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Hey, how i cash-in a contract on a match?

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Well it depends on how you want to structure it. It can't be done all within 1 segment unfortunately. If you had a match already advertised, like a champion vs no. 1 contender, just end it however you want(clean pin fall, no contest following an interference, etc,...), and then make the new match. Thankfully with this game you can book on the fly, so before you go to the next segment, add in an angle that says the Challenger is cashing in their briefcase and add in the booking for the next match. But its best to do a match, then a quick angle, then a match.
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This isn't a Tech Support issue, but all the same...


If you're talking about a WM31 situation, you would book a triple threat match between Reigns, Lesnar and Rollins, then add the Road Agent Note "Late Addition" for Rollins. It's a feature specifically designed for mid-match cash-ins.

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Well it depends on how you want to structure it. It can't be done all within 1 segment unfortunately. If you had a match already advertised, like a champion vs no. 1 contender, just end it however you want(clean pin fall, no contest following an interference, etc,...), and then make the new match. Thankfully with this game you can book on the fly, so before you go to the next segment, add in an angle that says the Challenger is cashing in their briefcase and add in the booking for the next match. But its best to do a match, then a quick angle, then a match.


You can do it with the Road Agent note “Late Addition” though. Can’t you?

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I'd kinda make the briefcase a regular title since it's sometimes defended in matches. But idk.


I make the Money in the Bank a tournament title, but you could always award more than one a year. Just because it's scheduled to be awarded in July (or whatever month) of the year doesn't mean you can't have a match to award it in November (or whenever). At least that's the way I did it in 16. In 20, if I'm thinking straight (which isn't guaranteed), tournament titles can be tied to an event rather than a month, but I'm guessing you could still have it on the line at any time.


As for making it a regular title, if you do the cash-in during a match, you could always have an angle after (if you were booking a Mania 31 situation, after having Rollins as a late addition to the main event and winning the title, you would have an angle where he celebrates and plays to the crowd with the WWE Championship, but book an "Add Title Change" in that angle and just set it to vacate the title in that angle). If you have a cash-in as part of an angle (think Punk attacking Edge, cashing in, and winning the World Heavyweight Championship), you could have two titles changing hands in the angle (change "World Heavyweight Championship" to Punk and "Money in the Bank" to Vacant).



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I make the Money in the Bank a tournament title, but you could always award more than one a year. Just because it's scheduled to be awarded in July (or whatever month) of the year doesn't mean you can't have a match to award it in November (or whenever). At least that's the way I did it in 16. In 20, if I'm thinking straight (which isn't guaranteed), tournament titles can be tied to an event rather than a month, but I'm guessing you could still have it on the line at any time.



Yea you can, but it's just a matter of taste. It's carried around like any old title, so might as well make it be a title like the others. After all, all titles are props to advance storylines, so it's not like the briefcase is technically any different.

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