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Who is Zelin-- I mean, Zara? Who is Zara?


Zara is K.T Devonshire/Katya Kornishkova. She has very strong core stats and is only 21 so definitely has a high ceiling.


But yes she is totally a Zelina Vega CAW. My attempts at making women never went well so I downloaded a Zelina and changed her a little (perhaps not enough, or maybe you can't change ones you've downloaded can't quite remember it was a long time ago now)




Episode 7 up next where Big Mac is given one last change to redeem for his mistakes.

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  • 6 months later...

Long story short I don't suppose anybody has these pdfs downloaded? Had some issues with a hard drive where I kept it. A good portion is on my google slides still. 

I have the Season 1 Part 1 post which is the first 20 shows. But I can't find the Season 1 Part 2 post which is 20-40. A good amount of the 'newer' ones 40-46 I also can't find. 

If anyone who was reading this back then still has them downloaded I'd be very appreciative as I really hate the idea of me losing them!

EDIT: Ignore that, found it! A 3rd recovery software I was recommended (Recuva, in case anybody needs one) worked and found most of the missing stuff. 

Edited by christmas_ape
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  • 3 weeks later...

Season 1 Part 1 (Episodes 1-20)

Season 1 Part 2 (Episodes 21-40)

Season 2 Part 1 (Incomplete- Episodes 1-6)


A note on the shows above, I stupidly lost some of my back ups and original downloads of the shows. Whilst I was able to recover pretty much all some I believe are the first drafts of them before I checked them over. So annoyingly there will be some mistakes and I think the odd full scene missing too. 


So a little self indulgent to bump a dead thread to officially end it but I've restarted this a couple of times since starting it in 2020 and with me starting a new diary I want to just draw a line under this and thought I'd give a super quick rundown of what my plans were in case anyone is interested. Also most of the links for the shows are now dead so I'm reposting the full links above. 

Season 2 Plans:

Main storyline was The Kingdom and their control over RAW, their control went much deeper than most factions do in wrestling, they literally rewrote the title histories, changed the rules, had their own steps into the ring, in time there would be other things like own referee and the rules would get stricter and stricter. But The Clenched Fist was the uprising slowly growing with Frogue Element the unofficial head. Loxley Robbins would come back from his voyage across the world a new man with a new edge. Now Nicky Gilbert shocked RAW during the RAWWAR (that was in between season 1 and 2) by essentially becoming Swoop's private fortune teller (he gained the ability to see the future tail end of season 1...) but this would turn out to be a real long con, as Nicky saw that in the future Swoop would grow so powerful that he could only be brought down from somebody close to him, so throughout the RAWWAR and S2 he does plenty of evil things and tells Swoop of Clenched Fist things he sees in the future so that Swoop completely trusts him come the end where he turns on him. 

Nicky slowly builds up Swoop's paranoia, causing him to kick Maurice Jackson out of The Kingdom. 

You might remember Captain Wrestling II is looking for a protegee to pass on the moniker too. He's asking people what it takes to be Cpt Wrestling and nobody is giving him the right answer. Kian Wayne is lost following everything that has happened to The Wayne's at the end of Season 1, he misses his family and so is easily manipulated and desperate for some support (Kal has dropped the Wayne name all together and Kerry is banished). So when Captain Wrestling asked him what it takes he answers 'whatever you tell me' and this finally passes the test, so Kian joins The Kingdom and becomes Captain Wrestling III. 

'Motherlover' Will Beaumont has become one of RAW's biggest stars, both one of my favourites in the diary but also in game with his threw the roof star quality starting to overshadow everyone else. He has just met Zara who joined Liberteen (well, took them as her backing singers/dancers) and he becomes desperate to impress her despite her not seeming interested. He finds out she is a part of Clenched Fist and so he tries to join, I was looking forward to the scenes where Will tries to prove to Frogue and everyone else that he's actually a really good guy and wants to save RAW even though we all know it's just to get the girl. However... we learn (readers not Will) that Zara is actually a spy sent by Swoop. Plot thickens when Clenched Fist have the idea of sending Zara to try and join The Kingdom as a spy. Again I was looking forward to the scenes where Zara has to act like a member of the Clenched Fist trying to join The Kingdom even though Swoop knows she actually is part of The Kingdom. The whole 'I know you know this, but you don't know THIS' would go back and forth with Zara becoming not a double agent but a Triple Agent. Throughout this Will is trying to become a full fledged Clenched Fist member and in the end finally starts dating Zara. 

The main storyline comes to a head with a classic 5 on 5 match for control of RAW. Will eventually learns that Zara has been playing him, and that she is part of The Kingdom and so he completes his redemption arc by non-ironically fighting for The Clenched Fist albeit it just as much out of revenge than any noble reason. In the match Nicky sacrifices himself by throwing himself in front of a chair shot meant for Frogue (the damage of which was going to get rid of his powers) and this gives Will the chance to superkick Swoop for the win. 

All that set up for the long term future of RAW with the new figurehead of a face Will Beaumont (but still called Motherlover, view him as a pretty reluctant/snarky face) Kian Wayne as Captain Wrestling III would be his main nemesis, I think with their backstory and everything that happened between them all set up whilst they are still very young it could be an on/off feud for years.

Swoop would try to redeem himself (and Rod Sullivan would help here which vindicates his plan all along to never turn on Swoop) but the crowd and RAW in general never really forgive him. 

Lots of other plans so if there's anything in particular anyone is interested in let me know but I just wanted to get all this down for my own sake really so I can move on! 

Edited by christmas_ape
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