamond a face run


Plus: The Ox Mastadon Body Slam Challenge


- Jaysus Christ 3C got themselves some names:eek:. Were all of those exclusive?


- Also, loving the Four Horsem...I mean Cadillac Four, but Danny Draper just seems like a wonky choice when compared to the others. Didn't think he was as big of a deal.

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Once again, I'm lagging behind and playing catch-up. Still a great read, and loved the Taggs piece.


- Jaysus Christ 3C got themselves some names:eek:. Were all of those exclusive?


- Also, loving the Four Horsem...I mean Cadillac Four, but Danny Draper just seems like a wonky choice when compared to the others. Didn't think he was as big of a deal.


Thank you for the positive feedback. I'm glad you liked the Taggs piece. I enjoyed writing it and with the excellent new renders from King Bison it felt like a good place to show each of them off.


3C did get some names! QAW has locked up a lot of their talent that wasn't pulling double duty on exclusive deals, so there are lots of places for the women to work (which I like). A lot of the women have really developed. 3C did sign exclusive deals for all of those women -- I expected to lose Urena and Lucy, some of the other ones surprised me just because they are young and not super popular -- but damn it if they didn't get took.


The Cadillac Four are pencilled in for big things. I was looking for a fourth and I really wanted someone else who could talk and wasn't busy doing something else -- and I landed on Danny. He came out of the blue, but he can talk, he's got good SQ, he can work. His nickname is already "Dapper" so he can fit the Cadillac image for the four of them. If things go as planned, he should feel like a natural fit.

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Main Event

Singles Match

No Time Limit

Last Man Standing

"Indiana's Finest" Mr. Grappling versus "The Hillbilly Outlaw" Zippy Deverell

A lot of changes going on and I usually like the heels in this type of situation but with all the changes is Zippy one of them?


Eight Man Tag

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Thanksgiving Turmoil

Wild Red Stallion, Harry Allen, & The Texas Express versus The Cadillac Four

Newly named group, can’t lose in their first match together.


Eight Man Tag

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Thanksgiving Turmoil

Morgan Stryker, Frankie Carmello & The Bootcamp versus Ashley Keith, Talia Neema, Tameka Sky, & Deborah Young

Way, way too much power and skill


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Tag Team Match

Texan Justice versus American Gold



Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Luis Torres versus Dreadnought w/ Andrew Gibson


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Miguel Marcos verus James Diaz w/ Andrew Gibson


Opening Match

Six Pack Challenge

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Number One Contender To Women's Championship

Esperanza Montero versus Black Diamond versus Coco Malloy versus Piper Hale versus Mirai Kajahara versus Tzilla


Just to be different I’m going to go with Coco

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Finally up to date on this Historian, I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. My immediate thoughts....


Conner :'(


Mostly screw the COTT

More character pieces, those are great and you clearly enjoy them

Zippy has been my favourite from the start, he needs to be COTT champ yesterday

Losing so many people recently... in the words of a great hero... "That's rough, buddy" :p

When I firt saw Mr Grappling show up on the spot shows I assumed it was Conner under a mask :eek:


Seriously though, keep up the good work. Now that I'm up to date I can try to join in predictions and stuff for the first time. :)


Main Event

Singles Match

No Time Limit

Last Man Standing

"Indiana's Finest" Mr. Grappling versus "The Hillbilly Outlaw" Zippy Deverell


Eight Man Tag

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Thanksgiving Turmoil

Wild Red Stallion, Harry Allen, & The Texas Express versus The Cadillac Four


Eight Man Tag

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Thanksgiving Turmoil

Morgan Stryker, Frankie Carmello & The Bootcamp versus Ashley Keith, Talia Neema, Tameka Sky, & Deborah Young


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Tag Team Match

Texan Justice versus American Gold


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Luis Torres versus Dreadnought w/ Andrew Gibson


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Miguel Marcos verus James Diaz w/ Andrew Gibson


Opening Match

Six Pack Challenge

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Number One Contender To Women's Championship

Esperanza Montero versus Black Diamond versus Coco Malloy versus Piper Hale versus Mirai Kajahara versus Tzilla


Plus: The Ox Mastadon Body Slam Challenge

Ain't no-one gonna make Ox lose this

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Main Event

Singles Match

No Time Limit

Last Man Standing

"Indiana's Finest" Mr. Grappling versus "The Hillbilly Outlaw" Zippy Deverell


Eight Man Tag

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Thanksgiving Turmoil

Wild Red Stallion, Harry Allen, & The Texas Express versus The Cadillac Four


Eight Man Tag

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Thanksgiving Turmoil

Morgan Stryker, Frankie Carmello & The Bootcamp versus Ashley Keith, Talia Neema, Tameka Sky, & Deborah Young


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Tag Team Match

Texan Justice versus American Gold


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Luis Torres versus Dreadnought w/ Andrew Gibson


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Miguel Marcos verus James Diaz w/ Andrew Gibson


Opening Match

Six Pack Challenge

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Number One Contender To Women's Championship

Esperanza Montero versus Black Diamond versus Coco Malloy versus Piper Hale versus Mirai Kajahara versus Tzilla

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Thanksgiving Turmoil 2023


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Saturday Week 4, November 2023

Live from the Fountain Square Theatre [indianapolis, Indiana, Great Lakes, USA]

120 people in attendance (an increase of 1 fans from last show)

Commentators: Marv Earnest & Mark Hyatt




Earnest, “Hello everyone and welcome back to the Fountain Square Theatre for another exciting night of professional wrestling action as presented by Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis. Two nights ago was Thanksgiving and now we are here for one of the oldest traditions in pro wrestling -- a show on Thanksgiving Weekend! Tonight is Thanksgiving Turmoil and what a show we have for you tonight, but before we run down the show -- allow me to introduce my broadcast partner. As always, I’m joined by Mark Hyatt! Mark, thanks for being here tonight.”


Hyatt, “There are only a few other places I’d rather be and they all involve a beach, a blonde, and a bourbon, but I’m here tonight for pro wrestling action and I don’t want to be disappointed.”


Earnest, “I don’t think you will be because tonight in our main event, Mr. Grappling and Zippy Deverell look to finally settle their blood feud in one of the most demanding, violent matches in professional wrestling. A Last Man Standing match. The only way to win is to knock your opponent unconscious so that he can not answer a ten count from the referee. There are no disqualifications. There’s no time limit. Senior referee Bret Graveson cannot stop the match until someone cannot answer a ten count. That’s it. It can be incredibly brutal.”


Hyatt, “And I fully expect it to be brutal, Marv. These two guys hate each other. They’re going to beat each other from pillar to post. They might tear the damn walls of this building down! It’s going to be great!”


Earnest, “It’s going to be something, that’s for sure. Plus, two big Turmoil matches and so much more. Tonight. Our colleague Taylor Gordy is in the ring for the first match -- a six pack challenge for a shot at the Women’s Championship. Let’s go to him and get this night started.”




Opening Match

Six Pack Challenge

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Number One Contender To Women's Championship


Esperanza Montero versus Black Diamond versus Coco Malloy versus Piper Hale versus Mirai Kajahara versus Tzilla


The opening contest was a spot-heavy match that was designed to warm the crowd up. With six different women in the match, this wasn’t designed to be a showcase of one particular talent but rather as a way for all six women to start to establish themselves. Hale and Kajahara has a great brawling exchange and both seemed hyper focused on each other — like there was some unspoken bad blood between them or natural professional dislike and a desire to prove that one is tougher than the other. They focused on each other and really took each other out of the match early on and ended up brawling to the back and out of sight. That left the other four women to do the rest of the work. Coco had a great opportunity to shine here outside of a tag team match and she hit a beautiful moonsault onto Diamond and Tzilla. Montero hit a moonsault of her own on the same two women.


Black Diamond was coming off losing the All Action Championship and with the loss of Urena Frost and the seeming dissolution of the War Maidens, Diamond was starting to show more baby face tendencies. She wasn’t working in a full shift, just starting to show less reliance on being willing to break the rules. Tzilla is still learning and the young Apache Nation representative was the least impressive in her offense — but she did take the Destiny Explosion like a pro and ate the pin to give Esperanza Montero the big win.


In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Esperanza Montero defeated Black Diamond, Coco Malloy, Piper Hale, Mirai Kajahara and Tzilla in 12:10 when Esperanza Montero pinned Tzilla with a Destiny Explosion.


In terms of in-ring work, Coco Malloy was head and shoulders above everyone else. Tzilla was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.


Match Rating





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Anthony Trask came walking to the ring. He climbed into the ring.


Trask, “Next month, I’m going to be in this ring with Jimmy Chipolata and I am going to prove that he is what I said he is. A fraud. A pretender. A man who is out of his depth in this sport and needs to join one of you at Wal-Mart or the Shell Station or whatever crappy job you work in your crappy lives. Next month, I’m going to embarrass Jimmy. I’m going to make him look like a fool -- and I’m not going to feel bad doing it. Not one bit. I’m going to relish it. I’m going to run him out of this sport. Mark my words.”


Angle Rating







Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit


Miguel Marcos verus James Diaz w/ Andrew Gibson


This match was exactly what you would expect it to be. The young Miguel Marcos was eaten alive by James Diaz. Last month, Diaz and Dreadnought finally lost the World Tag Team Titles and this month they each had singles matches. Diaz completely destroyed Marcos. He didn’t take a single bump. Didn’t register any offense for Marcos. He just dominated him. He threw him around the ring. He hit several big duplexes designed to just hurt Marcos and then he bit that huge, Thunderous Powerbomb to mercifully end it.


In an extremely short match, James Diaz defeated Miguel Marcos in 4:30 by pinfall with a Thunderous Powerbomb.


Match Rating





Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit


Luis Torres versus Dreadnought w/ Andrew Gibson


Much like the previous match, this was a one sided affair. While Diaz’s match was built around him suplexing his opponent and tossing him around the ring, this was built around Dreadnought literally walking through strikes from the very capable Torres — strikes that would have phased any other man, but the monster Dreadnought was not phased. He launched strikes of his own. Big heavy punches that almost seemed wild. While Diaz is the more polished wrestler, Dreadnought feels like a bigger star. Torres couldn’t do anything to stop the onslaught and when Dreadnought slammed him into the mat with a Dread Bomb it was good night, thanks for coming for Torres.


In an extremely short match, Dreadnought defeated Luis Torres in 5:07 by pinfall with a Dread Bomb.


Match Rating





Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit




Texan Justice versus American Gold


Last month, both of these teams were involved in the four way elimination match for the CWI Tag Team Titles -- both came up short and both were looking for a big win here to get themselves back in the positive momentum category. This was a first time meeting between the two teams and it did not disappoint. It was definitely match of the night. Maliek Chamberlain was by far the stand out performer of the night -- a testament to why he just signed an exclusive handshake deal with PSW and is on his way out of CWI after a good three year run in CWI. He got a lot of offense in this match -- it was almost like it was a thank-you for the three years he and Marcus -- who did not sign a deal with PSW -- had in CWI. American Gold hit some great, slick double team moves and really worked over Hoss Handley before big Hoss made the tag to his partner Samson Sharpe. Sharpe came in like a wild cowboy with all the big punches and elbows and short clotheslines that he could muster. He hit Marcus English with a big back body drop -- English got incredible elevation on it, he almost touched the ceiling of the building (not really, but that should attest to how high he got) before crashing into the mat. Chamberlain got hit with the Full Nelson Bomb and Texan Justice got the big win.


In an exceptional match, Texan Justice defeated American Gold in 13:03 when Samson Sharpe pinned Maliek Chamberlain with a Full Nelson Bomb.


In terms of in-ring work, Maliek Chamberlain was head and shoulders above everyone else.


Match Rating





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Mark Hyatt got up from the commentary position and came into the ring with a microphone.


Hyatt, “Ladies and gentlemen -- as I promised in September, it is time for the Ox Mastodon Body Slam Challenge! If anyone can slam Ox, they will get fifteen thousand dollars. You heard me right. FIFTEEN! But first, let’s bring out Ox! Big fella, get on down here.”




The aforementioned big fella, the 400+ pound Ox Mastodon came stomping to the ring. He snarled at the audience. In Puerto Rico, he had been built into a big babyface that feuded with House Handsome -- but here in CWI he was classic ugly heel. He pretended to launch at a couple of kids in the audience and they backed up scared. Ox stood in the ring, mustache slicked down and body covered in hair. He looked like a monster out of a horror movie.


Hyatt, “Look at him. Look at this big man. No one can stand up to him. NO ONE. There isn’t anyone in this building who can slam him, but a promise is a promise. If anybody here, anybody at all, thinks they can slam Ox Mastodon and earn fifteen thousand dollars -- by all means, come on down.”


Several fans start to get up and yell -- like they want to challenge Ox Mastodon, but they can’t. They can’t cross the guard rail. Seconds tick by with no one showing up and then…




A young man by the name of AP Gumble -- known to people who travel to Edinburgh for the spotshows (and for Gumble scrawled across the seat of his tights) came walking out. At 6’2” and 226 pounds, Gumble is smaller than Ox but he still looks like a professional. The 21 year old has been wrestling for two years -- and most of that time he has spent in CWI. He’s drawn comparisons to Pat Deacon so far in his career, but time will tell if the young man from Georgia can live up to that kind of hype.


Hyatt, “Really? You? AP Gumble. You think you’re going to be able to body slam the big Ox Mastodon? Well by all means, give it a shot.”


Gumble got in the ring and he did give it a shot. He tried several times to lift Ox, but he couldn’t budge the monster. Ox laughed and then suddenly lifted Gumble high into the air and brought him down for a big slam. That slam allowed him to hit a massive Ten Ton Splash that squashed AP Gumble. Ox laughed as Mark stood over AP.


Hyatt, “Better luck next time, kid.”


Angle Rating







Eight Man Tag

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Thanksgiving Turmoil




Morgan Stryker, Frankie Carmello & The Bootcamp versus Ashley Keith, Talia Neema, Tameka Sky, & Deborah Young


The first of two big Thanksgiving Turmoil Matches presented the debut of Morgan Stryker -- presumably brought in because of the losses of so many women. She’s a good worker and was instantly put in a position to shine as a babyface in this contest. This was also a big opportunity for Frankie Carmello, with the young Colombian wrestler looking to break out of the pack and really establish herself as a force in CWI. On one side, we had the Tag Team Champions of Luck and Trigg and the other side at the Women’s Champion. This was a really solid match and the women were given plenty of time. Carmello shined early with a lot of fast-paced, lucha-style offense that included her bouncing around the ring and hitting several head scissors variations on all of the heel women. She was cut off by “Dangerous” Debroah Young, who flattened Carmello and ended up eliminating her.


Young wasn’t in for much longer, as Stryker lived up to her name and got a big strike off on Young that allowed her to eliminate the big monster. Trigg was next out -- this one from Talia Neema who is looking to establish herself as a singles competitor with the loss of her tag partner to a big money deal. Neema also seemed to have a chip on her shoulder in this match that she wasn’t also offered a deal. After Neema eliminated Trigg, Stryker was back in the ring to eliminate Neema. And then sTryker eliminated Tameka Sky -- then Keith eliminated Felicia Luck and it came down to Stryker and Keith. It became clear that this match was being used to build to these two women in a singles contest. The other women were here to have gotten some shine but they were mostly smoke and mirrors. Stryker and Keith wrestled for several minutes of very competitive action before Stryker was able to put away the Women’s Champion and in doing so, surely earned herself an opportunity at the CWI Women’s Championship.


In a superb match, Morgan Stryker, Frankie Carmello and The Bootcamp defeated Ashley Keith, Tameka Sky, Deborah Young and Talia Neema in an Elimination match in 22:22; Frankie Carmello was eliminated first, then Deborah Young, then Lucy Trigg, then Talia Neema, then Tameka Sky, then Felicia Luck, and finally Ashley Keith.


Match Rating





Eight Man Tag

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Thanksgiving Turmoil




Wild Red Stallion, Harry Allen, & The Texas Express versus The Cadillac Four


Harry Allen, who lives in Louisville, Kentucky now, was making a special appearance here as part of the babyface quartet that was being led by Indiana Heavyweight Champion, Wild Red Stallion. The Texas Express came out with their new World Tag Team Championships. The Cadillac Four was making their first in-ring appearance as a quartet here and they came out in matching gear -- the matching gold and black that is so promiment in the Cadillac Logo. This was a very competitive match and it was very clearly designed to get the Cadillac Four over as a quartet. They worked hard. They were in and out of the ring and it looked like we were establishing potential programs for the future. Draper and Stallion had a big face off -- infact, it was Stallion who eliminated Draper when he hit him with the Lakota Cutter and scored the first elimination.


The fans were surprised to see the babyfaces score the first elimination in this match but they did -- and it came almost ten minutes into the match so it wasn’t like it was quick. Harry Allen, who made a name for himself in TCW with his seventeen year run there, came in and had a short burst of fire before the Wheelbarrow Bomb of The Ring Generals put him out to pasture and evened the match up.


The Ring Generals and The Texas Express had a really good sequence where the match became almost like a traditional tag match. They went back and forth and each got to showcase some skills -- but it was with Funky Fedora and Dean Waldorf pulling Stallion and Turk off the apron that allowed Marv Statler to roll up Cooper Christie and use a handful of tights to eliminate him and now The Cadillac Four had a three-two advantage. Turk came in like a pistol to try to even it up and he came close several times, with several near falls on both of the Ring Generals (Funky was wisely staying out of the match at this point). Unfortunately, a second Wheelbarrow Bomb of the night sent Turk to the dressing room and Wild Red Stallion was left with three on one.


If Stallion was afraid, he didn’t show it. Instead, he came into the ring and he fought against the odds. He brought the fight right to them. He came in with fists and elbows and even -- very surprising for a man of his size -- a dropkick that floored Marv Statler. Stallion hit big chops in Waldorf and Fedora as they tried to get in the ring and get involved. He turned back towards Statler and delivered a big Lakota Cutter to eliminate Statler and make it two on one.


Waldorf came right into the ring and he immediately ate a Lakota Cutter of his own to get eliminated and just like that Wild Red Stallion has brought it down to him versus Funky. Indiana Champion versus Mid American Champion. These two got several minutes of just the two of them to tell a story. Stallion was the worse for wear and Fedora took advantage of that and tried to out Stallion away but Stallion kept kicking out. Fedora was getting more and more frustrated and then he made a mistake when he missed the Top Rope Kneedrop. The opening gave Stallion the opportunity to make a big comeback that culminated with him hitting a Lakota Cutter onto Fedora but suddenly Danny Draper was at ringside even though he had been eliminated. He distracted the referee and Stallion long enough for Statler and Waldorf to hit the ring and hit a third Wheelbarrow Bomb that put Stallion down. They pulled Funky Fedora over him for the cover and exited the ring so that when the referee turned around he counted the pin and the Cadillac Four stole a victory.


In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, The Cadillac Four (Funky Fedora, Marv Statler, Dean Waldorf and Dapper Danny Draper) defeated Wild Red Stallion, Harry Allen and The Texas Express in an Elimination match in 23:42; Dapper Danny Draper was eliminated first, then Harry Allen, then Cooper Christe, then Turk Treeneman, then Marv Statler, then Dean Waldorf, and finally Wild Red Stallion.


Match Rating





Main Event

Singles Match

No Time Limit

Last Man Standing


"Indiana's Finest" Mr. Grappling versus "The Hillbilly Outlaw" Zippy Deverell


It’s been a year and a half since these two first locked horns at Circle City Classic III. A year and a half since the wars between them started and tonight, it comes to a head. They’ve exchanged victories and words. They’ve exchanged the Indiana Heavyweight Championship. It has been, along with Funky Fedora vs. Nate DeMarcus, the feud that has carried CWI. It’s drawn a lot of attention from fans and now here it was. In the main event just over a year after their Coal Miner’s Glove Match could have been a main event. They had plenty of time in this match -- maybe a few minutes too long as there were a couple of moments in the match that dragged a bit. They were able to get out of those spots that dragged, but both are still only a few years into their career and are still learning how to control a crowd.


They started off slow. Despite having had three prior singles matches, they started off hesitant to set the stakes for the match. There would be no pinfall or submissions in this. There would be only beating your opponent until he couldn’t stand back up. The most primal form of combat. The most gladitorial outside of fighting to the actual death. Grappling started off the match working holds and living up to his grappling name while targeting the legs of Deverell. It was a sound strategy. If you take a man’s legs out, he won’t be able to stand. Grappling hit several Dragon Screw’s in a row that really wrenched the knee of Deverell. He hit several targeted stomps on the leg and even had a prolonged knee bar locked in that really worked Deverell’s leg over. This was a prolonged shine sequence -- one that went several minutes (since they had so much time). Grappling lifted Deverell up several times and kept Deverell’s leg bent so he could slam him down into his knee. It was purposeful and targetted and Deverell sold his leg wonderfully. The crowd was into it. TheyThis has been the top feud for a year and a half. Grappling even locked in the Figure Four Leglock that he has used so many times and he forced Deverell to tap -- but that didn’t end the match. It didn’t stop anything. Grappling was able to keep it locked in even with the tapping but he did eventually break the hold so referee Bret Graveson could start the ten count. Deverell was conscious, but his legs were locked up and he had to crawl to the ropes and use them to get himself to a standing position. He had to lean on the ropes and Grappling came charging in for a clothesline of some sort, but Deverell dropped down and pulled on the top rope so that Grappling flew over the top rope and went crashing to the floor.


Grappling landed on the unprotected, unpadded wooden floor of the historic theater and there was a collective hush in the audience. It was a big bump, bigger than most CWI bumps. The big fall gave Deverell time to compose himself and then he took control. While Grappling’s offense had been holds and targeted on the lower body of Deverell, Deverell’s offense was brawl heavy. He slammed Grappling into the guard rail. He sent him into the ring post. Deverell was a wild man. He limped the entire time and didn’t do any running. He was selling his leg through the whole thing. Deverell suplexed Grappling onto the floor and then climbed up on the ring apron. He waited for Grappling to stand up -- Grappling had his back to the ring -- and Deverell leaped off and hit a huge Bulldog right into the floor. The move clearly hurt Deverell as well -- he grabbed at his leg and slid away from Grappling. He had to use the guardrail to stand up and it took a full eight count for Mr. Grappling to get to his feet after the bulldog. There was a hole in Grappling’s mask and Deverell went for it. He tossed Grappling back in the ring and then went under the ring. He pulled out a length of chain that he threw into the ring. He pulled out a flathead screwdriver that he tossed in the ring. He pulled out that Coal Miner’s Glove -- he must have stashed it under the ring earlier. He also threw in a steel chair.


Deverell got back in the ring and he picked up the screwdriver first. He used it to go right after Grappling’s head. Driving the screwdriver into it -- the fans gasped at the violence as the man from Corbin, Kentucky got hillbilly violent on Grappling. The hole in Grappling’s mask grew and blood could be seen on Grappling’s face. For the first time in his CWI career, Mr. Grappling was bleeding. Deverell went after the wound and tried to open it up more. He wrapped his fist up in the chain and he went to town. It was all Deverell at this point and this is part of where the match started to drag. Deverell’s offense is limited, he’s a brawler/entertainer whose actual in-ring work is fairly limited. Deverell went to work with the weapons to try to put Grappling down -- but Grappling kept finding his way back to his feet.


Deverell finally went for the Coal Miner’s Glove. He slid it on his hand and he waited for Grappling to get back to his feet. He waited like a Timber Rattlesnake ready to pounce. Grappling got to his feet and Deverell went for the big right hand but Grappling ducked and locked his arms around Deverell and hit a big Belly to Belly Suplex and the people exploded. Grappling was still alive! Grappling began his comeback from there. He was slower -- having been bloodied and battered by Deverell, but he was fiery and Deverell was able to go back to selling. He took several big bumps off Grappling moves and then Grappling went for the Blast from the Past, but Deverell spun away and launched a right hand with that Coal Miner’s Glove that dropped Mr. Grappling.


The count began and it didn’t look like Grappling was going to be able to answer. At nine, Grappling was on his feet and the people cheered. Deverell went for another shot, but Grappling got his foot up and kicked Deverell’s arm away. That spun Deverell around and Mr. Grappling came out of the corner with a lariat that would have made Tadiyuki Kikkawa proud. The lariat turned Deverell inside out and both men were down. They were both up by eight and the fans were out of their seat. Deverell came in for the attack and Grappling kicked him in the knee and Deverell went down and then Grappling hit a Rip Chord DDT. He pulled Deverell up and hit a second Rip Chord DDT, then he pulled him up and hit a third Rip Chord DDT and Grappling slid into the corner as referee Bret Graveson counted Deverell out. Grappling had done it.


In an exceptional match, Mr. Grappling defeated Zippy Deverell in a Last Man Standing match in 38:40 when Zippy Deverell could not beat a ten count after a Rip Chord DDT.


Match Rating






Overall Rating






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CWI was in Edinburgh, Indiana for its final trip there of 2023. The show featured the final match, at least for now, for American Gold before Maliek Chamberlain heads out fulltime to PSW. This show also saw the debut of former CWA wrestler Flip Simkins.


  • Match One: In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Victor Crash defeated Troy Paris in 6:27 by pinfall with an Ice Backbreaker.
  • Match Two: In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, AC King defeated Miguel Marcos in 5:40 by submission with a Galactic Toe Hold.
  • Crash and King met in the center of the ring and announced that next month, back in Edinburgh for the start of 2024, they will be teaming up to wrestle the 2023 graduating class of No Ordinary Men Academy of Pro Wrestling
  • Match Three: In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Luis Torres defeated Hamilton Ouellet in 9:02 by pinfall with an Ancient Heel Kick.
  • Match Four: In a decent match, Flip Simkins defeated Samuel Danzig in 9:33 by pinfall with a 450 Degree Splash.
  • Match Five: In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, AP Gumble defeated David Ward in 9:08 by pinfall with a Hitman Crusher.
  • Main Event: In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Adam MacDonald and Nebo Martell defeated American Gold in 14:24 when Adam MacDonald pinned Maliek Chamberlain with a Blindside Pounce.




The final ladies night of 2023 in Bloomington was another well received affair. We're continuing to rebuild our women's division in CWI after those damn Canadians stole so many talented women from us.


  • Match One: In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Tzilla defeated Sylvia O'Brien in 10:20 by pinfall with an End Of The Trail.
  • Match Two: In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Sophie Steele defeated Lorraine Bertrand in 8:53 by pinfall with a handful of tights.
  • Match Three: In a decent match, Frankie Carmello defeated Vera Bull in 9:02 by pinfall with a Triple Jump Moonsault.
  • Match Four: In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Black Diamond defeated Alma Crockett in 10:10 by pinfall with a Belly To Belly Suplex.
  • Black Diamond came to the ring. She said that for the better part of a year she and Yvonne Ericks have been locked in a rivalry. At first, she didn't respect Yvonne Ericks but now she does -- but she wants a chance to win back the All Action Title -- so next month she wants to go toe to toe with Yvonne Ericks one last time. Ericks came out and accepted the challenge!
  • Main Event: In a decent match, Piper Hale drew with Mirai Kajahara in 14:20 when the referee lost control and stopped the match.



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Great show!


-Cadillac Four is a good name, I like that.

-The Ox Mastadon challenge has huge potential. I'm interested in how you pay it off; Luger-like babyface turn? New signing gets a huge debut?

-Zippy Deverell deserves the world! That poor man has had a rough life and you are making it worse! Give him all the gold now!!!

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Great show!


-Cadillac Four is a good name, I like that.

-The Ox Mastadon challenge has huge potential. I'm interested in how you pay it off; Luger-like babyface turn? New signing gets a huge debut?

-Zippy Deverell deserves the world! That poor man has had a rough life and you are making it worse! Give him all the gold now!!!


Thank you! I like the name Cadillac Four as well -- and I have big plans for Ox Mastadon's body slam challenge!


Zippy has some very big things in store for him, I promise! He's still developing as an actual wrestler -- that's what's holding him back right now. He's got all of the character skills that I need. All the charisma and star quality and all of that, he's just still developing some of those in ring skills to be consistent enough to carry main events! He's got some very big things sketched out for 2024.

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Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis can officially announce that it has resigned the following talents to non-exclusive written contracts.


Mid American Champion Funky Fedora ended specutlation when he signed a two-year extension with CWI. This guarantees that Funky will be employed through the fall of 2025. The 25-year-old Funky Fedora is in his seventh year as a pro. The native of Memphis, Tennessee is in his second reign as Mid American Champion and has been a major star in Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis since joining in 2021.


The Texas Express, Cooper Christie & Turk Trenneman, have also signed two-year non-exclusive written contract extensions. Both graduates of the Mid Atlantic Bootcamp, the former USPW team are the current Confederation of the Territories World Tag Team Champions and are former CWI Tag Team Champions. Widely regarded as one of the best young tandems in wrestling. Both are also in their seventh years as professionals and have very bright futures. With a guaranteed two more years in Indianapolis, will The Texas Express further cement themselves as one of the premier duos in the world? Now that they are World Tag Team Champions, will they be able to hold up to the schedules that Bred for Battle cut as champions?


Bred for Battle, Dreadnought and James Diaz, have signed two year non-exclusive contracts with CWI. The former World Tag Team Champions, the most successful World Tag Team Champions in COTT history, just signed on the dotted line this morning with manager and agent Andrew Gibson overseeing the contract signing. They are former CWI Tag Team Champions and former winners of the March Madness tournament. Both have stated that they have their sights on singles, as well as more tag, gold. With two more years to achieve it, it is almost certain that they will be champions again in some capacity.



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Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis returns to the Fountain Square Theatre for the final show of 2023 with Christmas Clash. It promises to be a big show to close out what has been CWI's most successful year. Come celebrate the end of 2023 with us. Fans who bring canned goods for our food pantry donation will receive a complimentary refreshment from the concession stand.


Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis Presents

Christmas Clash 2023

Saturday Week 3, December 2023

Live at the Fountain Square Theatre

Belltime 7:00 PM | Doors 6:30 PM


Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

COTT Mid American Championship

"Indiana's Finest" Mr. Grappling versus Funky Fedora ©


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Championship

Morgan Stryker versus Ashley Keith ©


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Jimmy Chipolata versus "The Traskmaster" Anthony Trask


Tag Team Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Tag Team Championship

Tameka Sky & Deborah Young versus The Bootcamp ©


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

"Dapper" Danny Draper versus Wild Red Stallion ©


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

"The Bad Man" Warwick Good versus Brute Kikuchi


Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Coco Malloy versus "Lil' Miss Marvel" Jessica Conroy


Plus: Hear from The Dynamite Express, The Ox Mastadon Body Slam Challenge, and an announcement that will change the foundation of Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis!



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Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

COTT Mid American Championship

"Indiana's Finest" Mr. Grappling versus Funky Fedora ©


Feel like they need a bit of stability now before passing the belt back at some point


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Championship

Morgan Stryker versus Ashley Keith ©


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Jimmy Chipolata versus "The Traskmaster" Anthony Trask


Tag Team Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Tag Team Championship

Tameka Sky & Deborah Young versus The Bootcamp ©


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

"Dapper" Danny Draper versus Wild Red Stallion ©

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

"The Bad Man" Warwick Good versus Brute Kikuchi


Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Coco Malloy versus "Lil' Miss Marvel" Jessica Conroy



Enjoying Ox and his slam contest

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Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

COTT Mid American Championship

"Indiana's Finest" Mr. Grappling versus Funky Fedora ©


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Championship

Morgan Stryker versus Ashley Keith ©


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Jimmy Chipolata versus "The Traskmaster" Anthony Trask


Tag Team Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Tag Team Championship

Tameka Sky & Deborah Young versus The Bootcamp ©


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

"Dapper" Danny Draper versus Wild Red Stallion ©


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

"The Bad Man" Warwick Good versus Brute Kikuchi


Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Coco Malloy versus "Lil' Miss Marvel" Jessica Conroy

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Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

COTT Mid American Championship

"Indiana's Finest" Mr. Grappling versus Funky Fedora ©


I like this Funky Fedora guy so I'll keep siding with him for now.


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Championship

Morgan Stryker versus Ashley Keith ©


The Keith Dynasty continues


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Jimmy Chipolata versus "The Traskmaster" Anthony Trask


Like his promo in the last show


Tag Team Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Tag Team Championship

Tameka Sky & Deborah Young versus The Bootcamp ©


Can't see these two losing very easily


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

"Dapper" Danny Draper versus Wild Red Stallion ©


Not today Dapper Dan


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

"The Bad Man" Warwick Good versus Brute Kikuchi


Name game win here


Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Coco Malloy versus "Lil' Miss Marvel" Jessica Conroy


I'm telling you there is something with this Coco Malloy

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Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

COTT Mid American Championship

"Indiana's Finest" Mr. Grappling versus Funky Fedora ©


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Championship

Morgan Stryker versus Ashley Keith ©

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Jimmy Chipolata versus "The Traskmaster" Anthony Trask

Tag Team Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Tag Team Championship

Tameka Sky & Deborah Young versus The Bootcamp ©


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

"Dapper" Danny Draper versus Wild Red Stallion ©


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

"The Bad Man" Warwick Good versus Brute Kikuchi


Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Coco Malloy versus "Lil' Miss Marvel" Jessica Conroy

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Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

COTT Mid American Championship

"Indiana's Finest" Mr. Grappling versus Funky Fedora ©


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Championship

Morgan Stryker versus Ashley Keith ©


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Jimmy Chipolata versus "The Traskmaster" Anthony Trask


Tag Team Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Tag Team Championship

Tameka Sky & Deborah Young versus The Bootcamp ©


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

"Dapper" Danny Draper versus Wild Red Stallion ©


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

"The Bad Man" Warwick Good versus Brute Kikuchi


Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Coco Malloy versus "Lil' Miss Marvel" Jessica Conroy

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Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

COTT Mid American Championship

"Indiana's Finest" Mr. Grappling versus Funky Fedora ©

Funky is gonna be champion until Zippy is ready to take the crown..... so, maybe 6 months, tops! :p



Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Championship

Morgan Stryker versus Ashley Keith ©

Montero is waiting.....



Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Jimmy Chipolata versus "The Traskmaster" Anthony Trask

Traskmaster is gonna show Chipolata who the boss is around here



Tag Team Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Women's Tag Team Championship

Tameka Sky & Deborah Young versus The Bootcamp ©


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship

"Dapper" Danny Draper versus Wild Red Stallion ©


Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

"The Bad Man" Warwick Good versus Brute Kikuchi


Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Coco Malloy versus "Lil' Miss Marvel" Jessica Conroy

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<p>Main Event</p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Sixty Minute Time Limit</p><p>

COTT Mid American Championship</p><p>

"Indiana's Finest" Mr. Grappling versus <strong>Funky Fedora</strong> ©</p><p>

- Much as I would like to pick Grappling, Fedora has the Cadillac Four backing him up, and I like the story of the babyface chasing the gold</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Sixty Minute Time Limit</p><p>

CWI Women's Championship</p><p>

Morgan Stryker versus <strong>Ashley Keith</strong> ©</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Thirty Minute Time Limit</p><p>

Jimmy Chipolata versus "The Traskmaster" <strong>Anthony Trask</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

Sixty Minute Time Limit</p><p>

CWI Women's Tag Team Championship</p><p>

<strong>Tameka Sky & Deborah Young</strong> versus The Bootcamp ©</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Sixty Minute Time Limit</p><p>

CWI Indiana Heavyweight Championship</p><p>

"Dapper" Danny Draper versus <strong>Wild Red Stallion</strong> ©</p><p>

- Looking at the rest of the title matches, I think at least one title should be held by the faces, and Stallion just seems like a bigger deal than Draper right now</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Thirty Minute Time Limit</p><p>

"The Bad Man" <strong>Warwick Good</strong> versus Brute Kikuchi</p><p> </p><p>

Opening Match</p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Thirty Minute Time Limit</p><p>

<strong>Coco Malloy</strong> versus "Lil' Miss Marvel" Jessica Conroy</p><p>

- I like Conroy, but anyone with ties to Canada has historically been a major risk here</p><p> </p><p>

Plus: Hear from The Dynamite Express, The Ox Mastadon Body Slam Challenge, and an announcement that will change the foundation of Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis!</p>

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Christmas clash 2023


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Saturday Week 3, December 2023

Live from the Fountain Square Theatre [indianapolis, Indiana, Great Lakes, USA]

130 people in attendance (an increase of 1 fan from last show)

Commentators: Marv Earnest & Mark Hyatt




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The crowd in the Fountain Square Theatre,130 paid (and probably an additional fifty or so people that are guests of the people on the show, giving us about 180 people in the building proper) were clamouring for the action to begin. It was cold outside and the warmth of the Fountain Square Theatre, plus the Christmas decorations on the wall have everyone ready for a great night of professional wrestling action on another night that is very traditional in the wrestling business. They are all expecting the opening match between Coco Malloy and the debuting Jessica Conroy to start the show, but instead, all of the lights in the building go out, leaving the Theatre in darkness. A murmur runs through the crowd -- darkness always makes people uncomfortable and in wrestling it always makes them wonder what is about to happen.The television screens on either side of the entrance way light up Champion and the crowd begins to roar as the lights come back to life and…




One of the biggest names in the history of the sport of pro wrestling, the former face of United States Pro Wrestling, Hawkeye Nicky Champion is standing on the entry way. It has been over a year since he’s been in front of a wrestling crowd. Over a year since he’s been in front of an audience. A troubling, trying year. Regardless of what has happened in his life, the excitement to see someone with his pedigree is palpable. The former USPW World Heavyweight Champion began what might have been the longest walk in his professional career. He climbed up the steel steps and into the ring and he took a moment. A long moment to just feel the ring ropes. To be in the ring. Ring announcer Taylor Gordy handed him up a microphone and Nicky Champion stood in silence for a moment. A beat. He raised the microphone up to his lips.


Champion, “I didn’t know if the day would come where I would be back in a wrestling ring. In the dark days of the past year, I didn’t know if I’d ever get to be in front of an audience again. If I’d ever get to be involved in the sport again. And tonight. Tonight in Indianapolis, Indiana -- in front of all of you, I get to say that I am back. I am here.”


He takes a beat to let that soak in.


Champion, “A little over a year ago, my world fell apart. I’ll be the first to admit it. I was in a dark place. I had fallen into a trap that many men and women before me have fallen. I became dependent on pills to get through the day. I didn’t mean to. I didn’t set out to, but it happened. I spiralled out of control. I was on top of the world, making big money, in different towns every night and I was hurting and I let myself medicate that hurt and I was irresponsible and I let myself down but more importantly, I let my fans down. I let you down. And I’m sorry.”


The apology wasn’t what people were expecting. Perhaps they were expecting him to ignore it. To let pretend like it didn’t happen. Champion began to raise the microphone up once more, but he was cut off by the familiar sounds of “Hard Out Here For A Country Boy” and the crowd began to boo as The Hillbilly Outlaw Zippy Deverell and his Army walked out from behind the curtain. Zippy was flanked by the Taggs and his cousin Haley and Zippy looked disgusted. He pulled a microphone out of his jeans and began.




Deverell, “You think that’s enough, Nicky? You think you get to come out here and say you’re sorry -- you’re sorry for letting all these people down and they’ll forgive you? You think you can say you’re sorry to all the kids who idolized you. Kids who looked up to you and said ‘That’s what I want to be one day.’ You can just say I’m sorry and that’s all forgiven? Well I don’t give a damn about your apology. You can take it and shove it up your ass ‘cause it ain’t worth its weight in gold and your apology ain’t payin’ any of the bills that I’ve got to pay or the Taggs got to pay or any of these people got to pay. Your apology can’t do that. It can’t make anyone’s lives better. So save your pity and your desire for absolution for someone who gives a damn ‘cause I don’t and CWI definitely don’t.”


Zippy paused so the boos could filter in.


Deverell, “Nah, don’t boo me. Don’t boo me ‘cause I ain’t ever been on national TV. Don’t boo me because I speak the truth. ‘Cause the truth always sounds like lies to a sinner, and Nicky Champion is a sinner. He’s just here as a steppin’ stone to another big time job, ain’t that right Nicky? Tell these people the truth. Tell ‘em how you’re going to up and leave ‘em at the first chance you get. About how you’re going to fly first class to some fancy sports entertainment company in Florida or New York or Texas or Canada and leave all of this behind. You ain’t here ‘cause you want to be here. You’re here ‘cause you half to be here. ‘Cause no where else would have you. But I’ve been here since the beginning. I’ve spilled my blood in that ring you’re standing in. Just last month I spilled my blood in that ring. Spilled my blood and broken my body since day one and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let some big time TV star come in here for a cup of damn coffee and take money off my plate. Take money off Kalder or Wolfie or Haley’s plate. You ain’t taking food from us just ‘cause no one else will have you. I’m going to run you back to whatever hole you crawled out of and spare these fans the futility of gettin’ used to seein’ you here when we know you ain’t going to be here for long.”


The crowd booed heavily and Deverell and his gang just stood there as Nicky waited a moment.


Champion, “Well first, I came here to announce that this morning I sat down with CWI management and the COTT and I signed a two year deal. TWO YEARS, Zippy, that I’ll be here. I’m not here for a cup of coffee. I’m not here to take from anyone else’s plate. I’m here to redeem myself to these fans. I’m here to prove that I am sorry, by helping build this great company into a power house of professional wrestling. That’s why I’m here. And if you don’t want me here. Then by all means. Come on down and run me out.”


Champion dropped the microphone and Zippy started heading towards the ring before Haley got in front of him and said something. Zippy nodded.


Deverell, “You’re right Haley. I’m not medically cleared. Not yet. But I should be by next month. By New Year Scramble. So I’ll tell you want, Nicky Champion. Me and you. Next month. Let me welcome you to CWI properly. And end this whole thing before it gets started.”


Deverell threw his microphone at the ring and Nicky caught it out of the air.


Champion, “Well now I’ve got something to look forward to.”


Champion dropped both his original microphone and Deverell’s microphone and the people were buzzing from this huge announcement.


Angle Rating







Opening Match

Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit


Coco Malloy versus "Lil' Miss Marvel" Jessica Conroy


The opening contest pit the protege of Dan Stone Jr. and House of Stone graduate Jessica Conroy against Coco Malloy. Coco has been a standout in QAW and CWI for several years. Conroy was a solid member of the CWA roster but perhaps they felt she needed to go get some experience elsewhere or deemed her surplus to requirements or were just trying to freshen up their women’s division (people can’t be employed forever after all). This was a very good opening contest. Coco Malloy used her overness with the crowd to help establish Conroy as a heel. Coco got the opening shine, but Conroy cut her off with a nasty hairpull that looked like it might have given Coco some whiplash. Conroy worked a very snug, Dan Stone Jr. esque style -- though DSJ was always a babyface, she worked how one would imagine he would have worked as a heel. Stiff forearms and submission holds -- she even locked in a seated side headlock where she also ground her forearm into the side of Malloy’s face -- just being extra salty. The little bit of extra nasty that helps establish her as a heel that has to be reckoned with. She hit a series of Rolling German Suplexes -- the final one coming with a bridge that got a near fall and after the kickout, Malloy started her comeback. It was a simple comeback -- this was the opening match. It didn’t need to be super fancy -- but it was very effective at helping get the fans warmed up. Malloy did hit a beautiful Springboard Dropkick that set up her Flying Bulldog for the win.


In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Coco Malloy defeated Jessica Conroy in 10:42 by pinfall with a Flying Bulldog.


Match Rating





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Mark Hyatt once again ises from his position at the commentary table and makes his way into the ring.


Hyatt, “Ladies and gentlemen it is time for another chance for someone to win fifteen thousand dollars -- winning it by slamming this man!”




The big Ox Mastadon came snarling and stomping out just like he did last month. He got into the ring. He stood there, the massive collection of man that he is.


Hyatt, “So who in the back is foolish enough to think that they can stand a chance? Who thinks they can slam the big Ox Mastadon!”




Mark stares at the entrance way and Ox laughs as the young man walks out.


Hyatt, “Charlot Petit? Really? Okay. Come on down kid.”


The young Petit bears a striking resemblance to Frenchie Martel. He gets into the ring and he immediately tries to slam Ox Mastadon, but he can’t even get the big man to budge. Ox laughs before suddenly lifting Charlot up and slamming him down with a body slam of his own. He leapt back to his feet and hit the Ten Ton Splash and another man had failed to slam the big Ox!


Angle Rating







Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit


"The Bad Man" Warwick Good versus Brute Kikuchi


The former RIPW USA Champion was making his CWI debut here against the Strong Style standout Brute Kikuchi. This was an odd pairing between two guys who had never wrestled before -- and truth be told, probably won’t wrestle again anytime soon. It was a solid affair though. Good has some, well, good skills, he’s a quality brawler and technician and he really understands how to work a crowd. Kikuchi is a good puro-style wrestler and a big bruiser, but his skills are declining because of his physical ability. Their lack of chemistry also hurt the contest, but ultimately Good was able to pull out the win with a Face First Suplex that drove Kikuchi into the mat and allowed Good to get the pinfall victory.


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Warwick Good defeated Brute Kikuchi in 9:57 by pinfall with a Face First Suplex.


Match Rating





Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit



"Dapper" Danny Draper versus Wild Red Stallion ©


The first of four championship matches tonight pit Wild Red Stallion up against one of the members of the Cadillac Four. Last month, Wild Red Stallion put up a very impressive performance eliminating three of the four members of the Cadillac Four in the Thanksgiving Turmoil. Tonight, he looked like a man focused on keeping his championship. A man trying to prove that he belongs at the top of the sport. Physically, these two men matched up nicely. Stallion was a bit bigger, a bit stronger, a bit more physically impressive which meant that Danny Draper had to take shortcuts, he had to cheat to gain an advantage. Draper used positioning to keep Andre Lane, the referee assigned this contest, out of position so he could use several closed fists. The crowd was all over Danny. He played to them. He worked them up into a lather. He argued with Andre Lane while choking Wild Red Stallion. It was an old school, simple match but it was effective. They didn’t have to do much, they just had to keep the crowd hooked and they did. Stallion made a big comeback -- a big comeback -- filled with clotheslines and body slams and chops. Stallion was fired up. He lifted Draper up like he was going to go for the Lakota Cutter, but Draper was able to get down behind him. Draper hit a big back suplex for a near fall. Stallion got back to his feet and Draper went for a Running Knee Lift, but Stallin caught him and hit him with a Back Suplex of his own for a near fall. Stallion went for another Lakota Cutter, but again Draper got out of it. This time Draper rolled up Stallion and got his feet on the middle rope for the extra leverage so he could get the three count and steal the victory.


In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Dapper Danny Draper defeated Wild Red Stallion in 12:37 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. Dapper Danny Draper wins the CWI Indiana title.


Match Rating





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The former CWI Tag Team Champions, The Dynamite Express came out to the ring ready to talk.


Collier, “Two months ago, we lost our tag team titles. Two months ago, The Dog Soldiers shocked the world and they won the titles in a four way elimination match. We’ve got to give the devils their due. They won. We can’t take that away from them. We can’t say that they didn’t win the belts clean, because they did. They absolutely did.”


Jones, “But they didn’t beat us, just us. They didn’t step into the ring with us at our best. They didn’t step into the ring with us only having to worry about them. No. We had American Gold and Texan Justice. We had to prepare for three teams in one match. That doesn’t seem very fair to us.”


Collier, “That’s because it’s not fair. It wasn’t a fair match. How do we prepare for three other teams in one night? In one match? You don’t. You can’t. It’s impossible. The odds were stacked against it and that’s fine. See, when we signed contracts with CWI, we had language put in the contracts that guaranteed us championship rematches. We know that’s not normal in CWI. Normally, CWI doesn’t give guaranteed rematches, but we do -- as long as we successfully defended the championships prior to losing them. And guess what? We did. So we get rematches.”


Jones, “Yes we do. And we want to make it clear. We are proud to be in CWI. We’re proud to be in the COTT. We were proud to be the Tag Team Champions. We don’t have war paint. We don’t have fancy headdresses. We are plain boots and plain tights. What you see is plain wrestling -- and that’s what’s on the marquee. These days, our sport gets glamorized by people calling themselves stars, but me and Syd know that stars are in the sky and stars are in Hollywood. We’re pro wrestlers. We’re the best tag team in the world. We make no excuses. We show up. We give 110%. Whether we’re sick, whether we’re hurting, whether we’ve got problems at home, regardless of what’s going on in our lives, we show up to prove that we’re the best and Ace and Roger. You’re good. You’re a great duo. You’re the CWI Tag Team Champions, but me and Syd were taught by Rip Chord the old school. We were taught the take a body part and break it down. Those are our roots. And my friends, a three legged table ain’t worth anything to anybody. “


Collier, “It’s damn sure not worth anything and we’re going to prove that. Not in January -- you already have a matched booked against The Skyscrapers, those big bastards who have been on a tear. We’ll be watching that match and whoever wins, we’ll see you in February at Hoosier Hysteria.”


Match Rating








Tag Team Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit





Tameka Sky & Deborah Young versus The Bootcamp ©


The Women’s Tag Team Titles were on the line after the promo. Sky and Young cut an impressive team, but they’re still a new team, whereas the Bootcamp has been teaming for awhile. That worked out in the Bootcamp’s favor. Sky and Young were able to work well together as a team. They controlled most of the match with their power offense -- and they isolated Lucy Trigg. Trigg took a beating that was focused on big slams and holds like bear hugs. They tried to keep her as isolated as possible from Felicia Luck. Young hit a big Running Leg Drop for a near fall. Sky hit a Leaping Elbow Drop (not a Flying Elbow Drop, she just jumped really high) that also got a near fall. They hit a wicked move where Deborah Young Irish Whipped Lucy Trigg into a Big Boot from Tameka Sky that was just nasty looking. Trigg had to fight from underneath, had to fight back and the crowd really got behind her as she tried to fight out of another bear hug to get to Felicia Luck -- and after a couple of attempts, she was successful and the people really exploded for the hot tag. Luck came in with her use barrage of big strikes -- made more impressive by the size of the women she was unloading on. She hit Tameka Sky with not one, but two [/i]Lucky Strike[/i]’s to knock the former Champion out of the ring and loopy. That opened up for her and Lucy to hit the Hard Knocks on Deborah Young and secure their first title defence.


In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, The Bootcamp defeated Tameka Sky and Deborah Young in 12:19 when Felicia Luck pinned Deborah Young with a Hard Knocks. The Bootcamp make defence number one of the CWI Women's Tag Team titles.


Match Rating





Singles Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit


Jimmy Chipolata versus "The Traskmaster" Anthony Trask


This match has been built to for the past few months and it lived up to the build. Both men were on top of their games here. Chipolata was wrestling like he had something to prove, like he was trying to prove that he belonged in wrestling and that he wasn’t just an enhancement talent to get more established talent over -- like he had been used in USPW. Trask had a better run in USPW, but he was wrestling with some salt that his contract wasn’t renewed. The wrestling rumor mill had Trask about to sign an exclusive deal with NYCW and he was wrestling like a man trying to make a statement. Their lockups were crisp. Trask worked the side headlock for most of his heat. He’d do some spots and come right back to the headlock. It was simple, old school pro wrestling but it worked. The crowd loved it. They’d go into high spots, the classic tackle, drop down, leap frog, hip toss, get it again kind of spots, and then right back into the headlock. The CWI audience had been trained to appreciate this style of wrestling and it was really on display here. Chipolata’s com back was simple too -- just some punches and back elbows and a couple of scoop slams. He then hit a School Boy and got the quick three and Trask didn’t know what to do -- he was completely caught by surprise with the pin.


In an exceptional match, Jimmy Chipolata defeated Anthony Trask in 16:40 by pinfall with a quick roll up.


Match Rating





Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit



Morgan Stryker versus Ashley Keith ©


The co-main event tonight was the Women’s Championship. Ashley Keith against Morgan Stryker. Morgan Stryker made her debut last month at Thanksgiving Turmoil and actually pinned Ashley Keith in that contest to earn her a shot here. This started off slow, with a feeling out process that really seemed to favor Stryker. She was just a little bit faster. A little bit more prepared and maybe the champion wasn’t on top of her game. Stryker is perhaps the perfect kind of opponent for Keith. Keith is the quintessential professional wrestler. She has all the tools, can do everything. Stryker is a legit athlete, a black belt in Judo and Taekwondo who might have brought home the gold in the Olympics if she didn’t shatter her knee right before the event. Stryker was able to does Keith around a little bit and several times she looked for an early submission but Keith took a powder out of the ring -- multiple times -- because she was just getting more and more frustrated. Keith even argued with Kessie Lee Walker -- who is assigned all Women’s Championship matches that Stryker is pulling her hair for the advantage. Walker did her job and asked Stryker, who just laughed it off -- she wasn’t cheating! The momentary distraction though, did allow Keith to shove her thumb into Stryker’s eye and take control. Keith focused on the knees of Stryker -- her weak spot. It also would help set up for the Proton Lock. Stryker sold well -- she tried to protect her previously injured knee. Tried to keep it away from Keith, but Keith kept at it. Kept on it. She was vicious with some of her moves -- including wrapping Stryker’s knee around the ring post. She even locked in the dread Figure Four Leg Lock around the ring post -- and Stryker sold it like her knee was being ripped to shreds by the move and Kessie Lee Walker demanded the break and Keith finally gave it to her. Keith worked as the perfect heel here. She pushed the rules right to the limits, but never put Walker in a position where she should have disqualified her -- she always stopped just short. Stryker fought back, fought to a standing position, and tried to launch some offense -- but she couldn’t use one of her legs so her offense wasn’t as powerful. She did hit a very impressive one legged Yama Arashi. The Yama Arashi got Stryker a near fall and she tried to set up for an Ippon Seoinage but her knee gave out. When her knee gave out, Ashley Keith immediately locked in the Proton Lock and Stryker tried to fight out of it, but was forced to submit.


In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, Ashley Keith defeated Morgan Stryker in 17:26 by submission with a Proton Lock. Ashley Keith makes defence number two of the CWI Women's title.


Match Rating





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The COTT Mid American Champion, Funky Fedora, came walking to the ring in advance of his main event clash with Mr. Grappling. The Champion was all smiles as he slid into the ring. Fedora took a microphone from Taylor Gordy.


Fedora, “In just a few minutes, Mr. Grappling is going to walk down that aisle for the biggest night of his career. Tonight, he steps into the ring with THE Mid American Champion. He steps into the ring with the man that ran Nate DeMarcus out of Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis. Tonight he steps into the ring with the best wrestler he’s ever been in the ring with. Me. That’s right baby. ‘Cause I’m what’s happening in professional wrestling. I am THE undisputed Mid American Champion of this great sport. I’m the guy who is being denied a World Heavyweight Championship opportunity by a committee that is scared to see me at the top. I’m the guy who showed up here in a Cadillac with a Rolex on my wrist and alligators on my feet. I’m the measuring stick for this company, for this sport. I’m what you have to live up to and baby, he can’t live up to me. He’s a great athlete, a great wrestler. One of the best and here in the Confederation of the Territories and Championship Wrestling from Indianapolis we only present the best. The very best and that’s me. Tonight Mr. Grappling is going to learn that and then baby, I’m back out at Broad Ripple. I’m bottle service and making it rain. Tonight we’re going to party only the way the Cadillac Four can party.


Angle Rating








Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit



"Indiana's Finest" Mr. Grappling versus Funky Fedora ©


After Fedora’s promo, Mr. Grappling made his way down to the ring. The fans were firmly behind him just from him showing up. He’s one of the most popular wrestlers on the roster -- and being an Indiana native has made him feel like one of theirs -- and not just some outsider. He’s also had an incredible year. In 2023, he has only lost one time in CWI -- to Funky Fedora. Outside of that loss he has notched 12 wins. In fact, he’s only lost two singles matches in two years in CWI -- both to Zippy Deverell. This was a match that Grappling had earned, had deserved -- but he also moved slower. He was selling the effects from that vicious Last Man Standing match a few weeks ago. You don’t heal overnight after all and that helped with the story telling. Grappling was slower, but effective in the early portion of the match. He was determined to make this a pure wrestling contest, something that definitely favored him and not Funky Fedora -- who was more of a classic Memphisian brawler. Fedora took several bumps early on off of Grappling suplexes -- not big, major bumps, but bumps that told that Grappling was here to play and here to win. Since Ashley Keith worked the knee of Stryker, Grappling was working the neck. He’s known for his Rip Chord DDT and that Blast from the Past kneelift/neck breaker combo so he was setting up for either of them, but Funky pulled Bret Graveson to him while Mr. Grappling had him in a rear waist lock and a mule kick low blow that Graveson missed opened up the match for Fedora. Fedora also worked on the neck. His Slingshot Back Suplex and Top Rope Knee Drop were both moves that required the neck to be weakened. Fedora hit a beautiful Stalling Brainbuster that spiked Grappling’s head off the mat. He followed that up with a running knee drop, a variation of the one uses from the top rope. That got him a near fall and Fedora continued his onslaught. He hit a Swinging Neckbreaker and then another Running Knee Drop. Everything was focused on softening up that neck. He sent Grappling into the corner and hit him with a Snake Eyes to really soften him up more. There was no wasted motion here and the crowd was into everything. Funky hit a second Stalling Brainbuster and then broke out The Strut/I] to get even more boos before he climbed to the top rope. He came off, looking for that big Top Rope Knee Drop, but Grappling rolled out of the way and started his comeback. Belly to Belly Suplex, German Suplex, huge Lariat. Grappling was trying to ignore the pain in his neck and really let loose the offense. Grappling went for a second Lariat but Fedora collapsed to the ground and Grappling damn near took Bret Graveson’s head off. Grappling cursed and before he could even turn to get back on Fedora, the new Indiana Champion was there. He blasted Grappling with the Indiana Heavyweight Championship and then hit his D-Struction, the pedigree, that dropped Grappling. Fedora was able to get to his feet and hit the Slingshot Back Suplex for added measure and make the cover. Draper was outside of the ring and Graveson slowly came to and counted the three.


In an exceptional match, Funky Fedora defeated Mr. Grappling in 33:58 by pinfall with a Slingshot Back Suplex. During the match we also had Dapper Danny Draper run in and attack Grappling. Funky Fedora makes defence number one of the COTT Mid American title.


Match Rating





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Fedora’s arm is raised and Danny slides back into the ring. He pulls Grappling up while Fedora grabs his championship. They’re about to add insult to injury, but suddenly a man comes running and dives over the barricade.




It’s a man who, if not for a mask, might bear a striking resemblance to a certain former Mid American Champion. Fedora and Danny see him and immediately high tail it as the man in the star-spangled mask checks on Mr. Grappling.


Angle Rating







Overall Rating






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Coming up (not necessarily in this order)


  1. End of year awards/power 500 top ten
  2. The Redemption of Nicky Champion, Ch. 1
  3. Marv Earnest’s End of Year thoughts
  4. Roster update
  5. New logo reveal
  6. Dojo graduate/new hire reveals


Then we will get into the January Edinburgh spot show and card for New Year Scramble.

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