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<p>Is anyone else having eye and headache issues playing TEW 2020? Maybe it's because I'm trying to play it on a MacBook Air? I don't know. I played TEW 2016 for years on this laptop without issue. But I was playing TEW 2020 for about an hour last night and I still feel like I have vertigo. I'm using one of the mod skins, too. </p><p> </p><p>

I really want to buy this game -- I've been playing Adam's games since 2002 -- but I don't think it's healthy for me to play 2020 at this point. Is there anything I can do? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.</p>

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It's not a great suggestion, but I would advise trying other skins. I had a similar issue when I first downloaded the Beta - I could barely concentrate on it for more than 15 minutes. The Booking Issues screen alone was headache inducing. The first skin I downloaded was better, but the second one worked even better. It affects people in different ways. Unfortunate, but hopefully you will find a skin that works for you.
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Only suggestion I have is to keep trying skins. Something dark might help, a few of the skins still generally keep the brightish tone of the default skin. I know when I first started playing the default skin messed up my eyes badly, particularly worker stat lists.


Try out Curb Stomp Skin's Simplified Skin. http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=545643

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Only suggestion I have is to keep trying skins. Something dark might help, a few of the skins still generally keep the brightish tone of the default skin. I know when I first started playing the default skin messed up my eyes badly, particularly worker stat lists.


Try out Curb Stomp Skin's Simplified Skin. http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=545643


Thank you for posting this. It is very helpful. Looks very good and is easy on the eyes.

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I can attest to this as I have a condition that causes my eyes to move involuntarily. I can only play for short periods of Time and take breaks in between. It was easier before I started playing on a laptop

Do you have nystagmus? That's what I have so certain things can bother my eyes. I'm going to try out some skins and see if that helps.

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Do you have nystagmus? That's what I have so certain things can bother my eyes. I'm going to try out some skins and see if that helps.


Good luck! Just as a heads-up, I was having major issues when playing the game until installing Blue and Gold Skin which has sorted them all out for me. Link to it here - http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=545242

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="gazwefc83" data-cite="gazwefc83" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48738" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=545944" rel="external nofollow">http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=545944</a><p> </p><p> I'll be realising this skin later today</p></div></blockquote><p> Hey Gaz! I know you from CAWS and Wrestling Legends forums! The skin looks amazing.. the lime green is a little strange because the rest of the skin is so easy on the eyes. Just some feedback. I'll very likely use this one as I love your work in other games!</p>
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