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Honestly for the first few minutes I was doing that until I realized that's not the case at all. ��

Hahaha I honestly think people complaining that it’s “complicated” just haven’t figured it out properly.


It’s genuinely so simple and intuitive, I can’t BELIEVE we never used to have this feature, it’s literally a “game-changer” for me.

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I actually feel like the on-screen instructions for Placement Mode are pretty good, as far as making sure you know what to do but also not threaten to become annoying in any way. The way it's done is a lot more subtle and a lot easier than the likely alternative of a pop-up coming up anytime you click on it. But maybe it's a little too subtle for some, it's certainly not impossible to miss. The color change and positioning directly above the booking sheet help guide your eye to it though.
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I actually feel like the on-screen instructions for Placement Mode are pretty good, as far as making sure you know what to do but also not threaten to become annoying in any way. The way it's done is a lot more subtle and a lot easier than the likely alternative of a pop-up coming up anytime you click on it. But maybe it's a little too subtle for some, it's certainly not impossible to miss. The color change and positioning directly above the booking sheet help guide your eye to it though.

I think the problem is that some people don’t realise that all you need to do to activate placement mode is right-click on the relevant segment, and instead they’re manually toggling it on and off using the button at the bottom of the screen.


At least, that’s what I assume anyway, otherwise I just can’t understand why people are complaining about how complicated it is!

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So I want to note this here because it kinda wouldn't make sense as a tech support thread and it'd get deleted eventually anyway, I'd like for solutions to this to actually be out there for people to see.


There's this ongoing thing that happens to some people, maybe just folks with certain operating systems, where they can't always apply new patches. The TEW2020.exe file, somewhere along the way, becomes this file that you have no permission to alter. Which means you can't overwrite it with a new patch and you can't delete it to replace it. You could usually still play the old version but sometimes running it is also blocked.


We don't really know the cause. Some people link it to anti-viruses but I really don't think that's happening with me. The reason the patch schedule was changed actually is because Adam felt the frequency of patch releases was causing an issue. I'm not really sure, either way it just happened to me again.


I've worked through this several ways in the past as it happens to me every few patches. (I've actually been dealing with this since the Public Beta days but eventually I always get the up-to-date patch somehow!) Sometimes getting things to work is as simple as reinstalling the game and restarting your computer. That's usually what I do but for some people that doesn't work.


This time I got the idea to try something different and it seems to have worked, and I feel like there's no reason this shouldn't work for everybody. All I did was:


A) Make a new folder. I put it in the GDS folder myself where the usual TEW2020 folder is found, not sure if it's important to do that or not.


B) Copy everything from the TEW2020 folder into the new one except for the actual TEW2020.exe application itself. (I wouldn't have been able to do that anyway.)


C) Download the new patch.


D) Put the new patch in the new folder.


When I ran it from there, it loaded a little slow the first time for some reason but it did run. And the second time just now it opened up as quickly as it usually does. So this seems to have solved it.


It's not really the ideal thing but it was faster than reinstalling and rebooting atleast for me, and I figure this should work more consistently for everyone as well. So the next time this comes up in tech support you can direct someone to this post or just copy and paste if you want.


If any issues come up as a result of this I will let you know but the immediate tests are positive. I guess thinking about it, it could cause the uninstaller to not function properly depending on how that works... but we're just talking about actually playing the game here. You also might want to delete the contents of the old TEW2020 folder since the pic folders and stuff can take up a lot of space, though I'm personally keeping it all around as a back-up just in case.


(Note: This is intended for when the TEW2020 application you already have is the one with the issue. Sometimes the new patch is the one with the problem, in which case this would not help, I think you just have to re-download it in that case. You can test to see if the one you have is the problem by trying to rename it or move it.)

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