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Around what age do wrestler stop gaining stats

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It is different for each wrestler. If you open a wrestler's profile in the editor, you will see four numbers in the third column - Maturity Age, Decline Age, Relevancy Age, and Retirement Age.


Maturity Age is when the wrestler's stats will be as good as they ever are, and Decline Age is when they'll start to go down in stats.

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Unless its changed in 2020 "maturity age" is when the wrestler's stats stop gaining skills at a high rate. They can still improve by working and learning but the process will be slower. "Decline age" is as was already stated well when the wrestler begins to lose skills. 2020 is more realistic when it comes to which skills decline with age and the rate of decline. The handbook details which skills decline and how fast (or not).


If anyone is curious the "relevancy age" mentioned is the age at which the character is no longer "cool" so the entertainment skills take a dip. The mannerisms and personality no longer have the same effect on the audience.


The "retirement age" is obviously when the worker retires. Its there to simulate or create scenarios where a key worker retires at a specific time. Most of you know that but I believe in being thorough. ;)


For almost all workers in the default data these are set to random to make each game experience different.

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<p>The maturity age: I’m pretty sure is physical skills. Before they hit this age, their physics skills will increase at a faster rate. After they hit it, they will still increase but slower.</p><p> </p><p>

This age is preset in the editor I’m pretty sure between 20-30 (may be slightly wrong) or it can be set as random.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Decline age: This is the point they will stop increasing and start to decline. In the last TEW, everything apart from entertainment/commentary skills seemed to decline, minus a few things such as psychology, basics, etc. I’m sure saw Adam mention somewhere that mental skills can still increase after this. This again is set in editor between 30-55 or 30-65 (can’t remember exactly) ornagain random.</p><p> </p><p>

Relevency age: I’m pretty sure this is when the entertainment skills start to decrease.</p>

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