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ECW 1994 : an unexpected NWA resurrection project

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Thanks for the predictions guys !




I will never pick Benoit to win.


That's a subject I often reflect upon when playing historical games, but i just think that it's just a number based simulation where one of the item is using his name and likeness


But i understand your view quite honestly

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<p>shane Douglas Vs. <strong>Terry Funk</strong></p><p>

Sure shane is the obvious choice but Its the damn funker.</p><p> </p><p>

Public Enemy Vs. <strong>too Cold Scorpio & Ron Simmons</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong> Loving the Scorpio push!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>matt Borne & Chris Benoit</strong> Vs. Tommy Dreamer & Cactus Jack</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>jimmy Snuka, Tazmaniac & Sabu</strong> vs. Dean Malenko & The Pitbulls</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>mikey Whipwreck</strong> Vs. Mr. Hughes</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sandman</strong> Vs. stevie Richards</p>

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Thanks for the predictions guys !




That's a subject I often reflect upon when playing historical games, but i just think that it's just a number based simulation where one of the item is using his name and likeness


But i understand your view quite honestly


Don't get me wrong, I am not offended that he is there. I mean he was there in real life and all. I have played video games with Genghis Khan in it, history is history there is nothing we can do to change it. I just personally will not pick him to win.

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This is looking really good BigJ. Building some good feuds right from the off. The Entourage is looking threatening and the reveal of Simmons was good. I was very happy to see Matt Borne too.











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JOEY STYLES x. Welcome everyone to the 2nd annual November to Remember!

Tonight, an olympic rules wrestling match, David meets Goliath, a huge six men tag action with an ECW Television Championship shot in the balance, a grudge tag team match, plus the NWA World Tag Team Champions being defended, and - of course - NWA World Heavyweight Champion and Entourage leader Shane Douglas defends against the Funker, the man who'll never die: Terry Funk. This is going to be a huge night of action, a milestone in wrestling history... You don't wanna miss it.


Up next is a match between a man who's out to prove himself and who had a change of attitude and a new manager: Stevie Richards ; and a tough as nail beer drinking brawler who recently saw the light again and got back to his wife, the Sandman. This is a going to be a Olympic Rules Match. There will be two 3-minutes round with a scoring system. No punche kick or headbutt allowed, no biting, no gouging, no hair pulling.


This match is all about proving itself in the current changing state of ECW under the NWA's umbrella: no more barbed-wire, just wrestling!








Stevie Richards is wearing a wrestling singlet, a protective head gear and a mouth guard, whereas the Sandman is in his usual jeans and black tank top.


Lots of posturing to beging, as Richards insists on referee John Finnegan being knowlegable about olympic rules, even giving him an olympic rule book. He also insists that the Sandman is frisked to be sure he hides no weapon.


The match finally starts, as Stevie Richards tries to go for a takedown, shooting for his legs, but the Sandman stops him... with a brutal knee to the face!


Ref John Finnegan gets in the middle, and Samdna argue it was accidental as Richards is on the ground holding his head and screaming like a toddler.


Woman gets on the apron and screams at Sandman, asking for him to be disqualified. Sandman turns to her and to the ref... And starts pounding on Stevie Richards with big punches. Finnegans disqualifies him.





THE SANDMAN x. Listen boy, i'm not an amateur wrestler. I'm not even sure i'm a professionnal wrestler. But i'm a fighter, and the NWA is about fighters. I can't wield my singapour cane anymore, but I have two fists, and I can thrust them into your face. You want olympic rules wrestling? I'm not the guy. But if you want wrestling as a combat sport, i'm your guy. Call me when you want to fight for real.






JOEY STYLES x. Well the Sandman sure made his point here, he's not here to play catch as catch can wrestling, but he's a fighter and he has a spot in the NWA! It sure wasn't what we were expecting but it's something!






TERRY FUNK x. Listen up, boy. We both know you're not the favouriste. Hughes is stronger. He's taller. He's bigger. Quite honestly and I don't know how that's possible considering your frame but he might also be faster than you. But you got something Mr. Hughes doesn't. You got heart. Mikey Whipwreck, you got the biggest heart in ECW, maybe in the whole NWA! You will not stay down, you hear me? You will fight this beast!... Okay?


MIKEY WHIPWRECK x. Erm... I guess...


TERRY FUNK x. Say it!


MIKEY WHIPWRECK x. I... I... I will... Beat him?


TERRY FUNK x. You will beat him up!


MIKEY WHIPWRECK x. I guess... I mean yes... Yes I will beat him up.


TERRY FUNK x. You will kick his ass!


MIKEY WHIPWRECK x. I will kick his ass...


TERRY FUNK x. LOUDER! You're going to drive him head first into the mat!


MIKEY WHIPWRECK x. I'll DDT him straight down!...














This match was billed as David vs. Goliath, and not without reasons! Shane Douglas' enforcer weights twice as much as Mikey and is twice as big. We see the difference right off the bat as Whipwreck charges at Whipwreck screaming, gives him a bunch of quick punches in the belly, only for Hughes to no sell it and shove him to the ground.


This opening sequence is a great introduction to this match which is essentially an ass-whooping. But it's not a total squash, as Mikey gets a few hope spots and comebacks, only to be severly crushed by Hughes each time.


After ten minutes of Hughes crushing Whipwreck, he still can't keep him down and only gets nearfall. This angers Hughes, who untie his tie and roll up his sleeves. He's about to deliver a powerbomb, but Mikey rolls behind him, sunset flip! Hughes staggers, but is finally taken down for the first time in this match, one, two, three, Mikey wins!







Mikey has done it! The underdog is quick to escape the wrath of Mr. Hughes and runs circles around the ring, arms up in the air. Meanwhile, Hughes is pissed at ref John Finnegan and gets in his face, arguing that he made a fast count. Hughes shoves the poor Finnegan to the ground. He’s making menacing steps towards the referee, but out comes three men…




Ready for their next match, Superlfy, the Tazmaniac and Sabu gets in the ring. Their menacing presence is enough for Hughes to get out the ring without a single blow being exchanged.








with Jason


The man who makes the winning pinfall will have a shot at Jason’s ECW Television Championship. Joey Styles reminds us that Snuka, Sabu & Tazmaniac all are former ECW Television champions.


This match is chaotic, as are most of its participants. Tazmaniac & Sabu are crazed and out of control, and so are the Pitbulls. Dean Malenko, on the other half, is still cold and calculated in everyone of his moves. We get a sequence in which he isolates Jimmy Snuka and works on his left knee with various strikes and holds. He nonetheless gets frustrated when he tags one of the Pitbulls who stop working the leg, instead focusing on giving powermoves to Superfly who finally counters one of them and makes the tag.


Sabu & Tazmanic show surprising cohesion, often being on par with the Pitbulls. We got two matches in the match : them two of them often going after the Pitbulls, and Dean Malenko insisting on being tagged in everytime Jimmy Snuka gets in the ring, getting back at his left knee.


The finish of the match, after twelve minutes of match, is even more chaotic as the rest. Tazmaniac gets double powerbombed out of the ring by the Pitbulls, who get taken out by Sabu after a running crossbody send the three of them to the floor. In the meantime, Snuka bodyslams Malenko and motions for the Superfly Splash. Being hurt in his left knee, it takes him some time to get to the third rope. Outside, Jason tries to get in his face, but the ref stops him. He doesn’t see Pitbull #1 shoving Snuka off of the turnbuckle… But Snuka lands on Malenko ! Pitbull #1 inadvertantly threw him directly onto his partner ! The ref turns around and makes the pin : 1, 2, and 3 !






JIMMY SNUKA x. Jason boy ! Your time with the ECW Television Championship is over. Next Hardcore TV, I will beat you. I will fly from the top rope and give you the Superfly Splash, and I will run you out of ECW and the NWA !






TOMMY DREAMER x. Where’s Terry, man ? I thought he will be in our corner tonight.


CACTUS JACK x. He told me he needs to prepare for the main event. At hi sage he needs 45 minutes of stretching before getting in the ring !


TOMMY DREAMER x. What ? Why didn’t he tell me ? And where’s Mikey ?


CACTUS JACK x. The old man asked him to help him prepare for his main event.


TOMMY DREAMER x. But he told me he was gonna be in our corner, he’s supposed to be my damn mentor, man. Why is he never there to back me up ? What if Entourage uses the number’s game to cheat us tonight ?


CACTUS JACK x. Man, don’t get too harsh with Terry, he tries to do the best, be there for everyone. I guess he just thinks Mikey needs him more than you. And don’t mind the number’s game, you know I’m not alone in my head ! There’s at least three of us ! Hahahaha !








with Mr. Hughes


Cactus Jack insists that he’ll be the one to start the match against Matt Borne, who puts him to sleep with a sleeper hold one month ago. Dreamer and Cactus argue about who should begin, and Borne & Benoit gain the advantage by jumping them. They throw Cactus out of the ring and assault Dreamer, getting few good shots before the referee gets in the middle.


Borne starts the match with Dreamer and uses his very aggressive offense to keep him down. The Entourage men double team Dreamer for the majority of the match. He gets some hope spots, like a double clothesline on both men, but is always short of making the tag to Cactus Jack who jumped back on the apron. Chris Benoit clinically dismantles Dreamer with a serie of suplexes, and Matt Borne gets at him with classic 80’s nasty brawling. The former Doink the Clown also cheats as much as he can. He gets Dreamer with an eye poke after positioning the ref behind his back. He puts Dreamer and the ropes and distracts the referee, allowing Hughes to choke him or punch him for the outside.


It’s a nightmare for Dreamer for ten minutes, but just when Chris Benoit is about to put in him an abdominal stretch, he hip tosses him and jumps to Cactus, hot tag !


Cactus Jack is a house of fire and CLEANS HOUSE. He even gets a shot at Mr. Hughes with a baseball slide, then gets on the third rope and delivers an elbow drop on Benoit for a 2 count. Cactus fights with both Benoit and Borne, and the fans love this.


Cactus really shines in the match, but gets overwhelmed by the crisp teamwork of his opponents. He fights off Benoit and puts him down with a jumping knee, and gets to his corner to team with Dreamer… Who refuses the tag ! Dreamer jumps down and refuses the tag ! Cactus is puzzled, then furious. Behind him, Benoit gets up and german suplexes not once, but twice.


Dreamer leaves as Cactus is left fighting a 2 on 1 fight. Despite the disadvantage, he holds his own, fighting almost 5 minutes, and almost winning with a DDT on Borne. But the number’s game and Matt Borne’s cheating ways are the strongest, and Cactus Jack gets caught in a sleeper hold of which he passes out, never giving up.









JOEY STYLES x. What was that ? Why did Tommy Dreamer walk out on his partner Cactus Jack ? Oh and look at those punks, look at the Entourage, they’re parading like they won the Superbowl. What a bunch of jerks. I’m disgusted, i’m puzzled, and i’m pissed !


But up next ladies a gentlemen is a match for the NWA World Tag Team Championship ! The pinnacle of tag team wrestling will be decided when the Public Enemy defend against the team of 2 Cold Scorpio and Ron Simmons. It sure will be a great match, you don’t want to miss it !









A great match with the opposition of two complementary tag team that work well together. The team work is through the roof with a succession of quick tag and double team manoeuver from each side to start the match.


Ron Simmons uses his size advantage to shine in the match, powering through his opponent with force. His team with Scorpio seems like the perfect combination of power & speed. On the other side, the Public Enemy show why they have been the #1 team of ECW for quite some times with their willingness to put their bodies on the line and never say die attitude.


Late into the match, Rocco Rock gets a cut above his eye following a Scorpio spinning wheel kick. Even in the « new » ECW, there’s blood on the mat. After a twenty minute competitive match, the Public Enemy seem on their way to a title defence, hitting the Drive-By on Ron Simmons. Rocco Rock pins him : one, two… He kicks out ! The Public Enemy get Simmons up and try to hit another Drive By, but he powers out, throwing Rock into the ropes and Grunge into the mat. He hits a spinning spinebuster on Rocco Rock coming off the ropes for a three count, and we have NEW World Tag Team Champions.





An exhausted Ron Simmons is on his knees, but the fresher Scorpio is quick to pick up the belts from the time keeper and puts each on of them on his shoulders. « 2 Gold Scorpio baby ! I told ya ! I told y’all ! » Scorpio pats Simmons on his back and goes to celebrate on the turnbuckle.












These two men know each other well, having already fight for the ECW Championship, most notably in the 1 hour time limit triple threat with Sabu.


But this time it’s even more personal, after Terry Funk extended the olive branch to Shane Douglas only to be splapped in the face, and beat up by the Entourage.


Terry Funk gets Shane Douglas to school early on, with a sequence of chain wrestling that ends with Terry Funk getting the upper hand with a wrist lock. He transitions to the mat and tries to work Shane Douglas’s knee, in preparation of his Drop Toe Hold. But the Franchise is quick to push Terry Funk with a boot to the rear and retreats in his corner.


This is the pattern of the match : Terry Funk being more skilled and experienced, but Shane Douglas getting out of harm’s way with a fantastic instinct and more athleticism. This disadvantage in expercience scares him as he almost loses two times early in the match : with a small package out of nowhere, and with a sunset flip roll up that he barely escapes before the three count.


It’s important to note that during the match, Shane Douglas often gets in referee’s Jim Molineaux’s face, accusing him of making fast counts on behalf of the Funker. He also gets in heated argument with some fans in the first row multiple times during the encounter.


This lack of concentration costs Shane Douglas, as each time he has the upper hand, he gets distracted by the fans insulting him, or gets too cocky, allowing Terry Funk to get back at him. On a particular sequence, Douglas gets an atomic drop on Funk, and mocks him instead of capitalizing, allowing Funk to make a quick recover and punch him in the face. This lead to Douglas rooling out of the ring and accusing Funk of hitting him with a closed fist and asking him to be DQ’ed.


The match picks up in intensity and gets more and more brutal. Terry Funk is getting tired so he throws more and more dangerous move, like a superplex for a 2 count. Douglas, a fantastic cardio specimen, is playing the long game and wants to tire Terry Funk. But the longer the match gets, the more he risks getting caught by Funk’s ruse.


After almost thirthy minute of match, Shane goes a Figure Four Leglock, but Terry Funk gets him in a small package, one, two… Douglas reverses the roll up ! One, two, three ! Shane Douglas is still the world champion !






Shane Douglas has outsmarted the Funker! Douglas celebrate, craddling the NWA World Championship title in his hands as he’s on his knees at the center of the ring. Meanwhile, Terry Funk goes to get the microphone.


TERRY FUNK x. Shane Douglas, you’re one hell of a son of a bitch. But you’re one hell of a man. Last time I extended you my hand you slapped me because you thought you were better than me. Tonight, you proved it, you beat me fair and square. So that’s why, like a man, I’m going to extend my hand again as a show of respect for your skill. Not because I like you, you’re still a piece of shit to mye yes, but because that’s sportsmanship.

And that’s why, if you’re a man, you will accept this show of respect and shake my hand back. You will do this because you’re a man. Because you got nothing left to prove to me. And because you are the NWA World Heavyweight Champion.


SHANE DOUGLAS x. I told you you were an old relic, Funker. A thing of the past. But you still had THAT left in the tank. You still had the great match we just had. I beat you, and I am still the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. The REAL heavyweight champion of the world. You know I don’t like you either, but I’m going to shake your hand. Because this is the NWA. And because I beat you. You said it, I got nothing left to prove : the Franchise is better than the Funker. So imma shake your hand.


The two men exchange a tense but firm handshake.


SHANE DOUGAS x. Now get the hell out of the champion’s ring old man.


That’s right, walk.


Tonight, I proved that I am the best wrestler in the world, ONCE AGAIN! The Franchise is the man what will carry the torch for the NWA. A torch that was dropped down by DICK Flair when he went up north his his robes to kiss McMahon’s ass. A torch that was dropped when the NWA Champion was a surfer boy with paint on his face. A torch that was forgotten when Ricky Steamboat started to spit fire and when Harley Race bleacher his hair blond and began wearing a crown.


I stand here tonight as STILL the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. STILL the best wrestler on god’s green earth. I don’t wear no pink and sun glasses. I don’t take any vitamins. I am what I am and that is a wrestler. I will take on any challengers in order to bring back this championship to the place it belongs: right at the top!


Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, DICK Flair, Mistuharu Misawa, the Great Muta, Stan Hansen, Dr. Death Steve Williams, Sting, Diesel, I am better than each and every single one of it, and i’m willing to prove it. If anybody want to prove himself, to test his strength and to wrestle with real men… This is the place.





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Prediction results:


Know Your Enemy: 6/6

kanegan: 6/6

Munit: 4/6

EpicCorey: 4/6

Nobody_McDonald: 4/6

BHK1978: 3/6

hailthebulldog: 2/6

BigelowCartwheel: 1/6


As we have a tie, BOTH winners will be able to pick a challenger for both the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and the ECW TV Championship! KnowYourEnemy & Kanegan you can both DM me your choices gentlemen

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YES MIKEY!! Very happy with that.


Enjoyed the line from Cactus, "you know I’m not alone in my head ! There’s at least three of us ! Hahahaha !" Little knowing nod there. Like it.


What's going on with Dreamer walking out? Bit worried there.


And Douglas retaining was absolutely the right decision (IMO). I like how the Funk rolled the inside cradle reminiscent of beating Raven at Barely Legal, only to have it reversed.


Good show, man.

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YES MIKEY!! Very happy with that.


Enjoyed the line from Cactus, "you know I’m not alone in my head ! There’s at least three of us ! Hahahaha !" Little knowing nod there. Like it.


What's going on with Dreamer walking out? Bit worried there.


And Douglas retaining was absolutely the right decision (IMO). I like how the Funk rolled the inside cradle reminiscent of beating Raven at Barely Legal, only to have it reversed.


Good show, man.


Thanks buddy! :D


I love it when I make call-backs from the real life I obnoxiously think i'm the only one who will notice, and that other people got the reference like the craddle from Funk winning the title in 97 :p (still top 3 of the most emotional wrestling moments from me)

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Another fantastic show. Mikey going great guns. How long is the question though. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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That Sandman promo and match were just excellent.


My only real complaint was the Jimmy Snuka promo, there is no way that is a Snuka promo because I actually understood what he was saying and he did not say brother every other word. Maybe he was not on the coke that night.:D


Seriously though, it was a highly enjoyable show. The match write-ups were not too long and were well written and the promos were great. Keep up the good work!

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Another fantastic show. Mikey going great guns. How long is the question though. :)


Mikey = future Hall of Famer... Right?


Thank you man


Mikey!!! so proud of the little pup lol and Scorpio taking the gold with simmons was great... Dreamer man wassup so many highlights. Good job bro.


Thanks a lot mate!

Glad Dreamer's actions got y'all wondering, it will be a big development in the next bulk of shows!


That Sandman promo and match were just excellent.


My only real complaint was the Jimmy Snuka promo, there is no way that is a Snuka promo because I actually understood what he was saying and he did not say brother every other word. Maybe he was not on the coke that night.:D


Seriously though, it was a highly enjoyable show. The match write-ups were not too long and were well written and the promos were great. Keep up the good work!


Hahaha you're right on the Snuka promo, but I didn't know how to handle it knowing Sabu doesn't speak and Tazmaniac at that time didn't do a lot of speaking either.


I was afraid the write-ups were going to be a bore to read, i'm happy you enjoyed it!

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>NOVEMBER 1994: WHAT ARE THE RULES?</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:8px;"><em>November To Remember was seen as a huge financial and critical success for ECW. Head booker Shane Douglas expects to build on his surge of momentum to propel ECW to even higher places.</em></span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><em> </em></span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><em>

Rumors of a trading agreement with WCW are hitting the internet, but ECW's promoter Tod Gordon has denied those rumors.</em></span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><em> </em></span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><em>

Speaking of rumors, new faces are expected to make their debuts on ECW Hardcore TV...</em></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="250px-ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg" data-src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/10/ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg/250px-ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><ul><li>First show of November starts with a video recapping the events of November to Remember. <strong>Joey Styles</strong> puts over the Tag Title change, the huge main event, and hypes up <strong>Snuka</strong> vs. <strong>Jason</strong> for the ECW Television Championship tonight. He also asks the question he hopes we will get an answer to: what the **** is happenning with <strong>Tommy Dreamer</strong> after he walked out on <strong>Cactus Jack</strong>?<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong>Stevie Richards</strong> is in the ring with <strong>Woman</strong>. He complains about <strong>Sandman</strong> punching him and refusing to have a straight up wrestling match, but says it doesn't matter: he won! Stevie is still wearing the singlet and protective head gear he wore at November to Remember, and asks to now be refered to as "the Stretcher", following the Greco-Wrestling 101 course he took last week. He calls out his opponet for tonight.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong><span style="color:#800080;">Stevie Richards</span></strong> (/w. Woman) defeats <strong>Chubby Dudley</strong> (/w. Dances with Dudley) with an ankle lock.<br />

During the match, the obese Dudley seemed more interested with dancing than fighting.<br /> <br />

Post match, <strong>Stevie Richards</strong> claims he's a pure wrestler, and again says he wants to join <strong>Entourage</strong>. He wants to get rid of hardcore junk like <strong>Sandman</strong> and "clean up" ECW. Surprisingly, this brings out the NWA World Heavyweight Champion.<br /> <br /><strong>Shane Douglas</strong>, followed by his bodyguard <strong>Mr. Hughes</strong>, gets into the ring. He tells Richards he has heard him. He also wants to clean up ECW of garbage. He wants to promote the best wrestling the world has to offer and get rid off stuntmen like the Sandman. And there's one person in that ring that can help him do that... <strong>Woman</strong>!<br /> <br />

Stevie Richards can't believe what he's hearing, as Douglas takes Woman's hand and kisses it. Stevie wants to go at him, but <strong>Mr. Hughes</strong> gets in between. Douglas leaves the ring with a new manager, and Stevie Richards is devastated.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong><span style="color:#800080;">Mikey Whipwreck & Cactus Jack</span></strong> beat <strong>JT Smith & Tony Stetson</strong> in a short one-sided match.<br /> <br />

Post match, <strong>Cactus</strong> gets on the mic. "<em>why Tommy why?</em>" Cactus wants explanations from Dreamer. He also wants revenge against <strong>Chris Benoit</strong> & <strong>Matt Borne</strong>, but this time with a partner he can TRULY trust: <strong>Mikey Whipwreck</strong>! Mikey seems to discover that and is a little bit worried. He asks Cactus if he's sure he wants him to tag with him vs. Benoit & Borne. Cactus reminds him he beat Hughes, says together they can do it all. "<em>But... But... I'm afraid of clowns...</em>"<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong>Too Cold Scorpio</strong> can be seen in an inside jacuzzi with 2 women wearing bikini in a video that was recorded earlier today. He asks to be called "2 Gold Scorpio", but for the ladies, he's "<em>2 Hoes Scorpio</em>". Scorpio & the women laugh. Scorpio says his partner <strong>Ron Simmons</strong> is training hard, but he decided to have a little fun. Scorpio issues a challenge to every tag team in ECW and the NWA: step up. He says there will be a four way tag team match to determine their next challengers.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong>Jason</strong> hypes up the Main Event. He says he will run Snuka out of the north-east. He will ban him from Philadelphia, he will ban him from New York. But first, he'll beat him tonight and will still be the Television Champion.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>We see <strong>Tery Funk</strong> in interview with <strong>Joey Styles</strong> He says he reached to <strong>Tommy Dreamer</strong> after November to Remember. Tommy told him he resented him for giving too much attention to his other proteher <strong>Mikey Whipwreck</strong> and being more friend with <strong>Cactus Jack</strong> than with him. Funk says Dreamer had resentment, and got his ass kicked by Benoit & Borne, so he decided to leave. Funk understands he may have failed Tommy, but he still loves the kid. He says Tommy sees him as a father figure and he failed being a father more than one time to his own daughters Stacy and Brandee. He says he will make up to Tommy, starting next week when they will team in the 4 Corner Tag Match to determine the new contenders to the NWA World Tag Team Champions.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>In out Main Event of the evening, <strong><span style="color:#800080;">Jimmy Snuka</span></strong> defeat <strong>Jason</strong> to WIN the ECW Television Championship after a Superfly Splash.<br />

Before the match started, <strong>the Pitbulls</strong> attacked Snuka, but <strong>Tazmaniac & Sabu</strong> got out to fight them off to the back.<br />

Also during the match, <strong>Dean Malenko</strong> tried to help Jason, but go inadvertantly hit by him with a punch and walked out.<br /> <br />

The show comes to an end with <strong>Jimmy Snuka</strong> celebrating his title win. Out of the back some babyfaces come out, most notably <strong>Sabu</strong>, <strong>Tazmaniac</strong>, <strong>Terry Funk</strong>, <strong>JT Smith</strong>. The <strong>Dudleys</strong> come out and want to start a dance party. <br /> <br />

Finally, Sabu & Tazmaniac got Snuka up on their shoulders to celebrate.</li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>_____</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="250px-ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg" data-src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/10/ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg/250px-ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><ul><li><strong>Joey Styles</strong> opens the show and hypes the main event which will decide the number one contenders to NWA World Tag Team Champions <strong>2 Cold Scorpio</strong> & <strong>Ron Simmons</strong>. It will be a four corner tag: four men will be in the ring at the same time and will be able to tag their partners. The match is under sudden death rules: the first team to get a pin win. The challengers are: former champions <strong>Public Enemy</strong>, <strong>Sabu</strong> & <strong>The Tazmaniac</strong> who are undefeated in tag action. <strong>Chris Benoit</strong> & <strong>Matt Borne</strong> of Entourage, and <strong>Terry Funk</strong> and <strong>Tommy Dreamer</strong>. <br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong>Shane Douglas</strong> does a backstage promo with <strong>Woman</strong>. The Franchise says Woman was the brain of the <strong>Sandman</strong>. Now he knows what he thinks, and he made it his mission to prove that he's nothing but a garbage wrestler. Woman says Sandman is nothing without him and mentions she will kick his wife <strong>Lori</strong> (formerly mentioned as Peaches)'s ass. <br /> <br />

As they finish their promo, <strong>Chris Benoit</strong> comes to Shane. He says he doesn't want to be in the main event as he has no interest in tag gold, it's a shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Championship he wants. Douglas says he's got nothing to do with the booking of the Main Event, but mentions their mission goes through dominating ECW and the NWA, by holding all of the gold.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong><span style="color:#800080;">Dean Malenko</span></strong> (/w. Jason) defeats <strong>Stevie Richards</strong> with a Cloverleaf.<br />

Stevie Richards is still wearing his amateur wrestler's gear.<br /> <br />

Post match, <strong>Jason</strong> takes the mic and says he's not done with <strong>Jimmy Snuka</strong>. He wants a rematch! <strong>Malenko</strong> snatches the microphone out of his hands and speaks concisely: #1: he's fired as his manager. #2: HE challenges Snuka for the ECW TV Title.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong>Mr. Hughes</strong> makes his entry for his upcoming match. However, ref <strong>John Finnegan</strong> surprisingly takes the microphone. He says after the alteraction with Hughes at November to Remember, he filled a complaint to the NWA Board, and they grant him the exception to not ref his matches anymore. Fellow ECW Senior Referee <strong>Jim Molineaux</strong> also filled this complaint. So the next match will have a special guest referee to ensure it goes smoothly.<br /> <br /><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="IRCnA6o.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/IRCnA6o.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p><br /> <br />

ECW promoter <strong>Tod Gordon</strong>! The boss tells us he puts himself on the line of his employees, and he has their back. He will referee the next match, and Mr. Hughes' opponent makes his entrance.<br /> <br /></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="OrY2oiI.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/OrY2oiI.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p><br /> <br /></p></li><li><strong><span style="color:#800080;">The Sandman</span></strong> with Lori beats <strong>Mr. Hughes</strong> in a 10 minute brawl after an Heinekenrana.<br /> <br />

Post match, <strong>Hughes</strong> gets up and complains to <strong>Tod Gordon</strong> he made a fast count... Only to get whacked from behind by the <strong>Sandman</strong> with a chair! Sandman takes the micro: he noticed <strong>Shane Douglas</strong> wants a piece of him. "<em>Hey Shane. Dickhead. You want to prove something, come at me. And put that shiny belt on the line.</em>"<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong>Tommy Dreamer</strong> is being interview backstages by <strong>Joey Styles</strong>. He apologises to <strong>Cactus Jack</strong> for walking out on him, but explains his frustration and feeling left out. He says he now made up with the Funker and they will win the Main Event.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>In our Main Event of the evening, <strong><span style="color:#800080;">Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer</span></strong> defeat <strong>Sabu & Tazmaniac</strong>, <strong>Public Enemy</strong> and <strong>Chris Benoit & Matt Borne</strong> to become NWA World Tag Team Championship #1 contenders.<br /> <br />

In the final moments of the match, <strong>Borne</strong> & <strong>Benoit</strong> double team <strong>Terry Funk</strong> on the outside. <strong>Cactus Jack</strong> & <strong>Mikey Whipwreck</strong> come out and runs them out through the crowd.<br />

Meanwhile, <strong>Public Enemy</strong> hit Drive Bye on Sabu. But Tazmaniac takes Rocco Rock out of the ring with him, and <strong>Dreamer</strong> throws Grunge out of the ring and pins <strong>Sabu</strong>!<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Post match, a lot of things are happening. <br />

Down the aisle, <strong>Cactus Jack</strong> & <strong>Mikey Whipwreck</strong> are attending to a seemingly injured <strong>Terry Funk</strong>. In the ring, <strong>The Public Enemy</strong> are extremely angered at having the match "stolen", and they deliver the Drive Bye on Dreamer! Jack & Whipwreck don't see anything as they turn their back to the ring.<br /> <br />

Meanwhile, <strong>2 Cold Scorpio</strong> who was on commentary, laugh at their new challengers: "old man Funk" and "kiddy Dreamer". His partner <strong>Ron Simmons</strong> who also did commentary, advises him to take them seriously.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Elsewhere, we catch <strong>Shane Douglas</strong> screaming at <strong>Mr. Hughes</strong>. <br /> <br />

Douglas is angry at Hughes getting in <strong>Commissionner Tod Gordon</strong>'s face following the match he refereed. He tells Hughes he needs to be on good terms with management. He says he will find a solution to the ref problem</li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>_____</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="250px-ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg" data-src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/10/ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg/250px-ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><ul><li><strong>Shane Douglas</strong> opens the with the rest of <strong>Entourage</strong> that is <strong>Mr. Hughes</strong>, <strong>Woman</strong>, <strong>Chris Benoit</strong> and <strong>Matt Borne</strong>. Douglas talks about the recent controversy with referee. He tells us Mr Hughes has issued an official press release apologizing to Commissionner Tod Gordon, and that the members of Entourage will be role models. They will be no more intimidation on referees or any ECW and NWA employees...<br /> <br />

... HOWEVER. He feels for Mr. Hughes who, according to him, got ROBBED of his match at November to Remember due to a fast count by John Finnegan. He also is upset that fellow ref Jim Molineaux's refing of his NWA World Title match was "<em>poor</em>". He wants a clean NWA where we respect the sport of professionnal wrestling, and he wants precise, top notch refering. That is why he spoke to Tod Gordon, and they decided to appoint a special refereeing external advisor to enforce the rules and assure that NWA's referee do the most perfect job. He introduces us to this man, who WILL be at ringside for each match...<br /> <br /><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="HhOnCXm.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/HhOnCXm.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p><br /> <br />

Senior referee <strong>Bill Alfonso</strong>. And Alfonso will start right now, as Entourage has a match, right now.<br /> <br /> <br /></p></li><li><strong><span style="color:#800080;">Entourage</span></strong> (Shane Douglas, Chris Benoit & Matt Borne /w. Woman & Mr. Hughes) beats <strong>Don E. Allen, El Puerto Ricano & Tony Stetson</strong> when Douglas submitted Stetson with a Figure Four Leglock.<br />

Benoit & Matt Borne did all of the work, outwrestling their opponents and doing the work for Douglas who did nothing else but the finish.<br />

During the match, Bill Alfonso reprimanded ref Finnegan when he enforced the rules on Entourage, like doing a fast count when they double teamed their opponents or had them in the ropes.<br /> <br />

Post match, out comes <strong>The Sandman</strong> on the entrance way. "<em>Hey Shane! You called me out for weeks, and called me names. I'm here to tell you, face to face: i'm your man, dickhead. Put your title on the line and I'll face you.</em>"<br /> <br /><strong>Douglas</strong> says Sandman has done nothing to earn himself a shot at the real wrestling world championship. He wants to run him out of ECW, he wants to CLEAN ECW and the NWA of garbage wrestling, but he will NEVER puts his title on the line against the Sandman. What he offers him is a shot at greatness: a match with him... NON TITLE. Consider this a Thanksgiving gift. <br /> <br />

Douglas offers him to fight together in a 1 on 1 for Thanksgiving. If he wins, Sandman gets a title shot. But if Shane Douglas wins, Sandman will be forced to leave ECW for... Let's say a month, because in a month time <strong>Entourage</strong> will have make his style of wrestling so irrelevant he won't find employment anywhere in wrestling in 1995.<br /> <br /><strong>Sandman</strong> has a smirk on his face. He nods at the champ and has a few last words for Entourage. "<em>Hey Woman, how does Ric Flair's parody dick tastes?</em>". Very classy.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong>Dances with Dudley</strong> and <strong>Chubby Dudley</strong> are out in the streets, wearing jean shorts and tye dye shirt in the cold streets of Philly. They are visiting an italian pizzeria and tells us they're in search of their "other" half-brother they never saw. They explain the story of Big Daddy Dudley, a salesman who had a son in each of the 50 states! They made their mission to find them. Dances with Dudley says his mother was a native american. Chubby says she was a "slightly" overweighted woman from Minnesota. They enter the Pizzeria and asks for the waiter. "<em>YOU HAVE THE DISTINCTIVE CHARISMA OF A DUDLEY! WHAT'S YOUR NAME?</em>"<br /> <br />

"<em>Well, they call me... Pizza Delivery Dudley.</em>"<br /> <br /><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="RAqBnNC.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/RAqBnNC.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p><br /> <br /> <br /></p></li><li><strong><span style="color:#800080;">Too Cold Scorpio & Ron Simmons</span></strong> beat <strong>The Pitbulls</strong> in a 10 minutes brawl when Simmons hit a spinning spinebuster on #2.<br /> <br />

Post match, <strong>Scorpio</strong> gets cocky on the mic and tells everyone there is no chance in HELL that <strong>Tommy Dreamer</strong> and <strong>Terry Funk</strong> beat them for the gold. They are SOOO superior! And to prove that, he wants to offer some friendly warm-up before their january scheduled title match: two singles match! He wants to put the Funker to the retirement home, and Simmons will make quick work of "kid Dreamer". It's a challenge!<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>We got a graphic confirming us next week main event for the special Thanksgiving show next week: <strong>Shane Douglas</strong> versus <strong>The Sandman</strong> in a non-title bout! We also got a graphic for a match what has just been announced: <strong>Cactus Jack</strong> gets his wish as following last week's main event, he will team with <strong>Mikey Whipwreck</strong> to face the team of <strong>Matt Borne</strong> and <strong>Chris Benoit</strong>.<br /> <br /></li><li><strong>Tommy Dreamer</strong> does an interview backstage in which he hypes up his match, NEXT WEEK, against Ron Simmons. He says he will prove his worth: to the fans, and to his mentor Terry Funk. <strong>Cactus Jack</strong> comes out and they stare each other. Dreamer tells Cactus he already apologized for November to Remember and walking out on him. Cactus tells him he still doesn't trust him. Dreamer answers that last week he was beaten down by Public Enemy, and Jack didn't help him. "<em>Well we're even now, right?</em>" - Cactus.<br /> <br />

Cactus also says he thinks Funk will carry Tommy Dreamer to the NWA World Tag Team Championship, and that once he and Mikey are done with <strong>Entourage</strong>, they will come for the tag straps. <br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>In our Main Event of the evening, <strong><span style="color:#800080;">Dean Malenko</span></strong> defeats <strong>Jimmy Snuka</strong> to WIN the ECW Television Championship with a Tombstone Piledriver.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong>Dean Malenko</strong> takes the microphone. He says this title is dedicated to his father, "Professor" Boris Malenko, who passed earlier this year. But out of the back comes <strong>The Tazmaniac</strong>. The two men stare at each other, the the Tazmaniac makes his intentions clear by pointing the ECW TV Title.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>Elsewhere, before we close the show, we see <strong>Stevie Richards</strong> in a wrestling toys shop. He sees a WCW Toy of <strong>Rick Steiner</strong>. "<em>I LOVE him! I want to be just like him!</em>"</li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>_____</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="250px-ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg" data-src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/10/ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg/250px-ECW_Hardcore_TV.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><ul><li><strong>Joey Styles</strong> opens the Thanksgiving show hyping up tonight LOADED card. We get <strong>Dreamer</strong> vs. <strong>Simmons</strong>, <strong>Cactus & Whipwreck</strong> vs. <strong>Borne & Benoit</strong>, and <strong>Shane Douglas </strong>vs. <strong>Sandman</strong> where if Douglas wins Sandman will be ban for 30 days.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong><span style="color:#800080;">The Dudleyz</span></strong> (Chubby, Dances with & Pizza Delivery Dudley) beat <strong>Don E. Allen, El Puerto Ricano & Tony Stetson</strong> in a short quick paced match which Pizza Delivery ended with a Sicilian Armbar on Stetson.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>We get a backstage promo where <strong>Terry Funk</strong> is encouraging <strong>Tommy Dreamer</strong> for his upcoming bout. He tells him he learned from his mistake, and this time he will be in his corner. "<em>I got your back son.</em>"<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong><span style="color:#800080;">Ron Simmons</span></strong> (/w. 2 Cold Scorpio) beats <strong>Tommy Dreamer</strong> (/w. Terry Funk) in a hard hitting match.<br />

In a wild ending, 2 Cold Scorpio tried to interfere following a ref bump, but was stopped by Refereeing advisor Bill Alfonso. In the ring, Simmons pounds Dreamer in the ropes. Funk gets in between, and he shoves Simmons in the chest just when Alfonso turns back his attention to the action... And disqualifies Dreamer for outside interference.<br /> <br />

The crowd absolutely shits on this ending and Alfonso's disqualification following a push in the chest. <strong>Tommy Dreamer</strong> gets in <strong>Funk</strong>'s face, uncomprehensive "<em>why did you interfere? I was about to win the match!</em>" Yeah, whatever Tommy. <strong>2 Cold</strong> celebrates with loooots of cockiness and gets on the mic: next week, for the first match of December, he says he will beat Terry Funk.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>We got a backstage promo were <strong>Jason</strong> laughs at <strong>Jimmy Snuka</strong> losing his title to <strong>Dean Malenko</strong>. He says he taught Malenko everything so this win is HIS win, and he's now tied 1-1 with Snuka. He laughs at Superfly and tells him he sent him a wheelchair as a Thanksgiving Present, because his old age will soon stop him from walking on his own two feet.<br /> <br /></li><li><strong>Cactus Jack</strong> & <strong>Mikey Whipwreck</strong> are preparing for their upcoming match against rivals of the <strong>Entourage</strong>. <strong>Dreamer</strong> storms in. "<em>You see what you did? You see what Terry did? Man he costed me the match! I try to be worthy of him, and he costs him the damn match!</em>". Cactus calms him down coldly, telling him <strong>Terry Funk</strong> just wanted to help him. Isn't that what Dreamer was after, Terry Funk looking out for him? <br /> <br />

"<em>Man, I just want to be seen as my OWN man, I want to be his equal!</em>" - Tommy.<br />

"<em>Listen, man, you will NEVER be Terry Funk's equal."</em> - Cactus. <br /> <br /> <br /></li><li><strong><span style="color:#800080;">Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck</span></strong> defeat <strong>Matt Borne & Chris Benoit</strong> (/w. Mr. Hughes) when Cactus hit the Double Arm DDT on Matt Borne ins a fantastic brawl.<br /> <br />

Post match, a furious <strong>Entourage</strong> proceed to beat down the men who just beat them, helped by <strong>Mr. Hughes</strong>. Out comes <strong>Terry Funk</strong>, but <strong>Tommy Dreamer</strong> is nowhere to be seen. We get a 3v3 brawl, but the lights then go, and Metallica's riff of Enter Sandman resonates through the Arena. <strong>The Sandman</strong> clears the ring with a steel chair, as Entourage fly before being hit.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>We see a video clip of <strong>Stevie Richards</strong> receiving the answer to... His application to the WCW Powerplant? And it seems to be negative. Stevie Richards, in his full amateur wrestler gear, can be seen crying over the paper in what seems to be the floor of his living room.<br /> <br /> <br /></li><li>In our Main Event of the evening, <strong><span style="color:#800080;">The Sandman</span></strong> defeats <strong>Shane Douglas</strong> (/w. Woman) following a DDT after a gruel fight.<br /> <br />

Post match, <strong>Sandman</strong> celebrates and gesture for the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, which he earned the right to challenge for. But refereeing advisor <strong>Bill Alfonso</strong> take the microphone.<br /> <br />

"<em>WAIT A MINUTE DADDY! Shane Douglas had his foot under the rope. He had his foot under the damn rope, and Jim Molineaux saw NOTHING! I rule this match a no contest daddy, you're number one contender to nothing and you never beat Shane Douglas!</em>"<br /> <br />

Sandman is pissed and gets in Bill Alfonso's face. They shout at each other while the Franchise gets out of the ring, holding his championship close to his chest and laughing out loud. The last Hardcore TV of November 1994 ends on this controversial note... But who will be the next challenger to Shane Douglas' championship?</li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>_____</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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Thanks a lot BigegelowCartwheel! :D

Booking Stevie is going to be a lot of fun considering what i've got in store for him


Had a few problems with writing this batch of shows as I'm not as fluelt as i'd like in english, but I hope it still is enjoyable to read

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Thanks a lot BigegelowCartwheel! :D

Booking Stevie is going to be a lot of fun considering what i've got in store for him


Had a few problems with writing this batch of shows as I'm not as fluelt as i'd like in english, but I hope it still is enjoyable to read


Your English is great, man. Really good. No problems. Looking forward to where you take your ECW.

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As the end of 1994 approaches, the NWA has expansion in mind, and they want to use ECW as a platform for foreign talents. Rumor has it that a special "International Showcase" show is in the books for the first half of 1995. It would be featuring talents from Canada's BCW, and some Japanese wrestlers.


For ECW, they intent on closing 1994 with a bang.

A big event is set for the 3rd week of December. It has been said that the last show of 1994 will essentially be video packages recapping the year that was in order to give the talents some rest. It leaves us with only 3 shows in the build up to the next event, and no clear #1 contender for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship... Yet.





  • First show of December starts all serious with ECW Commissionner Tod Gordon in the ring. He says that the controversy regarding Sandman and Shane Douglas' match last week requires that the NWA Championship Committee steps in. After reviewing the tape, they overturned Bill Alfonso's decision as according to the tape, Shane Douglas put his foot under the bottom rope just as referee Jim Molineaux' made his count. This led us to ruling this match a Draw. In consequences, The Sandman IS SHANE DOUGLAS #1 CONTENDER FOR THE NWA WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP! The crowd erupts, but Gordon says that they will be adressing the refereeing issue for this huge match. He also announces that this match will take place in 2 weeks, at an event called Enter the Sandman!
  • This brings out Shane Douglas followed by Entourage. Douglas tries to be diplomatic with Gordon but quickly loses his temper: how is Sandman the number one contender without ACTUALLY having beat the Franchise? That was not the deal. And what's the thing with naming the event after him? Douglas thinks the NWA Board is stacking the odds against him, and says he wants to prevent a screwjob. He refuses to compete against the Sandman if Bill Alfonso is not made the referee. Tod Gordon repeatedly ask Douglas to settle this in private and not in front of the live crowd, but Douglas gets more and more furious. Gordon finally loses his temper: he wanted to tell this privatly to Shane Douglas, but there's already a plan: and that is to appoint a special enforcer, who's a former NWA World Champion himself... RICKY STEAMBOAT! Gordon storms out of the ring and ads that the Entourage should not leave the ring, because they have a match, right now.
  • The Entourage (Shane Douglas, Chris Benoit & Matt Borne /w. Woman & Mr. Hughes) defeats The Pitbulls & Jason when Matt Borne submitted Jason to the Sleeper.
    During the match, Jason made fun of Jimmy Snuka by imitating his moves and gestures, turning him to derision.
    Post match, Cactus Jack comes out. He says he never forgives and he never forgets. At November to Remember, he lost to Benoit & Borne because he was betrayed by Tommy Dreamer. Last week, he defeated them with his best friend Mikey Whipwreck, but they jumped them after the match. So here's the deal, he wants to punish Borne and Benoit. He wants to beat them again and put them behind him. So that's why he challenges them to a rematch: 2 on 2, but this time... Submission only! He knows he puts himself in danger with Benoit's submission's skills and Borne's sleeper hold, but he knows he will only put this rivalry to an end when he makes them quit! Benoit is about to answer, but Shane Douglas cuts him off: of course his men accept! This match will happen at Enter Sandman!
  • Stevie Richards beats Pizza Delivery Dudley (/w. Chubby & Dances with Dudley) with a kimura lock.
    Post match, Stevie Richards, still wearing his amateur wrestling gear, proclaims that his dream will live on. There's no Sandman, no Entourage, no WCW stopping him from being the GREAT pure wrestler that will stop him! He announces us that he issues an open challenge at Enter Sandman in an Olympic Wrestling Rules match. But this challenge is not THAT open, because... He wants Rick Steiner! Stevie says he always admired Rick and he wants to test himself against this great amateur turned pro!
  • Backstages, Tommy Dreamer is complaining to Terry Funk that Cactus Jack told everyone he "betrayed him", because he thinks that's simply not true, he just left the match. Funk tells him to stop caring to much what people think about him. He also asks where he was when he made the save on Cactus & Whipwreck. Dreamer answers that he just wasn't watching what was happenning, otherwise he would have rushed to the ring with him. It's his turn to complain, as he's still upset Funk costed him his match against Ron Simmons when "he had him". The tone goes up between the two men, and Funk cuts the argument: he'll go to his match alone. He wants Tommy Dreamer to stop the non-stop complaining for good. They got an unique opportunity to win the NWA Tag Team Championship at Enter Sandman, and he will not let Dreamer mess this up !
    Dreamer seems to calm down and is almost embarrass. He apologizes, but Funk tells him he won't need him in his corner tonight.
  • In a promo from an undisclosed location, The Tazmaniac challenges Dean Malenko to a match for the ECW Television Championship. It’s rather surprising because we almost never heard him talked. He kept it short and concise.
  • In out Main Event of the evening, 2 Cold Scorpio (/w. Ron Simmons) defeats Terry Funk after a spinning wheel kick to the back of the head of Funk, who was distracted. Distraction came when Ron Simmons tried to pull Terry Funk's foot from under the rope to trip him, but Funk stepped on his hand to stop him. This led Tommy Dreamer to rush to ringside and brawl with Simmons, only to be put down by a powerbomb on the outside. Funk watched this and did not see Scorpio's kick.
    The show comes to an end with Tommy Dreamer apologizing to Terry Funk. Although Funk seems more than upset with losing this match, he pats Dreamer on the back. "It's alright, kid. At least this time you showed up."






  • Show opens with Tommy Dreamer from an undisclosed location, in the crowd. Dreamer reminds us of the recent events between him, Cactus Jack, Mikey Whipwreck and most importantly Terry Funk. He says the Funker is his idol, he's his father figure and he'll do anything to pleases him... But it never seems to be enough. He comes clear of the fact that he was jealous of the attention that Whipwreck & Cactus received from the Funker. He felt left out. He felt unwanted. That's this jealousy that led him to walk out on Cactus Jack at November to Remember. Why was it always Cactus in the spotlight? Why was Cactus seen as the heir to Terry Funk? Dreamer also noted that he didn't even get a nickname on the November to Remember card, whereas Whipwreck got that "stupid All Heart nickame over!" Dreamer says he still needs to grow. He still needs to work on this jealousy. He says he will make amends to Terry Funk. Together, they will win the NWA World Tag Team Champions. They NEED to. Because when they beat 2 Cold Scorpio & Ron Simmons, it will salvage their relationship. They will finally, FINALLY be equals. At Enter Sandman, Tommy Dreamer fights for himself. He fights for gold. He fights to make a name for himself.
  • The Public Enemy beats Pizza Delivery Dudley & Dances with Dudley (/w. Chubby Dudley) with a Drive-By.
    Post-match, all five men engage in a dance-off that ends when Pizza Delivery does the robot dance to the roar of the crowd.
  • Dean Malenko is in the ring. He says he dedicated this ECW TV Title to his late, great father, "the professor" Boris Malenko. And this man's spirit was to always aim for greatness. To always improve. And to improve, Malenko needs to fight against the best. He needs to confront himself to the top wrestlers in ECW and the NWA. He needed to stop messing around with "fools" like Jason and the Pitbulls and start concentrating on competition. "Because this is a damn sport.". Malenko accept's Tazmaniac's challenge and will face him at Enter Sandman. But first, tonight, he defeats Tazmaniac's partner... Sabu.
  • We get a short shot of Ricky Steamboat entering Tod Gordon's office! Steamboat is in the building!
  • Dean Malenko beats Sabu with a Texas Cloverleaft in an exceptional 20 minutes match.
    Post match, Malenko vows to submit the Tazmaniac at Enter Sandman.
    He gets interrupted by former champion Jimmy Snuka. Superfly endorses Tazmaniac, but he also wants a rematch. Dean Malenko is about to answer but out of nowhere, Jason comes out and smashes Jimmy Snuka in the back of the head with... A coconut?!
    Dean Malenko wants nothing to do with this and leaves the ring. Jason takes a microphone and laughs at Snuka with some borderline racists comments. He said he will run Snuka out of ECW, and that's what he wants to do: he challenges Snuka to a Loser Leaves Town match! As SNuka seems "unfit to answer" he gives him a week to answer his challenge.
  • As Ricky Steamboat leaves Tod Gordon's office, we can see that Woman was waiting for him. She blatantly tries to seduce him, but Steamboat rebuks her: number 1: he's married and loves his wife Bonnie. Number 2: he sees through this and knows it's Shane Douglas trying to have him in his pocket for Enter Sandman's main event. However, he will be an impartial enforcer.
  • In our Main Event, The Sandman (/w. Lori) beats Chris Benoit with a Texas Piledriver.
    During the match, "special refereeing advisor" Bill Alfonso tried to bend the rules in favour of Chris Benoit.
    The bell rings, and Matt Borne jumps at Sandman. He and Benoit start beating him up. But out of the back come Cactus Jack and Mikey Whipwreck! They brawl with the Entourage members, and quickly make them flee the ring. Sandman gets on the mic and promises when he wins the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, we will only defend it in Hardcore Matches, and his first defences will be against Cactus Jack! WOW
  • Before the show fade to black, we can see NWA World Heavyweight Champion Shane Douglas approaching Ricky Steamboat in the parking lot as the former was leaving the arena. Douglas flatters and cajoles Steamboat, but the Dragon is no dupe: he tells him like it is: he won't favour him. Douglas says is the Sandman win this championship, it will be the end of the NWA. Steamboat just stares at him... And leave.







  • MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! This last ECW Hardcore TV before Enter Sandman begins in the cold streets of Philadelphia. We see a montage of some ECW lowcarder wishing you a Merry Christmas: Tony Stetson wishes everyone to have lot of money, JT Smith sings with a Christmas carol, Pizza Delivery Dudley is making a "special Christmas pizza" to his new found brothers, and Public Enemy are stealing people's wallets on the christmas market. It's the most wonderful time of the year !...
  • Except maybe if you're Jimmy Snuka, who got repeatedly mocked, smashed in the head with a coconut (for the 2nd time of his life) and has lost the ECW Television Championship, all that thanks to that dastardly Jason! Snuka is with his family, and he made this special video message to accept Jason's challenge: they will fight at Enter Sandman, and the loser will be ban for the streets of Philadelphia, FOREVER!
  • We see a video of Lori gifting her husband the Sandman a replica of the NWA World Heavyweight Championship belt "while waiting for sunday when you win the real one". She also tells him she got another present that will require a bed and handcuffs... Wait what?
  • In our first match of this Christmas Special, Chris Benoit (/w. Matt Borne) beats Mikey Whipwreck (/w. Cactus Jack) by submission with a Crippler Crossface.
    During the match, Whipwreck seemed afraid of Matt Borne who wore his partially whiped off clown's make up.
    Post match, Benoit take the mic and tells Cactus Jack this is only a preview of what will happen this sunday. He says after he submits both Whipwreck and him, he'll finally challenge stable-mate Shane Douglas for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.
  • The Tazmaniac doesn't celebrate Christmas, because in Tazmania we don't get offered gifts, we work hard to earn what we want! And this sunday, he'll take the ECW Television Championship off of Dean Malenko.
  • 2 Cold Scorpio & Ron Simmons exchange gifts for Christmas. Simmons offers 2 Cold a blue feather boa what he can wear to the ring. Scorpio offers Simmons a huge framed photo of the two of them with the NWA World Tag Team Championship... Where Scorpio is right in front of Simmons who we barely see. Scorpio says his best gift will be pinning the Living Legend Terry Funk once again, this sunday.
  • Ricky Steamboat is in the ring! The Dragon is honored to have been name the Special Enforcer for this sunday NWA World Heavyweight Championship match. He talks about the honour it is to wear this championship, and what it meant to him. He also ponders on the weight of the NWA in the sports of professionnal wrestling. Of course, and because we can't have nice things, he gets interrupted by Shane Douglas followed by Mr. Hughes, Bill Alfonso and Woman.
    After trying to buy him last week, Shane is in no mood for friendly talk. He says Steamboat is the past, like Terry Funk and all the other men who wore that championship. Douglas proclaims he will eclipse all of them and be recognized as the BEST NWA World Heavyweight Champion of all time. He advises Steamboat to not screw him this sunday, otherwise he'll have Mr. Hughes break him in two. Steamboat answers that he'll call it down in the middle, but he'll most importantly watch after Bill Alfonso's officiating. Alfonso gets angry and screams in Steamboat's face. The two exchange words and... Steamboat chops Alfonso to the ground! Douglas can't believe his eyes, and Mr. Hughes moves towards Steamboat, visibly in order to harm him. Unfortunately for him, he gets cut by Terry Funk who storms the ring, followed by Tommy Dreamer!
  • Terry Funk (/w. Tommy Dreamer & Ricky Steamboat) beats Mr. Hughes (/w. Shane Douglas & Woman) with a moonsault.
    During the match, Shane Douglas and Ricky Steamboat had a few altercations.
    After the bell has rung, Steamboat and Dreamer get in the ring to celebrate as Entourage leave with their tails between their legs. Dreamer surprisingly takes the microphone and tells Ricky Steamboat he'll love to wrestle him, and he's confident he can beat him one on one. Terry Funk takes the mic off his hands, and jokingly tells Dreamer that even on his best day he will never be able to defeat Ricky Steamboat. He laughs with Steamboat as the show comes to an end.
  • Elsewhere, Stevie Richards who apparently never leaves his wrestling singlet and head gear, is writing a letter to Santa: "Dear Santa. I've been a really good boy. This Christmas, I want to be able to wrestle my idol Rick Steiner and show the world that I am no joke. I also want a new wrestling singlet that reads "THE STRETCHER" because that's gonna be my new nickname once people realize how great of a wrestle I am. By the way, there'll be milk and cookie for you on the 25th. Yours truly, Steven "Stevie" Richards."

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NWA World Heavyweight Champion

"The Franchise"


with Woman in his corner


"The Hardcore Icon"


with Peaches in his corner


Ricky Steamboat as the special guest enforcer



"The Human Suplex Machine"



"Borne Again"



"The Hardcore Legend"



"All Heart"




NWA World Tag Team Champions



"The Living Legend"









"The Sexiest Man Alive"




ECW Television Champion







"The Stretcher"







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The winner will get to pick the new gimmick of an ECW's wrestler


2nd place will be able to pick a match for ECW's next show amongst pre-determine choice









Bons Question: who will answer Stevie Richards' challenge?

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Bons Question: who will answer Stevie Richards' challenge? RICK STEINER

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Bons Question: who will answer Stevie Richards' challenge? Damn I'm gonna wing it and say you signed RVD so RVD

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Bons Question: who will answer Stevie Richards' challenge? Rick's brother Scott Steiner maybe

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Had a few problems with writing this batch of shows as I'm not as fluelt as i'd like in english, but I hope it still is enjoyable to read


I would have never noticed if you did not point it out, I think your English is just fine. Heck, English is my only language and I butcher it all of the time.







I never really liked Jason, I am not sure why.




Bons Question: who will answer Stevie Richards' challenge? I will go with another Varsity Club member Kevin Sullivan

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