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Booking WWE (In Need Of Tips)

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i disagree, a bunch of hot angles from wwe run from like 10-15 minutes - like the rusev/lashley/lana stuff. as well as matches, wwe in 2020 has a plethora of 20+ minute matches that are great.


I would argue that voraciously. But I will concede they have achieved high grades in long angles. With the Rock, Shawn, HHH, Paul Heyman. I would argue that those are guys capable of 90 promos that drifted and were penalized in the context of TEW. Besides the Punk pipe bomb I can't remember a single angle that would have achieved a 85+ that involved anyone who debuted after 2001. It's been a talking point forever how mind-numbing the quarter-hour opening promo is in general and how it hurts everybody. And how stubborn and stupid it is to continue it. I think the penalty replicates that reality very well.


As to the match length penalty, I think it's perfect honestly as worded. "Long Matches will tend to lose the crowd" I would use Orton-Edge as the perfect example. That match in a vacuum is a great brawl. 15mins and it's the best match on the show... 36mins and it was the very worst. I would propose however that if a match achieves a certain grade threshold(90 lets say) that that penalty should not apply. But if it misses, then you get hit. Because a great match that's long is still great, but a decent match that's too long is literally the worst.

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I would argue that voraciously. But I will concede they have achieved high grades in long angles. With the Rock, Shawn, HHH, Paul Heyman. I would argue that those are guys capable of 90 promos that drifted and were penalized in the context of TEW. Besides the Punk pipe bomb I can't remember a single angle that would have achieved a 85+ that involved anyone who debuted after 2001. It's been a talking point forever how mind-numbing the quarter-hour opening promo is in general and how it hurts everybody. And how stubborn and stupid it is to continue it. I think the penalty replicates that reality very well.


As to the match length penalty, I think it's perfect honestly as worded. "Long Matches will tend to lose the crowd" I would use Orton-Edge as the perfect example. That match in a vacuum is a great brawl. 15mins and it's the best match on the show... 36mins and it was the very worst. I would propose however that if a match achieves a certain grade threshold(90 lets say) that that penalty should not apply. But if it misses, then you get hit. Because a great match that's long is still great, but a decent match that's too long is literally the worst.


for sure, im on the same page with you as far as angles are concerned, now that you mention it. the majority of long angles in wwe overstay their welcome. i just think that the penalty is a bit too high. as for the matches, i think the penalty needs to be adjusted depending on the workers skill (or the idea you came up with would work as well). yeah orton vs. edge was a snooze fest (tho personally i think the lack of a crowd contributed to that), but a 30 min match involving certain wwe wrestlers (styles, bryan, cesaro, zayn) is more likely to be amazing than not.

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Hi Guys,


So I've been playing a real world mod as WWE and am really struggling to get any sort of good match scores, I think the highest I've had has been in the 60's.


I've tried multiple storylines, match times, road agent notes and I just cant seem to get a good result, which in turn leads to the broadcasters cancelling.


Just wanted to know if anyone else has mastered this to get any good results and if so what did you do.


Your thread has really been hijacked lol. Whenever I play RW WWE I rely heavily on part-timers in hot angles to bump my ratings I feel like this reflects the real-life WWE pretty well since the stars of today aren't nearly as popular as the Edge's and Cena's


If you can pick up a few part-timers that are really popular (I used to sign The Rock, Austin, and Batista not sure if all are still available) and have them host interviews or make them authority figures and your angles will boost your ratings. As for matches yeah that's a tough one but maybe have Cena main event every week until you've built others up?

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Are you using patch 9 or later?


It wasn’t working well in the early versions, but the threshold was meant to have been altered by patch 9 so such reactions wouldn’t be as frequent.


Yeah, playing a historical mod at the moment and aside from everyone in TNA 2005 being really negative influences, I’m really enjoying it now.

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Going back and doing some digging through past Nitros/Raws for my own mod, it seems pretty realistic. I mean even in 1999 and such crowds would really only pop for midcarders if they are associated with a hot act( Rock, Foley, etc.)




On WWF TV? No, not really the case, a lot of midcarders were really hot

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I think if playing with a converted real world mod from TEW16 the reason for you low scores may be due to a) the product settings for wwe i think the ratings are like 60/40 in favour of popularity over ring work. And b) most of the Main Event guys are at 60 pop.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="AneesMoha" data-cite="AneesMoha" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48323" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I think if playing with a converted real world mod from TEW16 the reason for you low scores may be due to a) the product settings for wwe i think the ratings are like 60/40 in favour of popularity over ring work. And b) most of the Main Event guys are at 60 pop.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> If it's PG Sports Entertainment that's a 70/30 product. So yeah, 70 is probably the best you're going to be able to do and it's going to be probably a 6mo project to fix it. Which sounds about right to me.</p>
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Wow I didn't realise this thread was still active 😂😂, I've been playing with this more and I'm getting the hang of it a little more and the patches are certainly helping.


Thanks for everyones input and advice, reading back through everything the hijack in the middle was quite funny

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<p>I'd always say with WWE its takes patience.</p><p> </p><p>

Maybe a month or two to see how the mod rates the workers and who mixes well with who.</p><p> </p><p>

Once you had 2-3 guys to the level you want, it's plain sailing from there after the tricky start.</p>

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Okay, maybe it was just me. I just had an angle to kickoff my show where the Rock and Randy Orton were in an angle for 7 minutes. Rock was rated on Entertainment, Orton was not rated and was Off Screen. Pulled a 94. They're in a storyline that has 74 heat.
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I'm about to start booking WWE in 2004 with the brand split happening. I've changed the product to "Episodic Entertainment", as I feel that best suits the era as I want to book it (namely matches get capped at 10min, lengthy matches will tend to lose the audience and no cap on angle lengths).


I'll let you know how I go.

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<p>WWE can never be booked 100% accurately in Tew 2020</p><p> </p><p>

The problem with most of the people who are agreeing with penalizing on the product is we have no idea how long they have been watching the product and when they last watched it to gauge them, if you fail to see why this is important consider this;</p><p> </p><p>

A penalty in an ex fans eyes is not comparable to a penalty of a current fan, current fans who have been watching currently would immediately disagree with the angle penalty as 5 minutes is ridiculously short for the segment cap in a company that is known for having a 10 minute opening regularly, if you feel the issue is the length then you should also dislike the most legendary promos in the business, the issues is popularity has never been done well when it comes to wwe</p><p> </p><p>

Consider the fact that the popularity of a worker in a database is determined only by the mod makers opinion and an attempt to make artificial difficulty, ive seen databases place WWE’s main event scene in the 50s of popularity and be called good, the stats are oftentimes off as well but they are a bit harder to judge so I’ll give them a bit of a break on that one</p><p> </p><p>

The real reason WWE gets low ratings is almost solely it’s booking, they don’t use anyone to their full potential practically, consider this it took Strowman 5 losses to Brock Lesnar to not beat him, rusev vs lashley which people claim raised the ratings (it 100% didn’t), was almost universally panned as a storyline out of the gate and yet then still overran the story with only a small percentage actually giving a crap by the end, in terms of TEW it should 100% be possible to get decent ratings as most players seem to do the following </p><p> </p><p>

A. Book to a wrestlers strengths and not there weaknesses</p><p> </p><p>

B. Book a storyline that wouldn’t ignore the past character actions on a whim</p><p> </p><p>

C. Take risks</p><p> </p><p>

If you get a bad rating after following the bookers mantra it’s not the bookers fault it’s your roster or product </p><p> </p><p>

No the roster isn’t as popular as they could be but more people know the people on top than you’d think </p><p> </p><p>

The product itself if viewed in Tew terms and was accurate then it wouldn’t be the issue either</p><p> </p><p>

The product in real world mods are rarely accurate enough so that’s likely your issue on your grades but who knows maybe your booking HHH vs Vince in an Ironman match for control of the company lol</p>

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I've run a few watcher games using the Jan 2020 RWC mod, and the new KTB mod. It's interesting that in the Jan 2020 mod WWE by itself runs mid to upper 80 shows, but when I run the shows with similar booking I only get mid to upper 70's. There is something I'm missing in the watcher games, but I can't see everything in the road agent notes.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="kdcastles" data-cite="kdcastles" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48323" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I've run a few watcher games using the Jan 2020 RWC mod, and the new KTB mod. It's interesting that in the Jan 2020 mod WWE by itself runs mid to upper 80 shows, but when I run the shows with similar booking I only get mid to upper 70's. There is something I'm missing in the watcher games, but I can't see everything in the road agent notes.</div></blockquote><p> I'm pretty sure it was said before that the AI has a different "way" to book the show and so it's easier for the AI to get good grades.</p>
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How am I supposed to manage a child company with a 100 person roster? That's frigging bananas. I first thought I'd just do a brand split and dump the old people into a "veterans" brand and give them a "B" show that I could just auto-book and all, so I could focus on developing young stars.


But that's easier said than done - there's no way to filter anything on the brand split screen to pick out who is older/younger or anything.

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How am I supposed to manage a child company with a 100 person roster? That's frigging bananas. I first thought I'd just do a brand split and dump the old people into a "veterans" brand and give them a "B" show that I could just auto-book and all, so I could focus on developing young stars.


But that's easier said than done - there's no way to filter anything on the brand split screen to pick out who is older/younger or anything.


Agreed we need to be able to filter the brand split somewhat, it can be tricky to use brand splits without it

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