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SWF & RIPW - The Supreme Network!

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="nc9GmQN.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/nc9GmQN.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> Hello everybody and welcome to a special edition of SWF Supreme Coverage, with yours truly. Now, I don’t really expect there to ever be any huge news on Years Day, but SWF decided that they would start the year off with a bang! What was that bang you asked? Well they just announced that starting February 1, 2020 they will be launching The Supreme Network, which will be home to all their PPVs, and ALL of RIPW’s PPVs and their (RIPW) debuting weekly TV Show. This is rather exciting news from SWF who have been in somewhat of a funk lately. It will be interesting to see how the fan’s take the announcement of being able to see all SWF and RIPWs PPV for the price of $9.99 a month. Also I am actually excited to be able to see the RIPW guys on a weekly basis. There hasn’t been much official confirmation about what this new show will be called, but I promise I will keep you guys up to date as always. </p><p> </p><p> Well that is all I got for tonight’s special edition of SWF Supreme Coverage, do not forget to tune in tomorrow night, after Supreme TV to get my complete breakdown of the show. Till next time!</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48233" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just as a quick note I will be running both SWF and RIPW together. <p> I have a lot of plans and continue to come up with stuff. Special thanks for The Historian for his encouragements and as my main sounding board!</p></div></blockquote>
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SWF Heavyweight Championship


Current Champ: Scythe

Reign Started: wk 2 of January 2020

Prestige: 90

Former Champs:

Rocky Golden



SWF World Tag Team Champsionship


Current Champs: The Dallas Cowboys

Reign Started: wk 2 of February 2020

Prestige: 61

Former Champs:

Fame & Money



SWF North American Championship


Current Champ: Des Davids

Reign Started: wk 2 of November 2019

Prestige: 65

Former Champs:

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* Major Stars *



Remo * Rocky Golden * Scythe *


* Stars *



Brandon James * Des Davids * Mikey Lau * Randy Unleashed * Rogue * The Crippler * Valiant *


* Well Known *



Angry Gilmore * Atom Smasher * Bear Bekowski * Ekuma * Hollywood Bret Starr * Huey Cannonball * Jefferson Stardust * Joey Morgan * John Greed * Jungle Lord * Lenny Brown * Mainstream Hernandez * Marshall Dillon * Monty Trescarde * Paul Huntington * Primus Allen * Ranger * Spencer Spade * ZWB


* Recognizable *



American Machine * Avalanche * Big Smack Scott * Brett Biggins * Charger Siaki * Dominic DeSousa * High Flyin' Hawaiian * James Prudence * Justin Sensitive * Kurt Laramee * Makutsi * Masked Patriot * Matty Faith * Oliver Kobb * Robbie Wright * Sammy Smoke * Steven Parker *


* Unimportant *



Chill *

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Supreme TV - Thursdays


Jan wk1 Jan wk2 Jan wk3 Jan wk4 Feb wk1 Feb wk2 Feb wk3




January - When Hell Freezes Over



February - Nothing to Lose



March - Awesome Impact


April - When the World is Watching


May - Master of the Puppets


June - Times of Trouble


July - The Supreme Challenge


August - Welcome to the Jungle


September - Under Control


October - Let the Games Begin


November - Break Like the Wind


December - Christmas Clash

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Deever Arnold * Forrest Ratzloft * Hellion * Warwick Good


*Well Known*


Sampson Sharpe




Bryan Jewett * Hank Whitman * Hoss Hadley * Kingsley Christopher * Moriarty Schnell * Newquay Brown * Rocky Weatherfield * Whole Lotta Marvin * Willy LaRoux


* Unimportant *


Barron Royal * Clubber Ball * Crusher Ball * Curt Meritt * Drew Danson * Marty Simmons * Roderick Flack * Son of Vengeance (SoVen) * Stevie Stanley * Zap Powerson * Zeke Cromstock * Zharnel Zephaniah


* Tag Teams *

Texas Justice - Sampson Sharpe and Hoss Hadley

Magic Boys - Kingsley Christopher and Newquay Brown

Sunshine Connection - Rocky Weatherfield and Drew Danson

Rhode Island Scholars - Barron Royal and Curt Meritt

The Wrecking Balls - Clubber and Crusher Ball

All Night Party - Marty Simmons and Stevie Stanley


* Stables *

Infamous - Willy LaRoux, Kingsley Christopher, Newquay Brown, and SoVen

Souther Comfort - Hank Whitman, Sampson Sharpe, and Hoss Hadley

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RIPW Championship:


Current Champ: Warwick Good

Reign Started: wk 2 January 2020

Prestige: 41

Former Champs:

Forrest Ratzloff



RIPW Tag Team Championship


Current Champs: The Diaz Boys (Logan and James Diaz)

Reign Started: wk 1 of Feb. 2020

Prestige: 24

Former Champs:

The Magic Boys





Current Champ: Willy LaRoux

Reign Started: wk 2 of January 2020

Prestige: 20

Former Champs:

Bryan Jewell



RIPW March to Victory


2020 Tournament Winner:

Tournament Held at RIPW March to Victory PPV in March

Prestige: 30

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RIPW Showcase - Debuts February wk1 on Thursday Nights!

Feb wk1 Feb wk2


All Events take place on the 2nd Friday of the month, except Black Friday which takes place on the 4th Friday of November


January - Championship Battle


February - Rivalry


March - March to Victory

April - Survival

May - Destiny

June - Driven

July - Ultimate Showdown

August - SummerClash

September - Triple Threat

October - Clash of the Titans

November - Black Friday

December - Battle Royal

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Hello everybody and welcome to this week’s edition of The Supreme Coverage with yours truly. Now before we get to the write up, let’s just say this episode was lack-luster and a repeat of the same boring match-ups and angles. I really worry for the future of SWF with Jerry at the helm if this continues. With that aside, let’s jump into the recap.




SWF presents Supreme TV

Live From Laurent Ballroom (New England)

Thursday wk 1

Attendance: 5000

Rating: 68

TV Rating: 2.68



*Rocky opened the show to talk about his feud with Scythe and the mind games he has been playing. Rocky promises the crowd he is going to win.

*Rocky truly is golden, I don’t think he can have a bad promo, his passion comes out with every word, and people believe what he says. It does help that he has a body of a god, and….wait a minute let’s get back to the promo…..

*Great promo by Rocky and it didn’t overstay it’s welcome at all. Solid job SWF off to a great start.

Rating: 93


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Match 1: NA Title Match: Oliver Kobb vs Des Davids

*And there goes the great start….A decent match with the sole purpose to show how dominate Des has become lately.

*Oliver never stood a chance and got minimal offense in. Des dominated almost the whole time and made Oliver his personal whipping boy for about 10 minutes.

*The match ended with Des hitting a Touch Down and scoring a pinfall. Des made defense number 3.

Rating: 70



*A straight to the point promo by Des. He promised to destroy Lenny like he did Oliver.

*On a side note, poor Oliver, I mean he is a nice guy with a great comedy gimmick, I think with the right gimmick he might actually be able to do something, but that’ll never happen until he is too old to matter, looking at you Crippler.

*Des also probably shouldn’t be given the mic too much, I mean he got the point across but he really isn’t that good, luckily they kept it short and to the point so overall a good angle.

Rating: 62


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Match 2: Jungle Lord vs Chill

*Oh sweet biscuits this was a terrible match.

*Nobody really cares about Jungle Lord or Chill, and there was no reason for this match other than for Spencer to either get involved or attack Jungle Lord after the match.

*Chill looked terrible, but got a little bit of offense in aginst Jungle Lords stupid, out-of-date “intense” wild man offense.

*Thankfully the match only lasted 7:45 and Jungle Lord won following a Jungle Jack-Jammer.

*In a terrible match, Jungle Lord defeated Chill in 7:45 by pinfall with a Jungle Jack-Jammer.

Rating: 58




*Crappy angle because nobody cares about Jungle Lord, sorry Jungle Lord I know you are the “Wild Man” but you are past your prime, and are not that menacing.

*Spencer did the best that he could to make this segment interesting but being booked to not be able to sneak up on the wheezing Jungle Lord really hurts you.

*Jungle Lord was able to “anticipate” Spencer’s attack and with one solid straight right he sent Spencer and Dulce packing up the ramp.

*The segment ended, before going to commercial break, with the crowd “cheer” for Jungle Lord (I swear on my mother that the cheering was piped in) while Spencer and Dulce retreated up the ramp.

Rating: 66


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Match 3: Joey Morgan vs Huey Cannonball

*A decent but overall lackluster match that had absolutely no build up to what-so-ever.

*Joey reminded everybody how wasted he is and how good of a talent he is. While Huey did his thing and showed some bursts of Flashiness. I really believe Huey is a tag-team specialist for life. Jefferson is so much better off without him... my bad back to the match write up.

*While Unleashed Awesomeness (stupid name) was ringside they did absolutely nothing and let Huey get his @$$ kicked and put away in 11:42 with an Empire Spiral. You know what that means….

Rating: 64



*SHOCKER!!!! Really SWF can’t you come up with something better for these guys. I mean Joey gets thrown into a match against Huey and wins so Unleashed Awesomeness (stupid name) decide to attack him. Super Original

*Nobody came to Joey’s rescue, which is lame and he is being wasted..I digress. The heels had their way with beating Joey down before walking off laughing.

Rating: 75


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Match 4: Monty Trescarde vs High Flyin Hawaiian

*Gosh this was a poor match. I mean Monty might be one half of the Tag Team Champs, but he just isn’t that good.

*High Flyin Hawaiian (what a stupid name) continues to impress the fans and really won some fans over. Gosh I really hope him and Ekuma win the tag team titles.

*HFH put Monty away in 10:10 with a Pacific Crush.

Rating: 61



*A typical beat-down angle, not bad, but not really anything new or great

* Brandon James doing his normal I am a menacing, big guy and you are a small wrestler so I will beat you down shlick, with Krissy screeching in the background.

*What I did like was that Mikey kept trying to get up and fight back and you could see that this was making Brandon more angry.

*Eventually, with the help of brass knuckles, Brandon finally put Mikey down for good before laughing, (panting) and walking off. What a trend they are having here… two angles almost back to back that are almost the same thing, good job SWF, awesome booking!

Rating: 76

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Match 4: Atom Smasher vs American Machine

*Overall a solid bout that the finish was never in doubt.

*Atom Smasher is on fire and everything he does is better because of it.

*Poor American Machine, the big, muscular, and aging Patriot did not stand a chance and was thrown around the ring like a rag doll.

*Thankfully Atom Smasher put him away with a Mushroom Cloud to end the match.

Rating: 67




*A surprisingly good segment and it appears that they gave Atom Smasher some freedom to say what he wanted. Everything he touches is golden right now so it was a smart move.

*While he did do good, it wasn’t the most revolutionary promo, the standard I want a tougher challenge.

*The crowd did pop when Angry Gilmore’s music hit and he wobbled on down as fast as he could and a good brawl ensued.

*Let’s be honest, is SWF really going to put old man Gilmore over one of their hottest rising stars? I guess crazier things have happened in SWF before...

Rating: 79


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Main Event: Valiant vs Remo

*So the match was good with both Remo and Valiant looking good and getting some solid offense in.

*Remo was able to display his freakish power by giving multiple suplexes to Valiant.

*Hannah continues to stand useless by doing nothing but being eye candy.. I mean being the girl-next-door to Valiant’s “American Boy” crap.

*The match would have been better if Rogue didn’t interfere, but typical SWF when they have a storyline with three people you can bet the one that isn’t in the match will interfere.

Rating: 72



*Not much to say here other than the show ending with somebody beating somebody down, how typical of SWF. It was slightly different because it wasn’t Remo standing tall for once.

*Rogue actually looked good and like he has a real chance in winning the feud (which we all know he probably won’t.

Rating: 79

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Solid first show. Simple lay out of the diary which isn't a bad thing. Easy to follow.

I'll be following closely to see what you do with RIPW and see how it compares to my MAW. Keep it up, dude. You've got a follower in me.


Thank you, I appreciate the kind words! I can't wait to February so I can start RIPW's weekly show.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="nc9GmQN.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/nc9GmQN.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p>

Hello and welcome everybody to this week’s Ultimate Recap where we will be looking at the Big 3 in the US and any breaking news that has developed. For my in-depth show results for the Big 3 you can click <span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">SWF</span></span>, <span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">TCW</span></span>, or <span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">USPW</span></span>. </p><p> </p><p>

Starting with SWF:</p><p>

SWF presents Supreme TV</p><p>

Live From Laurent Ballroom (New England)</p><p>

Thursday wk 1</p><p>

Attendance: 5000</p><p>

Rating: 68</p><p>

TV Rating: 2.68</p><p> </p><p>

Main Event: Remo and Valiant went to a draw when Rogue Interfered. Rating: 72</p><p> </p><p>

TCW Presents Total Wrestling</p><p>

Live From Colorado Springs, CO</p><p>

Thursday week 1</p><p>

Attendance: 5,249</p><p>

Rating: 72</p><p>

TV Rating: 2.58</p><p> </p><p>

Main Event: Benny Benson, Sammy Bach, and One Man Army defeated Troy Tornado, Tana the Mighty, and Joshua Taylor. Rating: 77</p><p>

Match of the Night: (Pre-Show) Edd Stone defeated Matt Hocking. Rating: 79</p><p> </p><p>

USPW American Wrestling</p><p>

Live From Omaha, NE</p><p>

Wednesday wk 1</p><p>

Attendance: 6.556</p><p>

Rating: 78</p><p>

TV Rating: n/a (it’s shown on Reverie)</p><p> </p><p>

Main Event: Steve Frehley defeated Enygma and Joss Thompson. Rating: 80</p><p>

Match of the Night: Hawkeye and Wolf defeated Trent Shaffer and Rick Law. Rating: 84</p><p> </p><p>

So as you can see USPW really took it to the other two and produced a signficantly better show over. Despite my critiques of USPW and their show wasting some big matches, their TV show was just overall better. </p><p> </p><p>

Now to some of the breaking news! SWF made some splashes when they came to agreement with several talent: James Diaz, Logan Wolfsbaine, The Original Sinner, Dreadnought, Pepper Pelton, Papa Swoll, and Charlie Corner - It is said they are are all reporting to RIPW to learn the SWF way. While this is quite unusual for SWF to sign so many non-SWF academy guys it is said this is to help shore up their lack of babyfaces in RIPW. SWF also signed Haley Buck who will reported be the new backstage interviewer. I met Haley once and she seems like a nice gal with some good skills so I think she can succeed in this role. Only time will tell if SWF forgets about her like they tend to do with many of their backstage interviewers in the past, and have her transition to being a manager. And that’s it, it has been an otherwise quiet week in wrestling. Don’t forget to stay tuned for next weeks coverage of the Big 3 (<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">SWF</span></span>, <span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">TCW</span></span>, <span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">USPW</span></span>) and next week’s Ultimate Recap. Until next time!</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaded" data-cite="Jaded" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48233" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Great first show, looking forward to seeing how you get on with this!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thank you! It is a lot of fun and being able to have a tongue in cheek approach helps if I screw something up lol</p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>

<img alt="yBbvPKu.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/yBbvPKu.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

SWF presents Supreme TV</p><p>

Live From Baton Rouge, La</p><p>

Thursday week 2</p><p> </p><p>

Match 1: John Greed vs Brett Biggins</p><p>

In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, John Greed </p><p>

Match 2: Pain Alliance vs Faith and Old Glory</p><p>

Match 3: Primus Allen vs Local Talent</p><p>

Match 4: Paul Huntington vs Ekuma</p><p>

Match 5: Lenny Brown vs Bear Bekowski</p><p>

Main Event: Remo and Brandon James w/Krissy vs Valiant and Mikey James vs Rogue and The Crippler</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p>Match 1: <strong>John Greed</strong> vs Brett Biggins</p><p>

Match 2: <strong>Pain Alliance</strong> vs Faith and Old Glory</p><p>

Match 3: <strong>Primus Allen</strong> vs Local Talent</p><p>

Match 4: <strong>Paul Huntington </strong>vs Ekuma</p><p>

Match 5: <strong>Lenny Brown</strong> vs Bear Bekowski</p><p>

Main Event:<strong> Remo and Brandon James</strong> w/Krissy vs Valiant and Mikey James vs Rogue and The Crippler</p>

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John Greed vs Brett Biggins

Always will have a soft spot for John Greed. Plus, Biggins is practically a waste of space on the SWF roster. Lose... Lose... Lose and then fire.


Pain Alliance vs Faith and Old Glory

Faith and Old Glory are simply not over enough to take this win. Plus, Pain Alliance has more room to produce entertaining TV right now (versus Faith & Patriot). Plus, Faith and Old Glory feels like an USPW tag team.


Primus Allen vs Local Talent

Yea... good luck there.


Paul Huntington vs Ekuma

The big man takes the shocking win. This could be via DQ or something.


Lenny Brown vs Bear Bekowski

Rising star.


Remo and Brandon James w/Krissy vs Valiant and Mikey James vs Rogue and The Crippler

Remo is the reason why his team wins.

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Hello everybody and welcome to this week’s edition of The Supreme Coverage with yours truly. Before we get started I just want to say that SWF really stepped up their game after a terrible showing last week and have a darn good show. Let’s get started with the review.




SWF presents Supreme TV

Live From Baton Rouge, La

Tuesday week 2

Attendance: 5,868

Rating: 83



*Rocky opens the show again promising to destroy Scythe and rid SWF of the “Reaper”

*Despite being the same type of opener from last week, Rocky did a phenomenal job hyping their battle at When Hell Freezes over. I mean I don’t think this guy can do anything wrong at this point!

Rating: 100


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Match 1: John Greed vs Brett Biggins

*Not really sure what the heck this match was about as it had no build up

*I feel bad for both these guys, wasting away in SWF, when Brett should be in TCW with his brother at least being featured some. Greed has always had a ton of potential, but now that he is getting up there in age I don’t see SWF pulling the trigger on him at this point.

*I won’t lie that match really was poor and Greed seemed off his game, probably because he is so rarely featured anymore.

*John Greed defeated Brett Biggins in 8:02 by pinfall with a Crash Diet.

Rating: 60



*Shocked that SWF actually remembered to feature their new interviewer who did a good job standing there and asking a few questions…

*Mainstream is money right now and despite being a heel his passion and ability to get fans going is awesome.

*He blamed the fans for turning on him and SWF for holding him back, but that he was going to make a big splash soon.

Rating: 72


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Match 2: Pain Alliance vs Faith and Old Glory

*A pretty crappy match with terrible wrestling and the fans didn’t seem to care all that much. Again I am pretty sure SWF is piping in fan noises.

* Big Smack and Kurt, while can be entertaining, really are past their primes and it clearly showed.

*Matty and Masked Patriot seem out of place in SWF, I even saw a fan tweet that they belong in USPW, which I agree with. Matty looked better than Masked Patriot and I have been hearing some rumors that several of the other workers are high on him right now and want to see him go up in the ranks.

*Faith & Old Glory defeated The Pain Alliance in 10:50 when Matty Faith pinned Big Smack Scott with a Leap Of Faith.

Rating: 65


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Match 3: Local Talent vs Primus Allen

*What a freaking waste of a match. I mean Primus has been on since 2017 and has done next to nothing, and now they are back to having him squash jobbers.

*There isn’t much to say besides the match sucked, expect for Primus looking dominate, but it didn’t help him at all

*Primus Allen defeated Jack Griffith in 5:52 by pinfall with a Running Powerslam.

Rating: 55



*Sweet biscuits, I may have spoken to soon about Primus!!!

*The camera pans to Emma losing her s*** and calling Jerry and tearing hima new one over wasting a talent like Primus!

*I am excited to see what SWF does with this, probably botch it, but they do surprise us from time to time.

Rating: 78



*Wow Haley featured two times in one night, the writers must be trying to ensure they don’t forget about her after a week or two.

*Again Atom Smasher was on fire during this segment and really talked about how he is going to destroy the old man, “Not So Angry” Gilmore at When Hell Freezes Over. I won’t lie I love the name “Not So Angry” Gilmore, hahaha that’s good stuff.

Rating: 78



*So the Rat Pack is in the ring before Paul’s match...oh hey look it’s Justin Sensitive, I always forget he is in the Rat Pack.

*Hollywood takes the mic and talks about how not only will Paul win tonight, but they will keep the belts at When Hell Freezes Over! He also talks about how if he doesn’t start getting chances, like a shot at the World Title soon, him and the Rat Pack (Okay, I gotta stop for a second Hollywood is awesome on the mic, but sweet biscuits they really need to change that stupid name) will take matters in their own hands.

*Short and to the point segment, and Hollywood sounded awesome out there. He really needs more screen time.

Rating: 76


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Match 4: Paul Huntington vs Ekuma

*An overall decent match, that really showed how much better a wrestler Paul is than Ekuma. I mean the kid was already showing signs of struggling by the 10 minute mark!

*The crowd seemed into the match, and a few times the Rat Pack got involved, but nothing too much. High Flyin Hawaiian tried to keep Hollywood and Justin from doing too much damage.

*Paul showed his experience and superior in-ring skills when Ekuma got a little a head of himself and missed a huge corner splash.

*Paul Huntingdon defeated Ekuma in 10:27 by pinfall with a High Society.

Rating: 72



*SWEET BISCUITS AND GRAVY! Haley is being featured 3 times! I bet they don’t feature her at all next week.

*The segment was rather cheesey with Steven (remember he is a face) making some comments about hoping to get more shots over some of the older guys who have had their time to shine.

*A passing Crippler did not like that comment and proceeded to beat the crap out of Steven while a worried Haley ran off… I kid you not...

Rating: 63


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Match 5: Lenny Brown vs Bear Bekowski

*Not too bad of a match, and the crowd seemed into it, despite the ending never really being in question.

*They really need to do something with Bear, he is just floating in nothingness.

*Lenny looked really good out there, he displayed a smart offense and never let the bigger man get his offense truly rolling.

* Lenny Brown defeated Bear Bekowski in 11:51 by pinfall with The Star Treatment.

Rating: 66



*Lenny hyped up his upcoming match with Des on Thursday and promised that Des will finally get what he always wanted, the Star Treatment

*Okay, so I got what he was trying to accomplish, but the pun was terrible and I even think the crowd agreed with me.

Rating: 63


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Main Event: Remo and Brandon James w/Krissy vs Valiant and Mikey James vs Rogue and The Crippler

*A very good match that featured some of the biggest names in SWF all thrown into a random tag team match to advance almost every major storyline. The only two people this was missing was Rocky and Scythe.

*Despite the randomness of the tag match, which was no doubt to hype each feud for the PPV on Thursday, the guys all looked good. SWF actually did a good job teasing each feud, and the fans got a taste of what they would see on Thursday.

*Rogue and The Crippler were out first when Rogue refused to get tag in by The Crippler and Remo hit the Destroyer on Crips to take him out.

*Valiant and Mikey were the last two to get pinned when Valiant got distracted by Krissy punching Hannah in the face. Remo took advantage of the distracted Valiant to capitalize on a worn out Mikey. Remo hit Mikey with a Destroyer for the pin and the win in 18:20.

Rating: 83



*A SWF favorite before a PPV a main even brawl seeing the four guys left in the match battling it out again.

*Not sure how Mikey got up to help Valiant fight, but whatever.

*I think the best part of this was Rogue sneaking back into the ring and giving Remo a low blow before hitting him with the chair. Rogue hesitated and decided not to hit Brandon with the chair. The show ended with Rogue in the ring and Brandon and Krissy on the outside.

Rating: 84


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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="T4kGSlX.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/T4kGSlX.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p>

SWF Presents When Hell Freezes Over</p><p>

Live from Rochester, NY</p><p> </p><p>

Match 1: NA Title Match Lenny Brown vs Des Davids</p><p>

Match 2: The Crippler vs Steven Parker</p><p>

Match 3: Angry Gilmore vs Atom Smasher</p><p>

Match 4: Primus Allen vs American Machine </p><p>

Match 5: Joey Morgan and Dallas Cowboys vs Unleashed Awesome</p><p>

Match 6: Tag Team Titles - Hawaiian Crush vs Fame & Money</p><p>

Match 7: Spencer Spade vs Jungle Lord</p><p>

Match 8: Mikey Lau vs “Big Money” Brandon James w/ Krissy</p><p>

Match 9: Rogue vs Remo vs Valiant</p><p>

Main Event: World Heavyweight Champion: Scythe vs Rocky</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="vvV0BFl.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/vvV0BFl.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

RIPW Presents Championship Battle</p><p>

Live from Boston, MA</p><p> </p><p>

Match 1: USA Championship Willy LaRoux vs Bryan Jewett</p><p>

Match 2: Hoss Hadley vs Whole Lotta Marvin</p><p>

Match 3: The Wrecking Balls vs The Sunshine Connection</p><p>

Match 4: Hellion vs Deever Arnold</p><p>

Match 5: Tag Team Titles All Night Party vs The Magic Boys</p><p>

Main Event: RIPW Championship - Warwick Good vs Forrest Ratzloff</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p>SWF Presents When Hell Freezes Over</p><p>

Live from Rochester, NY</p><p> </p><p>

Match 1: NA Title Match Lenny Brown vs <strong>Des Davids</strong></p><p>

Match 2: The Crippler vs <strong>Steven Parke</strong>r</p><p>

Match 3: Angry Gilmore vs <strong>Atom Smashe</strong>r</p><p>

Match 4: <strong>Primus Allen</strong> vs American Machine</p><p>

Match 5: Joey Morgan and Dallas Cowboys vs <strong>Unleashed Awesome</strong></p><p>

Match 6: Tag Team Titles - Hawaiian Crush vs <strong>Fame & Money</strong></p><p>

Match 7: <strong>Spencer Spade</strong> vs Jungle Lord</p><p>

Match 8: <strong>Mikey Lau</strong> vs “Big Money” Brandon James w/ Krissy</p><p>

Match 9: Rogue vs <strong>Remo</strong> vs Valiant</p><p>

Main Event: World Heavyweight Champion:<strong> Scythe</strong> vs Rocky</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

RIPW Presents Championship Battle</p><p>

Live from Boston, MA</p><p> </p><p>

Match 1: USA Championship Willy LaRoux vs Bryan Jewett</p><p>

Match 2: <strong>Hoss Hadley</strong> vs Whole Lotta Marvin</p><p>

Match 3: <strong>The Wrecking Balls</strong> vs The Sunshine Connection</p><p>

Match 4: <strong>Hellion</strong> vs Deever Arnold</p><p>

Match 5: Tag Team Titles <strong>All Night Party</strong> vs The Magic Boys</p><p>

Main Event: RIPW Championship - <strong>Warwick Good</strong> vs Forrest Ratzloff</p>

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