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<p>Is Kyle Rhodes still cheap when it comes to signing and re-signing talent?</p><p> </p><p>

I understand in TEW2016 why he would be but in TEW2020 TCW has money to somewhat compete.</p><p> </p><p>

I was going to start a game with TCW but I didn't want to be hampered by Kyle Rhodes' finance attribute.</p>

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<p>Total's in a fascinating position. To start with, it will be tricky. They have so few guys who are really over, but quite a few not far off that there's no reason that by Mayhem you can't have a credible main event of Wolf, Ace, Bach, Huggins, Mo, Taylor and Chord, with Edd Stone and Greg Gauge just behind them. </p><p> </p><p>

The tag division, which was always a strength of TCDub is a disaster at the moment. The Behemoths are a credible hoss team and the Elite and Divine Fortune are good but aging, but more are needed. Mighty Meaty need to be broken up immediately as Mo needs to be god pushed from the off, but I love One Man Army and Human Arsenal as a team to replace them. Call them something like "The Dogs Of War" and feud with The Behemoths, which should do wonders for moving Shark up the card. Benny and The Foxx is a decent team (though do I really hate that name) and sign The Ring Generals to round out the division would help also.</p><p> </p><p>

Beyond that, it's business as usual for TCW. Sign great young talent and build them up. The developmental deal will help massively with that.</p><p> </p><p>

Not a bad start, all things considered.</p>

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It's definitely a different feel to the TCW we're used to, but it's also the most excited I've been about the company since they acquired the best of DAVE's roster.


The new attribute system makes the roster a bit more nuanced than it looks at a first glance—there may be fewer tag-teams than we're used to, but there's a host of tag-team specialists who'll be quick to pick up bonuses at low experience levels.


At the same time there's a whole bunch of the undercard guys who are way more interesting, whether it's because they're generous performers (Dean Daniels), creative dynamos who come up with new stuff at speed (Jimmy Foxx), or part of the company's social media posse. In the uppercard Sammy Bach's catching me by surprise by being the major mentor figure, actively looking for young guys to put over and suggesting opponents, and Jay Chord... actually seems pushable?


I'm also digging the constraints: MAW pushes back if you try to overload them with development talent, a fair chunk of the upper card should probably be clustered togehter as a "NJPW Dads" style stable so they can train the undercard, and the number of easy marquee matches is lower.


Basically, it's a company that's waiting for the player to really put their own spin on what TCW's going to become, rahter than feeling like the legacy of the Tommy Cornell era and it's insanely high level of workrate.


That said, I'm sitting here looking at changing a number of the names. One Man Army and Mighty Meat both seem a little too goofy for TCW, and I'm still struggling to wrap my head around Doc.

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I love TCW, I struggle to ever play as any company other than them. My biggest point of excitement was seeing the King of Kings Tournament and belt as part of the cannon now. While I certainly did not make the belt, I did make the original request for that title to be made in the Mods section years ago for my own personal game, as I love tournaments. I saved the belt and have used it for all of my TCW games, so imagine the shock I had when I saw it the Titles section!! I contributed to the game (even though the belt maker did all the work really and I really wish I remember who made the render to give them their credit)!!!
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While we won't ever get near the King of Kings tournament in the demo, how do you guys plan on booking it? The in-game tournament feature has both a knock-out bracket and a round robin tournaments, so both King of the Ring and G1 Climax are viable. Also, do you plan on honoring the part of the winner challenging for the title at Total Mayhem? Especially considering that the tournament and Mayhem are exactly 6 months apart
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Is Kyle Rhodes still cheap when it comes to signing and re-signing talent?


I understand in TEW2016 why he would be but in TEW2020 TCW has money to somewhat compete.


I was going to start a game with TCW but I didn't want to be hampered by Kyle Rhodes' finance attribute.


In my limited testing its gotta be better then 2016. I changed zimmy bumfholes contract down so I could attempt to sign him. I was able to get 75000 month wage and 50000 bonus before he pushed back. I believe swf was offering around 70000 and 35000 bonus. It said my offer would be one of the ones he would consider. Then I slapped on creative control to push out swfs offer and he ended up signing with me. In 2016 I would have had to change Kyle's booking personality settings to get anything close to matching SWF so I gotta say its better.

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In my personal games using the King of Kings Tournament, I have always used it as a one night King of the Ring style 8 man tournament with the winner actually getting a shot at the World Title at Total Mayhem. I would always hold the King of Kings shows 2 months prior to Total Mayhem to build to the showdown. 6 months is a difficult issue as that's a very long period to wait to have that match. I may move the KoK show to be closer to Total Mayhem or I may just have a title match at the next PPV.
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I'm pretty excited to dive into TCW, my favorite company by far. With the majority of the 2016 roster still there, I still favor TCW over the other two major US companies. I vastly prefer to build a roster around the likes of Andrews, Hawkins, Chord & Bach.


I'm excited to see what I can do with Mighty Mo in 2020. In 2016, he always seemed to eventually stall out on me stats-wise, and would just be a tag team wrestler/hired gun. I just always hoped for more.


I'm happy to see the Syndicate back, which I always bring back myself anyways. I do agree with others, though, the stable members are just okay at best. I think the group could use a better second-in-command than Scout. A young up and comer would fit better. Ya know, like Wolf was to Cornell in the original.


Four years later, and looks like I'll still do the first thing that I always do with TCW. Sign Davis Wayne Newton! Very shocked he's still available on the indies.

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My first card bombed. Think the rating was 65 or so. Got a nastygram from ACE. The second card was better, 72 overall, with Andrews/Bach v Hawkins/Chord on top rated 76. (Hawkins pinned Bach by cheating).


There's a learning curve with the new game, as well as the roster issues noted above, but TCW is still fun, with room to grow.


Right now, the game world economy is in the crapper. Low teens and falling. The wrestling industry is good--84, but falling. I'm struggling to draw 2000 fans. ?Is that the same for everybody, or just random?

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Yeah it's tough. 2000 fans, mostly low 70s on shows (I did get an 81 once). But yeah it's a different TCW, good top of the card and potential, but really old workers and a lack of midcard/tag division(really bad) make it a nice challenge. Had to sign a lot of people to start the rebirth
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Is it safe to say every TCW play through will probably open with signing Youngman, Wolfsbaine, and Diaz and going from there?


I actually didn’t look to any of those guys my first pick was Fro Sure followed by The Wild Cats.


I’ve been holding out a bit not trying to shake the indies considerably before I see how the new system works for a bit.


Attendances are dismal indeed though. I want to see how much we’ll get for the PPV but I’ve already changed house shows to cheap just to get more bodies in the door.

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I got a terrible chemistry roll for Hawkins and Chord, so that messed my plans up. I signed Ash Campbell and DWN to tag, my favorite team of Thomas Morgan and Kashmir Singh to tag, as well.


Troy Tornado needed some lackeys, so Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol came in to back his new band up. Joshua Taylor is the bodyguard.


Mo and Tana picked up the tag titles because Killer Shark has a short contract and I can't sign anyone under 60 selling, which is unfortunate.


One Man Army got hurt right before I could have him team up with Human Arsenal against Tornado's Tempest.


The Elite keep attacking Chance and Darryl every chance they get.


Greg Gauge is beating the midcard.


Troy Tornado and Joshua Taylor want to put T-Bone Bright over, and he's not terrible, so he'll jump in as backup for Human Arsenal.


AA beat Hawkins at the first PPV and I had Eddie Peak attack him so they can headline my second PPV. Eddie's contract is up at the 3 month mark, so we'll see if I keep playing this save after the BETA.

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My saves are likely going to be with PGHW, EILL (for the first time) and TCW for the first time also. I love a rebuild.

Got some strong workhorses and talent at the top of the card. Sure the middle is... meh. But some decent storylines and you'll get something out of them yet while they help build your next lot of talent. My go to signings on every save were Bulldozer Brandon and Roger Cage. Them not being available sucks but there's still a wealth of talent out there to bring in.

They're not in an ideal state but not terrible either. It's a good project to have. Will definitely encourage planning and foresight rather than just on the fly booking.

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So, Wolf Hawkins gor injured for 3 months in my save. Thinking of having Joshua Taylor join the Syndicate and feud with Aaron Andrews, which would ultimately culminate in him winning the title few matches later and then a feud between Taylor and Wolf when he returns and sees how Taylor has taken iver the stable and the title. Thoughts?
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So hyped to see T-Bone Bright and Nick Booth in TCW. They were two of my favorites and most pushed in my last local to global (I only made it to regional before 20 came out).


The Syndicate, like others have mentioned, looks pretty weak. That’s good for me though as I like to keep the title on whoever has it to start my games and it looks like prime opportunity to have Wolf lose to Ace and make changes to his faction.


I’ll probably use King Of Kings as a single elimination tourney where the winner gets a title match at Malice in Wonderland. The Total Mayhem challenger will probably be decided by the Total Champions League, a G1 type tournament idea that I stole from southside_hitmen. I’ll probably wait until 2021 to institute that though since the storylines seem to suggest we’re headed for Ace/Wolf at Total Mayhem. Plus, who else do I have that’s gonna main event my big show this year?


Not sure how I feel about the TV title. I try to stick with in-universe narratives so I won’t retire it, but I’ll almost definitely bring the International Championship back once I’ve built my upper card more. Then I’ll transition the TV title to a lower card belt and do something like the Lucky 7 in NWA.


Another priority for me will be building the tag division. I want the tag titles to be able to main event some PPVs for me eventually.


Anyway, those are my thoughts for now. Taking my time exploring the world and setting up the game before I progress too far. Waiting on the full release.

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<p>The Night Terrors are now an incredible tag team, I’m thinking of making them the head of the tag division long term. They’d be natural cronies in the Sinner Society to start off most likely.</p><p> </p><p>

I want to build The Succession with Chord/Gauge so Ash Campbell is a no brainer. The two Diaz family guys maybe down the line as well. I might even get Dreadnaught as muscle while he still works the indies for matches.</p>

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<p>Just dipping in and booking my first show, let's see how this goes!</p><p> </p><p>

Andrews promo 71.</p><p> </p><p>

Foxx over Chandler 58.</p><p> </p><p>

Bach/Andrews vs Wolf/Jay hype vid 72.</p><p> </p><p>

Edd over Speed 55.</p><p> </p><p>

Peak taunts Mo 62.</p><p> </p><p>

Gauge/Behemoths over Benson/Tana/Thomas 58.</p><p> </p><p>

OMA/Yuri/Doc Hammond over Bart/Devine Fortune 53.</p><p> </p><p>

Diamond over Hocking 57.</p><p> </p><p>

Nate over Daniels 41.</p><p> </p><p>

Wolf/Aaron pre-match argument 86.</p><p> </p><p>

Aaron/Sammy drew with Jay/Wolf via double count-out 77.</p><p> </p><p>

Overall rating 73.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Were high risk moves banned in 2016? As a test, I tried restarting and getting rid of "high risk moves are not allowed" from the product.</p><p> </p><p>

Andrews promo 72.</p><p> </p><p>

Foxx over Chandler 61.</p><p> </p><p>

Bach/Andrews vs Wolf/Jay hype vid 72.</p><p> </p><p>

Edd over Speed 63.</p><p> </p><p>

Peak taunts Mo 71. (exceptional improvising bonus helped a lot here)</p><p> </p><p>

Gauge/Behemoths over Benson/Tana/Thomas 61.</p><p> </p><p>

OMA/Yuri/Doc Hammond over Bart/Devine Fortune 58.</p><p> </p><p>

Diamond over Hocking 63.</p><p> </p><p>

Nate over Daniels 44.</p><p> </p><p>

Wolf/Aaron pre-match argument 88.</p><p> </p><p>

Aaron/Sammy drew with Jay/Wolf via double count-out 81.</p><p> </p><p>

Overall rating 77.</p>

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Ran my third show, with AA v Taylor on top, AA wins by DQ due to Hawkins interference, and I'm ready to book a triple threat match at Malice in Wonderland in a couple days. So Wolf Hawkins goes on hiatus. My first PPV now has no main event, the hot feud that was going to carry the company to Total Mayhem is over before it got started good, and I'm more screwed than a drunk sorority girl on bid night. Thinking about starting over, maybe trying another company.
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