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Give Me Rules For A Game - Re-Rebooted

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On 5/26/2024 at 6:15 AM, ArcheoOutOfNowhere said:

You did ask for chaotic rules, so I'm giving you chaotic rules.

One of each: One worker from every match that happened in the real life Badd Blood 97 event must win a world title, including the matchs that were supposed to happen (so, Pillman vs Dude Love).

The heirs of legends: During the same show, there was a ceremony to pay tribute to legends of wrestling. Your very first 6-way match (whether it's an Elimination Chamber one or something else) must future an "heir" of those legends: if they have one, a family member, if not a student, and if they have neither, someone they fought with (the more often the better). If there are no one that fits any of those three, then hire someone who will be a kayfabe family member.

You get a contract, and you get a contract: Pick the "all-time roster" page on cagematch for WWF in 1997, and start from the bottom of the list (so, Zoltan Bigg). One after the other, those workers must get a title shot of your choice: it doesn't have to be a World title, it can be a lowcard title you'll create for the occasion, it can be a 2 min title match against a heel champion, but it has to happen. You can obviously skip anyone who's not in the database, retired, not a wrestler or dead... but you have to do each member of a tag team/stable.
If any of these people have a match performance over the lowest of the other workers on the show, they get a year long contract.

The Anti-Vince: Create a women division. None of the five first champions can have a Sex Appeal over 60 (or whatever the threshold for "Sexy" would be in that mod).

Could you train your replacement before you go ?: Each time someone in your roster retires (either from the ring or entirely), you must hire one of their students to replace them. If they don't have one, congrats, you get a pass.

Get it ? Because it's her song ? And he was in the Lip Sync Battle rendition ? No ?: Every worker whose last name is either Taylor or Swift must be hired, and one of them must become tag team champions multiple times with the Big Show.

The Alphabet Song: To be able to change your world champion, one of your champions must change for the next letter in the alphabet. For instance, let's say your champions are Bret Hart (World), Owen Hart (IC), The Headbangers (Tag), and Shawn Michaels. In order to have Bret Hart lose, either Owen, Shawn Michaels, The Headbangers or Bret himself must lose it to someone whose first, last or gimmick name (or, for the tag title, one of the members name) starts with A: Ahmed Johnson, Al Snow, Steve Austin, Road Warrior Animal, Aldo Montoya, Tiger Ali Singh, etc are all candidates. Then same with B, C, etc.

I had not seen this until now, thank you so very much.

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