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[RELEASE THREAD]CornellVerse India Expansion (a forum-sourced mod)

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I was the idea guy for Gayatri, Nayima, Subhan Ali and Suleiman Jafri lol. I think that's all of them? I forget how i worded Gayatri's bio but she wasn't meant to be a huge deal nationally, just someone you'd want to hire for a small company because she can do the color commentary/personality/manager roles. I'm not sure I was thinking of her but maybe kind of like a Renee Young before WWE picked her up?


I know WWE hire a ton of local sports broadcasting people to fill out time on their network; Arda Ocal does intermission stuff on TV for my favorite ice hockey team and he's done WWE stuff, Scott Stanford apparently has like a million jobs with New York sports, TV, radio and he's done commentary for WWE too. But neither one of them are big names even in New York or even after being little cogs in the WWE machine. I don't know how sports broadcasting works in India but I'm sure those kinds of jobs exist.


85 microphone is also insanely good if you compare it to the default data, in fact if i remember correctly i thought the data for this india mod and the other one both went too far in that direction of giving great entertainment skills (probably mostly because of how the autofiller works)


Edit: Also, I think between this mod, Wonk's mod and the default CVerse we might have added a few too many people from the extended cricket universe?

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I was the idea guy for Gayatri, Nayima, Subhan Ali and Suleiman Jafri lol. I forget how i worded Gayatri's bio but she wasn't meant to be a huge deal nationally, just someone you'd want to hire for a small company because she can do the color commentary/personality/manager roles. I'm not sure I was thinking of her but maybe kind of like a Renee Young before WWE picked her up?


I know WWE hire a ton of local sports broadcasting people to fill out time on their network; Arda Ocal does intermission stuff on TV for my favorite ice hockey team and he's done WWE stuff, Scott Stanford apparently has like a million jobs with New York sports, TV, radio and he's done commentary for WWE too. But neither one of them are big names even in New York or even after being little cogs in the WWE machine. I don't know how sports broadcasting works in India but I'm sure those kinds of jobs exist.


85 microphone is also insanely good if you compare it to the default data, in fact if i remember correctly i thought the data for this india mod and the other one both went too far in that direction of giving great entertainment skills (probably mostly because of how the autofiller works)


I have tried to adjust stats up or down from both ends of the spectrum for the upcoming update. I agree that there may have been a few too many "The Rock" level entertainers as well as a few too many "Heidenreich" level performance skill workers.


And as I am a huge hockey fan myself, I cautiously have to ask who your favorite hockey team is. :rolleyes:

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Now as a side note, her heel gimmick of a Hindu Goddess is...well...I would say she won't get heat (I would actually be slightly offended if this were in reality. Can't imagine the reaction from the crowd in general). This is another WWE Muhammad Hassan angle/gimmick waiting to destroy a career instantly. It will be a shame with those skills. It is more suited as a Face gimmick (even traditionally speaking) because, well, Gods ad Goddesses are supposed to be babyface? I think it needs a change.

This is just out of curiosity but how is Lord Rama usually perceived? I remember reading Ramayana dozens of times for high school and always coming out thinking that Lord Rama was kind of a terrible person. I'm not Indian so I don't know how it's perceived over there so I'm genuinely super curious haha

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Yeah Ilma is definitely a name here, just rare like I said. Not only do I feel morally obliged to share my perspective about describing people or a sport and its perception in my country, more so when there isn't much representation here but I also want to be able to enjoy this mod and I know I will enjoy it more when I find the data accurate. Sorry if my post came across as harsh but that wasn't the intention.


I like the idea of that stable. I had something similar but only limited to a singles or tag. Having a stable makes it bigger and a longer feud.





I'm regretting my post to be honest lol.


First, sorry if my review sounded harsh. I am happy to see people having ideas and able to connect it some way, their own way to whatever they know and form an opinion for a character that will flesh out a new area in the game.


Second, afraid that I have never, across my study or decades of daily usage of the Hindi language, which is also my native language, heard or came across this word, not in movies, nor songs, nor poems. I can't relate it to any religion either nor would I necessarily want to relate any single language to a religion. At the very most, it can have a place in Sanskrit (spoken Sanskrit mostly) with a different meaning and that would depend on the sentence or phrase as with most Sanskrit words.


Whatever, be the case - none of the above mean that it can't be adapted by a female who is a pro wrestler in this or any other country. Its cool.

I just found it different and mentioned so while I was reviewing with no intentions of mocking or asking to consider change or even seeking an explanation for it is your imagination and creative for a fictional character in a fictional universe. Now, our depiction of a character can make them look closer to real or just not and this is far from real in my experience and knowledge is all I was saying.


Third, the gimmick. I wouldn't/can't compare any highly revered personality from a religious sentiment perspective or a mythological figure with JBL. I did spend quite a lot of time justifying it applying it across the pantheon of Gods across religions. But it just didn't sound right to me. Trust me, its not about religion because I even tried thinking of an evil Jesus gimmick who carries a knife to the ring or something whacky like that and it didn't feel right. Next, I spent a lot of time thinking how to even bring this up. Sorry, its just my personal opinion that it will be a gimmick in bad taste. And I won't be alone on this (maybe on the forum but not otherwise) irrespective of the fact that it is wrestling or video games. Talking of games there has been considerable controversy about a game called Smite on its portrayal of Indian gods while the game actually does rather not "isolate" any groups yet there is something about it.


Mind you it isn't even about Hindu or anything because there was some protest by Christians against a certain movie or was it a novel. The public at large agreed. The government acted on it. It also just isn't India. The central sacred text of Hindus was banned in Russia for a while because they thought something about it was unacceptable. That's like banning Bible for portrayal of crimes against Jesus was the argument of the time here. It got crazy controversial. People were just mad at it and their take on the subject was too shallow - both here in India and there.

Just a geo-culture or thing which, well, can play reverse on the sentiments on a different topic which is perfectly acceptable in Asia but not elsewhere and can literally be anything anywhere - just more sensitive when it about race or religion.


I found it disturbing enough to not get over it and mentioned it here. We all do it, when it comes close to certain issues that are close to us, at the very least, will point it out and try to educate the other person or at least pace your opinion but I don't think that has ever worked in history for anybody lol so fair fair.


All in all, I don't know if brat99 contacted you to consider what I have written and reply here (if yes, then that was kind and thoughtful of him) or if you just came across the post and you took out the time to reply (thanks for that). Like I have always maintained to brat99 and here, I am going to leave it to the community and each contributor for it is their submission and their thought process. I know what I know and I had to share it with my review. Maybe I will refrain from sharing views on the characters from now but then might as well generate random characters with organic bio and random skill. I don't know. Irrespective, I did enjoy understanding where your view is coming from so thank you again for responding.


P.S. The depiction and especially the understanding of Goddess Kaali is a little shallow. Sorry but the violence and sexuality is not the way it is meant to be portrayed but can't blame anybody for that and just forgivable. Like you rightly said your source of knowing that is limited and that too it is limited to something that doesn't qualify as a legit researcher or practitioner of the subject. Would have loved to mention more about it but I don't think that will be appropriate here. As it is the post is too long and I am regretting my review caused it.


Don't regret your post, because I appreciate the feedback. As I have never have anyone really give me feed back on my characters like that before and has me considering making some changes to the character's.

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Don't regret your post, because I appreciate the feedback. As I have never have anyone really give me feed back on my characters like that before and has me considering making some changes to the character's.


Wicked Intentions, if you do wish to change anything up, just pm me or write up the changes in a google doc and send me the link. I should be able to get any desired changes in for the next update (tentatively mid-week as I am slowly making adjustments and running watcher saves to see if they have the desired effects).

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Wicked Intentions, if you do wish to change anything up, just pm me or write up the changes in a google doc and send me the link. I should be able to get any desired changes in for the next update (tentatively mid-week as I am slowly making adjustments and running watcher saves to see if they have the desired effects).


I will let you know... right now today's my only day off and I'm just enjoying lucking the forums, working on my mod, and playing around with game proper (finally got the full game). So don't wait for me, because it might be a bit before I get around to it.

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I will let you know... right now today's my only day off and I'm just enjoying lucking the forums, working on my mod, and playing around with game proper (finally got the full game). So don't wait for me, because it might be a bit before I get around to it.


Definitely enjoy your day off. I've been doing somewhat the same thing. Leaving the computer to run watcher sims (1-3 years at a time) while I do other things. Fortunately for me, I'm still working from home right now I'm caught up with everything until around mid-week....call it a Memorial Day Mini Vacay! Anytime is fine on any possible changes as I'm considering re-opening the submission thread once this update is complete (believe it or not I'm almost missing tons of time with Daz3D) so they can easily be added to the data at a later time.

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y2Kunal, are there any gimmicks that you would flag up as potentially getting lots of heat in an Indian market? I know that you've mentioned being from Pakistan as an obvious one, and the potential blasphemous implications of the Hindu Goddess gimmick as maybe getting the wrong kind of heat. Is there anything else you can think of in particular?


In fact, here's a more specific question: would being British be something that could be exploited for a reaction? Obviously anyone can get booed by saying "I'm foreign and better than you," but would being British give a bit of extra spice for that?

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Progress on update going well....hope to have it uploaded late today or early tomorrow. As a reward for everyone's patience and for the thread cracking 1000+ views here's a look at one addition to the data:


A couple of WMMA 5 crossovers (with fresh re-renders):


Hannif Hussein



Way back in 2002, Hussein was considered to be India's best chance to have a homegrown MMA star. After a 6 - 0 start on the amateur MMA circuit, Hannif was signed by MMA juggernaut SIGMA. Unfortunately, an accidental poke to the eye in his first contest with the company left him with a vision impairment that made continuing in professional MMA an impossibility. Now, nearing 40 years old but still possessing a great look, Hannif Hussein is looking to make his mark (and his money) in the world of professional wrestling.


Bungle Bhave



In the early 2000s, Bungle Bhave was considered an MMA talking head. Always having something to say about the current events in the fight game. Fast forward to 2020, and Bhave seems to have found a new interest on which to comment.....professional wrestling. He has started a podcast to discuss his views on the growing wrestling industry in India (his interview with Indian wrestling icon, Kashmir Singh, being one of the highest rated podcasts in recent memory), any many are left to wonder just what his involvement in pro wrestling will be.

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<p>How will it work if there's an ongoing game already? (I did set India to be active at the beginning of the game and have imported the TV shows and fixed angles to my "new" default Database - or Database+ as I aptly named it). If I were to import the data into that game in say February (or March) in game, would it work? Or would I need to start a new game?</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="brat99" data-cite="brat99" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49621" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Progress on update going well....hope to have it uploaded late today or early tomorrow. As a reward for everyone's patience and for the thread cracking 1000+ views here's a look at one addition to the data:<p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>A couple of WMMA 5 crossovers (with fresh re-renders):</p><p> </p><p> <span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Hannif Hussein</strong></span></p><p> <img alt="7F5j6DB.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/7F5j6DB.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Way back in 2002, Hussein was considered to be India's best chance to have a homegrown MMA star. After a 6 - 0 start on the amateur MMA circuit, Hannif was signed by MMA juggernaut SIGMA. Unfortunately, an accidental poke to the eye in his first contest with the company left him with a vision impairment that made continuing in professional MMA an impossibility. Now, nearing 40 years old but still possessing a great look, Hannif Hussein is looking to make his mark (and his money) in the world of professional wrestling.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Bungle Bhave</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="heAQMBV.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/heAQMBV.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> In the early 2000s, Bungle Bhave was considered an MMA talking head. Always having something to say about the current events in the fight game. Fast forward to 2020, and Bhave seems to have found a new interest on which to comment.....professional wrestling. He has started a podcast to discuss his views on the growing wrestling industry in India (his interview with Indian wrestling icon, Kashmir Singh, being one of the highest rated podcasts in recent memory), any many are left to wonder just what his involvement in pro wrestling will be.</p></div></blockquote>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="CQI13" data-cite="CQI13" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49621" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>How will it work if there's an ongoing game already? (I did set India to be active at the beginning of the game and have imported the TV shows and fixed angles to my "new" default Database - or Database+ as I aptly named it). If I were to import the data into that game in say February (or March) in game, would it work? Or would I need to start a new game?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Any new workers would be fine to import into an existing game, but for changes that have been made to workers from the first release of the mod (many pop and stat changes for balancing) it would be best to start a new game. As with the original release, and first couple of updates, I will also put out a complete default database with everything imported (using the most recent database from the tech support thread) so users don't have to figure out what order to import things.</p><p> </p><p> EDIT: During one of my last long watcher sims while finalizing the next update, I actually had a worker from India win the Indy Worker of the Year award in 2027 and both companies from India hitting medium size with very stable finances.</p>
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<p>Nice. I haven't yet downloaded the mod (waiting until the next update I guess?) - so I will use my current save to set up my plans for my actual game. I'm starting as a tiny promotion with tons of money in Mid South so I'm just going for the local workers. I do open all regions, so not sure how that will affect the game anyway - stars coming here from India, US stars going to companies in India, etc.</p><p> </p><p>

I look forward to the update - it will make for a richer game world.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="CQI13" data-cite="CQI13" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49621" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Nice. I haven't yet downloaded the mod (waiting until the next update I guess?) - so I will use my current save to set up my plans for my actual game. I'm starting as a tiny promotion with tons of money in Mid South so I'm just going for the local workers. I do open all regions, so not sure how that will affect the game anyway - stars coming here from India, US stars going to companies in India, etc.<p> </p><p> I look forward to the update - it will make for a richer game world.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I just double checked in-game, and there will be a few things missing from the mod if you import into an already started game....you cannot (unfortunately) import move-sets, worker relationships, tag teams, and alter-egos to name a few. Most of the workers are set to stay close to home to help build the Indian scene, but you can use talk to worker to attempt to bring some of them to wherever you are based (and a couple of them default to having several areas available to start off).</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Regis" data-cite="Regis" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49621" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>y2Kunal, are there any gimmicks that you would flag up as potentially getting lots of heat in an Indian market? I know that you've mentioned being from Pakistan as an obvious one, and the potential blasphemous implications of the Hindu Goddess gimmick as maybe getting the wrong kind of heat. Is there anything else you can think of in particular?<p> </p><p> In fact, here's a more specific question: would being British be something that could be exploited for a reaction? Obviously anyone can get booed by saying "I'm foreign and better than you," but would being British give a bit of extra spice for that?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Appreciate you care to ask but no Regis, I don't think #or have experienced or have reasons to believe# that just being British will make people dislike you. As a matter of fact, I don't think any nationality will get a blanket boo in this part of the world unless they act in such way, but then that is no different from any other place. </p><p> </p><p> I think this is important so I will clarify it. My comment on the heel stable from Pakistan about the extra heat was adding a bonus to base and not the base being a certain type. The stable I imagined are heels, posing as invaders, + the acronym is ISI and they are from Pakistan. Now, an opposite of that gimmick #face/guests/talented/no controversial names name, remarks or threats# wont just keep them at neutral, it would make them an instant hit and over with the fans with ease. A growth hack in a way. Here in the real world there are many examples of artists and athletes being cheered to new high in India despite of being from Pakistan #and of course anywhere else#. People love them because they are talented and they behave. Foremost, they respect so that's all they get in return. </p><p> </p><p> I don't imagine people being booed off automatically even if they are carrying a different flag unlike, probably, in some countries. Most of us would wait to hear what they have to say and not just assume. But well, who knows right? Even if people react, that will a cheap/shortcut way to get heat. I don't know how long such feuds last as people get smarter every day not just in wrestling but even otherwise. </p><p> </p><p> The other gimmick isn't just about wrong type of heat but in the real world will see to it that there is either a written apology and commitment to such an event not happening again or promotion goes packing their bag to wherever they came from. </p><p> </p><p> But this isn't real world mod we are talking of and imagination need not aim for realism. As people mentioned that they don't know the culture well or understand the place/people well enough other than what is heard or seen in pop culture or pushed down by media houses who want your money and attention. As a matter of fact, even the regions in the game are literally half of what the actual zones/regions are in India #not just in terms of administration but also more or less on the basis of culture that can potentially govern spill over and wrestling style, industry, names, attributes, lifestyle and a lot more - might raise that at some point without expecting any changes to happen so as not to be disappointed#. </p><p> Don't get me wrong the mod is great at many places and gets a game area going which otherwise is uninteresting in the game. I enjoyed my run through it when I was reviewing but I have come to realize that it is largely on people's perception. Perhaps the legitimacy of such perception isn't of particular importance to a lot. So you should just go ahead toss in whatever ideas you have basis your creativity/perception. Not like any policing going on. I have decided I will, most probably, be doing my own scenario/mod for my personal game anyway and probably just stick with that. Lot of work but everybody gets to be happy that way. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="y2Kunal" data-cite="y2Kunal" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49621" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Appreciate you care to ask but no Regis, I don't think #or have experienced or have reasons to believe# that just being British will make people dislike you. As a matter of fact, I don't think any nationality will get a blanket boo in this part of the world unless they act in such way, but then that is no different from any other place. <p> </p><p> I think this is important so I will clarify it. My comment on the heel stable from Pakistan about the extra heat was adding a bonus to base and not the base being a certain type. The stable I imagined are heels, posing as invaders, + the acronym is ISI and they are from Pakistan. Now, an opposite of that gimmick #face/guests/talented/no controversial names name, remarks or threats# wont just keep them at neutral, it would make them an instant hit and over with the fans with ease. A growth hack in a way. Here in the real world there are many examples of artists and athletes being cheered to new high in India despite of being from Pakistan #and of course anywhere else#. People love them because they are talented and they behave. Foremost, they respect so that's all they get in return. </p><p> </p><p> I don't imagine people being booed off automatically even if they are carrying a different flag unlike, probably, in some countries. Most of us would wait to hear what they have to say and not just assume. But well, who knows right? Even if people react, that will a cheap/shortcut way to get heat. I don't know how long such feuds last as people get smarter every day not just in wrestling but even otherwise. </p><p> </p><p> The other gimmick isn't just about wrong type of heat but in the real world will see to it that there is either a written apology and commitment to such an event not happening again or promotion goes packing their bag to wherever they came from. </p><p> </p><p> But this isn't real world mod we are talking of and imagination need not aim for realism. As people mentioned that they don't know the culture well or understand the place/people well enough other than what is heard or seen in pop culture or pushed down by media houses who want your money and attention. As a matter of fact, even the regions in the game are literally half of what the actual zones/regions are in India #not just in terms of administration but also more or less on the basis of culture that can potentially govern spill over and wrestling style, industry, names, attributes, lifestyle and a lot more - might raise that at some point without expecting any changes to happen so as not to be disappointed#. </p><p> Don't get me wrong the mod is great at many places and gets a game area going which otherwise is uninteresting in the game. I enjoyed my run through it when I was reviewing but I have come to realize that it is largely on people's perception. Perhaps the legitimacy of such perception isn't of particular importance to a lot. So you should just go ahead toss in whatever ideas you have basis your creativity/perception. Not like any policing going on. I have decided I will, most probably, be doing my own scenario/mod for my personal game anyway and probably just stick with that. Lot of work but everybody gets to be happy that way. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Personally it is my hope to strike some sort of balance between reality and fiction for this mod. I hope you would be willing to continue to add your feedback.</p>
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<p>Yeah I might have been sort of dismissive-sounding in my post in this thread but that's just the way I talk, especially on the internet. I know when I was putting guys in for these things and like...mashing names together from Wikipedia articles, I was thinking that I'm not Indian, I barely know anything about the place or the people, and it's perfectly possible for me to come out with something really weird just out of ignorance.</p><p> </p><p>

Also I didnt see brat's response earlier, which gives me an excuse to hockeypost</p><p> </p><p>


</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/uvhB_jBuvr4?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Zibanejad scores 5 including OT winner!"></iframe></div></div>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="absolutelyridiculous" data-cite="absolutelyridiculous" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49621" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Yeah I might have been sort of dismissive-sounding in my post in this thread but that's just the way I talk, especially on the internet. I know when I was putting guys in for these things and like...mashing names together from Wikipedia articles, I was thinking that I'm not Indian, I barely know anything about the place or the people, and it's perfectly possible for me to come out with something really weird just out of ignorance.<p> </p><p> Also I didnt see brat's response earlier, which gives me an excuse to hockeypost</p><p> </p><p> </p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/uvhB_jBuvr4?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Zibanejad scores 5 including OT winner!"></iframe></div></div></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> mmmm...disappointing, but at least you're not a Habs or Leafs fan. Go Bruins! (then again regardless of fav teams, I'm just happy with the news that we seems to be getting closer to a return to play for the NHL)</p><p> </p><p> That's been part of the fun of working on this mod for me though. I'll admit to a fairly limited knowledge about India and it's culture, but through messaging with folks (especially Y2Kunal and kanegan) and pushing myself to do a little bit of google research, I'm learning more about it. As for sounding dismissive, I totally get that too....it's why I've chosen not to respond to a few users/posts in other threads.</p>
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Appreciate you care to ask but no Regis, I don't think #or have experienced or have reasons to believe# that just being British will make people dislike you. As a matter of fact, I don't think any nationality will get a blanket boo in this part of the world unless they act in such way, but then that is no different from any other place.


That's a shame. Obviously I wasn't fishing for IRL racism, that would be in bad taste, but it's good to have national rivalries to build on. If I was booking 21CW, for example, any French wrestlers would be the easiest heels in the world. It's not like being French would get you beaten up in the street, but hating the French in a light-hearted way is a national pastime.

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Update 1.2


Update 1.2 is now available. Using the full database version and starting a new save is recommended as there were many changes made to the data.








Note: Importing instructions are in the first post (http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2429507&postcount=1)



  • Reworked stats and pop of created workers
  • Adjusted both default promotions starting pop
  • Added DSPW Women's Title (belt render courtesy of willRock)
  • Adjusted some stats and pop of default Indian workers to match created worker changes
  • 4 new characters with appropriate alter-egos and relationships
  • Included Teh_Showtime's INTERESTING angles update in the data (replaced default angles).


Where next for the mod:

  • Adding events/event names for default companies (if you have ideas post them in this thread)
  • More workers
  • Possibly additional companies


As always feedback is welcome.

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If India is set as an available territory, when do companies/workers start popping up in the default data in the game?


There are around 10-12 workers available at the beginning of the default data. If you are using the default data (and just importing the workers) then the two default promotions are set for a random (but not before 2022) open. In my full database option, I adjusted them to be open when the game starts and there are around 35 workers available at the beginning with the rest of the debuts spread out over a couple of years.

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Even with these new workers, both from here and that one other pack, anybody have any tips about what should you do from there? Best advice I learnt from playing after restarting 5 times after the first show is to start with a low-prestige (Hard difficulty) company and play as a good Road Agent if you insist to start your game with most roster from India.

Even then I also brought in some experienced unemployed guys from Oceania or any other english speaking country to help these Indian rookies get experience. Keep most your wrestling roster on handshake deal so they can get experience from also working elsewhere BUT tied the essential ring-side workers with exclusive contract so they can't steal them.

Anything else?

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Even with these new workers, both from here and that one other pack, anybody have any tips about what should you do from there? Best advice I learnt from playing after restarting 5 times after the first show is to start with a low-prestige (Hard difficulty) company and play as a good Road Agent if you insist to start your game with most roster from India.

Even then I also brought in some experienced unemployed guys from Oceania or any other english speaking country to help these Indian rookies get experience. Keep most your wrestling roster on handshake deal so they can get experience from also working elsewhere BUT tied the essential ring-side workers with exclusive contract so they can't steal them.

Anything else?


This is something I have been thinking about, and I am considering altering a few specific workers from abroad (mainly US and Canada) to be available in India from the start. Mainly some ageing vets specifically focusing on workers with the Passes on Knowledge, Natural Trainer, and/or Giving Performer traits. Workers that would be at or near the end of their careers looking for one last hurrah in a new and emerging market. Imagine Bob Casey being the "Hulk Hogan" of India for a year or two before riding off into the sunset as a road agent or trainer.

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