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T-Zone v2 is out

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Thats right release 2 for the TEW2005 game by T-Zone is out, i'd like to point out there may be errors as some of the things i did that got lost when my laptop died. So i might think i've done something and it has not been done. Me and Webby worked overtime the last couple of days to get some pics for release after all the others were lost when my laptop died and we've ended up with a hefty lot of pics done lol. I've zipped up my whole logo file so thats included too Logos - [URL="http://rapidshare.de/files/19553304/Logos.zip.html"]http://rapidshare.de/files/19553304/Logos.zip.html[/URL] Pics - [URL="http://rapidshare.de/files/19553844/tzone_v2_pictures.zip.html"]http://rapidshare.de/files/19553844/tzone_v2_pictures.zip.html[/URL] Data - [URL="http://rapidshare.de/files/19553935/T-Zone_v2.zip.html"]http://rapidshare.de/files/19553935/T-Zone_v2.zip.html[/URL] Sorry about the rapidshare links but it seems TEWFiles can't let you upload anymore, i'd appreciate if someone could make a mirror thanks and have fun MIRRORS thanks to Stevo AKA Evil Angry Cat Logos - [URL="http://www.wemakebadsmarks.com/tzone/Logos.zip"]Here[/URL] Pictures - [URL="http://www.wemakebadsmarks.com/tzone/tzone%20v2%20pictures.zip"]Here[/URL] Data - [URL="http://www.wemakebadsmarks.com/tzone/T-Zone%20v2.zip"]Here[/URL] MIRRORS from Joose [URL="http://fsphost.com/joose2001/tew/T-Zone/"]Here[/URL] Mirrors from Noas5 [URL="http://www.sendspace.com/file/7l77wg"]Logos (4 MB) [/URL] [URL="http://www.sendspace.com/file/w8x18i"]Pictures (10.7 MB) [/URL] [URL="http://www.sendspace.com/file/435tej"]Data (1.19 MB) [/URL]
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Cheers, I dunno if youve seen the thread, but got sh*t loads of links [url="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?p=105447"]HERE[/url] and updated that with all todays new updates Christ... today is mad aint it! TCP's BetaBeta V4, and now T-Zone V2 I know what Im gonna be doing tomorrow :D
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THANK YOU!!! I almost overlooked this some things: BSE is set to have about 750 people for their next show. They way their popularity is you can barley get 100 at a show. Should be changed. (maybe 15 in Ontario?) Rob "El" Fuego should be an inactive wrestler, not wrestling since last summer. And that was a rare appearence. I'd make him a road agent. Sinn in BSE should be renamed Dr. Nick Sinnfull he is doing an evil/psycho doctor gimmick. Michael Elgin is at least 21, not 19 I figured out from BSE that their official owner is Dave Blezzerd (also does commentary for them) he's a radio show host. I'm going to see their show and since I'm pretty recognized in Ontario I'm going to go get some of his basic info to pass on to you. As far as I know Fuego is the agent/booker of the fed for the most part and Dave is the main guy who has alot of finacial support from all around Toronto. Ash should be a free spirit personallity and selfish attitude. His power should be WAY down (he's tiny, he's like 5'10 but maybe 120) Cody 45's finishers should be both Phoenix Splash not Owen Hart Roll Up. Short name should be "Cody" not "45" Cody Deaner should get a huge chain/mat/psychology boost. Him and Tyson Dux are the best two WRESTLERS in Ontario besides maybe Ruffy Silverstein and Shawn Spears. Also his second finisher should be the "Unemployment Line". I'd rename Phil Latio's database name to Dave Linton. The Phil Latio character has been retired. He has recentley returned to his old gimmick Lartiste on the indy scene but is semi-active at best. Still prefers to be a ref under his real Dave Linton name. Lartistes gimmick is that he is a wannabe french-man from Paris...... Ontario... Done in a jokingly manner though and is a big face gimmick but just as easily heel. Finisher as of late is the Victory Roll even though he can do pretty much any cruiserweight move. Also give him a referee boost. He is recognized as Ontario's top official and he's one of those guys that is never in the way of any wrestler or any camera guy when he's in there. Should be at least an 80 IMO. Derek Wylde's new finisher is a double underhook Canadian Destroyer he calls the Danger Driver. I'd use that as #1 and the Sky Twister Press as #2. El Tornado is a middleweight (at least 230 in weight and 6 feet tall) Finishers should be a Running Powerbomb & a Neckbreaker. And his new look makes him a much better heel then he is face. I'd almost say he's a weak face and strong heel. He should be a regular wrestler, not a cruiserweight in style also. Jake O'Reilly has been using an Ankle Lock as a finisher latley. He is one of those men of 1000 finishers, but the Ankle Lock seems to be his new one. He's a lightweight not a middleweight. O'Reilly is Canadian. Irish thing is a gimmick and only a gimmick. That is where his family is originally from, but its still just a gimmick. James Champagne should be a heavyweight, Large boost on the mic and in Charisma (he's easily top 5 best talkers in Ontario). He easily hangs with Chris Kanyon on the stick. Kobra Kai is 100% Canadian. And 100% white. I'd make Michael Elgin a middleweight. He is a legit 270 in the ring but just looks like a cruiserweight and gets away with a gimmick weight of 220 quite easily. Finishers should be a "Unreal STO" and "Unreal Moonsault". He is again a man of 1000 finishers, but those are used often. I'd give him a Power Upgrade. He gave a triple stacked Samoan Drop at a show (3 guys on his shoulders) Shantelle's finishers shouldnt be missle dropkicks. I'd use an Oklahoma Roll before I used a dropkick. I'll get the for sure finishers from her tommorow over MSN. She is a good face, medicore heel. Tiana Ringer should be a medicore face but a good heel. Tyson Dux should be added to Team Canada in TNA. Massive Matt work/chain upgrade needed. Finishers should be a Canadian Cloverleaf & Kryptonite Krunch. He's also been using this new Knuckle Lock Boston Crab thing over the clover leaf latley (if you just want to call it that) I'll ask him the official name next time I see him. Remove Monty Brown & Amazing Red from BSE. Add Christian Cage & Gail Kim Have you considered adding "The Hornet" to the update? he's a pretty good friend of mine and has been working in Mexico with X-Law & is schedualed to take part in Torymon's big DragonMania show at Arena Mexico. He is good friends with Ricky Marvin.
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New post for this: Might consider adding UWA Hardcore to the update. They are basically Ontario's CZW... literally. Alot of us Ontario fans hate them, but they draw 400-500 people consistentley. Here's their roster (will get face/heel gimmicks in a couple days) Beef Wellington Dan Paysan (Don Paysan) Josh Prohibition Petey Williams (may of been a one time thing) Osiris (the owner) Chris Bishop (also known as Christopher Bishop) Asylum Derek Frazier Sabian Eddy Kingston The Amazing Darkstone Larry Sweeney Nick Watts Jeff Flury Brad Martin Phil Atlas Rip Impact Matt Bison Alex Shelley Chris Sabin M-Dogg 20 Chris Hero Lionel Knight Jerry Lynn Niles Young Devon Parkside Prodigy Ruckus Champions: UWA Canadian Championship: M-Dogg 20 UWA Light Heavyweight Championship: Alex Shelley UWA Ownership: Josh Prohibition They also just had the CZW Lightweight title (whatever Young holds) defended on a show. More Random Notes: Shawn Spears should be 15-20 over in Ontario, he can draw 200-300 people with his name on the marquee. Cody Deaner should be 10-15, his gimmick is more Jamie Noble/Trash then redneck
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I also think the game should only have a couple legit Giants (size wize). You should have to be tall and large. Not just large (like Meex or whatever) Giants should be: The Big Show Dalip Singh Giant Gonzalez Akebono might also want to look at Ken Anderson (KENNEDY!) for a stat upgrade of everything.
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