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TEW 2020 Small Questions Thread

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Apologies if this has been asked before.


Is there any way to sign a worker to a contract which then automatically ends their contracts with other companies? I'm playing as WWE and signing some people that are working for lower companies, and whenever I sign them to exclusive written contracts they still work for the companies they worked for previously, as well as mine.


An example of this is Dragon Lee, who is working for me, NJPW, PWG, ROH and The Crash at the same time.

They still need to fullfill the remaining days on their other contracts, before becoming fully exclusive to you. (28 days for ongoing Handshake deals)

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Apologies if this has been asked before.


Is there any way to sign a worker to a contract which then automatically ends their contracts with other companies? I'm playing as WWE and signing some people that are working for lower companies, and whenever I sign them to exclusive written contracts they still work for the companies they worked for previously, as well as mine.


An example of this is Dragon Lee, who is working for me, NJPW, PWG, ROH and The Crash at the same time.


They have 28 days to finish up their bookings -- which is like real life. If WWE signs an active independent wrestler they are allowed to finish up announced bookings.


If any of those contracts are written with an iron-clad clause, they will also continue to work for them until they have fulfilled the obligations of the contract and then report to work exclusively for you.

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What happened to the Mod index in the mods section?


Which RW mod is better right now?


I remember there were mods to help the India scene, Can someone point me towards them or a merger of all Indian mods?


A guideline to properly install the mods would be nice too. Playing after really long time.

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What happened to the Mod index in the mods section?


Which RW mod is better right now?


I remember there were mods to help the India scene, Can someone point me towards them or a merger of all Indian mods?


A guideline to properly install the mods would be nice too. Playing after really long time.


The mod index is still there it’s just not stickied any longer. I can’t recommend RW as I don’t play them. Several of the mod threads have a guide on how to import them (I know willr0cks women’s mod and one of the India mods does)

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I’m struggling to play a save long term. Curious if anyone whose done 10+ years of how they keep it fresh. I’m mostly a Cverse player.


I keep it fresh by letting talent go and bringing in new talent and setting new goals for talent. Get so and so over. Build a strong tag division. Etc. etc. I also don’t run more than one weekly TV show if I have TV (except in one game where I had a second show). But I also start small and play the build up game. Trying to build smaller companies into legit national threats.

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I’m struggling to play a save long term. Curious if anyone whose done 10+ years of how they keep it fresh. I’m mostly a Cverse player.


I'm over 26 years into a save. A big thing keeping my interest is protecting matches. I've had a feud that's been building on and off for almost 10 years without a 1v1. That match is finally happening at the end of this year and I couldn't be more excited to follow through with this giant story.


My advice would be to look at your current stars and any potential stars. Think about their characters and why they would fight each other. If you find some pairings that are really intriguing, protect those. Save them for your biggest show, make sure they aren't thrown together on television, keep them away in tournaments. It's something to build to and a fun little restriction that forces you to think outside the box to keep guys apart.

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I keep it fresh by letting talent go and bringing in new talent and setting new goals for talent. Get so and so over. Build a strong tag division. Etc. etc. I also don’t run more than one weekly TV show if I have TV (except in one game where I had a second show). But I also start small and play the build up game. Trying to build smaller companies into legit national threats.


I enjoy starting with small company as well. I guess my struggle with that is getting started. The build up game is rewarding but it feels like a grind at start. I think I end up letting my roster get too big.

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will my size at one point stop me from gaining popularity from the area I am holding my events at, or is there no cap for it as long as I visit it all the time?

e.g. North West and Mid South are capped right now at 70 and 71 pop, but at South West I'm still going strong and up to 77 as of right now

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I'm over 26 years into a save. A big thing keeping my interest is protecting matches. I've had a feud that's been building on and off for almost 10 years without a 1v1. That match is finally happening at the end of this year and I couldn't be more excited to follow through with this giant story.


Damn, that's dedication right there. Do you use the "once in a lifetime" match aim in those cases? I still have questions about that as I've tested before and it seems like it's just a minor bonus. Or the restrictions are too big.


@Skallux: Afaik there's no size-based cap, at least not for your size. I know importance is capped based on the size of the region.

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Can workers develop performance specific attributes during gameplay?


Like Can Play Dominant or better as babyface? Or does that need to be applied in the editor?


The only attributes that can come on during gameplay are the Hot New Move / Catchphrase.


It's a frustrating aspect of the game.

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Damn, that's dedication right there. Do you use the "once in a lifetime" match aim in those cases? I still have questions about that as I've tested before and it seems like it's just a minor bonus. Or the restrictions are too big.


I always do when it's available, but I haven't seen a substantial jump in rating above what the workers can normally do.

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I'm over 26 years into a save. A big thing keeping my interest is protecting matches. I've had a feud that's been building on and off for almost 10 years without a 1v1. That match is finally happening at the end of this year and I couldn't be more excited to follow through with this giant story.


Question, how do you set your plans? Is it a by storyline thing where youll take two workers plan out a storyline no matter length? Or do you go a Wrestlemania to Wrestlemania type approach. Where you set matches first & then figure out storylines? Do you get hung up on stats/pop at all? I find myself getting to involved with those & I think thats biggest detractor for me.

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Question, how do you set your plans? Is it a by storyline thing where youll take two workers plan out a storyline no matter length? Or do you go a Wrestlemania to Wrestlemania type approach. Where you set matches first & then figure out storylines? Do you get hung up on stats/pop at all? I find myself getting to involved with those & I think thats biggest detractor for me.


I put on my finale the last day of the year, and before I start my next TV show, I start to plan the next finale, starting with the World Title match. Whatever I think would be the most interesting match between stars will be the main event for the World Title. Once that's decided, I think about how the participants in the story would go from where they currently are at the start of the year, to fighting for the biggest prize in the company by the end of the year. If the belt isn't on one of them to start with, I'll work backwards to decide when would be the right time to for one of them to get it.


Rinse and repeat for the rest of the titles and whatever other matches warrant being on the finale. I probably plan around half of the show at the start of the year and let the rest slide into place based on what feels right when I work my way closer. It's all very fluid. I've had years where the entire finale is set in stone on the 1st day of the year, and ones where I scrap the entire card a couple months before it happens to start fresh.


Roll with the punches. If there's an injury that takes away an upcoming big match, don't think of it as a story being ruined, look at it as an opportunity to build it bigger the next time around. In my 10 year story, a couple of the years were chewed up when my figurehead was caught in a steroid ring scandal 5 months before the big 1v1, so I fired her. Disappointing at the time, but it opened up new story beats that I hadn't considered before. The big heel bragged about scaring the crowd's hero so much she had to take PEDs to keep up and went on HHHesque Reign of Terror that was Actually Good. Once the scandal died down, I had my Ministry rip-off bring the figurehead back into the fold as a cultist desperate for guidance. She built her confidence back up but still faltered around the big heel, who retired the figurehead's mentor while she was away. These are pieces of the story I never would've added if I didn't think about how to turn a failure into a success.


I don't care too much about stats other than Star Quality unless they are really terrible. If someone gives me 70 psychology and 70 stamina, I'll usually make it work. Popularity matters a decent amount. If their Popularity Cap isn't in the 90s I won't push them to the top of the card. Planning big matches a year in advance gives me plenty of time to really push them and see where they level off before I commit to something major.

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How big of a hit do you take hiring a toxic worker? How long does toxicity last? I am wondering because I am playing as a Medium sized company and Tommy Cornell was caught in a Scandal and immediately fired from USPW who had just recently hired him....


This happened a year ago in-game.


EDIT: His toxicity expired. Hired him and now I got Tommy Freakin' Cornell on my Medium sized Canadian company's roster. The question about how bad hiring a toxic worker is still stands, though.

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Low Randomness, but All Women Doing Steroids


I'm playing a 0/0/0 game starting out with a small roster including some girls. After one show (the very first), they ALL started being heavy steroid users out of nowhere. Then they asked for outrageous raises from 10-20 per show to well over 100 per show and the owner gave himself a raise to well over 600 per show, making a profit pretty much impossible.


Did I just get the worst RNG in TEW history or is 0/0/0 impossible in 2020?

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Yeah. The idea is that they all smoke weed and such. Is dirty doctor specifically steroids? I thought it was just "I'll make sure you test clean when you're dirty". I'm guessing I misunderstood?


The Guide says that they will provide the roster with everything that they want - including steroids and pain killers

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Yeah. The idea is that they all smoke weed and such. Is dirty doctor specifically steroids? I thought it was just "I'll make sure you test clean when you're dirty". I'm guessing I misunderstood?


Yeah, the Dirty Doctor is specifically to help them attain illicit substances to improve their performances. (Roids for the body, pills to work through injuries) :D

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