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Promotion Attributes

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I have an idea how much work this would be. Please consider this a suggestion for the next TEW and not anything that could be reasonably expected as a post-release TEW 2020 update.


I'm a fan of the new product system. I think that it allows for a wide range of promotion styles to be represented and allows for interesting, unique gameplay elements to be implemented which would have been impossible under the old system. But I can't deny that there are a few things which might be interesting to tweak which just aren't allowed by this system, and a potential midpoint would be the introduction of the attributes system to promotions.


Attributes which could possibly change things up include the following:

After Dark - This promotion leans on risque content and adult themes. Your content risk has gone up, but you have an increased chance of getting mainstream attention. Adult broadcasters are more interested in your programming.

Corporate Culture - This promotion has sold a little bit of its soul for mainstream acceptance. Sponsors are friendlier, but the corporate messaging is off-putting to a portion of your fanbase.

Dedicated Tag Division - Fans expect a tag match on every show.

In On The Joke - This promotion has cultivated an audience which appreciates comedy. Comedy workers can do well as stars and major stars, even if the product otherwise wouldn't allow it.


There could also be room for temporary attributes gained during gameplay, allowing for a critical darling promotion to get a Midas Touch effect or see a short-term boost in attendance after winning an award.

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Really interesting idea.


I've really enjoyed the flavour that attributes add to workers. Could be interesting for companies too.


Company attributes could be broader than products and include things like: "Zero Tolerance Policy - This promotion will expect [insert whatever here - failed drug tests, backstage fights, etc.] to result in the worker being fired". This could have different levels to reflect different levels of strictness.


At the moment, the backstage culture/rules are massively determined by the booker/owner. It would be interesting to see certain companies effectively having a fleshed out wellness policy. This could result in certain personalities not wanting to work for a stricter company, but these companies would benefit from perhaps a reduced likelihood of a punished worker's friends being unhappy, since the rules are clearly set out. On the other hand, a more laissez faire company would have no problem signing free spirits, but could have an uprising on their hands if implementing harsher punishments which are out of keeping with expectations of the company.


The player wouldn't be forced to follow the company expectations, but would find life easier if they do. Perhaps they might be able to make changes slowly over time (similar to with product changes), but too rapid change would risk upsetting the locker room.

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