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willr0ck's 2020 Graphics Thread

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I get them mainly from google searches. I use paint.net mainly. If there is enough interest I may do a tutorial on how I make my belts.


I use Photoshop, but I would love a tutorial on the way your belts are made. There used to be a belt making tutorial by the OG Payne, but it is very dated and hard to find.


Also, I prefer your style these days anyway

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Seriously Will I'm running out of words to use now - another incredible design. Thank you.


Glad you like the tag belt! Womens belt is done as well and I'll post it in the next couple minutes.


I'd be interested for sure (Photoshop user here), particularly about how the blank belts (minus the plates) are made. :)


Okay, I'll see if I can put something together.


First I don't even know what to say anymore. Fantastic work as always.




I for one would love a tutorial if you are ever up for it.


Thanks and see above about the tutorial.


I use Photoshop, but I would love a tutorial on the way your belts are made. There used to be a belt making tutorial by the OG Payne, but it is very dated and hard to find.


Also, I prefer your style these days anyway


I'll be honest, photshop is too damn complicated to make simple belts imo, but I know a lot of people use it.


I would love a tutorial too :D


Roger that


Add my name to the tutorial list also!


Looks like I'm doing a tutorial soon.

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Glad you like them!




Thamks! I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the set.




Thank you so much, glad you are liking your requests so far.




I get them mainly from google searches. I use paint.net mainly. If there is enough interest I may do a tutorial on how I make my belts.


I'd love a belt tutorial as well

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If you're a promotion in the Midwest and you want to join an alliance that isn't COTT, well now you have a chance...


(Honestly, no one wants to join COTT. My tiny promotion can pack a bingo hall without those losers.)
















I will certainly be looking forward to my Anti-COTT, from The Heartlands, righting the wrongs of COTT territorial wrestling.


I "hate" COTT for being played as fools and milked by the big companies who use them as developmental and fight each other (though I actually like COTT).

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You saved the best for last on that one. That belt turned out gorgeous


Thank you!


I'd love a belt tutorial as well


Sure thing


Maybe I've missed it, but what do you use to make your belts? Gimp?


Paint.net, just as Jaysin said. I tried GIMP but I didn't like it honestly.


I will certainly be looking forward to my Anti-COTT, from The Heartlands, righting the wrongs of COTT territorial wrestling.


I "hate" COTT for being played as fools and milked by the big companies who use them as developmental and fight each other (though I actually like COTT).


Thank you, glad you like them. I am no fan of COTT honestly.

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Here is the last one for BOW...


BOW Womens Championship:








Will I can't thank you enough for this set - it has been such an experience seeing each and every incredible piece you've created. There are so many subtleties that you have infused into your work that are likely missed by many on the first glance, but really add a personalised touch. For example, the English lions on the World title, the Welsh dragons on the Tag titles and the petals beside the jewels on the Women's title for the flower of Scotland. Luckily for Ireland there's a choice of two midcard belts which I plan on getting done by you if I'm lucky enough to request again!

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Good to know! Is that also what you use for logos?


Yep, same thing for logos. I also use 1001fonts and dafreefonts as my main resources for fonts.


I dig this idea and I dig the designs, very nice work as always! Hopefully you'll do requests again.


Thanks, glad you like them! I'm sure I'll do some more requests soon.


Will I can't thank you enough for this set - it has been such an experience seeing each and every incredible piece you've created. There are so many subtleties that you have infused into your work that are likely missed by many on the first glance, but really add a personalised touch. For example, the English lions on the World title, the Welsh dragons on the Tag titles and the petals beside the jewels on the Women's title for the flower of Scotland. Luckily for Ireland there's a choice of two midcard belts which I plan on getting done by you if I'm lucky enough to request again!


Thank you and I'm glad you like the set. And don't worry, I'll be doing more requests I'm sure.


This is outrageously good. Love this design and logo. Can't wait to see the rest!


Thanks! First belt should be done tomorrow.


Just to join in, these have all been really really great and I can't wait to see what else you come up with. Thank you


Thank you!

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Here's the second one for TCW Japan...



TCW Japan International Champion:









I don't know why, but I really like the addition of the chains. Definitely unique. I'm curious to whether it would translate well to a belt in real life.


Also, if I could make a request. When you post your logos, could you the background you use a separate image as well for us to use in making event/TV logos? I can do a simple gradient and make it look decent enough, but some of your backgrounds have looked pretty cool (such as BOW and TCW-Japan) and I'd like to be able to have a sense of uniformity with the original logo. If you don't want to provide that, no worries, I just wanted to ask in case you were cool with it.

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For me it's the flags on both belts, they again are just this small addition that really enhances the overall design.


I must admit I think I've seen chains on a couple of custom titles somewhere on the forums before and thought no that's not for me, just not my taste personally - but these two belts have totally reversed that opinion, they look incredible.

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