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The C-Verse Re/Render Project: Episode IV: A New Hope

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Good point. The unmasked versions are going to come soon--I'm a little uptight about organization, so I think I'm going to start my own render thread.


These look amazing. The surface settings on the mask are ideal, and the textures look fitting and unique, so props to that choice, especially if you've made them yourself.


As for the liberties: the masked workers are the best ones for that. Essentially you can go all-out on the facial features as these are unknown anyway. In the end you just need to capture the essence: Estrella Bianca just needs that "white star", Queen Amazon needs that bully heelish look. Mystery Pink has a "class clown" personality, but you don't need to show that in the render as it's a backstage thing.


In the end, people will use your stuff for whatever feels right to them.


I'm more chaotic but starting your own thread is probably a good idea. Hopefully Jsilver can put the links in the OP before they get buried, and this thread can be more about 'new' stuff.

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King Bison - terrific work, several of these Canadian workers are currently in my database with makeshift renders intended for someone else or ones of far less quality. Wonderful addition


London - Wow, these women are fantastic. I have tons of self-made renders in my database and these will be perfect for some of them!


Thanks for all of your comments, everyone. I really really appreciate them and they keep me inspired!


TBH, I'm visiting my family in another country and don't have the computer which I play TEW on, so I'm going from memory on their quirks, stats, and personalities--buuut, I've played enough TEW that I think I remember most of it.


Here are two more luchadoras!






La Hija del Diablo


Like I said, I don't have her stats handy, but I've always envisioned her as a dark and seductive character.






Celeste Moon / Águila Azul Celeste


She picked up some freckles somewhere in the rendering process, but I think they suit her youthful attitude.

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Sisma - you are doing God's work my friend haha thank you very much!


boxofwhispers - wow! You're making it very hard to choose which render to use for certain workers lol. I try not to keep the good one's as alter ego's as I feel they are wasted so I use them as free pics then either bump the stats for someone who gets a good render (if needed) or swap the pictures if the worker isn't good enough for the picture


So yeah, you're making it hard to choose which stays on the character and which gets put into the freepics potluck draw lol

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Something a bit different from me today, a number of the UEW roster. Some really excellent renders recently from everyone, great stuff.


Congratulations!! That's actually an incredible amount of work!


And thank you for doing it too!


Thank you, very kind and you are most welcome


Ali Bloxsome



Cub Balowicz



Irwin Gutmann



Don Henderson



Gary Garrett



German Machine



Garion LaChance



Kalu Owusu



Joey Beauchamp



Clubber Kohl (this was a redo of one I had done before but the lighting is slightly different to my current set up which is why it looks more in shadow)



Jase Cole



Gordon Leve



Armand Hardwicke



Aleksander Knyazev



Juan Mendoza



Check out my google drive link found on this thread page 1 for cverse blue versions here

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boxofwhispers - wow! You're making it very hard to choose which render to use for certain workers lol. I try not to keep the good one's as alter ego's as I feel they are wasted so I use them as free pics then either bump the stats for someone who gets a good render (if needed) or swap the pictures if the worker isn't good enough for the picture


So yeah, you're making it hard to choose which stays on the character and which gets put into the freepics potluck draw lol


Thanks for the kind words, Lavelle. Coming in hot with one more luchadora today.





Velvet Suarez

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Nice work! Kind of has a DC Comics Huntress look to her.


Yes, a lot of them give me super heroine vibes. Personally, I think these masks allow for a lot more expression than a fully covering Luchadors mask.


You're doing great work. Keep it up!


Thanks so much for your compliments everyone, they really makes me want to do more!


Finally, the luchadora you've all been waiting for--or at least the one I would've been waiting for. She's the worker who played a big part in me starting to make renders because I use her quite heavily in my TEW saves and really wanted to represent her well.


I've been waiting for a while for this hair to go on sale in the Day 3D store, only to download it and find that it was a special kind of hair that's specifically designed for movement animations (which are far beyond my skillset). However, after a few tutorials, I got it to work and to stop looking like she'd been electrocuted (how appropriate with her name). I think because of this, the big picture has some little fuzz spots in it that come from her hair, but you can't see them at all when it's placed on the blue background, so I'm fine with it. Her mask was also a pain to work with, but I finally got it to a place where I'm happy with it. Like normal, feedback appreciated (here or in my inbox). Enjoy!





Electric Dreamer

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Electric Dreamer[/center]


Nice. With Adam's new comic game coming up, I hope you also make a couple of superheros/villains for that. Feel like smw88 would like that too, as some of his earlier renders would fit amazingly in a universe like that (though there is Hollyweird in TEW too :p).

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