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EMLL: Strange Lucha Things

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EMLL: Tales From The Multiverse





Delirium vs. La Bestia Morada



Calavera vs. Pyromaniac



Boriken Love Machine Jr vs. El Hijo Del Fantasma



Captain Lucha vs. El Orgulloso



Powerful Man vs. Zebra Man



Aprendiz Jr vs. Death's Head



Charron vs. Demon King





To make things more interesting, I'll offer the winner(s) of the prediction contest for this show the chance to request the next LuchaLore topic. It could be based on a worker, stable, event, general timeline lore, etc.


Additionally, I'll keep a running tally of all predictions starting from this show up to and including the next PPV, the winner of that can pick a luchador to get a featured storyline i.e. they can go ahead and pick someone from the roster page who isn't really being featured at the moment and I'll find a way to bring them into the fold.



Delirium vs. La Bestia Morada

Calavera vs. Pyromaniac

Boriken Love Machine Jr vs. El Hijo Del Fantasma

Captain Lucha vs. El Orgulloso

Powerful Man vs. Zebra Man

Aprendiz Jr vs. Death's Head

Charron vs. Demon King

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<p>Delirium vs. La Bestia Morada</p><p>

<em>I'm gonna call a draw here, because I can't pick between the two and their masks are equally cool</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Calavera</strong> vs. Pyromaniac</p><p>

<em>Ordinarily I'd assume Calavera loses to keep some of the Prime Universe homers looking strong, but Pyromaniac's not that good and Calavera's mask is the bomb</em></p><p> </p><p>

Boriken Love Machine Jr vs. <strong>El Hijo Del Fantasma</strong></p><p>

<em>Fantasma's cooler</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Captain Lucha</strong> vs. El Orgulloso</p><p>

<em>I could see this being a DQ but I don't think Lucha should lose to any of the Sins except Demon King</em></p><p> </p><p>

Powerful Man vs. <strong>Zebra Man</strong></p><p>

<em>I was dissapointed that Zebra's not from an alternate universe where everyone's some kind of horse but he's still better than Powerful Man</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Aprendiz Jr</strong> vs. Death's Head</p><p>

<em>I'm gonna say Aprendiz goes over in a way that keeps Death's Head looking strong like a flash pinfall or a DQ</em></p><p> </p><p>

Charron vs. <strong>Demon King</strong></p><p>

<em>Demon's one of your top dudes, Charron's a secondary member of the Dark Universe</em></p>

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<p><strong>Delirium</strong> vs. La Bestia Morada</p><p>

<strong>Calavera</strong> vs. Pyromaniac</p><p>

<strong>Boriken Love Machine Jr</strong> vs. El Hijo Del Fantasma</p><p>

<strong>Captain Lucha</strong> vs. El Orgulloso</p><p>

Powerful Man vs. <strong>Zebra Man</strong></p><p>

Aprendiz Jr vs. <strong>Death's Head</strong></p><p>

Charron vs. <strong>Demon King</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Bonus: Charron re-render</p><p>

<img alt="tlJbdm1.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/tlJbdm1.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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Delirium vs. La Bestia Morada

Calavera vs. Pyromaniac

Boriken Love Machine Jr vs. El Hijo Del Fantasma

Captain Lucha vs. El Orgulloso

Powerful Man vs. Zebra Man (not gonna lie this was purely based on if I thought a powerful man could beat up a zebra, I would say though if the Zebra was sufficiently angry and motivated it would probably kill even a powerful man)

Aprendiz Jr vs. Death's Head

Charron vs. Demon King

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Good stuff. I'm livestreaming an EMLL run on twitch and except for adding Delirium to the battle between Anarchist and La Bestia Morada and naming our weekly show Tales from the Multiverse (Although I changed all my names to spanish names so Cuentos del Multiverso) you've gone in a much different direction than I have. I really like the seven deadly sins characters. I did that in my last 2016 road to glory challenge in an American fed which would have been perfect for the grindhouse lucha product if it existed back then. Anyway good job I like.
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<p>Delirium vs. <strong>La Bestia Morada</strong> - Bestia starts building momentum so he can be involved in the Ring of Chaos match coming up.</p><p>

<strong>Calavera</strong> vs. Pyromaniac - Calavera has a bright future and Pyromaniac is a step towards it.</p><p>

Boriken Love Machine Jr vs. <strong>El Hijo Del Fantasma</strong>- This was the toughest pick for me but with Toro and Jr playing similar gimmicks Jr becomes an expendable guy who can give good matches.</p><p>

<strong>Captain Lucha</strong> vs. El Orgulloso - Cap gets the win but probably a beating post match for his efforts. </p><p>

<strong>Powerful Man</strong> vs. Zebra Man - Zebra Man is good but Powerful Man is powerful. Also he has the potential to be good.</p><p>

Aprendiz Jr vs. <strong>Death's Head</strong> - Death's Head has been a force no reason to stop.</p><p>

Charron vs. <strong>Demon King</strong> - Demon King controls the match and reestablishes he's not to be trifles with.</p>

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Delirium vs. La Bestia Morada - If EMLL had tag teams I think these two would be a pretty solid pairing.

Calavera vs. Pyromaniac - I feel like you're setting up some faction wars, so Calavera gets a win to elevate him a bit.

Boriken Love Machine Jr vs. El Hijo Del Fantasma - I feel like you have big plans for Fantasma.

Captain Lucha vs. El Orgulloso - Surprised you didn't put these guys as the main event.

Powerful Man vs. Zebra Man - Neither guy has been featured, but I think Zebra is better.

Aprendiz Jr vs. Death's Head - Aprendiz Jr is old and not that good. Could see him getting sacrificed just to clear up some roster space.

Charron vs. Demon King - Charron's pretty bad.

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Wednesday, Week 3 January 2020

EMLL: Tales From The Multiverse



<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">

Hector Moreno: “Welcome to another edition of Tales From the Multiverse! We’ve got a fantastic line-up of matches for you tonight, headlined by Captain Lucha against El Orgulloso and Demon King taking on Charron. But... the question on everyone’s lips is... Bandido, sir, why did you interfere with the championship match on Saturday and cost Demon King the title?”


Ramón Delgado: “Yeah and who’s asking?”


Hector Moreno: “Well it’s all over Twitter and—“


Ramón Delgado: “Twitter? Listen, if I needed to find trash and there wasn’t a rubbish dump around, the first place I would go is to—“


El Bandido: “Ramón, it’s ok. I’ll answer the question... I did it for all of you. I did it because, if I hadn’t, we may very well not be sitting here tonight even having this discussion. Now look, I’ll admit a part of the reason was that I felt guilty... I felt guilty because I put Captain Lucha in a position where he wasn’t able to properly defend his title by throwing him into an unnecessary title defence days before a match. If I hadn’t stepped in, he would have lost the title, and that would have been my fault. But the biggest reason I stepped into the match was that I’m not just going to sit here on the sidelines and watch the Multiverse be torn apart by these monsters. I may not be able to get into that ring anymore and dish out the punishment myself, but I’m not going to act like a robot with a headset and just call what I see. It’s easy to forget, but there are huge stakes here. I won’t just let these invaders win!”


Hector Moreno: “I understand sir, especially if it was the Hellmouth or Dark Universe, but... Demon King? I admit not everyone feels the same way, but there’s a large group of people who believe what he says. That Los Siete Pecados Capitales did defend their universe, and they’re here to do the same for us.”


El Bandido: “And do you believe that Hector?”


Hector Moreno: “...Yes sir, I do.”


El Bandido: “Well I wish I had your optimism.”




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">


The action turns to the ring with Delirium already inside, a microphone in his hand. He tries to raise it to his mouth to speak, but it drops to the floor of the ring with a thud. As he bends down to pick it back up, his hand is trembling violently. Suddenly it shoots up to his face and he begins tearing at his mask. Both hands are now on his face, clawing and ripping at it, streaks of red begin to flow out from under his mask giving off the impression that he is crying tears of blood. Finally, he regains enough composure to grab the microphone and speak.


Delirium: “Mor...ada, An...Anar..chist.”


He grunts as he attempts to speak, alternating between intelligible language and guttural howling. The entire time he speaks, his body shudders. Every word he manages to get out seems to cause him great pain.


“Give me... give me the... ring. Chaos... I want CHAOS!”


His body continues violently shaking for several seconds, until it abruptly stops. Delirium’s head rises up and looks at the crowd, his eyes clearing from their previous glassy-eyed haze. Slowly it begins to dawn on him where he is.


“Please you must listen. I don’t know how much time I have. Give up the Ring of Chaos, turn it over so that it may be locked away where no soul will ever again set foot. Anarchist, Morada... you both must listen. Everyone must listen, do not participate in the battle royale, do not compete for the ring at Avatar of Chaos. It controls the ring, it wants you to... argh... no... time. Give the ring to... Soldado. Give the ring to... ME! GIVE ME THE RING!”


Delirium begins running the ropes, flinging himself violently against them each time he approaches, giving no care to his body. Whatever clarity he had the fortune of finding is now long gone. La Bestia Morada enters from backstage and makes his way to the ring for their match. The two crazed luchadores erratically pace around the ring, barely holding themselves back before the match officially begins. Just as the bell rings, Anarchist appeared at the top of the ramp, eager to watch the match unfold, hopeful that the two would eliminate each other and spare him any further trouble.




Segment Rating: 45






Delirium vs La Bestia Morada

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">

  • This is less of a wrestling match and more of an all-out brawl between two wild men. There is no style on display here; every attack between the two is some combination of a brutal forearm, knee or elbow strike.
  • Anarchist watches on with delight as the two crazed luchadores tear into each other. They trade brutal strike after brutal strike, but neither seems to feel much pain. As the match drags itself past the 10 minute mark everyone watching begin to wonder if this is the last they’ll see of either competitor as they beat each other into an early grave in the middle of the ring.
  • As the 15 minute mark approaches, Delirium suddenly changes tactics, ducking under a lariat attempt from La Bestia Morada and taking his legs out from under him with a sweep. He transitions into a standing moonsault, taking the wind out of the purple man beast. Lifting him up off the ground, Delirium irish-whips him La Bestia Morada into the set of ropes furthest away, connecting square in the jaw with a ‘Dazed and Confused’ on the rebound and making the cover for the win. He pauses to check on La Bestia Morada, looking briefly concerned until something takes over him. His body jolts suddenly, turning to face Anarchist on the entrance ramp. Sensing danger, Anarchist flees as Delirium leaps out of the ring and chases after him.



Delirium defeats La Bestia Morada in 15:40 via Dazed and Confused

Delirium had an in-ring performance of 39

La Bestia Morada had an in-ring performance of 39

Segment Rating: 44







Calavera vs Pyromaniac

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">

  • This is a battle of youth versus experience, fighting fire with fire. Pyromaniac is a twelve-year veteran, having been with EMLL since its inception. While never a champion, he’s managed to go on hot streaks over the years and burn through his opponents like an inferno. Calavera has been in EMLL for a few months, arriving from the Hellmouth alongside Hellfire and Noxious to do the bidding of their commander Guerrero Muerto
  • Unlike many traditional luchadores, Pyromaniac forgoes ground-based grappling or high-flying acrobatics. His gameplan is pure force, plain and simple; suitable given the nature of fire, fearsome and uncontrollable.
  • Even so, he does not hold up long against Calavera. The minion of the Hellmouth makes quick work of Pyromaniac, capping off a brutal series of forearm strikes with his trademark Sugar Skull Crusher and putting the match to bed before the 8-minute mark.



Calavera defeats Pyromaniac in 7:45 via pinfall following a Sugar Skull Crusher

Calavera had an in-ring performance of 13

Pyromaniac had an in-ring performance of 34

Segment Rating: 29




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">



Calavera has no time to celebrate; Snake King appears with a chair and lays him out! Knowing not to tempt fate with a member of the Hellmouth, Snake King repeatedly drives the chair into Calavera’s back until the Hellmouth minion is no longer moving. Satisfied, he puts one foot onto the back of Calavera, digging the heel of his boot in. He produces his custom snake microphone from within his black snakeskin trenchcoat and looks around the stunned crowd.


Snake King: “Did you think I was done? That you could eke out a lucky win and I’d slither away? If that was what you thought, then I’m afraid you haven’t been paying attention. You might have taken a bite out of my flesh, but let me tell you something about snakes. We don’t chew. Once we get hold, we swallow our prey whole. You step on a snake and you’ll regret it. But a snake leaves nothing to chance. When a Snake’s done with you there’s nothing left to seek revenge. Guerrero Muerto, I know you’re proud of your little army. If you want to keep that army, you’d better listen to what I say. Because if you don’t, you won’t have an army left to lead. At Avatar of Chaos, we’re going to have a rematch. This time it will be on my terms, on my turf. I challenge you to an Aztec Temple match!”



Segment Rating: 54






Boriken Love Machine Jr vs. El Hijo Del Fantasma

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">

  • The battle between two of EMLL’s young stars begins slowly. The two luchadores pace themselves, feeling each other out with non-committal hold attempts. Eventually Boriken catches Fantasma with a knee to the gut, winding him. Taking advantage, he goes on the offensive, taking the fight to Fantasma and looking to put the match to bed early, much like the women he sets his sights on at the nightclubs.
  • Fantasma holds on and turns it around. The match continues on for several minutes, the two men evenly matched. The match has all the makings of an instant classic and the crowd get considerably more invested as time goes on.
  • Growing frustrated, Boriken tries to discreetly reach into his trunks and retrieve brass knuckles. He’s caught by senior official Benito Garcia who grabs them from him and proceeds to give him a stern warning. As this is happening, DeCipher emerges from the crowd and catches the unaware Fantasma with a Codebreaker!

Fantasma slowly rises to his feet, but Boriken takes advantage of his good fortune, hitting his Love Gun finisher and claiming the pinfall victory.
Hector Moreno: “You’ve got to be kidding me! What is with DeCipher? He’s lost twice now, fair and square. Why does he insist on continuing with this?”
Ramón Delgado: “I know this’ll be a foreign concept to you Hector, but some men have something called ‘self respect’. They don’t like to be made a fool of. DeCipher’s just reminding El Hijo Del Fantasma that you can get the results in the ring as much as you want, but if you’re going to succeed in this business you need to understand the game. You need to be ready for anything.”



Boriken Love Machine Jr defeats El Hijo Del Fantasma in 13:12 with a Love Gun after outside interference from DeCipher

Boriken Love Machine Jr had an in-ring performance of 44

El Hijo Del Fantasma had an in-ring performance of 44

Segment Rating: 51




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">




Captain Lucha makes his entrance to the support of the majority of the crowd. While many aren’t happy about the way he retained his title, they all know he had nothing to do with it. Captain Lucha is a true competitor; he carries a microphone with him to the ring, ready to set the record straight.


Captain Lucha: “I’ve got to be honest. I was confused when I left the arena on Saturday night. I’m hobbling through the crowd on two bad ankles - neither of which has fully healed yet – and people are getting in my way. They’re blocking my exit. They WANT Los Siete Pecados Capitales to catch up to me. They aren’t happy that I won. To tell the truth, I was shook up. We’ve always had each other’s backs. You’ve always supported me unconditionally, and everything I do out here in the ring I do for three reasons. I do it for God, for Mexico and most importantly, for each and every one of you. But I don’t let confusion lead to anger. I knew there had to be a reason, so I didn’t judge. The first chance I got I watched the replay and I saw what happened.”


A vocal contingent of the crowd begins to boo, but it’s not aimed at Captain Lucha. Their distaste is aimed at El Bandido over on the commentary desk.


Captain Lucha: “I understand why you’re angry. That’s not the way I want to win. Every match I compete in, win loss or draw, I earn that result. I don’t let other people step in and do my work for me. I don’t let them hand me a win, hand me a title. I was listening at the beginning of tonight’s show Bandido, I understand why you did it. We’ve been friends a long time and I have great respect for you. I get that you thought you were doing the right thing, for the greater good; but... let me make one thing clear. Don’t ever interfere in one of my matches again.”


The crowd burst into unanimous approval, cheering for their hero. He soaks it in, enjoying the moment, waiting for the noise to die down so he can continue.


Captain Lucha: “Demon King. I can’t change the result of our match... but I can offer you a rematch. You and me at Avatar of Chaos inside of a steel cage; nobody else in or out. Just the two of us man to man in the ring. Tonight I’ll give you a preview of how that’s going to go. So send out your ‘avatar of Pride’ and watch how little he’ll be able to do against the ‘pride of Mexico’.”




Demon King enters, flanked by El Orgulloso and El Ladron. The trio make their way to the ring and El Orgulloso slides in while the other two remain on the outside. Captain Lucha looks ready for the match to begin, but Demon King signals for a microphone.


Demon King: “Noble words Captain. It’s easy to say these things after the fact. There’s a lot I like about you. I almost wish I didn’t already have an avatar of Pride, because you would be perfect for the role. I admit I misjudged you earlier. I said you hadn’t learned to embrace Los Siete Pecados Capitales, but what I didn’t realise was that you’d chosen to specialise. You are a walking mess of hubris and ego. You proudly tell all who’ll listen that you’ll accept any challenge at any time, so I have one for you now. But before I give you that challenge, allow me to answer yours. I accept your offer, at Avatar of Chaos two of us will enter the cage, but only one will walk back out. Not only will I take back the championship, I’ll beat you so badly that when I’m done, there’ll be more of you stuck to the cage then there will be remaining anywhere else. Back to my challenge however, if you think you’re such a fighter, let’s see how you do against Pride and Greed at the same time!”


As Demon King finishes on the microphone, El Ladron rolls into the ring and stands side by side with El Orgulloso. Captain Lucha is unmoved; if Demon King thinks he’ll back down from a handicap match he’s sorely mistaken. Referee Benito Garcia looks uncertain, but signals to start the match. El Bandido is already up out of his chair though, and rips the bell from the timekeepers’ hands before rolling into the ring.




El Bandido: “Demon King! How dare you try and make a mockery of my company! I make the rules and I set the matches. Here in EMLL we fight one on one!”


Demon King: “Oh do we now? That’s quite surprising to hear coming from you.”


El Bandido: “Everyone out of the ring right now. There’ll be no match tonight. Demon King... send these pathetic ‘avatars’ of yours home and then come see me in my office.”


The crowd aren’t pleased to be robbed of a potential marquee match, but all luchadores ultimately obey the ruling of El Bandido, exiting the ring and heading backstage. El Bandido joins them, motioning to his broadcast partners to continue commentary without him.


Hector Moreno: “Well I certainly wasn’t expecting any of that! I guess that means up next we’ve got Powerful Man taking on Zebra Man. We’ll have more news on the situation with El Bandido and Demon King as we get it.”



Segment Rating: 57






Powerful Man vs. Zebra Man

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">

  • A short match between two of the most experienced luchadores on EMLL’s roster. Both men are from the Prime Universe, but have vastly different styles and worldviews.
  • Outperforming the chiselled Powerful Man, Zebra Man wears him out before connecting with the Zebra Crush (Double Leg Whiplash Slam) for the victory.
    Hector Moreno: “What a clinical performance from Zebra Man. You know, one thing I love about Zebra Man is how down to earth he is. He’s completely unconcerned with this Multiverse business. Everyone else on the roster was shocked by the events of Mortal Combat VI, but not Zebra Man. Nope, he collected his paycheck and went home to his wife and kids. I’m not even sure he actually believes any of what is going on is real.”



Zebra Man defeats Powerful Man in 9:56 via pinfall following a Zebra Crush

Powerful Man had an in-ring performance of 30

Zebra Man had an in-ring performance of 35

Segment Rating: 36




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">



The monitor cuts to a shot of backstage. A camera follows Demon King as he heads towards El Bandido’s office.


Demon King: “I hope you’re not going to drag this out. I have a match coming up.”


El Bandido: “Close the door. We need to talk.”


As Demon King closes the door, a few members of the crowd gasp as they notice a figure lurking in the shadows outside of El Bandido’s office.





Segment Rating: 59






Aprendiz Jr vs. Death’s Head

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">

  • Aprendiz Jr is a 23-year veteran who knows how to handle himself in the squared circled. Even so, Death’s Head makes quick work of him, dismantling him with his brutal offence and ability to absorb pain.
  • Death’s Head picks up the victory in under 9 minutes after delivering a vicious Powerbomb that looks like it might have snapped Aprendiz Jr in half.



Death’s Head defeats Aprendiz Jr in 8:39 via pinfall following a Powerbomb

Aprendiz Jr had an in-ring performance of 29

Death’s Head had an in-ring performance of 49

Segment Rating: 48




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">



Referee Benito Garcia attempts to check on Aprendiz Jr but is knocked aside by Death’s Head. The brutal member of the Kingdom of Blood effortlessly hoists Aprendiz Jr over his shoulder and demands a microphone. The ringside announcer is all too quick to comply, tossing it into the ring, not willing to get any closer than that.


Death’s Head:“Dolphin Master, I beat you. I put you through a table and went to collect my prize, but you didn’t bring it for me. The Kingdom wants the Ring of Life. You owe us the Ring of Life. Next week you will deliver it to me. If you don’t, I’ll sacrifice this old fool right here in the middle of the ring. I’m sure you remember how that turned out the last time. Do not test the Kingdom Of Blood.”


Hector Moreno: “He just... he just abducted Aprendiz Jr! Bandido, sir! We need you back out here, you need to put a stop to this!”


Ramón Delgado: “Why don’t you get in there and do something?”


Hector Moreno: “And why don’t you?”


Ramón Delgado: “I’m happy right where I am. That’s what Aprendiz Jr gets for being stupid enough to get into the ring with Death’s Head.”




Segment Rating: 41







Charron vs. Demon King

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">

  • The crowd are giving this match their full attention. A contest between a member of the Dark Universe and the man who has promised to deliver them salvation. A victory here would go a long way to proving to the fans that Demon King is genuine with what he is saying.
  • Charron is a fierce competitor who has made quick work of countless luchadores during his time in EMLL, but he runs into a roadblock when he tries his usual strategy against Demon King. The leader of Los Siete Pecados Capitales is ready for every move he makes, countering effortlessly as if he knew what would happen ahead of time. The kind of insight you can only gain from countless hours of ingrained experience.
  • Demon King eventually locks in the ‘Eternal Pain’ on Charron in the dead centre of the ring causing the Dark Universe executioner to scream in pain. Stubbornly he refuses to tap. Demon King tightens the hold and cuts off blood flow to Charron’s Head. One minute goes by, then two, and Charron sags in Demon King’s arms. Demon King releases the hold and Charron slumps to the floor. Demon King is awarded the submission victory.



Demon King defeats Charron in 14:09 by submission with Eternal Pain

Charron had an in-ring performance of 29

Demon King had an in-ring performance of 52

Segment Rating: 50




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #C2C2C2; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 1px 3px ";">



The monitor again cuts backstage, but this time it’s La Estrella who is heading towards El Bandido’s Office accompanied by his personal assistant. The Hollywood Luchador is late to arrive to the show, not unusual for him, but he wears an uncharacteristically serious expression. The pair stop as they arrive in front of El Bandido’s office, the door is closed.


La Estrella: “Bandido, open up! You haven’t responded to any of my manager’s calls! I told you, I want that match with Cyclops and you’re going to give to me. You can try and protect that one-eyed fraud all you’d like, but we both know I’m going to get my match in the end.”


There is no answer from inside the office, La Estrella grows frustrated.


La Estrella: “Open the door Bandido!”


Again, the Holywood Luchador is met with nothing but silence. He waves a hand dismissively at his assistant who rushes over to the door and flings it open.


La Estrella: “What the hell!”


Inside is the body of El Bandido, barely breathing, lying in a pool of his own blood.





Segment Rating: 64






Show Rating: 53


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Powerful Man vs. Zebra Man

I was dissapointed that Zebra's not from an alternate universe where everyone's some kind of horse but he's still better than Powerful Man

I like the part in the worker bios about Zebra Man being the "straight man" in amongst all of this chaos. I'm imaging him as a Heath Slater-esque family man looking to get his paycheck.


Bonus: Charron re-render

Thanks! I made use of it for the show :)


Powerful Man vs. Zebra Man (not gonna lie this was purely based on if I thought a powerful man could beat up a zebra, I would say though if the Zebra was sufficiently angry and motivated it would probably kill even a powerful man)


Well you severely underestimated the power of "Working Class Hero" Zebra Man.


Good stuff. I'm livestreaming an EMLL run on twitch and except for adding Delirium to the battle between Anarchist and La Bestia Morada and naming our weekly show Tales from the Multiverse (Although I changed all my names to spanish names so Cuentos del Multiverso) you've gone in a much different direction than I have. I really like the seven deadly sins characters. I did that in my last 2016 road to glory challenge in an American fed which would have been perfect for the grindhouse lucha product if it existed back then. Anyway good job I like.


Thanks! I've enjoyed chatting with you on EMLL in a few other topics, nice to see you here :)


Boriken Love Machine Jr vs. El Hijo Del Fantasma- This was the toughest pick for me but with Toro and Jr playing similar gimmicks Jr becomes an expendable guy who can give good matches.

To be honest I was surprised with Boriken in Week 1. I knew he'd do a good promo, but his match was great as well. There's always a good place for a guy whose good on the stick in my books. Speaking of gimmick infringement between Love Machine and Toro, watch this space.



Delirium vs. La Bestia Morada - If EMLL had tag teams I think these two would be a pretty solid pairing.

It's funny you should say that, I used to pair the two up in all of Mexican saves in TEW16. Their tag team is called "Green and Purple" and they use this theme song:








Prediction Results


DarK_RaideR 6/6

christmas_ape 4/6

Tiberious 4/6

neslo024 3/6

1PWfan 3/6


DarK_RaideR is the winner with a perfect 6/6 (no points positive or negative for anyone for Captain Lucha vs El Orgulloso. I just included that one in the match list to hopefully make it more surprising when the match didn’t go ahead).


DarK_RaideR – Please go ahead and let me know with your next comment what you’d like the next LuchaLore topic to be about.

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To be honest I was surprised with Boriken in Week 1. I knew he'd do a good promo, but his match was great as well. There's always a good place for a guy whose good on the stick in my books. Speaking of gimmick infringement between Love Machine and Toro, watch this space.


Boriken Love Machine is a totally legit worker. I always struggle to find something for him to do and usually team him up with La Estrella and have him be a jobber to the stars in singles. He definitely fits the product though.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="LaEstrella" data-cite="LaEstrella" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49412" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>DarK_RaideR – Please go ahead and let me know with your next comment what you’d like the next LuchaLore topic to be about.</div></blockquote><p> I think most of the lore can be found with a look in the game, even if it's spread out across several bios, title descriptions etc. I'd prefer a character piece like that Estrella interview and my top 3 candidates would be</p><p> </p><p> 1. Captain Lucha. So patriotic it hurts. Think Hulk Hogan's videoclip mixed with El Santo movies.</p><p> 2. Snake King. An in-character, super gimmicky Lucha Underground style piece. Already love his custom mic (I picture it as a tiny cobra) so run wild.</p><p> 3. Pyromaniac. A down to earth, touching shoot interview/documentary on gang life and getting another chance through lucha.</p><p> </p><p> As an alternative, you could do a "Where are they now" with EMLL alumni.</p>
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Boriken Love Machine is a totally legit worker. I always struggle to find something for him to do and usually team him up with La Estrella and have him be a jobber to the stars in singles. He definitely fits the product though.


I'm not entirely sure where he fits yet either, but he's worth investing in.


I think most of the lore can be found with a look in the game, even if it's spread out across several bios, title descriptions etc. I'd prefer a character piece like that Estrella interview and my top 3 candidates would be


1. Captain Lucha. So patriotic it hurts. Think Hulk Hogan's videoclip mixed with El Santo movies.

2. Snake King. An in-character, super gimmicky Lucha Underground style piece. Already love his custom mic (I picture it as a tiny cobra) so run wild.

3. Pyromaniac. A down to earth, touching shoot interview/documentary on gang life and getting another chance through lucha.


As an alternative, you could do a "Where are they now" with EMLL alumni.


All great ideas, I'm leaning towards Snake King at the moment, having a lot of fun writing him :)

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<p>Boriken kinda make sense with the female managers in the previous incarnation of TEW. He could still do a battle of the egos against Estrella, but I'd rather see him go full weird. Like having a powerful artifact or a portal appear in his home of Puerto Rico. Or just up the ante on the Rings insanity and have him introduce the diamond-studded Codpiece of Command</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="bade07d7c8337a740d144b2dfeaca531.jpeg" data-src="https://uploads.mordhau.com/spirit/images/1580/bade07d7c8337a740d144b2dfeaca531.jpeg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Maybe Codpiece of Charm could work too. Have him do some Rick Rude hip gyrations too and allow him to hypnotize opponents <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="https://docdro.id/hRPvgvO" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="txyWOjv.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/txyWOjv.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a><p>

<strong><span style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';"><span style="font-size:14px;">Click The Image To View</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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EMLL: Tales From The Multiverse





Cyclops vs. El Orgulloso



Hellfire vs. Snake King



Goblin Prince vs. Scorpion



DeCipher vs. El Ladron



Death's Head vs. Dolphin Master





No specific prize, for this show's prediction contest, but as mentioned last time, I'm keeping a running tally of all predictions starting from the previous show up to and including the next PPV, the winner of that can pick a luchador to get a featured storyline i.e. they can go ahead and pick someone from the roster page who isn't really being featured at the moment and I'll find a way to bring them into the fold.



Cyclops vs. El Orgulloso

Hellfire vs. Snake King

Goblin Prince vs. Scorpion

DeCipher vs. El Ladron

Death's Head vs. Dolphin Master


Two Bonus predictions, one of the 10 luchadores above won't actually make it into the ring for their match, but the match will still go ahead with a replacement:


1. Who won't compete?

2. Who will they be replaced by?

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<p><strong>Cyclops</strong> vs. El Orgulloso</p><p>

Hellfire vs. <strong>Snake King</strong></p><p>

<strong>Goblin Prince</strong> vs. Scorpion</p><p>

<strong>DeCipher</strong> vs. El Ladron</p><p>

<strong>Death's Head</strong> vs. Dolphin Master</p><p> </p><p>

Two Bonus predictions, one of the 10 luchadores above won't actually make it into the ring for their match, but the match will still go ahead with a replacement:</p><p> </p><p>

1. Who won't compete? El Ladron</p><p>

2. Who will they be replaced by? El Hijo Del Fantasma</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Only just caught up but I really enjoyed the last show. Avatar of Chaos is shaping up nicely and I'm looking forward to seeing what an Aztec Temple match is. </p><p> </p><p>

Also the Operation Antivenom post might be my favourite piece of backstory ever, just a great idea well executed. There's definitely some contenders but I think Snake King has to be my MVP.</p>

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<p>Cyclops vs. <strong>El Orgulloso</strong></p><p>

<em>Estrella gets involved to provoke a match with Cyclops</em></p><p>

Hellfire vs. <strong>Snake King</strong></p><p>

<em>See below</em></p><p>

Goblin Prince vs. <strong>Scorpion</strong></p><p>

<em>Gobbo is still jobbo</em></p><p>

DeCipher vs. <strong>El Ladron</strong></p><p>

<em>No push before the boos subside</em></p><p>

<strong>Death's Head</strong> vs. Dolphin Master</p><p>

<em>Monster heel time</em></p><p> </p><p>

Two Bonus predictions, one of the 10 luchadores above won't actually make it into the ring for their match, but the match will still go ahead with a replacement:</p><p> </p><p>

1. Who won't compete?</p><p>

<em>Hellmouth return the favor by taking out Snake King before the match.</em></p><p>

2. Who will they be replaced by?</p><p>

<em>The debuting El Serpiente, who wins the match</em></p>

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<p><strong>Cyclops</strong> vs. El Orgulloso</p><p>

<strong>Hellfire</strong> vs. Snake King</p><p>

<strong>Goblin Prince</strong> vs. Scorpion</p><p>

<strong>DeCipher </strong>vs. El Ladron</p><p>

<strong>Death's Head</strong> vs. Dolphin Master</p><p> </p><p>

Two Bonus predictions, one of the 10 luchadores above won't actually make it into the ring for their match, but the match will still go ahead with a replacement: </p><p> </p><p>

1. Who won't compete? My guy Dolphin Master, me thinks.</p><p>

2. Who will they be replaced by? Fantasma is a safe bet.</p>

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Cyclops vs. El Orgulloso

You're gonna wanna build the new guys a bit


Hellfire vs. Snake King

Hellfire sucks


Goblin Prince vs. Scorpion

I love the goblin prince but Scorpion is just more over and a better worker by far


DeCipher vs. El Ladron

DeCipher again more over and a much better worker


Death's Head vs. Dolphin Master


Two Bonus predictions, one of the 10 luchadores above won't actually make it into the ring for their match, but the match will still go ahead with a replacement:


1. Who won't compete? Dolphin Master

2. Who will they be replaced by? Captain Lucha

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Cyclops vs. El Orgulloso - need to build up the sins.

Hellfire vs. Snake King- Squash City

Goblin Prince vs. Scorpion - Goblin Prince might have a bright future but he's not there yet.

DeCipher vs. El Ladron- I'll answer separately below as well but this is the match someone doesn't make it to the ring. La Bestia takes his spot and the win.

Death's Head vs. Dolphin Master - just make it easy on yourself you dumb aquatic mammal and give the man his ring.


1.) Decipher gets taken out and replaced by Bestia.

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Cyclops vs. El Orgulloso

This is one of the matches I could see someone being taken out, with either La Estrella attacking Cyclops or Captain Lucha attacking El Orgulloso.


Hellfire vs. Snake King

Huge gap in terms of, well, everything.


Goblin Prince vs. Scorpion

I love Goblin Prince, but he's not getting pushed right now.


DeCipher vs. El Ladron

I expect to see Fantasma attack DeCipher to get even after last show. Whether it's before or during the match is the real question.


Death's Head vs. Dolphin Master

Death's Head is being built as an unstoppable monster, so I don't see why you'd have him lose here.


1. Who won't compete? El Orgulloso

2. Who will they be replaced by? La Estrella


Banking on Captain Lucha attacking Orgulloso to (perhaps misguidedly) avenge El Bandido, and La Estrella taking the opportunity to get at Cyclops.

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Thanks to everyone who predicted. It's great seeing all of the feedback, really helps push me to keep producing more of these shows.


As you can see I've gone with a different format for this show. Taking some inspiration from other diary writers on this forum I've used a powerpoint to do the show rather than formatting my post. I think it turned out pretty well, but please let me know what you think :)


I think the next LuchaLore topic will be part 2 of Operation Antivenom, but I do have one other idea I'm considering as well. I appreciate the feedback I got on part 1 of Antivenom. I had a lot of fun coming up with the idea and it was great to see it so well received.


Prediction Results


Apupunchau@optonline 4/7

DarK_RaideR 4/7

Tiberious 4/7

neslo024 3/7

christmas_ape 1/7

Kijar 1/7


Overall Prediction Contest Results


DarK_RaideR 10/13

Tiberious 8/13

neslo024 6/13

christmas_ape 5/13

Apupunchau@optonline 4/7

1PWfan 3/6

Kijar 1/7

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