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January 2004 Ruthless Aggression TEW 2020 Mod (ABANDONWARE/FREEWARE

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I'm 4.5 years into a local to global save using this mod and just wanted to say, again, that it's absolutely incredible work. I already loved the TEW2016 version but playing an updated one on TEW2020 has been a blast so far.


My only gripe is that there are a bunch of duplicate workers. I should've taken note of them as they debuted but I stupidly didn't. Off the top of my head - Rene Paquette/Renee Young, Athena/Ember Moon and Apoc/Apocalypse spring to mind. Would be great if you could clean this up for others (I've done it on my end as I see the dupes pop up), but otherwise this mod is stellar.


Thanks again for all the work put into this :D



Have you seen anymore dupes?

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Just a little progress report, I was in touch with my partner, he ran into life problems so the update on his end has been a bit slow. He's hoping to get it to me by the end of February. I do apologize it has taken so long. That was not my goal. I'm thinking about releasing a minor update today or tomorrow with minor fixes. Nothing noteworthy or game changing. Just Quality of Life things.
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<p>Really enjoying this mod. First time I've really been able to sink my teeth in 2020 so thank you for putting a mod out there that feels complete but is still getting continued support.</p><p> </p><p>

Discovered an issue, but not sure if it's the mod or the new product system. Obviously you've set WWE as having the Ruthless Aggression product which is supposed to allow violent matches as long as they aren't deathmatches. Just tried to book Mysterio v Chavo and JBL v Simmons at Mania in Ladder and a Street Fight respectively, but the game won't allow me to book them as the content is too violent/risky for the audience we attract.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="jean-vic" data-cite="jean-vic" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48346" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Really enjoying this mod. First time I've really been able to sink my teeth in 2020 so thank you for putting a mod out there that feels complete but is still getting continued support.<p> </p><p> Discovered an issue, but not sure if it's the mod or the new product system. Obviously you've set WWE as having the Ruthless Aggression product which is supposed to allow violent matches as long as they aren't deathmatches. Just tried to book Mysterio v Chavo and JBL v Simmons at Mania in Ladder and a Street Fight respectively, but the game won't allow me to book them as the content is too violent/risky for the audience we attract.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Are you able to actually run the match but just get a penalty for it? In my save I can have those match types but I get a penalty for running high risk matches. I'm not sure why Adam made it that way as we got a lot of high risk matches and everyone loved them.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MrVillain" data-cite="MrVillain" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48346" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Are you able to actually run the match but just get a penalty for it? In my save I can have those match types but I get a penalty for running high risk matches. I'm not sure why Adam made it that way as we got a lot of high risk matches and everyone loved them.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> When I try to book them it gives me a message that those match types aren't suitable for our audience and then takes me back to the booking screen.</p><p> </p><p> EDIT: Closed and reloaded game and returned to pre-booking screen. Let me book them this time. Gave me the warning but let me book. </p><p> </p><p> Still, seems silly that a product described as violent doesn't allow violence....</p>
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I dunno guys, I don’t think anything WWF/E ever did would be called “High Risk”. To me, even their most Hardcore or Last Man Standing type matches would be no more than Medium risk, despite how much they pumped themselves up.


High Risk is some of the extreme type stuff ECW and smaller feds do IMHO. Actual Deathmatches and the like.

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I dunno guys, I don’t think anything WWF/E ever did would be called “High Risk”. To me, even their most Hardcore or Last Man Standing type matches would be no more than Medium risk, despite how much they pumped themselves up.


High Risk is some of the extreme type stuff ECW and smaller feds do IMHO. Actual Deathmatches and the like.


I agree. The best fix for this would probably be to make multiple match types depending on risk levels. Example:


1 vs. 1 Cage match (low risk) - think the old blue bar cage matches during the WWF New Generation/throwaway cage matches on tv

1 vs. 1 Cage match (medium risk) WWE style PPV cage matches that featured some blood

1 vs. 1 Cage match (high risk) The bloodier style cage matches that use more high risk content


Something like that, obviously using the actual terms in the good would be a decent workaround to match settings by product and give more freedom in booking

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One thing I think should be added down the line is narratives for Goldberg, Lesnar and Rock leaving. I could have signed Goldberg and Lesnar again without any trouble, but I'd rather follow history at this point and put them on hiatus, and Rock being on a ten year contract is extreme when, again, he appeared once in nearly ten years. Just a suggestion for future updates.


About to hit Mania XX. Can't wait to see how my roster does, and what surprises the draft the following night throws at me :D

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I dunno guys, I don’t think anything WWF/E ever did would be called “High Risk”. To me, even their most Hardcore or Last Man Standing type matches would be no more than Medium risk, despite how much they pumped themselves up.


High Risk is some of the extreme type stuff ECW and smaller feds do IMHO. Actual Deathmatches and the like.


That's fair to say

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I agree. The best fix for this would probably be to make multiple match types depending on risk levels. Example:


1 vs. 1 Cage match (low risk) - think the old blue bar cage matches during the WWF New Generation/throwaway cage matches on tv

1 vs. 1 Cage match (medium risk) WWE style PPV cage matches that featured some blood

1 vs. 1 Cage match (high risk) The bloodier style cage matches that use more high risk content


Something like that, obviously using the actual terms in the good would be a decent workaround to match settings by product and give more freedom in booking


This really isn't a bad idea to be honest

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Let me say this is the best Mod i've ever played. I'm still into my WWE game, now in 2009.

it's amazing.

Oh wow, would be keen to see about your game in the “what’s happening in your game” thread over in the main forum.


While you’re there, post your champions in the “who’s your champions” thread too!

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In 2006 now post mania. The mod is good but a lot of people are missing. I tried importing people from a different mod but that just led to a lot of trouble with clones.


Who would you say are missing? If you imported missing people then they showed up as clones, then they weren't missing...

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Some Chikara Identities worth knowing about. I'd suggest putting workers in under non-Chikara gimmicks when possible and putting CHIKARA ones as alter egos.



Drew Gulak = Soldier Ant (Gulak)

JC Ryder = Fire Ant (Ryder in data)

Tracy Williams = Green Ant (Green Ant in data)

Arctic Rescue Ant / Bullet Ant = Jixx (Arctic in data)

Alex Reynolds = combatANT (combatANT in data)

Zito = assailANT / Worker Ant II (assailANT in data)

Isias Velazquez = deviANT (deviANT in data)

Vin Gerard = Equinox I (Equinox in data)

Leslie Butterscotch = Hydra (Hydra in data)

TJ Cain = Jervis Cottonbelly I (Jervis in data)

Victor Vanek, originally known as RB Banks = Missile Assault Ant (Missile in data)

Lucky 13 = Retail Dragon (Dragon in data)

John Silver = The Shard (Shard in data)


Mike Quackenbush = Darkness Crabtree (both in data DUPLICATE)

Chuck Taylor = Orbit Adventure Ant (both in data DUPLICATE)


For the curious, here's a full list of "known" Chikara identities.


17 (I) = Kyle Matthews


17 (II) = Ophidan


Amasis = Desean Pratt


Archibald Peck = RD Evans


Arctic Rescue Ant = Jixx


Argus = Ryan Zane


Ashley Remmington = Dalton Castle


assailANT = Zito


BLANK = Logan Easton LaRoux


Blaster McMassive = Thomas Sharp


Bullet Ant = Jixx


Carpenter Ant = Pinkie Sanchez


Chiva Kid = Andrew Everett


combatANT = Alex Reynolds


Create-A-Wrestler = A Very Good Professional Wrestler


Danjerhawk = Mach10


Darkness Crabtree = Mike Quackenbush


Dasher Hatfield = A Very Good Professional Wrestler


Deaucalion = Chainsaw King


deviANT = Isaias Velazquez


Donald Kluger = Rob Locke


Dr. Cube (II) = Jakob Hammermeier


Dragon Dragon = Various, Eddie Kingston


El Hijo del Ice Cream = Mike Quackenbush, Various


Equinox (I) = Vin Gerard


Equinox (II) = Jimmy Olsen


Equinox (III) = Ace Haven


Flex Rumblecrunch = Sean Burke


Fire Ant = Orange Cassidy


Green Ant (I) = Lince Dorado (only appeared at ringside, never wrestled)


Green Ant (II) = Kazuhiko Miyakami


Green Ant (III) = Tracy Williams


Helios = Ricochet


Hieracon = Jonathan Gresham


Hydra (I) = Orange Cassidy (only appeared once)


Hydra (II) = Leslie Butterscotch


Hype Rockwell = CA Elliot


Ice Cream Jr. = Hallowicked, Chuck Taylor, Various


Ichabod Slayne = Icarus


Jasper Tippins = Joe Keys


Jervis Cottonbelly (I) = TJ Cain


Jervis Cottonbelly (II) = Hallowicked


Jervis Cottonbelly (III) = Kevin Condron (AKA Gentleman Jervis)


Kid Cyclone = Kevin Condron


Kodama = Louie Valle


Lance Steel (I) = Hallowicked


Lance Steel (II) = Niles Young


Lithuanian Snow Troll = Alexander Bird


Mano Metalico = DJ Hyde


Max Smashmaster = Sebastian Reese


Merlok = Havoc


Milo Schnitzler = Pat Mathews


Missile Assault Ant = Victor Vanek


Mr. Azerbaijan = Chuck Taylor


Moscow The Communist Bovine = A Very Good Professional Wrestler


Nokken = TJ Marconi


Nytehawk = Mike Quackenbush


Obariyon = Chris Peaks


One-Eyed Jack = Victor Benjamin


Orbit Adventure Ant = Chuck Taylor


Polar Baron = Jakob Hammermeier


Prakash Sabar = Officer Bruno Meloni


Qefka The Quiet = Daniel Yost


Race Jaxon = Logan Easton LaRoux


Razerhawk = Razerwyng


Red Queen = Lady Frost


Retail Dragon = Lucky 13


Rick Roland = Rex Lawless


Rock Lobster = Smiley


Saturyne = Hania The Howling Huntress


Silver Ant = Tracy Williams


Slaash = Various, Pinkie Sanchez


Sloan Caprice = Mike Verna


Soldier Ant = Drew Gulak


Swamp Monster = Various, Pete Dunne, Daffney, Dolph Ziggler


Sylverhawk = Wheeler YUTA


The Latvian Proud Oak = RD Evans


The Mysterious & Handsom Stranger = RD Evans


The Shard = John Silver


Ultimo Breakfast = A Very Good Professional Wrestler


Ursa Minor in the Night Sky = Jixx


Very Mysterious Ice Cream = Claudio Castagnoli


Volgar = Lucas Calhoun


Vokoder (I) = Sami Callihan (was supposed to be Vokoder but never actually appeared)


Vokoder (II) = Tim Donst


Wani = Kai Katana / Kyler Khan


Worker Ant (I) = Slacker Martin


Worker Ant (II) = Zito

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  • 3 weeks later...
I still have not received the big update from my partner. When I teamed up with him this wasn't supposed to take half a year to complete. I do apologize to anyone who has been waiting for this update. This was not my intention. From what he's told me is that it'll be great.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I still have not received the big update from my partner. When I teamed up with him this wasn't supposed to take half a year to complete. I do apologize to anyone who has been waiting for this update. This was not my intention. From what he's told me is that it'll be great.


Did your partner give you an ETA or even a ballpark estimate for it? I'm itching to start a new game but I've been holding out.

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