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Alternative CornellVerse 2018 Mod (FULL RELEASE!)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Quick update:



I am working my way through British Isles and Europe. I have sorted out the rosters and titles histories of every company, so that's four years of hiring's, firing and title changes for what is now 18 promotions.



I have now started editing the workers/companies, I completed 21st Century Wrestling today so progress is going well with that.



I have an idea for something else I am going to do when the 2022 version is released, and I would like feedback for people reading this whether you have played the mod or not if possible?



I am thinking of releasing multiple regional versions. So I will release the full world, but also one that is just USA, Just Canada, just Mexico etc.



So that would have every company from any other region deleted, workers from other regions deleted etc.



This is for two reasons - it means if you want a really quick game you can. Say you just fancied playing PGHW in Japan, you can download the just Japan version, loading times will be quicker, you want get news stories or match results from companies you couldn't care less about and it will just flow nicer



The other reason, and I could be wrong about my assumption, but the other reason is because I don't think many people play regions like Europe and Britain, maybe even Oceania too. And I get it, SWF, TCW, USPW etc are the big guns, the best and most famous CVerse characters are in North America or Japan. It's hard to play a game in Europe and not want Wolf Hawkins and Jack Bruce etc.



But I think playing a game with just Europe, getting rid of all the excess workers from around the world, the distraction of seeing USPW getting 95 rated shows, the distraction of SOTBPW winning company of the year etc. might make Europe more enticing. When searching for workers to hire you won't be overwhelmed with the results, and the results won't be all American independent workers, you'll be able to just focus on and see what these regions have to offer.



Part of the reason I am doing that is because I have put work in to making Britain and Europe much more in depth, so I'm not going to lie part of it is because I don't want it to go to waste lol. But also the whole point of this mod is to give people something knew after a couple of years of playing same 2020 database, and Europe is different.



To put into perspective how much work has been done in my mod Europe and Britain have 18 active promotions (might be 19 by time of release) compared to 6 in default data. There is 470 male wrestlers between them, compared to 145 in default. There is 126 female wrestlers compared to 11 in default data. So it is a large area now with a lot of variety, rather than just a side piece lol



I am also thinking as well as individual regions having one that's Europe and Britain and a USA and Canada one as they are very closely linked, maybe a whole North America one too, so USA, Canada and Mexico. Just things that can potentially slim down the mod if people are only interested in certain regions. I know you can select which regions you want on and off when playing full world, but then you end up with big stars unemployed that companies can sign up on day one and ruin the balance of the game!



Ok so the quick update turned into me rambling, sorry!

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Quick update:


I am thinking of releasing multiple regional versions. So I will release the full world, but also one that is just USA, Just Canada, just Mexico etc.



So that would have every company from any other region deleted, workers from other regions deleted etc.



This is for two reasons - it means if you want a really quick game you can. Say you just fancied playing PGHW in Japan, you can download the just Japan version, loading times will be quicker, you want get news stories or match results from companies you couldn't care less about and it will just flow nicer


Wouldn't the player turning off the regions they aren't using at the start of the game do the same thing with less hassle on your end?

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Wouldn't the player turning off the regions they aren't using at the start of the game do the same thing with less hassle on your end?


The issue with that is that it keeps the workers that are available in that area. So say you turned America off and kept Japan, Japan would suddenly be hiring top American talent, and because of broadcasters live Reverie they'd be able to instantly hire multiple main event stars from day one, making the region overwhelmed with talent


Same as if you kept just Mexico, or if you turned Mexico off suddenly you start with top SOTBPW guys all free agents and TCW suddenly get 5 or 6 amazing over talents right away


I've done test games with just certain regions on to see how individual companies book beats and stuff, if you don't delete the excess workers soon your TCW, SOTBPW, WLW etc companies start pumping out 100 rated matches weekly and rarely get TV show ratings below 90



I mean you are right, this is a little extra work, although I think it'll be simple enough to do, I'm just thinking of balance for people's saves, especially long-term games

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The issue with that is that it keeps the workers that are available in that area. So say you turned America off and kept Japan, Japan would suddenly be hiring top American talent, and because of broadcasters live Reverie they'd be able to instantly hire multiple main event stars from day one, making the region overwhelmed with talent


Same as if you kept just Mexico, or if you turned Mexico off suddenly you start with top SOTBPW guys all free agents and TCW suddenly get 5 or 6 amazing over talents right away


I've done test games with just certain regions on to see how individual companies book beats and stuff, if you don't delete the excess workers soon your TCW, SOTBPW, WLW etc companies start pumping out 100 rated matches weekly and rarely get TV show ratings below 90



I mean you are right, this is a little extra work, although I think it'll be simple enough to do, I'm just thinking of balance for people's saves, especially long-term games


It makes sense then.


Of course I like to have all the zones on and pump my databases up with extra wrestlers and promotions so I'm not the target audience for separating them out. I think my next game is going to be a straight 2018 play but right now I'm running a database I call C-verse expanded that combined together the women's revolution expansion and both DLC's for it, one of the Indian expansions (I forget which but I was having trouble downloading one of them), the yet to debut worker mod, and the promotions expansion mod.


I'd add more if I could find good ones adding new promotions and workers (besides the Thunder verse. Going to keep that on it's own for now but in an older editions of TEW I did Frankenstein it and the C-verse together) but it can be kind of a chore to navigate through all the pages of the mod forum and pick out what's what.

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It makes sense then.


Of course I like to have all the zones on and pump my databases up with extra wrestlers and promotions so I'm not the target audience for separating them out. I think my next game is going to be a straight 2018 play but right now I'm running a database I call C-verse expanded that combined together the women's revolution expansion and both DLC's for it, one of the Indian expansions (I forget which but I was having trouble downloading one of them), the yet to debut worker mod, and the promotions expansion mod.


I'd add more if I could find good ones adding new promotions and workers (besides the Thunder verse. Going to keep that on it's own for now but in an older editions of TEW I did Frankenstein it and the C-verse together) but it can be kind of a chore to navigate through all the pages of the mod forum and pick out what's what.


Yeah I do when playing big saves, but every now and then it's nice to just have a quick one where you rush through shows lol

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I am also a fan of seeing the whole world develop. Like with QPW, I try to get popularity in France by example.


Yeah no one I have mentioned this idea to has reacted too positively lol. I was just trying to think of ways to maybe get people trying out places like Europe a bit more

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Yeah no one I have mentioned this idea to has reacted too positively lol. I was just trying to think of ways to maybe get people trying out places like Europe a bit more


Maybe I should do a European save soon. Still running a QAW one right now and I've already planned a save where some punk kid decides to start a hardcore promotion in New England and see how long it takes him to run into the ground. Especially when he starts trying to expand into the Tri-State area. The European one will have to be my third go.


Does the 2018 mod add any hardcore promotions in New England or the Tri-State area? I'm planning to have him take on Pittsburg Steel but that's going to be messier if the east coast wars are already happening all over again.

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Maybe I should do a European save soon. Still running a QAW one right now and I've already planned a save where some punk kid decides to start a hardcore promotion in New England and see how long it takes him to run into the ground. Especially when he starts trying to expand into the Tri-State area. The European one will have to be my third go.


Does the 2018 mod add any hardcore promotions in New England or the Tri-State area? I'm planning to have him take on Pittsburg Steel but that's going to be messier if the east coast wars are already happening all over again.


No new hardcore promotions in that area, but there are more hardcores workers which would help the save

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Lav, I understand your concept about regional mods, I don't mind them, it's just that it seems like too much work for you with little incentive. Is there a significant difference in loading times? Otherwise, most play with all the regions on anyway.


As for your objective : Europe/ Britain/Australia, they just need better marketing so that people dwell into them. C-verse has a lot of characterization for US and Japan, courtesy of great dynasties - and characters have evolved sy through them. Britain/Europe never had anything like that.


It also doesn't help that 21CW's most of the roster is either bald guys or muscle guys and RAW has no one to steal from, considering no other C-verse stars have popularity there. (this thing was improved upon in your 2018-verse)


How about putting out an introductory dynasty for Europe or Britain region - explaining and exploring the region, or a series of posts which talk about changes in details.

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Lav, I understand your concept about regional mods, I don't mind them, it's just that it seems like too much work for you with little incentive. Is there a significant difference in loading times? Otherwise, most play with all the regions on anyway.


As for your objective : Europe/ Britain/Australia, they just need better marketing so that people dwell into them. C-verse has a lot of characterization for US and Japan, courtesy of great dynasties - and characters have evolved sy through them. Britain/Europe never had anything like that.


It also doesn't help that 21CW's most of the roster is either bald guys or muscle guys and RAW has no one to steal from, considering no other C-verse stars have popularity there. (this thing was improved upon in your 2018-verse)


How about putting out an introductory dynasty for Europe or Britain region - explaining and exploring the region, or a series of posts which talk about changes in details.


Yeah the loading times are very significant. When doing tests I can auto advance four years in less than an hour with just Europe and Britain on, takes about 5 hours to do one year with whole world.


TBH I don't think it's much work so sod it I'm going to do it simply because it will annoy me if I don't! If no one uses them it's fine, but I'll know they're there haha


Yeah trying to give places like Europe and Britain more personality as region is something I have worked on, even more so in 2022 version. Britain is very much in a three-way battle between 21CW trying to monopolise the region, SNP making turning British wrestling into smut, and the 6 old-school regional promotions trying to bring pride and traditional values back to Britain. I've made sure profiles of companies and some workers tell that story too.



I did try to do a write-up for places when I released this version of the mod but I don't feel I am very good at writing in that way! Same as dynasty's, just don't think I'm that good at them!


Last point as well - working on giving workers better looking renders is something I have really been working on. I said after doing Japan every worker I felt needed an upgrade has one, whether it's someone like Willr0ck creating one for them, or me finding one that suits them.


I am doing exactly the same in Britain. guys like SMW88 and Cooldude have helped, but I've taken some from recent King Bison renders and all other places. A few examples below of "before" and "after"



























To me there are now guys there I would enjoy using, not just "bald 45 skill rating technical wrestler vs. bald guy with 88 menace"


I mean those Smiling John Smithie and Pinfall Peters renders are amazing. I can't remember who cooldude originally made Pinfall Peters for but that Smithie one was supposed to be for Reaver but switched it out, now that's a tag team I wouldn't mind hiring for SWF, rather than just two low-level simple to release 21CW guys imo

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Yeah the loading times are very significant. When doing tests I can auto advance four years in less than an hour with just Europe and Britain on, takes about 5 hours to do one year with whole world.


TBH I don't think it's much work so sod it I'm going to do it simply because it will annoy me if I don't! If no one uses them it's fine, but I'll know they're there haha


Yeah trying to give places like Europe and Britain more personality as region is something I have worked on, even more so in 2022 version. Britain is very much in a three-way battle between 21CW trying to monopolise the region, SNP making turning British wrestling into smut, and the 6 old-school regional promotions trying to bring pride and traditional values back to Britain. I've made sure profiles of companies and some workers tell that story too.



I did try to do a write-up for places when I released this version of the mod but I don't feel I am very good at writing in that way! Same as dynasty's, just don't think I'm that good at them!


Last point as well - working on giving workers better looking renders is something I have really been working on. I said after doing Japan every worker I felt needed an upgrade has one, whether it's someone like Willr0ck creating one for them, or me finding one that suits them.


I am doing exactly the same in Britain. guys like SMW88 and Cooldude have helped, but I've taken some from recent King Bison renders and all other places. A few examples below of "before" and "after"



























To me there are now guys there I would enjoy using, not just "bald 45 skill rating technical wrestler vs. bald guy with 88 menace"


I mean those Smiling John Smithie and Pinfall Peters renders are amazing. I can't remember who cooldude originally made Pinfall Peters for but that Smithie one was supposed to be for Reaver but switched it out, now that's a tag team I wouldn't mind hiring for SWF, rather than just two low-level simple to release 21CW guys imo


Not sure their gimmicks are compatible but from the description I'd consider switching Hellbound from alience to cult. Violent demonic wackos who kidnap other wrestlers just screams cult like old school Kevin Sulivan's Army of Darkness to me.


Excellent job making them all look better.

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Not sure their gimmicks are compatible but from the description I'd consider switching Hellbound from alience to cult. Violent demonic wackos who kidnap other wrestlers just screams cult like old school Kevin Sulivan's Army of Darkness to me.


Excellent job making them all look better.


I've actually done that since posting lol. I have a checklist for each company and hadn't got to double checking stables yet. They were just pics from the current company I was working on.


I imported from default and it is odd they're an alliance to begin with, description screams cult to me!

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I did try to do a write-up for places when I released this version of the mod but I don't feel I am very good at writing in that way! Same as dynasty's, just don't think I'm that good at them!


I can't help with the writeups because I don't know the backstory of the various new promotions well enough but when I do my hardcore guy I'm planning to make a go of a dynasty with him. If I'm successful at that I'll do the same with a European or British run in either 2018 or 2022 if it's out by the time I'm ready to do it.


Any Dynasty pros here that are big enough fans of the 2018 mod to be willing to give a 2018 European dynasty a go to see if it gets others interested in the region? I know someone's doing a CWW dynasty right now that I'm kind of following but I think they're using the default database.

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I can't help with the writeups because I don't know the backstory of the various new promotions well enough but when I do my hardcore guy I'm planning to make a go of a dynasty with him. If I'm successful at that I'll do the same with a European or British run in either 2018 or 2022 if it's out by the time I'm ready to do it.


Any Dynasty pros here that are big enough fans of the 2018 mod to be willing to give a 2018 European dynasty a go to see if it gets others interested in the region? I know someone's doing a CWW dynasty right now that I'm kind of following but I think they're using the default database.


I did consider doing a dynasty with SNP on 2018, with the whole bar rooms brawls and stuff, but I went full sleaze and while that's fun in a private game I didn't want people to think that's how I actually want women treated in wrestling! It's just fun to book something so over the top violent and tacky, like the worst of ECW on steroids lol


I might try the write ups again tbh, I had planned to do a write-up about each promotion as I completed them...I put it off for the first couple of companies and then it just sort of never happened haha

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I tended to muck around in all of the regions just exploring how to work with certain guys. Europe as a whole definitely does have some good talent and it really shouldn't be ignored.

I loved playing CWW for the short little run I did despite having money issues because of how differently it was booked compared to how I usually play and the styles I normally like and I remember having a decent amount of fun in IQK. So don't feel too bad about people not exploring the map as much as others.

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Lavelle, your promotion write-ups were great. So don't worry about your writing. Please, do these again!


I tended to muck around in all of the regions just exploring how to work with certain guys. Europe as a whole definitely does have some good talent and it really shouldn't be ignored.

I loved playing CWW for the short little run I did despite having money issues because of how differently it was booked compared to how I usually play and the styles I normally like and I remember having a decent amount of fun in IQK. So don't feel too bad about people not exploring the map as much as others.


I didn't really know if anyone read them, maybe I will, four years to catch up on, a lot of writing! lol


I'm glad you had a go with IQK! I had a fun save with them, although it gets frustrating being in that region with a women's promotion lol. Progression is...slow haha

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I tended to muck around in all of the regions just exploring how to work with certain guys. Europe as a whole definitely does have some good talent and it really shouldn't be ignored.

I loved playing CWW for the short little run I did despite having money issues because of how differently it was booked compared to how I usually play and the styles I normally like and I remember having a decent amount of fun in IQK. So don't feel too bad about people not exploring the map as much as others.


I've seen lots of European and British wrestlers I really wanted to hire. The problem was that I was doing an American save. I could have tried talking them into opening up to work America but I don't think a small company would be persuasive.

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Another update as I've had a few people ask


Things seem to be going quite quickly now, in the two weeks since I last updated I have completed 6 promotions, meaning I am a third of the way through Europe/Britain. That includes 21CW and SNP which are the biggest of the companies in those regions.


So completed list so far:


21st Century Wrestling

Scottish National Promotions

Fusion Pro Wrestling (new 21CW development company)

Back Garden Wrestling (new 'stoner hardcore' promotion)

Championship Wrestling from Wigan

Camden Underground (including added events and some very rough event pictures lol)



Today I move on to Proud Welsh Wrestling!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Cant wait, appreciate the updates


In that case I will do another quick one -


All the British promotions have been completed now, there are 85 unemployed people to go through, but a few of them have already been done as I was going through companies, some will be left the business etc. so Britain basically almost done.


In Europe the title histories and starting rosters are already done, and there are only eight companies so shouldn't take too long. That said, 1 of the new companies I am creating I will be attempted to do a longer history for, probably back to the 80s.


This is a Russian promotion that I see being very old-school until a big takeover, so will be basically attempting to create a Russian wrestling scene. So who knows how long that'll take, but I think it should be ok.


This was already decided before the war, and in my CVerse there is no war. I did consider changing plans, but without getting too political I know not all Russian people support what is happening, so that's the Russia I am doing it for!

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This is a Russian promotion that I see being very old-school until a big takeover, so will be basically attempting to create a Russian wrestling scene. So who knows how long that'll take, but I think it should be ok.


This was already decided before the war, and in my CVerse there is no war. I did consider changing plans, but without getting too political I know not all Russian people support what is happening, so that's the Russia I am doing it for!


This isn't something I think you should worry about too much, fiction is fiction after all.

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