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Episode #94 Predictions


Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

The Hangman versus James Diaz w/ Andrew Gibson


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

El Patron Jr. versus Curtis Jenkins


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Georgia DeColt versus Guadalupe Saez


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Mr. Grappling II versus Wentz Chrystler w/ Lucinda Lush


Plus: Hear from the stars of Heartland Pro Wrestling

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Episode #94 Predictions


Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

The Hangman versus James Diaz w/ Andrew Gibson

Major matchup here between these two.


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

El Patron Jr. versus Curtis Jenkins


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Georgia DeColt versus Guadalupe Saez

The name DeColt means a lot!


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Mr. Grappling II versus Wentz Chrystler w/ Lucinda Lush

Well the first Mr Grappling was a major success, will this one be the same? And who is under that hood?

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<p>Main Event</p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit</p><p>

<strong>The Hangman</strong> versus James Diaz w/ Andrew Gibson</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

<strong>El Patron Jr.</strong> versus Curtis Jenkins</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

<strong>Georgia DeColt</strong> versus Guadalupe Saez</p><p> </p><p>

Opening Match</p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

Mr. Grappling II versus <strong>Wentz Chrystler</strong> w/ Lucinda Lush</p>

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<p>Episode #94 Predictions</p><p> </p><p>

Main Event</p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit</p><p>

<strong>The Hangman</strong> versus James Diaz w/ Andrew Gibson</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

<strong>El Patron Jr.</strong> versus Curtis Jenkins</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

<strong>Georgia DeColt</strong> versus Guadalupe Saez</p><p> </p><p>

Opening Match</p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Fifteen Minute Time Limit</p><p>

<strong>Mr. Grappling II</strong> versus Wentz Chrystler w/ Lucinda Lush</p>

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Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

The Hangman versus James Diaz w/ Andrew Gibson


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

El Patron Jr. versus Curtis Jenkins


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Georgia DeColt versus Guadalupe Saez


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Mr. Grappling II versus Wentz Chrystler w/ Lucinda Lush

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Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

The Hangman versus James Diaz w/ Andrew Gibson


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

El Patron Jr. versus Curtis Jenkins


Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Georgia DeColt versus Guadalupe Saez


Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Mr. Grappling II versus Wentz Chrystler w/ Lucinda Lush

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Wrestling Spotlight Ep #94


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Episode #94, Thursday W2 Aug 2026

Fountain Square Theatre, Indianapolis, Indiana [Great Lakes, USA]


Broadcast On: WrestleWorld



Pre Show Results


Main Show


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/BwU7ai1Us0Y" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>




Opening Match

Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Mr. Grappling II versus Wentz Chrystler w/ Lucinda Lush


In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Mr. Grappling II defeated Wentz Chrysler in 5:57 by pinfall with a Million Dollar Knee Lift.


Match Rating[






The Total Package Pepper Pelton comes walking out to the ring. He’s got a new satin jacket on that’s helping him look like even more of a star. Maybe it’s finally all clicking for the big man since his return to HPW. He’s met in the ring by Taylor Gordy and Gordy leads Pelton through a series of question about Tommy Cornell Jr. and their upcoming Heritage Championship match at Railroad City Rumble. Pelton said that he had nothing but the highest respect for Tommy Cornell Jr. He’s proven himself to be an incredible wrestler -- he’s held the Heritage Championship for thirteen months. He’s logged more defenses than anyone else. Pelton knows what he’s going to be up against at Railroad City Rumble, but Pelton is the total package. He’s got all of the tools and at Railroad City Rumble, he’s going to become Heritage Champion.


Angle Rating





Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

Georgia DeColt versus Guadalupe Saez


In a terrible match, Georgia DeColt defeated Guadalupe Saez in 4:57 by submission with an End Of Days.


Match Rating






We are treated to a hype package over the upcoming World Tag Team Title rematch between champions American Gold and former champions The Dynamite Express. We see highlights from them wrestling each other and them winning against other teams. The package is well done, clearly trying to hype both teams as being the pinnacle of tag team wrestling.


Angle Rating





Singles Match

Fifteen Minute Time Limit

El Patron Jr. versus Curtis Jenkins


In an extremely short match, El Patron Jr. defeated Curtis Jenkins in 4:33 by pinfall with a Top Rope Knee Drop.


Match Rating






The number one contender to the HPW United States Championship, Jack Jackson came walking to the ring with Lucinda Lush. Ring announcer and interviewer, Taylor Gordy, was already in the ring. Gordy asked Jackson how he was feeling being two weeks away from challenging Zippy Deverell for the United States Championship.


Jackson and Lush were incredibly arrogant in discussing the match. Jackson has never felt better, never been in better shape and what is some backwoods hillbilly like Zippy Deverell going to do with him? Jack is showtime, he’s a professional athlete, not some son of a coal miner who has gotten lucky. At Railroad City Rumble, Jack Jackson is going to show Zippy the difference between being a professional and being whatever Zippy is classified as. Zippy’s got two weeks left, and then Jack Jackson is going to be the United States Champion.


Angle Rating





Main Event

Singles Match

Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit

The Hangman versus James Diaz w/ Andrew Gibson


In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, The Hangman defeated James Diaz in 13:03 by pinfall with a Choke Slam.


Match Rating






The Hangman stood in the ring after successfully defeating James Diaz in what was a very competitive match-up. Before The Hangman can make his exit, The Alpha Male Douglas Paine hit the ring. Paine immediately went for the Pounce but The Hangman sidestepped it. The two big behemoths went blow for blow. Paine started getting the advantage -- after all, The Hangman did just wrestle a very physical match. The Hangman was backed up to the ropes. Paine hit the opposite ropes and came flying across the ring. The big man left his feet for a crossbody that sent both men over the top rope and crashing to the hard wooden floors.


As soon as they hit the floor, HPW security hit the ringside area to pull the two bulls apart and keep them from getting any more violent. The show goes off the air with the two men tossing guards out of their way to get back to each other.


Angle Rating





Overal Show Ratingl





A/N: I'm sorry for the month-long delay in getting this up. It's been crazy busy in my world. I hope to be around more frequently now. Also, there are no pictures because for some reason my Imgur would not load.
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