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Any recommendations for an entertaining company to start with (C-Verse).

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That's awesome mate. You thinking of adding any more big shows? Seems a little short unless some of the "tour" night are actually normal events.


Yes definitely, but I haven't even booked a show yet so I want to get a feel of how everything goes with this easy setup before shifting things around.


TCW is the perfect American company for this. Also southside_hitmen has an awesome set of belts that includes a Junior title that fits with this whole idea perfectly. His logo is also amazing. Full set including events

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Linking on to an earlier conversation with the Japanese scheduling and such, does anyone have any ideas how viable it would be to run QAW as a touring company rather than just their twelve shows a year? I kind of get how I would want to do it, making the existing stables larger and adding a couple, and I would also have to consider do I change the product to one where I have less of an expectation on angles, my concern would be does it work for their audience and would I just go bust in half a year or so.


If it isn't doable, eh, I have 5SSW, I have AJJ in the Thunderverse (I tend to favour joshi/women's wrestling in general truth be told), figured worth an ask.

I am a ginormous TVerse fan so I of course would say AJJ lol.


But for CVerse and QAW in particular, wait for willr0ck's women's expansion mod before starting a women's wrestling company. ETA for release is actually this weekend, so DEFINITELY wait for a more complete women's scene.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Dalton" data-cite="Dalton" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51512" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><img alt="z1LkaFp.png?1" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/z1LkaFp.png?1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> Just whipped this up</p><p> </p><p> Tournaments:</p><p> </p><p> </p><ul><li>Total Champions League - Round robin G1-style<br /></li><li>King of Kings - Single elim knockout<br /></li><li>Global Junior Cup - Round robin junior tourney (BOSJ)<br /></li><li>World Tag League - Round robin tag tourney<br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p> I went through the default TCW schedule and tried to keep the events that are considered Historic or Legendary as normal tours</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> These ideas are great, you guys have given me the idea of trying to run a 2010 Ring of Honor as a touring promotion. Quick question though if i may, how do you handle/book match announcements and things like NJPW's post match press scrums? Is it as simple as just someone cutting a promo challenging someone else and then just playing that out over the couple tour shows leading to the big show or do you prolong it over say 2 tours with interactions spaced out?</p>
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<p>I do agree that the Japanese type setup with tournaments and a few big shows built around lesser tour events is more interesting because you can focus on the big events and due to the extra titles and tourneys you can create more interesting storylines. </p><p> </p><p>

One of the downsides (if you are playing purely how they are setup in game), is the lack of managers and most workers lack really good skills that will get them over other than their in ring work. Their schedule / product is also much more demanding, their workers depreciate much faster, many degrade before their decline kicks in.</p>

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These ideas are great, you guys have given me the idea of trying to run a 2010 Ring of Honor as a touring promotion. Quick question though if i may, how do you handle/book match announcements and things like NJPW's post match press scrums? Is it as simple as just someone cutting a promo challenging someone else and then just playing that out over the couple tour shows leading to the big show or do you prolong it over say 2 tours with interactions spaced out?


I don't do press conferences since they can't really be replicated, I keep that as "head canon."


But post match challenges and attacks etc. etc. I book as exactly that. Also pinning a champ in a multiman match and maybe a brawl between two guys after the match. That makes booking tour show matches between two feuding factions easy. If Aaron Andrews and Wolf Hawkins are feuding, book 3v3 or 4v4 between their respective factions over the course of a 4 show tour, switching up the competitors to keep them fresh and still improving.


Feuds in this are definitely long term and can be played out over six months/a year/or longer

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<p>For this TCW one I'm doing, or any western touring promotion, what does everyone think a good product would be? I'm using East Meets West right now but I've only booked a couple shows so far. When I'm back on the game I'm going to try Respectful Wrestling and Classic Mainstream Puroresu.</p><p> </p><p>

Basically I want TCW to be very very very similar to NJPW but still cater to the skills of the TCW roster.</p>

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Right now I’m doing a save with all 5 promotions in the confederation of the territories alliance. It’s great to try and rebuild Ollie and push new stars. I highly recommend this.


That is a nice idea. I am planning something similar when the thunderverse 2020 is finished and has been around a few months, merging that, the default database and the women’s revolution cverse mod and putting an alliance together out of qaw, 5ssw, ajj, the neotokyo fed in the women’s revolution mod and one of the American wrestling feds in thunder, a nice mix of established stars and youth stars expectations along with a mix of east and west with the American ones turned into touring companies since as it stands they run once a month anyhow. It also gives opportunity for some cross database dream matches such as the line or ronin three butting heads with lotus and yamanue-gun as well as individual company figurehead dream matches. I might do the cott run in the meantime to see how it goes.


Smaller scale I do like the idea in this thread of making USPW’s biggest competition one of the other big three as a touring company.

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For this TCW one I'm doing, or any western touring promotion, what does everyone think a good product would be? I'm using East Meets West right now but I've only booked a couple shows so far. When I'm back on the game I'm going to try Respectful Wrestling and Classic Mainstream Puroresu.


Basically I want TCW to be very very very similar to NJPW but still cater to the skills of the TCW roster.


I don’t know tcw’s roster well enough, as far as I can see the options are Lucha-resu if you have comedy and high spot capable wrestlers, the ones you mentioned. I don’t know all the products, if one is king’s road that is an option but I think that is more how you book the stars within a product.

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I am a ginormous TVerse fan so I of course would say AJJ lol.


But for CVerse and QAW in particular, wait for willr0ck's women's expansion mod before starting a women's wrestling company. ETA for release is actually this weekend, so DEFINITELY wait for a more complete women's scene.


Missed this when I responded earlier, that mod is amazing, started a run with building the neotokyo one from scratch, got japan’s main football commentator in the booth with J-Ro. The Weird Sisters and the day of the dead trio may just be my favourite cverse default or mod characters now.


I am a big AJJ fan also, had some good runs with Lotus and Yamanue-Gun along with a stable made of Jess Hart, the two closely linked with her and a few other gaijins with The Queendom as their unit name. I am waiting for their 2020 version with the 2020 features and balancing taken into account to do anything in 2020 other than borrow the likes of Otohime, the Harts and All Hallows Eve for cverse Feds

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For this TCW one I'm doing, or any western touring promotion, what does everyone think a good product would be? I'm using East Meets West right now but I've only booked a couple shows so far. When I'm back on the game I'm going to try Respectful Wrestling and Classic Mainstream Puroresu.


Basically I want TCW to be very very very similar to NJPW but still cater to the skills of the TCW roster.


East Meets West, Classic Mainstream Puroresu, Lucharesu Amped Up, Silver Age Pro Wrestling.


You want something that will be ok with some angles and with tainted finishes in my opinion.

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How long are the events for the Touring schedules you guys have set up?


I'm going to do a test run of this with my created fed - a handful of older guys who are popular, and some younger guys who should hopefully improve quickly to take over those spots for when my names retire.

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How long do you need them to be to get the matches you want in? Whatever the answer is there is right for you. My midcard singles tournament moves my show length up to 3.5 hours when most of my tours shows are 2.5. The 6 15 minute matches on the card tend to make the show a little longer.
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How long are the events for the Touring schedules you guys have set up?


I'm going to do a test run of this with my created fed - a handful of older guys who are popular, and some younger guys who should hopefully improve quickly to take over those spots for when my names retire.

Probably in the minority here, but I do 1.5 hours for regular tour shows, 2 hours for tournaments shows that require longer matches. Big shows are usually 2.5 or 3, with the major shows being 3.5.


I want to be able to book effective tour shows while still moving quickly through the schedule. Regular tour shows will have like 5 matches with the last 2 being like 18+ minutes long.

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Probably in the minority here, but I do 1.5 hours for regular tour shows, 2 hours for tournaments shows that require longer matches. Big shows are usually 2.5 or 3, with the major shows being 3.5.


I want to be able to book effective tour shows while still moving quickly through the schedule. Regular tour shows will have like 5 matches with the last 2 being like 18+ minutes long.


I will use that as a base. Last question (until the next one)...I started setting up my first tour, and after my first show it said it had no effect on the popularity (understandable). Do you set up the big event at the end of the he tour as an annual event (as opposed to a tour)? Otherwise, not sure how good it would have to be to affect popularity.


Currently at 25, my first tour night was a 47.

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BHOTWG could be a ton of tournaments.


You have your heavyweight division and your juniors, they would be separate. Main singles, tag at midcard or main level (maybe the variable setting), maybe a midcard singles title for up-and-comers. That is 6 tournaments out of 12 months. Which would let you shorten up most of the rest of the tours and arrange your big singles/tags so they fit right in with the lead-up to the season finale.

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Yeah. You've already got a Best of the Super Juniors title. Run that as a tournament like the NJPW version. Create the same kind of tournament for the Heavyweight title, the two tag team titles, and I'd probably add another Heavyweight tournament in a knockout format. That's five tournaments, and if you run the two main ones as say two blocks of 10 wrestlers each you would need 18 events which would take you probably a month and a half each.


That's about 7 months used up on 5 tournaments, then you can take the other 7 shows plus another few and fill out the remaining 5 months for about a show every 3 weeks or so. Most will have short tours which make them better to book.


An easy way to handle the non tournament shows is to run themes. I'm not sure what BHOTWG's product is like, but you could run one show featuring a cage match. Or maybe a Royal Rumble type event. One show about 6 months before your season finale should be your 2nd biggest show. This is your Summerslam or Dominion. You can do a foreign tour in USA or England. Different things like that.


Just off the top of my head: Night of the Burning Hammer is your season finale in October, and Fire Dream of the Immortals is in March and is rated "historic" so this would be my Dominion or Summerslam where most stories conclude before the 2nd half of the year. I'd turn Test of Prophesies into your "G1" type event with the winner getting a World title shot at Night of the Burning Hammer. So here we go:


January: Burning Path - this sounds like a tournament to me, I would put a knockout tournament here for the heavyweights with 16 or 32 wrestlers.

February: Warrior Globe - this screams foreign show, have the winner of the aforementioned tournament get a title shot here and hold the show in the states or the UK

March: Fire Dream of the Immortals - big show, most titles defended, storylines end

May: Test of Prophesies - "G1" type tournament, two blocks of 10 wrestlers each, 18 shows, Block A wrestles one night, Block B the next, winners face off at Test of Prophesies itself. With 18 shows this tour will last all through April and into May.

June: Sword Destiny and Inferno of Purity - They're May and June in the default schedule but we had to make room for long tournaments. These kinds of shows can feature the "G1" winner defending his title shot against someone who beat him during the tournament, and the World champion can do the same.

July: Best of the Super Juniors - two blocks of 10 wrestlers, 18 shows, Block A wrestles one night then Block B the next, winners face off at BOTSJ itself. Again this will take a month and a half if you do 3 tour shows per week.

August: Summit Challenge - this could be a spot for a tag tournament with the winners getting title shots at Night of the Burning Hammer

September: Quest of Heart - cool down show where you do any last minute title changes you need to set up your season finale. Build with a few tour shows

October: Night of the Burning Hammer - season finale

November: Everlasting Mission - use this to create new storylines for the new "year"

December: Silencing Dragons - could use this spot for one of your tag tournaments.


That's just super quick off the top of my head. In the off times (no tournaments running) I would add some more big shows with any theme you want. The more shows you have, the less tour events that you need to build up to each one. No one wants to book 9 tour events where there's no tournament going on and nothing happening. So long tournaments mixed in with short "other" tours and you've got a recipie for success.

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Yeah, here's how I ended up doing BCG. I did stick with 12 events in separate months due to the whole "monthly" nature of how the game views PPVs. If you try two PPV in a month the game gets angry and takes away buyrate.


January: Heritage, 6 tour dates where I highlight workers who have been with BCG for a long time in the title matches at the big show.


February: Naonobu Murakami Grand Prix. Murakami is a BCG road agent and he was with BCG since the beginning far as I can tell. This is for the midcard tag titles I made when I put the World tags up to main event level. And it continues the theme from their version of the G1. Since I don't have a ton of midcard tag teams this is 8 shows.


March: Fighting Spirit, not a huge fan of the name in relation to Heritage and Generations. Even so, I highlight the more "fighter" types on the roster and not the technical guys. I tend to have more technical guys around due to the product demanding a Technical Masterclass. Only 4 shows.


April: Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix, their G1 that is built in. 10 shows for this tour.


May: Test of Champions, all belts that are not tournament/achievements are defended here, 6 shows.


June: Sole Survivor, this one was built in and had an elimination 4-way as the main. Works for me as a one-off each year. 6 shows.


July: Toshinobu Taku Grand Prix. When Toshi decided to retire I started thinking about what to do with him after. Another vet of BCG and had won the World tag belts with his nephew. So this one is my main event tag tourney. And Taku's nephew got the win in the first year, going on to take the tag titles. 8 shows.


August: Rising Lion, season ender is in 2 months and the name makes a ton of sense. I build towards my 2 big matches (singles and tag) now that they are set. 5 shows.


September: Hunting Lion, somebody had a great idea with the last 2 tour names. Again building to next month. 5 shows.


October: Season ender, Lion's Roar. I run a Storyline with the winner of the Yoshifusa Maeda GP all the way from May to here. Tag team story from August to here. 9 shows.


November: Generations, second generation wrestlers get the spotlight here, 7 shows.


December: Masayuki Shiga Grand Prix. Shiga is another road agent who came over from GCG to help found BCG. So he gets one too. This is midcard singles. 9 shows.


I basically run 23 major events on these 12 tours.


12 tour enders

Opener on the 4 GPs and Lion's Roar

Last tour show on the 4 GPs

2nd to last show on the 2 major GPs


I experimented with more and really killed worker condition. So don't do that. Hoping this tones it down enough to like 10 per year. If not I drop the openers on the GPs.

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Yeah, here's how I ended up doing BCG. I did stick with 12 events in separate months due to the whole "monthly" nature of how the game views PPVs. If you try two PPV in a month the game gets angry and takes away buyrate.


Great format I really dig it, but with regard to this point I haven't experienced this at all. I turned CWA into a touring schedule and had a PPV Wednesday, Week 1 June, and another Saturday, Week 2 June, and the second got more buys than the first.

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