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How do you mean not book a show? What's the issue? Is the game crashing/producing error messages when you switch to the PM section of the day, or during the booking process, or something else entirely?


I've been playing around on a converted TEW 2016 database, and have booked one show and auto-booked another so far.


I've tried 2 different databases and once it gets to the day where I'm supposed to book a show, it just freezes and stayed on the "completing tonight's shows" for at least 10-15 minutes. It's happened on both my desktop and laptop.

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Where are you expecting the images to appear?


Are they assigned to workers? Are you trying to manually assign them to workers in the game or in the editor? The naming convention doesn't matter outside of the file type. There is a (ridiculously high) maximum limit on picture folders but you'd have had that problem in TEW2016 as well as it's a Windows issue I believe.


I'm just trying to get them to appear in game. I've been passing days just to watch the world evolve and under match results sometimes worker pics show up and sometimes they don't.


I'm trying to rename my pics accordingly but sometimes it doesn't seem to work. Naming a pic "Adam Cole" has his it pop up for his profile in-game, but I just tried the same with "Matt Riddle" and his doesn't seem to come up (they're in the same match).


Edit: I'm an idiot. Riddle's pic was in the wrong folder.


Thanks for asking, though :)

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As I continue to play around with the game I don't actually mind the UI. It is vastly different from '16 but it doesn't really bother me that much, after some time playing with it. My only complaint is that I can't see the worker's profile when I am booking an angle. It seems I have to go to the roster screen and then view the worker.


Yes, I agree with this. It would be great if you could View Profile on the Angle screen, especially when using Freestyle Angle.


100% agree, the more I move around and get familiar with everything, I actually don't mind the UI changes at all. But, it would be really nice to be able to click on a workers profile from the angle screen in pre-booking like you could in 16 to determine what to base the angle on and whether or not to script a promo without the need to bring up the roster screen.


Other than that I am really impressed with the new additions and the multitude of options. Especially when talking to workers, well done on this feature!

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I'm just trying to get them to appear in game. I've been passing days just to watch the world evolve and under match results sometimes worker pics show up and sometimes they don't.


I'm trying to rename my pics accordingly but sometimes it doesn't seem to work. Naming a pic "Adam Cole" has his it pop up for his profile in-game, but I just tried the same with "Matt Riddle" and his doesn't seem to come up (they're in the same match).


It'll be the way that the mod has been set up. The game allows any image to be associated with a worker so the modmaker could have set it to Matt Riddle_2 (or absolutely anything else). If you can't or don't want to use the mod pic pack, then you can click on the header of that worker on the Roster screen (the yellow text) and it'll open a new window. If you hover your mouse over the image thumbnail the tooltip will tell you what filename the game is looking for.


EDIT: Just seen your edit. The above might still come in handy at some point though!

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I'm unsure if this has happened to anyone else, but whenever I try and turn somebody the game has been crashing


Post it in the Tech Support forum. You'll need to let Adam know exactly when the crash occurs though (i.e. is it on the roster screen, during the match/angle during the event etc.). Also note down the RTE and the exact error message you're receiving and include that in your post.

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One thing that's annoying the hell out of me is that I can't scroll with the arrow keys anymore. Really don't like having to click on every single name


Yes, this. So much this. Also, the side bars when you click on them don’t go down a full page, just one entry, makes scrolling very hard.


Navigation in general is a bit tough, you used to be able to type letters and it would easily scroll to the worker’s name, now you seem to have to use the search bar at the top.


These are just my first impressions in the hour since I’ve downloaded it, Looks good though otherwise, looking forward to sinking my teeth right into this!


EDIT: Ok, just saw Adam’s post saying you can change this in options. Should’ve read the whole thread before blindly commenting. Will check it out once I get back to the game.

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It'll be the way that the mod has been set up. The game allows any image to be associated with a worker so the modmaker could have set it to Matt Riddle_2 (or absolutely anything else). If you can't or don't want to use the mod pic pack, then you can click on the header of that worker on the Roster screen (the yellow text) and it'll open a new window. If you hover your mouse over the image thumbnail the tooltip will tell you what filename the game is looking for.


EDIT: Just seen your edit. The above might still come in handy at some point though!


Thank you for this :) I'll keep that in mind. Enjoy the game!

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Firstly- Adam and team, thank you for all of the hard work put into this, I'm really digging a lot of the new metagame and attention to detail.


Some suggestions:

Would you consider moving the left side menu back to the top? Or an alternate setup? I like the new icons, but it feels unnatural for me thus far. Maybe I'm just not used to it yet.


I also miss being able to close screens from the bottom buttons, it seems the only way is to hit the X up top currently. Having the button option would be awesome.


So far, I'm really enjoying catching up on the stories of some of my favorites. Aldous Blackfriar's massive IPW push (and his clone arch enemy) has me hyped!

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So had a little play around with this one now and a couple of things for me,


Firstly, I love the general set up of it all and I've seen it mentioned already but I think once a few different skins come along from the community it'll be even better.


I love the new coloured text, especially when you can see who's injured and champions within the promotion, however I don't like the face I cant use the keys to quickly swap between workers, I know you can turn that option off but you then lose the colours, perhaps this is something that can be addressed to get the best of both worlds (This is something I've seen a lot of in this thread)


Other thing I've noticed especially with my converted RW data is moving guys from the parent to child company, in 2016 you had a nice list of options on what you wanted them to do, now you only get the choice to move them.

EG- If I wanted to move Mark Henry down to NXT to work as a trainer, the only option I see is move to development, he then complains the company is too small for him (This is based on me quickly playing with it, there might be another option somewhere but I haven't found it.)


I'm still playing with this but these are my first thoughts.

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I really want to like it but I just don't. I'm not a fan of the new UI at all, it seems like just about every page in the game has been made overly complicated when it didn't need to be.


Someone else said it earlier in the thread but it seems to me like the extra space gained by the new resolution has just been used to jam in way more information than is pleasing to the eye.


Hoping I learn to like it in time.


Also, unrelated question - how do I change pictures for my wrestlers?

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The grouping of stats is grating on me badly. Why are basics and psychology no longer grouped together underperformance.


Also, if someone is a referee, why show me all their irrelevant stats, but hide their ability to referee an entire scrollbar away?



Finally, the inability to now search for "(Good) In Ring Worker" or "(Great) Technical Wrestler" is a hugely disappointing thing to have removed.

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So had a little play around with this one now and a couple of things for me,


Firstly, I love the general set up of it all and I've seen it mentioned already but I think once a few different skins come along from the community it'll be even better.


I love the new coloured text, especially when you can see who's injured and champions within the promotion, however I don't like the face I cant use the keys to quickly swap between workers, I know you can turn that option off but you then lose the colours, perhaps this is something that can be addressed to get the best of both worlds (This is something I've seen a lot of in this thread)


Other thing I've noticed especially with my converted RW data is moving guys from the parent to child company, in 2016 you had a nice list of options on what you wanted them to do, now you only get the choice to move them.

EG- If I wanted to move Mark Henry down to NXT to work as a trainer, the only option I see is move to development, he then complains the company is too small for him (This is based on me quickly playing with it, there might be another option somewhere but I haven't found it.)


I'm still playing with this but these are my first thoughts.


So adding to this one, a couple of other bits I've noticed or would like to add which I think would look nice.


The first is completely cosmetic and actually wanted in the last game as well, I noticed when title changes happen (and now stable adjustments) for all other companies it appears in the global news page, but whenever the same thing happens within my company it doesn't appear on the news page and i'd love for it to be there, again cosmetic but for me would add a nice element to the game.


The other comes under the match booking, when I look at the results there is a yellow colour to tell the angles and matches apart and I love that, however when booking the event all the text is white, having the same colour variant when booking would be really helpful and easier to work out how to layout my show

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I love the talk to Worker feature so much, man! This is a great addition, tbf


I like it, until I have to speak to EVERY worker I want to hire to get them to work in the British Isles. They always accept, of course. THEN I negotiate.


That is super tedious and bad UX.

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