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MAW Sam Keith Classic XI Night 1 Card

Fri, Wk 3 Jul, 2021


Opening Match

Sam Keith Classic First Round Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


The Heartbreak Express (MAW) vs The Past Masters (MAW)


Sam Keith Classic First Round Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


The Creatures (CZCW) vs The Rock City Stars (MAW)


Sam Keith Classic First Round Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Allen Smalls & Bowden Snoop (indie) vs Evil Intent (OLLIE)


Sam Keith Classic First Round Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Greg Black & Stevie Grayson (indie) vs Two Man Riot (MAW)


Sam Keith Classic First Round Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Gordon Shearer & Mr. Lucha IV (MAW) vs Wild and Wicked (FCW)

Sam Keith Classic First Round Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Brett Biggins & Perry Longstaff (MAW/IPW) vs Quick City Kingpins (ACPW)


Sam Keith Classic First Round Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Devil May Care (MAW) vs Terror Rising (NYCW)


Sam Keith Classic First Round Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray (MAW) vs Team Rex (CILL)


Main Event

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


“The Dallas Cowboy” Bradley Blaze vs “Rogue Assassin” Sterling Whitlock

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Sam Keith Classic XI Night 1

Fri, Wk 3 Jul, 2021

Attendance: 1,592

Viewers: 40,017


Opening Match

Sam Keith Classic First Round Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• The show opened with a match between two teams that the Baltimore audience are well acquainted with.

• Ralph Liotta started off in the ring with The Historian and the two rough brawlers laid right into each other with punches.

• Little separated these two teams, although the new edge to The Past Masters work was notably lacking in Heartbreak Express, and while their slick double team moves got the crowd on their feet, they lacked the explosiveness to put either of their opponents down for three.

• Sandman Winks failed to lock in the Deep Sleep several times throughout the match, his opponents had the former JHU champion’s deadly submission well-scouted.

• Unfortunately in trying to avoid getting caught in Deep Sleep, Johnny Needham took is eye off the ball and found himself on the receiving end of the Flashback from Historian and was eliminated from the tournament.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, The Past Masters defeated The Heartbreak Express in 9:35 when The Historian pinned Johnny Needham with a Flashback.


Rating: 40


Sam Keith Classic First Round Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• The first non-MAW team to wrestle in the Sam Keith Classic this year was none other than the duo of Eric Leroy and Tony DeWonderful of CZCW as they took on The Rock City Stars.

• Leroy started in the ring with Rockin’ Ryan Turner and it was clear from the off that the Coastal Resort graduate lacked the fundamentals to make a strong showing of himself against a seasoned veteran like Turner.

• It was also clear however that Leroy had charisma in spades and while he failed to keep up on the mat with his opponents, he did manage to elicit some audible boos from the Baltimore faithful.

• Leroy was in the ring for the bulk of the match’s overly long run-time, and when he was forced to tag in his partner, DeWonderful fell quickly to The Cover Version.

• In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, The Rock City Stars defeated The Creatures in 9:34 when Rockin' Ryan Turner pinned Tony DeWonderful with The Cover Version.


Rating: 37


Sam Keith Classic First Round Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• This match saw Snoop and Smalls wrestling one of their first ever professional matches against the sure-fire OLLIE Hall of Famers Evil Intent.

• Evil Intent were typically vicious as they worked down their green opponents.

• Allen Smalls got a good reaction from the crowd when he made his way into the ring, and his clean-cut all-American image made it very easy to cheer for him.

• Unfortunately, despite his impressive frame and physique, Smalls was felled after just under eight minutes by a Pit of Hell, eliminating him and his partner from the tournament.

• In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Evil Intent defeated Allen Smalls and Bowden Snoop in 7:37 when Slayyer pinned Allen Smalls with The Pit Of Hell.

• Bowden Snoop was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.

• Smalls and Snoop have zero chemistry as partners.


Rating: 36



Lisa Bowen came down to the interview area, tailed by Josh Jacobs, Jonah Pilgrim and Deuce Deadline. She grabbed the microphone from the hands of DeAnna Desire and shooed her from the area before she began to speak.

“Three weeks ago, Deuce Deadline pinned Tyrone Gray in the middle of that ring and then I get a call from Sam Keith saying only two of my boys are making it into this year’s tag team tournament? I’m not one for calling a conspiracy, but the blatant favouritism shown to these outsiders is exactly why this company needs the BPA. And to whoever wins this sham of a tournament? Watch your back”


Rating: 43


Sam Keith Classic First Round Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• Two Man Riot looked well-prepared to take on their veteran opponents, and Lisa Bowen at ringside put very little effort in jeering the now 40-year-old Canadians as they made their way to the ring.

• Two Man Riot started the match off strong, isolating Stevie Grayson and grinding him down with strikes and submission holds.

• However, after a few minutes, Grayson went down clutching his shoulder and the referee made an allowance to bring Greg Black into the match so Grayson could be examined by the ringside medic.

• Black came out of the gate looking strong, although without the momentum he would have had if his partner had tagged him in,

• Black took control of things as Grayson managed to make his way back on to the apron.

• Once he was tagged in Grayson hit the Shades of Grayson on Trix Triumph to qualify for the quarter-finals.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Greg Black and Stevie Grayson defeated Two Man Riot in 10:27 when Stevie Grayson pinned Trix Triumph with a Shades Of Grayson.

• Stevie Grayson suffered a Separated Shoulder.


Rating: 36


Sam Keith Classic First Round Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• The stars in the making, Gordon Shearer and Mr. Lucha IV looked to make their first big splash in the wrestling world as they took on the Wild and Wicked team of Jesus Chavez and Cobra.

• Gordon Shearer’s high-flying offence was the main talking point throughout this match as the man from the Colorado River Indian Reservation let out an offensive flurry unlike much of what is typically seen in Mid Atlantic Wrestling.

• Things took a turn when Jesus Chavez raked the eyes of Shearer, forcing him to tag out to his less experienced partner.

• The sadistic sides of Chavez and Cobra came out once they were in control of the match, wearing down Mr. Lucha IV on their side of the ring so he could not tag in his partner.

• Eventually he managed to escape the clutches of his opponents and make the tag to Shearer who sprang into the ring with a double dropkick on Wild and Wicked and fought valiantly against both men.

• The numbers game eventually caught up with Shearer and a stunner from Chavez led to him being caught in the Viper Vice and forced to tap out while his partner was knocked off the ring apron.

• In a bout that didn't have much heat and terrible wrestling, Wild and Wicked defeated Gordon Shearer and Mr. Lucha IV in 10:13 when Cobra submitted Gordon Shearer with a Viper Vice.

• Mr. Lucha IV was the weak link, struggling to keep up with everyone else's in-ring performance.


Rating: 38


Sam Keith Classic First Round Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• Tag team veteran Brett Biggins took IPW’s Perry Longstaff under his wing in this match and the two seemed to immediately click as a pair.

• Their slick double team moves made the aging Biggins roll back the clock and even hit some of his old aerial moves in a show that delighted an audience who have seldom seen the best of Biggins since he became a member of the MAW roster.

• Quick City Kingpins wrestled well during this match but it wasn’t their day and Biggins hit his B-B-Gun on Murray Firth to seal the win for his team.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Perry Longstaff and Brett Biggins defeated Quick City Kingpins in 9:38 when Brett Biggins pinned Murray Firth with a B-B-Gun.

• Brett Biggins carried the match in terms of in-ring performance.

• Longstaff and Biggins showed excellent chemistry as a team.


Rating: 38


Sam Keith Classic First Round Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• Terror Rising and Devil May Care hit the ring for what would likely be the biggest clash of styles in this year’s tournament.

• Devastating Don and Richie Riggins tried to take the initiative and attacked their opponents before the bell.

• This only worked for a few minutes as after a counter, a spattering of dazzling moves and a body breaker to Don by Acid II, the match was over within five minutes and DMC were moving on to the tournament quarter finals.

• In an extremely short match, Devil May Care defeated Terror Rising in 3:57 when Acid II pinned Devastating Don with a Body Breaker.


Rating: 28


Sam Keith Classic First Round Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• One of the most hotly anticipated matches of this year’s tournament saw former MAW tag team champions DeMarcus & Grey take on the current CILL tag team champions, Team Rex.

• Tyrone Gray started the match in the ring with Amazing Fire Fly and the two men flew around the ring like they were weightless, constantly countering one another’s moves and springing off the ropes in an athletic effort that moves the Baltimore crowd to their feet.

• The technical mastery of the luchador style gave Fire Fly the advantage and once Hysteria entered the match, Gray found himself on the end of a vicious beating. The current Campeanato de Universal OLLIE, Hysteria is the man who took the belt of Nicolas Lopez almost a whole year ago and his mastery was on full display during his deconstruction of Tyrone Gray.

• Gray nailed Hysteria with an enziguri and made the long crawl to his partner, and once Nate DeMarcus was in the match his pure power and inhuman athleticism brought the kind of kinetic energy that could overwhelm any opponent.

• A series of belly-to-belly and German suplexes to his opponents turned the match in favour of DeMarcus & Gray and the match ending Rocket Launcher on Fire Fly shook the ring with its impact.

• In a poor match, DeMarcus & Gray defeated Team Rex in 9:33 when Nate DeMarcus pinned Amazing Fire Fly with a Rocket Launcher.


Rating: 45


Main Event

Singles Match

30-Minute Time Limit


• After running through the first round of the Sam Keith Classic, the crowd settled in to welcome “The Dallas Cowboy” and “The Rogue Assassin” down to the ring.

• This match started off slowly, with both competitors trying to feel the other out over the course of a lengthy chain wrestling process. As time elapsed, it became clear that Blaze had been training in his technical wrestling, but the Mid Atlantic champion found himself struggling to keep up with his opponents grappling.

• After the pace of the match picked up, an errant tick brushed the front of the champion’s face and when he came up off the ground a steady pour of blood was oozing down the face of Bradley Blaze.

• Upon realising he had been seriously injured, Blaze lashed out at Sterling Whitlock in a fit of rage and rained down punches on his opponent until the referee had to intervene, threatening Blaze with disqualification if he failed to keep his temper in check.

• The match devolved into a series of stiff strikes and throws, with Whitlock reversing the Dallas Drop into a rollup for two, and Blaze breaking out of Whitlock’s End and nailing a Uranage.

• Sterling Whitlock gained the upper hand as the clock was creeping towards the twenty-minute mark and he nailed Blaze with Whitlock’s end, but the champion kicked out.

• With a look of near-boredom on his face, “The Rogue Assassin” proceeded to hit Blaze with a second Whitlock’s end, and then mounted the champion and rained blows down on his defenceless opponent until the referee believed that Blaze was no longer capable of continuing and called for the bell.

• In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Sterling Whitlock defeated Bradley Blaze in 21:32 by stoppage when Bradley Blaze could not continue.


Rating: 58


After the match, the house lights went down and a hooded figure walked out onto the entrance ramp, illuminated from above by a single spotlight while a lick of smoke curled around his ankles. The figure made its way to the ring and entered, handing a roll of cash to “The Rogue Assassin”, and then turned to face the unconscious form of Bradley Blaze. An eerie quiet descended over the Baltimore crowd as they drank in the figure standing before them. As the spotlight grew in size the figure reached up and pulled back its hood to reveal that Sterling Whitlock’s benefactor was none other than…




The Architect!


Rating: 50


Show Rating: 56


A/N: I would like to first off deeply apologise for what I feel is the poor quality of the matches on this show, making a card of eight straight up tag matches interesting to read haha.


In terms of predictions both Historian and Sco xY2Jx scored 6/9 and somehow both predicted that I would ever give Devastating Don a win in a diary, extremely brave picks!

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">MAW Sam Keith Classic XI Night 2 Card</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">

Fri, Wk 4 Jul, 2021</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Opening Match</em></p><p><em>

Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final</em></p><p><em>

Tag Team Match</em></p><p><em>

15-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p>

Greg Black and ??? vs The Rock City Stars</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final</em></p><p><em>

Tag Team Match</em></p><p><em>

15-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p>

DeMarcus & Gray vs Evil Intent</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final</em></p><p><em>

Tag Team Match</em></p><p><em>

15-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p>

Brett Biggins and Perry Longstaff vs Wild and Wicked</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final</em></p><p><em>

Tag Team Match</em></p><p><em>

15-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p>

Devil May Care vs The Past Masters</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Singles Match</em></p><p><em>

15-Minute Time Limit </em></p><p><em>


Bowden Snoop vs The Architect w/Sterling Whitlock</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Sam Keith Classic Semi-Final A</em></p><p><em>

Tag Team Match</em></p><p><em>

15-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p><em>


DeMarcus & Gray/Evil Intent vs Biggins and Longstaff/Wild and Wicked</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Sam Keith Classic Semi-Final B</em></p><p><em>

Tag Team Match</em></p><p><em>

15-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p>

Black and ???/The Rock City Stars vs Devil May Care/The Past Masters</p><p> </p><p>

<em>John Hopkins University Championship #1 Contender Match</em></p><p><em>

Four-Way Singles Match</em></p><p><em>

15-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p>

Dreadnought vs Gordon Shearer vs Kid Fantastic vs War Piece</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Main Event</em></p><p><em>

Sam Keith Classic Final</em></p><p><em>

Tag Team Match</em></p><p><em>

No Time Limit</em></p><p><em>


Winner of Semi-final A vs Winner of Semi-final B</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bonus:</strong>Due to Stevie Grayson's injury in the first round, Greg Black has been assigned a new mystery partner, who is it?:</p><p> </p><p>

Hint: He is a former multi-time tag team champion NOT from Canada or the United States.</p><p>


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<p>Opening Match</p><p>

Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final</p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Greg Black and ??? </strong>vs The Rock City Stars</p><p> </p><p>

Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final</p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DeMarcus & Gray</strong> vs Evil Intent</p><p> </p><p>

Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final</p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

Brett Biggins and Perry Longstaff vs <strong>Wild and Wicked</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final</p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Devil May Care </strong>vs The Past Masters</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

Bowden Snoop vs <strong>The Architect w/Sterling Whitlock</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Sam Keith Classic Semi-Final A</p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>DeMarcus & Gray</strong>/Evil Intent vs Biggins and Longstaff/Wild and Wicked</p><p> </p><p>

Sam Keith Classic Semi-Final B</p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Black and ???</strong>/The Rock City Stars vs Devil May Care/The Past Masters</p><p> </p><p>

John Hopkins University Championship #1 Contender Match</p><p>

Four-Way Singles Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dreadnought </strong>vs Gordon Shearer vs Kid Fantastic vs War Piece</p><p> </p><p>

Main Event</p><p>

Sam Keith Classic Final</p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

No Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

Winner of Semi-final A vs <strong>Winner of Semi-final B</strong></p>

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MAW Sam Keith Classic XI Night 2 Card

Fri, Wk 4 Jul, 2021


Opening Match

Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Greg Black and ??? vs The Rock City Stars


Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray vs Evil Intent


Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Brett Biggins and Perry Longstaff vs Wild and Wicked


Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Devil May Care vs The Past Masters


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Bowden Snoop vs The Architect w/Sterling Whitlock


Sam Keith Classic Semi-Final A

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Evil Intent vs Biggins and Wild and Wicked


Sam Keith Classic Semi-Final B

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


The Rock City Stars vs Devil May Care


John Hopkins University Championship #1 Contender Match

Four-Way Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Dreadnought vs Gordon Shearer vs Kid Fantastic vs War Piece


Main Event

Sam Keith Classic Final

Tag Team Match

No Time Limit


Evil Intent vs Devil May Care


Bonus: Luis Montero Jr. from OLLIE

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MAW Sam Keith Classic XI Night 2 Card

Fri, Wk 4 Jul, 2021


Opening Match

Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Greg Black and ??? vs The Rock City Stars

Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray vs Evil Intent


Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Brett Biggins and Perry Longstaff vs Wild and Wicked


Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Devil May Care vs The Past Masters

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Bowden Snoop vs The Architect w/Sterling Whitlock


Sam Keith Classic Semi-Final A

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray vs Wild and Wicked

Sam Keith Classic Semi-Final B

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


The Rock City Stars vs The Past Masters


John Hopkins University Championship #1 Contender Match

Four-Way Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Dreadnought vs Gordon Shearer vs Kid Fantastic vs War Piece


Main Event

Sam Keith Classic Final

Tag Team Match

No Time Limit


Wild & Wicked vs The Past Masters


Bonus: Really not sure here. I'll take a blind guess and go for Silver Tiger.

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Opening Match

Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Greg Black and ??? vs The Rock City Stars


Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray vs Evil Intent


Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Brett Biggins and Perry Longstaff vs Wild and Wicked


Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Devil May Care vs The Past Masters


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Bowden Snoop vs The Architect w/Sterling Whitlock


Sam Keith Classic Semi-Final A

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray/Evil Intent vs Biggins and Longstaff/Wild and Wicked


Sam Keith Classic Semi-Final B

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Black and ???/The Rock City Stars vs Devil May Care/The Past Masters


John Hopkins University Championship #1 Contender Match

Four-Way Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Dreadnought vs Gordon Shearer vs Kid Fantastic vs War Piece


Main Event

Sam Keith Classic Final

Tag Team Match

No Time Limit


Winner of Semi-final A vs Winner of Semi-final B

DeMarcus & Gray vs The Rock City Stars

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Fri, Wk 4 Jul, 2021

Attendance: 1,821

Viewers: 42,094



The show opened with Sam Keith standing in the ring with Greg Black, he explained to those in attendance and watching at home that Stevie Grayson’s injury that he suffered at the first night of the Classic was worse than first thought and he could not compete in his quarter-final match.


“So,” Keith continued, “I made a call and Greg Black’s replacement partner will be tag team wrestling veteran, Luis Montero Jr!”


Rating: 80


Opening Match

Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• The elder Montero brother began this match in the ring with Stan Manna.

• Having not worked for a “name” promotion since his departure from OLLIE at the beginning of this year, Luis Montero Jr. looked confident as he locked up with Manna and showed very little if any ring rust after spending some time on the independent scene before being drafted in as Stevie Grayson’s replacement.

• None of the four men in his match seemed to ever stop for a breath and went all out for its entire eight-minute runtime which may be to their detriment in future rounds.

• Eventually Ryan Turner and Stan Manna managed to isolate Greg Black and hit him with The Cover Version to move on to the semi-finals.

• In a decent match, The Rock City Stars defeated Greg Black and Luis Montero Jr in 8:05 when Rockin' Ryan Turner pinned Greg Black with The Cover Version.


Rating: 44


Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• The former Mid Atlantic tag team champions took on one of the most decorated tag teams in the history of OLLIE and the current COTT tag team champions.

• Unlike how teams usually approach a match against DeMarcus & Gray, Evil Intent worked to isolate Nate DeMarcus and worked on this knee in order to keep the world class athlete from utilizing his usual explosivity.

• The assault on DeMarcus’ left knee was vicious and left him barely able to stand but managed to nail Hellspawn with a clothesline before clawing his way to tag Tyrone Gray into the match.

• Gray sprang into the match like a rubber ball, nailing both members of Evil Intent with a dazzling array of high-flying moves.

• Momentum swung back and forth a few times, with Nate DeMarcus’ knee making most of the openings for Evil Intent, before Tyrone Gray managed to put away Slayyer with the Tumbleweed Splash.

• In a decent match, DeMarcus & Gray defeated Evil Intent in 12:06 when Tyrone Gray pinned Slayyer with a Tumbleweed Splash.


Rating: 42


Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• Wild and Wicked came into this match with an especially large chip on their shoulder, having been taken to the limit a week prior by the rookie pair of Gordon Shearer and Jesus Chavez.

• Brett Biggins started off in the ring wit Cobra but found himself on the receiving end of a beating that would have likely spelled a fast end for a less experienced wrestler, but the veteran’s knowledge of defensive wrestling kept him in the match long enough to make the tag to his young partner Perry Longstaff.

• The young highflier, who looks like he could have been a Biggins brother sprang to life much like Tyrone Gray in the previous match, but he was cut off quickly when Jesus Chavez stuck him with a thumb in the eye.

• Things swung back in favour of Wild and Wicked who ground down Longstaff until Brett Biggins got back into things, but was put away when Chavez rolled him up and grabbed a handful of his tights to win.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Wild and Wicked defeated Brett Biggins and Perry Longstaff in 9:52 when Jesus Chavez pinned Brett Biggins by using underhanded tactics.


Rating: 43


Sam Keith Classic Quarter-Final

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• This quarter-final match saw a rematch between two teams who contested one of last year’s Sam Keith Classic semi-finals in only the loosest sense, as this year Acid II had managed to avoid injury and joined his partner in a battle against The Past Masters.

• The Past Masters both stared a hole through Simon Ice, who managed to beat them singlehandedly last year after the pair took their eye off the ball for only a moment, and when the bell rang, Sandman Winks went straight for Ice on the ring apron.

• Unlike when these teams met in December, this match played out almost like a handicap match, as each time Simon Ice made his way back on to the ring apron, he found himself taken out.

• This continued until Acid II fell to the Flashback without managing to tag his partner in, despite fighting valiantly.

• In a decent match, The Past Masters defeated Devil May Care in 8:24 when The Historian pinned Acid II with a Flashback.


Rating: 51


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• In order to allow the competitors moving on in the Classic to rest, the crowd were treated to The Architect’s first match since his loss at Where It All Begins Again last year.

• He was accompanied to the ring by Sterling Whitlock to take on Bowden Snoop in his first MAW singles match.

• The Architect looked as confident as ever and took control of the match as soon as the bell rang, locking Snoop into an abdominal stretch within seconds of the two locking up.

• The Architect ran through a selection of suplexes and submission holds before he worked his young opponent down the point where he locked in the Blueprint and forced Snoop to tap out.

• In a terrible match, The Architect defeated Bowden Snoop in 3:32 by submission with a Blueprint.


Rating: 27


Sam Keith Classic Semi-Final A

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• The first semi-final match saw DeMarcus & Gray take on the last COTT entrant team Wild and Wicked.

• Nate DeMarcus stood on the ring apron with his left knee wrapped in athletic tape, while Tyrone Gray stood staring down the imposing figure of Cobra in the ring.

• Cobra and Gray locked up but the size advantage allowed Cobra to take control and push Gray into his corner, which is where much of the action stayed for the first half of the match.

• Gray managed to hit Cobra with a dropkick and then Chavez with a step-up enziguri before diving halfway across the ring and tagging his partner.

• DeMarcus came into the ring and flew into both Cobra and Chavez with shoulder tackles and managed to hit a release German suplex on Cobra before having to tag out of the match.

• The ebb and flow of the last few minutes of the match saw each man hit their most high impact moves, with Nate DeMarcus barely able to will himself into assisting with the match ending Rocket Launcher, before crumpling under his own weight at the sound of the final bell.

• The ringside medic and Tyrone Gray both had to help DeMarcus to the back as he struggled to put weight on his left leg.

• In a decent match, DeMarcus & Gray defeated Wild and Wicked in 9:38 when Nate DeMarcus pinned Cobra with a Rocket Launcher.


Rating: 48


Sam Keith Classic Semi-Final B

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• The Rock City Stars were welcomed with open arms by the Baltimore crowd who peppered The Past Master with jeers and boos following their convincing victory over Devil May Care.

• These two teams had each other well-scouted going into what would be their third match against each other in 2021.

• The Rock City Stars looked to end things quickly, to have as much fuel in the tank as possible going into the final, but The Past Masters managed to counter everything thrown their way, from superkicks to suplexes.

• Once the action slowed down, Stan Manna found himself isolated in the ring, and was worked down by the slower, grinding style of Sandman Winks and The Historian.

• Much like in their quarter-final match, The Past Masters cut off the ring excellently and kept Stan Manna in their corner for what felt like ten minutes but couldn’t have been more than three or four.

• Manna fought his way out of the corner and just as he reached his hand out to tag in his partner, The Historian pulled Ryan Turner off the apron and threw him, shoulder first into the ring post.

• Manna, alone and desperate tried to fight back on his own but eventually found himself locked in the Deep Sleep in the middle of the ring and was forced to tap out.

• In a decent match, The Past Masters defeated The Rock City Stars in 11:45 when Sandman Winks submitted Stan Manna with a Deep Sleep.


Rating: 48


John Hopkins University Championship #1 Contender Match

Four-Way Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• This match to crown a new number one contender for Cheetah Boy’s JHU title saw the currently unpinned and unsubmitted Dreadnought in the ring with the endlessly athletic Kid Fantastic, the man with the heart of a lion Gordon Shearer and the man yet to win a match in MAW War Piece.

• The three smaller men in this match rarely see eye-to-eye but they clearly agreed that Dreadnought was the biggest threat to them and worked quickly and collectively to neutralise the behemoth of a man.

• The strategy worked until War Piece turned on Gordon Shearer which left Kid Fantastic to fend off the bigger man on his own, which he failed to do.

• Once Dreadnought got back to his feet he managed to take control and eventually dropped War Piece with the Dread Bomb to win.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Dreadnought defeated Kid Fantastic, War Piece and Gordon Shearer in 12:25 when Dreadnought pinned War Piece with a Dread Bomb.

• Kid Fantastic carried the match in terms of in-ring performance.


Rating: 44



Dreadnought grabbed a microphone after the match and stood in the middle of the ring and held his gargantuan right arm directly up in the air until the crowd around him quietened and he then began to speak in a low and slow cadence.


He said, “Cheetah Boy, I’ve got you in my sights old man. Every time we step in the ring it always ends the same way; I win. I don’t know if you’re a religious man Cheetah Boy but if you are I suggest you go home tonight, get on your knees and pray to your God because what I’m going to do to you, well, it’s going to be biblical. You will look Cheetah Boy and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat upon him will be Dreadnought!”

Dreadnought promo on Cheetah Boy


Rating: 39


Main Event

Sam Keith Classic Final

Tag Team Match

No Time Limit


• Going into the Sam Keith Classic final we had DeMarcus & Gray taking on The Past Masters in a match that could very well be a defining battle in the future of tag team wrestling.

• As with their semi-final match, Tyrone Gray started in the ring in order to protect his partner. He went face-to-face with Sandman Winks but was grounded by his larger opponent.

• Gray was forced to tag out to Nate DeMarcus who tried to use his power to dominate The Past Masters, but The Historian landed a vicious chop block on the former tag champion’s left knee which grounded him for a large portion of the rest of the match.

• Winks and The Historian worked on DeMarcus’ knee, using double team moves and submission holds while Gray held his hand out desperately to get tagged into the match.

• Nate DeMarcus managed to hit a strong elbow strike right on the jaw of Sandman Winks and got to his corner to tag in Tyrone Gray.

• Gray took control of the match and the pair managed just about to hit the Rocket Launcher on The Historian to bring things to an end and win the Sam Keith Classic.

• In a decent match, DeMarcus & Gray defeated The Past Masters in 14:40 when Nate DeMarcus pinned The Historian with a Rocket Launcher. DeMarcus & Gray win the Sam Keith Classic.


Rating: 49



While DeMarcus & Gray were celebrating their title win in the ring, covered in confetti and streamers, Lisa Bowen came down the ramp to the centre of the ring. She exchanged words with both men. Tyrone Gray jawed with her aggressively while Nate DeMarcus held him back and looked more confused than anything. After a minute of this confrontation, Bowen lowered her trademark sunglasses and shot a wink in the direction of both men before climbing out of the ring and leaving both men to their celebrations.


Rating: 38


Show Rating: 50


A/N: Well that wraps up the Sam Keith Classic with Herrbear scoring an impressive 7/9 on the show, with only faith in The Rock City Stars in the way of a perfect score Sco xY2Jx managed a 6/9 and both smw88 and Historian scored 5/9 with Historian managing to get the bonus point!


Thanks for reading and as always I love hearing people's thoughts as we go :D

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Okay...hello again!


I haven't posted on this since my predictions before "Revenge is Sweet" as I found myself drifting away from the forums but it seems this diary went on something of a hiatus too, so I haven't missed tooooooo much.


I must say, I chuffing love this diary: the characterization, the bullet point match reports, the general writing style: they're all up my alley. So obviously I just treated myself to a re-read of the whole thing top to bottom and hoooo boy do I have some thoughts.


1. It's a bummer that TCW pulled their talent but you've done a sterling (no pun intended) job of adjusting to that and you're now back to a stage were the roster feels as well fleshed out as ever, even if the midcard is a little thinner than before Alphaville etc left you.


2. That JHU contendership four way is conclusive proof that Jay (and by extension you of course) knows how to build new stars: none of those four guys started 2020 on the roster but it didn't seem like a huge stretch for any of them to get a chance to earn a shot at the JHU.


3. I love love LOVE that Archie is back, with a darker, more machiavellian tweak to his mastermind gimmick. I hope he can slot straight back into the main event scene.


4. The BPU is a lovely way to give your stalwarts something to do, but I still didn't reeeallly see them as a threat UNTIL they hung Cheetah Boy out to dry (wonderfully executed face turn by the way, tricky to do but it absolutely worked). I think they're well positioned now as the mid-card bully boys but I couldn't pick anyone out as a future holder of the big belt. I realised upon my re-read though, there doesn't have to be! Not everyone can be a main eventer and having a faction that doesn't care about the belts almost makes them more dangerous in a way. Definitely helps flesh out the roster in any sense.


5. Final thought, sorry for the word vomit, but I'm really glad you persevered with this diary. I really have no interest in real-world diaries and it takes me ages to get into user-created C-verse companies so this particular MAW dynasty is 100% the sugar that mommy likes. Thank you for sharing your save with us and I hope you're still enjoying playing and writing as much as I enjoy reading and commenting!

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Mid Atlantic Wrestling Battle Stations 2021 Card Announced


Following the success of the two-night Sam Keith Classic tournament, MAW are coming back to Baltimore with a star-packed card, including an exhibition battle of the veterans as Greg Black, Stevie Grayson and the man now known as LM Jr (Luis Montero Jr.) are facing off against each other.


Current Mid Atlantic Tag Team champions The Wolf pack will be taking on the pair of Danny Fonzarelli and Oliver Knobb in order to warm up for their title match against DeMarcus & Gray later this month.


Current Mid Atlantic championship number one contender The Architect will be testing his mettle against former SWF and USPW man Andre Jones, while his associate "The Rogue Assassin" Sterling Whitlock will be fighting Masked Cougar for the COTT World Heavyweight Championship, an opportunity which Sam Keith believes he has earned after beating Bradley Blaze last month.


MAW Battle Stations 2021 Card

Fri, Wk 2 Aug, 2021


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Danny Fonzarelli & Oliver Knobb vs The Wolf Pack


Singles Match

15-Minute time Limit


Ade Nelson vs Allen Smalls


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Cheetah Boy vs War Piece


Three-way Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Greg Black vs LM Jr vs Stevie Grayson


Singles Match

20-Minute Time Limit


Andre Jones vs The Architect w/Sterling Whitlock


Main Event

COTT World Heavyweight Championship Match

Singles Match

60-Minute Time Limit


Sterling Whitlock vs Masked Cougar ©

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MAW Battle Stations 2021 Card

Fri, Wk 2 Aug, 2021


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Danny Fonzarelli & Oliver Knobb vs The Wolf Pack

What an interesting team with old Fast Ball and Danny. The veterans are in perfect position to elevate The Wolf Pack -- who could be the top team in MAW and really carry the tag division for a long time.


Singles Match

15-Minute time Limit


Ade Nelson vs Allen Smalls

Nelson is more established and could benefit from some positive momentum wins.


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Cheetah Boy vs War Piece

I could see War Piece getting a surprise win, but I think that Cheetah Boy is the star here, he's been a top guy/veteran for MAW for several years.


Three-way Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Greg Black vs LM Jr vs Stevie Grayson

Black is the bigger star and I don't see him wanting to lose to LM Jr or Stevie.


Singles Match

20-Minute Time Limit


Andre Jones vs The Architect w/Sterling Whitlock

The Architect should be the champ!


Main Event

COTT World Heavyweight Championship Match

Singles Match

60-Minute Time Limit


Sterling Whitlock vs Masked Cougar ©

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MAW Battle Stations 2021 Card

Fri, Wk 2 Aug, 2021


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Danny Fonzarelli & Oliver Knobb vs The Wolf Pack

Fastball & Fonz have some name value, but I can't see a tag team with a combined age of over eighty picking up a win over the MAW tag champions


Singles Match

15-Minute time Limit


Ade Nelson vs Allen Smalls

Ade? I guess? He's a roster stalwart in need of a win


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Cheetah Boy vs War Piece

This is tough, because MAW is always looking to build to the future, but I think you keep the JHU champion strong here so Dreadnought looks even more impressive down the line. The title not being on the line makes this a closer call than it might've been though.


Three-way Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Greg Black vs LM Jr vs Stevie Grayson

As Historian said, Black is the biggest star here so maximize those merch sales baby!


Singles Match

20-Minute Time Limit


Andre Jones vs The Architect w/Sterling Whitlock

My boy Archie ain't losing to no old-timer


Main Event

COTT World Heavyweight Championship Match

Singles Match

60-Minute Time Limit


Sterling Whitlock vs Masked Cougar ©

I love Sterling and I think you do too. His time in the bigs gives him the Canadian and Mexican pop to be a good COTT title holder

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Okay...hello again!


I haven't posted on this since my predictions before "Revenge is Sweet" as I found myself drifting away from the forums but it seems this diary went on something of a hiatus too, so I haven't missed tooooooo much.


I must say, I chuffing love this diary: the characterization, the bullet point match reports, the general writing style: they're all up my alley. So obviously I just treated myself to a re-read of the whole thing top to bottom and hoooo boy do I have some thoughts.


1. It's a bummer that TCW pulled their talent but you've done a sterling (no pun intended) job of adjusting to that and you're now back to a stage were the roster feels as well fleshed out as ever, even if the midcard is a little thinner than before Alphaville etc left you.


2. That JHU contendership four way is conclusive proof that Jay (and by extension you of course) knows how to build new stars: none of those four guys started 2020 on the roster but it didn't seem like a huge stretch for any of them to get a chance to earn a shot at the JHU.


3. I love love LOVE that Archie is back, with a darker, more machiavellian tweak to his mastermind gimmick. I hope he can slot straight back into the main event scene.


4. The BPU is a lovely way to give your stalwarts something to do, but I still didn't reeeallly see them as a threat UNTIL they hung Cheetah Boy out to dry (wonderfully executed face turn by the way, tricky to do but it absolutely worked). I think they're well positioned now as the mid-card bully boys but I couldn't pick anyone out as a future holder of the big belt. I realised upon my re-read though, there doesn't have to be! Not everyone can be a main eventer and having a faction that doesn't care about the belts almost makes them more dangerous in a way. Definitely helps flesh out the roster in any sense.


5. Final thought, sorry for the word vomit, but I'm really glad you persevered with this diary. I really have no interest in real-world diaries and it takes me ages to get into user-created C-verse companies so this particular MAW dynasty is 100% the sugar that mommy likes. Thank you for sharing your save with us and I hope you're still enjoying playing and writing as much as I enjoy reading and commenting!


I honestly thought this deserved a reply in and of itself aside from all the diary stuff and I just wanted to say this is the kind of thing that really keeps me working on the diary.


I'm personally very busy at the moment working on my final semester of college which is why things have been so slow to come out even after I got back onto the forums but I do just want to express my thanks to anybody and everybody who reads, comments or predicts on my work!

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  • 2 weeks later...

MAW Battle Stations 2021

Fri, Wk 2 Aug, 2021

Attendance: 1,791

Viewers: 45, 967


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit

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• Mid Altantic Tag Team champions The Wolf Pack came into their first MAW match since June to take on Danny Fonzarelli and Oliver Knobb, two men with a combined experience of almost 50 years in the ring. Made up mostly by Fonzarelli whose 28-year career began 5 years before either member of The Wolf Pack was born.

• Fonzarelli began the match in the Ring with Sean Noggin and it became clear quickly that the former TCW man had lost a step as he was overpowered and outpaced by a man more than half his age.

• Noggin and Tokoeka utilised quick tags and holds to grind down Fonzarelli who looked close to tapping out at some points but gutted it out and managed to find his way to the ropes every time.

• Eventually Fonzarelli hit The Wolf Pack with a double clothesline and made the long crawl to his corner, tagging in Oliver Knobb and allowing his partner into the ring to unload on their opponents.

• Knobb looked in excellent condition, hitting a series of lariats and then a picture-perfect dropkick, delivered to the chin on Sione Tokoeka.

• The champions managed to take control of the match again however after Sean Noggin raked the eyes of Knobb, forcing him to tag out.

• Fonzarelli alone was unable to keep up with The Wolf Pack and found himself on the receiving end of the Howling at The Moon to bring the contest to its conclusion.

• In a decent match, The Wolf Pack defeated Danny Fonzarelli and Oliver Kobb in 10:02 when Sean Noggin pinned Danny Fonzarelli with a Howling At The Moon.


Rating: 48



DeAnna Desire was joined in the interview area by Miller Fforde, Nate DeMarcus and Tyrone Gray. She asked the group, now collectively known as the Mid Atlantic Army if they were concerned about the fact that even after coming together, they stilled faced a significant numerical disadvantage against the Baltimore Protection Agency.


Fforde replied for the group and said “DeAnna, if there’s one thing you need to know about the Mid Atlantic Army, it’s that we’ve always got an ace up our sleeve. Lisa Bowen and Josh Jacobs are cowards, and their lackeys won’t keep them safe for long, so long as the three of us stick together, there’s nothing we can’t do.”


Rating: 45


Singles Match

15-Minute time Limit


• Ade Nelson made his way to the ring followed by Jonah Pilgrim, presumably for the sake of intimidation in the face of his opponent, pro-football standout Allen Smalls, who was making his singles debut in this match.

• As soon as the bell rang trucked through Nelson with a shoulder tackle, followed by a duo of scoop slams and a belly-to-belly suplex that would make Nate DeMarcus proud.

• Nelson tried to fight back into the match with chops and punches, but they seemed to have little to no effect no Smalls who nailed Nelson with a short arm lariat.

• Smalls waited until Nelson made his way up to a knee then ran off the ropes and delivered his Blindside Big Boot to the back of Nelson’s head, spelling the end of the match.

In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Allen Smalls defeated Ade Nelson in 3:33 by pinfall with a Blindside Big Boot.


Rating: 26


Singles Match

15-Minute time Limit


• War Piece came into this match looking to pick up his first win in an MAW ring, against the current JHU champion Cheetah Boy.

• War Piece went straight for his Missing Piece finishing move on the champ, who managed to slide off his shoulders and score a pinfall attempt with a rollup.

• Momentum swung back-and-forth as the veteran used every trick in the book to bring down War Piece, even going so far as to use his Cheetah Claws (his fingernails painted yellow and black) to rake the pack of War Piece.

• Things came to an end when War Piece found himself crotched on the top rope, allowing Cheetah Boy to down him and hit the Flying Cheetah Pounce for the victory.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Cheetah Boy defeated War Piece in 7:33 by pinfall with a Flying Cheetah Pounce.


Rating: 32



Cheetah Boy stuck around in the ring after his match and grabbed a microphone to address those in attendance and watching at home through WrestleWorld.


“That was a good match,” he began. “That was a good match and it’s clear to me that War Piece is going to be a big star one day. Once he gets that first win under his belt, I don’t know who’s going to be able to stop him.”

At this point Cheetah Boy dropped the smile he has adopted in recent months and stared directly down the camera facing into the ring.


“And Dreadnought I could say the same about you. Unpinned and unsubmitted since you arrived in January, and you have a point. I don’t know if these old bones can get the job done once we go head-to-head again. You asked if I was a religious man, and the truth is I stopped going to church years ago but I have something for you to sit on. I know this company is for the best and brightest of the next generation, and if I can’t keep up then I don’t belong here. So Dreadnought, it is my solemn vow, before you and God that if you beat me for this title the I will leave Mid Atlantic Wrestling!”


Rating: 40


Three-way Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


• This veteran’s exhibition match saw Greg Black, the newly rechristened LM Jr and Stevie Grayson collide in an MAW ring for the first time.

• The match started with both LM Jr and Grayson trying to forge an alliance with Greg Black who had teamed with both men during the Sam Keith Classic in July. Caught in indecision, Black unloaded with rights and lefts on both of his opponents in this match.

• All three of the men in this match being accomplished highfliers in the past meant for an exciting clash and the three pulled out all the stops in an attempt to wow the Baltimore crowd, likely in an attempt to earn permanent contracts with the company.

• Greg Black spent the bulk of the match in the ring with Stevie Grayson who was on the receiving end of a superkick and German suplex combination from Black and LM Jr before the pair teed off on each other.

• LM Jr managed to duck under a clothesline form Grayson which took Black out of the ring with sheer momentum alone.

• Once Grayson turned around however, LM Jr dragged him to the ground and applied a deep crossface, forcing the Canadian to tap out.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, LM Jr defeated Greg Black and Stevie Grayson in 8:14 when LM Jr submitted Stevie Grayson.


Rating: 43


Singles Match

20-Minute Time Limit


• The Architect came down to the ring accompanied by “The Rogue Assassin” Sterling Whitlock for this match against former SWF and USPW stalwart Andre Jones. Architect whispered in Whitlock’s ear who pulled up a chair beside the announce desk, but he did not join Marvin and Earnest on commentary.

• Architect and Jones began the match with a lengthy feeling-out process. The Architect managed to ground Jones several times, but Jones’ superior athleticism allowed him to escape creatively from each of Architect’s holds.

• This went on for several minutes until Architect feigned a grapple and poked Jones in the eye to neutralise his movement, pointing at his head in response to the crowd’s boos.

• Architect focused much of his offence on the legs of Jones, working over his knees to limit the mobility of his opponent.

• Jones battled against The Architect’s submission’s and managed to create enough space for himself to fight back into the match.

• The damage done to his leg limited the veteran’s explosivity to a degree and his offence consisted primarily of punches and holds of his own to wear down The Architect.

• However, Jones’ technical ability paled in comparison to his opponent and The Architect turned the tide of the match.

• Eventually, Jones was worn down to the point of exhaustion and was forced to submit to the Blueprint.

• In a decent match, The Architect defeated Andre Jones in 18:12 by submission with a Blueprint.


Rating: 54



A video plays hyping up the duo of Gordon Shearer and Mr. Lucha IV.


Rating: 39


Main Event

COTT World Heavyweight Championship Match

Singles Match

60-Minute Time Limit

2fxtJKg.jpgvsxxX7rbz.jpg ©

• Masked Cougar came to the ring for his third defence of the COTT World Heavyweight championship against “The Rogue Assassin” Sterling Whitlock.

• The twenty-year veteran seemed unaffected by the generally unnerving demeaner of Whitlock, who stood across the ring with his usual, expressionless face.

• When the bell rang, Cougar ran straight at Whitlock and nailed the challenged with a shotgun dropkick into the corner, aiming to use his speed and agility to end the match quickly.

• Whitlock’s defensive wrestling was not enough to defend against the champion’s early flurry, and within the opening few minutes of the contest.

• The champion’s zeal got the better of him however, as a missed dive to the outside of the ring resulted in Cougar crashing back-first into the ringside barricade, allowing Sterling Whitlock a way back into the match.

• Unlike his benefactor, “The Rogue Assassin” did not look to wear down his opponent with submission holds, instead laying into the champion with hard strikes and suplexes.

• Whitlock focused his offence on the back of Cougar, hitting a series of back breakers on the champion and going for a cover after each one, forcing Cougar to kick out continuously.

• The match became a more back and forth affair from there, with a clear ebb and flow to Masked Cougar’s comebacks and Sterling Whitlock cutting him off.

• Masked Cougar found himself on the receiving end of Whitlock’s End and would have lost the match and his title, but before the referee could count to three, he was pulled from the ring by an unknown assailant.

• Whitlock got up to check the referee, but when he turned around, Bradley Blaze was in the ring and hit Whitlock with the Dallas Drop and rolled out of the ring to rouse the referee.

• Masked Cougar rose to his feet, usure as to what happened but would not look a gift horse in the mouth and hit I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar on Whitlock to retain his title and hand “The Rogue Assassin” his first loss in MAW.

• In a superb match, Masked Cougar defeated Sterling Whitlock in 22:30 by pinfall with an I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar following interference from Bradley Blaze. Masked Cougar makes defence number three of the COTT World Heavyweight title.


Rating: 66



After the bell Bradley Blaze got back into the ring, this time holding a steel chair and started wailing on the fallen “Rogue Assassin” until his adversary lay, unmoving in the middle of the ring.


Rating: 58


Show Rating: 62


A/N: well there goes the best show so far! As far as predictions go Historian scored a 4/6 while Kjarvs managed 3/6! Thanks for reading :-]
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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">MAW Battle of The Mid Atlantic Card Announced</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> Mid Atlantic Wrestling are back in Baltimore to bring us their second show of August, the 2021 Battle of The Mid Atlantic!</p><p> </p><p> The card features both Cheetah Boy and his soon to be opponent Dreadnought in singles action up against the well-respected and well-travelled veterans, Greg Black and LM Jr. respectively. Both men will be looking to build momentum going into their championship match which is expected to take place at Where it All Begins Again 2021!</p><p> </p><p> Samoan Destruction Inc. are making their MAW debut as they take on The Heartbreak Express. Questions have been asked of whether or not the Samoans still have what it takes to compete at the highest levels of the sport, as they sport a poor win/loss record since moving to the Unites States in 2017, sitting at 8-20 in PSW in 2021 alone.</p><p> </p><p> Kit Fantastic and Nobuyo Hikichi are set to go head-to-head for the second time in 2021, with Kid taking the victory in their last encounter. Both men have respectable win/loss records but find themselves outside of the championship scene. Could this match be what propels one of these men into the upper echelons of the cards?</p><p> </p><p> The night's semi-main event will see 2021 Sam Keith Classic Winners DeMarcus & Gray make their first attempt to win back the Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championships since losing them to The Wolf Pack at Where It All Begins Again 2020. The champions go into this match in excellent form having not lost a 2v2 encounter since winning the titles while some have asked questions of whether or not the challengers' heads are in the game given recent issues with the Baltimore Protection Agency.</p><p> </p><p> The main event sees Josh Jacobs make his ninth defense of the COTT Junior Heavyweight Championship as he takes on former TCW stalwart Chance Fortune who is making his first wrestling appearance of the year after finally recovering from the torn ACL that lead to his TCW release in the first place. while few would bet against Chance, Jacobs is in career-best form and the potential for BPA interference may swing the odds in the favour of the "Protector of Baltimore" </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48443" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>MAW The Battle Of The Mid Atlantic 2021</strong></p><p><strong> Fri, Wk 4 Aug, 2021</strong></p><p> </p><p> <em>Opening Match</em></p><p><em> Singles Match</em></p><p><em> 15-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p> Cheetah Boy vs Greg Black</p><p> </p><p> <em>Tag Team Match</em></p><p><em> 15-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p> Heartbreak Express vs Samoan Destruction Inc.</p><p> </p><p> <em>Singles Match</em></p><p><em> 15-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p> Dreadnought vs LM Jr</p><p> </p><p> <em>Singles Match</em></p><p><em> 15-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p> Kid Fantastic vs Nobuyo Hikichi</p><p> </p><p> <em>Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match</em></p><p><em> Tag Team Match</em></p><p><em> 30-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p> DeMarcus & Gray vs The Wolf Pack ©</p><p> </p><p> <em>Main Event</em></p><p><em> COTT Junior Heavyweight Championship Match</em></p><p><em> Singles Match</em></p><p><em> 60-Minute Time Limit</em></p><p> </p><p> Chance Fortune vs “Protector of Baltimore” Josh Jacobs w/Lisa Bowen ©</p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote>
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Opening Match

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Cheetah Boy vs Greg Black


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Heartbreak Express vs Samoan Destruction Inc.

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Dreadnought vs LM Jr


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Kid Fantastic vs Nobuyo Hikichi


Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match

Tag Team Match

30-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray vs The Wolf Pack ©


Main Event

COTT Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Singles Match

60-Minute Time Limit


Chance Fortune vs “Protector of Baltimore” Josh Jacobs w/Lisa Bowen ©

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MAW The Battle Of The Mid Atlantic 2021

Fri, Wk 4 Aug, 2021


Opening Match

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Cheetah Boy vs Greg Black


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Heartbreak Express vs Samoan Destruction Inc.


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Dreadnought vs LM Jr


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Kid Fantastic vs Nobuyo Hikichi


Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match

Tag Team Match

30-Minute Time Limit


DeMarcus & Gray vs The Wolf Pack ©

Main Event

COTT Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Singles Match

60-Minute Time Limit


Chance Fortune vs “Protector of Baltimore” Josh Jacobs w/Lisa Bowen ©

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<p>Opening Match</p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cheetah Boy</strong> vs Greg Black</p><p>

<em>Possibly a DQ win after Dread interference</em></p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Heartbreak Express</strong> vs Samoan Destruction Inc.</p><p>

<em>Maybe a heart over head pick, but SDI are getting on a bit and I think Ralph and Johnny could be due a push</em></p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dreadnought</strong> vs LM Jr</p><p>

<em>LM Jr is a startlingly big fish to feed to Dreadnought, but you can't have a career vs streak match without a streak</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kid Fantastic</strong>vs Nobuyo Hikichi</p><p>

<em>KF is at risk of becoming Kid Mediocre, I think he needs the win more</em></p><p> </p><p>

Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match</p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

30-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

DeMarcus & Gray vs <strong>The Wolf Pack ©</strong></p><p>

<em>Honestly, I think Nate & Tyrone have done all there is to do in MAW and another tag reign won't do much for them. Maybe time for a break up?</em></p><p> </p><p>

Main Event</p><p>

COTT Junior Heavyweight Championship Match</p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

60-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

Chance Fortune vs <strong> “Protector of Baltimore” Josh Jacobs w/Lisa Bowen © </strong></p><p>

<em>The Charisma Vacuum to hoover up another victim here for me</em></p>

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MAW The Battle Of The Mid Atlantic 2021

Fri, Wk 4 Aug, 2021

Attendance: 2,000

Viewers: 47,186


In a pre-show bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Allen Smalls, Bowden Snoop and Brett Biggins defeated Baltimore Protection Agency (Ade Nelson, Copperhead and Trix Triumph) in 14:52 when Allen Smalls pinned Ade Nelson with a Blindside Big Boot.

Rating: 34


Main Show

Opening Match

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit

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• Two veterans formerly contracted to SWF stood across from each other in the ring to open the 2021 edition of Battle of The Mid Atlantic.

• The pair shook hands when the bell rang before locking up for the first time and while neither man would be considered a powerhouse, the considerably more muscled, Greg Black got the best of the opening exchanges.

• Cheetah Boy ducked out of the way of a corner clothesline and unloaded on Black with lefts and rights before backing up and nailing a running dropkick on his opponent.

• Black escaped a brainbuster attempts with a series of knees to the top of Cheetah Boy’s head, but the JHU champion retained control with a drop toehold, rolling through and then locking a chancery in on Black.

• Black broke the hold but was too exhausted to fight much longer and found himself on the receiving end of a Flying Cheetah Pounce and the pinfall.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Cheetah Boy defeated Greg Black in 10:28 by pinfall with a Flying Cheetah Pounce.


Rating: 40




The feed cuts to Cheetah Boy, backstage after his match about to be interviewed by DeAnna Desire, but before he can get a word out, Dreadnought launches across the interview area and attacks Cheetah Boy. He slammed the veteran into a brick wall and spit on him before stomping off, “You’ll see old man”, was all the microphones picked up before the feed was cut off.

Rating: 41


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit

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• The second match on the card saw The Heartbreak Express come together for their first match since their first-round exit from the Sam Keith Classic to take on Samoan Destruction Inc., veterans making their debut in Mid Atlantic Wrestling.

• Needham and Liotta used their superior speed to lay in some early offence on Rhino Umaga before he and Samoan Machine used their superior power to take control of the contest.

• Johnny Needham found himself trapped in the wrong corner and was hit with a series of double team moves but managed to get his shoulder off the mat at each time of asking.

• Needham mustered the strength to hit a double dropkick on Samoan Destruction Inc, scampering like a mouse to tag in Ralph Liotta.

• Liotta ran wild on the hot tag, hitting a lariat on each of his opponents, followed by an German suplex to Umaga and a perfectly executed Norther Lights suplex on Samoan Machine for a close two-count.

• Liotta tagged Needham back in and the pair managed to hit The Score on a depleted Samoan Machine to score their second win since reconnecting as a team.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, The Heartbreak Express defeated Samoan Destruction Inc. in 8:06 when Johnny Needham pinned Samoan Machine with The Score.


Rating: 43



After their match the now iconic opening music to the Behind The Curtain podcast hit as Joanne Rodriguez walked to the ring for her first MAW appearance. She reached into her back pocket and handed a business card to The Heartbreak Express before waving to the fans and heading backstage again.


Rating: 70



A video played starring MAW owner Sam Keith. In it he announced that “The Dallas Cowboy” Bradley Blaze would face “The Benefactor” The Architect at Where it All Begins Again.


Rating: 60


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit

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• Much like his former victim and soon-to-be opponent, Dreadnought faced a respected industry veteran in the form of LM Jr, who is looking to make his mark north of the US-Mexico border away from his brother.

• LM spent most of this bout’s duration trying to hit and run on his larger opponent but each time he got up, Dreadnought simply smacked him back down to the canvas.

• This went on until eventually LM landed a strong strike on the jaw of his opponent which saw Dreadnought fly into a rage and lash out.

• He threw LM around the ring like a ragdoll, hitting a series of corner splashed before putting LM away with a ground shaking Dread Bomb.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Dreadnought defeated LM Jr in 7:43 by pinfall with a Dread Bomb.

• Dreadnought and LM Jr. don’t click as opponents.


Rating: 40


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit

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• This match saw Nobuyo Hikichi and Kid Fantastic go one-on-one for the second time this year, with both men falling just outside the realms of title fights while still boasting respectable 5-3 and 4-2 records, respectively.

• Hikichi started the match strong, targeting the arm broken by Kid in his infamous Shooting Star Press botch which went viral at the beginning of 2016.

• Kid battled back bravely throughout the match, stringing together a plethora of moves in dazzling combination before being taken back down to the mat by Hikichi.

• Hikichi appeared to be setting up for his cross armlock before Kid managed to carry his momentum through and flip out of the move.

• Kid leapt up and sprung off the ropes, hitting a series of high impact moves on Hikichi before finally hitting the Fantasm to claim another victory for himself in 2021.

• In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Kid Fantastic defeated Nobuyo Hikichi in 10:30 by pinfall with a Fantasm.


Rating: 38



The Past Masters met with DeAnna Desire in the interview area and laid out a challenge for the team of Gordon Shearer and Mr. Lucha IV.


Rating: 45


Mid Atlantic Tag Team Championship Match

Tag Team Match

30-Minute Time Limit

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• Having lost the Mid Atlantic Tag Team championships to the 2020 Sam Keith Classic winner’s The Wolf Pack, DeMarcus & Gray fought through the 2021 edition of the tournament to claim their first rematch for the titles since they lost them in October 2020.

• Nate DeMarcus began in the ring with Sean Noggin and the two set about a feeling out period that extended into the opening minutes of the bout as both teams utilised quick tags whenever they gained a minor advantage.

• Tyrone Gray’s high-flying ability edged the contest in favour of the challengers as he hit a series of arm drags on each member of The Wolf Pack before wiping them out with a perfectly executed Tope con Hilo.

• The champions fought back into the contest and set about wearing down the smaller member of DeMarcus & Gray as they trapped Tyrone Gray in their corner.

• With both teams battling it out in the ring and a time-limit draw looking like the most likely result to fans, things took a turn for the dissatisfying when Jonah Pilgirm and Deuce Deadline of the Baltimore Protection Agency sprang forth from the crowd and attacked both teams, leading to a double disqualification.

• In a decent match, DeMarcus & Gray drew with The Wolf Pack in 19:40 following a double disqualification after Jonah Pilgrim and Deuce Deadline interfered, meaning the titles were retained.


Rating: 53


Following the match, a wave of security was required to break up the three teams as they continued to brawl after the bell, with no pairing being willing to let up in the face of an opportunity being missed.


Raitng: 44


Main Event

COTT Junior Heavyweight Championship Match

Singles Match

60-Minute Time Limit

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• The main event of the night saw Josh Jacobs make his way to the ring for the ninth defence of his COTT Junior Heavyweight Championship, this time for a match against “Lucky” Chance Fortune.

• Fortune was making his first in-ring appearance after his release form TCW, which coincided with a year-long injury layoff because of a torn ACL.

• The crowd were very much in the corner of the veteran as Chance moved like a man 10 years his junior, dancing around the increasingly frustrated Jacobs’s strikes.

• Eventually Jacob made an opening and attacked the heavily protected left knee of Fortune, locking in a knee bar after a series of chop blocks.

• The referee temporarily stopped the match after Jacobs locked a figure-four leglock on Fortune from outside the ring, with both Fortune’s legs wrapped around the ringpost, referee Jay Fair was heard telling the ringside medic that he had “heard a pop”.

• But in perhaps the loudest pop of the night, the crowd roared with adoration when Chance Fortune stumbled to his feet and charged at Jacobs.

• Fortune went up to the top rope to, signalling for a one-legged 450 Splash, he was distracted by Lisa Bowens for just long enough on the apron for Jacobs to his feet and send the veteran plummeting to the outside.

• After that it was elementary as Jacobs hit a J-Trigger and finally the Baltimore Backdrop to retain his title.

• In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Josh Jacobs defeated Chance Fortune in 12:09 by pinfall with a Baltimore Backdrop after Lisa Bowen interfered. Josh Jacobs makes defence number nine of the COTT Junior Heavyweight title.


Rating: 56


Show Rating: 57


A/N: The Return of the Queen, sorry I'm rusty :p
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MAW Back To School Card Announced


Mid Atlantic Wrestling are coming to us once again from Baltimore, Maryland with a jam packed card that looks to bring more fresh faces to the MAW crowd.


The opening match sees new tag title hopefuls Jonah Pilgrim and Deuce Deadline take on Doug and Eddie Peak who are taking a trip over after reuniting in Invincible Pro Wrestling recently.


Both Cheetah Boy and his soon-to-be opponent Dreadnought are in singles action, while total newcomer Allen Smalls comes into what will be the second singles match of his career against the always dangerous Hikichi!


Then the main event sees The Mid Atlantic Champion join forces with the tag team champions to take on the terrible threesome of The Architect and The Wolf Pack!


MAW Back To School 2021

Fri, Wk 2 Sep, 2021


Opening Match

Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit


B.P.A (Deuce Deadline & Jonah Pilgrim) vs The Peak Brothers


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit

Dreadnought vs Super Massive Destroyer

Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit

Cheetah Boy vs War Piece


Tag Team Match

15-Minute Time Limit

Mr. Lucha IV & Gordon Shearer vs The Past Masters


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Bowden Snoop vs Trix Triumph


Singles Match

15-Minute Time Limit


Allen Smalls vs Nobuyo Hikichi


Main Event

30-Minute Time Limit

Trios Match


Bradley Blaze and DeMarcus & Gray vs The Architect and The Wolf Pack

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