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Frogue Element, Captain Wrestling II, ??? and ??? vs The Main Event Mafia


The unknowns make it interesting and Ace could eat the pin here potentially.


Non Title

Rebound vs God's Gift


God's Gift haven't had any challenges so they need one.


Swoop McCarthy vs Joe Zucco


Imagine though.. Like just imagine for a moment.

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Loved Obi Lox in Milan. His aside with the model who was just happy to let Bret go made me laugh. A group of handsome models beating people up feels like it would actually fit perfect on the RAW roster! The Council and the whole scenario really was great to follow. Lynx as yoda :D perfect! There's so many handsome blond men in RAW. I'm hyped to see where this goes in the "normal episodes" now.


BatSwoop :D caught me off guard... the general absurdity of the Hotdog was very funny too.


"Slimy onions fall off him as he runs, he licks his lips leaving mustard saliva all over his mouth." really made me want to see justice served. Such a disgusting character :) Like I said the other week, I can't imagine how much fun Swoop would have had making that :p


Gilbertrix, the white text thing was fantastic! As was the whole thing, and how it came round at the end. Lynx is absolutely brilliant. Loved how it tied into the RAW Open Invitational. Really enjoyed that, hope to see another "Movie Night" at some point in the future.

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Was that a face turn at the end? Like, fully? I'd love to see him go up against Goode for the Title. That'd be brilliant!


I feel like it would have been a cool/funny spot if Heath or Horton jumped Frogue Element from behind, thinking he was Cole Taylor! :D


Loved the whole show. Rebound! YES! :D

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Episode 16


TV Title

Rahmel Goode © vs Frogue Element


Winner will face God's Gift for the Tag Titles

Rebound vs The Masters of Fu vs Will Beaumont & Kerry Wayne


Captain Wrestling II vs Kian Wayne


Brodie Lachlan
will enact his plan to hurt his former partner
Matty Wills
, but what will the outcome be?

Manhunter will attack Matty Wills

Manhunter will attack Brodie Lachlan

Manhunter will attack both of them

Manhunter won't attack either of them.



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TV Title

Rahmel Goode © vs Frogue Element


Goode needs a good title run out of this.


Winner will face God's Gift for the Tag Titles

Rebound vs The Masters of Fu vs Will Beaumont & Kerry Wayne


Will and Kerry on the same side should get a win on their road to redemption. I know that Rod is due a Title win wasn't he? So it could be time to pull the trigger there and Masters of Fu are better than their current place but Will is a future and needs to add that title to his list of future accolades and has a more interesting storyline. (It is probably Rebound though.)


Captain Wrestling II vs Kian Wayne


Must suck to be Kian, because in many ways he was going to be "the" guy of the future and then Will Beaumont showed up.


Brodie Lachlan will enact his plan to hurt his former partner Matty Wills, but what will the outcome be?

Manhunter will attack Matty Wills

Manhunter will attack Brodie Lachlan

Manhunter will attack both of them

Manhunter won't attack either of them.



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Captain Wrestling II vs Kian Wayne


Must suck to be Kian, because in many ways he was going to be "the" guy of the future and then Will Beaumont showed up.


Agree with this so much! Will is where Kian wants to be! In my save, Will bodged a move in an early match between them, and they now have simmering tension, which I think is very apt.


TV Title

Rahmel Goode © vs Frogue Element


Winner will face God's Gift for the Tag Titles

Rebound vs The Masters of Fu vs Will Beaumont & Kerry Wayne

Tough to call because I like all three teams, and they all have guys who are similarly over... Kerry just feels like the stand out star here.


Captain Wrestling II vs Kian Wayne


Brodie Lachlan will enact his plan to hurt his former partner Matty Wills, but what will the outcome be?

Manhunter will attack Matty Wills

Manhunter will attack Brodie Lachlan

Manhunter will attack both of them

Manhunter won't attack either of them.

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TV Title

Rahmel Goode © vs Frogue Element


Winner will face God's Gift for the Tag Titles

Rebound vs The Masters of Fu vs Will Beaumont & Kerry Wayne


Captain Wrestling II vs Kian Wayne


Brodie Lachlan will enact his plan to hurt his former partner Matty Wills, but what will the outcome be?

Manhunter will attack Matty Wills

Manhunter will attack Brodie Lachlan

Manhunter will attack both of them

Manhunter won't attack either of them.

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A group of handsome models beating people up feels like it would actually fit perfect on the RAW roster!


hope to see another "Movie Night" at some point in the future.


Appreciate the comments, in response to those two bits in particular;


That's sort of what I'm hoping Beautiful Heartbreak will develop into. I mean right now neither are actually models, but the intent is there!


And yeah I definitely expect Movie Night to become a semi-regular thing. The only thing with it I need to work out is to what extent it's cannon is sort of blurred. Like say the GoT episode... that was all crazy and in a GoT like universe... but it did all happen... just in a vision. So like the people remember/acknowledge what went down and it has a direct affect on future storylines. Whereas movie night is a bit less clear. I originally intended it to be completely separate from the normal storylines. I like the idea of having 3 stories where anything can happen without it needing to fit into RAW, but then two things happened on Movie Night that will actually be used in future stories. So I should probably decide one way or another whether what happens in the mini-movies actually happens in cannon. Hopefully that makes sense! Not sure what anyone thinks?



Was that a face turn at the end? Like, fully? I'd love to see him go up against Goode for the Title. That'd be brilliant!


It was, well technically he actually turned earlier than this, but it was sort of intentionally vague/a gradual turn. There's been some shock turns and there will be plenty more, so Frogue was meant to be a little more gradual with his frustration at not being respected, his conversations with Swoop, losing his title etc all contributing to his changing of attitude. He'll still be a loud mouth, and isn't suddenly 100% face, but from now on his intentions are mostly in the right place.


Great show as usual. Maybe Mumma Wayne can be the manager for the Will/Wayne tag team.


She will definitely be featured more soon, I'll leave it at that!



I know that Rod is due a Title win wasn't he?


Must suck to be Kian, because in many ways he was going to be "the" guy of the future and then Will Beaumont showed up.




1) He is! That was Lloyd's prediction prize (another one of these will be going out after a few more episodes). But it can be any title.


2) I agree with you and Lloyd. Focus is definitely taken away from him at the moment, poor guy. It might change.


3) Well the next episode is pretty much the conclusion of this storyline so hopefully you get what you want!




Next show posted real soon. But first...




So I hate to do this... but I've actually edited a show from pretty early one... I'll explain why...


I'm currently writing a sort of recap of the Big Mac vs Croft feud which is coming to it's conclusion. And I regretted one sort of small decision I made...


What the story was

Big Mac revealed Croft had been paying two different women child maintenance payments for at least 3 years.

Big Mac/Cluesome Twosome went to talk to Croft's old accountant who had information about it.

He revealed that Croft is all a persona for 38 year old Barry Foster.

Long ago when he was first getting into the wrestling business Croft had two sons who he planned on bringing up to be his bodyguards/lackeys/loyal workers

This was revealed to be Frankie and Tye LiberTeen who are his birth sons


What it's been changed to

Big Mac revealed Croft had been paying two different women child maintenance payments for at least 3 years.

Big Mac/Cluesome Twosome went to talk to Croft's old accountant who had information about it.

He revealed that Croft went to two different orphanages a few years ago and picked out his favourite two 16 year olds.

He then paid two different women to adopt them and bring them up to go into wrestling to be his bodyguards/lackeys/loyal workers

This was revealed to be Frankie and Tye LiberTeen who are his adopted sons


Hopefully you all agree that, whilst I obviously enjoy sometimes my stories being a little 'out there', this version is a lot more believable.


SO I was intending on just writing something into the storyline down the line that changed this, maybe it turned out the assistant they spoke to was losing his mind and made a lot of it up. But all it was going to do was make the story even more weird. So instead I've gone back and edited the previous post. I only had to change a couple of lines as luckily not much else I'd written contradicted the new cannon, but still I'd prefer to be transparent with it all! Perhaps deeper into the diary I'd just get over it and live with the decision I made, but as I intend on Croft/LiberTeen to be a big part of the diary going forward for a long time I'm treating myself to this retcon!

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Episode 17


Last episode ended with
Frogue Element
being attacked before he had the chance to challenge
Rahmel Goode
for his
TV Title
Who was the perpetrator of the attack?


A long running feud will come to a head this week, who will win in showdown between
'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie
Montgomery Croft


On the day of his buck-night (stag-do/bachelor party), Will has a chance to earn the right to pick the stipulation for his upcoming tag team title match. Who will win,
Will Beaumont
'Spiffy' Stan Standish


And when the two losing teams from last week clash, with
taking on
The Masters of Fu
. Which team will come on top with
Rick Stantz


Prediction key

Frogue Element's attacker:

Big Mac vs Monty Croft

Will Beaumont vs Spiffy Stan Standish

Rick Stantz vs Echo



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Happy to see Brodie getting more screen time has gone down well. I knew I wanted to start a push for him, but I've done it backwards which I've really enjoyed. Rather than giving him all the focus, it was all on Matty/Manhunter... with my aim of making people want to see them together, so then when Brodie came in and ruined it all it he wasn't a cool heel, or a heel you'd cheer, but a heel who has actually done something to make people hate him. Hopefully I can keep this up with him!
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Prediction key

Frogue Element's attacker: JT Ace. (Tombstone was going to be my shout though.)


Big Mac vs Monty Croft


Nothing better.


Will Beaumont vs Spiffy Stan Standish


I love Triple-S to me he is a better Damian Dastardly.


Rick Stantz vs Echo


Rebound have a better future as a tag-team imo.

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<p>Amazing episode, and I'm glad the curse is finally getting some focus. It is so weird how many 4-time Champs there have been!! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Loved the Stag doo (Buck Night), and really, really loved how all the stories continued. Loxley and the pirate could be amazing!!</p>

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Episode 18


You are officially invited to the wedding of
Will Beaumont
Momma Wayne
. Please leave your preconceived notions of wrestling wedding ceremonies at the door. The fact that every other wedding has gone terribly bears no relevance to the happy couples special day.


Also on the show...


Cole Taylor
has been kicked out of the
3 Amigos
for his creepy behaviour towards
. His first match since then will be against one half of RAW's resident detectives


With his 40 paintball guns on the way to RAW,
Joe Zucco
has a chance to gain some momentum against a mystery opponent.


Beautiful Heartbreak
have had a devastating impact on RAW lately, putting both
Loxley Robbins
Frogue Element
out of action. But such things don't go unnoticed in RAW. Who will step forward to try and put and end to it?


Prediction key

Who will confront Blake Belushi?

Joe Zucco vs ???

Cole Taylor vs Thurston Darcy III

Will Will & Momma Wayne get married?

What will be the name of previously the unseen Wayne sister? (hint: Of course it will start with a K)



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