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Episode #10 Predictions

Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Limit

All Action Championship

"The Pharaoh" Talia Neema © def. "Ms. Texas" Lacey Montgomery


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson def. Montgomery Brothers (Eric & Shawn)


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The World's Most Dangerous Woman" Morgan Stryker def. Madison Dean


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Manifesto def. Madelon David & Rousett Barry

Plus: Hear from Yvonne Ericks, The Ring Generals


Predictions End

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Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Limit

All Action Championship

"Ms. Texas" Lacey Montgomery versus "The Pharaoh" Talia Neema ©


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Montgomery Brothers (Eric & Shawn) versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The World's Most Dangerous Woman" Morgan Stryker versus Madison Dean


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Manifesto versus Madelon David & Rousett Barry

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Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Limit

All Action Championship

"Ms. Texas" Lacey Montgomery versus "The Pharaoh" Talia Neema ©


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Montgomery Brothers (Eric & Shawn) versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The World's Most Dangerous Woman" Morgan Stryker versus Madison Dean


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Manifesto versus Madelon David & Rousett Barry


Plus: Hear from Yvonne Ericks, The Ring Generals

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Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Limit

All Action Championship

"Ms. Texas" Lacey Montgomery versus "The Pharaoh" Talia Neema ©


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Montgomery Brothers (Eric & Shawn) versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The World's Most Dangerous Woman" Morgan Stryker versus Madison Dean


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Manifesto versus Madelon David & Rousett Barry


Plus: Hear from Yvonne Ericks, The Ring Generals

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Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Limit

All Action Championship

"Ms. Texas" Lacey Montgomery versus "The Pharaoh" Talia Neema ©


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Montgomery Brothers (Eric & Shawn) versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The World's Most Dangerous Woman" Morgan Stryker versus Madison Dean


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Manifesto versus Madelon David & Rousett Barry


Plus: Hear from Yvonne Ericks, The Ring Generals

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The new format is just fine. When I had my old SWF diary I was in the same boat as you. Writing matches for me gets old quickly. I think what you did in your previous show is the right thing to do because it gives you more time to focus on the matches that actually matter.


Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Limit

All Action Championship

"Ms. Texas" Lacey Montgomery versus "The Pharaoh" Talia Neema ©


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Montgomery Brothers (Eric & Shawn) versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The World's Most Dangerous Woman" Morgan Stryker versus Madison Dean


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Manifesto versus Madelon David & Rousett Barry


Are Madelon David and Rousett Barry AI created workers?

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Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Limit

All Action Championship

"Ms. Texas" Lacey Montgomery versus "The Pharaoh" Talia Neema ©


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Montgomery Brothers (Eric & Shawn) versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The World's Most Dangerous Woman" Morgan Stryker versus Madison Dean


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Manifesto versus Madelon David & Rousett Barry

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The new format is just fine. When I had my old SWF diary I was in the same boat as you. Writing matches for me gets old quickly. I think what you did in your previous show is the right thing to do because it gives you more time to focus on the matches that actually matter.


Are Madelon David and Rousett Barry AI created workers?


Thank you for the positive feedback. David and Barry are regenerated McWades that I'm giving a shot to on the set of tapings. Seeing how they do.

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Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Limit

All Action Championship

"Ms. Texas" Lacey Montgomery versus "The Pharaoh" Talia Neema ©


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Montgomery Brothers (Eric & Shawn) versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The World's Most Dangerous Woman" Morgan Stryker versus Madison Dean


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Manifesto versus Madelon David & Rousett Barry

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Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Limit

All Action Championship

"Ms. Texas" Lacey Montgomery versus "The Pharaoh" Talia Neema ©


Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Montgomery Brothers (Eric & Shawn) versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The World's Most Dangerous Woman" Morgan Stryker versus Madison Dean


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

The Manifesto versus Madelon David & Rousett Barry

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Wrestling Spotlight Ep #10


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #737373; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">



Episode #10, Friday W2 Nov. 2024

Center Stage @ Studio 65, Indianapolis, Indiana [Great Lakes, USA]

112 Fans

Broadcast On: WrestleWorld



Pre Show Results


Main Show


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/BwU7ai1Us0Y" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>




Earnest, “Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another exciting and thrillpacked episode of Wrestling Spotlight right here on WrestleWorld. If you’re watching this, it’s because it’s either 6:05 PM Eastern Time on Friday Night or you’re watching us On Demand anytime. Either way, what a show we have for you tonight. In our main event, Talia Neema defends the All Action Championship as well as her spot in the title unification match at Thanksgiving Turmoil, against Lacey Montgomery. Lacey’s brothers Shawn and Eric will take on Bred for Battle, Morgan Stryker will be in action against newcomer Madison Dean and so much more. Joining me in calling all this action tonight is my broadcast colleague Grace Harper. Grace! Welcome back to Center Stage at Studio 65.”


Harper, ”And it’s great to be back and it’s great to be here for what should be an excellent night of professional wrestling. Each week, Wrestling Spotlight continues to put the spotlight back on pro wrestling as it was meant to be. There are no flaming tables here or bizarre stipulations. This isn’t Cirque-de-Solei, this is pro wrestling. Hard hitting, smash mouth, in your face action where only the strongest survive and only the best thrive. We’re sanctioned by the Confederation of the Territories and that means we come with their seal of approval and man I’m just fired up.”


Earnest, “I can’t blame you! And we’re starting out with an interview from one half of our Women’s Tag Team Champions who also happens to be our Women’s Champion, of course I’m talking about “Red” Yvonne Ericks who is standing by with Taylor Gordy right now, so take it away Taylor!”




We move from the announce desk over to the interview desk where Yvonne Ericks is standing with Taylor Gordy. Resting on the interview desk in between Taylor Gordy and Yvonne are two titles -- the HPW Women’s Championship and Yvonne’s half of the HPW Women’s Tag Team Championship.




Gordy, “Tonight, Yvonne, you find out for sure if you will be facing Talia Neema or the as of now undefeated Lacey Montgomery at Thanksgiving Turmoil in a title unification match. Do you have a preference on who you face?”


Ericks “Nope. I’ll step into the ring with whoever holds the All Action Championship. I’ve proven in my career that I don’t run from any challenges. I don’t back down from anyone. I take every fight put in front of me and take on any challenger that steps into the ring with me. Talia Neema took the All Action Championship from me and obviously I’d love to get that win back, but if Lacey Montgomery wins tonight she’ll be heading into Thanksgiving Turmoil undefeated and I would love to end an undefeated streak and really prove, once again, that I’m the top women’s wrestler in HPW.”


Gordy, “A few weeks ago, it was revealed that the Hermanas de Pestilence are coming to Heartland Pro Wrestling. Your tag partner Black Diamond said she’s ready for them. How about you?”


Ericks, “Whenever they feel like showing up, I’ll be ready to show them up.”


Yvonne Ericks grabbed her two titles and walked off.


Gordy, “Well there you have it. Yvonne Ericks is looking forward to her match at Thanksgiving Turmoil and I can’t blame her. Marv and Grace, before we go back to you, I’m going to be joined by Lucinda Lush and the Ring Generals.”


Angle Rating





As promised, Lucinda Lush leads the COTT World Tag Team Champions, The Ring Generals, to the interview section of the set.




Gordy, “Thank you all for coming out here today. Two weeks from tomorrow, at Thanksgiving Turmoil, The Ring Generals will meet Mr. Grappling and Sandman Winks for the COTT World Tag Team Titles.”


Lucinda cuts Taylor off before he can actually ask a question.


Lush,”That’s right, Taylor. All the paperwork has been signed. The contracts have been notarized and made official. The COTT Championship Committee has gotten what they want. The best tag team in all of pro wrestling -- a lot of teams make that claim, but only one team is the World Tag Team Champions, and that’s Dean and Marv, the Ring Generals -- putting the World Tag Team Titles on the line, live on WrestleWorld, live on the premier place to watch pro wrestling all over the world -- at Heartland Pro Wrestling’s Thanksgiving Turmoil. And Marv and Dean, the Champs, are ready for this match. See, they don’t say much. They don’t come out here and toot their own horns -- that’s what they’ve got me for. I’ll toot toot all day. Because they’re the best team in wrestling. Where have they not succeeded? What have they not accomplished? They are what’s happening in this sport. And for two decades they have been the best. Mr. Grappling and Sandman Winks are great wrestlers. We respect their ability. We’ve seen what they can do as singles and we’ve seen what they can do as a tag team. We know they’re great. But they’re not the World Tag Team Champions. They haven’t been around the world defending the titles. They have not been the most successful tag team on the planet in the last twenty years. That’s Marv and Dean. The guys who put the COTT World Tag Titles on the map in the first place. It was their rivalry with the American Cobras and the Wild Cats -- hell, with all of CZCW that put the COTT World Tag Titles on the map and now they have ‘em again and they’re not letting them go. These are what champions look like and Grappling, Winks, as good as you are, you’re not the World Tag Team Champions and after Thanksgiving Turmoil, you still won’t be.”


Lucinda leads Marv and Dean away -- who didn’t say anything throughout the promo, they just stood and smiled and showed off the World Tag Titles.


Gordy, “That’s two weeks from tomorrow at Thanksgiving Turmoil. What a night that will be, but we’ve got so much in store tonight. Back to you Marv and Grace.”


Angle Rating





Opening Match

Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit




The Manifesto versus Madelon David & Rousett Barry


In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, The Manifesto defeated Madelon David and Rousset Barry in 5:31 when Bobby Marks pinned Rousset Barry with The Credential.


Match Rating





We cut to the interview portion where Taylor Gordy is standing with Morgan Stryker, who is ready for action.




Gordy, “In just a few moments, Morgan, you’re going to step into the ring with Madison Dean -- the daughter of legendary mixed martial artist Matthew Dean -- the former king of the GAMMA Middleweight Division in her HPW debut. How do you feel about going up against someone with such a legacy?”


Stryker, “Is she her father?”


Gordy, “Well, no, but ---”


Stryker, “Then I don’t give a damn. It doesn’t matter to me who her father was. What her father accomplished. I’m tired of that narrative in pro wrestling. I’m tired of hearing about all of the legacies that people have or don’t have. I care about them. What did they do. What has Madison Dean done? Nothing, yet. I’ve seen some training camp footage of her and she looks to be very talented. She looks like she could go somewhere. But this isn’t mixed martial arts and she’s not her father. This is pro wrestling and she’s Madison Dean and she’s getting into the ring with the most dangerous woman on the planet, the number one contender to the HPW Women’s Championship, me, Morgan Stryker. She’s got to prove that she can hang in the ring with me. ‘Cause her daddy’s name isn’t going to get her through me. It’s not going to get her to the Women’s Championships. Wins do. That’s what I do and that’s what I’m going to continue to do. Win. I wish her all the best. Maybe she can shock the world tonight. Or maybe, she’ll go to sleep like so many women before her. Let’s find out.”


Morgan Stryker walks from the interview set to the ring and awaits the arrival of her opponent, Madison Dean.


Gordy, “Strong words from Morgan Stryker. Back to you Marv and Grace.”


Angle Rating





Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


"The World's Most Dangerous Woman" Morgan Stryker versus Madison Dean


In a decent match, Morgan Stryker defeated Madison Dean in 6:26 by submission with a Judo Choke Sleeper.


Match Rating





We go to the interview stage where Taylor Gordy is standing with Andrew Gibson and Bred for Battle.






Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit




Montgomery Brothers (Eric & Shawn) versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson


In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Bred for Battle defeated Montgomery Brothers #2 in 8:25 when Dreadnought pinned Shawn Montgomery with a Sins of Our Fathers. In terms of in-ring work, James Diaz was head and shoulders above everyone else.


Match Rating





Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Limit



"Ms. Texas" Lacey Montgomery versus "The Pharaoh" Talia Neema ©


The undefeated Lacey Montgomery, only sister in the Montgomery Family, had her first championship opportunity against “The Pharaoh” Talia Neema in the main event. This was a competitive match up as Neema looked to defend her title for the first time. Like her brothers, Lacey is rumored to be headed to GCW where her father is the CEO and booker -- nepotism rears its head after all. Montgomery started the match with a lot of fire but Neema took over, hitting several kicks to Montgomery’s lower body. Neema is primarily a striker as opposed to a straight wrestler and she was able to settle into how she liked to fight. She did hit a wicked Brainbuster-Onto-Her-Knee that looked tremendous and rocked Montgomery. Neema then hit a spinning kick to the head -- The Hieroglyph that dropped Montgomery to the mat and Neema got the win and the first defense of her championship and the match with Yvonne Ericks at Thanksgiving Turmoil was officially hers.


In a decent match, Talia Neema defeated Lacey Montgomery in 12:57 by pinfall with The Hieroglyph. Talia Neema makes defence number one of the HPW All Action title.


Match Rating





Overall Show Rating






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Episode #11 Predictions


Main Event

Six Man Tag

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

The Casey Family Butchery versus Deverell's Army w/ Haley Buck


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The Samoan Superman" Joey Fili versus Rob Reynolds


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"Mississippi Muscle" Adam MacDonald versus Roy Goodlooks


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The Indiana Dragon" Reggie Combs versus Reginald Wilhelm


Opening Match

Ten Woman Tag Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Black Diamond, Tzilla Frankie Carmello & The Daughters of Lucha Libre versus Akari Kawashima, Valerie Flores, Ruby Bloodstone, Sophie Steele, and Vera Bull


Plus: Hear from Mark Hyatt, The Dynamite Express, Funky Fedora, and Wild Red Stallion

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Main Event

Six Man Tag

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

The Casey Family Butchery versus Deverell's Army w/ Haley Buck


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The Samoan Superman" Joey Fili versus Rob Reynolds


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"Mississippi Muscle" Adam MacDonald versus Roy Goodlooks


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The Indiana Dragon" Reggie Combs versus Reginald Wilhelm


Opening Match

Ten Woman Tag Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Black Diamond, Tzilla Frankie Carmello & The Daughters of Lucha Libre versus Akari Kawashima, Valerie Flores, Ruby Bloodstone, Sophie Steele, and Vera Bull

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Trying not to copy KyTeran here, but Teran's picks are exactly what I pick. Though I am a little iffy on the main event.


Main Event

Six Man Tag

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

The Casey Family Butchery versus Deverell's Army w/ Haley Buck


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The Samoan Superman" Joey Fili versus Rob Reynolds


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"Mississippi Muscle" Adam MacDonald versus Roy Goodlooks


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The Indiana Dragon" Reggie Combs versus Reginald Wilhelm


Opening Match

Ten Woman Tag Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Black Diamond, Tzilla Frankie Carmello & The Daughters of Lucha Libre versus Akari Kawashima, Valerie Flores, Ruby Bloodstone, Sophie Steele, and Vera Bull

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Main Event

Six Man Tag

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

The Casey Family Butchery versus Deverell's Army w/ Haley Buck


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The Samoan Superman" Joey Fili versus Rob Reynolds


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"Mississippi Muscle" Adam MacDonald versus Roy Goodlooks


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The Indiana Dragon" Reggie Combs versus Reginald Wilhelm


Opening Match

Ten Woman Tag Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Black Diamond, Tzilla Frankie Carmello & The Daughters of Lucha Libre versus Akari Kawashima, Valerie Flores, Ruby Bloodstone, Sophie Steele, and Vera Bull

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Main Event

Six Man Tag

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

The Casey Family Butchery versus Deverell's Army w/ Haley Buck


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The Samoan Superman" Joey Fili versus Rob Reynolds


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"Mississippi Muscle" Adam MacDonald versus Roy Goodlooks


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The Indiana Dragon" Reggie Combs versus Reginald Wilhelm


Opening Match

Ten Woman Tag Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Black Diamond, Tzilla Frankie Carmello & The Daughters of Lucha Libre versus Akari Kawashima, Valerie Flores, Ruby Bloodstone, Sophie Steele, and Vera Bull

Plus: Hear from Mark Hyatt, The Dynamite Express, Funky Fedora, and Wild Red Stallion

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Main Event

Six Man Tag

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

The Casey Family Butchery versus Deverell's Army w/ Haley Buck


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The Samoan Superman" Joey Fili versus Rob Reynolds


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"Mississippi Muscle" Adam MacDonald versus Roy Goodlooks


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The Indiana Dragon" Reggie Combs versus Reginald Wilhelm


Opening Match

Ten Woman Tag Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Black Diamond, Tzilla Frankie Carmello & The Daughters of Lucha Libre versus Akari Kawashima, Valerie Flores, Ruby Bloodstone, Sophie Steele, and Vera Bull

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<p>Main Event</p><p>

Six Man Tag</p><p>

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit</p><p>

The Casey Family Butchery versus <strong>Deverell's Army</strong> w/ Haley Buck</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

"The Samoan Superman" <strong>Joey Fili</strong> versus Rob Reynolds</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

"Mississippi Muscle" Adam MacDonald versus <strong>Roy Goodlooks</strong></p><p>

- just to be different:p</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

"The Indiana Dragon" <strong>Reggie Combs</strong> versus Reginald Wilhelm</p><p> </p><p>

Opening Match</p><p>

Ten Woman Tag Match</p><p>

Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

<strong>Black Diamond, Tzilla Frankie Carmello & The Daughters of Lucha Libre</strong> versus Akari Kawashima, Valerie Flores, Ruby Bloodstone, Sophie Steele, and Vera Bull</p><p> </p><p>

Plus: Hear from Mark Hyatt, The Dynamite Express, Funky Fedora, and Wild Red Stallion</p>

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The Casey Family Butchery versus Deverell's Army w/ Haley Buck


"The Samoan Superman" Joey Fili versus Rob Reynolds


"Mississippi Muscle" Adam MacDonald versus Roy Goodlooks


"The Indiana Dragon" Reggie Combs versus Reginald Wilhelm


Black Diamond, Tzilla Frankie Carmello & The Daughters of Lucha Libre versus Akari Kawashima, Valerie Flores, Ruby Bloodstone, Sophie Steele, and Vera Bull

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Episode #11 Predictions


Main Event

Six Man Tag

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

The Casey Family Butchery versus Deverell's Army w/ Haley Buck

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The Samoan Superman" Joey Fili versus Rob Reynolds


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"Mississippi Muscle" Adam MacDonald versus Roy Goodlooks


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

"The Indiana Dragon" Reggie Combs versus Reginald Wilhelm


Opening Match

Ten Woman Tag Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Black Diamond, Tzilla Frankie Carmello & The Daughters of Lucha Libre versus Akari Kawashima, Valerie Flores, Ruby Bloodstone, Sophie Steele, and Vera Bull

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Wrestling Spotlight Ep #11


<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #737373; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">



Episode #11, Friday W3 Nov. 2024

Center Stage @ Studio 65, Indianapolis, Indiana [Great Lakes, USA]

112 Fans

Broadcast On: WrestleWorld

Rating/Viewership: 17,975


Pre Show Results


Main Show


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/BwU7ai1Us0Y" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>




Earnest, “Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another exciting, thrillpacked episode of Wreslting Spotlight here on WrestleWorld. In our main event tonight, Deverell’s Army takes on The Casey Family Butchery. Joey Fili, the Samoan Superman is in action against Rob Reynolds and we have a big ten woman tag team match and so much more. Joining me in calling the action, my broadcast colleague Grace Harper.”


Harper, ”Thanks Marv. What a great night we’re going to have. Wrestling Spotlight continues to provide the best action anywhere on the planet and I can’t wait to see what is in store tonight!”






The show opened with Taylor Gordy and Mark Hyatt at the interview booth where once again Mark Hyatt talked about the conspiracy to remove him from HPW and end his wrestling career but that the conspiracy was unsuccessful and very soon, Mark Hyatt will be bringing in his new contracted wrestler who will change the landscape of HPW forever.


Angle Rating





Opening Match

Ten Woman Tag Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit




Black Diamond, Tzilla, Frankie Carmello & The Daughters of Lucha Libre versus Akari Kawashima, Valerie Flores, Ruby Bloodstone, Sophie Steele, and Vera Bull


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Frankie Carmello, Esperanza Montero, La Hija de Phoenix, Tzilla and Black Diamond defeated Akari Kawashima, Valerie Flores, Ruby Bloodstone, Sophie Steele and Vera Bull in 8:04 when Frankie Carmello pinned Valerie Flores with a Triple Jump Moonsault.


Match Rating







After the opening tag match, we went back to Taylor Gordy. This time he was with the HPW Tag Team Champions, The Dynamite Express. Next Saturday, the Dynamite Express will take on the Texas Express for the Tag Titles. The Dynamite Express is incredibly confident that they will leave Thanksgiving Turmoil as the Tag Team Champions -- because they truly believe they’re the best tag team in the world and that The Texas Express isn’t going to be able to topple them.


Angle Rating





Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


"The Indiana Dragon" Reggie Combs versus Reginald Wilhelm


In a bout that didn't have much heat and embarrassing wrestling, Reggie Combs defeated Reginald Wilhelm in 2:39 by submission with a Chrono Choke.


Match Rating







Taylor Gordy was joined by the Mid American Champion Funky Fedora and the Executive Consultant Lucinda Lush. The two hyped up the match with Nicky Champion that will be happening at Thanksgiving Turmoil. Funky is ready for the opportunity to prove, once again, that he is an elite wrestler by proving that he is better than Nicky Champion and deserves to be at the top of everyone’s “Best Wrestler” list.


Angle Rating





Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


"Mississippi Muscle" Adam MacDonald versus Roy Goodlooks


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Roy Goodlooks defeated Adam MacDonald in 4:01 by pinfall with a Southern Justice.


Match Rating







Taylor Gordy and Wild Red Stallion met to hype up the Indiana Heavyweight Championship match at Thanksgiving Turmoil where Wild Red Stallion will defend against “Showtime” Jack Jackson. Stallion was very respectful, but very confident that he was going to leave as champion.


Angle Rating





Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


"The Samoan Superman" Joey Fili versus Rob Reynolds


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Joey Fili defeated Rob Reynolds in 7:56 by pinfall with a Spinning Back Fist.


Match Rating





Main Event

Six Man Tag

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit




The Casey Family Butchery versus Deverell's Army w/ Haley Buck


The main event was very competitive and the Casey Family Butchery was really able to showcase some good skills and team work, but the match was built around reestablishing Zippy Deverell as a major player. After losing his feud with Nicky, Zippy needed a big win and this main event match was where he was able to get one. He hit Robert Casey with the Spinning Bulldog for the win in a match that made both trios look good.


In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Deverell's Army (Zippy Deverell, Kalder Tagg and Wolfie Tagg) defeated The Casey Family Butchery (Robert Casey, Chuck Casey and Tully Casey) in 11:45 when Zippy Deverell pinned Robert Casey with a Spinning Bulldog.


Match Rating





Overall Show Rating





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<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #737373; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">



Episode #12, Friday W4 Nov. 2024

Center Stage @ Studio 65, Indianapolis, Indiana [Great Lakes, USA]

112 Fans

Broadcast On: WrestleWorld

Rating/Viewership: 15,664


Pre Show Results


Main Show


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/BwU7ai1Us0Y" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>




Earnest, “Hello and welcome to another exciting thrillpacked episode of Wrestling Spotlight here on WrestleWorld. Tomororw night, we present Thanksgiving Turmoil live on WrestleWorld but tonight -- tonight we have a big show in store. In our main event, Jimmy Chipolata and Happy Elwood take on a brand new tag team here in HPW -- The Assassins. Plus, Black Diamond is in action and so is Danny Draper. Joining me in calling all the action is my colleague Grace Harper.”


Harper, ”I’m excited to be here, Marv. We’re a night away from our first big show since August and I can’t wait.”






Taylor Gordy was joined by “Showtime” Jack Jackson who hyped up his match tomorrow night with Wild Red Stallion. He’s planning on taking the Indiana Championship and elevating it to a whole new level.


Match Rating





Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


Gary Greer versus Reginald Wilhelm


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Gary Greer defeated Reginald Wilhelm in 1:36 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press.


Match Rating







Taylor Gordy was standing with Deverell’s Army. The three men and Haley Buck cut a scathing promo about how they’ve been distracted from their ultimate goal and it’s time to get back to it -- championships. Specifically, the World Six Man Championships. They want to be World Champions and they’ll run through whoever they have to run through to get there.


Angle Rating





Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


“Ms. Texas.” Lacey Montgomery versus Black Diamond


In a decent match, Black Diamond defeated Lacey Montgomery in 6:09 by pinfall with a Belly To Belly Suplex.


Match Rating







Taylor Gordy was joined with Black Diamodn right after her victory over Lacey Montgomery. Diamond hyped up the strength of the women’s division in HPW and that she and Yvonne are looking forward to defend the Women’s Tag Titles soon.


Angle Rating





Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit


“Mr. Ordinary” Keith Vegas versus “Dapper” Danny Draper w/ Lucinda Lush


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Dapper Danny Draper defeated Keith Vegas in 7:43 by pinfall with a D-Struction.


Match Rating







Taylor Gordy was joined with Mr. Grappling and Sandman Winks who spent the promo hyping up that tomorrow night, at Thanksgiving Turmoil, live on WrestleWorld, they were going to take The Ring Generals to task and take the World Tag Team Titles from them. They knew it was going to be a hard fought battle but they are confident that they are going to leave as World Tag Team Champions.


Angle Rating





Tag Team Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit




Roughhouse Riders versus Madelon David & Rousset Barry


In a bout that didn't have much heat and embarrassing wrestling, Roughhouse Riders defeated Madelon David and Rousset Barry in 4:52 when Victor Crash pinned Madelon David.


Match Rating







Taylor Gordy was joined by the legendary Sean McFly! The 112 people in attendance exploding with cheers at seeing the former two time SWF World Champion, six-time NOTBPW Canadian Champion, and CWA World Champion. The 50 year old talked to Taylor Gordy about how in August of 2023, he broke his neck and thought his career was going to be over -- but the doctors have given him the all clear to compete again and he refusing to let his career end with a broken neck. He may be 50 years old with thirty two years in the sport, but he feels great and he feels like he’s got some miles left on his engine and he’s come to HPW to prove that he still has it.


Angle Rating





Main Event

Tag Team Match

Twenty Minute Time Limit




Jimmy Chipolata & Happy Elwood versus The Assassins


The tag team of Jimmy Chipolata and Happy Elwood had a match up against the new team of the Assassins. The Assassins wrestle in matching gold and black everything -- they are clearly inspired by the old SCCW tag team of The Assassins (that was Ernie Turner and Coyote Dynamite, in look and dispoistion. They also shocked everyone when they got the win by pulling off the old masked heel partner-switch when referee Bret Graveson was distracted and Assassin #1 locked in the Galactic Toe Hold (which is a Spinning Toe Hold) on Chipolata and forced a submission.


In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, The Assassins defeated Jimmy Chipolata and Happy Elwood in 10:17 when Assassin #1 submitted Jimmy Chipolata with a Galactic Toe Hold after blatantly cheating.


Match Rating





Overall Show Rating





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Heartland Pro Wrestling returns to the Fountain Square Theatre for the fifth installment of the Thanksgiving Turmoil series. It's the first time HPW has been in the Fountain Square Theatre since Railroad City Rumble. The eight-match card features two traditional Turmoil matches and five big titles matches. If you can't be in the Fountain Square Theatre, make sure you tune in to WrestleWorld to catch the show.





Main Event

Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

COTT Mid American Championship

"Hawkeye" Nicky Champion versus Funky Fedora © w/ Lucinda Lush


Tag Team Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

COTT World Tag Team Championship

Mr. Grappling & Sandman Winks versus The Ring Generals © w/ Lucinda Lush


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

Title Unification Match

HPW All Action and HPW Women's Championship

"The Pharaoh" Talia Neema versus "Red" Yvonne Ericks


Tag Team Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

HPW Tag Team Championship

The Texas Express versus The Dynamite Express ©


Singles Match

Sixty Minute Time Limit

Indiana Heavyweight Championship

"Showtime" Jack Jackson versus Wild Red Stallion ©


Tag Team Match

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Nate DeMarcus & Warwick Good versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson


Turmoil Match

Eight Man Elimination Tag

Thirty Minute Time Limit

The Montgomery Family versus Deverell's Army & Roy Goodlooks


Opening Match

Turmoil Match

Eight-Woman Elimination Tag

Thirty Minute Time Limit

Black Diamond, Frankie Carmello, & The Daughters of Lucha Libre versus Ruby Bloodstone, Akari Kawashima, SUPREME Yoshida, & Sophie Steele

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"Hawkeye" Nicky Champion versus Funky Fedora © w/ Lucinda Lush


COTT World Tag Team Championship

Mr. Grappling & Sandman Winks versus The Ring Generals © w/ Lucinda Lush


HPW All Action and HPW Women's Championship

"The Pharaoh" Talia Neema versus "Red" Yvonne Ericks


HPW Tag Team Championship

The Texas Express versus The Dynamite Express ©


Indiana Heavyweight Championship

"Showtime" Jack Jackson versus Wild Red Stallion ©


Nate DeMarcus & Warwick Good versus Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson


The Montgomery Family versus Deverell's Army & Roy Goodlooks


Black Diamond, Frankie Carmello, & The Daughters of Lucha Libre versus Ruby Bloodstone, Akari Kawashima, SUPREME Yoshida, & Sophie Steele

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