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Why can't we talk to people who left the business?

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Huh?! I was pretty sure I've seen people on hiatus. Well if I'm wrong then that was a weird decision for the developers to take.


But more importantly, can the hysteria stop? I haven't crashed people's computers or deleted their accounts. I haven't done anything to stop people having their say. And I'd appreciate if you apologized. I'm just pointing out that this is a lame argument. Continue to slander each other if you wish. I'll play the game, and put more effort into making it work than whinging.


Sorry to "silence" you.


If you go to the top of this page of the thread I posted something explaining hiatus is still in the game, just in the a new section of the editor (Starting Absences which also is where you set prison/rehab/in politics/on tour/mma fight/filming etc. for the start of the game) Which is cool because now you can set the exact time they will be on one instead of it just being random.

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If you go to the top of this page of the thread I posted something explaining hiatus is still in the game, just in the a new section of the editor (Starting Absences which also is where you set prison/rehab/in politics/on tour/mma fight/filming etc. for the start of the game) Which is cool because now you can set the exact time they will be on one instead of it just being random.



The randomness is the fun part.

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If you go to the top of this page of the thread I posted something explaining hiatus is still in the game, just in the a new section of the editor (Starting Absences which also is where you set prison/rehab/in politics/on tour/mma fight/filming etc. for the start of the game) Which is cool because now you can set the exact time they will be on one instead of it just being random.


Starting Absences we’re in 16 and 13. It’s not the same issue as what people are mentioning. They want to put people in and out of hiatus, left business, etc... during their game.


Absences only handle things before a game starts

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Huh?! I was pretty sure I've seen people on hiatus. Well if I'm wrong then that was a weird decision for the developers to take.


But more importantly, can the hysteria stop? I haven't crashed people's computers or deleted their accounts. I haven't done anything to stop people having their say. And I'd appreciate if you apologized. I'm just pointing out that this is a lame argument. Continue to slander each other if you wish. I'll play the game, and put more effort into making it work than whinging.


Sorry to "silence" you.


This is actually what a lot of people are trying to do, you see. There appears to be an issue with the way that the 'left the business' thing works. Just as there was an issue with cinematic matches not working at all until I pointed this out to Adam, who changed it so they did. Just as there was an issue with the momentum not working as he'd intended it to, which he changed when numerous people pointed this out. (Two examples out of dozens.) Do you realise if it wasn't for people pointing out issues with the game during the beta period it would look VERY different from how it currently does?

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Starting Absences we’re in 16 and 13. It’s not the same issue as what people are mentioning. They want to put people in and out of hiatus, left business, etc... during their game.


Absences only handle things before a game starts


I get that, but some people where saying that Hiatus was gone as a status completely so you couldn't use it to say simulate The Rock being in Hollywood for so long. That part isn't true, yes you can't edit them in game but it is still a thing. As for why it was taken out I don't know, I think if you know ahead of time you might want to use someone then just set them on hiatus pregame instead of left the business.

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Left the Business I think is mainly for workers who have aged out, or a special circumstance like Champagne Lover in the Cornerllverse.


This just doesn't seem to fit with the default database AT ALL, to be honest. Cat Quine, Donnie J, Champagne Lover, Peter Michaels, Christian Faith, Alex DeColt, Victoria Stone-McFly, Michelle Brendon, Suzue Katayama, El Fuerza, and literally dozens of others young enough to do a job either in the ring or as authority figures are all special circumstances? Just a totally bizarre way to set stuff up.

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I always think this is one that doesn’t get covered very well in the game.


For example a ‘legends’ contract is now more than ever more appropriate. With merchandise and whatever. There are so many people on legends contracts who have made the odd appearance for WWE and will only ever make one for them (the odd one at that).


To simulate something like a gimmick (legend) royal rumble or a legend returning for wrestlemania it’s really hard. The AI can’t really do it.


I’d like to see legends contracts, X amount of shows. Season finale only etc in the contracts.


As for non returning legends surely people who left the business could still be open to the odd appearance.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rone Rivendale" data-cite="Rone Rivendale" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="50332" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>what part of 'left the business' do you not understand?<p> </p><p> It's different than being on a 'hiatus' where they are gone but will eventually come back. Left the business means just that, they are done.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yes they are done. However, I believe we should have a way to contact them. SOMETHING. Like at least make a contract / money offer to lure him back into the business. I do not believe it's realistic to have zero contact options</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="splitgoose" data-cite="splitgoose" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="50332" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'll play the game, and put more effort into making it work than whinging.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yes, the two are definitely mutually exclusive.</p><p> </p><p> You shouldn't have to fight with a game to get it to function, what kind of mentality is that lmao</p>
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  • 2 weeks later...
Huh?! I was pretty sure I've seen people on hiatus. Well if I'm wrong then that was a weird decision for the developers to take.


But more importantly, can the hysteria stop? I haven't crashed people's computers or deleted their accounts. I haven't done anything to stop people having their say. And I'd appreciate if you apologized. I'm just pointing out that this is a lame argument. Continue to slander each other if you wish. I'll play the game, and put more effort into making it work than whinging.


Sorry to "silence" you.


As much as you may want to play the victim here, unfortunately, your previous posts are still available for us to read. You know, the one where you unilaterally declared “End of thread” because you personally didn’t see any value in it and considered it a waste of time? The only reason you didn’t do anything to stop people from having their say is because you have no ability to do so. All you can do is whine about how people owe you an apology for...what, exactly? Disagreeing with your opinion about the game? Having a conversation that you don’t see any value in? Calling you out for being rude?


I do hope there comes a day when a more mature version of you thinks back to comments like this and cringes, and perhaps even feels the need to offer a sincere apology instead of this passive aggressive nonsense.

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This just doesn't seem to fit with the default database AT ALL, to be honest. Cat Quine, Donnie J, Champagne Lover, Peter Michaels, Christian Faith, Alex DeColt, Victoria Stone-McFly, Michelle Brendon, Suzue Katayama, El Fuerza, and literally dozens of others young enough to do a job either in the ring or as authority figures are all special circumstances? Just a totally bizarre way to set stuff up.


This is what strikes me, I completely agree that SOME people should have just left the business, and if someone has left the business then perhaps you shouldn't be able to talk to them.


But if that is the case then the amount of people who have left the business is WAY to high, especially the amount who completely could still offer lots. When I first saw it it seemed so obviously to be a mistake with how hiatus/left the business is set up that I just assumed it would be fixed.


I remember counting them the other day, and I think it's almost 10% of the entire database. That is madness.


Even if you take away any argument of who should have left the business and what that means, it just seems a massive shame for such a big chunk of all the characters people know to be gone.

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