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Killing the Business 2020 MOD FULL RELEASE

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Just wanted to give you all a quick update


Tomorrow i will be uploading two sets of data


1) September start date with data up to date as of 31st August


2) October start date with data up to date as of 9th September


Sorry I've been quite, been really busy work


Great news! Thanks for all you have done

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Just wanted to give you all a quick update


Tomorrow i will be uploading two sets of data


1) September start date with data up to date as of 31st August


2) October start date with data up to date as of 9th September


Sorry I've been quite, been really busy work



Thanks man, i appreciate it so much (and i think everyone here too)


If you need any help, we're just a PM from distance.

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The womens WWE tag belts dont appear in my game, they are referenced in bayley and sashas profiles but in the belt section they arent there


Looks like somehow they were set up wrong and the title appears in the 'WWE Universe' Alliance rather than the WWE.


It's easily fixed in the editor by finding it in titles and changing the owner field from 'None' to 'WWE' and Alliances from 'WWE Universe' to none, though you'd need to start a new game for that to take effect.


To use it in a current game you will need to go 'Alliance Belts' which will appear along the bottom buttons on the Booking Screen and 'Borrow Title' the titles for them to appear in the list of titles you can then book matches for.


Alternatively you can retire the belts in the WWE Universe Alliance and create a new championship in the WWE if you prefer.


I realise you probably know all the options already and I apologise if it feels like I'm teaching you how to suck eggs but I thought it'd be better to put down all the different ways I can think of getting over the issue in case anyone reading isn't sure what they can do.


Anyway I hope this helps someone and with a bit of luck the minor mistake will be picked up and corrected in a future update of the Mod.


Peace and keep on booking,



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Looks like somehow they were set up wrong and the title appears in the 'WWE Universe' Alliance rather than the WWE.


It's easily fixed in the editor by finding it in titles and changing the owner field from 'None' to 'WWE' and Alliances from 'WWE Universe' to none, though you'd need to start a new game for that to take effect.


To use it in a current game you will need to go 'Alliance Belts' which will appear along the bottom buttons on the Booking Screen and 'Borrow Title' the titles for them to appear in the list of titles you can then book matches for.


Alternatively you can retire the belts in the WWE Universe Alliance and create a new championship in the WWE if you prefer.


I realise you probably know all the options already and I apologise if it feels like I'm teaching you how to suck eggs but I thought it'd be better to put down all the different ways I can think of getting over the issue in case anyone reading isn't sure what they can do.


Anyway I hope this helps someone and with a bit of luck the minor mistake will be picked up and corrected in a future update of the Mod.


Peace and keep on booking,




It's not wrong. They were made that way because they were being defended in NXT.

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It's not wrong. They were made that way because they were being defended in NXT.


Ah, hadn't realised that mate. Sorry. Makes sense that'd be the best way to make that sort of thing work.


I hope I didn't come over as petty or critical though, it wasn't my intention. You do a really good job with this mod and I wouldn't want you to think all your work isn't really appreciated.


Again sorry for calling it a mistake when I should have known better.



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Not my mod gazwefc83 made this really good mod. I just remember someone discussing it somewhere.


Y'know I could have sworn that when I replied you showed as gazwefc83! I'm either losing it big time or I took way too many chair shots to my head from my brothers growing up!! LOL


Sorry for my confusion hailthebulldog and thanks for setting me as straight, or as straight as I get, and you're right this really is an excellent mod.


Okay I think I'd better shut up now and let you all think I'm and idiot than go on posting and prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt! :D





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Y'know I could have sworn that when I replied you showed as gazwefc83! I'm either losing it big time or I took way too many chair shots to my head from my brothers growing up!! LOL


Sorry for my confusion hailthebulldog and thanks for setting me as straight, or as straight as I get, and you're right this really is an excellent mod.


Okay I think I'd better shut up now and let you all think I'm and idiot than go on posting and prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt! :D






Lol you're good man.

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Just wanted to give you all a quick update


Tomorrow i will be uploading two sets of data


1) September start date with data up to date as of 31st August


2) October start date with data up to date as of 9th September


Sorry I've been quite, been really busy work


howdy just checking in to ask if you've had the chance to post the update.

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Well, some things i noticed in AEW:


- Diamantè isn't in the database, she have a kinda off Handshake deal and won the Deadly Draw with Ivelisse some weeks ago


- Anna Jay is now a heel and in the Dark Order. Id even boost her skills a little, she's evolving so much.


- Alan Angels (known as Dark Order's 5) isn't in the Database too.


- Id add some talents that has been appearing weekly at the AEW Dark. Some talents like Dani Jordyn, Will Hobbs, Serpentico (the last 2 appeared at the All Out PPV), Shawn Dean and etc


- Maybe add the Casino Battle Royal as some kind of flexible tournament, since winning it gaves you a shot at the AEW World Championship (TLDR: Lance Archer won it and now has a shot at Moxley)


- Bea Priestley, Jamie Hayter and Sadie Gibbs arent hired by AEW anymore. I think that all of the #Stronghearts arent hired anymore too


- Id boost Excalibur stats a little bit, he's a good commentator


- Both Matt Hardy and Kris Statlander are injured irl, but not in the game


- Tay Conti is now oficially hired, id give her a written contract


- Billy Gunn is now just Billy (WWE owns the Billy Gunn name)


- The Elite isn't a stable anymore (rip)


- Some huge Orange Cassidy buffs are needed (he deserves more than 55 Charisma lol)


- Maybe give a PPA contract to Thunder Rosa with AEW, she's going to defend the NWA Womens Championship agaisnt Ivelisse at the next Dynamite episode


- Cody is out for some time (he's a judge at the GO BIG SHOW now, some thing like that)


- Jimmy Havoc isnt with AEW anymore too. Sammy Guevara still with AEW but not with that Personal Reasons leave anymore.


- Id add the Taz stable with him, Starks and Cage since they're a permanent thing now (i forgot their stable name).


Well, i think that's it.

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Well, some things i noticed in AEW:


- Diamantè isn't in the database, she have a kinda off Handshake deal and won the Deadly Draw with Ivelisse some weeks ago


- Anna Jay is now a heel and in the Dark Order. Id even boost her skills a little, she's evolving so much.


- Alan Angels (known as Dark Order's 5) isn't in the Database too.


- Id add some talents that has been appearing weekly at the AEW Dark. Some talents like Dani Jordyn, Will Hobbs, Serpentico (the last 2 appeared at the All Out PPV), Shawn Dean and etc


- Maybe add the Casino Battle Royal as some kind of flexible tournament, since winning it gaves you a shot at the AEW World Championship (TLDR: Lance Archer won it and now has a shot at Moxley)


- Bea Priestley, Jamie Hayter and Sadie Gibbs arent hired by AEW anymore. I think that all of the #Stronghearts arent hired anymore too


- Id boost Excalibur stats a little bit, he's a good commentator


- Both Matt Hardy and Kris Statlander are injured irl, but not in the game


- Tay Conti is now oficially hired, id give her a written contract


- Billy Gunn is now just Billy (WWE owns the Billy Gunn name)


- The Elite isn't a stable anymore (rip)


- Some huge Orange Cassidy buffs are needed (he deserves more than 55 Charisma lol)


- Maybe give a PPA contract to Thunder Rosa with AEW, she's going to defend the NWA Womens Championship agaisnt Ivelisse at the next Dynamite episode


- Cody is out for some time (he's a judge at the GO BIG SHOW now, some thing like that)


- Jimmy Havoc isnt with AEW anymore too. Sammy Guevara still with AEW but not with that Personal Reasons leave anymore.


- Id add the Taz stable with him, Starks and Cage since they're a permanent thing now (i forgot their stable name).


Well, i think that's it.


Agreed with most of this.


Taz's guys are just 'Team Taz' atm, afaik


Lots of the stats are really low and every update I have to give a big buff to the majority of the roster to get them to where I'd have them. I think most of the guys and girls who've been on TV for a few months should at least be at 40-50 popularity. A lot of the rest is probably just a difference of opinion, which can be tough. It's almost impossible to field a women's division that doesn't almost tank the show every time but I suppose some folks might think that's true of real life AEW too

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