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This Weeks News W1 P2 November 2001


<table style="height: 29px; width: 590px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><tbody><tr style="height: 15px;"><td style="width: 580px;"><table style="height: 101px; width: 993px; background-color: #15447c;"><tbody><tr style="height: 134px;"><td style="width: 641px; background-color: #253c6e; vertical-align: bottom; height: 134px;" colspan="4"><img src="

http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/webbrowsertop.jpg" alt="" width="983" height="108" /><br /><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/webhead.jpg" alt="" width="983" height="131" /></td></tr><tr style="height: 26px;"><td style="width: 10px; background-color: #253c6e; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; height: 147.9px;" rowspan="7"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/webleft.jpg" alt="" width="137" height="292" /></td><td style="height: 26px;" colspan="2"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/webtnwresults.png" width="480" height="30" /></td><td style="width: 127px; background-color: #253c6e; text-align: right; vertical-align: top; height: 147.9px;" rowspan="7"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/webright.jpg" alt="" width="138" height="473" /><h2> </h2></td></tr><tr style="height: 4.89999px;"><td style="width: 60px; text-align: center; vertical-align: top;"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/News%20Graphics/webtnw.jpg" width="150" height="200" /></td><td style="width: 500px; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;"><p style="text-align: left;"><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>WCW Thunder</strong> scores a </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">74</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> Show Rating </span><span style="font-weight: 400;"><br /></span><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>WCW Thunder</strong> Scored a </span><strong>4.82</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;"> TV Rating</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"><br /><strong>WCW Thunder</strong> Scored a <strong>3.08</strong> Peoples Rating which is <span style="color: #ff0000;">down </span><span style="font-weight: 400; color: #ff0000;">1.22</span> from the previous week<br /></span></span></p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>------------------------------VS------------------------------</strong></span></span></p><p style="text-align: left;"><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>WWF Smackdown </strong></span><span style="font-weight: 400;">85 Show Rating </span></span><br /><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>WWF Smackdown</strong> scored a </span><strong>3.28 </strong>TV <span style="font-weight: 400;">Rating</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"><br /><strong>WWF Smackdown</strong> scored a <strong>3.58 </strong>Peoples Rating which is <span style="color: #ff0000;">down </span><span style="font-weight: 400; color: #ff0000;">0.02</span> from the previous week</span></span></p></td></tr><tr style="height: 30px;"><td style="width: 60px; vertical-align: middle; height: 30px; text-align: left;" colspan="2"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/webheatresults.png" width="480" height="30" /></td></tr><tr style="height: 30px;"><td style="width: 60px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; height: 30px;"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/Image%20Bank/TV/WWF%20Heat%202.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></td><td style="width: 500px; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; height: 30px;"><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>WWF Heat </strong></span><span style="font-weight: 400;">68 Show Rating </span></span><br /><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>WWF Heat</strong> scored a </span><strong>0.10 </strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">Rating which is <span style="color: #ff0000;">down </span></span><span style="font-weight: 400; color: #ff0000;">#.##</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> <span style="font-weight: 400; color: #ff0000;"><span style="color: #99cc00;">Up #.##</span></span><br /></span></span></td></tr><tr style="height: 30px;"><td style="width: 60px; vertical-align: middle; height: 30px; text-align: left;" colspan="2"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/webtopstories.png" alt="" width="480" height="30" /></td></tr><tr style="height: 30px;"><td style="width: 60px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; height: 30px;"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/Image%20Bank/Logos/WWF%20Attitude.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></td><td style="width: 500px; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; height: 30px;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><span style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: underline;">AAA War on on the Horizon</span></strong></span><br /><span style="color: #ffffff;">The WWF and AAA have had some tensions recently, leading to AAA going public in saying they are declaring war on the WWF</span></td></tr><tr style="height: 30px;"><td style="width: 60px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; height: 30px;"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/Image%20Bank/People/J/Juventud%20Guerrera%202k7.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></td><td style="width: 500px; vertical-align: top; height: 30px;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><span style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: underline;">NJPW New Signing</span></strong></span><br /><span style="color: #ffffff;">New Japan Pro Wrestling sign Juventud Guerrera</span></td></tr><tr style="height: 30px;"><td style="width: 60px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; height: 30px;" colspan="4"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/webbrowserbottom.jpg" alt="" width="983" height="47" /></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table><p> </p>

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In The Booth:




Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz



<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

The Perfectly Laid Plan




The Undertaker brought his entire Survivor Series team out to the ring with him to kick off this episode of RAW... and they talked about the 'Perfect Plan' they executed when they attacked Kane and Big Show to close out Smackdown last week...


The Undertaker:
“It really was the 'Perfect' plan... and now that I have you all on board... all my cards are on the table... Rock's 'One Tonne' team will be no match for the continuity we show... Later tonight... Brother Bubba and Brother D-Von will take on The Rock and Triple H... A chance to soften them up for myself and for 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin...”






Undertaker was mid-flow when The Rock's iconic music hit... and 'The Great One' arrived on the stage!!


The Rock:
“FINALLY... THE ROCK... HAS COME BACK... To New York CITY!! Now... Undertaker... The Rock's been hearing that you laid the 'Perfect' Plan out last week, when you attacked Big Show and Kane...?! Well, let the Rock enlighten you a little... The 'Perfect' plan, would have been to take out The Rock, and Rikishi, too... but you didn't... You took your shot at Kane and Show, aaaaand... ya missed... See Big Show is back on Smackdown, and he is PISSED at you 'Deadman'...!! So... On Smackdown... Big Show and Undertaker... 1 on 1...!!”


Rock soaked in the fans' cheers, and then began to stomp to the ring...


The Rock:
“One other thing The Rock almost forgot... The Du... Du... Du... Duh... Dudleyz versus The Rock and Triple H for later tonight... Has been moved... Forwards... To RIGHT... FRICKING... NOW!!”


Triple H's music hit as The Rock made it to the ring, and 'The Game' came running out with his sledgehammer!! Undertaker, Mr. Perfect and the Dudley Boyz ran in all directions, and our opening match got underway!!




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The Rock & Triple H [vs] The Dudley Boyz


Despite not being a tag team, and being far from friends, Rock and Triple H showed great chemistry in this one. United by a common enemy, they took it to the Dudley Boyz. Bubb and D-Von looked like they were going to win it late on, having hit the '3D' on Triple H. But they didn't see that Rock had tagged into the match, and he soon hit the 'Rock Bottom' on D-Von!



The Rock & Triple H

'Rock Bottom'



<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Big Revenge




As mentioned by The Rock before that match, Big Show will return to our screens on Smackdown this week, and he'll be out for revenge... His opponent will be one of the men he faces at Survivor Series in under two weeks as part of Team Rock... The Captain of the opposing team: The Undertaker!!






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Taking A Test


'The Bad Guy' Razor Ramon headed to the ring next, and grabbed a microphone as he arrived...




Razor Ramon:
“EY YO!!”


Ramon took in the cheers, and the jeers, of the crowd, following his catchphrase but then moved on quickly...


Razor Ramon:
“Tonight... Al Snow gets his 'Head' kicked in... Nothin' personal... Nothin' against Snow... We just prefer it hot... because we ARE hot... Ladies and Gentlemen... My deputy for Survivor Series... TEST!!”




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Al Snow [vs] Test w/ Razor Ramon


Razor Ramon was impressed by Test tonight, and loved seeing him destroy the veteran Al Snow. In the end, as advertised, Snow's head was kicked in by the 'Big Boot' from the 26 year old stud – who is a member of Team Ramon at Survivor Series.



Test w/ Razor Ramon

'Big Boot'





<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Welcome To The Hardy Compound




In their home in North Carolina, dubbed 'The Hardy Compound', Jeff, Matt and Lita were stood in a pre-taped video they'd sent in to be played out on RAW...


Matt Hardy:
“Whoooo Done It...?! Somebody... Attacked not only Dean Malenko... and William Regal... But also Samu, of the Shrinkers Of Heads... (Headshrinkers)... Somebody took them out... and it cleared the path for Jeff and I to win our Four Way Most Fatal, and go to Survivor Series to face... Christian and Edge...”


The lights flickered at the mention of E and C... It spooked both Jeff and Lita, but Matt continued...


Matt Hardy:
“I am ooofficially, taking Jeff, Lita, and myself, off the table as a suspect... We did NOT attack those men... We had the most to gain... Sure... But only AFTER we won... Before, we had just as much to gain as Too Cool... As Umaga... As anybody else... I am too BROKENNNN to attack people backstage, after losing my precious, precious, Europrean Title... Jeff and I MUST take the WWF Tag Team Titles... For I feat the longer I am without a Championship... The more I will be BROKENNNN!! Haaaa.... Yessss...!!”






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Rikishi [vs] Steven Richards w/ Ivory


Richards has been on a bit of a roll of late, picking up various wins with the help of Ivory. But tonight, he suffered a fate worse than death, when Rikishi backed that ass up for the 'Stink Face'!! Richards actually tapped out while receiving the move!!




'Stink Face'



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Too Innocent




After the match was over, Rikishi's best friends Too Cool (Scotty Too Hotty and Grandmaster Sexay) joined the big Samoan Rikishi in the ring... They had their trademarked yellow glasses... but asked for microphones first...


Scotty Too Hotty:
“Just so as I make myself crystal clear... Grandmaster Sexay... Rikishi and I... did NOT take out Samu... or Dean Malenko and William Regal!!”


Grandmaster Sexay:
“Yeah Samu is FAMILY to 'Kish... We would never...”


Scotty Too Hotty:
“We're innocent... and we hope Malenko and Regal find who did it... But for now...”


Scotty held out the yellow sunglasses to Rikishi, and the three men danced to their entrance music... The crowd loved it!!






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Team Members Announced


We were finally made aware of some more team members from Team D'Lo Brown and Team Kurt Angle next...




Angle has already named Chris Jericho as his first team member... But he brought out two more in the form of Terri's Boys: Perry Saturn and Albert!! The big, bad, and bald pair of tattooed hard men looked like a menacing force stood next to Angle and Jericho... D'Lo countered it by bringing out his tag team partner for tonight... The man who beat Chris Jericho a few weeks ago: Hardcore Holly!!




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D'Lo Brown & Hardcore Holly [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri, Kurt Angle & Chris Jericho


Terri, Angle and Jericho were amazing at ringside. Giving the referee a hard time, and breaking all the rules! However, not many people in the WWF hit as hard as Hardcore Holly. Not many people in the WWF are as resilient as D'Lo Brown either, and his fight back was brilliant. In the end, Holly planted Saturn with the 'Alabama Slam' and D'Lo held on to Albert's foot to stop him breaking up the pin!



D'Lo Brown & Hardcore Holly

'Alabama Slam'





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Ace Up Their Sleeve


D'Lo Brown and Hardcore Holly got out of the ring as quickly as they could, before Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho could get their hands on them!! We cut backstage, where the three members of the APA were playing cards in a room with no walls but a door for some reason... Then K-Kwik walked up...




K-Kwik didn't knock, and the APA were up in arms about it... Demanding that he knock before entering...


“What have we told you about knockin' kid...?! DAMN!! Now... What have you got for us...??”


Kwik has been working for the APA as a 'spy' of sorts, ahead of their Team Guerrero versus Team Ramon Survivor Series Match... Because he lost a game of cards against the three big men... Bradshaw won... He always wins...


“Well... I know that Test isn't happy with some 'Punk Kid' and he's going to try to take him out on Smackdown...!!”


Bradshaw suggested that Kwik was the punk kid... Faarooq said it was probably because Kwik had hit Test in the face with a steel chair... not to mention all the times he's cost his teammates matches... The youngster put his hands on his hips and shook his head...








<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Big Tag Team Match Set For Smackdown!




K-Kwik's stable mates Billy Gunn and X-Pac will be in action this week, against Edge and Christian... Two great tag teams in the WWF, but will the youngster be a factor in the match...?! Or will Test get to him first...?!






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Local Enhancement Talent [vs] Haku & Umaga


WWF fans may never have seen such a one-sided tag team match such as this one. Haku and Umaga were completely dominant against the two small local rookies. Eventually, Umaga used his 'Samoan Spike' to the throat of one of them to end it.



Haku & Umaga

'Samoan Spike'



<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Samoan Spike From Dudleyville




Speaking of Spikes, Spike Dudley was backstage watching the action, and he winced during the replay of the 'Samoan Spike'... Having felt the force of that exact move this past week on Smackdown, he looked like he was still in pain from it... Just then, Jerry Lynn walked up...




He asked how Spike was feeling after his match with Umaga, and seemed to show genuine concern for the youngster... He said he was doing okay, but his neck is still sore...


Jerry Lynn:
“Well... As long as you're cleared to compete THIS week on Smackdown... I could do with a tune-up match for my Falls Count Anywhere Match with Marty Jannetty, and you will do nicely!! See ya out there kid!!”






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

William Holmes and Dean Watson




William Regal:
“We need to get to the bottom of this, fast... We need to find out WHO attacked us... and make them pay for costing us our shot at the Tag Team Titles... Too Cool... The Hardy Boyz... Umaga... Haku... they are ALL denying it... But we need to conduct our own enquiries... And I know just where to... Excuse me... May I help you...”


Regal stopped mid-sentence, and addressed D'Lo Brown who was hovering near by...




D'Lo Brown:
“Listen boys... I'm sorry for interrupting... But I have this opportunity... and I need to build the strongest Survivor Series Team I can... Kurt Angle has (Chris) Jericho, Perry Saturn and Albert... I have Hardcore Holly... I was wondering.... Would you two be the final pieces to the puzzle...?!”


Regal and Malenko were flattered, but said that they currently have their own stuff to deal with... Namely, finding out who attacked them... D'Lo understood, and asked that they at least think about it... Regal and Malenko said they wouldn't rule it out, and will let him know on Smackdown...






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">


'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin


Two of the WWF's best in-ring workers doing battle in the Main Event here, and it was action-packed. Both men attempted their finishes early on, but Vince McMahon and The Undertaker's arrival at ringside stopped Eddie from being able to deliver the Frog Splash. For the finish Eddie did come off the top rope, attempting an axe-handle smash, but Austin kicked him in the gut and bounced the fan favourite's chin off his shoulder with the 'Stunner'!!



'Stone Cold' Steve Austin

'Stone Cold Stunner'



<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Three Easy Steps




Vince McMahon:
“Thanks to The Rock... You all never got to hear my Three Easy Steps... Step One... Take out Triple H's arm... CHECK... Step Two... We're going to take out Triple H's legs... And that, is incoming... and Step Three... We're not going to tell you... And you can blame The Rock for that!! Triple H... We'll see you on Thursday for Smackdown...”








<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Quick Results:


The Rock & Triple H [def.] The Dudley Boyz


Test [def.] Al Snow


Rikishi [def.] Steven Richards


D'Lo Brown & Hardcore Holly [def.] Albert & Perry Saturn


Haku & Umaga [def.] Local Enhancement Talent


Steve Austin [def.] Eddie Guerrero


Show Rating:









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WCW Nitro Theme

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WCW Monday Night Nitro - Episode #314

Monday Week #2 November


Reno Events Center, Reno, Nevada (9,905)


Announce Team




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As WCW Goes on air and the new WCW Nitro Announce team of Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan and Joey Styles welcome us to Nitro, the music of Diamond Dallas Page hits and he walks out to the ring with a cocky swagger. Page gets into the ring and takes straight to the microphone. Page starts by Bragging that not only has he beaten Kevin Nash, he has now beaten his new best friend, making him 2-0 against the “Nash and Lacky connection”. Page proceeds to bash Mysterio before the Music of Konnan hits. As he makes his way to the stage with a microphone in hand, Page tells him to slow down and watch what he does. Konnan calls Page a Comadreja who is desperate for attention. Page looks upset and asks what the hell he means. Konnan says a coward, a wimp, a Weasel. Page gets irate in the ring and tells Konnan to get in the ring right now and they will see who is the coward after the match, when he sends Konnan ruling with his tail between his legs like the Dog that he is. Konnan drops the microphone and charges to the ring.








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Diamond Dallas Page vs Konnan


Konnan wastes no time laying in the punches to DDP who cowers in the corner, calling for the referee to break it up. Once again the manipulation of the Referee plays into DDP’s hands as he gains the upper hand and goes to work on beating down Konnan. After a fairly decent match between the two, DDP ends up picking up the victory, cleanly by hitting the Diamond Cutter for the 3 count.


Winner: DDP

Time: 8:07





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Backstage and Paul Heyman is walking around asking WCW Staff members if they have seen Kanyon anywhere. After getting no luck, he eventually bumps into Billy Kidman who is alone tonight, without Torrie by his side. Heyman asks how Torrie is doing, before apologizing for the actions of Jazz last week. Heyman says that she has been warned and that it won't happen again. Kidman thanks him, while also remaining somewhat distant, knowing the tactics Heyman has played in the past. Heyman then asks if Kidman has seen Kanyon, to which Kidman tells him that he was in the Production truck a few moments ago. Heyman thanks him as he makes his excuses and leaves.







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Following the previous segment, Shane Helms is seen arriving at the arena in his rental car. As he steps out he is greeted by Jeremy Borash who is on him throughout the segment, in his face while he gets his bags from the trunk and as he walks towards the arena doors. Helms stays silent throughout, leaving Borash to address the camera saying “Well you guys got that, Still no news on the big decision head for Shane Helms tonight”







<div style="background-color:#d9d9d9;color: #ff9930;border-style:solid;border-width:5px;max-width:960px;";">


Heyman is now back in shot as he heads towards the Production truck where he bumps into Kanyon. Heyman greets him warmly and says he is a really big fan of his. Heyman says that he thinks the Elite is full of over the hill guys riding the coattails of the young stars. Heyman points out that he thinks Kanyon is above being part of that sideshow and offers him to join the XCW. Kanyon thanks Heyman, says he is well known for his credentials but he is far too Loyal to the Elite Era, calling them Family. Heyman then says that the offer is still there, that he will chat to him next week after he sleeps on it, and if he’s not changed his mind, He will be VERY disappointed. Heyman then offers his hand out to Kanyon who shakes it, but says “I know where I already stand thanks”.







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Back from a commercial break and Jeff Jarrett is with the entire Elite Era in his office. Jarrett says that he’s putting Goldberg to work tonight, saying that he can't sail his way into World War 3, he needs to show up and step-up like the rest of them. Jarrett then says he wants one of them to take him on tonight and take him to town. Everyone nervously starts talking to each other before Rick Steiner stands up. Steiner says he wants to fake Goldberg. He says that he wants to do it for his Brother and for the Elite Era, calling Goldberg a big dog, with a big bark but a lousy bite. Jarrett then accepts his offer as everyone else in the Elite Era now bound to their feet as hypocrites, cheering on Rick for being the Man.







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XCW World Championship #1 Contender

Tommy Dreamer vs Justin Credible vs The Sandman


Following on from Heyman calling to legitimise the XCW titles, this 3 way match is set to put the title and the fight for it, well and truly on the map. In a decent battle Tommy Dreamer and Justin Credible put on a good performance. Sandman gets over well with the crowd but is marred by a few botches. Overall a good match, the showcasing of the XCW tallent goes well as Tommy Dreamer picks up the victory and puts himself in a position to become the new Champion at WW3.


Winner: Tommy Dreamer

Time: 12:10





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Backstage and Billy Kidman eventually bumps into Shane Helms after spending the past 2 weeks wondering what his decision was going to be. Helms hugs Kidman and apologies for last week. Kidman asks what he's decided but Helms cuts him off saying he's made the right decision for him and he will make it clear tonight to Kidman, Moore and Karagias. Helms then shakes Kidman's hand and says he promises it's the right thing.







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Eric Bischoff now appears on the titantron screen in an address to the Viewing public. Bischoff states that due to increased numbers week on week with both Nitro and Thunder, he has some good news. Bischoff says that starting next week, WCW Thunder will be going live for 2 hours every week. Bischoff thanks the USA Network in it's support of WCW over the past few months and says that although it is only a temporary extension heading into WCW Starrcade XIX, he hopes that success will follow and Thunder will stay as 2 hours going forward. Bischoff then says that this weeks Thunder will feature 3 #1 contendership matches, where the winners will get a shot on the 2 Hour edition of Thunder. Bischoff says that the matches will decide the #1 Contenders for the WCW World Tag Team Championships, The WCW United States Heavyweight Championship and the WCW Cruiserweight Championship.







<div style="background-color:#d9d9d9;color: #ff9930;border-style:solid;border-width:5px;max-width:960px;";">


Stacy Keibler is now backstage with Jeff Jarrett after calling him aside to talk about what happened on Thunder this past week. Stacy says she is highly embarrist with what happened and wants to know what will be done to reprimand Ric Flair for laying his lips on her. Jarrett promises that he won't let him get away with it, saying that he will get what's coming to him.







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Chavo Guerrero vs TJ Perkins


In a pretty decent match that included a local Jobber, Chavo Guerrero stumbled on his way to victory, almost getting upset after the rookie Perkins almost won by a rollup. In the end Chavo picks up the victory with a Brainbuster and grabs his belt from ringside before storming off backstage after the victory.


Winner: Chavo Guerrero

Time: 7:22





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Backstage and Shane Helms is interrupted by Shannon Moore and Evan Karagias who surround him while he's sitting down eating his lunch. They begin by saying they can't wait to get the band back together, calling tonight an historic moment in the history of WCW. Helms cuts them off saying he hasn't announced anything yet and that he would appreciate it if they would leave him alone to enjoy the rest of his lunch. Sheepishly Karagias and Moore oblige and reterit, saying “can't wait…, we can't wait”.







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Following on from an earlier announcement from Eric Bischoff, he is at it once again. This time he is in his office with Ric Flair, Jeff Jarrett and Paul Heyman. Bischoff starts by saying that he knows what they are all thinking, why did he ask them all to be here. Well Bischoff says it's because he has something they may want to hear about the WCW PPV World War 3. Bischoff says that the WW3 Battle Royal will have a new spin to it's entrant process this year. Bischoff says that this year it's a literal war of sorts. He says that each man in the room will get to choose 15 Entrants into the Battle Royal, Ric Flair for team WCW, Jeff Jarrett for team Elite Era and well, The Wildcard. Heyman then asks what do you mean wildcard. Bischoff says that each one of them gets to choose 15 entrants. The remaining 15 of the 60 will be open to wildcards. That means anyone outside of WCW who wants to turn up and make a splash by winning just 1 match to get a headliner spot against Goldberg or Scott Steiner at WCW Starrcade. Flair and Heyman thank Bischoff as Jarrett proceeds to go into a rant, telling Bischoff he can't take libertys like this with the Starrcade Main event. Bischoff shoots him down and says that the decision is final and that they had better start to select their army, because they will be going to war in less than two weeks.







<div style="background-color:#d9d9d9;color: #ff9930;border-style:solid;border-width:5px;max-width:960px;";">


Mark Jindrak is backstage helping himself to a Coffee when from behind Mike Awesome hits him in the back of the head with the XCW Television Championship. As Jindrak clambers forwards a wall to help pull him up, Awesome tells him that he's now the only true TV Champion in WCW!.







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F.B.I vs Road Warriors


In a good match against the Tag Team Champions, the news tag team in WCW once again made an impact on the main roster. The Road Warriors take them right to the edge, forcing them to give all they got. In the end however the effort was all in vain as Vito and Johnny The Bull show up at ringside and prove enough of a distraction to allow Tony Mamaluke to suffer defeat at the hands of Hawk and Animal.


Winner: Hawk

Time: 9:22





<div style="background-color:#d9d9d9;color: #ff9930;border-style:solid;border-width:5px;max-width:960px;";">


Ric Flair, Lance Storm and Chris Candido are backstage in the corridor discussing the WW3 match when Stacy Keibler walks past. Storm immediately stops and turns to Flair asking him, isn't that the bimbo you kissed last week. Flair responds by saying yeah, and she wasn't all that, she kissed like her mother. Stacy turns round and gives them a filthy look, before storming off.







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Backstage in the medics area, Konnan is holding an ice pack on the back of his head when Rey Mysterio turns up. Mysterio thanks him for defending his honour earlier, saying he was sorry he wasn't here to do it himself, or lend a hand with that coward DDP. Konnan says that he does anything for Familia and not to worry. That's when Mysterio jokes that it's becoming a bit of a habit with Konnan getting dragged into his business. First Vampiro, now Page. Both men laugh about it before Mysterio offers to go get him a cold one tonight after the show.







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Backstage in the mock up office of Paul Heyman (A WCW locker room with the “W” crosses out and an “X” placed over it. Heyman has the whole of the XCW roster sat in front of him. Heyman says that so far they have been making some big waves in WCW and he couldn't be more proud of them. Heyman compliments Dreamer, Justin Credible and Sandman for the match earlier, before saying he wants to see more of that kind of passion. That's when Heyman says he wants everyone to step up in 2 weeks. Heyman tells everyone about the 15 man selection ahead of him and says he wants someone on the XCW roster to shock the world at WW3 by winning the Battle Royal and headlining Starrcade XIX with either Steiner or Goldberg. The segment ends with Heyman riling everyone up, getting them to their feet and chanting XCW.







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Now it's that time of the night where we get the decision from Shane Helms, who makes his way to the ring alone. Helms gets into the ring and before talking about anything else, he asks that Kidman, Moore and Karagias join him in the ring. The music of each of them hits as they make their way to the ring. Helms then, when he has their whole attention goes into a long spiel about how he’s a new man these days, that the old him is a thing of the past, referring to his days in 3 count as an embarrassment on his record. Helms says none of them could really sing, they just did it for the exposure. That's when Moore and Karagias start to get worked up, asking Helms what the hell he is thinking. Helms then says going forward he doesn't want to be known as a member of 3 Count EVER again. That's when he opens his arms up to Kidman. Kidman walks toward Helms but gets jumped from behind by Moore and Karagias. Helms then steps in to back them both off Kidman, who slowly makes his way back to his feet, joining Helms’ side. Helms and Kidman briefly stare down with Karagias and Moore before Helms turns to Kidman and kicks him straight in the stomach. Helms, Karagias and Moore then launch an attack on Kidman, beating him to a pulp on the floor, before raising each other's arms over his lifeless body.







<div style="background-color:#d9d9d9;color: #ff9930;border-style:solid;border-width:5px;max-width:960px;";">


Goldberg vs Rick Steiner


Goldberg comes to the ring with a huge ovation from the live crowd, who is firmly behind him. Rick Steiner steps up to the plate in a show of Brotherly love for his Brother the World Champion. In a pretty good main event, Rick holds his own against Goldberg in a match where Goldberg doesn't just walk it. The first 6 Minutes are pretty even between the two, the turn in the fortunes only come when Goldberg hits a Spear out of nowhere to give him the path to victory over Rick with his patented Jackhammer


Winner: Goldberg

Time: 7:28





<div style="background-color:#d9d9d9;color: #ff9930;border-style:solid;border-width:5px;max-width:960px;";">


Following the match, Goldberg taunts to the crowd, but unbeknown to him the entire Elite Era has made their way down the ramp and surrounded the ring. Goldberg stands his ground and calls them all to get in and fight him. After a brief stare down, Scott Steiner tells everyone to “Get him”. Although Goldberg gets in a good few shots and knocks a few members of the Elite Era off the apron, the numbers prove too much. In the end Goldberg is left facing his fate as he gets beaten down in a gang like attack. Obviously everyone venting their issues with him from the lead up to the Halloween Havoc Main Event. Eventually Scott Steiner locks him into a Recliner as Goldberg is clearly unconscious. That's when the lights go dark and after a few seconds, a spotlight shines onto the stage and the Music begins to play.




Stings Music begins to play as he walks out to the top of the ramp. The lights eventually go back up as members of the Elite Era rush up the ramp to attack Sting, who has his trademark baseball bat in hand. One by one Sting takes them out, leaving just Jarrett and Scott in the ring and Sting points his bat towards them as he slowly walks to the ring. As sting gets to the bottom of the ring steps, to enter the ring, Jarrett and Steiner hightail it out of the ring and retreat over the guardrails and into the crowd, as Sting stands as protector over the body of Goldberg in the ring.









Show Rating




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This Weeks News W2 P1 November 2001


<table style="height: 29px; width: 590px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><tbody><tr style="height: 15px;"><td style="width: 580px;"><table style="height: 101px; width: 993px; background-color: #15447c;"><tbody><tr style="height: 134px;"><td style="width: 641px; background-color: #253c6e; vertical-align: bottom; height: 134px;" colspan="4"><img src="

http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/webbrowsertop.jpg" alt="" width="983" height="108" /><br /><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/webhead.jpg" alt="" width="983" height="131" /></td></tr><tr style="height: 26px;"><td style="width: 10px; background-color: #253c6e; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; height: 147.9px;" rowspan="7"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/webleft.jpg" alt="" width="137" height="292" /></td><td style="height: 26px;" colspan="2"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/webmnwresults.png" alt="" width="480" height="30" /></td><td style="width: 127px; background-color: #253c6e; text-align: right; vertical-align: top; height: 147.9px;" rowspan="7"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/webright.jpg" alt="" width="138" height="473" /><h2> </h2></td></tr><tr style="height: 4.89999px;"><td style="width: 60px; text-align: center; vertical-align: top;"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/News%20Graphics/webmnw.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="200" /></td><td style="width: 500px; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;"><p style="text-align: left;"><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>WCW Nitro</strong> scores a </span><strong>81</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;"> TV Show Rating </span><span style="font-weight: 400;"><br /></span><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>WCW Nitro</strong> Scored a </span><strong>4.69</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;"> TV Rating which is </span><span style="font-weight: 400; color: #ff0000;"><span style="color: #99cc00;">Up 0.14</span></span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> from the previous week<br /><strong>WCW Nitro</strong> Scored a <strong>4.12</strong> Peoples Rating which is<span style="font-weight: 400; color: #ff0000;"> <span style="color: #99cc00;">Up 0.12</span></span> from the previous week<br /></span></span></p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>------------------------------VS------------------------------</strong></span></span></p><p style="text-align: left;"><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>WWF Raw </strong>scores a </span><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>77</strong> TV Show Rating </span></span><br /><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>WWF Raw</strong> scored a <strong>5.47</strong></span> TV <span style="font-weight: 400;">Rating which is <span style="color: #ff0000;">down </span></span><span style="font-weight: 400; color: #ff0000;">0.07</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> from the previous week<br /><strong>WWF Raw</strong> scored a <strong>4.12 </strong>Peoples Rating which is <span style="color: #ff0000;">down </span><span style="font-weight: 400; color: #ff0000;">0.13</span> from the previous week<br /></span></span></p></td></tr><tr style="height: 30px;"><td style="width: 60px; vertical-align: middle; height: 30px; text-align: left;" colspan="2"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/webtopstories.png" alt="" width="480" height="30" /></td></tr><tr style="height: 30px;"><td style="width: 60px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; height: 30px;"> </td><td style="width: 500px; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; height: 30px;"> </td></tr><tr style="height: 30px;"><td style="width: 60px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; height: 30px;"> </td><td style="width: 500px; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; height: 30px;"> </td></tr><tr style="height: 30px;"><td style="width: 60px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; height: 30px;"> </td><td style="width: 500px; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; height: 30px;"> </td></tr><tr style="height: 30px;"><td style="width: 60px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; height: 30px;"> </td><td style="width: 500px; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; height: 30px;"> </td></tr><tr style="height: 30px;"><td style="width: 60px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; height: 30px;" colspan="4"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/webbrowserbottom.jpg" alt="" width="983" height="47" /></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table><p> </p>

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<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid blue; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">






In The Booth:




Michael Cole, Jonathan Coachman and Tazz



<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #2337dd; margin:10px;background: #b6b6b6; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Tonight Is A Big Show




The Rock, and members of his Survivor Series Team: Big Show and Kane, opened the show by strolling to the ring to a big ovation...


The Rock:
“So The Rock HEARD you Mr. McMahon... The Rock HEARD you say, that Step Two was to take out Triple H's legs... Well The Rock, Big Show and Kane would LOVE to see you try!! Tonight... It's a Big Show... Because... Undertaker is going to get flattened, by The Big Show!! And that match... starts now... So 'Deadman'... Bring your 'American Naughty Ass' out here for a spankin'!!”




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid blue; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">


Big Show w/ Kane & The Rock [vs] The Undertaker


Two big men colliding in a match that had a big fight feel, but was a short one. Show used his power and size to keep Undertaker at arms length, but the arrival of 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin made a big difference to the outcome of the match. Austin and Rock got into a fight, which Kane had to break up, and the distraction on the outside allowed 'Taker to 'Chokeslam' Big Show and escape with the win!



The Undertaker






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The Latino and Cubano Americanos




We cut backstage as Steve Austin and The Undertaker got out of the arena, and we found a fight between rivals Eddie Guerrero and Razor Ramon breaking out... Punches were being thrown, and both men got caught with stray elbows... Referees, Officials, and one or two wrestlers came between them... Most notably Kurt Angle... The former Olympian grabbed Eddie, and calmed the Mexican down... But Ramon saw his opportunity... He shoved Angle into Eddie, leading to a fight between the two that also had to be broken up... Angle said he'd see Eddie in the ring on RAW!!






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid blue; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">


The APA (Faarooq & Bradshaw) [vs] Steve Blackman & Steven Richards w/ Ivory


Blackman was a badass in this match, but Richards cowered away from the big, strong, APA. For the finish, Blackman was put down by Bradshaw's vicious lariat. Richards, who has been in good match-winning form of late, decided not to break up the resulting pin.



The APA (Faarooq & Bradshaw) [vs] Steve Blackman & Steven Richards w/ Ivory

'Clothesline From Hell'





<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #2337dd; margin:10px;background: #b6b6b6; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Crash Diet!




In a pre-taped video package, Crash Holly was continuing his training to try and lose enough weight to qualify for the Light Heavyweight Division... He was running up some steps in a stadium, to where Hardcore Holly and Molly Holly were waiting with some scales... Out of breath when he got there, he stepped onto the scales, and then let out a whine...


Crash Holly:
“Still well over 400lbs...!! Damn it...!!”






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #2337dd; margin:10px;background: #b6b6b6; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

The Belt Collector




Coach was stood with the Intercontinental Champion: Chris Jericho next... 'The Belt Collector' is still trying to round up more Championships having unified the Intercontinental and European Titles at No Mercy last month...


Chris Jericho:
“Listen Jackson Bus-man... Tonight... 'The Ayatollah, of Rock and Rolla' is going 1... on 1... With 'The Great One'... It's the Intercontinental Champion against the 'People's Champion'... But since I don't like or respect people... I don't respect The Rock!! However... I do recognise his position in this company... and that position is VERY high up... So once I beat him... I... want a WWF Title shot against 'Stone Cole' Steve Austin, babayyyyyy!!”






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid blue; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">


Edge & Christian [vs] Billy Gunn & X-Pac w/ K-Kwik


Another very strong match here. The story told throughout it was all about how much of a help, or hindrance, K-Kwik would be at ringside. Turned out he was the latter, as his attempted distraction of Edge forced Billy to shout at him, and walk onto a 'Spear'.



Edge & Christian






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #2337dd; margin:10px;background: #b6b6b6; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Tag Team Chaos




Scotty Too Hotty:
“Dean... Regal... Just so you, along with everybody else doesn't get it twisted... WE... are not responsible for taking out Samu... We're not responsible for taking you out either... We wouldn't do that, man...!!”


Malenko and Regal said that they believed Too Cool, but the New Headshrinkers walked up looking menacing...




Haku spoke, while Umaga just made some noises and breathed heavily...


“When we find out who... We KILL them... Too Cool are dancing FOOLS... Rikishi Family... But you two are NOT!! We think Hardy Boyz... We go to Hardy... Compound...!! Together...!!”


Haku suggested that all six of them should travel to the Hardy Compound in North Carolina... and confront the crazy Hardy Boyz... an idea that neither Regal, Malenko, nor Too Cool were best pleased about... Then D'Lo Brown walked up...




D'Lo asked Regal and Malenko if they'd given his plans and offer any thought... Having asked them to both be on Team D'Lo for Survivor Series!!


William Regal:
“Tell you what my old chum... We'll join your team, IF... You come with us to the Hardy Compound...!!”


D'Lo Brown:
“Sure... How scary could it be...?? Right...??”






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #2337dd; margin:10px;background: #b6b6b6; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Samoan Spiked




Spike Dudley made his entrance into the arena, ahead of his scheduled match with former Light Heavyweight Champion Jerry Lynn... Spike was clearly still feeling the effects of his match with Umaga, in which the scary Samoan used his 'Samoan Spike' on to Spike small neck and shoulder area...




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid blue; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">


Spike Dudley [vs] Jerry Lynn


Spike's shoulder gave him a lot of trouble in this match, and Lynn made sure that continued throughout it. He was softening Spike up for his 'Cross Armbreaker' finisher, and Spike had to tap out.



Jerry Lynn

'Cross Armbreaker'



<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #2337dd; margin:10px;background: #b6b6b6; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

A Different Kind Of Tune-Up




Jerry Lynn won his 'tune-up' match against Spike Dudley here, ahead of his impending clash with Marty Jannetty at Survivor Series for the Light Heavyweight Title... Jannetty will be in singles action next week on RAW, as he goes 1 on 1 with one of 'Terri's Boys': Albert... An altogether different type of tune-up match!! One that the LHW Champion might not walk out of...






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid blue; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">


Rikishi [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Viscera


Perfect was excellent out there tonight, rolling back the years, and not missing a step. He was in there against a big, strong, Samoan though, and despite having a bigger, stronger, man in his corner in the form of Viscera, he could do nothing to stop the Freight Train that was Rikishi tonight!




'Banzai Drop'





<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #2337dd; margin:10px;background: #b6b6b6; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

The Japanese Buzzsaw


Get Tajiri's WWF Theme in your head... If you can't remember it... click


We saw a promo video package next, for one of WWF's newest signings: 'The Japanese Buzzsaw' Yoshihiro Tajiri...!! Better known as just Tajiri, and hailing from Tokyo, Japan... the 190lber will fit in well with the WWF's Light Heavyweight Division... He can kick as hard as anyone in the business, and has a wealth of experience to his name, despite being only 31 years of age... No news yet on when we can expect his debut, but thoughts are it won't be long...






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #2337dd; margin:10px;background: #b6b6b6; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Time To Take Out The Trash!




In the parking lot, the fun-loving youngster K-Kwik was loading what looked like X-Pac and Billy Gunn's bags into the back of their rental car... Just then, one of Pac and Gunn's Survivor Series teammates Test walked up, and told K-Kwik he'd seen the youngster's antics in the match, and told him he was at fault and caused his team to lose...


“Hey... Ey... Ey man... Listen... It's maah bad dawg...!! Not gon' happen again like dat...!!”


“Yeah, you're damn right it won't happen again!!”


Test grabbed Kwik by the back of his head, and slammed him onto the side of the car... He then dragged Kwik kicking and screaming towards a nearby dumpster, and chucked him in it!! Test said that it was time to take out the trash, and walked off rubbing/clapping his hands together after a job well done... The Godfather arrived around a corner, smoking a large Cuban having seen the fight take place...




The Godfather:
“MMMMMMmmmmmhmmm... You are sure in a Pickle there, Mr. K-Kwikle... If only someone had a cane you could grab a hold of, to pull yourself out... Oh wait... You can use mine!! Come on now... that's it... Listen... I have a plan brother... I'll explain on the way, but you're gonna thank me later!!”


“But dawg... I like it here in Anaheim, California... Dawg, wait up man!!”


The show was being held in Atlantic City, New Jersey...






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid blue; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">


'The Great One' The Rock [vs] 'The Ego-Maniac' Chris Jericho


Main Event time and an amazing one between Rocky and Jericho here. Both of these young men are just coming into their prime in the WWF, and they showed all of their potential and that their current level is a cut above most in the company. Jericho dominated things, and made sure The Rock knew he was in a fight tonight. However, 'The Great One' was able to muster the strength to hit a Samoan Drop to stem the flow of offence that Jericho was able to put together against him. The crowd came alive for The Rock, and they helped him get back into it. Moments later, the 'People's Elbow' hit the mark, but then 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin arrived to cause a distraction. With Rock looking over the top rope at his rival, Jericho pounced, but Rock saw it coming and ducked him. Jericho hit the ropes chest first, and as he bounced and turned back around, he caught a 'Rock Bottom' and was pinned!



'The Great One' The Rock

'Rock Bottom'





<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #2337dd; margin:10px;background: #b6b6b6; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Near Miss




In the parking lot, Triple H was seen loading his bags into his car, when a large motorbike came from out of nowhere and almost slammed into him, and the side of his car!! It was obvious who was on the bike, but we still saw the rider stop, and turn back just so we could see The Undertaker's face... He revved the bike and sped off before a hurt Triple H, who had leapt over the bonnet of his car to safety could chase after him... 'The Game's' arm was cut from the landing and he was favouring his left knee too... But it could have been a lot worse...








<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #2337dd; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Quick Results:


The Undertaker [def.] Big Show


The APA [def.] Steve Blackman & Steven Richards


Edge & Christian [def.] Billy Gunn & X-Pac


Jerry Lynn [def.] Spike Dudley


Rikishi [def.] Mr. Perfect


The Rock [def.] Chris Jericho


Show Rating:










Nothing major to report here, except that next week you're going to see a debut from developmental pop up on Smackdown for his first appearance... I want to be true to real life with signings and debuts etc, as much as I can... I've sort of set myself a rule about it, that I'll try to promote/debut guys within a year of when they debuted with the WWF in real life... And no earlier... There will be exceptions to this of course, but for example Umaga debuted on RAW in July 2002, so I could have brought him up any time from July 2001 onwards and he arrived in November (so only 8 months earlier than in real life)... This one next week is going to be, 3 or 4 weeks outside of that, but I'm okay with it... Whether I stick to this rule I'm not sure, but I like it for now.



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<strong><span style="font-size:24px;">WCW Thursday Night Thunder - </span></strong><strong><span style="font-size:24px;"><em>Episode #160</em></span></strong></p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Thursday Week #2 November</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville, Connecticut (8,428)</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Announce Team</strong></p><p>

<span>http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/Roster/RosterNEW01/Staff/%23ANNmiketenay.jpg</span><span>http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/Roster/RosterNEW01/Staff/%23RAdustyrhodes.jpg</span><span>http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/Roster/RosterNEW01/Staff/%23ANNstevieray.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>


</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="background-color:#d9d9d9;color: #fcbe26;border-style:solid;border-width:5px;max-width:960px;";"></p><p>

<span>http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/Roster/RosterNEW01/Staff/%23PRESricflair.jpg</span><span>http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/Roster/RosterNEW01/bookert.jpg</span><span>http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/Roster/RosterNEW01/lancestorm.jpg</span><span>http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/Roster/RosterNEW01/kevinnash.jpg</span><img alt="reymysteriojr.jpg" data-src="https://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/Roster/RosterNEW01/reymysteriojr.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><span>http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/Roster/RosterNEW01/konnan.jpg</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#000000;">WCW kicks off by joining Ric Flair in the backstage area. Ric Flair’s sitting in front of Booker T, Lance Storm, Kevin Nash, Rey Mysterio and Konnan. Flair says that it's down to him to choose the members of the WCW Army heading into the WCW World War 3 match. Flair says he knows Booker already declared himself in and says he already knows he’s team WCW but says he wants to rely on the rest of them to join him in the match. Flair says that he is entering the match himself to make sure Nobody from the Elite Era wins. Everyone then tells Flair they are in and that they all agree to stop the Elite Era any way possible.</span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;">

</span><span>http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/Show%20Grades/80.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>



</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="background-color:#d9d9d9;color: #fcbe26;border-style:solid;border-width:5px;max-width:960px;";"></p><p>


<span style="color:#000000;"><strong>Disco Swingers vs F.B.I vs S.O.S vs The Mamalukes</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;">

In a decent match, It's the pairing of Sanders and Stasiak that pick up the victory and earn themselves a shot next week on the 2 hours episode of Thunder, for the WCW World Tag Team Championships</span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;">

</span><span style="color:#000000;"><em><strong>Winner: Stasiak</strong></em></span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;">

</span><span style="color:#000000;"><em><strong>Time: 10:09</strong></em></span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;">

</span><span>http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/Show%20Grades/48.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>



</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="background-color:#d9d9d9;color: #fcbe26;border-style:solid;border-width:5px;max-width:960px;";"></p><p>


<span style="color:#000000;">Backstage and the Road Warriors are with Palumbo and O’Haire chatting in the corridor. Both teams joke about beating Kronik and Totally Buff to a pulp, with Palumbo joking that they are friends, but they also have eyes on the gold. Hawk says it would be an honour to face them, but vow to each other to watch their backs in the future.</span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;">

</span><span>http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/Show%20Grades/66.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>



</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="background-color:#d9d9d9;color: #fcbe26;border-style:solid;border-width:5px;max-width:960px;";"></p><p>


<span style="color:#000000;"><strong>AJ Styles vs Kaz Hayashi vs Cash</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;">

Another good match on the books for the Cruiserweight Division as we see AJ Styles fly to victory in a fast pace match. AJ now puts himself in a great position for next week's Thunder as he gains himself a shot at Chavo Guerrero for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship.</span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;">

</span><span style="color:#000000;"><em><strong>Winner: AJ Styles</strong></em></span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;">

</span><span style="color:#000000;"><em><strong>Time: 9:48</strong></em></span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;">

</span><span>http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/Show%20Grades/58.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>



</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="background-color:#d9d9d9;color: #fcbe26;border-style:solid;border-width:5px;max-width:960px;";"></p><p>


<span style="color:#000000;">Now we are backstage in the interview area with Jeremy Borash who has Shane Helms, Shannon Moore and Evan Karagias in his company. Borash starts by asking him what it's like to have the band back together. Helms whispers something to Moore and Karagias who then grab Borash and escort him off camera, as Helms snatches the microphone from his hand. Helms then looks down the camera and says “Sorry Billy'' he then proceeds to tell everyone that the band isn't back together, he says they are not some corporate band put together by the WCW management to line their pockets, they are a band of brothers, together, with a common goal to dominate the Cruiserweight Division of WCW. Moore and Karagias now come back into shot and flank Helms either side. That's when Helms says don't call us by the Manufactured name, just refer to us simply as “The Brothers For Flight''.</span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;">

</span><span>http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/Show%20Grades/43.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>



</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="background-color:#d9d9d9;color: #fcbe26;border-style:solid;border-width:5px;max-width:960px;";"></p><p>


<span style="color:#000000;">Now we see Sting high up in the rafters where he he goes into a mini sermon about how he has WCW pumping through his blood and he won't stand around while he watches the likes of the Jarretts and the Heymans who come in and threaten the place he calls home. Sting then says he will be in the World War 3 match in just over a week, calling it the night of reckoning.</span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;">

</span><span>http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/Show%20Grades/86.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>



</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="background-color:#d9d9d9;color: #fcbe26;border-style:solid;border-width:5px;max-width:960px;";"></p><p>


<span style="color:#000000;"><strong>Lance Storm vs Shane Douglas</strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;">

In a match where Team WCW and Team XCW get to face off for a chance at facing a member of team Elite Era, you can imagine the stakes are high. Neither man goes into the match looking unprepared as both men come to the ring ready for a fight. In a good allround match, the offence proves to be very even with the crowd not knowing the direction the match will take next. Thankfully for the fans favourite, he manages to hit a strong side kick knocking Douglas hard to the mat and gets himself the victory and the shot at facing Kanyon next week on the first live 2 hour edition of WCW Thunder for the WCW United States Heavyweight Championship.</span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;">

</span><span style="color:#000000;"><em><strong>Winner: Lance Storm</strong></em></span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;">

</span><span style="color:#000000;"><em><strong>Time: 13:54</strong></em></span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;">

</span><span>http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/Show%20Grades/68.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>



</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="background-color:#d9d9d9;color: #fcbe26;border-style:solid;border-width:5px;max-width:960px;";"></p><p>


<span style="color:#000000;">After the match the camera’s cut to the backstage area where they see Goldberg chasing the WCW President Jeff Jarrett and World Champion Scott Steiner through the corridors backstage. Steiner and Jarrett throw everything possible in his way, causing him to slow down as they slowly make their way to the car lot outside the arena. Eventually they get to a car which Jarrett jumps into and starts as Steiner throws over another dumpster just to slow Goldberg. In the end Steiner makes it into the car before Goldberg can reach them, however as they speed away Goldberg is able to throw a steel piper that has been thrown to the floor by Steiner or Jarrett. The pipe smashes the rear window as Jarrett and Steiner speed off. The segment ends with Goldberg huffing and puffing in the cold Connecticut winters air, with steam coming from his nostrils with every breath as the titles for Thunder Rolls.</span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#000000;">

</span><span>http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/Show%20Grades/97.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>


<span>http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/Show%20Graphics/WCW%20Divider%20THUNDER.png</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Show Rating</strong></span></p><p>

<span>http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/Show%20Grades/74.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


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This Weeks News W2 P2 November 2001


<table style="height: 29px; width: 590px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"><tbody><tr style="height: 15px;"><td style="width: 580px;"><table style="height: 101px; width: 993px; background-color: #15447c;"><tbody><tr style="height: 134px;"><td style="width: 641px; background-color: #253c6e; vertical-align: bottom; height: 134px;" colspan="4"><img src="

http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/webbrowsertop.jpg" alt="" width="983" height="108" /><br /><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/webhead.jpg" alt="" width="983" height="131" /></td></tr><tr style="height: 26px;"><td style="width: 10px; background-color: #253c6e; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; height: 147.9px;" rowspan="7"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/webleft.jpg" alt="" width="137" height="292" /></td><td style="height: 26px;" colspan="2"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/webtnwresults.png" width="480" height="30" /></td><td style="width: 127px; background-color: #253c6e; text-align: right; vertical-align: top; height: 147.9px;" rowspan="7"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/webright.jpg" alt="" width="138" height="473" /><h2> </h2></td></tr><tr style="height: 4.89999px;"><td style="width: 60px; text-align: center; vertical-align: top;"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/News%20Graphics/webtnw.jpg" width="150" height="200" /></td><td style="width: 500px; text-align: left; vertical-align: top;"><p style="text-align: left;"><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>WCW Thunder</strong> scores a </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">74</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> Show Rating </span><span style="font-weight: 400;"><br /></span><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>WCW Thunder</strong> Scored a </span><strong>4.83</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;"> TV Rating which is </span><span style="font-weight: 400; color: #ff0000;"><span style="color: #99cc00;">Up 0.01</span></span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> from the previous week<br /><strong>WCW Thunder</strong> Scored a <strong>3.30</strong> Peoples Rating which is <span style="font-weight: 400; color: #ff0000;"><span style="color: #99cc00;">Up 0.28</span></span> from the previous week<br /></span></span></p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>------------------------------VS------------------------------</strong></span></span></p><p style="text-align: left;"><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>WWF Smackdown </strong></span><span style="font-weight: 400;">95 Show Rating </span></span><br /><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>WWF Smackdown</strong> scored a </span><strong>3.45 </strong>TV <span style="font-weight: 400;">Rating which is </span><span style="font-weight: 400; color: #ff0000;"><span style="font-weight: 400;"><span style="color: #99cc00;">Up 0.17</span></span></span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> from the previous week<br /><strong>WWF Smackdown</strong> scored a <strong>4.30 </strong>Peoples Rating which is <span style="font-weight: 400; color: #ff0000;"><span style="color: #99cc00;">Up 0.72</span></span> from the previous week</span></span></p></td></tr><tr style="height: 30px;"><td style="width: 60px; vertical-align: middle; height: 30px; text-align: left;" colspan="2"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/webheatresults.png" width="480" height="30" /></td></tr><tr style="height: 30px;"><td style="width: 60px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; height: 30px;"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/Image%20Bank/TV/WWF%20Heat%202.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></td><td style="width: 500px; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; height: 30px;"><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>WWF Heat </strong></span><span style="font-weight: 400;">65 Show Rating </span></span><br /><span style="color: #ffffff;"><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>WWF Heat</strong> scored a </span><strong>0.11 </strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">Rating which is </span><span style="font-weight: 400;"><span style="font-weight: 400; color: #ff0000;"><span style="color: #99cc00;">Up 0.01</span></span> from the previous week<br /></span></span></td></tr><tr style="height: 30px;"><td style="width: 60px; vertical-align: middle; height: 30px; text-align: left;" colspan="2"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/webtopstories.png" alt="" width="480" height="30" /></td></tr><tr style="height: 30px;"><td style="width: 60px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; height: 30px;"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/Image%20Bank/Logos/AJW.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></td><td style="width: 500px; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; height: 30px;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><span style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: underline;">AJW Hostilities</span></strong></span><br /><span style="color: #ffffff;">AJW have now begun a waring relationship with both AJPW and DDT in a tense move on Japanese soil.</span></td></tr><tr style="height: 30px;"><td style="width: 60px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; height: 30px;"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/Image%20Bank/Logos/CMLL.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></td><td style="width: 500px; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; height: 30px;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><span style="color: #ffffff; text-decoration: underline;">CMLL take a disslike to the WWF</span></strong></span><br /><span style="color: #ffffff;">The well established Mexican promotion has taken a negative view on the World Wrestling Federation recently and turned its stance toward the comapny to one of "Disslike".</span> </td></tr><tr style="height: 30px;"><td style="width: 60px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; height: 30px;" colspan="4"><img src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/News/ProWrestlingdotCom/webbrowserbottom.jpg" alt="" width="983" height="47" /></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table><p> </p>

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<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #b6b6b6; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">






In The Booth:




Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz



<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Bringing A Rock To A Sledgehammer Fight!




Triple H:
“I'm not upset... I'm not disappointed... I'm not even angry... I'm P****D OFF!! So Undertaker... For tryin' to enact 'Step Two' and break my legs on Smackdown... Get out here RIGHT NOW... and FIGHT me...!!”




It didn't take Undertaker long to respond, but he was joined by Vince McMahon and 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin... McMahon sent his troops around opposite sides of the ring, and looked under the ring for something... He pulled out Triple H's trademark Sledgehammer!! And smiled sadistically at 'The Game'... But the fan favourite soon got some help...






The Rock sprinted to the ring, and slid in under the bottom rope... Standing alongside Triple H and begging Undertaker and co. to climb in and fight them... 'Taker, Austin and McMahon teased getting into the ring a few times, but decided to leave things for another time... The WWF World Heavyweight Champion Austin held his Title above his head and pointed to his temple as if he'd outsmarted Triple H and The Rock...


Vince McMahon:
“At Survivor Series this Sunday, Triple H and Austin will go 1 on 1... And it'll also be Team Rock versus Team Undertaker... Maybe I got things wrong... Maybe we don't need to 'break' Triple H's legs as 'Step Two'... Maybe all we need to do, is have ourselves a little Tag Team Match in the Main Event tonight... and break Triple H's spirit...!! So tonight, it's going to be 'The Game' and 'The Great One'... Against 'Stone Cold' STEVE... AUSTIN... and... 'The American Badass'... The UNDERTAKER!!”






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">


'Latino Heat' Eddie Guerrero [vs] 'The Olympic Gold Medallist' Kurt Angle


Two of the best in-ring talents in the entire world right now went head to head here. Both men will Captain a Survivor Series Team this Sunday, but not as opponents. Team Eddie is up against Team Razor Ramon, while Team Angle battles D'Lo Brown and his chosen teammates. Tonight, Eddie was too quick for Angle to handle at times, but the former Olympian has fought every kind of opponent in his career, and he just waited for his moment. He put the brilliant Eddie away with the 'Angle Slam' in the end, but Eddie pushed him to the limit.



'The Olympic Gold Medallist' Kurt Angle

'Angle Slam'





<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

The Master Plan




The Godfather:
“X-Pac and Billy Gunn... The very men I was looking for... You probably heard about your boy K-Kwik gettin' dumped in the trash last week on Smackdown... But what you probably didn't know, was that one of your teammates for this Sunday: TEST, was the one who did the dumpin'!!”


X-Pac and Gunn didn't believe Godfather... He's going to be one of their opponents for Sunday, as part of Team Eddie Guerrero (they're on Razor Ramon's team)... and they told the veteran APA member to prove it...


The Godfather:
“I don't have to prove it... You don't believe me...?? Why don't you go ask Test yourself!!”


The New Generation X members smirked and walked off... Godfather didn't know if his plan had worked...






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Belt Collector You Idiot!




In the men's locker room, Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho was boasting about being the Champion to anybody that would listen, and planning the next Championship he wants to go after...


Chris Jericho:
“What I'll do... Is I'll find a like-minded partner... and we'll go after the WWF Tag Team Championships... Together!!”


A booming voice could be heard from behind Jericho, out of camera shot...


“Like anybody would team up with the 'Belt Grabber' Chris Jericho...”


Chris Jericho:
“It's 'Belt Collector' you idiot!!”


Jericho spun around, to see Big Show and Kane walking into the locker room!!




He tried to backtrack, but it was too late... Show said that this week on Smackdown, he can fight 'The Big Red Machine' Kane...!!






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">


WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Marty Jannetty [vs] Albert w/ Terri & Perry Saturn


Terri and Perry Saturn were a constant menace at ringside, so much so that the referee sent them packing after around 5 minutes. The furious Albert was then taken off of his game, and it didn't take long after that for Jannetty to score an unlikely win with his 'Rocker Dropper'.



Marty Jannetty

'Rocker Dropper' (Arm Hook Fame Asser)



<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Jerry On Jannetty




After the match was over, Jerry Lynn hit the ring and took Marty Jannetty down with a double-leg!! The Light Heavyweight Champion fought him off though, and looked like he'd gained the upper hand, until Albert blasted him from behind with a double axe-handle smash!! Albert and Lynn put the boots to Jannetty, until the Champ was saved by an unlikely ally...




Spike Dudley, who Jerry Lynn beat last week on Smackdown, sprinted out wielding a steel chair!! He ran Lynn and big Albert off, saving Jannetty from getting hurt ahead of his Title Match against Lynn this Sunday at Survivor Series...






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

APA Plan In Motion




In their 'office' with a door but no walls, Bradshaw, Faarooq and The Godfather (The APA) were sat playing cards and drinking beers with their Val Venis and Rikishi... Faarooq asked Godfather if his plan to cause a rift between Test and New Generation X was working... But Val had a heck of a hand...


Val Venis:
“RRRrrrrread 'em and weep, ladieeeeesss!!! A full House...”


Val began to rake in the chips, but Bradshaw had other ideas... With Venis having a King and a Three... and the river having two kings and a three, his Full House looked like a great hand... But Bradshaw had one better...


“Slow your role there Mr. Venis... Four... Of a KIND!!”


Bradshaw pulled out two Threes and had four of a kind!! Venis and co. couldn't believe it, as the pot for this hand was understandably huge!! Rikishi commented that Bradshaw always seems to win... Faarooq just said: “DAMN!”... Godfather finally answered Faarooq's question as Bradshaw chuckled to himself...


The Godfather:
“I think the plan is workin'... I told Billy Gunn and X-Pac to speak to Test... If I know that hot-headed blonde moron like I think I know him, he won't be able to resist boasting about what he did to K-Kwik... and he'll square up to them both about it!! If Gunn and X-Pac bite, they could take him out!!”






<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">


'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] Steven Richards w/ Ivory


Richards has been on a heck of a run lately, but the same can be said for D'Lo. He'll Captain a team this Sunday at Survivor Series against Kurt Angle's team. Tonight, despite Ivory grabbing D'Lo's foot as he came off the ropes, the fan favourite was able to hit the 'Lo-Down' from the top rope and crush Richards' ribs to score the win.



'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #FA5858; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

A Trip To The Hardy Compound – This Thursday Night!


We were reminded by the announce team that this Thursday on Smackdown, seven of WWF's stars would be going on a little trip...




D'Lo Brown, Dean Malenko and William Regal (all members of D'Lo's Survivor Series Team)... Scotty Too Hotty and Grandmaster Sexay of Too Cool... and Haku and Umaga, The New Headshrinkers... will ALL be heading to the Hardy Compound – The home of the Hardy Boyz and Lita...




Somebody attacked Malenko and Regal, and took them out of a Number One Contenders Match... Haku's former(?) partner Samu was also taken out of that same match... and Haku had to bring Umaga in to replace him... Too Cool have been accused of being responsible for the attack but they think it was the Hardyz... who have gone off the deep end of late... The Hardyz and Lita will know the seven men are coming... But what will they do when they confront the young Brother tag team and Matt's girlfriend Lita...?






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A Test Of Unity




Billy Gunn:
“Test!! We heard that YOU dumped K-Kwik in the trash last week!! What have you got to say for yourself...?! And don't lie to me dammit... Coz I'll ask Kwik myself!!”


“You're damn right I did it... And I'll do it again... That kid has no idea what he's doing out there, and he's going to cost us the match at Survivor Series!!”


Gunn and X-Pac got ready to fight Test, to stick up for their young friend K-Kwik... But Razor Ramon, the Captain of their Survivor Series Team came between them!!




Ramon told the warring trio to save their anger for Eddie Guerrero and The APA!! This Sunday, he needs them all to be on the same page... K-Kwik won't be at ringside, so all they have to worry about is getting along for one night... Then after that, they can settle their differences...




In the background, veteran fan favourite Al Snow laughed at the group arguing... Which lead to Ramon challenging him to a match later tonight!!






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Local Enhancement Talent [vs] Mr. Perfect & The Dudley Boyz


Mr. Perfect unnecessarily threw his towel at one of his local opponents to start this match, and gained an unfair advantage as a result. Not that they needed it really. In the end, after making light work of their opponents, Perfect tagged Bubba, Bubba tagged D-Von, and the Dudleys hit a '3D' on the smallest local guy.



Mr. Perfect & The Dudley Boyz




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Three Easy Steps




Watching the action backstage was The Rock – the Captain of the team that's going to face Mr. Perfect, The Dudley Boyz and The Undertaker at Survivor Series this Sunday... Jonathan Coachman began to speak to 'The Great One', but Rock held his hand up to silence the interviewer...


The Rock:
“Three... Easy... Steps... Three Easy Steps, Coach.... THREE... Easy... Steps?! The Rock'll give Vince McMahon's monkey ass three easy steps... when The Rock steps on his legs, his chest and his face!! But here's three easy steps for you jabronis TONIGHT... Step One... Down goes (Steve) Austin... Step Two... Down goes 'The American Naughty Ass' The Undertaker... Step Three... Team ROCK... Beats Team Undertaker, at Survivor Series... If ya SAMELLLLLLL!! What The ROCK... IS... Cookin'...!!”


Rock raised his eyebrow at the camera, and walked off... Tonight he'll team up with 'The Game' Triple H, to take on WWF World Heavyweight Champion: Steve Austin and The Undertaker, with Vince McMahon himself in the corner of Austin and 'Taker...!! A lot of combustible elements in that match, just six nights away from some career defining matches for all four competitors...!!






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Al Snow [vs] Razor Ramon


Snow shouldn't have laughed at Ramon and New Generation X arguing with Test earlier tonight. He was literally punished in this one, with Ramon putting him away in a short match, with the 'Razor's Edge'.



Razor Ramon

'Razor's Edge'





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Crash Diet




Crash Holly and his cousins Hardcore and Molly Holly were out for dinner together... In slow-motion, Hardcore bit into a big, double patty beef burger... The camera panned to reveal Molly chewing a bite she'd just taken from her burger too... a big grin on her face as she chewed with her mouth open and laughed!! The camera then panned to reveal Crash Holly with large pieces of green lettuce hanging out of his mouth... He looked down at his salad and almost cried... The slow-mo video stopped, and we came back to normal speed...


Hardcore Holly:
“How's the diet going Crash? You hit your target yet? Gonna be a Light Heavyweight Champion again?”


Crash Holly:
“Brought my scales with me... Let's find out!!”


Crash hopped on his scales and revealed his disappointment at STILL weighing “well over 400 lbs!”... He said he's going to have to have a re-think about his strategy... All this dieting and exercise just doesn't seem to be working for him!!






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Broken and Busy




Edge and Christian were stood backstage next, as the guests of Jonathan Coachman... He asked the Canadian brothers what they make of the Hardy Boy situation... With Matt stating that he feels 'Broken' after losing his European Title... The two former fan favourites have gone a little crazy as a result, and may be responsible for taking out multiple WWF Wrestlers backstage in recent weeks...


“Christian and I hope, that Matt and Jeff aren't 'Broken'... at least not yet... Because at Survivor Series, we want just enough left of them, for us to finish the job... as we become the NEW... 8-time WWF Tag Team Champions!!”


“We think they're pre-occupied with all the allegations goin' around... and we hope they are... People have said they've gone crazy... but Edge and I know The Hardy Boys very well... and we know they've been crazy for a LONG time... For us... It's just that the mask is starting to slip... and we'll be happy to kick their masks clean off!!”






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The Rock & Triple H [vs] Steve Austin & The Undertaker


The DQ win at the end stopped this match from becoming an iconic one, but it didn't take away from some of the action we saw in the ring and around it. Undertaker and Triple H spent the most time in the ring, with 'The American Bad Ass' having his way with 'The Game', by focusing on his previously injured arm. The Rock got the hot tag late on, and his arrival into the match at that time probably would have gone on to be enough to get the win, but Vince McMahon hit Triple H with a Sledgehammer, he thought behind the referee's back, and the ref did the right thing and called the match off!



The Rock & Triple H




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Step Two: Leg Break




The Rock saw the moment that Vince McMahon nailed Triple H with the Sledgehammer... 'The Great One' glanced up at the heavens, as he knew he was about to be in a 3 on 1 fight for his life!! Steve Austin and The Undertaker pounced on him following the final bell to signify the end of the match, and the young Samoan fan favourite was in real trouble!! It took a couple of minutes to keep him down, but Undertaker ended up hitting a 'Last Ride' on Rocky, through the Spanish Announce Table!! The group known as the 'Three-Man Power Trip' then turned their attention to Triple H... who was still out cold on the ramp following the Sledgehammer shot from McMahon... The referee tried to call the attackers off, but Vince ended up punching him out too!!


Nobody noticed, but The Undertaker had started up his bike, and then hopped off of it... With the help of Austin, 'Taker began wheeling the bike down the ramp towards a beaten down and prone Triple H... Vince McMahon grabbed a microphone and shouted 'STEP... TWO'... at the top of his voice... 'Taker and Austin wheeled the bike OVER Triple H's leg, leaving him to yell out in pain... More referees came running out, and ended things there, but they were too late to stop the heinous actions of Vince, Undertaker and Steve Austin... What is the extent of the injury caused to Triple H...?? What, if any, will be the punishment for their actions, particularly Vince knocking out the referee...?! Will Triple H recover in time to face Austin in the Main Event of Survivor Series for the WWF World Heavyweight Title...?! More questions than answers as RAW went off the air...








<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #b40a0a; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">

Quick Results:


Kurt Angle [def.] Eddie Guerrero


Marty Jannetty [def.] Albert


D'Lo Brown [def.] Steven Richards


Mr. Perfect & The Dudley Boyz [def.] Local Enhancement Talent


Razor Ramon [def.] Al Snow


The Rock & Triple H [def.] Steve Austin & The Undertaker


Show Rating:










I've been looking forward to the next episode of Smackdown, and our first trip to the 'Hardy Compound'... When I first asked to be a part of this project with Togg, I had in my mind that I was going to tell a few stories in advance of when they happened in real life... I'd like to not 'hot-shot' a talent years forward, so for instance, sign Seth Rollins and debut him at the age of 16 or something... But in terms of those long-term characters, like Undertaker, The Hardyz, Chris Jericho, and others who are still wrestling today, I'd like to use some of their best material from over the years, here in 2001 and beyond... This save might not last until mid-2016, when Matt began his 'Broken' gimmick... So I thought, why not use it now...?? If you listen to how he speaks about the character, he was always 'Broken Matt'...


I feel like he never got to explore the character for long in TNA before he was gone... Then a short run in ROH before coming back to WWE with Jeff at WrestleMania in 2017? It only got a 10 month run in TNA for example... so there's so much more he could have done with it, and it seemed like WWE just dropped it as soon as he returned... Only picking it up for a short time years later... Hoping I get the chance to flesh the character out more, and do some cool stuff with it... For Smackdown this week, expect a 'Cinematic Style' bunch of segments, way ahead of their time... But I feel like this could have been done in the WWF in 2001... Wrestling just wasn't like that back then... but it really could have been...



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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Lloyd" data-cite="The Lloyd" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51712" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In 2001, those two are upper mid carders, with a bright, bright, future. WCW are so jealous of our upper mid card.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That rating and you still say that. <img alt=":rolleyes:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/rolleyes.png.4b097f4fbbe99ce5bcd5efbc1b773ed6.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Haha, they are beyond that already, you should push one or the other at this point. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> I like your explanation on Broken Matt. I feel the other characters Matt played have a lot more to offer than that gimmick does, but recent years have overshadowed that. It's a shame IRL, but I'm excited to see how you work with it here in a different time.. better foils for the character around here for sure. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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That rating and you still say that. :rolleyes: Haha, they are beyond that already, you should push one or the other at this point. :D

I like your explanation on Broken Matt. I feel the other characters Matt played have a lot more to offer than that gimmick does, but recent years have overshadowed that. It's a shame IRL, but I'm excited to see how you work with it here in a different time.. better foils for the character around here for sure. :)


I realised after I wrote that, that it's probably not quite true. In real life, Angle had been World Champion by this point. Had the six-man Hell in a Cell win, which solidified him, etc. In November of 2001, Eddie got released in real life. He was building something, but he wasn't there yet. Angle was (hence he went over) but keep in mind that in this 'Universe', Triple H doesn't miss the second half of 2001 due to injury, Steve Austin isn't on his way out the door soon, The Rock didn't miss any time in 01 for filming any damn movies, and his full time in-ring career wasn't winding down either. The entire invasion storyline didn't happen either. So the space at the top of the card is limited.


I have Rock, Austin, Triple H, Undertaker, Big Show and Kane as sort of the most over six. Then Jericho and Angle not far behind. Then I've got Matt and Jeff, Edge and Christian, Benoit, Eddie, in the next rung. I could easily see the two teams splitting and doing singles pushes for both or all four guys.

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Man what a roster that is...even your midcard had so many fun memories with the apa, Godfather, the Hollys. And of course was in love with Trish. Should be fun to see what you do with broken Matt Hardy.


I'm excited to hear that WCW is on a comeback! Love the smack talk from Togg haha

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Man what a roster that is...even your midcard had so many fun memories with the apa, Godfather, the Hollys. And of course was in love with Trish. Should be fun to see what you do with broken Matt Hardy.


I'm excited to hear that WCW is on a comeback! Love the smack talk from Togg haha


Don't encourage him! :D


Oh totally, incredible roster. You didn't even mention a young K-Kwik, Test, Billy Gunn, Regal, Dean Malenko, The Dudleyz, Rikishi... I'm also a sucker for an underdog, like D'Lo Brown. He was always one of my favourites and had a great run in a save I did a long time ago.


2002 is also the year Cena, Orton, Batista, Brock, Shelton, Umaga (Jamal), and others debuted. So there's lots to be excited about!


As much as I hate to say it, Togg deserves a lot of credit for how much fun the 'war' is that's happening in the background. Contract battles are so much fun, especially as I've made my WrestleMania plans and one of the main players' contracts is up where we're writing!

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I'm excited to hear that WCW is on a comeback! Love the smack talk from Togg haha



Harmless ribbing ;) *Coughs* The Lloyds WWF SUCKS *coughs* :D. Dont worry, WCW is keeping him on his toes :D



As much as I hate to say it, Togg deserves a lot of credit for how much fun the 'war' is that's happening in the background. Contract battles are so much fun, especially as I've made my WrestleMania plans and one of the main players' contracts is up where we're writing!



Kind words... im keeping this... its the first nice thing youve said to me in weeks :D.

The behind the scenes stuff is super fun... thanks for the credit... I cant take full credit, im all about sharing. I'll take 99% and share the 1% with you :p.

It really is a fun battle behind the scenes... I'd be happy to share the set up with anyone else who wanted to go down the "Waring Diary" route :).



As for this "Contract Battle" you speak of... the fact that we write this and still dont know if you're getting your WrestleMania match...:p

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There was a reason he didn't mention Billy Gunn :D


EY!!!! Billy Gunn was and is a guilty pleasure of mine! He was also my Brother's favourite wrestler back in the day! Nobody can deny that the New Age Outlaws were awesome. He's still a big dude, and his sons are studs too! I'm gonna send him to Australia right now! And he will hit a really nice dropkick on you!



As for this "Contract Battle" you speak of... the fact that we write this and still dont know if you're getting your WrestleMania match...:p


Oh I know. It's amazing and sucks at the same exact time! In the same week we're fighting for a major name, a retired major name, a major tag team, and one of my best light heavyweights...!! And Stevie Ray. It's mental!!

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WCW Nitro - Episode 315


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WCW Nitro Theme

<audio controls="controls" src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/Music/WCW%20Monday%20Nitro%20Theme.mp3"></audio>


WCW Monday Night Nitro - Episode #315

Monday Week #3 November


Omaha Civic Auditorium, Omaha, Nebraska (9,061)


Announce Team




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WCW Nitro opens with a bang as the Opening segment starts with Jeff Jarrett in the ring with both members of Kronik. Jarrett says that at the beginning he hated how the cards were stacked against Scott Steiner and the Elite Era at World War 3, he says that now the field is a level playing field, he can welcome Kronik’s Adams and Clarke as 2 members of the Elite Era Army heading into World War 3. The Music of Paul Heyman then hits as he bounces down the ring and stands at ringside, flanked by Shane Douglas who Heyman says is his first official member of the XCW Army to enter the match. Douglas cuts a quick promo talking about how WCW and the Elite Era overlooked him a few months ago, but Paul Heyman see’s his true potential. Douglas then lays down the threat of personally dismantling Goldberg or Scott Steiner at WCW Starrcade XIX. The Music of Ric Flair hits next, as he makes his way to the top of the ramp with Mark Jindrak. Flair calls Jindrak the biggest threat in the match because he is young and has the stamina to outlast everyone. Flair then says why don't they have a taster of what's going to go down this Sunday, Flair suggests they each put together a team of 3 and face off tonight in a Triple Threat, Trio’s match. Paul Heyman immediately accepts but Jarrett has to ask what's in it for him. Flair says that by accepting, he won't look like the bitch that he normally is. Jarrett takes great offence and talls Flair “It’s On”.







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Booker T vs Nova


In a pretty decent opening match, Booker T and the now announced new addition to XCW’s WW3 Army Nova battle it out ahead of the big match this Sunday. Nova stays in the match throughout and looks great across the ring from Booker. After a really competitive match, it's Booker who picks up the victory after hitting a well timed Axe Kick. After the match it seems Booker has to be helped backstage after he is unstable on his feet, Tony Schivone comments that it looks like he may have been concussed in this match.


Winner: Booker T

Time: 9:38





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The Cameras are now somewhere in the arena, in a dimly lit area with Sting. Sting talks about how rough the year has been thanks to the Elite Era. He talks about riding high with the United States Heavyweight Championship, only to have it snatched from his hands. Sting then says that at World War 3 he is going to make sure he is the last man standing because he has a vengeance mission against the Elite Era, that he wants to rid them from WCW forever. Sting ends by saying “No Pain, No Gain”







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Backstage and Mark Jindrak locks eyes with Mike Awesome who attacked him last week. Jindrak shouts at him to ask him what the hell the problem is, Awesome replies just by saying “You”. Both men have a brief staredown before they both charge at each other. A huge brawl ensues as they end up beating each other to the ground and have to get pulled apart by WCW security and agents who separate them as best they can,







<div style="background-color:#d9d9d9;color: #ff9930;border-style:solid;border-width:5px;max-width:960px;";">


Jeff Jarrett is walking through the corridor before he enters one of the men's lockers rooms. Jarrett enters and finds Shane Helms, Shannon Moore and Evan Karagias in there, talking between themselves. Jarrett congratulates them on finally getting back together and tells Helms he is impressed with the ruthlessness that he saw last week. Jarrett says he has to handpick 15 people to enter the WW3 match and says he has a spot for all 3 of them if they can promise to bring the same intensity. Helms accepts the offer with zero hesitation as Jarrett says “That's just what I like to see”.







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Kanyon vs Chris Candido


Ahead of this Thursday's match with Lance Storm for the United States Heavyweight Championship, Kanyon has the challenge of another Horsemen member in a non title match. Candido who has been the driving force helping other members of the Horsemen of late finally gets his chance in the spotlight and wastes no time in making an impression, taking Kanyon to the limit, almost beating him on multiple occasions with some great roll ups. In the end the Champion picks up the victory, but it doesn't come at the expense of Candido who looks great against Kanyon.


Winner: Kanyon

Time: 8:22





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After the match ends, Paul Heyman makes his way down the ramp and into the ring. Heyman says that he has until this week to decide and he wants to know his decision. Heyman says he comes highly recommended and it would be a huge insult if he said no. Kanyon takes the microphone and says he respects Heyman but he told him last week and he will tell him again, his loyalties lay with the Elite Era. Heyman then snatches back the Microphone and looks Kanyon straight into the eyes. Heyman then says that he was hoping he wouldn't say that, because someone spoke so highly of him. He then says that I guess he’s just going to have to teach you a lesson. Heyman then points to the ramp as the lights in the arena goes down and the Music Plays


<p><audio src="http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/Music/Promo%20Music/Raven%20Return.mp3" controls="controls"></audio></p>


<details> <summary>Click to Open Spoiler</summary> http://homeofprowrestling.com/MyTEWDiarys/WCW%202001/Roster/RosterNEW01/xcwraven.jpg

After the brief moment when the intro plays and the Music kicks in, Raven appears at the top of the ramp as the camera’s catch the shocked look on Kanyons face. Raven makes his way down to the ring slowly with his head slightly dipped. He eventually gets into the ring and stands straight in front of Kanyon. An inaudible exchange of words briefly follows as Raven then kicks Kanyon in the gut before hitting him with the Evenflow DDT, before he rolls out of the ring. </details>







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Shane Helms vs Paul London


Following weeks of uncertainty of Helms’ motives, it was revealed just last week that he went to the darkside and rejoined Moor and Karagias. In tonight's match the Debutin Paul London has the unenviable task of taking on Helms while he is still fresh of the momentum of last week. London gives Helms a good run for his money and were it not for Karagias and Moore being at ringside, the outcome could well have gone a different way as London looks great across the ring from Helms. The win for Helms comes as Moore and Karagias provide the distraction while Helms rakes the eyes of London and hits him with the Vertibraker.


Winner: Shane Helms

Time: 7:58





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After the match Moore and Karagias get into the ring and join Helms.The Brothers of Flight as they now call themselves launch an attack on London who is in no shape to defend himself in a 3 on 1 assault. Thankfully for London, Kidman makes a run for the ring and manages to clear the house with a chair in hand. Kidman helps London back to his feet before they both stare down the Brothers of Flight who backtrack up the ramp.







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Ric Flair is backstage in the locker room of the Horsemen when he is joined by Nash and the Road Warriors who ask him what they were summoned to his office for. Flair starts by saying that he wants to offer both of the Warriors a place on team WCW at WW3, but before that, he wants the three of them to represent team WCW tonight in the main event. Nash gladly accepts, while Hawk and Animal thank him for giving them a shot in the WW3 match and Animal says to Flair that he has great respect for him, especially as he can move on from everything that happened not so long ago. Flair says he knew Animals true loyalties would show through before telling them all to go and prepare because they need to make a statement tonight.







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Paul Heyman is now in the XCW Lockerroom with Rhino and Tommy Dreamer. Heyman says he wants nothing but the best from them both on sunday, calling for them to put everything aside and steal the show. Heyman accidentally drops the ECW initials before correcting himself, telling them both to go Extreme. Rhino and Dreamer bump fists as Heyman tells Rhino to get out there and warm up ahead of Sunday, as he tells Rhino he has a match next.







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Rhino vs Yang


Rhino looks great in this match and although Yang puts up a fight, it's clear from the start that Rhino’s build and style is too much for Yang. Rhino hits a few Gores, flaunting his dominance over Yang. Eventually after the 4th Gore, Rhino goes for the pinfall.


Winner: Rhino

Time: 6:55





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Backstage and Jeff Jarrett is sitting with Lex Luger and Buff Bagwell in the Elite Era locker room. Jarrett says that tonight he wants both of them to be on tonight's Elite Era Team, not just in the WW3 match on Sunday. Bagwell then asks who will be joining them as Jarrett says that Chyner, Scott and Rick are not here tonight so he asks someone to step into the position. Jarrett says he offered him one of the Elite Era WW3 match slots, calling him a WCW Legend, with that a knock on the door is heard as Jarrett welcomes them in. Jarrett then turns to Buff and Lex and says “Welcome your 3rd member for tonight” and as the camera pans to the doorway, Diamond Dallas Page is standing there waiting.







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Billy Kidman is seen standing in the backstage area talking to a WCW member of staff when Paul London walks up. London thanks Kidman for saving his ass earlier and says if he can return the favour anytime, just let him know. Kidman tells him that he owes him nothing, stating that he did it just to stop Helms and co hurting anyone else. London offers his hand to Kidman anyway, who shakes it and offers London a word of advice, to stay out of the way of those 3 rats.







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Tommy Dreamer vs Big Vito


After watching Rhino stomp to victory earlier, it's now the turn of Tommy Dreamer as he looks to build momentum ahead of this Sunday's big XCW World Championship match. Vito and Dreamer have a pretty even battle between the ropes with Vito showing Dreamer the WCW way of doing things. The match is pretty even throughout but the end comes with a huge red stain across it as the F.B.I cause a distraction from ringside, costing Vito the Victory and allowing Dreamer to hit the Dream Valley Driver for the win.


Winner: Tommy Dreamer

Time: 8:48





<div style="background-color:#d9d9d9;color: #ff9930;border-style:solid;border-width:5px;max-width:960px;";">


Paul Heyman is now backstage near the curtain area to the main stage. Upwalks Shane Douglas, Rob Van Dam and Justin Credible who all ask Heyman what he wants to see them about. Heyman says they need to quickly get their gear on because they are representing XCW tonight, in fact it's next so they had better hurry.







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Kevin Nash is now with Jeremy Borash who catches him heading towards the ring for tonights Main Event. Borash asks Nash if he's looking forward to getting another shot at Page tonight, and how he feels about the Elite Era giving Page one of their 15 slots. Nash says tonight he’s going to bide his time and wait until the moment is right before he rips every limb from Page’s body. Nash says if Page makes it out of here tonight and can make it to WW3 then he will personally see to it that he eliminates him. Nash also says that it was only a matter of time for Page and Jarrett to jump in bed together, calling Page’s change of allegiance to the fact he is a coward and a sell out. Nash then makes his excuses as he has to get to the ring.







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Kevin Nash & The Road Warriors vs Diamond Dallas Page & Totally Buffed vs Shane Douglas, Rob Van Dam & Justin Credible


Ending Nitro tonight is a huge 9 person, 3 way Trio’s match with all sides of the War’s represented. In the first official time WCW, Elite Era and XCW have been in the same match together, it's no surprise that this match is absolute carnage. Throughout the referee struggles to maintain control as the pride and glory of the win is too much to let slip away. DDP spends the whole match avoiding Nash, tagging out whenever he gets into the match. RVD looks absolutely great in the match, adding real flare to the in ring viewing. The win comes as DDP once again uses underhand tactics and uses Nash’s angre against him, distracting the referee long enough to low blow Hawk. DPP then hits the Diamond cutter and gets the 3 count, making the win for the Elite Era as team WCW and XCW are left out in the cold.


Winner: DDP

Time: 14:08





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After the match as DDP celebrates in the ring, his cockyness proves to be his downfall, taking his eyes off Nash for a moment too long. Nash gets back in the ring and finally gets hands on with Page. What follows is a huge brawl between everyone in the ring. So big is the brawl, that the officials fail to break up the fighting and WCW Nitro is left to go off the air with all 9 men still battling in and around the ring.









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