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How do you guys book long shows (Wrestlemania etc.) without burnout killing your rati

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The crowd starts to get burned out after 3.5 hours of wrestling. How do you guys deal with booking Wrestlemania or Wrestle Kingdom or any of these shows without tanking it?


How do you structure your shows?


Match wise I’ve always gone for: (H = higher than last rating, L = lower than last rating)










I try to do it by building the ratings up too, so the first H & L are stronger than the next few.


obviously not all matches turn out as expected, sometimes the the last two matches before main even I have my second strongest 3rd from the end, and my semi main event I alway try to have strong workers but throw a few things in to keep the rating down a bit.

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I split it in two. QAW's biggest show/season finale is Crowning the Queen. I had 8 hrs worth of content for that event plus the tournament itself. So I spread it over two days. Crowning the Queen Prelude on Saturday Week 4 July and Crowning the Queen Finale on Sunday Week 4 July. That let me get the tournament and 12 title matches (7 promotion, 5 alliance) in without skimping on match lengths.
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The crowd starts to get burned out after 3.5 hours of wrestling. How do you guys deal with booking Wrestlemania or Wrestle Kingdom or any of these shows without tanking it?


When booking a Japanese product, I turn off crowd burnout in the options, as I don't feel like it's as much of an issue with Japanese crowds.


Anywhere else, I'd leave it on as it's more realistic, as shown by the poorly received Wrestlemania main events of recent times.


Your best bet would be to do what both WWE and NJPW have done, and split it into two 3.5 hour long shows.

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Splitting the event into two days is a great idea. I guess the only issue with that might be if you've already got an event with a higher prestige and add the second day, it won't have the same 'value' as the original...but I guess you just book the 'new' day strong for a few years before it catches up?
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Splitting the event into two days is a great idea. I guess the only issue with that might be if you've already got an event with a higher prestige and add the second day, it won't have the same 'value' as the original...but I guess you just book the 'new' day strong for a few years before it catches up?


One year. Book one show that's off the hook good and its prestige will go up. I would guess that diminishing returns kicks in after that first increase but I'm not 100% sure yet. I just know I have four events at 'above average' when previously, it was only one. I don't much care about how prestigious 'Prelude' is, since it's not the main focus. It's like how Vince doesn't care what Takeover does when he's focused on ruining Mania the next day. :p

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I limit my longest show to 4 hours, with 3 brands and over 100 stars. I use a 30 Person Battle Royale, a 2v2v2v2, a 3v3v3, and that gets 47 of my workers booked within the time frame. One of my brands is women, and they get a battle royale, too. That's another 30, bringing it to 77 workers booked with 4 matches. I also use angles to feature the remaining folks for a few minutes to get their face on the screen and appease their morale. I don't book pre or post show anything for The Big Four, but I do for my other PPVs.


Sometimes, I have a storyline participant "at ringside" and follow the match with a post-match brawl between both opponents and the person at ringside, then have 4 others come down to "break it up". So I am able to fit them all on in a reasonable time. My product doesn't like matches under 10 minutes at the moment, but here's the thing - only 2 of my matches need a score above 80. The small penalty on the other matches doesn't really hurt me, rather it helps me by restraining the popularity growth of my workers. If I want someone to gain more pop from a match, I book it 15 minutes. If I just want to get their momentum up and keep them in their perception lane, I give them 8-12 minute matches. So I don't mind the overuse penalty.


I normally run between 3 hour PPV events, and 2.5 hour weekly shows on Mon, Wed, Fri (with events on Sat, however my Fri brand has events on Sun to give one more day of fatigue recovery). I wanted to do Tue, Wed, Thur, but that became too much work.


I feel burned out after watching anything beyond the 2 hour mark. PPVs are strenuous for me. Same with UFC. I just can't watch 3 hours of anything any more without wanting to just do something else instead. I can bring myself to do it, but then I am oversaturated for about a month.


So I leave burnout on. Because most of my PPVs are one brand, 3 hours is enough to cover everything. I have 4 unbranded "Big Four", one the season finale in August. I rotate - Brand 1 PPV, Brand 2 PPV, Brand 3 PPV, then All Brand PPV, then repeat.


Last advice - this is a game of tradeoffs where you ask "What stack of penalties will help me gain a bigger stack of bonuses?", if you turn on Dirt Sheet and alleeingi you will see just how many penalties you really get and how many bonuses you really get, and you learn not to sweat it too much.


I don't turn them on anymore, because now that I have a feel of how to get better ratings in most situations, or at least the ratings I want, the penalties don't bother me anymore unless they either tank my whole show or tank an important match. As long as your final show grade is above 80, you're not losing popularity in any region, even if you aren't gaining any.


Best of luck - the biggest area I see the overuse penalty harming someone is if you plan to block tape 3 Hour Shows or run a Mega PPV and insist on a massive length. In these cases, you can turn it off the day before, then turn it on the next day after the event. Some people might call it cheating, but I call it playing within your narrative and choosing the rule set that fits your game the best.

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I always disabled the crowd management, because I clearly don't understand it.


When you watch "Dance with wolves", you know before it's a more than 3 hours movie, so being bored after 30 minutes it's because the movie is bad, boring or poorly organized... or the problem is just you.


It's the same logic for Starrcade, Wrestle Kingdom or Wrestlemania for me.

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