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The "Booking Committee" Thread, 2020 Edition

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So I have an idea for a kind of Bloodline type storyline. Hopefully with enough differences to be interesting.

The fed is SWF. Here are the major players:

Rocky Golden - I don't like booking the "Hulk Hogan type" uber heroes and I use an edgier product so Golden is an arrogant heel who thinks he's the greatest hero of all time. 

Jimmy Hernandez and Spencer Spade - Two of my targets for major pushes. Golden decides he wants to share his "gifts" with a couple of promising up and comers. Who are Jimmy and Spade.

Jack Bruce - I resign and unretire him as a big face.

The three big events (the others are set up)

May - Supreme Rumble (you get it)

June - The Six Pack Match (6 wrestlers including the Rumble winner compete for the SWF title).

July - The Supreme Challenge. The Rumble winner challenges the champ. If the Rumble winner wins the six pack match the former champion is the challenger. So the Rumble winner gets two title shots.

So Hernandez and Spade are chosen as Golden's proteges. Golden is flattering and harsh in equal measure. At first Hernandez and Spade don't like each other and try to win Golden's favor by being the favorite. One time as Spade is getting dressed down Jimmy sticks up for him. Jimmy continues to be a little defiant while Spade is a suck up but Spade warms to Jimmy as well and they form a bond. 

Jack Bruce gets into a position to get a title shot. As usual Golden sends Hernandez and Spade after him to soften him up. Jack beats Jimmy in a competitive match and Jack has nice words for Jimmy. It's revealed that Jack was Jimmy favorite wrestler growing up. We see occasional meetings where Jimmy and Jack are friendly. Golden is ticked but Spade say "no worries, Jimmy is with us". 

Supreme Rumble: In the rumble match Jimmy and Spade are in it and in a major upset Jimmy wins. 

Bruce challenges Golden but loses when Spade interferes. The beatdown is on. Golden implores Jimmy to hit Bruce but Jimmy won't. The trio walks off, leaving Bruce behind.

On Supreme TV an annoyed Golden and Jimmy have a meeting. Spade attempts to be the peacemaker. They agree that may the best man win the six pack match and they'll cross the Supreme Challenge bridge later and that Jimmy doesn't have to help with Jack Bruce, just stay out of the way. 

Also Bruce beats Spade to qualify for the six pack match. 

In the six pack match Spade tries to interfere for Jimmy but it backfires and Jimmy is eliminated. Spade clearly looks distraught but Jimmy is OK and leaves. Spade once again interferes and Golden retains.

After the match the beatdown is on. Jack is getting savaged. Jimmy comes out. He looks and is getting visibly upset. He finally steps into the ring and says "What kind of hero does this? You are no hero". Then he turns to Spade and says "Spencer, don't you see. He isn't noble, he isn't special. He's a bully and a coward. He played us for months. We are the ones who made him successful. We don't need him anymore! Spade looks torn for a minute. Then looks at Jimmy and offers and embrace. LOW BLOW BY SPADE ON JIMMY! Golden and Spade start laying a massive beatdown on Jimmy. It's so bad that SWF officials come out and say "If this doesn't stop immediately both of you will be fired". So they leave. 

At Supreme Challenge Bruce is at ringside to counter Spade and Jimmy Hernandez wins the SWF championship. 

The next night Hernandez is champ, Golden isn't there and Spade announces that he no longer needs Golden and that he is the future of the SWF!


Edited by ExRufas2000
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6 hours ago, ExRufas2000 said:

So I have an idea for a kind of Bloodline type storyline. Hopefully with enough differences to be interesting.

The fed is SWF. Here are the major players:

Rocky Golden - I don't like booking the "Hulk Hogan type" uber heroes and I use an edgier product so Golden is an arrogant heel who thinks he's the greatest hero of all time. 

Jimmy Hernandez and Spencer Spade - Two of my targets for major pushes. Golden decides he wants to share his "gifts" with a couple of promising up and comers. Who are Jimmy and Spade.

Jack Bruce - I resign and unretire him as a big face.

The three big events (the others are set up)

May - Supreme Rumble (you get it)

June - The Six Pack Match (6 wrestlers including the Rumble winner compete for the SWF title).

July - The Supreme Challenge. The Rumble winner challenges the champ. If the Rumble winner wins the six pack match the former champion is the challenger. So the Rumble winner gets two title shots.

So Hernandez and Spade are chosen as Golden's proteges. Golden is flattering and harsh in equal measure. At first Hernandez and Spade don't like each other and try to win Golden's favor by being the favorite. One time as Spade is getting dressed down Jimmy sticks up for him. Jimmy continues to be a little defiant while Spade is a suck up but Spade warms to Jimmy as well and they form a bond. 

Jack Bruce gets into a position to get a title shot. As usual Golden sends Hernandez and Spade after him to soften him up. Jack beats Jimmy in a competitive match and Jack has nice words for Jimmy. It's revealed that Jack was Jimmy favorite wrestler growing up. We see occasional meetings where Jimmy and Jack are friendly. Golden is ticked but Spade say "no worries, Jimmy is with us". 

Supreme Rumble: In the rumble match Jimmy and Spade are in it and in a major upset Jimmy wins. 

Bruce challenges Golden but loses when Spade interferes. The beatdown is on. Golden implores Jimmy to hit Bruce but Jimmy won't. The trio walks off, leaving Bruce behind.

On Supreme TV an annoyed Golden and Jimmy have a meeting. Spade attempts to be the peacemaker. They agree that may the best man win the six pack match and they'll cross the Supreme Challenge bridge later and that Jimmy doesn't have to help with Jack Bruce, just stay out of the way. 

Also Bruce beats Spade to qualify for the six pack match. 

In the six pack match Spade tries to interfere for Jimmy but it backfires and Jimmy is eliminated. Spade clearly looks distraught but Jimmy is OK and leaves. Spade once again interferes and Golden retains.

After the match the beatdown is on. Jack is getting savaged. Jimmy comes out. He looks and is getting visibly upset. He finally steps into the ring and says "What kind of hero does this? You are no hero". Then he turns to Spade and says "Spencer, don't you see. He isn't noble, he isn't special. He's a bully and a coward. He played us for months. We are the ones who made him successful. We don't need him anymore! Spade looks torn for a minute. Then looks at Jimmy and offers and embrace. LOW BLOW BY SPADE ON JIMMY! Golden and Spade start laying a massive beatdown on Jimmy. It's so bad that SWF officials come out and say "If this doesn't stop immediately both of you will be fired". So they leave. 

At Supreme Challenge Bruce is at ringside to counter Spade and Jimmy Hernandez wins the SWF championship. 

The next night Hernandez is champ, Golden isn't there and Spade announces that he no longer needs Golden and that he is the future of the SWF!


To me, this is cinema 

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8 hours ago, James The Animator said:

I have a phenomenal idea that’s so original. How about “The Steel Circle”?

I had no idea they were part of a stable in PSW together actually. Just noticed it while watching WrestleBlake PSW video.

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I'm stuck in a conundrum, and I thought I'd ask the committee what their thoughts are on it.

For a brief overview, I have a big arc planned for my "January 2022 WWE all brands" save: I want Bray Wyatt to form a "cult" of sorts, with Bray manipulating people to do his biddings and using people's weaknesses to make them his minions. Basically, his mantra will be "Prey on the weak to make them strong, prey on the strong to make them weak: at first, he'll pretend to be redeemed from the Fiend and Wyatt family era, but will be discretely whispering into the ears of others, while people who were already his minions in the past (Erick Rowan and Alexa Bliss) will also pretend to be good people. In the end, they'll recruit enough people that they will hold all championships (but one), perhaps even the developmental ones if I find people that would fit the bill.
Later, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon, the new owners, will be forced to ask for the help of a former GM (probably Dario Cueto, because who would better fit such a "supernatural" vibe ?), to use his connections and find people that could deal with the more occult/supernatural aspect of the cult, leading to the return/debut of plenty of people (Malakai Black as the leader, Jon Moxley, Penta, Brody King, etc). In shorts, it will be a huge arc that will probably last me a year or two easily.

My problem however is much smaller: as I said, in the first months, I want the "minions" to pretend they're good people while slowly corrupting the mind of future members of the cult. As such, I'll have Alexa Bliss becoming the friend and tag partner of Liv Morgan, and because I absolutely hate teams without a name, I want to give them one. My question therefore is this: should I give them a "temporary" name (something like "Livin' in Bliss" or "Blissful Lives"), and change it when the cult will officially announce themselves, or should I try to find a name that will fit both the team as faces, and as their future "occult"-ish heel selves ?

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3 hours ago, ArcheoOutOfNowhere said:

For a brief overview, I have a big arc planned for my "January 2022 WWE all brands" save: I want Bray Wyatt to form a "cult" of sorts, with Bray manipulating people to do his biddings and using people's weaknesses to make them his minions. Basically, his mantra will be "Prey on the weak to make them strong, prey on the strong to make them weak: at first, he'll pretend to be redeemed from the Fiend and Wyatt family era, but will be discretely whispering into the ears of others, while people who were already his minions in the past (Erick Rowan and Alexa Bliss) will also pretend to be good people. In the end, they'll recruit enough people that they will hold all championships (but one), perhaps even the developmental ones if I find people that would fit the bill.
Later, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon, the new owners, will be forced to ask for the help of a former GM (probably Dario Cueto, because who would better fit such a "supernatural" vibe ?), to use his connections and find people that could deal with the more occult/supernatural aspect of the cult, leading to the return/debut of plenty of people (Malakai Black as the leader, Jon Moxley, Penta, Brody King, etc). In shorts, it will be a huge arc that will probably last me a year or two easily.

My problem however is much smaller: as I said, in the first months, I want the "minions" to pretend they're good people while slowly corrupting the mind of future members of the cult. As such, I'll have Alexa Bliss becoming the friend and tag partner of Liv Morgan, and because I absolutely hate teams without a name, I want to give them one. My question therefore is this: should I give them a "temporary" name (something like "Livin' in Bliss" or "Blissful Lives"), and change it when the cult will officially announce themselves, or should I try to find a name that will fit both the team as faces, and as their future "occult"-ish heel selves ?

Love this entire plot. When I'm planning a new tag team that will turn from face to heel I normally always try to find something that fits both dispositions so I can keep the name, mainly for RP reasons. But in this case with the names of the workers its too much of an opportunity to do something with the names to pass up. Personally I'd go with "Blissful Lives" and then change it to "Blissful Death" when they turn heel

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok I have another SWF storyline. It has some similarities to my first (Golden, Spade, Hernandez) but some key differences also. 

So Valiant challenges Rocky Golden for the SWF title. Golden (a heel who thinks he is the greatest heroic figure ever) tries to convince Valiant to join him in his crusade to spread heroism. Valiant refuses so Golden says he'll convince him after he beats him. They have the match. Golden's proteges Hernandez and Spade interfere and put Valiant awkwardly through a table. Valiant is OUT COLD. Golden and his henchmen look perplexed but they drag Valiant's unconscious body into the ring and pin him. 

So as the medical staff attends to Valiant Scythe and John Greed show up. Golden looks for a moment like he's considering fighting Scythe but decides not to (Golden is a coward after all). Hernandez seems more eager to fight (foreshadowing) but Spade convinces them all to leave. Scythe takes Valiant's unconscious form and carries it to the back. 

The next week Rogue comes out and asks about Valiant's status, appearing to be quite upset. No one knows but they do wonder why Rogue is so concerned about his friend turned nemesis (because Rogue betrayed Valiant).

A week after that John Greed and Scythe preside over Valiant's funeral, including burning an effigy of Valiant. After they leave a furious Rogue destroys the funeral props. 

Week later: Rogue cuts a furious promo, saying that he looked to Valiant as a hero. He knew he could never live up to Valiant's standards so he reverted to his true nature, a sneaky Rogue. But seeing a true hero like his former friend degraded like that was too much. He challenges Scythe next week. Scythe accepts.

The match: Rogue puts up a great effort but loses to Scythe. Scythe and Greed continue the beatdown until a hooded and robed figure shows up. The hooded figure gets in the ring, stands between Scythe and Rogue. He takes off the hood and it's Valiant but he has white hair. Scythe, Greed and Valiant pose together! 

The next week: the big reveal. Valiant says that Valiant is dead. He is the King Snake and he is here to initiate a new reign of terror! 

Next week: Rogue calls out the newly minted King Snake who responds. "King Snake" says he knows how devious Rogue truly is and that he would be prefect for his collection of terror. King Snake says he knows this isn't the Valiant he knows. Rogue acknowledges that he is indeed a rogue and that maybe he hasn't done one good thing in his life but that maybe he can make up for a small part of that by rescuing the only hero he knows from this evil. 

Rogue gets a couple of allies (still working out who) and they go back and forth with, we will call them "Serpent's Kiss".

The fact that these mere mortals can hang with King Snake & friends leads King Snake to take drastic measures: to resurrect Vengeance. (Please note this is presented as theatre to impress and intimidate, I'm not pretending King Snake can resurrect the dead or summon otherworldly entities. This is psychological warfare). 

Vengeance comes back and is very effective, laying waste to all their opponents. But he's also behaving erratically. He is burning more effigies, using weapons as props and threatening further violence. King Snake seems jealous that Vengeance is treated as the leader but he also seems to be thinking this might be a bit much. 

Vengeance declares thar King Snake needs to show his absolute loyalty to the cause. He brings a bound and tied Rogue from backstage, wheeling him in on an ornate table He hands King Snake a burning torch and says "Do what you must". While Vengeance and company back away Rogue looks in terror and says "I'm not a hero, I've never been a hero and will never be one. But I refuse to live in a world without them so Valiant DO YOUR WORST!" King Snake looks at Rogue and maliciously laughs then he throws the torch toward Vengeance, setting the ring ablaze. The ring attendants put out the fire but it buys enough time for King Snake to free Rogue. King Snake & Rogue beat back Scythe and Greed (Vengeance is taking his leave). 

King Snake and Rogue come out the next week. King Snake says that Greed used mind control and drugs along with convincing words to get to him. He also says he can never be Valiant again as he is indeed not the hero everyone, including himself, thought he was but that knowing the dark paths will help him shed some light. He vows to take out what he brought up, Vengeance. Rogue says I knew I wasn't living in a world without heroes. 

The main purpose of this exercise is to get Scythe over, replace Valiant's stale character with something new that I created for somebody and tell a story about how we are only a few steps away from darkness but that there is a light not even the darkest of nights can extinguish (stole the last part from Raistlin and dragonlance lol). 


Edited by ExRufas2000
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On 4/28/2023 at 5:10 PM, ExRufas2000 said:


Ok I have another SWF storyline. It has some similarities to my first (Golden, Spade, Hernandez) but some key differences also. 

So Valiant challenges Rocky Golden for the SWF title. Golden (a heel who thinks he is the greatest heroic figure ever) tries to convince Valiant to join him in his crusade to spread heroism. Valiant refuses so Golden says he'll convince him after he beats him. They have the match. Golden's proteges Hernandez and Spade interfere and put Valiant awkwardly through a table. Valiant is OUT COLD. Golden and his henchmen look perplexed but they drag Valiant's unconscious body into the ring and pin him. 

So as the medical staff attends to Valiant Scythe and John Greed show up. Golden looks for a moment like he's considering fighting Scythe but decides not to (Golden is a coward after all). Hernandez seems more eager to fight (foreshadowing) but Spade convinces them all to leave. Scythe takes Valiant's unconscious form and carries it to the back. 

The next week Rogue comes out and asks about Valiant's status, appearing to be quite upset. No one knows but they do wonder why Rogue is so concerned about his friend turned nemesis (because Rogue betrayed Valiant).

A week after that John Greed and Scythe preside over Valiant's funeral, including burning an effigy of Valiant. After they leave a furious Rogue destroys the funeral props. 

Week later: Rogue cuts a furious promo, saying that he looked to Valiant as a hero. He knew he could never live up to Valiant's standards so he reverted to his true nature, a sneaky Rogue. But seeing a true hero like his former friend degraded like that was too much. He challenges Scythe next week. Scythe accepts.

The match: Rogue puts up a great effort but loses to Scythe. Scythe and Greed continue the beatdown until a hooded and robed figure shows up. The hooded figure gets in the ring, stands between Scythe and Rogue. He takes off the hood and it's Valiant but he has white hair. Scythe, Greed and Valiant pose together! 

The next week: the big reveal. Valiant says that Valiant is dead. He is the King Snake and he is here to initiate a new reign of terror! 

Next week: Rogue calls out the newly minted King Snake who responds. "King Snake" says he knows how devious Rogue truly is and that he would be prefect for his collection of terror. King Snake says he knows this isn't the Valiant he knows. Rogue acknowledges that he is indeed a rogue and that maybe he hasn't done one good thing in his life but that maybe he can make up for a small part of that by rescuing the only hero he knows from this evil. 

Rogue gets a couple of allies (still working out who) and they go back and forth with, we will call them "Serpent's Kiss".

The fact that these mere mortals can hang with King Snake & friends leads King Snake to take drastic measures: to resurrect Vengeance. (Please note this is presented as theatre to impress and intimidate, I'm not pretending King Snake can resurrect the dead or summon otherworldly entities. This is psychological warfare). 

Vengeance comes back and is very effective, laying waste to all their opponents. But he's also behaving erratically. He is burning more effigies, using weapons as props and threatening further violence. King Snake seems jealous that Vengeance is treated as the leader but he also seems to be thinking this might be a bit much. 

Vengeance declares thar King Snake needs to show his absolute loyalty to the cause. He brings a bound and tied Rogue from backstage, wheeling him in on an ornate table He hands King Snake a burning torch and says "Do what you must". While Vengeance and company back away Rogue looks in terror and says "I'm not a hero, I've never been a hero and will never be one. But I refuse to live in a world without them so Valiant DO YOUR WORST!" King Snake looks at Rogue and maliciously laughs then he throws the torch toward Vengeance, setting the ring ablaze. The ring attendants put out the fire but it buys enough time for King Snake to free Rogue. King Snake & Rogue beat back Scythe and Greed (Vengeance is taking his leave). 

King Snake and Rogue come out the next week. King Snake says that Greed used mind control and drugs along with convincing words to get to him. He also says he can never be Valiant again as he is indeed not the hero everyone, including himself, thought he was but that knowing the dark paths will help him shed some light. He vows to take out what he brought up, Vengeance. Rogue says I knew I wasn't living in a world without heroes. 

The main purpose of this exercise is to get Scythe over, replace Valiant's stale character with something new that I created for somebody and tell a story about how we are only a few steps away from darkness but that there is a light not even the darkest of nights can extinguish (stole the last part from Raistlin and dragonlance lol). 

Damn. I love it. Pure SWF soap opera nonsense at its finest and yeah as James The Animator says, such appreciation for the CVerse lore. 

Edited by Inky The Squid Boy
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Thanks gents. I have another story. Not nearly as dramatic but more "insider / smallish". First off I play as a user character color commentator owner of the SWF. So I bought it from the Eisens but I kept Eric on and talk him out of retirement. 

So Eric starts the "Eisenverse" with a few of his dad's loyal soldiers (an unretired Khoklov, Crippler and Paul Huntington). Eric has a few gripes. 

Mark DuBois (oh yeah I took the SWF Network idea from the Cverse 2022 mod and Marc's drug rehab is a reality show). Eric is bitter because Marc was the future of the SWF but he threw it away. 

Joey Morgan: we spent how much on you? And you just were so mid ... you stole dad's money. 

Angry Gilmore: Eric tries to recruit him but Angry is angry about how long it took to get a fair shot and only after all other options were exhausted. So Gilmore is against him.

Jack Bruce: Dad always gave in to you but you never toed the company line.

This sets up a battle where the idea is to put over Morgan and DuBois to a point. Gives everybody something to do and gets some good match ratings while some of my next gen gets over. 

But ... as luck would have it in this save Rich Money's contract comes up 2 months in. Usually you can't get him because he is the booker but I'll edit that part and outbid the USPW to snag him. So Money won't come to get revenge by fighting Eisen but rather by taking his group over and making him a lackey. Money will treat him pretty badly which leads to the question "Is this OK even if it happens to a sleaze ball". Eventually Eisen kinds turns / gets thrown out and one of the faces feels sorry for him / thinks he might be helpful so they team up. Eisen does very little to help so after his partner takes care of their opponents he hits Eisen with his finisher and leaves. Not everybody gets redeemed. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone, new member here, I'm playing WWF in the 1996 Hostile Takeover mod and I'm currently in March 97 just before Mania 13. I need your help to decide what to do with Steve Williams' winning streak, he debuted as Dr. Death a few months ago, and has been on a winning streak since then, his first PPV match was with Rikishi and he is going to beat Cactus Jack at Mania.

I'm planning my post Mania feuds right now, so far the plan for him is to feud with Taker for Summerslam after Taker's done with Sid. I'm thinking of having Kane debut in that match and cost Taker the match, starting their feud that continues to Mania 14. At first I wanted Kane to end the streak to establish him as a threat to Taker, but he didn't need a win like that in real life and it's pretty much the same story.

Another idea that came to mind is to give the win to Eddy Guerrero, Guerrero's contract with WCW ends in 2 months and I will sign him then. Eddy will debut and claim that WCW refused to give him an opportunity to prove that he belongs in the main event (the AI made him lose the cruiserweight title to Syxx then booked him in tag team matches only). Eddy would then try to prove himself by beating the undefeated Dr. Death, failing to do so multiple times but pulling off an upset Victory.

I cant decide which way to go, on one hand, Kane does not really need the win. On the other, it's probably too early/unrealistic for Eddy to be pushed that hard.

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6 hours ago, AhmadZ said:

Hi everyone, new member here, I'm playing WWF in the 1996 Hostile Takeover mod and I'm currently in March 97 just before Mania 13. I need your help to decide what to do with Steve Williams' winning streak, he debuted as Dr. Death a few months ago, and has been on a winning streak since then, his first PPV match was with Rikishi and he is going to beat Cactus Jack at Mania.

I'm planning my post Mania feuds right now, so far the plan for him is to feud with Taker for Summerslam after Taker's done with Sid. I'm thinking of having Kane debut in that match and cost Taker the match, starting their feud that continues to Mania 14. At first I wanted Kane to end the streak to establish him as a threat to Taker, but he didn't need a win like that in real life and it's pretty much the same story.

Another idea that came to mind is to give the win to Eddy Guerrero, Guerrero's contract with WCW ends in 2 months and I will sign him then. Eddy will debut and claim that WCW refused to give him an opportunity to prove that he belongs in the main event (the AI made him lose the cruiserweight title to Syxx then booked him in tag team matches only). Eddy would then try to prove himself by beating the undefeated Dr. Death, failing to do so multiple times but pulling off an upset Victory.

I cant decide which way to go, on one hand, Kane does not really need the win. On the other, it's probably too early/unrealistic for Eddy to be pushed that hard.

I'd go with Eddie except I'd have Eddie beat him a couple of times. Once to end the streak and once to confirm that it wasn't a fluke. One win (especially after losing several times)shows that a blind squirrel can luck into finding an acorn. Confirming it makes Eddy stronger.

Also do tag matches count for an undefeated streak? If not having Eddy being on the winning side of one of those is a nice intermediate step in the story.

Game mechanics: I'm assuming Williams has a higher over than Eddy. Is he at his overness cap (the telltale sign is that his overness in his home region is all the same high number). If not try to get him there. Then when he loses Eddy gets the maximum benefit and you can get Williams back up there quickly. 

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My turn to ask the experts.

I'm in October of my first year. A slightly modded SWF where I've now signed several stars (Aaron Andrews, Jay Chord being the biggest). But anyway I'm at a crossroads with Joey Morgan. My vision was for him to be a Magnum T.A. type face (decent charisma, great looks, great in ring, a straight up good guy focused on being the best). 10 months in he's up a little but other wrestlers have eclipsed him. Also I have a few too many faces now. 

My current thing is to have the resident stables / managers try to recruit him in a bidding war. I'm thinking he chooses a faction with a charismatic and high over leader and that'll boost him up. I'm thinking of making him mostly the same character except with a ruthless streak. 

If I get a good idea for him being a face I have others I can turn. 

So anybody find something that works for Joey? 

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Guys, I'd like your opinion on what I could do with Paul Heyman in my current WWE January 2022 save that should (finally) start.
Basically, my plan is to have him separated from both Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns, using the moment that in real life he was fired by both: I want the rule to be "if you're not a wrestler under contract, and have no manager, you have X days before you're not allowed in the building anymore", and because he's desperate to stay in WWE, he bashes Dana Brooke (current 24/7 holder) on the head and become the new 24/7 champion. He'll then hire mercenaries to protect him, but will end up with a group that is mostly my way of using people I have no plans for yet have to use as per a rule I've been given: Shane Thorne, Erick Rowan, Arturo Ruas and Cezar Bononi. I might also add Sonya Deville to the group, but am not yet sure.
The thing is that eventually, he'll become the "leader" of that group, and realise he doesn't need the belt anymore, but that's where I don't know which direction to go: should he try to find a "second" that would become the wrestling leader of the group (and then, who ? Because they're not many people who can challenge for the world title that would actually fit in the stable), or should I have him become the new GM, and use those guys as his henchmen much like Teddy Long would send heels against Khali or the Undertaker ?

Also, on a not-so-entirely unrelated topic, I have a storyline where Stephanie McMahon and Trips decide to have a competition for the new GMs since they're not convinced entirely by Adam Pearce's performances at the job. As such, from the first Raw to the last Smackdown between Mania, 24 potential GMs will be each booking a show (with no brand separation for those three months), and those picked by the fans as the two best will then become the new authority figures, the best picking the show he wants as well as having the first pick at the Draft. Here is the list (and the probable order they'll get their shot), is there anyone you feel isn't a good choice and would get no pop ? Some choices are on the "weak" side on purpose, but I would still want the fans to be intrigued by the possibility if I was to have such a storyline in real life.

Adam Pearce -> Teddy Long -> MVP -> Jonathan Coachman -> Kevin Nash -> David Otunga -> Mick Foley -> Alundra Blayze -> Kurt Angle -> Maria Kanellis -> X-Pac -> Alicia Fox -> Paul Heyman -> Lana -> Scott Hall -> AJ Lee -> Ted Dibiase Sr. -> Maryse -> DDP -> Trish Stratus -> Dario Cueto + Ricardo Rodriguez as a lackey -> Booker T -> Eric Bischoff -> Steve Austin.

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My bad, I should have been more specific: they aren't all going to be GMs in the future, some are just there for the pop on one show then go back to whatever they were doing before: so for instance, Long and Bischoff will go back to being unemployed, while Maria and Maryse will stay as a manager (mostly for their respective husbands at the time, but maybe more people later on).

Shawn Michaels is currently in NXT UK acting as the GM, since Regal is in NXT already and there weren't anyone in the role for the UK brand. As for Hogan and Flair, in the lore of my save, Vince went to jail for sexual harassment, contract tampering and plenty of other stuff, so Trips and Steph are trying to have the cleanest roster they can. Hence it'd feel pretty weird to hire the very next day Flair when we know what he did, while Hogan is someone I would never consider hiring regardless of his popularity.

Long, Bischoff and, on a smaller scale, Angle, Foley, Coachman and AJ Lee are there for the "I used to be a GM" nostalgia, and in a way, that's why Otunga is there too: Vickie Guerrero was supposed to be in the list, but then I heard about the controversy with her daughter, so I had to replace her. Since Otunga was already on the payroll, much better on the mic than some of the others in the roster (Kidman, Tyson Kidd), more familiar to WWE fans than other names (Shawn Daivari, Abyss, Steve Corino) and had more of a GM feel than guys like Jamie Noble, Shane Helms or Sylvain Grenier, I decided that he could be the guy who would end up last in the ranking without needing to hire someone. But if you (or anyone else, really) have a better name for a nostalgia pop that can still be dead last, I'm all for it.

As for Damian Sandow, honestly I would hire him for the job if I wasn't "forced" to push a random jobber with a very similar gimmick of "The Connoisseur": since the guy is too old to begin a wrestling carreer at a high level, I've turned him into a wrestling-manager that will quickly become a full-time manager.

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I'm trying to think about what my championship main event for Bound For Glory will be. I'm currently in April but BFG main event will be planned for months in advance as it is important.

The two matches I'm thinking of running:

Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe - Basically what will lead to this is Angle beats Styles in a tournament final to go on and fight the NWA Champion Randy Orton in May to win the NWA title and become the first TNA World Champion (NWA belts get retired until I make NWA a developmental after that), But then the next month at Slammiversary, Joe beats Angle in UNDER A MINUTE to win the belt (Joe has basically been my Goldberg, Undefeated since when he debuted in 05 to May 2006). Then Angle wins the first-ever Bound For Glory Series, and goes to beat Joe at BFG to get his revenge.

Randy Orton vs. Sting- Sting has become Orton's main rival since December 2006, and the pair have had 2 matches together, Orton won the first one, and Sting won the second one. So what I'm thinking is Orton wins the BFG Series, and at Unbreakable in September (A month before BFG) Sting wins the TNA title from Joe with help from Angle (which means Angle vs. Joe still happens just without the title), and the main event the last match in the trilogy with the young heel Orton in the BFG main event beating Sting for the title. Although I have something big planned for Orton/Sting in 2010.

Edit:I originally had a third match on here but I decided to remove it.

Edited by SuperRamenmakerOkada
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On 5/21/2023 at 6:13 PM, SuperRamenmakerOkada said:

I'm trying to think about what my championship main event for Bound For Glory will be. I'm currently in April but BFG main event will be planned for months in advance as it is important.

The two matches I'm thinking of running:

Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe - Basically what will lead to this is Angle beats Styles in a tournament final to go on and fight the NWA Champion Randy Orton in May to win the NWA title and become the first TNA World Champion (NWA belts get retired until I make NWA a developmental after that), But then the next month at Slammiversary, Joe beats Angle in UNDER A MINUTE to win the belt (Joe has basically been my Goldberg, Undefeated since when he debuted in 05 to May 2006). Then Angle wins the first-ever Bound For Glory Series, and goes to beat Joe at BFG to get his revenge.

Randy Orton vs. Sting- Sting has become Orton's main rival since December 2006, and the pair have had 2 matches together, Orton won the first one, and Sting won the second one. So what I'm thinking is Orton wins the BFG Series, and at Unbreakable in September (A month before BFG) Sting wins the TNA title from Joe with help from Angle (which means Angle vs. Joe still happens just without the title), and the main event the last match in the trilogy with the young heel Orton in the BFG main event beating Sting for the title. Although I have something big planned for Orton/Sting in 2010.

Edit:I originally had a third match on here but I decided to remove it.

 Personally I think it's better to keep the title with the Angle/Joe feud. Losing the title in under a minute is an embarrassment for Angle and he wants to make it right and get his title back from Joe. Don't know if there's history between Joe and Angle besides this to make it more personal or what you'd do after Angle losing to make it personal enough for him to drop the pursuit of the title. Just feels like Angle would want the honor of being the first to beat Joe rather than handing that honor and the title to Sting. Plus there's clear history between Sting and Orton and it feels like that feud needs the title less. 

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So one of the major 'feuds' I have going right now in my NOAH is Bryan Danielson vs Minoru Suzuki.

Every time the two have faced off, Suzuki has always won. But each time, inch by inch, Danielson gets closer to winning with Suzuki just eeking out the victory in the end. In fact, they've even gone to time limit draws in the past. Their matches are always excellent, and it's gotten Danielson over HUGE even in loss.

At the NOAH N-1 Victory (A G1 style tournament where the winner gets a GHC Heavyweight tile shot), Suzuki defeated Danielson in the finals. Suzuki won the title and has held it since. Danielson and Suzuki haven't met in singles or tag team action since.

As of right now, the current plan is to host the second N-1 Victory tournament and have Danielson win it. Suzuki won't be taking part in the tournament, so there'll be nothing stopping Danielson this year. Then the plan is for Danielson to finally get the big wi8n and end Suzuki's then year long title reign.

Now, my main worry here is that by removing Suzuki from the equation from the tournament, it might cheapen Danielson's win. Like Suzuki did him a favour by sitting out. He could only win because Suzuki wasn't in the tournament, etc. The people I've asked outside of the forum feels like that aspect to the story would actually help when Bryan wins - it gets the feeling of doubt in the crowd, but then when he wins, it hits even harder. 

What do you guys think? Do you agree that this would help/wouldn't matter and keep course with Danielson winning the tournament? Or should I get Danielson a title shot another way?

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26 minutes ago, scottelot22 said:

So one of the major 'feuds' I have going right now in my NOAH is Bryan Danielson vs Minoru Suzuki.

Every time the two have faced off, Suzuki has always won. But each time, inch by inch, Danielson gets closer to winning with Suzuki just eeking out the victory in the end. In fact, they've even gone to time limit draws in the past. Their matches are always excellent, and it's gotten Danielson over HUGE even in loss.

At the NOAH N-1 Victory (A G1 style tournament where the winner gets a GHC Heavyweight tile shot), Suzuki defeated Danielson in the finals. Suzuki won the title and has held it since. Danielson and Suzuki haven't met in singles or tag team action since.

As of right now, the current plan is to host the second N-1 Victory tournament and have Danielson win it. Suzuki won't be taking part in the tournament, so there'll be nothing stopping Danielson this year. Then the plan is for Danielson to finally get the big wi8n and end Suzuki's then year long title reign.

Now, my main worry here is that by removing Suzuki from the equation from the tournament, it might cheapen Danielson's win. Like Suzuki did him a favour by sitting out. He could only win because Suzuki wasn't in the tournament, etc. The people I've asked outside of the forum feels like that aspect to the story would actually help when Bryan wins - it gets the feeling of doubt in the crowd, but then when he wins, it hits even harder. 

What do you guys think? Do you agree that this would help/wouldn't matter and keep course with Danielson winning the tournament? Or should I get Danielson a title shot another way?

Danielson wins N-1, cuts a promo bringing up that Suzuki was his spoiler in the previous tournament and he's going to prove that this time, Bryan is ready for Suzuki. If Danielson beats Suzuki in the tournament, it cheapens the title win. His first win over Suzuki should be a feel good moment.

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9 minutes ago, Jaysin said:

Danielson wins N-1, cuts a promo bringing up that Suzuki was his spoiler in the previous tournament and he's going to prove that this time, Bryan is ready for Suzuki. If Danielson beats Suzuki in the tournament, it cheapens the title win. His first win over Suzuki should be a feel good moment.

Yeah, I feel like if it happens in a match that ISN'T for the title it cheapens the victory moreso than him winning the tournament without Suzuki being in his way. I just wasn't so sure if it was the right course of action or to have Danielson go through another path to the title. But I think that's how it's going to go! 

A nice feel good moment to top off a near 2 year long battle. Thanks! :)

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So shopping for ideas for two SWF characters.

ZWB - he's gotten more popular but his original gimmick is stale and he lost his last feud so maybe time for a reset. I'd like to have more unconventional characters. I thought about a vampire before but nah. Maybe a monk or a darker type character. I did a heel conspiracy nut character with him who teamed with Atom Smasher (the bearded alt of him looks like that). I want him to stay a face though. No real solid idea leap out at me. Also might be time for a name change.

Steven Parker - I'm thinking a futuristic cyberpunk flavored character like early Edge. Also thinking of a name change. He's in TCW (which I own as a dev fed) right now. A wealth of talent but a character doesn't jump out at me. 

Maybe some of you have a good idea you used in the past for these two or could work for these two. 

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Guys, I need an opinion on the best stipulation to crown a new champion. Well, more accurately, I'm crowning 4 new champions for NXT in the next 3 to 6 months, and I don't want to use the same way over and over.
As such, I've settled on a round robin tournament for the new Main event title (although I miiiight have gone a bit too far with the tournament being 6 groups of 9 wrestlers, but that was a way to showcase the new workers quickly). The new Tag title will be awarded to the winner of a Dusty Rhodes Classic tournament, and once the round robin tournament will be over, some of the best from it will get into a ladder match for the new midcard title.

However, I don't know what to do for the new Women title: I don't want to redo a ladder match, but the few ideas I had (Iron Survivor Challenge, Iron Woman match) either need less people than I'd like in the match, or wouldn't feel as "spectacular" (Battle Royale, or a regular match). The only other idea I have is a Scramble match, which would introduce nicely the opportunity to have an outsider win, then successfully defend it and prove it wasn't just a fluke, but I can't find one in the mods I have (and same for the Cibernetico matches, although it wouldn't fit for NXT under Regal's management anyway).

Any ideas I haven't considered yet ? Especially ones that would have been used by WWE/NXT in the past but would fit in the "budget" (aka "no Elimination Chamber") ?

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7 hours ago, ArcheoOutOfNowhere said:

Guys, I need an opinion on the best stipulation to crown a new champion. Well, more accurately, I'm crowning 4 new champions for NXT in the next 3 to 6 months, and I don't want to use the same way over and over.
As such, I've settled on a round robin tournament for the new Main event title (although I miiiight have gone a bit too far with the tournament being 6 groups of 9 wrestlers, but that was a way to showcase the new workers quickly). The new Tag title will be awarded to the winner of a Dusty Rhodes Classic tournament, and once the round robin tournament will be over, some of the best from it will get into a ladder match for the new midcard title.

However, I don't know what to do for the new Women title: I don't want to redo a ladder match, but the few ideas I had (Iron Survivor Challenge, Iron Woman match) either need less people than I'd like in the match, or wouldn't feel as "spectacular" (Battle Royale, or a regular match). The only other idea I have is a Scramble match, which would introduce nicely the opportunity to have an outsider win, then successfully defend it and prove it wasn't just a fluke, but I can't find one in the mods I have (and same for the Cibernetico matches, although it wouldn't fit for NXT under Regal's management anyway).

Any ideas I haven't considered yet ? Especially ones that would have been used by WWE/NXT in the past but would fit in the "budget" (aka "no Elimination Chamber") ?

For the women - double elimination bracket to determine Gauntlet order?

So you have 4 matches, quickest winner goes last, second quickest next to last, etc. So you have the randomness of someone getting a tougher draw than others, or the Authority Figure tries to screw them over by giving them the toughest match. Depending on the worker's character - do they play it safe to get in, even if they will have to be in the match longer? Or do they try to rush things leading to a surprise loss? As The losers in those initial matches? You can stretch into a mini round robin, mini tournament, or one "last chance match." The winner gets to enter the title match first.

So you end up with some decent stories to tell:

- Underdog: Maybe he loses cheap (interference or attacked with a weapon when the ref is distracted) and has to go the long way to the title. Maybe it even spills into the title match where he gets his revenge.

- Cocky worker tries to rush through his match for better seeding, causing a misstep and losing in upset fashion. 

- Worker plays it safe, and gets worse seeding than many expected. If the Cocky worker advances quickly, there's a fun story for the match and beyond - Slow and Steady vs Flashy/cocky worker. 

- Dominating worker ends up not winning despite entering last. Maybe the underdog completes the arc, maybe this dominating worker gets overconfident?

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  • 3 weeks later...

All right, who wants to help me find a spot for Brian Brianna in QAW?

Rookie with a lot of promise, I can totally see how I'd book her in a Male/Female promotion, but I'm playing as QAW, an all-female promotion. How would you bring her in? As a misogynist heel who tells the women to make them a sandwich, then gets beat for laughs? A goofy face who is trying to date one of the other wrestlers? Drop the gimmick altogether?


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