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Cornellverse Alt Thread 2020

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Random question, I've said this already but just want to preface my question by saying I love this mod it's the mod I spend my time on TEW palying, the question is @lavelleuk are you happy for me to edit the mod to my own preferences and then post the dynasty on the boards? Don't wanna step on your toes if not, the change is minimal I just want to edit a couple of things in a couple of companies.

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2 hours ago, TheSmoothLefty said:

Random question, I've said this already but just want to preface my question by saying I love this mod it's the mod I spend my time on TEW palying, the question is @lavelleuk are you happy for me to edit the mod to my own preferences and then post the dynasty on the boards? Don't wanna step on your toes if not, the change is minimal I just want to edit a couple of things in a couple of companies.

Yeah of course, go for it :)

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I'm back again with more demands!

I was wondering if anyone could change the numeral on one of these masks to V, or put it on the past which has no numeral. I don't need it on them all I just thought I'd upload all four as one might be easier. A colour change would be nice too if possible but I'm not sure if it is so that's not so much a request as just an optional if you can sort of thing!

Thank you :)


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7 hours ago, lavelleuk said:

I'm back again with more demands!

I was wondering if anyone could change the numeral on one of these masks to V, or put it on the past which has no numeral. I don't need it on them all I just thought I'd upload all four as one might be easier. A colour change would be nice too if possible but I'm not sure if it is so that's not so much a request as just an optional if you can sort of thing!

Thank you :)



Well, this was hard to do :D Enjoyed it though, so I hope it works for you 



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14 hours ago, The Lloyd said:


Well, this was hard to do :D Enjoyed it though, so I hope it works for you 



Man, you never let me down! I'm glad you enjoyed it, I often don't ask for certain things I think of as I don't want people attempting things that are annoying. But the Phoenix name must live on, and thanks to you it will, you're basically a hero and I thank you for your service!

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On 9/3/2023 at 2:16 PM, lavelleuk said:

I'm back again with more demands!

I was wondering if anyone could change the numeral on one of these masks to V, or put it on the past which has no numeral. I don't need it on them all I just thought I'd upload all four as one might be easier. A colour change would be nice too if possible but I'm not sure if it is so that's not so much a request as just an optional if you can sort of thing!

Thank you :)


I need these in my game!! They're awesome, definitely worthy of a stable

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Would anyone be able to put him in a priest shirt/collar? I'm doing a story where he becomes the protege of Pablo Rodriguez. Thank you!


Edit: A friend made this for me, so I thought I'd share it here in case anyone else wants to use it too:


Edited by hyretic
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54 minutes ago, lavelleuk said:

I was just wondering if someone (and I think I know who...) could turn the star on this guy white? I'll show my attempts, I used paint 3D but it looks too much like an edit that was done in paint 3d lol



Yours are by no means bad attempts (I've seen far worse), you just need some shading on the star to give it a more realistic look. 👍


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