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Getting a Worker Over

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Hey All,


I’m curious to hear everyone’s strategy to get a worker over? I feel like lots of times I’m giving them wins but it just isn’t doing it as fast as I want.


Can I get your best practices? Thanks!


Please note: I am not good at this game.


But I do know a few things. Major events do a lot more for overness than TV. One win over a bigger name usually gets someone more over than several wins over smaller names. The Dominate note isn't helpful if the worker has low Charisma. And momentum is king in 2020.


Put all that together and the best use of momentum is to let a guy go on a win streak against lesser opponents, then land a win over someone higher up the card at a big show.

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i'm no expert but what i usually do is let them win against wrestlers whose status are higher than someone you're trying to get over after buiding them up to at least warm momentum. Remember that this may upset those type of wrestlers if you don't talk to them beforehand (roster>talk to worker>booking>i'd like you to consider putting someone over), also throwing them in a segment with upper midcarder/main eventer might help.
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Product probably changes this but for sports entertainment, storyline and angles are important in getting a guy over. Look at it like real life. You probably wouldn’t care about a guy if he kept winning matches every week and that was it. You probably wouldn’t even think about him once the match ended. But if a guy was in a 6 month feud with John Cena, you would end up being more aware of him from the angles and promos, even if he never actually beats Cena in the ring.
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I tend to play entertainment products so I also abuse angles to speed things along. While the worker is wreaking havoc on the lower card, they can also make cameo appearances in angles higher up the card (or people higher up the card can make cameos in the developing worker's angles). For example:


Black Diamond (developing worker) does an interview with (interviewer) where she states she's just trying to work hard to one day earn a shot at the world title.


Emma May (world champion) and her cohorts Honey Badger and Marie Punnen (the tag champs) interrupt said interview to give BD the 'Mean Girls' treatment, saying she'll never earn a world title shot and even if she does, it's a guaranteed L. "Try shooting for the Shockwave title. You have a better chance of not getting squashed like the bug that you are." If you want to rile up the snowflakes in the crowd (and/or follow with a brawl/beatdown), replace 'bug' with 'cockroach'.


If you want to fluff the angle further, have Danielle Sweetheart and Alina America (who are in a storyline with the heels) chase off the mean girls (or make a save by evening the odds). This establishes a connection with people at the top of the card, and gets the worker time in segments that they can get skill improvements (and popularity) from.

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