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Custom Graphics Request Thread

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Hello, i have a couple of requests if anyone's up to it. i'm looking for a logo for a TV show called "WLW Shockwave" for the Cverse company WLW. i'm also looking for a WLW Television title if anyone can make one for me. you'll be credited in my diary if you can make those for me, thanks in advance guys!
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Can someone help me out with a couple requests for my NXT save?





Any good to you?


In my Attitude Era WWF save I started child companies to help with my global domination. I would love Attitude Era company logos for them!


American Wrestling Federation (AWF)

European Wrestling Federation (EWF)

Mexican Wrestling Federation (MWF)

Canadian Wrestling Federation (CWF)

Japanese Wrestling Federation (JWF)


I would love the scratched WWF logo look to them. Maybe just slight color difference to go with their countries or regions color scheme. Thanks in advance for anyone giving it a go!


Do you mean like this?







Could someone create a RWC-gif style logo and banner for a new company that popped up in my save? I've included some information below to help come up with an idea.


Danger Zone Wrestling League (DZWL)

Based in Russia

Owner: Dr. Wagner Jr.

Product: Classic Lucha Libre


Thank you!




Looking for another RWC-style gif logo and banner for a new company that popped up. Thanks to anyone that can complete both!


Eternal Wrestling Championships (EWC)

Based in Hokkaido, Japan

Owner: Yukihide Ueno aka Choden Senshi Battle Ranger

Product: Extreme Hardcore




Since I revived Babes of Sin City in my dynasty story and they are striving to be a legit company and not a T&A show. If anyone had the creative mind to do so, I’d love to see someone’s take on a new logo and banner.





Hello, i have a couple of requests if anyone's up to it. i'm looking for a logo for a TV show called "WLW Shockwave" for the Cverse company WLW. i'm also looking for a WLW Television title if anyone can make one for me. you'll be credited in my diary if you can make those for me, thanks in advance guys!



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You're killing it Fleisch and I just gotta ask...

Is the your username pronounced like the German word?


It is indeed. I'm not German but it was from a time when I was a Jody Fleisch fan and also Rammstein (who did Weisses Fleisch).


Thank you you legend! beautiful work! is it possible i can get that in the size/style of a TV show logo in game?



I've done it on a gradient BG. Hope that's ok.

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Would love a logo/faction for Keiji Mutoh. Mutoh-gun. Team MUTA. Anything really. Don't really mind! Just want it to be clear that Mutoh is the de facto leader. If you have any creative ideas, that'll be great too! Either way. Would love this done! Thanks a bunch regardless.
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Are there any custom ACPW titles out there that I can't find? If not, would anyone be willing to help make some? It would just be these:


ACPW Canadian Regional

ACPW Junior Heavyweight

ACPW Tag Team

ACPW World


Thanks to anyone who can help!


Figured I'd put this out there again and see if there was anyone who could help me out.

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Would love a logo/faction for Keiji Mutoh. Mutoh-gun. Team MUTA. Anything really. Don't really mind! Just want it to be clear that Mutoh is the de facto leader. If you have any creative ideas, that'll be great too! Either way. Would love this done! Thanks a bunch regardless.



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Quality work. How did you get the blood effect on the EWC logo? I've been trying to do something similar.


It's one of the fonts I downloaded a while back. I'll find the name of it when I get home. Just a case of selecting red as the outline with however thick you want it.

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It's one of the fonts I downloaded a while back. I'll find the name of it when I get home. Just a case of selecting red as the outline with however thick you want it.


Do you just do these in word or something like that? I have an awful time trying to create stuff in Paint or Paint 3d, but now i'm thinking...that's on me...lol

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Do you just do these in word or something like that? I have an awful time trying to create stuff in Paint or Paint 3d, but now i'm thinking...that's on me...lol


I use Psp21 and Gimp usually. I just practiced, watched tutorials if there was a style I wanted to do but couldn't, and just basic trial and error. I'm still no where near the level some people on here are. I don't think I'd know how to do this sort of thing in Word.

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I use Psp21 and Gimp usually. I just practiced, watched tutorials if there was a style I wanted to do but couldn't, and just basic trial and error. I'm still no where near the level some people on here are. I don't think I'd know how to do this sort of thing in Word.



I just tried one in word, then moved it via print screen to paint...it's not terrible...




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