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Question About Regions

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This isn't really a tech issue but more of a general question to help with making my own custom content...


Was there ever any sort of list or guide to the details regarding each region's breakdown? One issue I'm running into is when adding a new arena, figuring out where it's supposed to go. Even as an American, I don't 100% understand the regional classifications used for the US, much less ones in foreign countries. How am I to know what goes where?


Some seem kinda obvious like Tri-State is like NY/NJ/PA.... and Great Lakes are the states surrounding well... the Great Lakes... but some states fall into these weird grey areas that I'm not sure where they belong. Like what's the region of Colorado, for example? To me, that's in the "Mountain" region, but that doesn't exist. Is it South West? In mods, I usually only see Californian venues listed there. And where to places in the Dakotas or Montana go?


Some sort of list of states that should fall into each of TEW's regions would be great... and for other game areas, whatever sort of break down works for them, though ones that are just a geographical piece of a region (like Northeast Mexico), I can probably use my own discretion on.

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This isn't really a tech issue but more of a general question to help with making my own custom content...


Was there ever any sort of list or guide to the details regarding each region's breakdown? One issue I'm running into is when adding a new arena, figuring out where it's supposed to go. Even as an American, I don't 100% understand the regional classifications used for the US, much less ones in foreign countries. How am I to know what goes where?


Some seem kinda obvious like Tri-State is like NY/NJ/PA.... and Great Lakes are the states surrounding well... the Great Lakes... but some states fall into these weird grey areas that I'm not sure where they belong. Like what's the region of Colorado, for example? To me, that's in the "Mountain" region, but that doesn't exist. Is it South West? In mods, I usually only see Californian venues listed there. And where to places in the Dakotas or Montana go?


Some sort of list of states that should fall into each of TEW's regions would be great... and for other game areas, whatever sort of break down works for them, though ones that are just a geographical piece of a region (like Northeast Mexico), I can probably use my own discretion on.


Ultimately, as long as you're consistent it doesn't really matter. You can put locations anywhere. The game won't know if you don't tell it.


But in the default database:


Great Lakes







Mid Atlantic


North Carolina

South Carolina


West Virginia




Mid South

New Mexico






Mid West





North Dakota

South Dakota


New England




New Hampshire

Rhode Island



North West






(Plus Alaska, presumably, unless you put it in British Columbia for geographic reasons. I mean, that'd be complicated and weird, but...)


South East









South West






Tri State

New York

New Jersey



As mentioned though, there's nothing stopping you changing this around. Some people prefer to split states in two and have some cities in one region and other cities in another region, as better befits the reality of the wrestling territories back in the day. It's entirely up to you.


Take a look at this thread from the main forum, where people who know what they're talking about (and at least one who doesn't) discuss it in more detail than you can possibly need. :)

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^ This should still be more or less correct. Not entirely, there have been changes, but this gives you a really good, rough idea.


Aha! Couldn't find that earlier, nice one.


I think the only significant changes from that map are:



- Brand new game area.



- Pretty sure it's unchanged? Hawaii was either always it's own region, or not previously in the game, can't remember which.



- Completely rearranged. There's a new map somewhere on the forum.



- Russia is it's own region now

- Iberia has been added (Portugal, Spain, France)

- Southern Med has been added (Italy, Greece, Turkey)

- Southern Europe has been added, which is basically the old Mediterranean region minus Iberia and Italy, plus Romania and Bulgaria.



- Split into the actual territories now. So any map of Australia will tell you where stuff goes.


Pretty sure Canda, Japan and the UK are unchanged.

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- Completely rearranged. There's a new map somewhere on the forum.


The region names don't all match to in game, but this is a good break down of what's where in Mexico.





- Russia is it's own region now

- Iberia has been added (Portugal, Spain, France)

- Southern Med has been added (Italy, Greece, Turkey)

- Southern Europe has been added, which is basically the old Mediterranean region minus Iberia and Italy, plus Romania and Bulgaria.


Iberia is just Portugal and Spain, France is in western Europe with Belgium and Holland.



- Split into the actual territories now. So any map of Australia will tell you where stuff goes.


Although strangely missing the Australian Capital Territory.

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Thanks! These are all super useful and will be very helpful in locating venues.


And yes, I know I can put anything anywhere, but it bothers me to not put them in the "correct" locations and if Adam actually had some sorta plan where things were supposed to go when splitting out the regions, I'd like to follow that as best as possible. Just satisfies my Autism.


I should be able to do that easily thanks to all these informative replies.


Oh and about Kinki being renamed to Kansai... I think that's a good change since I've heard of "Kansai" used many times but never heard of "Kinki" before TEW.

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