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Mod conversion discussion

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<p>I thought it might be a good idea to start a thread for those of us converting Mods from 2016 to discuss some of the trial and error we've found in going through the process in order to make our mods as good as they can be when we start our games.</p><p> </p><p>

I converted the 1998 real world mod, playing as ECW, and the first thing I noticed was WWF signing a bunch of WCW top stars like DDP and Sting. I've gone in and made the top stars at both WCW and the WWF have iron clad contracts, which makes more sense anyway as Hogan or the Outsiders shouldn't be able to just hand in their notice if and when i play a WCW save and start pushing other stars.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm also strongly considering removing Hall and Nash's creative control clauses, as we know they didn't have them IRL, though there's a case to be made keeping them will produce the most realistic booking challenges.</p>

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It may just be me but a few things I noticed are:


Gimmick ratings in contracts have reverted back to random during the conversion.


If a worker who is not a manager but is currently set to manage someone in the contract, the conversion has added this as one of their actives roles

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48770" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Gimmick ratings in contracts have reverted back to random during the conversion.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> wait does this mean that for example you might see Dean Malenko rated highly for comedy gimmick and low for a shooter gimmick?</p>
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I think, he means the rating of the currently applied gimmick. So if Steve Austin has a "Rattlesnake" Gimmick at the start of a mod, thats rated great in a 2016 mod, after converting to TEW 2020 it will be assigned a new random rating at the start of the game.
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I think, he means the rating of the currently applied gimmick. So if Steve Austin has a "Rattlesnake" Gimmick at the start of a mod, thats rated great in a 2016 mod, after converting to TEW 2020 it will be assigned a new random rating at the start of the game.


Ah I see, yes this is easily changed for each worker if you go to company-> contracts. I kind of like having some randomization but definitely want to have the big guns rated correctly

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With the issues and time it is taking I think it would have taken less time to build from scratch. The database I'm working on is a complete mess now and to be honest I don't see the point in using it - I've done 6 hours work on broadcasters and stables alone trying to get the data converted. Workers took 10 hours and still not right. It is the worst. Promotions took a further 3 hours and the whole thing is just an unbalanced and unplayable database after 19 hours work - I've given up with it so until I feel like wasting my time again, I'll be sticking everything on the back burner and just going to play the 2016 version of the game.
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Ah I see, yes this is easily changed for each worker if you go to company-> contracts. I kind of like having some randomization but definitely want to have the big guns rated correctly


Easily changed put long winded when you have over 1000 contracts in the database.


IIt's not a good thing being set to random as an example Jericho with 'Play Swagger well' attribute and a Swagger gimmick came out awful as did half the the AEW and WWE roster.


This is going to take some work to rectify

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With the issues and time it is taking I think it would have taken less time to build from scratch. The database I'm working on is a complete mess now and to be honest I don't see the point in using it - I've done 6 hours work on broadcasters and stables alone trying to get the data converted. Workers took 10 hours and still not right. It is the worst. Promotions took a further 3 hours and the whole thing is just an unbalanced and unplayable database after 19 hours work - I've given up with it so until I feel like wasting my time again, I'll be sticking everything on the back burner and just going to play the 2016 version of the game.


Ahh, welcome to the club mate :p

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With the issues and time it is taking I think it would have taken less time to build from scratch. The database I'm working on is a complete mess now and to be honest I don't see the point in using it - I've done 6 hours work on broadcasters and stables alone trying to get the data converted. Workers took 10 hours and still not right. It is the worst. Promotions took a further 3 hours and the whole thing is just an unbalanced and unplayable database after 19 hours work - I've given up with it so until I feel like wasting my time again, I'll be sticking everything on the back burner and just going to play the 2016 version of the game.


Honestly, It's hard to disagree with you. It feels like everything has been a bit thrown off balance and that it all needs individual attention to hammer mods back into shape. I expected it to a degree, but this is a little bit beyond a joke. Even after taking a while to come to grips with all the changes, it still feels pretty confusing and I've been playing these games since day one of EWR.


It also feels like some of the changes are VERY restrictive to mod makers. I want more scope to make the game world my own, not less. While some of the changes to the game are improvements, as always there is a step backwards for every step forwards.


But the one thing that really bothered me is a quote I read where Adam said condensing the 3 technical skills into 1 made sense since they were never individually calculated in matches anyway. Oh cool, thanks for letting a brother know not to put in any effort on those skills in 2016 ... just in time too. :p

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With the issues and time it is taking I think it would have taken less time to build from scratch. The database I'm working on is a complete mess now and to be honest I don't see the point in using it - I've done 6 hours work on broadcasters and stables alone trying to get the data converted. Workers took 10 hours and still not right. It is the worst. Promotions took a further 3 hours and the whole thing is just an unbalanced and unplayable database after 19 hours work - I've given up with it so until I feel like wasting my time again, I'll be sticking everything on the back burner and just going to play the 2016 version of the game.


Jeez what mod is this? I want to roll with a late 90’s save but worried about things getting out of whack after a few months or years

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Jeez what mod is this? I want to roll with a late 90’s save but worried about things getting out of whack after a few months or years


My Flashpoint mod. I have spent hours trying to get everything converted and playable.


Things get out of whack within the first week. It has the balance of a one legged alcoholic out on the Rum & Coke!

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