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low match ratings?

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In my TCW save (version 1.17 currently). I regularly get matches that score kinda lower than what I expect. For example I had a technical masterclass match to open the show set for 16 minutes with Greg Gauge and Matthew Keith with both of them having great stats. Greg got a rating of 91 and Matt 92 (Matt has the hot new move attribute if that matters). The match rating, however, comes out as 78, with the only penalties being poor announcing and low commentary team experience.


Is this a bug? Or is this just the product making it difficult to get great matches? I've haven't changed the default TCW product at all, apart from allowing high-risk moves.

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In my TCW save (version 1.17 currently). I regularly get matches that score kinda lower than what I expect. For example I had a technical masterclass match to open the show set for 16 minutes with Greg Gauge and Matthew Keith with both of them having great stats. Greg got a rating of 91 and Matt 92 (Matt has the hot new move attribute if that matters). The match rating, however, comes out as 78, with the only penalties being poor announcing and low commentary team experience.


Is this a bug? Or is this just the product making it difficult to get great matches? I've haven't changed the default TCW product at all, apart from allowing high-risk moves.



Technical masterclass shouldn't be used as an opener. It's a slower style match that has to be placed correctly on the card in order for it to work. A regular match would probably score higher. Steal the show or lift the crowd can also work as an opener.


The penalties for announcing, although quite small, are a problem game-wide as there are not enough announcers in the game world with high enough stats to avoid these penalties.

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The penalties for announcing, although quite small, are a problem game-wide as there are not enough announcers in the game world with high enough stats to avoid these penalties.


I kind of like this tbh. Great announcers don't grow on trees, and even a juggernaut like WWE struggles to find competent announcers who don't take away from the product with sub-par or 'just OK' skills...I mean, if there were good announcers to hire would Renee have ever been given a headset? So what do they do? They turn to inexperienced retired wrestlers who have a bit of skill on the mic and try and turn them into announcers...or TV personalities for After-Raw type shows, something you can absolutely do in the CornellVerse. That, or you shortlist some of the top guys and overpay to get them when their contract runs out. I've run into it myself recently that my announce team is falling short in big matches, and as frustrating as that can be, I'm totally OK with it cause, yeah, if I truly want to be world class, you got to have announcers who can 'add' to the package.

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Not sure exactly how the penalties work for announcing but I get them a lot and they don’t seem to effect the rating too much.


I suppose it’s like you have Michael Cole announcing a 50 rated match. No penalty. But you have him announce the main event at wrestle mania and the difference between him or Jim Ross in his prime makes a difference.


When I re watch the attitude era stuff, it makes me realise how much of a difference they do make.

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Not sure exactly how the penalties work for announcing but I get them a lot and they don’t seem to effect the rating too much.


I suppose it’s like you have Michael Cole announcing a 50 rated match. No penalty. But you have him announce the main event at wrestle mania and the difference between him or Jim Ross in his prime makes a difference.


When I re watch the attitude era stuff, it makes me realise how much of a difference they do make.


I agree. I don't think the penalty is too severe, especially at the lower rated matches...but when you start creeping into the mid 70's and low 80's like I am now that note is appearing more, and makes me wonder if I could squeeze another point or two with a 'better announcer'. That said, I don't feel like it's hurting the product or holding me back...just that my team is not quite world class (yet), though my color team is in that green 75+ range so its a good team...just not JR prime level good.

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I agree. I don't think the penalty is too severe, especially at the lower rated matches...but when you start creeping into the mid 70's and low 80's like I am now that note is appearing more, and makes me wonder if I could squeeze another point or two with a 'better announcer'. That said, I don't feel like it's hurting the product or holding me back...just that my team is not quite world class (yet), though my color team is in that green 75+ range so its a good team...just not JR prime level good.


Yes and I think preciously this has been mentioned (in previous TEWs)


People start to worry when they see penalties and think they’re doing something wrong, rather than a match with an announcer penalty being better than a match without one

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  • 2 months later...
Not sure exactly how the penalties work for announcing but I get them a lot and they don’t seem to effect the rating too much.


I suppose it’s like you have Michael Cole announcing a 50 rated match. No penalty. But you have him announce the main event at wrestle mania and the difference between him or Jim Ross in his prime makes a difference.


When I re watch the attitude era stuff, it makes me realise how much of a difference they do make.


Jim Ross is overrated. Gordon Solie also wasn't God's gift to announcing either.

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Yes and I think preciously this has been mentioned (in previous TEWs)


People start to worry when they see penalties and think they’re doing something wrong, rather than a match with an announcer penalty being better than a match without one


Personally, based on how announcers are told to perform, I can't stand them IRL. One reason why I always enjoy house shows more. You have fans who genuinely want to be there, and engage in the matches, and you don't have all the pandering, distractions, and BS chants that come with fans trying to be the star of the show and get on TV. Best of all, no crappy announcing to detract from the match.

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In my TCW save (version 1.17 currently). I regularly get matches that score kinda lower than what I expect. For example I had a technical masterclass match to open the show set for 16 minutes with Greg Gauge and Matthew Keith with both of them having great stats. Greg got a rating of 91 and Matt 92 (Matt has the hot new move attribute if that matters). The match rating, however, comes out as 78, with the only penalties being poor announcing and low commentary team experience.


Is this a bug? Or is this just the product making it difficult to get great matches? I've haven't changed the default TCW product at all, apart from allowing high-risk moves.


TCW product has a split between 40:60 and 55:45 of in ring action and popularity. Their performance in-ring is only part of the equation. Furthermore, the handbook states there can be over 100 variables that impact segment ratings so it's hard to pinpoint exactly what it is. If I had to guess, the workers popularity brought the base score down.


Edit: Wow, just realized I was responding to a 3 month old thread LOL

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I open my BCG shows with 99-100 Technical Masterclass matches all the time. It is just fine as an opener.


The announcing penalty shouldn't be taking 14 points off the match. However, I feel like the 92 and 91 performances should give you higher than 78 with no major penalties. Those ratings take into account the workers popularity.


For instance:


Try having two wrestlers with the same stats but one is quite a bit more over than the other in a match. The one with more pop will always get a much higher score.


Just for the sake of listening to the OP, what re the announcer/colour ratings? I've had it happen in the past where match ratings would take a dive based on announcing at a rate of a few points to all the way down to what the lowest announce/colour score is.


There was a patch where all announcers above 80 do not incur penalties regardless of the match rating FYI.

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