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<p>What do you mean angels? I don't usually need angels in my game, Angel Garza is a treat though. </p><p> </p><p>

If you talk about angles, I am happy with the default angles and there's the freestyle angle that I use if nothing else is good for use.</p>

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With 2016 and this one its freestyle all the way for me. For 2013 and prior I did angle packs for myself and released them as mods.


I added sex appeal and menace roles to many of the existing entertainment angles.


"Talk Show" angles (ex: Piper's Pit, Kevin Owens Show etc.) with as many combinations of sidekicks, partners and attackers as I could muster.


I added a few bizarre ones as well for laughs.


I also added workers to existing angles (add someone to 3 on 1 beatdown and make it 4 on 1 beatdown).


Finally I added brawl angles where everyone was equal (no winners or losers) as well as "Against All Odds" angles (the outnumbered side fights off superior numbers).


With freestyle I can just do whatever I imagine. The only downside is having to name it and missing the descriptive text. I know what happened though so its cool.


And … with freestyle it is easier to advance a storyline by selecting worker A and worker B which is good but sometimes I have no idea what they did. By having to choose an angle I fleshed out in my mind those details.

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I always know exactly who I want in my angles, and what I want them to do. So, I just live on custom angles. Freestyle angles.

I don't use the prefab ones much.



At the end of the day, I balance out who is rated on what.


Jericho attacks Jungle Boy. Jericho Win - Overness, Jungle Boy Defeat - Selling. Santana and Ortiz are witnesses, Not Rated but present. Hager is about to get involved but Luchasauras backs him up. Luchasauras - Entertainment Minor Victory and Hager doesn't win or lose, and is rated on Overness. Proud and Powerful are seen with their stable, but like - "they're there". They don't do anything mentionable, so they aren't rated and don't win or lose.


This gives me the angle I want. Because it has at least one winner and one loser, it should get a high rating. I will guess around 75. It surely won't beat Jericho's end-show promo. This segment should also build Luchasauras and Hager's match... which is next.



So, when I do angles, I ask - "Who's currently in a feuding storyline or will be before the night ends?" and "What's the next logical move that one makes against the other?", and the prefab angles very rarely achieve my goals. Sometimes, I make a few angles I will repeat very often with minor variation.


I focus a lot on Stables, Storylines, and Interpersonal relationships and feuds between the talent, so my angles write themselves. I also like to use angles to lift someone up who just lost - MJF is mad because he was pinned by champion Kenny Omega. Penelope Ford comes in to cheer him up. MJF minor success, rated on entertainment. Penelope, rated on sex appeal. Kip Sabian comes in and sees what he believes is flirting and gets puffy - but MJF clowns him and walks away. Sabian minor defeat - so I use angles to move heat around and keep people in the general lanes I want them in. Sabian's victory tonight won't push him into the upper main event.


In situations where the fans just love/hate someone and won't budge, that's woven into the game and there's nothing I can do about it. So, I just look for those people. If the fans hate you, you're losing to a lot of upper midcarders. If the fans love you, you're making your way into the main event scene if you can work a good match.


I love No Style Style, Ruthless Aggression, and 3 Ring Circus products because they give me the most bang-for-buck on angles.


One thing I would like to see: Wrestlers joining/exiting a stable, or a tag team becoming active/inactive, as part of the angle's result.

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With 2016 and this one its freestyle all the way for me. For 2013 and prior I did angle packs for myself and released them as mods.


I added sex appeal and menace roles to many of the existing entertainment angles.


"Talk Show" angles (ex: Piper's Pit, Kevin Owens Show etc.) with as many combinations of sidekicks, partners and attackers as I could muster.


I added a few bizarre ones as well for laughs.


I also added workers to existing angles (add someone to 3 on 1 beatdown and make it 4 on 1 beatdown).


Finally I added brawl angles where everyone was equal (no winners or losers) as well as "Against All Odds" angles (the outnumbered side fights off superior numbers).


With freestyle I can just do whatever I imagine. The only downside is having to name it and missing the descriptive text. I know what happened though so its cool.


And … with freestyle it is easier to advance a storyline by selecting worker A and worker B which is good but sometimes I have no idea what they did. By having to choose an angle I fleshed out in my mind those details.


One thing I noticed with freestyle - if you do go to the trouble of typing out what happened you can copy+paste that either at that time, or during the show when it appears, to your Excel file if you use one for a booking aide. Could help in the future when looking back on things.

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