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TEW 2020 on Mac Tutorial (including MacOS Catalina)

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Hey guys,


Following on from posts I have made in previous years, here is a tutorial for TEW20 on Mac OSX.


Now, versions prior to MacOS Catalina (High Sierra, Mavericks etc.) will probably still work with the old method (link)


If you're on Catalina you'll probably know that Apple has stopped support for 32-bit apps which has made the process quite a bit harder. But some smart people have released some cool projects, and after countless hours I finally managed to get TEW20 running on Mac.


The install process will take between 30-60 minutes depending on your system.


Important Notes

- Check your Mac Os version by clicking on the Apple Symbol > About This Mac. The newest version of Catalina (10.15.4) has an extra step that older version (10.15.3, 10.15.2 etc.) don't have.

- Please make a new wrapper for TEW 2020 and don't share it with another GDS game. This may corrupt some files and won't work.


Before you start download the TEW Trial exe from GDS.



- Diable SIP

The patches to Wineskin to allow it to work on Catalina are community driven and as such are not "signed" by Apple - as this costs money. Apple doesn't allow unsigned code to run by default, so you need to disable SIP to allow it to run.

To do this:

0. Please know the exact version of Catalina you are using

1. Restart your Mac

2. When your Mac is booting hold CMD+R to enter recovery mode

3. Login to your main user

4. Click utilities in the title bar and click "Terminal". Type the following commands

csrutil disable

After you enter that a success message will show

Now IF you are on a version of Catalina that is 10.15.4 or later, there is an extra step here.

Type the following command into the terminal.

nvram boot-args="no32exec=0"

There will be no success message, if there's no error you are fine.


Download wineskin

The hardest part is now done, the rest is quite similar to previous methods.

Download the "Unofficial Wineskin Winery" from the link below. This is a community patched version that will work on Catalina.




The most recent stable version is V1.8.4 please download this.

You want to download the file named:



Unzip the app, and put it in /Users/<yourusername>/Applications (It is recommnded to put it here over the regular Applications folder)


Download Wine Engines

It is super important to download the right file here so double check carefully.


Open the Unofficial Wineskin Winery app.


You need to download a new engine. Click the "+" button next to the "New Engines Available" prompt.

Scroll right to the bottom. The engine you need to download is "WS11WineCX64Bit19.0.1". Double and triple check this. Download it.


Once that's installed, update your wrapper version using the button in the same app.

The current version is Wineskin- If you already have this, you're fine.


After both updates click "Create New Wrapper" and name it TEW 2020.


A prompt should show up to install something called Gecko. Accept that and install it. It is a required dependency. If no prompt came up, there are manual instructions at the bottom of this tutorial. DO THIS BEFORE CONTINUING.



Install dependencies

Go to /Users/<yourusername>/Applications/Wineskin in finder. Find the wrapper (TEW 2020) right click on it, and choose "Show Package Contents". In here there is an App called Wineskin - open that.


Click "Advanced", then go to "Tools" in the menu.

Click "Winetricks".


There are 4 things to install. Please do these in order. Search for them in the bar and click "Run".


- vb6run

- jet40

- native_oleaut32

- allfonts (put the kettle on, this takes 5-10 mins).



Install TEW 2020

Now the fun part. Close winetricks and click on "Install Software" at the bottom. Find your TEW2020_Trial.exe and select that.


The installer will show up. Install TEW as normal.


Once it's done you will be asked to choose the startup EXE. Make sure you choose TEW2020.exe and not UNWISE.exe.


You can now click "Test Run" in Wineskin to make sure it's working. The app should boot to the menu.


If you've gotten here congrats!! You're done.





- To run the app, just navigate to /Users/<username>/Application/Wineskin and double click the TEW2020 wrapper.

- To install mods, right click on the wrapper and choose "Show Package Contents". There is a folder called "drive_c" which mimmicks the Windows file system. Go to drive_c/Program Files (x86)/GDS/TEW2020 and install mods like usual


Manual Gecko Install

Only do this if you weren't prompted during creation of the wrapper.


Refer here: http://wineskin.urgesoftware.com/tiki-index.php?page=How+do+I+install+Gecko+in+the+Official+WineHQ+way


Basically download the latests Wine Gecko file from Sourceforge:



At the time of writing this is 2.40


The file to download is named: wine_gecko-2.40-x86_64.msi


Find your wrapper in finder (again /Users/<username>/Applications/Wineskin). Right Click, and show package contents.


Click into Contents > Frameworks and find "wswine.bundle".

Right click this file and go "Show package contents"


Click "share" / "wine". Make a folder named "gecko" (lowecase). Copy the .msi you donwloaded into here.


Now go back to the wrapper (/Users/<username>/Applications/Wineskin) and again Show Package Contents. Click on the wineskin app.


Click "Advanced" and choose "Tools" from the top. Click "refresh wrapper".


This will install gecko without prompting.


To check the installation was successful, go to "drive_c/windows/system32/gecko". If that folder exists your good to go.

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<p>There's no way with the new interface that I can play it on my Air. It'll just be too hard to see. <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

I have a windows laptop that I'll buy it for, but I don't transport that one the way I do my Mac.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="John Waylon" data-cite="John Waylon" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47683" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>There's no way with the new interface that I can play it on my Air. It'll just be too hard to see. <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> I have a windows laptop that I'll buy it for, but I don't transport that one the way I do my Mac.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's a shame, yeah I've always got my Mac with me so I much rather having TEW on this that my desktop</p>
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Wow, you are an absolute wizard!! It was a success, and I am now finally able to run TEW 2005. I just have one question. You said to make a new wrapper when TEW 2020 is purchased. Which step from this tutorial would I be repeating?


And thanks a bunch for posting this man. You are ace.

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Wow, you are an absolute wizard!! It was a success, and I am now finally able to run TEW 2005. I just have one question. You said to make a new wrapper when TEW 2020 is purchased. Which step from this tutorial would I be repeating?


And thanks a bunch for posting this man. You are ace.


No worries man!


You’d start from the “Download Wine Engines” step, however as you’ve already updated the engine and wrapper version, you can just open Unofficial Wineskin Winery” and “Create new blank Wrapper”

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I'm getting an error that says "There is no Windows Program configured to open this type of file"


Seemingly this is due to 32bit vs 64bit but I followed all your steps?


What are you doing for this error to show up? Like what exactly are you clicking on to open?


Regardless, find the wrapper in Finder, right click and click Show Package Contents. Open “Wineskin” and click advanced. Check the startup .exe is TEW2020. Once that’s sorted go back to the wrapper in Finder and double click it as if you’re opening any other Mac app.

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What are you doing for this error to show up? Like what exactly are you clicking on to open?


Regardless, find the wrapper in Finder, right click and click Show Package Contents. Open “Wineskin” and click advanced. Check the startup .exe is TEW2020. Once that’s sorted go back to the wrapper in Finder and double click it as if you’re opening any other Mac app.


I got it to work, somehow. But essentially, it was just trying to open the installer that got me the issue. Not really sure how I fixed it, but as of like 30 min ago, it works?

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Dark Cadence" data-cite="Dark Cadence" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47683" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I got it to work, somehow. But essentially, it was just trying to open the installer that got me the issue. Not really sure how I fixed it, but as of like 30 min ago, it works?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Awesome! I’m glad you got it working</p>
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I got it working on my old Wine install, just copying TEW 16's wrapper and posting the new game in there, but I couldn't move boxes and got stuck if I accidentally clicked a background box.


Anyway, tried the new install, followed your excellent and very helpful steps, but it's not working (think it's on my end), when I do a test I just get a box up saying Wine unexpectedly closed.


I was wondering if I need to update my Mac to a newer OS, but am also concerned if I do this my older version won't work either.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="daveportivo" data-cite="daveportivo" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47683" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I got it working on my old Wine install, just copying TEW 16's wrapper and posting the new game in there, but I couldn't move boxes and got stuck if I accidentally clicked a background box.<p> </p><p> Anyway, tried the new install, followed your excellent and very helpful steps, but it's not working (think it's on my end), when I do a test I just get a box up saying Wine unexpectedly closed.</p><p> </p><p> I was wondering if I need to update my Mac to a newer OS, but am also concerned if I do this my older version won't work either.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah these instructions are quite Catalina specific. If you’re on a previous version, try the 2016 tutorial again with the most up to date Engines and Wrappers.</p><p> </p><p> If you update to Catalina it will work but you’ll need to create a new Wrapper for TEW 2016 as well. You can copy your save data and databases across however.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="tydezno" data-cite="tydezno" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47683" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Works perfectly.. very easy to install and use.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Glad you got it working!</p>
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Disabling SIP is like cutting your brake fluid and then telling people to drive the car. Please don't do that.


It's incredibly dangerous and you leave your system open to malicious attacks.


You should have better luck with CrossOver or VM software like VMFusion with running 32 bit software from Windows.

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So I managed to get all the way to installing TEW. When I click Choose Setup Executable and navigate to TEW2020_Trial.exe, I get the error "No new executables found!" followed by some explanation about having installed in the wrong place, but the installer never opens. What am I doing wrong here?
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Disabling SIP is like cutting your brake fluid and then telling people to drive the car. Please don't do that.


It's incredibly dangerous and you leave your system open to malicious attacks.


You should have better luck with CrossOver or VM software like VMFusion with running 32 bit software from Windows.


I would disagree with that. SIP is a fairly useful layer of protection but Macs existed for decades without it and things were fine. I certainly wouldn’t liken it to brakes in a car!


However yes if you’re uncomfortable doing it by all means use another method. I personally don’t like virtualisation as I don’t want the overhead associated with running an entire OS for one app. Wine works faster and uses less resources and to me that’s more important. If you’d rather an extra layer of integrity that SIP offers then it’s totally understandable.

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So I managed to get all the way to installing TEW. When I click Choose Setup Executable and navigate to TEW2020_Trial.exe, I get the error "No new executables found!" followed by some explanation about having installed in the wrong place, but the installer never opens. What am I doing wrong here?


My guess is one of the dependencies wouldn’t have instilled properly. It might be good to create a blank new wrapper and install the dependencies again. The most likely candidate is wine-gecko, so keep an eye on that.

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I would disagree with that. SIP is a fairly useful layer of protection but Macs existed for decades without it and things were fine. I certainly wouldn’t liken it to brakes in a car!


However yes if you’re uncomfortable doing it by all means use another method. I personally don’t like virtualisation as I don’t want the overhead associated with running an entire OS for one app. Wine works faster and uses less resources and to me that’s more important. If you’d rather an extra layer of integrity that SIP offers then it’s totally understandable.


Thinking about this, if it's something one wants to keep on and they don't mind running an entire OS for one app, a portable Linux distro running on a persistent live USB should do the trick. Boot up from USB into the portable Linux distro, use it's package manager to download WINE onto the same USB as the distro, and then download the TEW2020 beta. It should run fine, provided one has a spare USB of large enough capacity.

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Thinking about this, if it's something one wants to keep on and they don't mind running an entire OS for one app, a portable Linux distro running on a persistent live USB should do the trick. Boot up from USB into the portable Linux distro, use it's package manager to download WINE onto the same USB as the distro, and then download the TEW2020 beta. It should run fine, provided one has a spare USB of large enough capacity.


This is a good point. I'm planning on editing the original post with some alternate options and the pros and cons of each methods so I'll add this as one.

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The paid parellels app seems to be working great with the trial as well on my imac.


I'm running on Parallels and cant see the right hand side or bottom screen buttons, making booking shows impossible - any tips on how to resolve?


Tried changing resolutions but it didn't help.

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