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The Roaring '20s are Back [CCW, C-Verse]

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Jacqueline sits on a stool at the end of the bar inside the West Loop Theater. After the disaster of Fists & Flappers, Jack made the decision to open up the bar they built to the general public during the day. Down on the other end, two older men in dirty clothes drink from bottles of cheap, tasteless beer. Jack gathers that they must be workers from the welding shop down the street. The welders smell like the combination of dirt, sweat, and shaved metal that her dad smelled like when he came home during her childhood. Jack’s old man was a welder and her mom was a waitress, which is about as working class as you get in Chicago during the 90s. Her family history is full of factory workers, dock workers, wait staff, and soldiers. There are no Rich Money or Montgomery Croft gimmicks in her family history. Just blue-collar, fist-throwing, hard hat-wearing men and women. It all led to how she plays her Evren. Nothing fancy. Alex Evren gets in that ring to put food on her plate. If two dogs are out scrapping in the woods over a piece of meat, Evren will make sure she's the dog that is coming away with that dinner.


Jacqueline writes in a notebook while she takes breaks to drink a short glass of apple pie moonshine. In the notebook, she stares hard at a list of the roster. She crosses off many names:


Chuck Casey

Tully Casey

Pepper Pelton

Primetime Jack Pryde

Raheem Stash

Pinky Perez

Celeste Moon

Katherine Goodlooks

Serena Star


None of them are particularly easy as Jack cuts her roster down. When she found out the Casey Brothers are a lousy tag team at the last show, she envisioned Tully turning heel on her brother, beating him down, and joining La Cosa Nostra. Their back story was that they ran the family butcher shop. Tully would win the sole ownership for it in a match, and then La Cosa Nostra would operate out of it as a front. It was like a movie. And now it will never happen. There’s just too many people on the roster. Specifically, the men’s roster was bloated and the women’s roster has been consistently outperforming them. The fellas are just getting left behind at this point. “Sorry Caseys,” Jack mutters to herself. She takes a sip of her moonshine, shutting her eyes tight at how strong it is going down her throat. She lets out an “Ahhh” in delight.






The door to the lobby opens and Steve Flash walks in. He stands next to Jack and motions for the bartender to come over. The bartender, a young man with long, blonde hair tied back into a ponytail walks over behind the bar.


Steve says, “Can I have a wheat beer, please. Something local or on tap. Lemon’s good. Grapefruit is better.” The bartender nods his head and grabs a glass.


“Thank you,” Steve says as he sits in the stool in front of him. He takes a long look at her notes. He smiles at the list of crossed out names. “You did what I asked you to do?”


“Hardest thing I’ve ever had to do,” Jacqueline replies.


“You had a roster like you were a national company having a weekly show. You’re having double-digit matches and you just can’t do that right now. Let’s shoot for six match shows. Maybe seven. Maybe,” Steve stresses that last word.


Jack groans, “I really didn’t want to get rid of the Good Lookin’ Stars, because I’ll need veterans.”


“Not if you cut the young kids who need veterans to work with. You don’t need either,” Steve points out. He looks at Air Raid Syren’s name on the list and puts his finger down.


“I was gonna build her,” Jack mourns as she crosses Air Raid Syren’s name off her list.

“Syren. Pelton. Jack Pryde. You don’t need to build people right now,” Steve argues. “You’re too small. Homegrown talent is not what we need right now. We need people who can put on shows and put butts in seats.”


Jack nods. She eyes Electric Dreamer’s name. “You never even gave me available dates,” Jack says as she crosses another name from her list.


“Our goal should be to avoid these giant cards,” Steve says, nodding at the work they have accomplished already.


The bartender comes over, sliding a rich, light brown beer in front of Steve. Steve nods his head in appreciation, pulls out a few bills and sets them down. The bartender nods, picks them up and walks over to the register.


Jack closes her book. It feels like a victory until she realizes how many calls she needs to make. The hard part is coming up when she tells these wrestlers they have no work for the time being. Jack resolves to bring some of them back in the future.


“The reason I came,” Steve starts. “I almost forgot. You normally run shows the fourth Saturday of the month.”


Jack nods, “Right, but not this month because the show is St. Paddy’s Day Brawl. We have to run closer to St. Patrick’s Day.”


“That’s going to be a problem,” Steve says. “I book NYCW the second Saturday of each month. South is gone too.”


“Ron didn’t tell me that,” Jack insists.


Steve throws his hands up in the air. “Maybe he expected me to tell you. I book that dump truck out there, and they expect me to do everything. Machine Gun and Don the Devastator will be out too.”


“Steve!” Jack exclaims. “You’re screwing me here.”


“Hey, working here and booking there? I think I’m screwing myself too.” Steve replies. “You’ll find an announcer. This is Chicago. The Windy City. Lots of big hearts, big shoulders, but also, big mouths in this town.”


This show had disaster written all over it...for the second time in a row.



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I believe in CCW!!


Paddy's Day Show would go down well I feel. Maybe an Irish announcer is what you need? Papa O'Keefe is a colour guy with 72 Colour skill :D


Maybe you can find something for Mick Muscles to do in CCW one day. Pay him back? I'd love to see Beauchamp here :D

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="nVdvNId.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/nVdvNId.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> </p><p>

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<span style="font-size:12px;">Marv Statler stands in front of Jacqueline with his muscular arms folded, tapping his foot on the hard floor. Jack is sitting in a single, ripped out, theater seat.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

The West Loop Theater is alive this afternoon. Wrestlers are running the ropes, going over spots, listening to road agents. Suzanne Brazzle is attempting to sing a Cyndi Lauper song on the band’s microphone and actually doing a decent job of it. The crew is so engaged that no one focuses on Statler’s resentful look as Jacqueline scowls back at him.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“You want to run that by me again, Marv?” Jack asks him, staring up at him.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“I believe I’m worth far more than 50 bucks a show,” Marv grunts.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“We shook hands on 50 a week,” Jack reminds him. “That’s a handshake agreement.”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“Well, now we’re going to need to shake hands on 750 a week. I won’t show up for St. Paddy’s Day Brawl unless we do,” Marv says. "I'm insulted that you think I'm worth so little."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Jacqueline flings up from the chair and stands toe-to-toe with the large man in front of her. Marv’s quick shoot-wrestling reflexes kick in and he jumps back a step. She throws her arms up in frustration. “You’re in the main event and you're backing out? How long have you been in this business, Marv? Who is going to work with you if you hold me up like this?”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Marv counters, “If I keep working for fifty a show, I won’t be able to work much longer anyway. I’ll have to go back into construction. I’m sorry, Miss Scott. I’m afraid I’m going to have to insist.”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Jack frowns, but doesn’t hesitate. “No, I’m sorry. You’re fired.”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Marv angrily grabs his jacket and his gym bag and storms toward the exit. He passes his partner, Dean Waldorf, who is carrying wooden boards toward the ring. They exchange words, and Marv leaves angrily. Dean makes a heavily confused face.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Bootstrap Bill approaches Jack, who tells him what just happened. He slaps his forehead.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“Blimey. He’s on the flyer,” Bill says.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“Bruiser. You. Youngman. The Moonshiners. No one is looking at him. Believe me,” Jack says. “I can’t believe he broke our handshake agreement. Such a small ask, but a huge betrayal.”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Bootstrap matter-of-factly responds, “Great sins enter through small doors.”</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“Did you just think of that?” Jack asks.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

“Old Welsh proverb. Meh’ Granny used to say it,” Bill says.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="Ov0F02v.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Ov0F02v.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Predictions</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

MAIN EVENT</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">St. Paddy’s Day Brawl</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><em>10-man elimination match by pinfall or submission - There can only be one left standing!</em></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><em>

Winner faces CCW Men’s Champion at Prohibition in a championship bout</em></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Findlay O’Farraday</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ernest Youngman</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Bootstrap Bill Harris</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Sal DiMeo</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Lead Belly</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Grease Hogg</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Dean Waldorf</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Dallas McWade</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Dean McWade</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

The Silencer (late replacement for Marv Statler)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">CCW Women’s Championship</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Steph Blake vs. Suzanne Brazzle ©</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">CCW Men’s Championship</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

William Hayes vs. Art Reed ©</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">CCW Women’s Tag Team Championship</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

The Anti-Establishment vs. Lost Generation</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Evren v Steffi Chee</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><em>Winners entered into three way tag match CCW Men’s Tag Team Championship</em></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><em>

(already entered: The McWades, The Moonshiners)</em></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Speakeasy Saints vs. Men of Honor</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="Ta439yO.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Ta439yO.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p>

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St. Paddy’s Day Brawl

10-man elimination match by pinfall or submission - There can only be one left standing!

Winner faces CCW Men’s Champion at Prohibition in a championship bout

Findlay O’Farraday

Ernest Youngman

Bootstrap Bill Harris

Sal DiMeo

Lead Belly

Grease Hogg

Dean Waldorf

Dallas McWade

Dean McWade

The Silencer (late replacement for Marv Statler)


CCW Women’s Championship

Suzanne Brazzle vs. Steph Blake ©


CCW Men’s Championship

William Hayes vs. Art Reed ©


CCW Women’s Tag Team Championship

The Anti-Establishment vs. Lost Generation


Evren v Steffi Chee


Winners entered into three way tag match CCW Men’s Tag Team Championship

(already entered: The McWades, The Moonshiners)

Speakeasy Saints vs. Men of Honor

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St. Paddy’s Day Brawl

10-man elimination match by pinfall or submission - There can only be one left standing!

Winner faces CCW Men’s Champion at Prohibition in a championship bout

Findlay O’Farraday

Ernest Youngman

Bootstrap Bill Harris

Sal DiMeo

Lead Belly

Grease Hogg

Dean Waldorf

Dallas McWade

Dean McWade

The Silencer (late replacement for Marv Statler)

It just feels right to bet on Findlay for an Irish themed event


CCW Women’s Championship

Suzanne Brazzle vs. Steph Blake ©

The Mistress of the DDT shall reign supreme.

CCW Men’s Championship

William Hayes vs. Art Reed ©

I see another successful defense.


CCW Women’s Tag Team Championship

The Anti-Establishment vs. Lost Generation

Lost Generation shall find their place with gold around waists.

Evren v Steffi Chee

Chee is close to retirement, giving it to Evren


Winners entered into three way tag match CCW Men’s Tag Team Championship

(already entered: The McWades, The Moonshiners)

Speakeasy Saints vs. Men of Honor

What's a little moonshine without a Speakeasy

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<p><strong>Findlay O’Farraday</strong></p><p>

Ernest Youngman</p><p>

Bootstrap Bill Harris</p><p>

Sal DiMeo</p><p>

Lead Belly</p><p>

Grease Hogg</p><p>

Dean Waldorf</p><p>

Dallas McWade</p><p>

Dean McWade</p><p>

The Silencer (late replacement for Marv Statler)</p><p> </p><p>

CCW Women’s Championship</p><p>

Suzanne Brazzle vs. <strong>Steph Blake ©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

CCW Men’s Championship</p><p>

William Hayes vs. <strong>Art Reed ©</strong></p><p><strong>


CCW Women’s Tag Team Championship</p><p>

The Anti-Establishment vs. <strong>Lost Generation</strong></p><p>


Evren</strong> v Steffi Chee</p><p> </p><p>

Winners entered into three way tag match CCW Men’s Tag Team Championship</p><p>

(already entered: The McWades, The Moonshiners)</p><p>

Speakeasy Saints vs. <strong>Men of Honor</strong></p>

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<p>MAIN EVENT</p><p>

St. Paddy’s Day Brawl</p><p>

10-man elimination match by pinfall or submission - There can only be one left standing!</p><p>

Winner faces CCW Men’s Champion at Prohibition in a championship bout</p><p>

Findlay O’Farraday</p><p>

Ernest Youngman</p><p>

<strong>Bootstrap Bill Harris</strong></p><p>

Sal DiMeo</p><p>

Lead Belly</p><p>

Grease Hogg</p><p>

Dean Waldorf</p><p>

Dallas McWade</p><p>

Dean McWade</p><p>

The Silencer (late replacement for Marv Statler)</p><p>

<em>I'm going with Marv Sta... oh wait... It's either BB Harris or Bruiser for me... Harris' match ratings have been excellent, so why not have him be your Champion and Main Event most shows. A feud with Bruiser could be golden for you too!</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

CCW Women’s Championship</p><p>

Suzanne Brazzle vs. <strong>Steph Blake ©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

CCW Men’s Championship</p><p>

William Hayes vs. <strong>Art Reed ©</strong></p><p>

<em>Yep. Two guys she trusts in your next Main Event. Reed vs Harris. What could go wrong?</em></p><p> </p><p>

CCW Women’s Tag Team Championship</p><p>

<strong>The Anti-Establishment</strong> vs. Lost Generation</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Evren</strong> v Steffi Chee</p><p> </p><p>

Winners entered into three way tag match CCW Men’s Tag Team Championship</p><p>

(already entered: The McWades, The Moonshiners)</p><p>

Speakeasy Saints vs. <strong>Men of Honor</strong></p>

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St. Paddy’s Day Brawl

10-man elimination match by pinfall or submission - There can only be one left standing!

Winner faces CCW Men’s Champion at Prohibition in a championship bout

Findlay O’Farraday

Ernest Youngman

Bootstrap Bill Harris

Sal DiMeo

Lead Belly

Grease Hogg

Dean Waldorf

Dallas McWade

Dean McWade

The Silencer (late replacement for Marv Statler)


CCW Women’s Championship

Suzanne Brazzle vs. Steph Blake ©


CCW Men’s Championship

William Hayes vs. Art Reed ©


CCW Women’s Tag Team Championship

The Anti-Establishment vs. Lost Generation


Evren v Steffi Chee


Winners entered into three way tag match CCW Men’s Tag Team Championship

(already entered: The McWades, The Moonshiners)

Speakeasy Saints vs. Men of Honor

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The night before St. Paddy’s Day Brawl, Jacqueline Scott is on the phone with a certain gruff voice on the other end.


“So you’re joining your partner then, Dean? You quitting too?” She asks.

“It’s my understanding that Marv didn’t quit. You fired him,” Dean responds.

“I fired him because he wasn’t coming to the show. That sounds like quitting to me. ‘Pay me more money or I won’t work.’ Is that quitting to you?” Jack asks.

“I’m not a bad guy, Miss Scott. I just want more compensation,” Dean says. “Marv was right. 50 a show is a joke for veterans like us.”

“If I don’t pay you before the Brawl, are you going to show up?” Jack asks.

Dean Waldorf thinks about it for a moment and licks his teeth. “No, m’am. I will not.”

“You say you’re not a bad guy, Dean, but great sins can enter through small doors.”


Jack hangs up the phone. Art Reed was able to secure an announcer for tomorrow. Now she has to find another replacement for Dean Waldorf in the main event. Painfully, Robert Oxford’s contract with TCW still has not expired. He’d know what to do, she thinks, and he’d have the connections to bring in someone good.


But he can’t be the boss. It isn’t his company. Ultimately, Jack has to make the decisions. Good or bad, bad or worse, worse or worst.








The next day, Art is going over spots with Papa Swoll and Ernest Youngman in the ring. Swoll shoots EY into the ropes. Swoll bends down and Youngman leapfrogs over him, hitting the opposite ropes and running back. Youngman goes for a crossbody but Papa Swoll catches him. Swoll goes for a powerslam but takes a half step back from the momentum of the crossbody. Swoll falls backward, sending him and EY to the mat. Swoll grimaces as he hits the floor with Youngman on top of him.


Art Reed covers his eyes and shakes his head. He stammers, “Er -- nice try, man. You got to catch him though. You’re twice his size.”


Youngman rolls off of Papa Swoll, who sits up and tries to catch his breath. “He’s too fast, man," Swoll says. "I’ve never been in the ring with anyone so fast. I can’t keep up.” Ernest shoots an uneasy look at Art and shrugs his shoulders. It’s almost as if he’s saying ‘don’t blame me for being so good’ in one glance.






Art approaches Jacqueline standing near a strange looking man by the bar. The man turns and his face lights up when he sees Art.


“Mr. Reed? It’s great to see you,” the man says. He is an older, black man with graying hair and a deep voice.


“Sorry, do I know you?” Art asks.


Jack pats Art’s shoulder. “This is Martin Theocott. You should know; you recommended him.”


Art breathes deeply and nods his head. “Yes, we never met in person. I heard about Martin through a friend of a friend. All that matters is that you’re here.”


Martin says, “I’m sorry to hear about Ron. If you need someone more full-time, I live in the area.”


Jack replies, “We’ll manage, but if something opens up, we’ll let you know.”


Art turns to Jack. “Can I talk to you for a moment?” he asks.


Jack turns back to Martin. “Excuse us,” she says as she and Art turn their back to Martin and begin walking in another direction. Martin turns to order something from the bar.


“Swoll has to be out, Ev. The guy has two left feet,” Art tells Jack bluntly.


Jack scoffs, “Have you seen the size of him? A guy like that shouldn’t be taking arm drags in the second match. This main event could be a huge opportunity for him.”


“And yet it wouldn’t be a huge opportunity for us,” Art says. “We already put The Silencer in there for Statler. Waldorf could have been a ring general, no pun intended, for those guys in the match. He could have directed traffic. Silencer can’t do that. Swoll definitely can’t do that.”


“The McWades can direct traffic. Bill’s in there too.” Jack says.






Suddenly, The Silencer walks past with a giant plate of pancakes drenched in maple syrup. Jack notices it’s piled ten high.


“What are you doing, John?” Jacqueline asks.

The Silencer sits down in a theater seat obviously too small for him and rips open a butter packet. He scoops it on to his mountain of pancakes.


John “The Silencer” Snyder shrugs his enormously broad shoulders. “Eatin’ brunch,” he says casually.


Jacqueline nods, “I see you eatin’ brunch. Where’d you get all that?”


The Silencer points his finger toward the dressing room. “He’s in there cooking pancakes for everybody. He showed up with a griddle maker and everything.”


Art asks, “Who’s ‘he’?”


“Dean Waldorf,” The Silencer replies.


Art and Jack look at each other. They head for the male dressing room.


“Lady in the locker room,” Art yells. “Keep yourselves decent.” The men seem cautious until they see it’s the boss, and they go back to what they were doing. Jack and Art see Dean in the corner, flipping some flapjacks, and approach him.






“What are you doing here?” Jack asks.


“Flipping flapjacks,” Dean says bluntly.


“We thought you quit,” Art adds.


“Yeah, I thought about that," Dean admits. "It was unprofessional of me to threaten a no-show." He hands a plate of two pancakes to Luca Sacramoni, who is sitting in a chair nearby. He pats Luca on the back and hands him a fork.


“Don’t make me say it, too.” Dean says, trying to avoid an apology.


Jacqueline thinks for a moment. She looks at Art, then around the room. Guys are eating pancakes, laughing and joking with one another. It’s one of the friendliest environments she’s been in since getting into the wrestling business. It certainly was the opposite of the hostile, overly competitive locker rooms in USPW.


“Art, tell Papa Swoll he can have his power-lifting angle back. We can take him out of the main event. Go over the match with Dean.”


Art nods his head. “Thank you,” Dean says, smiling and folding his hands together in an almost bowing gesture.






St. Paddy’s Day Brawl

10-man elimination match by pinfall or submission - There can only be one left standing!

Winner faces CCW Men’s Champion at Prohibition in a championship bout

Findlay O’Farraday

Ernest Youngman

Bootstrap Bill Harris

Sal DiMeo

Lead Belly

Grease Hogg

Dean Waldorf

Dallas McWade

Dean McWade

The Silencer (late replacement for Marv Statler)


CCW Women’s Championship

Steph Blake vs. Suzanne Brazzle ©


CCW Men’s Championship

William Hayes vs. Art Reed ©


CCW Women’s Tag Team Championship

The Anti-Establishment vs. Lost Generation


Evren v Steffi Chee


Winners entered into three way tag match CCW Men’s Tag Team Championship

(already entered: The McWades, The Moonshiners)

Speakeasy Saints vs. Men of Honor












Talia Quinzel versus Jana Marie Bowen




Talia shows a lot of star quality and the fans really buy her gimmick. Thanks to the backstage environment being so positive, the morale in this match is high. Francis Long did a great job officiating, and Art Reed put the match together well.


Talia Quinzel defeats Jana Marie Bowen in 7:24 with Spinal Trauma.











The 19th Amendment versus Air Raid Syren & Paige Croft versus Crackdown




This match lifts the crowd and prepares them for a (hopefully) great show. Wow, Crackdown looks incredible, as did Paige Croft, who sells like a million bucks for everyone involved. Snyder and Anderson of the 19th Amendment have a ton of chemistry together. Syren is the weak link in a match full of pros.


The 19th Amendment defeats Crackdown and Syren & Croft in 9:44 when Lily Snyder rolls up Air Raid Syren.















Martin Theocott sits next to Grace Harper at the ringside table. Curt Meritt is on the other end as a just in case since no one knows how Theocott will ever replace the “Voice of Choice” Ron South.


Curt says, “Greetings and salutations. Welcome to Chicago Championship Wrestling presents Saint Paddy’s Day Brawl.


Grace cuts in, “This is like Christmas for Chicagoans. The river is green, the drinks are plenty, and by the end of the night, this canvas in front of us will be a sunset of blood-red.”


Curt says, “If you notice that Ron South is not with us tonight, I compliment you on your keen eyesight. Due to running this show on St. Patrick’s Day rather than our usual end-of-the-month schedule, the “Voice of Choice” Ron South had prior commitments.”


Grace says, “Joining us tonight is veteran play-by-play man Martin Theocott. Martin is a local Chicago announcer, so I’m sure he feels right at home.”


Martin smiles, “That is very true Grace. I'm honored to join you, Curt, and the Chicago Championship Wrestling audience during this special event. I would like to dedicate this event to Ron South because I am certain he will enjoy it.


Grace and Curt smile at each other. Martin will do just fine with Ron gone.


Martin Theocott adds, “And I would also like to dedicate this show to my girlfriend, Leticia. I love you Tish, baby.”


Grace and Curt look at each other in horror. Grace immediately cuts in.


Grace says nervously, “We’re going to take you now to the first match of the evening. The Speak Easy Saints versus Men of Honor. As you know, this is the last entry match into the Tag Team Championship three-way that will be taking place next month.”


Curt adds, “Enjoy the show!”


The band starts playing and “Fast Fingers” Eddie Tucson begins hammering the keys of his piano.


Meanwhile, Grace Harper covers the microphone so her voice is not picked up. She clears her throat.


“Martin, we don’t usually do that," she says.

Martin looks confused. “Do what?”


Grace says, “I’ve been in this business for a long time, and you’re definitely not supposed to bring up your significant other on the broadcast.”


Martin apologizes profusely, wiping a big patch of sweat from his forehead. “Oh I’m sorry. I just...it’s...I think my girlfriend is going to break up with me.”


Curt Meritt whispers in Grace’s ear, “I can see why.” Grace bats him away like swatting at a fly.







Speakeasy Saints vs. Men of Honor

Winners entered into three way tag match CCW Men’s Tag Team Championship

(already entered: The McWades, The Moonshiners)




Vito and Luca work a big man’s style. Luckily, they go up against Nate DeMarcus and Tyrone Gray. Tyrone sells for each of the Italian mobsters, but then hot tags Nate to come in and clean house. Men of Honor get a leg up when Billie Mac and Machine Gun Marino at ringside respectively distract and attack Nate DeMarcus at ringside.


Men of Honor defeat The Speakeasy Saints in 12:29 with a Double Chokeslam on Tyrone Gray.












Joanne Rodriguez stands next to the bar, where quite a few patrons are ordering drinks. She has her elbow perched on the bar and a microphone in her other hand.


“And with that victory, La Cosa Nostra’s Men of Honor punch their ticket into next month’s title match to crown the first CCW Men’s Tag Team champions. It will be no walk in the park, as they will have to go up against The McWades and The Moonshiners, two of the region’s top tag teams. Good luck to all six competitors.”


Joanne waves to a few fans trying to get her attention. It is clear how much of a star she is. She says, “You’ll want to check out my podcast tomorrow. There will be a full review of tonight’s events. Next week, I will also be interviewing The Silencer, who I hope will have much more to say than his name suggests.”






Curt Meritt, still at the commentary table, says on the broadcast, “Somebody should tell Joanne that it’s not that The Silencer doesn’t talk. He silences others, forever if he chooses.”


Grace adds, “Still, I don’t see him as much of a talker. That’s a man of action right there. He’s a big, bad man, and I think he’ll prove it tonight in the main event. The Saint Paddy’s Day Brawl. The winner gets a pot of gold and a future shot at the CCW Men’s Championship, currently held by Art Reed.”


Martin says, “Art Reed will have his hands full tonight with veteran William Hayes. Hayes has wrestled all over the world, much like Art. He will have the best-of-the-best moves in his arsenal tonight. Holy Cannoli, am I excited for that match!”


Grace and Curt roll their eyes.











Evren v Steffi Chee




The guitarist plays a slow, sad melody. Vocalist Trixie Mills kicks in with her beautiful voice.



I was five and he was six

We rode on horses made of sticks

He wore black and I wore white

He would always win the fight

Bang bang, he shot me down

Bang bang, I hit the ground

Bang bang, that awful sound

Bang bang, my baby shot me down


The rest of the band kicks in with a faster, fiery tempo. The music picks up and out comes the Dangerous Woman herself.




Steffi Chee enters after, the bell rings, and the match starts. The crowd is hot for these two to lock horns. Steffi and Evren throw hands back and forth. Evren gets the better of her, shoots Steffi off the ropes and nearly takes her head off with a mean roundhouse kick. The crowd enjoys the brawl for a short match. Chee has a few spots where a younger version of herself would perform snappier with more precision and technique. The joys of getting old. Evren isn’t exactly flying around the ring herself, with the hefty, black knee brace over her left knee from a botch in USPW years ago. Despite the setbacks, the two ladies tell a hell of a story. Every time Steffi tries a dirty tactic, Evren is right there to counter. Eventually, it proves to be Steffi’s downfall.


Evren defeats Steffi Chee in 15:39 with a Dark Flight running knee









As Evren celebrates, a familiar voice rings out from behind the entrance curtain.


“Say now, that was quite the match.”


As the referee checks on an unconscious Steffi Chee, Evren looks to the entrance curtain.






Becca Barton emerges with a microphone in hand.


“I like the way you wrestle, Evren. Those kicks. Those elbows. They make anyone think twice about getting in the ring with you,” Becca says. “Even in my case, I thought about it three times before coming out here. I’m not sure if it was pride that brought me out here or maybe it was stupidity.”


Becca climbs the ringside steps and climbs through the ropes and into the ring to get up close with Evren.


Becca says, “I have to know something...am I good enough to clash with one of the very best? Well, Alicia Strong isn’t here, so I guess that means it’ll have to be you.”


The crowd “oohhhhs” at the diss. Evren and Alicia were not exactly best friends at USPW and it’s not much of a secret. It’s more ‘front page’ than the gossip column.


“All of these attributes you have are impressive,” Becca says. “And yet, I see that knee brace on your leg and I question whether you are the achiever you used to be. Are you still that good? Sure, it’s easier to look good when you’re against Steffi. She’s old, washed up, and probably spends less time shopping for muscle supplements and more time in the pudding aisle these days. What happens when you’re in the ring with someone who is younger, hungrier, and more on your level? I’m at the top, Evren. I’m climbing to the top of this mountain, and I intend to stay there.”


Anyone in the audience can see that Evren has something to say. Becca hands her the microphone. Using her forearm, Evren wipes some sweat from her face.


“Becca, You're the best hiker on the mountain. No doubt about it. But as far as hikers and climbers go, I’m not your competition. I'm the mountain lion. You think it's your mountain because you can climb to the top? I live at the top and anything on the mountain is here for me to eat. You want dinner time with the lioness?”


Evren stares deeply into Becca’s eyes. The crowd is on the edge of their seat. Who’s going to hit who?


Evren says fiercely, “I don’t need to face you. You need to face me. You’re looking for a fight at the next event. CCW presents Prohibition, right?”


Becca nods with great enthusiasm. She can barely contain her excitement, rubbing her hands together and jumping up and down.


“With a win over Chee, that puts me in line for a title shot against the winner of Blake and Brazzle,” Evren says. “Even if Brazzle wins tonight and retires, I’m pretty much booked for Prohibition. Sorry, Becca, but fighting you would be a waste of my time.”


Becca looks down glumly at the mat. She leans her head back and spits a large loogie in the Dangerous Woman’s face. Evren’s face goes red with rage. She boots Becca in the stomach and rips her down to the ground. Before anyone can realize what has happened, Evren has her arm around the front of Becca’s neck and her legs wrapped around Becca’s waist. Becca Barton is locked in a dragon sleeper.


Grace Harper says on commentary, “I know that! A vicious dragon sleeper. Evren calls it her “Evil Intentions”.


Martin responds, “Well regardless of intentions, this needs to stop. Can someone get out here, please?”


Martin makes eyes with Curt Meritt. “Don’t look at me!” Curt begs.


Becca screams for her life and flails her arms about. Multiple referees, agents, and Becca’s manager, Carl Batch, hit the ring in an attempt to pull Evren off of Becca Barton, but it isn’t easy. Finally, after enough pain has been distributed, Evren breaks the hold. She raises up to her knees, hands on her hips, admiring her work as Becca writhes around on the mat in pain, her body forming odd contortions to make the intense pain subside. Carl Batch tends to his client the best he can, but the damage has already been done. He stares over at Evren in horror, but she just smiles back.












Martin exclaims, “That was painful to watch!”


“I don’t think we’ve seen the last of these two,” Grace hypothesizes.


Martin says, “Good biscuits and gravy, I can’t wait to see those two go at it.”


Curt and Grace look at each other again, rolling their eyes.


Curt says, “I’m excited for the next match. The Women’s Tag Team championship will be on the line.”


The camera moves away from the commentary table. Curt covers the microphone this time.


“Martin, what’s with all of the talk about biscuits and gravy and cannolis?”


Martin shrugs his shoulders. “I’m just riffing. Really getting after it, you know?” he says.


Grace cuts in, “We don’t do that here. This might not be TCW or SWF, but we act like professionals.”


Martin nods his head, “Okay, I’ll try to tone it down.”


“Hey look, outside of the goofy stuff, you’re doing a solid job,” Curt says. “Just keep it focused."





The Anti-Establishment versus Lost Generation




CCW Women’s Tag Team Championship




Four women who really know how to fight put on a fantastic match for the vacant women’s tag team titles. Kate Lilly and Debbie Rose really do their best to cut the ring in half. They keep Pamela Rojo and Hellcat Hernandez separate from each other and as far apart as legally allowed. They make frequent tags and utilize double team moves to try and win.


Ultimately, Hellcat Hernandez makes a leaping tag to Pamela Rojo. Rojo comes in and cleans house. She hits Rose with a snap suplex and bodyslams Lilly on to Rose. Rose rolls out of the ring in pain, Pamela tags Hellcat back in. Pamela shoots Lilly off the ropes, and they hit a big double shoulder block tackle on Kate Lilly for the win.


In 14:15, Hellcat pins Lilly with a Double Pounce. The Anti-Establishment are the new CCW Women’s Tag Team champions.











Next, in a segment meant for the home streaming audience, but not the live crowd, Papa Swoll is backstage in the dressing room. He shows his strength.by lifting weights and showing off his record-setting bench press.


Afterwards, during intermission, Swoll comes out to the lobby, and then the front entrance to the West Loop Theater. Swoll is out there meeting people, shaking hands, and cradling babies.












CCW Men’s Championship: William Hayes vs. Art Reed ©




Art Reed and William Hayes tell a slow, methodical story where each exhibits an array of moves from their storied careers. The crowd enjoys the banter during the match each time one of them exhibits a successful technique and calls out where they learned it.


“Japan!” Hayes calls out after a wrist-clutch exploder.

“Sweden!” Art Reed shouts after an iron claw slam.

“Botswana!” Hayes says after Art barely manages to escape from a modified cloverleaf submission hold.

“You wrestled in Botswana?” Reed asks.

“Food was great. Got to shake hands with the president,” Hayes says from a low, catch-wrestling stance.

“Really?” Art asks as he counters an attempted takedown for an inside cradle that Hayes barely kicks out of.


Despite the limited physical ability from both combatants, the crowd has a fun time.


In 25:57, Art Reed wins with a Damascus Head and Leglock.












Martin Theocott hypes the next match. “Well this is it,” he begins. “The match we are all waiting for. Suzanne Brazzle has stated that win or lose, this is her retirement match. Her goal is to go on top with a win and retire with the belt by her side. Steph Blake has no intentions of allowing her to do that, however. Blake has bad intentions for the women’s champion.”


“I know from personal experience,” Grace Harper says. “It is never easy to call an end to your in-ring career. I miss coming down to the ring. You find out what you’re made of. Tonight, we’ll find out what The Miracle Blonde is made of.”







CCW Women’s Championship: Steph Blake vs. Suzanne Brazzle ©




Steph Blake makes her entrance, stalking past the crowd, glaring at several patrons who choose to loudly boo in her presence. She rolls into the ring and flips off a few of them, leading to a chorus of even more boos.


The band starts playing another song and it’s a cover of Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off”.



That’s the champ’s cue, and Suzanne Brazzle comes dancing out with the championship belt around her waist. She joins the musicians on the stage and helps Trixie sing a bar or two. Suzanne is clearly having a blast as she dances around the theater. Fans are joining in and the spirit of the 1920s has come to life in this old theater.


Suzanne gets in the ring, climbs up the turnbuckle and throws her hands up in celebration. The crowd cheers. The Miracle Blonde drops down, takes off the belt, and kisses it on the CCW logo. The last time I’ll get to do this, she thinks. “Let’s go,” she shouts loud enough for Steph to hear.


The bell rings. Suzanne Brazzle does not look like a washed-up wrestler with rapidly declining physical skills. She turns back the clock and throws everything she has at The Mistress of the DDT, Steph Blake. Fast suplexes, flying crossbodies, and short, fast, and hard rabbit punches.


It takes Blake multiple tries to curb the continuous onslaught from the Miracle Blonde. Finally, Blake reverses an armbar and lays into the back of Brazzle’s knee with a heavy soccer kick. Suzanne goes down and Blake jumps her with a flurry of hard stomps and a running senton splash.


The match goes back and forth. Suzanne Brazzle is about to go for the Miracle Powerbomb, but when Blake is up in the air, she is able to roll Suzanne back down in a hurricanrana pin. Blake hooks the leg and holds Suzanne down for a pin. 1-2-3! Blake eases up after the referee’s hand comes down for the third time and Brazzle kicks her feet out a second too late. The bell rings. Blake jumps up and the referee raises her hand.


Steph Blake defeats Suzanne Brazzle with a rollup in 14:49. Blake wins the CCW Women’s Championship.









Brazzle sits up and brushes the bright, blonde hair out of her face. Tears well up in her eyes as the referee hands the belt to Steph Blake, who raises the strap above her head in triumph.


Brazzle pulls herself up to rest on her knees. She can’t believe it. That’s it. She retires on a loss. She makes a face to the announcer, DeAnna Desire, for the microphone, who hands the microphone to her through the ropes. Suzanne stands up with the microphone in hand.


“I knew I would be standing in the middle of this crowd tonight, announcing my retirement and saying goodbye. I just hoped it would be on better terms, holding that belt in the air,” she says, pointing at the championship in Blake’s hands. Steph stands in the corner, watching and listening. She throws the belt over her shoulder.


“Steph,” Brazzle says, “Take care of my girls. They’re all yours. Wear that belt with pride. You earned it.”


Suzanne sticks her hand out for a handshake. Blake stares at it tentatively for a second, then decides to hug her instead. Brazzle is shocked, but puts her arms around Steph and hugs her like two old friends saying goodbye.


Blake backs up a step and gently takes the microphone from Suzanne. Steph Blake says, “Suzanne, I promise you that I will lead the dressing room as a true champion would. And I will wear this belt with absolute pride.”


Suzanne nods her head and flashes a huge smile, showing her pearly white teeth.


Steph adds, “On behalf of the women’s locker room, as their newly crowned leader, I want you to know that when it comes to your retirement --”


“Hell, I never liked you anyway!” Blake yells, drops the microphone, and kicks Suzanne Brazzle in the stomach. Brazzle doubles over and Blake uses this opportunity to DDT the former women’s champion. Blake drives The Miracle Blonde’s head straight down to the mat. Suzanne’s head bounces off the canvas and her body immediately goes limp.


The crowd yells and boos. Steph Blake couldn’t care less as she smiles and snatches the microphone. “I want to let the entire women’s roster know that the last thing you will EVER REMEMBER about your careers is the last night, when the Mistress of the DDT plants your face on the mat! And when Suzanne Brazzle reflects on the career she had, the last thing she’ll think about every time she reminisces will be when I shut her eyes and knocked her out here tonight. I don’t give a damn what any of you think. Your boos mean nothing to me. I've seen what makes you cheer.”


Blake throws down the microphone and raises the CCW Women’s Championship for everyone to see. The crowd boos angrily.












Grace Harper says, “I got to hand it to her, that’s a damn sure way to get someone to remember you. Become their last memory.”


Curt says, “I just hope a brawl doesn’t break out here. These fans are angry.”


Martin reminds Curt, “What the fans do tonight regardless, there will be a brawl here tonight, and it’s on next.”







Main Event: The St. Paddy’s Day Brawl




Martin goes over the rules, “The rules are simple. Ten men in. Two will start. Every minute, a new entrant comes down. You can be pinned or submitted. There are no count outs and no disqualifications. Francis Long is out here to referee, and falls must count in the ring. The last man standing will win the pot of gold and the championship opportunity.”






The McWades start the match. Dean and Dallas are initially reluctant, but it reminds them of their childhood brawls around the whole house, so they go with it. The McWades roll around the ring, throwing progressively heavier shots at each other. It looks like they could go all night. That is -- until --


A bell sounds once and that means the next entrant enters. It’s The Silencer.






The band plays entrance music and Dallas and Dean McWade immediately step away from each other. The Silencer hits the ring and both brothers go to tear his head off. Dean eats a big boot and Dallas gets clotheslined. They both get back up and feed for the big, military man. The Silencer backs them up to the rope and double clotheslines the McWades over to top rope. The large twins hit the floor hard.


The bell sounds again. This time, the musicians’ horns wail, and Trixie kicks in with her vocals:



As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death

I take a look at my life and realize there's not much left

'Coz I've been blastin' and laughin' so long, that

Even my mama thinks that my mind is gone

But I ain't never crossed a man that didn't deserve it

Me be treated like a punk you know that's unheard of

You better watch how you're talkin', and where you're walkin'

Or you and your homies might be lined in chalk

I really hate to trip but I gotta, loc

As I grow I see myself in the pistol smoke, fool

I'm the kinda G the little homies wanna be like

On my knees in the night, sayin' prayers in the streetlight


Been spendin' most their lives,

Livin' in the gangsta's paradise

Been spendin' most their lives,

Livin' in the gangsta's paradise






The leader of La Cosa Nostra, Sal DiMeo, the crime boss, hits the ring. He stands toe to toe with The Silencer. A large man himself, Sweet Sal is not easily intimidated by a man of the Silencer’s stature. The crime boss and the military man of action lock up and neither one can seem to get an advantage. After much struggle, the Silencer is finally able to muscle Sal into the corner.


The McWades jump the Silencer from behind and Sal uses his abilities in persuasion to stand in the corner and call the shots for the twins’ attack. “Go for his knees,” Sal encourages them. The McWades and Sal stomp all over the prone Silencer. It isn’t pretty.


The bell sounds and one half of the Moonshiners, Grease Hogg throws his hands up in the air to excite the crowd, much to their delight.






He is accompanied by his manager, Scarlett. She cheers him on from ringside as he slides in the ring. Grease Hogg backdrops Dean McWade. He body slams Dallas. Hogg is a house of fire and turns his attention to Sal just in time to eat a big forearm to the face. DiMeo pushes Grease Hogg into the opposite corner and begins laying into him with body blows like an old-fashioned boxer. “I’m gonna take you apart at the seams, kid,” Sal boasts. Grease Hogg is doing everything he can to cover up, but Sal is strong and vicious with his shots.


The McWades come over to help, but are cut off by The Silencer, who is not happy. He begins going to work on both of them with press slams and suplexes.


The bell dings again and this time, Dean Waldorf, one half of The Ring Generals, now the only Ring General in CCW, makes his entrance.






He stays away from The Silencer and clubs Sal DiMeo in the back. Sal steps away from Grease Hogg, who collapses in the corner.


As Sal and Waldorf fight, the Silencer dumps both McWades to the outside. He drags them to the announce table.


Curt Meritt stands up, “Grace. Martin. I think it’s time we took a step back.” The three-man announce team steps as far back from the action as they can.


The Silencer hoists up Dallas on to his back. He then stacks Dean on top of Dallas. Both McWades, who have to weigh 300-plus pounds each, are on top of this massive man’s shoulders. He screams like a warrior sprinting into battle and samoan drops both McWades through the table. The McWades groan in pain as they fall through the wood and hit the concrete beneath it. The three men lay in the ruins of the announce table for a moment. The Silencer gets up and rolls both McWades back into the ring. He covers them for the pin. 1-2-3.


“Dean and Dallas McWade have been eliminated!” Announcer and part-time bartender DeAnna Desire calls over the microphone.


DiMeo and Grease Hogg continue to battle in the corner. Waldorf turns attention to the Silencer and immediately regrets his decision. The Silencer picks up Waldorf for a tremendous press slam.


The bell rings and "Bootstrap" Bill Harris rushes to the ring.






He eyes a great opportunity. With Waldorf still up in the air, The Silencer is open for an attack. Bill slides into the ring and charges full force at the warrior. Bill throws a kick as hard as he can to the Silencer’s skull. The Silencer goes down, dropping Dean Waldorf in the process.


Grace Harper is in absolute shock. “Bootcutter! I can’t believe it! Bootstrap Bill chopped the big man down with a Bootcutter!”


Bill climbs over the one-man-militia and makes the pin. 1-2-No! The Silencer kicks out.


Bill groans, “Ya 'ave to be kidding me?!”


Dean Waldorf staggers back to his feet, laughing. “Having problems, Harris? Couldn’t get the job done?”


Bill spins around and just about kicks Waldorf’s face off with a Bootcutter. Waldorf hits the mat hard. Bill covers Dean. 1-2-3!


“Dean Waldorf has been eliminated!”


In his excitement for two bootcutters and an elimination, Bill didn’t hear the bell ding or the music go off. He has not yet noticed the enormous Irishman towering behind him. Big Bruiser Findlay. The man who invited everyone to this slugfest.






“Might go best if ye turn ‘round,” Findlay bellows to Bootstrap Bill. Bill slowly turns around and eats an axe kick to the face. Bill gets up and walks right into Findlay’s Atomic Spinebuster.


That would be all she wrote for Bootstrap, but he has the wherewithal to roll out of the ring and collapse on the floor. Findlay rolls out as well. Bootstrap crawls over to the bar.


“Will someone fix me a drink?” Bill asks, slurring his words as he shakes the cobwebs loose from the spinebuster. Findlay grabs Bill from behind by the neck. “Never mind,” Bill mutters.


Findlay picks Bill up high over his head and press slams him over the bar. Bill's body smacks against the back counter, knocking over a wheelbarrows’ worth of hard liquor. Brandy, whiskey, bourbon, moonshine. All smashed as Bill collapses to the hard floor and out of view behind the bar. Findlay smirks and rolls back in the ring.


The bell goes off and Ernest Youngman’s music plays.






He is slow to the ring, showing off to the audience and taking his time to observe the destruction. EY rubs his hands together as he plots his first move.


Meanwhile, Sal looks over at Scarlett as he pummels her friend, Grease Hogg. “You really like this guy, huh?” Sal asks her.


She begs him to stop. “Please!” she yells.

“I just don’t see it. Why this guy?” Sal says, throwing his head back and laughing whole-heartedly.


Sal goes to throw a finishing, big punch to Hogg, but GH starts to fight back. Scarlett cheers on the sideline as Hogg pushes Sal off the ropes and catches him in a side slam. Sal hits the corner, but is met with a big splash.


Findlay tries to interrupt Grease Hogg, but is met with a double-leg takedown. Hogg throws some shots in and Findlay covers up.


The bell rings and the last competitor is out. Lead Belly runs to the ring and gives his tag team partner a hand. Scarlett is jumping up and down with joy.






Lead Belly kicks Findlay in the stomach a few times. The team picks him up and hits him with a double sidewalk slam. Findlay rolls out of the ring.


The Moonshiners pick up Sal and shoot him off the ropes. Lead Belly and Grease Hogg lock arms and clobber the mob boss with a robust clothesline.


“Set him up,” Grease Hogg calls. Lead Belly picks up Sal DiMeo, preparing him for the Moonshiners’ finishing maneuver.


Just then...SMASH!


Ernest Youngman, who had walked over to the bar inconspicuously, slides in the ring and smashes a beer glass over Grease Hogg’s head. Hogg goes down and immediately a gash forms across his head.


“No!” Lead Belly yells, dropping a dazed Sal DiMeo to the mat. He begins running at Youngman.


“I got one for you too, brother,” Youngman calls out quickly, revealing another glass in his other hand. Ernest shatters the glass over Lead Belly’s cranium. Lead Belly goes out like a light.


Youngman locks Lead Belly in a sharpshooter. Referee Francis Long checks on LB, but he’s not even conscious. Long waves to DeAnna Desire. “He’s out,” Long calls.


“Lead Belly has been eliminated!”


Youngman throws his hands up in the air in celebration! He turns to pin Grease Hogg, but standing in front of the downed tag team specialist is the hulking bruiser, Findlay O’Farraday.


“You have one of those glasses for me, do ya?” Findlay says.


Ernest goes to punch him, but the bruiser is ready and ducks. Ernest spins around and Findlay catches him around the waist. Uh oh, Youngman thinks. Findlay hits EY with a german suplex that nearly takes off Youngman’s boots. It’s not over yet. Findlay refuses to relinquish the hold, lifts Youngman, and suplexes him again. This time, Youngman hits the back of his head. Findlay lets him go and Ernest rolls over in pain.


Findlay sits up in the middle of the ring. Bill is crawling around near the bar, Sal is in and out of consciousness in the corner, The Silencer is slowly coming back in the corner opposite of Sal, and Youngman just rolled out of the ring in pain.


This is mine to lose, he thinks. They’re all at their limit. I should focus on the Silencer. Get him outta here.

Before Findlay can turn to the Silencer, there is one that Findlay had already counted out that he should not have. Grease Hogg is pulling himself to his feet. The gash Youngman’s glass opened up is pouring out blood like a tap handle. Yet still, Grease Hogg slowly approaches the monster Irishman. He staggers, one foot at a time. Findlay turns to him, slowly...proudly. He almost doesn’t want to do it. Findlay looks over at Scarlett in the corner outside. She is slapping the apron with both hands.


With tears in her eyes, Scarlett shouts, “No! He’s too strong!” She pounds heavily on the apron, trying to get Grease Hogg to listen to her. Except he can’t quit. Not in front of her. He’d stand up to King Kong if he had to.


Grease Hogg comes within a toe of Findlay O’Farraday. Findlay nods his head, proud of the man’s gumption. His chutzpah. “Look at her,” Findlay whispers to Hogg. Hogg takes one eye off Findlay for a moment, watching Scarlett’s desperation. She wishes she could climb in the ring and help him.


Hogg looks back at Findlay and puts up his fists in a boxing stance. Findlay nods his head again. “She’s waiting for ya, lad.” As soon as the last word leaves his mouth, Findlay quickly drops down and hoists Grease Hogg into his arms. He raises him up and slams him back down in what had to be the meanest, most brutal spinebuster of Findlay’s tenured career. Grease Hogg bounces off the mat. If the crowd had not just seen what happened, they might have swore Grease Hogg was in a trainwreck or a car accident.


Findlay drops down and covers Hogg for the pin. 1-2-3.


“Grease Hogg has been eliminated.”


The crowd lets out a sigh of disappointment. They really were starting to pull for Grease Hogg in this match.


Findlay turns around and is barely able to dodge a clothesline. He whirls around to see the Silencer bouncing off the ropes and coming back with a shoulder tackle. BAM! Findlay falls down as he feels his rotator cuff throb with pain. The Irishman grabs his shoulder and squeezes. Not on this day, he thinks.


Sal DiMeo tries to hammer the Silencer from behind with the ol’ double axe handle, but the Silencer no-sells it. He turns and nearly makes Sweet Sal’s jaw a distant memory to him with an elbow shot. The Silencer then drops Sal with a spinning neckbreaker.


The Silencer goes back to standing over Findlay, who starts to pull himself to his feet. The Silencer taunts a slash to the throat, indicating that his finisher is coming, and it’s heading for the Bruiser. Just then, a foot appears in front of the Silencer’s camouflage pants. The Silencer drops to the mat directly in front of Findlay. The camoed warrior rolls to the apron, writhing in pain. Ernest Youngman had snuck up behind the Silencer and dropped him with a low blow.


Youngman smiles at Findlay. “That’s how you chop a tree down,” he says.

Findlay climbs to his feet, furious. “You don’t kick a man down there. Ain’t proper,” he yells.


Findlay grabs Youngman and hoists him up for a spinebuster, but Youngman grabs the Irishman’s shoulders, launching himself higher with more momentum. He flips over Findlay’s back. Youngman stumbles away.


“Bootcutter to Findlay! Bootcutter to Findlay!” Martin Theocott yells.


Bootstrap Bill recovered during the exchange, rolled in the ring and smashed Findlay in the face with his boot.


“No one saw Harris coming,” Grace notes.


Harris scrambles for a pin on Big Bruiser Findlay. 1-2-


Ernest Youngman dives off the top rope with a frog splash, flattening Bill and Findlay, who was already out of it. Bill rolls off of Findlay, but EY pulls Bill in for a pin.


“1-2-Bill kicks out!” Martin Theocott calls. “That was too close for comfort.”


Ernest crawls over to pin Findlay.


“1-2-Findlay kicks out!” Theocott calls again. “Youngman is trying to steal one here tonight.”


Ernest attempts to get up, but Sal DiMeo pulls him over by his hair, tucks his head in, and powerbombs Youngman in the middle of the ring. Sal collapses in the corner, unable to jump on Youngman for the pin.


“DiMeo is exhausted,” Grace Harper says. “Silencer, Findlay, Harris. One of them has to muster up enough to make the pin on Ernest Youngman.”


Findlay O’Farraday turns his body over and crawls slowly on his stomach. With an outstretched hand, he collapses, laying his arm across Youngman’s chest. 1-2-3!


“Ernest Youngman has been eliminated!”


Bill and Findlay lay in the center of the ring. Sal DiMeo pulls himself up and walks over to the Silencer, who is using the ropes to climb to his feet. Sal, no small man, uses his right forearm like a caveman’s club and smashes it over the Silencer’s back. The Silencer’s whole body ripples.


Sal grabs the Silencer and pulls him in for a powerbomb, just like he did to Youngman. The Silencer lifts himself up out of position, forcing Sal into a back body drop. Sal flips over the Silencer and lands on his back. Sal, sensing danger, gets up quickly, but starts backing away from his opponent. The Silencer snatches Sal against the ropes and shoots him toward the other side of the ring. The Silencer goes to catch Sal, stomping to the middle of the ring and waiting for the La Cosa Nostra leader to meet him back in the middle of the ring.


But the Silencer hears a voice. “Drop down, lad.” The Silencer, sensing something positive from all his years taking orders in the military, drops down to the mat, laying flat on his stomach. Sal doesn’t have time to stop and leaps over the Silencer -- and gets caught in the massive arms of Findlay O’Farraday. Findlay slams Sal down with a spinebuster. He covers DiMeo for the pin. 1-2-3!


“Sal DiMeo has been eliminated.”


The Silencer gets back up. Findlay pulls himself up as well. Bootstrap -- well, he’s still down.


The Silencer snatches Findlay up and hoists him over his shoulders so quickly that Findlay has no time to react. He doesn’t often experience getting lifted up off his feet. It’s a relatively new experience for him.


The Silencer is going for his finisher. It's a running TKO called the Drop Zone where he throws the bottom half of your body away from him and hits the ground so that your chin smashes against his shoulder. It is not a move to be trifled with, much like him.


The Silencer gets his run started, but Bootstrap Bill is up, running full force for a Bootcutter on the one-man-militia. The Silencer sticks his foot up and catches Bill with a big boot of his own. Bill flies underneath the Silencer like someone mopped the floor underneath him.


The Silencer continues his run and smashes Findlay with his finishing maneuver.


“Drop Zone! That’s gotta do it,” Curt Meritt calls out.




“Big Bruiser Findlay has been eliminated.”


Two men left.


The Silencer snatches Bootstrap Bill, who is up, but very wobbly. The Silencer hoists him up over his shoulders.


“One more time,” Grace Harper calls out.


The Silencer begins running across the ring, looking for The Drop Zone. Right before the release, Bill squirms his way off of the big man’s shoulders. The Silencer spins around, looking to take Bill’s head off with a spinning lariat. The Silencer whirls around like a tornado, but Bill is able to barely duck under the big man’s massive arm. Bootstrap runs toward the rope, bounces back, and drills The Silencer in the head with a tremendous Bootcutter.


“Bootcutter!” Martin exclaims.


The Silencer is not done for good. Out of sheer discipline, he muscles himself back to his feet, but clearly, no one is home mentally. The Silencer is dazed. Bootstrap takes out the Silencer’s knee with a superkick. The Silencer drops to one knee. Bill dashes to the corner and lines up the one-man-army. Bootstrap Bill comes flying at the Silencer foot-first. Bootcutter!


Bootstrap makes the cover. 1-2-3!


“The Silencer has been eliminated. Your winner: ‘Bootstrap’ Bill Harris!”


In 21:14, “Bootstrap” Bill Harris wins the St. Paddy’s Day Brawl.
















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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="Ta439yO.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Ta439yO.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:24px;">PREDICTIONS</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;">ST. PADDY'S DAY BRAWL</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

The Lloyd 6-0 (wow! well done!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

Historian 4-2</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

smw88 4-2</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

Herrbear 3-3</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

KyTeran 3-3</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

UPDATED STANDINGS</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

1. Historian (20-4)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

2. The Lloyd (18-6)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

3. smw88 (15-9)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

4. Herrberr (14-10)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

5. Bad Collin (9-1)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

6. Eyreo (8-2)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

7. tryker2710 (7-11)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

8. Croquemitaine (6-4)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

9. Martel123 (4-6)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

10. KyTeran (3-3)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

11. Hitman74 (3-5)</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="Ta439yO.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Ta439yO.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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Jacqueline is sitting at the bar inside the West Loop Theater. It’s just a place to drink right now, and she’s just a patron, as opposed to the dark, smashmouth wrestler we just saw at St. Paddy’s Day Brawl two weeks ago. She is sipping a highball of scotch in athletic wear. Her black, sleeveless shirt reveals a large strap of therapeutic kinesiology tape down her bicep. The tape and the scotch are in charge of the damage control after her war with Steffi.


Jack is not alone. She sits next to an older man with a thick 5’clock shadow and dark gray hair. He’s in a black, button up shirt and jeans, swirling a glass of wine. This is Robert Oxford. Jack knows him from her time in USPW. Robert worked for TCW at the time. The two companies weren’t exactly on good terms, but from what guys who crossed the line had said about Robert, he was a big reason for TCW’s professional and exceptional locker room. This is no mere wrestling coach. If Jacqueline is a ship captain, surely this man is the admiral of an entire fleet. Still, there’s only one captain on this ship.


Oxford looks over at a row of theater chairs. “Where do you keep the ring?” he asks.


“We have to take out those chairs,” Jack says. “Then we set up right over there,” Jack points at the rows not too far from where they are sitting.


“Take them out every time?” Oxford asks. His voice is like a thick stout, or maybe a porter. It’s like Robert Oxford’s throat had been aged in an oak barrel, blended to a velvety smooth finish with notes of warmth. Jack could have been speaking to her father or grandfather.


Jack says, “Sometimes we can keep the ring up. We run at the end of every month, so it depends if the owner leases out the theater for a performance during the month. We also don’t take out all the theater seats, so if a performance is small enough, we can keep the ring up. People don’t really run big plays here anymore.”


Oxford nods his head. “Art told me about the dust up with the Ring Generals.”


Jack swallows her sip of scotch and wipes her mouth, a bit unexpectedly. “Yeah, that’s right. They were making $50 a night. Came to me demanding a $700 raise.”


Oxford opens up a notepad and begins scribbling. “It was foolish to think they would stay so low. Old wrestler trick learned from the carnival days. Your advisors should have seen it coming.”


Jack is confused about the carnival trick and wants to ask more about it, but Oxford keeps talking. “So the Generals left town?”


“I don’t know about Statler. He’s probably long gone. They do work Japan from time to time. Waldorf wrestled on the show in the main event.”


Oxford stops scribbling in his book and looks cock-eyed at Jacqueline. “Why is he still here?”


“Dean?” Jack asks. “The show was two weeks ago. I guess he could be in town.”


Oxford shakes his head. “Why is he still here?” he repeats himself in the exact same tone, a little more visibly frustrated. “Why is he still on the roster?”


Jack takes a moment of pause to explain herself. She hesitates for just a moment, just enough for Robert to notice that this is not a cutthroat, distinguished leader. This is a nervous, young rebel who has not been running a company long enough.


“He made up for it by cooking the boys pancakes. He served his penance,” she mutters.”


“Breakfast?” Oxford sneers. “Young lady, if you leave one wolf alive, the sheep will never be safe.”


Jack nods her head in a subtle admittance of her failure as a leader up to this point.


Robert continues, “I want you to call that man up and let him know his services will no longer be required.”


Jack reaches into her pocket and pulls out her cell phone. As she is looking for Dean Waldorf’s number, her phone begins to ring. It’s Steve Flash.






Jack answers, “Steve? How was the show in NYCW?”


Oxford shakes his head, “NYCW? Steve Flash? Your road agent is the booker in another territory?” Oxford begins scribbling even more furiously into his notebook.


“The show,” Steve answers. “How was the show? I mean, I guess the matches went well. The ones I saw anyway. I’ll have to wait for the full report from my assistant, if he ever speaks to me again.”


Jack furrows her brow. “Your assistant. Ray? Aren’t you mentoring him to take over for you? Why wouldn’t he speak to you again?


“Well, I sort of hit him,” Steve says. Jack is completely taken aback. Steve Flash is not the guy who would hit someone, especially someone he is mentoring.


“You hit him?” Jack says, completely stunned.


“Yeah,” Steve admits sheepishly. “A few times. With a car door. That’s sort of why I’m calling. I’m calling from jail. Can you loan me some money to bail myself out?”




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<p>Oh my!</p><p> </p><p>

Did this actually happen to Flash? Not sure I've seen that come up as a news story before.</p><p> </p><p>

I disliked Oxford there, mainly because everything he said was right. I just wasn't ready to hear it <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> haha</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="KingSlender" data-cite="KingSlender" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48673" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>A little bit of Tywin too.<p> </p><p> "Why is he still alive?"</p><p> </p><p> "It wouldn't have been clean."</p><p> </p><p> "Ugh. Clean."</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> ngl I'm here for Robert Oxford as the Tywin of the wrestling world.</p>
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Oh my!


Did this actually happen to Flash? Not sure I've seen that come up as a news story before.


I disliked Oxford there, mainly because everything he said was right. I just wasn't ready to hear it :D haha


I'll post the news article I pulled it from. It was on my homepage. Be sure to check in with Joanne Rodriguez's podcast to hear all about it! More to come later!

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“Steve, how soon can you get here?”

“Steve, we’re going over the production notes. We’d love for you to hear our stuff.”

“Steve, we finished going over the production notes. Can you meet us for lunch?”


As Ray Snow is filling up Steve Flash’s voicemail, Steve walks back toward his car from the gas station convenience store. He has a churro in one hand and a Big Gulp in the other. Steve fumbles the snacks in his hand so he can get his keys and open the door. As he does, he drops the Big Gulp. Dark brown soda splatters on the concrete and begins seeping through the parking lot.


“Aww s***,” Steve mutters, incredibly disappointed, and gets into the car. He drops the churro in his cup holder, starts the car, and drives off.


Steve’s smartphone is pinned to the dashboard. He taps it to wake it up and sees that he has three missed phone calls and three different voicemails.


“Are you kidding me?” he asks himself.


Ray Snow is something of a protege of Steve’s. Ray’s hunger for Steve’s teaching is only eclipsed by Ray’s hunger for Steve’s job. “It’s great you want to be the booker,” Steve recalls telling Ray a thousand times, “but it’s a lot more work than just giving orders. A good leader should always be in control of his emotions.”


Keeping emotions in check is something that Steve has always thought to be a powerful weapon for a good leader to hold. A good leader reacts calmly in the face of anger. A leader listens. A leader uses their ears. Steve knows this, but Ray has not always grasped this concept.


Steve, throughout his whole career, has been known as “Remarkable” Steve Flash because he could make anyone a star. Even after turning 50, Steve put on great matches at NYCW. Now, he’s retired and the only remarkable thing about NYCW was how little money there was to go around to the boys. NYCW is quickly becoming irrelevant in 2020.


The only other person that notices how quickly NYCW is becoming irrelevant is “Ice Cold” Ray Snow. Ray is as tough in the ring as he is out of it. At 33 years old, Ray is the veteran workhorse on the roster, hired by Steve to eventually take his place...one day...far away from now.


Steve goes to call Ray back, but before he can, his phone starts ringing from another NYCW wrestler.


“Tennessee?” Steve asks on his end of the call. Tennessee William, a star of the promotion, is barely audible in his loud, Southern drawl.




“Flash, you trying to screw on me?!”


Flash is flabbergasted. “Tennessee? What did you say? What’s going on?” he asks.


“Flash, I came in here to work your program like you said.” Tennessee argues. “Now, I got Ray telling me that you ain’t gonna book me on that there April show, and I moved up here for you. I came up here on a handshake and this ain’t gonna work for me, brother.”


Steve takes a deep breath and stays calm. “Who told you I’m not booking you? Ray?”


“So it’s true, man?” Tennessee asks. Steve is not in the room with Tennessee William, but he can already imagine Tennessee’s face, red like he drank a bottle of Sriracha.


“Don’t do anything until I get up there,” Steve insists and hangs up.


Meanwhile, in New York City, Ray is already having a conversation with another pivotal person.


“It seems like Steve is one foot and one foot out, Lar.” Ray tells NYCW owner, Larry Vessey.




“Kid, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” Larry reminds him.


“You always say that, Larry. Well it’s broke, man. It’s been broke so long, you bought it at Service Merchandise, brotha,” Ray digs into Larry.


“You called him?” Larry asks.


“A bunch of times. I think he left us for that little Chicago outfit.”


“We might have to cancel this show.”


“I can book this. Steve is my mentor. Besides, his booking philosophy is outdated. Tennessee William? Is this the 1970s? I know everything he knows, with my new stuff added in. Let me do this, Larry.”


“Did he answer when you called him?”


“He can’t be bothered. Trust me. I can do the job.” Ray Snow thinks for a second. “Let’s agree to let Steve go.”


Larry Vessey nods his head. “Just let me talk to him alright.”


Ray nods his head and goes into the parking lot outside of the NYCW venue. He gets in his car and tries to start it, but it refuses to run.


“Aww man,” Ray bemoans.


He looks at the back door he just walked out of. He left it open, but it appears Larry is nowhere near the back of the building now. He makes one more call to Steve.”


The phone rings. Steve answers.




“Steve! So good to hear from you finally. Where you been?”


“I’m almost there. Listen, did you tell Tennessee he isn’t on the show?”


“Well,” Ray starts. “You weren’t at the meeting and we all agreed to change a few things up.”


“I already agreed to put him on the card. We shook hands on it.”


“Steve, look. I just heard from Larry. He’s going to have to let you go. It’s just time, you know. We’re going to finish you up.”


Finally, Steve’s emotions spill from his brain like soup from a bowl. “You’re going to finish me up? No Ray. I’ll be there in a few minutes, and then I’m gonna finish you up, m***** f*****. Personally!”


Ray gets out of his car and runs into the building as Steve approaches in his car. Steve gets out to find a few cars. He immediately identifies Ray’s as he walks past.He tries to open the back door to the building but it’s locked. Steve thinks for a minute, then goes back to his car. He opens the truck, not sure what he might find. He is surprised to see his daughter’s sports gear. Amy is his high school-aged daughter, and she keeps a lot of her gear in his trunk. Steve ruffles through it and finds a softball bat. Steve picks it up and shuts the trunk.


Ray is inside, close to the door with Larry. Ray’s phone starts ringing. It’s Steve.


“Larry, call the cops.” Ray says, answering his phone. “Hello?”


“Ray, I’m outside. I have a bat, Ray. Come out here or I’m going to smash every single window this junk car has.”


“Oh my god, why Steve? Why are you doing this?” Ray asks.


“Cause you’re screwing with me, and you’re screwing with my business. I’m working two jobs and putting a lot of miles on my car. I dropped my damn drink at the gas station, and I’m having a bad day.”


“So I have to pay for all of that?” Ray asks.


“Someone will,” Steve says.


As Steve bashes windows in with his daughter’s softball bat, the shrieks from inside the building can be heard. “Not my car! Not my car!”


The sirens flash in the background and that’s all Steve can remember. He sits in the county lock-up, waiting for Jacqueline to bail him out.


Jacqueline is certainly on her way, but Larry Vessey beats her to it. Steve is brought to the lobby where Larry is waiting for him, still in his show makeup. Steve sits next to Larry as he finishes signing all the necessary paperwork.


“I talked to that lady from USPW. Evren?”


“Yeah, she runs Chicago Championship Wrestling now. She quit USPW last year.”


“Smart lady. By the sound of it, they really care about you.”


“You really should see it down there in Chicago, Larry. She’s young, with fresh legs and a fresh mind. Reed is down there, on tired legs, but his mind is even fresher. Sometimes I wonder if this business is starting to pass me by.”


“You’re “Remarkable” Steve Flash. You know what you’re gonna do. You’re gonna leave that place in Chicago, you’re gonna patch things up with Ray, we’ll bring in some youth to help you, and you’re gonna have your youth movement right here in NYCW. It’s broken, Steve. I want you to fix it.”


Steve nods. He makes a phone call to Jacqueline to give his notice.




When Jack takes the call, Robert Oxford is sitting next to her on her right.


“We’ll miss you, Steve. If you’re ever in the area, come see us.”


She says her goodbyes and ends the call.


“Steve’s gone. Too much on his plate. He’s going to stay in New York,” Jack tells Robert.


“That’s okay,” Oxford assures Jacqueline. “I have a big debut at the next show. We stole someone away from USPW. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.”




Robert slides his notepad over to Jack. She examines Robert’s finishes for the next show. She smirks at the name added to one of the finishes.


“That’ll be great,” she notes. Robert winks at her and smiles. It’s the happiest she’s seen Robert since they met.


Chicago Championship Wrestling presents





CCW Men’s Championship

“Bootstrap” Bill Harris versus Art Reed ©


CCW Women’s Tag Team Championship

The 19th Amendment versus The Anti-Establishment ©


CCW Women’s Championship

Evren versus Steph Blake ©


Findlay O’Farraday versus The Silencer


Steffi Chee posted an open challenge online. It was answered by Foxxy LaRue.

Steffi Chee versus Foxxy LaRue


CCW Men’s Tag Team Championship

The Moonshiners versus The McWades versus Men of Honor


Papa Swoll versus Kiminobu Kuroki


BONUS POINT: Who will debut from USPW?





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CCW Men’s Championship

“Bootstrap” Bill Harris versus Art Reed ©


CCW Women’s Tag Team Championship

The 19th Amendment versus The Anti-Establishment ©


CCW Women’s Championship

Evren versus Steph Blake ©

Findlay O’Farraday versus The Silencer


Steffi Chee posted an open challenge online. It was answered by Foxxy LaRue.

Steffi Chee versus Foxxy LaRue

CCW Men’s Tag Team Championship

The Moonshiners versus The McWades versus Men of Honor


Papa Swoll versus Kiminobu Kuroki

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CCW Men’s Championship

“Bootstrap” Bill Harris versus Art Reed ©


CCW Women’s Tag Team Championship

The 19th Amendment versus The Anti-Establishment ©


CCW Women’s Championship

Evren versus Steph Blake ©


Findlay O’Farraday versus The Silencer


Steffi Chee posted an open challenge online. It was answered by Foxxy LaRue.

Steffi Chee versus Foxxy LaRue


CCW Men’s Tag Team Championship

The Moonshiners versus The McWades versus Men of Honor


Papa Swoll versus Kiminobu Kuroki


BONUS POINT: Who will debut from USPW?

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