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[HYPE] CVerse Women's Revolution

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I’ll give a bigger update later as I’m doing a local to global, but a little thing happened I found interesting:


Chris Amerson (who has been my Women’s Champion for 394 days) had an affair with Tennessee William and caused him and Cheerleader Nicki broke up over it. They met in my company so I feel bad lol


Chris "The Homewrecker" Amerson, looks like someone has a new gimmick!

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Chris "The Homewrecker" Amerson, looks like someone has a new gimmick!


Lol to give her a gimmick other than Worlds Baddest Woman would be an injustice. She’s responsible for most of my best matches through almost three years. I’m surprised she hasn’t signed a big contract yet.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="willr0ck" data-cite="willr0ck" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48936" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm not sure why the relationships didn't import over, I haven't had that issue before. There aren't ton of them and if it becomes a recurring thing I can post a list of all the relationships if anyone wants to add them manually. </div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Could I get that list? Most should be easy to infer, but I want to be sure.</p><p> </p><p> Also, finally started adding the newer pics to my database, and when getting to Koala Mask, I noticed that she doesn't have any mask settings... er... set. I assume Weak would be the way to go, but not positive. Otherwise, I love her to bits!</p>
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I just wanna point out that most of my best matches in my now three-year save involve workers from this mod. I just had my highest rated match ever (58) at my December 2022 show, a four-way for the Women’s Championship where Alina America retained over Ashley Keith, Frankie Carmello, and Chris Amerson. Amerson has had my longest title reign of any title and Frankie is a former Champion too.


Also, after a year of them being unemployed, I convinced Akari Kawashima and HEART Koiso to come over and anchor my Women’s Tag Team division, taking the belts off of Black Diamond and Tameka Sky. Sky turned on Diamond and they’re in a hot feud now.


This save would be so much less enjoyable without this mod so thank you.


EDIT: Just had a loser leaves town two-of-three falls match between Frankie Carmello and Chris Amerson, and it was the best match of my save so far at a 61. Amerson lost, so I'll be releasing her and Tennessee William. Nothing against them, but at 36 local pop I had over 100 wrestlers on my roster and needed to trim some fat. It's hard for me to make Amerson lose because she's so good, and her gimmick screams unstoppable to me, so I let her go to clear space at the top of my card to push some other women.

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I really love this mod. It adds a ton of gimmicky women wrestlers, which is good, because I think the C-Verse was lacking on the likes of Kris Statlander and Abadon. Koala Mask, The Weird Sisters, Sophie Steele, and so many others embody the goofy fun I've come to love in wrestling.


Second, a lot more lady hosses available to hire. In the default, there are very few Middleweight ladies as opposed to 2016, at least ones that aren't tied down to a big company. Matilda Jones, Tameka Sky, Urd, and many others.

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Could I get that list?


Also, finally started adding the newer pics to my database, and when getting to Koala Mask, I noticed that she doesn't have any mask settings.


Yeah, weak would be the correct the setting. Here is the lsit:


Ashley Keith - Greg Gauge / Mathew Keith / Sam Keith: Blood Relative

Kaludia Bartel / Pavel Vanzycha: Protege

Gear Head Grace / Big Smack Scott: Blood Relative

Cora Black / Mark Carnie: Hatred

Chernobyl Generation: Married

Roison Gross / Padraig O'Hearne: Protege

Momoe Hamuera / Quiz Master: Protege

Hooligan Sisters: Blood Relative

Hannah Hooligan / Joe Gilbert: Dating

Helena Hooligan / Jesse Gilbert: Dating

Hermanas de Pestilenece: All 3 Strong Friendship

La Hija de Phoenix / Phoenix III: Blood Relative

Matilda Jones / Deboniare David Peterson: Protege

Akari Kawashima / HEART Koiso: Strong Friendship

Kessie Lee Walker / Farrah Hesketh: Protege

Mad Millie Morgan / Thomas Morgan: Protege

Talia Neema / Urena Frost: Best Friend

Shakeia Rudd / Joan Blond: Simmering Tension

Skuld, Urd and Verdandi / Aud Valkyrie: Protege

Mirai & Ryu Kajahara: Blood Relative

Akari & Kozue Kawashima: Blood Relative

HEART & PRIDE Koiso: Blood Relative

Esperanza Montero & All The Monteros: Blood Relative

Mad Millie & Walter Morgan: Blood Relative

Yoshimi & Fujiko Mushashibo: Family Fued

Dr. Yumaniac / Kimi Kawano: Dating


I just wanna point out that most of my best matches in my now three-year save involve workers from this mod. I just had my highest rated match ever (58) at my December 2022 show, a four-way for the Women’s Championship where Alina America retained over Ashley Keith, Frankie Carmello, and Chris Amerson. Amerson has had my longest title reign of any title and Frankie is a former Champion too.


Also, after a year of them being unemployed, I convinced Akari Kawashima and HEART Koiso to come over and anchor my Women’s Tag Team division, taking the belts off of Black Diamond and Tameka Sky. Sky turned on Diamond and they’re in a hot feud now.


This save would be so much less enjoyable without this mod so thank you.


EDIT: Just had a loser leaves town two-of-three falls match between Frankie Carmello and Chris Amerson, and it was the best match of my save so far at a 61. Amerson lost, so I'll be releasing her and Tennessee William. Nothing against them, but at 36 local pop I had over 100 wrestlers on my roster and needed to trim some fat. It's hard for me to make Amerson lose because she's so good, and her gimmick screams unstoppable to me, so I let her go to clear space at the top of my card to push some other women.


Awesome to hear! I'm glad the save is going well for you. Koiso and Kawashima are money btw, they should be perma tag champs.



I really love this mod. It adds a ton of gimmicky women wrestlers, which is good, because I think the C-Verse was lacking on the likes of Kris Statlander and Abadon. Koala Mask, The Weird Sisters, Sophie Steele, and so many others embody the goofy fun I've come to love in wrestling.


Second, a lot more lady hosses available to hire. In the default, there are very few Middleweight ladies as opposed to 2016, at least ones that aren't tied down to a big company. Matilda Jones, Tameka Sky, Urd, and many others.


Glad you are enjoying it and glad to hear all the characters are getting use. Except Gear Head Grace I assume, no one wants to deal with that trainwreck.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="willr0ck" data-cite="willr0ck" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48936" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Yeah, weak would be the correct the setting. Here is the lsit:<p> </p><p> Ashley Keith - Greg Gauge / Mathew Keith / Sam Keith: Blood Relative</p><p> Kaludia Bartel / Pavel Vanzycha: Protege</p><p> Gear Head Grace / Big Smack Scott: Blood Relative</p><p> Cora Black / Mark Carnie: Hatred</p><p> Chernobyl Generation: Married</p><p> Roison Gross / Padraig O'Hearne: Protege</p><p> Momoe Hamuera / Quiz Master: Protege</p><p> Hooligan Sisters: Blood Relative</p><p> Hannah Hooligan / Joe Gilbert: Dating</p><p> Helena Hooligan / Jesse Gilbert: Dating</p><p> Hermanas de Pestilenece: All 3 Strong Friendship</p><p> La Hija de Phoenix / Phoenix III: Blood Relative</p><p> Matilda Jones / Deboniare David Peterson: Protege</p><p> Akari Kawashima / HEART Koiso: Strong Friendship</p><p> Kessie Lee Walker / Farrah Hesketh: Protege</p><p> Mad Millie Morgan / Thomas Morgan: Protege</p><p> Talia Neema / Urena Frost: Best Friend</p><p> Shakeia Rudd / Joan Blond: Simmering Tension</p><p> Skuld, Urd and Verdandi / Aud Valkyrie: Protege</p><p> Mirai & Ryu Kajahara: Blood Relative</p><p> Akari & Kozue Kawashima: Blood Relative</p><p> HEART & PRIDE Koiso: Blood Relative</p><p> Esperanza Montero & All The Monteros: Blood Relative</p><p> Mad Millie & Walter Morgan: Blood Relative</p><p> Yoshimi & Fujiko Mushashibo: Family Fued</p><p> Dr. Yumaniac / Kimi Kawano: Dating</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Awesome to hear! I'm glad the save is going well for you. Koiso and Kawashima are money btw, they should be perma tag champs.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Glad you are enjoying it and glad to hear all the characters are getting use. Except Gear Head Grace I assume, no one wants to deal with that trainwreck.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks for the list. Before you posted it, it occurred to me that I can just look it up in the partial database that I had to import everything from, but this is easier.</p><p> </p><p> And if I can handle Higa, I can handle Grace. I just wish she had a goofy, "Oh, c'mon, we know who it is!" masked alter ego like her brother.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="willr0ck" data-cite="willr0ck" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48936" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Except Gear Head Grace I assume, no one wants to deal with that trainwreck.</div></blockquote><p> I beg to differ.</p>
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One of the Chernobyl Gen was caught having an affair w/ Verdana... Damn.


It's crazy to think how much this mod has given the game a much better dynamic and added a lot of depth. Would love to see a part 2 one day in the future as you've done such an excellent job.

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Loving this mod, and wanted to share a little story.


So, playing a QAW game, and Foxxy LaRue hands in her notice before the first show. Urg! So, I need a new leader for Ronin 3. I decide to hire Tameka Sky, as her pop in the Mid South is comparable to Foxxy's.


Now, I usually don't set winners, and it's been fun to watch how Tameka has been protected. She's lost a few times, but usually in tag/ trio matches where Becca or Toni can eat the pin. She's only lost one singles match (though admittedly I've been setting winners for most of those).


Anyway, after Crowning the Queen, I set Ronin 3 in a feud with Alina, Danielle Sweetheart, and a rehired babyface Foxxy incensed that Vinny would replace her.


Fast forward to Thanksgiving Thunder. I decide the main event should be a 5 v 5 elimination, because that's what the Pilgrims intended. Ronin 3 & Lily & Rose vs. Alina, Foxxy, Danielle and Perez & Torres.


The results came in like this- Becca and Toni get eliminated first, then Torres, then Lilly & Rose, leaving Tameka in a 4 on 1 situation. She then eliminates Perez and Sweetheart before finally getting beaten by Alina and Foxxy. That sounds like it would have been awesome to watch. And now, I have my main event for The 3-Way Dance.

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I beg to differ.


Gear Head Grace who right now is listed as a Mildly Positive Influence. In your face, Space Coyote!


Okay, now I have to go back and make her more of a trainwreck. This shouldn't be that easy!


One of the Chernobyl Gen was caught having an affair w/ Verdana... Damn.


It's crazy to think how much this mod has given the game a much better dynamic and added a lot of depth. Would love to see a part 2 one day in the future as you've done such an excellent job.


Glad you like it, I'm sure there will be updates


Loving this mod, and wanted to share a little story.


So, playing a QAW game, and Foxxy LaRue hands in her notice before the first show. Urg! So, I need a new leader for Ronin 3. I decide to hire Tameka Sky, as her pop in the Mid South is comparable to Foxxy's.


Now, I usually don't set winners, and it's been fun to watch how Tameka has been protected. She's lost a few times, but usually in tag/ trio matches where Becca or Toni can eat the pin. She's only lost one singles match (though admittedly I've been setting winners for most of those).


Anyway, after Crowning the Queen, I set Ronin 3 in a feud with Alina, Danielle Sweetheart, and a rehired babyface Foxxy incensed that Vinny would replace her.


Fast forward to Thanksgiving Thunder. I decide the main event should be a 5 v 5 elimination, because that's what the Pilgrims intended. Ronin 3 & Lily & Rose vs. Alina, Foxxy, Danielle and Perez & Torres.


The results came in like this- Becca and Toni get eliminated first, then Torres, then Lilly & Rose, leaving Tameka in a 4 on 1 situation. She then eliminates Perez and Sweetheart before finally getting beaten by Alina and Foxxy. That sounds like it would have been awesome to watch. And now, I have my main event for The 3-Way Dance.


That sounds awesome! Here's too hoping that Sky comes out on top. She needs to be perma-champ!

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Okay so I'm not saying this would be something that I start right away or anything like that but...



Would anyone be interested in another release? Maybe not as large as the original and it might even be small updates here and there but if their is enough interest I would be more than willing to expand the universe more. Maybe some new promotions and more workers in areas where they are lacking perhaps?



Any thoughts, feedback, angry criticism is welcome.




In the meantime enjoy this dancing pineapple







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Okay so I'm not saying this would be something that I start right away or anything like that but...



Would anyone be interested in another release? Maybe not as large as the original and it might even be small updates here and there but if their is enough interest I would be more than willing to expand the universe more. Maybe some new promotions and more workers in areas where they are lacking perhaps?



Any thoughts, feedback, angry criticism is welcome.




In the meantime enjoy this dancing pineapple









My only C-Verse games involve this mod. The characters are amazing!

I think India is an obvious choice but I'd also love to see more actual mexican masked luchadoras... however I'm sure that whatever you come up with will be great!

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I also would be interested.


And Tameka worked out really well as the new head of Ronin 3. As soon as I got the "Excellent Chemistry" note with Vinny Cruz, I knew I was onto something. Other stand outs from the mod in this playthrough include Frost & Neema, Penny Ramone & Morgan Stryker (good tag chemistry), and Storm.


Think I'm gonna take a break from QAW and give ZEN a spin and hire up Koala Mask and Matilda Jones.

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Okay so I'm not saying this would be something that I start right away or anything like that but...



Would anyone be interested in another release? Maybe not as large as the original and it might even be small updates here and there but if their is enough interest I would be more than willing to expand the universe more. Maybe some new promotions and more workers in areas where they are lacking perhaps?



Any thoughts, feedback, angry criticism is welcome.




In the meantime enjoy this dancing pineapple








C-Verse really lacks of mixed promotions. For me mod with more mixed promotions could be a good idea.

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C-Verse really lacks of mixed promotions. For me mod with more mixed promotions could be a good idea.


You've got ZEN, ACPW, and CZCW, which all seem like the promotions most likely to go mixed. At one point I would have OLLIE, too, but they seemed to take a step back from that, making all the titles specific to one gender.

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Considering the quality of the first one it should be a resounding yes and I'd be happy to support you with character creation etc.


I keep toying with the idea of TCW, SWF, EILL, RAW and 21CW creating women's divisions because for me it logically makes sense that you would replicate what works i.e. CWA and USPW. Also, a global promotion without a women's division in Western promotions is kinda weird now... However, there is still a lack of depth to support it on that scale as it would just wipe out the talent pool. Not suggesting a mod should cover that in its entirety but more the merrier right?

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