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[TPW] Sometimes you Win, Sometimes you Learn (Cverse)

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And so, it begins…

“Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.” – Unknown




WrestleCon, Weston Gymnasium, New York City, February 2019…


“If I hit em with my right hand they might just stay standing. But if I hit em with my left hand and they don’t go down, I walk around them and see what’s holding them up.”

The assorted group of bearded men and tattoo’d women laughed. It wasn’t a real chorus of laughter, but the respectful laughs of people who knew a joke had been told and were responding as society dictated.


A smile appeared in the gap by the mouth of the plain black mask. “Anyway folks, form a line to the left and we’ll get some autographs and photos for y’all.”


The Masked Mauler; Staple of wrestling in New York City for decades had retired. Behind him he left multiple tag team title reigns as one half of Old School Principals with Rick Sanders, a reputation as a solid and safe worker and, of course, dozens of fans. All of them were likely here this evening. Don’t let anyone tell you that wrestling is glamorous. Obviously, being 2019 there were some hipster fans; ironically enjoyed the old NYCW shows and complaining loudly that the best days were behind the flailing promotion. They weren’t wrong, but they didn’t really care. They’d already moved on from the kitsch, old school NYCW onto the shiny New Steel Wrestling. Based out of Chicago it boasted one of the hottest rosters for the ‘in crowd’ of internet fans. It was also owned by former DAVE legend Phil Vibert. And if they needed more eyes on them, they also had their ‘friendly’ battle with Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. The wrestling sites had declared it ‘The Battle for DAVE’s Soul.” A catchy title to be fair.


What nobody seemed to be taking into account was the effect on the rest of the independent wrestling world. For instance, the Confederation of Territories had been absolutely walloped by the formation of the new company, and from its ranks none were hit more so than NYCW. Financially crippled and on the verge of collapse, Larry Vessey had done everything in his power to keep them afloat. He’d succeeded. Just. Thanks in no small part to the feud between Tennessee William and emerging star Brutus Milano. Despite its moderate success, they weren’t out of the woods yet. But it wasn’t just them feeling it though. MAW seemed to be limping onwards as a glorified feeder league for TCW. While FCW in Puerto Rico was on the verge of collapse itself after financial mismanagement by Puerto Rican Power. IPW and GSW were tearing lumps out of each other, leaving only CZCW doing well. Well, as well as CZCW ever do. Somehow they just did their thing and never changed.


Everyone had been impacted by NSW and the independent scene in the US was in the toilet. Most blamed USPW and their streaming service Reverie. But the market always adjusts. As such, despite all the doom and gloom, there was a bright spot. WrestleWorld; the new subscription service was less than a year away. It would give anyone with a talent the chance to make a living by appealing to the broadest possible fan base across the country. All the promoters knew that just needed to make it to the following March and they’d have a lifeline.


The Masked Mauler stood at the head of the small line posing for photos. Using his infamous Iron Claw on delighted fans. He’d played a masked lunatic who couldn’t speak for his whole career, but he had seen the writing on the wall early. Making sure to save his money carefully, he’d recently retired. Losing in the main event of NYCW Spring Showdown to his successor; The Masked Mauler VII. A low key departure for a low key wrestler. It always amazed me how this industry managed to find the right story for the right guy. Most of the time anyway.


He’d left, but here I was, watching a wrestler most people hadn’t heard of, signing autographs for the small number of people who had. Life comes at you fast it seems. So who am I? Firstly, I’m a fan. So much of a fan in fact that when USPW started Reverie, I took a job in the production department. The dream job. Hours and hours of pouring over old tape libraries and helping with production of the new shows too. But then, well; jobs do what they do. They suck the life out of everything. Running around following corporate rules. No passion, no care, just a group of grey people in grey offices, feeling their love for a thing disappear before their eyes. That realisation brought me here. Thirty-eight years old and waiting in line for a photo with my favourite wrestler growing up. Waiting for a decision which could change my life.




VU Training Facility, Burlington, Vermont, April 2019…


“And this is the state-of-the-art training, health and production centre,” said the red-headed young woman. “No expense spared.”


She wasn’t kidding. Universities in the US had too much money. This looked like the training facility for a professional sports team, not a collegiate wrestling program. It was bordering on the obscene. In the middle of the large training room was a brand new wrestling ring. Inside it, Masked Mauler (with mask on) was putting a group of student athletes through their paces. Two identical twins performed an extravagant top-rope suplex/splash combination.


“The Vermont U Catamount Football Programme was discontinued in 1976,” continued the red head. “But last year we received a huge investment from one of our most illustrious alumni for the specific creation of a new football team and a wrestling facility.”


She gestured towards an enormous mural on the wall of a kind-looking lady with the name Madelaine ‘Aunt Bootsy’ DuBois.


“Her investment, through her grandson Alexander has allowed us to become the first University to offer training in professional wrestling.”


“Other Unis don’t offer it because it’s a fake sport though right?” said a young kid with sandy blond hair and the beginnings of what looked like his first ever beard.

“Get in the ring,” barked Mauler.

“Why?” the kid replied.

The young students laughed.

“Get. In. The. Ring!” he repeated.

“The kid doesn’t want to,” I interjected. “Look at him he’s terrified.”

“I’m not scared,” the kid replied and climbed into the ring.


The Masked Mauler immediately scooped him up and slammed him down hard to the cheers of the trainees. The young kid wheezed and remained flat on his back. We were going to be sued. We’d only just setup this collegiate promotion and we were going to be sued. To my genuine surprise, the kid got up and smiled.


“Want me to teach you how to do that?” Mauler asked.


A nod and just like that, everything was fine. Life had got pretty weird, pretty fast. But here I was, head writer for a brand new wrestling promotion. One with a focus on getting young, talented athletes ready for their first steps into the world of pro wrestling. Truly a dream job. Mauler had been handed the reigns by Alexander DuBois and he, in turn, had given me a chance. Since then all focus had been on getting ready for our first show. A new show, with unknown wrestlers, with an audience of students at a University. What could possibly go wrong? Just then a young Indian performer attempted a diving headbutt and knocked himself clean out.


Oh damn…



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Company: Tiger Pro Wrestling


Company Description: Tiger Pro Wrestling was formed in mid-2019 by Alexander DuBois and The Masked Mauler. Envisioned as the world’s first, true, collegiate-inspired professional wrestling company the idea was to try and get ahead of the rest of the market by providing a digital-streaming-ready company with high production values and a cast of fresh, young characters hoping to bring the College Sports vibe to pro wrestling for something unique and long-lasting. Each year a new batch of students would graduate and join the company providing high-quality, well-trained workers ready to replace any and all who move on to bigger and better things.


Product: Collegiate Pro Plus (Wrestling Nerd Nirvana)


User Character:


Thomas Patrick




TPW Champions and Title History


TPW Championship


The Masked Mauler VII

[Won at TPW New Beginnings 2019, Saturday, Week 4, June, 2019]

Previous Champions



TPW Pure Champion


Smash Barrow

[Won at TPW New Beginnings 2019, Saturday, Week 4, June, 2019]

Previous Champions



TPW Tag Team Champions


Washington Project (Billy & Bobby)

[Won at TPW New Beginnings 2019, Saturday, Week 4, June, 2019]

Previous Champions




TPW Event History



June -

TPW New Beginnings 2019

July - TPW Tiger Action 1

Aug - TPW Tiger Action 2

Sept - TPW Tiger Action 3

Oct - TPW All Hallow's Eve 2019

Nov - TPW Tiger Action 4

Dec - TPW Super Cup I

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<div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #737373 0%, #ff7d1b 50%, #737373 100%); black; border-style: solid; border-width: 5px; max-width: 85%; box-shadow: 0 2px 15px ";">



<div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ff7d1b 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 250px;";">rQZntVU.jpg



Nickname: None

Size: Lightweight

Finisher: Spear

Teams: None


</div> <div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ff7d1b 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 250px;";">




Nickname: None

Size: Toned Lightweight

Finisher: Bill of Rights

Teams: Washington Project


</div> <div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ff7d1b 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 250px;";">




Nickname: None

Size: Toned Lightweight

Finisher: Washington Monument

Teams: Washington Project


</div> <div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ff7d1b 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 250px;";">




Nickname: Cap

Size: Toned Lightweight

Finisher: Vermont Driver

Teams: None



<div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ff7d1b 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 250px;";">




Nickname: None

Size: Ripped Lightweight

Finisher: High Velocity Senton

Teams: None


</div> <div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ff7d1b 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 250px;";">




Nickname: None

Size: Ripped Middleweight

Finisher: Utahnator DDT

Teams: None


</div> <div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ff7d1b 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 250px;";">




Nickname: The Delicious Desai

Size: Lightweight

Finisher: Desai Valley Driver

Teams: None


</div> <div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ff7d1b 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 250px;";">




Nickname: None

Size: Skinny Small

Finisher: Reverse 450

Teams: The Tapp Boyz




<div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ff7d1b 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 250px;";">




Nickname: None

Size: Lightweight

Finisher: 450 Splash

Teams: The Tapp Boyz


</div> <div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ff7d1b 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 250px;";">




Nickname: None

Size: Ripped Middleweight

Finisher: Cannonball Run

Teams: None


</div> <div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ff7d1b 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 250px;";">




Nickname: The King

Size: Muscular Lightweight

Finisher: King's Cross

Teams: None


</div> <div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ff7d1b 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 250px;";">




Nickname: Lightning

Size: Muscular Middleweight

Finisher: Lightning Kick

Teams: None




<div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ff7d1b 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 250px;";">




Nickname: None

Size: Light Heavyweight

Finisher: Lariat

Teams: None


</div> <div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ff7d1b 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 250px;";">



Silvio Iaupati

Nickname: None

Size: Toned Lightweight

Finisher: Island Driver

Teams: None


</div> <div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ff7d1b 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 250px;";">




Nickname: None

Size: Light Heavyweight

Finisher: Painmaker Lariat

Teams: None


</div> <div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ff7d1b 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 250px;";">




Nickname: None

Size: Skinny Middleweight

Finisher: IRON CLAW?!?

Teams: None






<div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #9370db 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 250px;";">Iz56qi7.jpg



Nickname: None

Size: Light Heavyweight

Finisher: IRON CLAW!?!

Teams: None






<div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #8fbc8f 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 300px;";">xBZ6p5b.jpg



Teammates: Jordan Ngakoue & Lebron Quashie


</div> <div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #8fbc8f 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 300px;";">





<div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ffff00 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 220px;";">e7DncXH.jpg



Role: Johnny Utah's Valet</div> <div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ffff00 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 220px;";">H8hCXFC.jpg



Role: Colour Commentator</div><div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ffff00 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 220px;";">gWEXNaR.jpg



Role: Referee</div><div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ffff00 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 220px;";">E6y5D2i.jpg


Rock Austin

Role: Head Referee</div>

<div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ffff00 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 220px;";">aKcjB8k.jpg


The Masked Mauler VI

Role: Owner & Road Agent</div><div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ffff00 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 220px;";">aUHKjoo.jpg


Scott Parker

Role: Announcer</div><div style="background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #ffffff 50%, #ffff00 100%);color: #000000;border-style:solid;display:inline-block;padding: 15px; border-width:3px;max-width: 220px;";">WKCakZ4.jpg


Thomas Patrick

Role: Head Booker</div>






Teammates: Billy Washington & Bobby Washington


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Firstly a huge thanks to Historian for inspiring me to try a different approach to diary-writing here on GDW. His No Ordinary Man is superb and worth a read.


Secondly, as always a thank you to BriFidelity and InfinityWPI for their incredible diaries which continue to inspire years after the fact.


Also a big thanks to KingBison, Willr0ck, ReapeR, Fleisch, Quicksilver and all the guys and gals in the re-render thread who have provided me and the community with thousands of pounds of free content to improve the life of this game and the promotions we run.


I liked the idea of running a collegiate sport-themed company for a while and I'm hoping it works out ok. I found the TPW logo and banner at some point, but can't for the life of me know who to credit for its creation. If anyone knows, please let me know and I'll update this page to say thanks. Same goes for any renders I've used. I don't want people to not be acknowledged for their hard work.


In terms of the Gameworld as you'll see as we go, it's changed from the default game data, but I wanted something different to play with. Almost the entirety of the roster of TPW is from created workers which are generally copied from similar workers within the game at the same level so not to be too easy.


I'll be updating these early pages with rosters and title reigns as and when they change so that people can log in and see what's going on. As the shows unfold hopefully you all get to know the created workers as well as I have while writing them.

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Alexander DuBois w/ Scott Parker


Scott Parker - "And I'm hear today with Alexander DuBois, the man behind the creation of Tiger Pro Wrestling. Alexander, thanks for taking the time to talk with us. Being a newcomer to the business must be tough. What brought lured a young twenty-something entrepreneur like yourself to the world of professional wrestling?"


Alexander DuBois - "Great to be here Scott. And that's a great question. For me it started when I was kid. I grew up around here (Burlington, Vermont) and my most favourite thing to watch as a kid was pro wrestling."


Scott Parker - "And being in Vermont meant you got live-stream of..."


Alexander DuBois - "New York City Wrestling. The Stomper, Whistler, Honest Frank and of course..."


Scott Parker - "The Masked Mauler?"


Alexander DuBois - "Precisely. So having grown up watching Mauler and him retiring, things just sort of, began to fall into place."


Scott Parker - "Well they say timing is everything. So what exactly happened earlier this year?"


Alexander DuBois - "I received something of a inheritence. from my Aunt Bootsy. She say that I was leaving College and was thinking about what to do with my life. Being such a kind and caring person, as she is, she wanted to contribute to my future. With that kind of investment, and belief really, I had the confidence to do what I always wanted to. I invested in a startup business."


Scott Parker - "And thus, Tiger Pro Wrestling was born?"


Alexander DuBois - "Exactly! I knew that I'd struggle to succeed with no experience of the business. I mean, seriously, I know some, but I want this place to be as much of a success as possible. So I reached out to Mauler following his retirement. Did you see that match he had with Mauler VII? Tremendous. Heartbreaking. But after that I knew he was free. So I had my people reach out to him. Obviously a star like him wouldn't just agree to work for some twenty-something nobody. It looked like a con-job on the face of it. So we sat down and agreed that he would be the minority owner of the business."


Scott Parker - "You gifted him controlling interest in your company?"


Alexander DuBois - "Sounds mad doesn't it? But for me it's always been about the product in the ring. The wrestling. The one-on-one combat. Mauler, to me, exemplifies that. So the solution seemed obvious. He'd get control of the business and I would get trained by him and would fulfil my lifelong ambition of being a professional wrestler. And here we are."


Scott Parker - "A true riches to riches story."


Alexander DuBois - "Hah hah, I can totally see how it might look, but really who can say in my position they wouldn't do exactly the same. Plus others are benefiting from my decision, aren't they... Scott."


Scott Parker - "Absolutely. Remember folks we're heading towards the first show ever; TPW New Beginnings 2019. June 25th at The Lair on Vermont University campus."




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Exclusive Online Address




TPW owner The Masked Mauler


Mauler - "As we approach New Beginnings 2019, our inaugural show, I wanted to address some of the rumours. Yes, we have agreed to the signings of some non-TPW-trained wrestlers to perform at the show. But no, this is not a sign of the path forward for the business. Obviously we're completely happy with our trainees. The signings of such performers as the tag team Outside Edge consisting of Flash Savage and Drop Kix, simply represent an opportunity for added experience. They bring with them a name value, which is currently lacking in the rest of our roster. I also think them being referred to by some as Outlanders is an insult to the cohesion of the locker room and the attitudes of our workers."


Scott Parker - "But what of the rumours of your own successor The Masked Mauler VII being parachuted into the main event to take on Conner Threepwood for the TPW Championship."


Mauler - "My relationship, real or imagined, has nothing to do with Mauler VII's appearance on the card. He has proven himself over a short period to be one of the finest wrestlers in the world. His position in the main event is testimony to that fact."


Scott Parker - "But what about the rumours that..."


Mauler - "Let me stop you there. I'm not here to address every rumour from every keyboard warrior in their mother's basement. The main event is set and this interview is over."


Scott Parker - "There you have it folks. Mauler not in the mood to defend his decision to strip Charlie Morrison of his spot in the main event. The card is set and there's no changing it now."


TPW New Beginnings 2019

TPW Championship Title: The Masked Mauler VII vs. Conner Threepwood

TPW Pure Title: Smash Barrow vs. Imran Khambati

TPW Tag Team Titles: Washington Project vs. Outside Edge (Drop Kix & Flash Savage)

Charlie Morrison vs. The Masked Mangler

Silvio Iaupati & Pegasus Bolt vs. Ngakoue & Quashie

Alexander DuBois vs. Shovels O'Connell

Captain Vermont vs. Marco Barrett

Luke Cannon vs. Danny Utah





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TPW Championship Title: The Masked Mauler VII vs. Conner Threepwood

TPW Pure Title: Smash Barrow vs. Imran Khambati

TPW Tag Team Titles: Washington Project vs. Outside Edge (Drop Kix & Flash Savage)

Charlie Morrison vs. The Masked Mangler

Silvio Iaupati & Pegasus Bolt vs. Ngakoue & Quashie

Alexander DuBois vs. Shovels O'Connell

Captain Vermont vs. Marco Barrett

Luke Cannon vs. Danny Utah

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TPW New Beginnings 2019

TPW Championship Title: The Masked Mauler VII vs. Conner Threepwood

Assuming you want a face champion to start with, it'd be Threepwood here. I could see VII getting a run with the belt as well, but I don't know.

TPW Pure Title: Smash Barrow vs. Imran Khambati

TPW Tag Team Titles: Washington Project vs. Outside Edge (Drop Kix & Flash Savage)

Charlie Morrison vs. The Masked Mangler

Silvio Iaupati & Pegasus Bolt vs. Ngakoue & Quashie

Alexander DuBois vs. Shovels O'Connell

Captain Vermont vs. Marco Barrett

Luke Cannon vs. Danny Utah

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TCP1, anytime you do a diary, I get pumped. This is a really cool idea, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out.


Thanks dude, much appreciated. I'm sort of intrigued to see where it goes myself. Very much out of my comfort zone.


I like the setup to this. Looking forward to how it plays out.


Fingers crossed it doesn't disappoint.


Thank you for the kind words. I wish you the best of luck on this.


They are words of truth, nothing more. :)

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TPW Championship Title: Conner Threepwood

TPW Pure Title: Smash Barrow

TPW Tag Team Titles: Washington Project

The Masked Mangler

Silvio Iaupati & Pegasus Bolt

Alexander DuBois

Captain Vermont

Danny Utah


I made my picks based on how cool their name sounded. Danny Utah would be a great Keanu Reeves type guy though just cause he shares a surname with one of Keanu's most famous roles, Johnny Utah from Point Break.

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Saturday Week 4, June, 2019

Live from The Lair [burlington, Vermont University, New England]

68 in attendance

Commentators: Scotty Parker & Honest Frank


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We begin in the ring, with a suited and booted TPW owner Masked Mauler VI. And he has a microphone...




Masked Mauler VI: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome, for the first time ever, to Tiger Pro Wrestling. This is the first in a new breed of professional wrestling. The big boys have their formulas and their ‘stars,’ but what we have here are wrestlers. We’ve done everything we can to present to you, the finest professional wrestling the world has ever seen. The stars of tomorrow; today. Tonight’s action will be fast-paced and unforgettable. Calling the action are the new duo of ‘Slick’ Scotty Parker and Honest Frank. Over to you boys.


The camera cuts to the announce booth up in the stands.




Scotty Parker: Thank you Mauler and good evening one and all to Tiger Pro Wrestling’s New Beginnings 2019. My name is Scotty Parker and I’m joined by the man, the myth, the legend; Honest Frank Cipriani.

Honest Frank: Thanks Scotty, isn’t it fantastic? We’re here in this state of the art facility and I’m wondering why exactly I decided to retire a few months ago when I could be teaching some of these young stars a thing or two about success.

Scotty Parker: That’s assuming you’d be able to beat them.

Honest Frank: Do you really want to start this new partnership with me knocking out your teeth?

Scotty Parker: No sir. Let’s leave the fighting for the ring shall we? And what a night of action we have ahead with every single title in TPW to be won. All that culminates in the main event which sees The New Masked Mauler taking on ‘Indiana's Finest’ Conner Threepwood for the TPW Championship Title.

Honest Frank: Should be a barn-burner from two of the independent scenes toughest wrasslers. My money’s on Threepwood by the way.

Scotty Parker: Why’s that?

Honest Frank: Because I’d never bet on a Masked Mauler; they never beat me, so can’t see whichever one it is beating Conner. Hahahahahaha.

Scotty: Good grief. Well that’s enough from you. Let’s get down to ringside for the first ever match in TPW history.






Opening Match

Rookie Singles Match

10 Minute Time Limit




Luke Cannon vs. Danny Utah w/ Bootsy


  • The epitome of young stars in the making, both Luke Cannon and Danny Utah have that ‘It’ factor which separates normal workers from stars.
  • Cannon is a standout collegiate mat wrestler with a thick body of pure muscle and the good looks of a classic movie star.
  • Utah is a bit rougher around the edges, but brings with him an inate charisma and cool factor, not to mention he’s accompanied to the ring by the gorgeous Bootsy.
  • The first match in TPW history started with the ring of a bell and both men charged into combat, obviously both looking for the important first win of their careers.
  • The action is fast-paced from the start with both men exchanging quick chain sequences and high-flying maneuvres.
  • Just when it seems that the two men are putting on an exhibition of their broad skills, the action descends into power moves and vicious chops.
  • The crowd, initially unaware of either man, are immediately bought in to them and as the time limit approaches, are growing in noise.
  • Utah seems to gain the upperhand and locks up Cannon in a nasty looking STF, but he won’t tap. The crowd count down the time limit until the bell rings and referee Rock Austin declares the match a draw.


Luke Cannon and Danny Utah draw in 10:00 after the time limit expired.


Match Rating: 44




Rookie Singles Match

10 Minute Time Limit




Captain Vermont vs. ‘The King’ Marco Barrett


  • Two more members of the First Generation of TPW rookies take to the ring with the masked man Captain Vermont against the self-proclaimed ‘King of TPW’ Marco Barrett.
  • Unlike the first match-up, these two get straight into the hard-hitting action.
  • Despite his obvious luchas-inspired look, Captain Vermont is a mat wrestler with a series of unique power moves like a gorilla press and different variations of the backbreaker.
  • Marco brings to the table some nasty chops and heavy punches along with a series of over-the-top celebrations and exaggerated Kingly celebrations.
  • Sadly the two men’s clash in styles makes the bout drag.
  • After a particular nasty diving headbutt from Cap and with time expiring, Marco slides out the ring and indicates he’s done and walks to the back to the boos of the crowd.


Captain Vermont defeated Marco Barrett in 9:45 by Count Out


Match Rating: 16




Rookie Singles Match

10 Minute Time Limit




Alexander DuBois vs. Shovels O’Connell


  • The third bout sees Alexander DuBois (the original investor in TPW) taking on the much-bigger Shovels O’Connell.
  • Shovels is comfortably the largest performer seen thus far and with his moustache, trenchcoat and billy club, he’s obviously a big brawler.
  • Alexander looks the least like a star of anyone on the card so far. Despite having all the best mixed martial arts gear on the market, he looks completely out of his depth.
  • Every time DuBois tried to get a foothold in the match, O’Connell overpowered him. The only time he even got a look in was when the big brawler stopped to yell at someone in the crowd and nearly lost to a roll-up.
  • With O’Connell now mad, he managed to distract referee Rock Austin and then clobbered DuBois with his billy club and pinned him for an easy 1-2-3.

Shovels O’Connell defeated Alexander DuBois in 6:23 by pinfall after use of an illegal object.


Match Rating: 28


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Back at the Announcer’s booth…


Scotty Parker: That was a disgusting display of violence by Shovels O’Connell there to get the win.

Honest Frank: I don’t know what you mean. DuBois was obviously disrespecting the man, so he did what he had to. If anything he taught him a valuable lesson.

Scotty Parker: What lesson?

Honest Frank: Don’t pick a fight with someone far bigger than you.

Scotty Parker: You’re despicable.

Honest Frank: And you’re a rube. I’ll tell you someone who isn’t a rube though, India’s finest; Imran Khambati. Tom Patrick is interviewing him right now.


The Tiger Centre…




Thomas Patrick: Thanks Frank. That’s right folks, tonight it’s my pleasure to introduce you one the stars of the First Generation of TPW stars, Imran Khambati.

Imran Khambati: Call me by full name.

Thomas Patrick: I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you…

Imran Khambati: I am, India’s Finest, the Golden God, the Delicious Desai, Imran Khambati. You know what, I’ve watched all the matches so far and I’ve got to say, I’m not impressed. Just a bunch of little boys pretending to be men. Pretending to be fighters. They don’t know what hardship is, all growing up in their wealthy families, with their safe spaces and skinny lattes. Some of us grew up on the streets of Mumbai. Scratching out a living, doing all we could to get to America. And what happened when we got here? We got looked down on, disregarded, disrespected. I didn’t have daddy’s money to pay my way through college. I worked for a living and studied at night. And you know what; I’m glad. Now I’ve got the killer instinct. I know what I need to do, and tonight I take my first step towards immortality. Now you’ll have to excuse me, I’ve got a kid to deal with.”

With that Imran leaves the stage.

Thomas Patrick: Well there you have it. The Delicious Desai isn’t here to play. But he might have misjudged his opponent. We’ll have to wait and see.


Angle Rating: 24







Rookie Tag Team Match

10 Minute Time Limit



Silvio Iaupati & Pesgasus Bolt vs. Ngakoue & Quashie


  • The first fully international bout of the evening as Samoan-born Silvio Iaupati teams with masked Brit Pegasus Bolt to take on the Nigerian-born Ngakoue & Quashie.
  • From the start the chemistry between Quashie and Ngakoue is evident. They seem to know where their teammate is at all times. Dressed in old NBA jerseys they look like they’d be at home in the Bay Area California rather than Burlington Vermont.
  • Iaupati and Bolt have decent looks individually, but lack even the basic chemistry and look a little lost, constantly missing each other’s tags.
  • Just as Bolt begins to speed up his offense in an attempt to get the win, he is thrown out the ring by Quashie, With the referee distracted, Ngakoue hits Iaupati with a low blow and then locks in a crossface. The referee turns around just in time to see Iaupati tapping.


Ngakoue & Quashie defeated Silvio Iaupati & Pegasus Bolt in 9:52 via submission.


Match Rating: 40


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Back at the Announcer’s booth…


Scotty Parker: Unbelievable. That was a disgusting.

Honest Frank: They got the win didn’t they? I’m gonna call them The Tapp Boyz from now on.

Scotty Parker: More like The Cheat Boyz.

Honest Frank: You’ve got a lot to learn kid.

Scotty Parker: TPW needs a hero. Someone to save us from the rampant cheating. Maybe that someone, is Smash Barrow.

Honest Frank: Doubt it.


The Tiger Centre…




Thomas Patrick: We’ve heard from Imran Khambati, now his opponent; Smash Barrow.

Smash Barrow: Hey Tom, good to be here.

Thomas Patrick: This is an improvement on Imran already. He had some terrible comments to make about TPW and you in particular. What do you have to say about that?

Smash Barrow: I’m not a man of words Tom, I’m a man of action. Khambati obviously has his wires crossed. I’m not silver spoon fed goon. I grew up on the mean streets of Philadelphia, PA. He wouldn’t stand a chance living the life I’ve lived.

Thomas Patrick: And did that prepare you for a life in the ring.

Smash Barrow: Look, I can fight. It’s all I know. It’s all I’ve ever known. And the TPW Pure Title is the perfect title for the true fighters around here. Tonight, I’m gonna make that Indian fool crack, tap or snap.

Thomas Patrick: Well, there you have it. Bold words from Smash Barrow ahead of his clash for the TPW Pure Title.


Angle Rating: 28







Rookie Singles Match

10 Minute Time Limit




Charlie Morrison vs. The Masked Mangler


  • The antithesis of the Mauler, is the Mangler. Ying to his yang, darkness to his light.
  • Charlie Morrison is a young mat wrestler. Not quite as fluid as Utah or Cannon but not far behind.
  • A solid match between these two. Slower-paced and more traditional-style match with punches, kicks and the occasional power move.
  • Morrison seemed to be holding back a bit in his performance, but MAngler was doing his absolutely best.
  • Finish involved the two men trading punches and Mangler losing his temper and using brass knuckles right in front of referee Rock Austin.


Charlie Morrison defeated The Masked Mangler in 9:58 via disqualification.


Match Rating: 33




TPW Pure Title

Singles Match

30 Minute Time Limit




Smash Barrow vs. Imran Khambati


  • The rules of the Pure Title: Pinfall or Submission Only. If someone cheats, in any way, to gain an advantage they will be automatically suspended for a month. Stripped of the victory and of the title.
  • Smash Barrow wears a form of MMA gear and very much presents himself as a badass, no-nonsense fighter.
  • Imran Khambati is far more flamboyant in outfit and entrance, but is also a hard-hitting fighter once the bell rings.
  • The match begins with sublime chain wrestling, high tempo and with counter after counter. Neither man is able to keep the advantage for long.
  • Barrow works Khambati’s neck regularly, clearly going for the submission victory with his rear-naked choke.
  • Khambati introduces aerial moves, obviously looking for the one big move that will give him the pinfall victory.
  • With Smash close to victory, Khambati escapes the rear-naked choke. Attempting to bounce off the ropes for his hurricanrana, he realises Smash still has hold of his wrist. His momentum is reversed and he’s pulled into an almighty Lariat. Barrow pins his fallen opponent for the win and the belt.


Smash Barrow pinned Imran Khambati is 14:32 via pinfall after hitting a short-arm lariat.


Match Rating: 39




TPW Tag Team Titles

Tag Team Match

30 Minute Time Limit




Washington Project (Billy and Bobby Washington) vs. Outside Edge (Drop Kix & Flash Savage)


  • Identical twins Billy and Bobby Washington are members of the First Generation of TPW performers.
  • Drop Kix and Flash Savage are reasonably well known on the independent scene. As wrestlers not trained by TPW, they are classified as Outlanders.
  • From the opening bell the crowd are firmly behind the Washington Project, cheering for all their slick tag team moves. They are not so enamoured with Outside Edge with Drop Kix especially being singled out for a harsh reaction.
  • For everything the Washington Project do right, the Outside Edge seem to do it wrong. Botched moves, miscommunication and overall sense of being out of their depth.
  • With the crowd turning viciously on Drop Kix; Billy takes him to the top rope and brings him down with a superplex as Bobby leaps from another top rope hitting a splash as Drop Kix lands. It’s called the Declaration of Independence.


Washington Project defeated Outside Edge in 11:24 via Pinfall with the Declaration of Independence.


Match Rating: 43




TPW Championship Title

Singles Match

30 Minute Time Limit




'Indiana's Finest' Conner Threepwood vs. The Masked Mauler


  • ‘Indiana’s Finest’ Conner Threepwood is far and away the most recognisable name on the card, while Masked Mauler brings with him a lineage as old as wrestling being the 7th iteration of the character to date.
  • This is the longest match of the night, with both wrestlers telling a compelling story about the battle over the title.
  • Threepwood’s grasp of the basics along with his selling are highlights of the bout as Mauler takes control early. He knows exactly how to play a crowd, even a small one like a fiddle.
  • When the ending came however it was the masked protégé of a Mauler nature who managed to lock in his legendary Iron Claw!?! Submission for the win and the title.


The Masked Mauler defeated Conner Threepwood in 24:17 by Submission via an IRON CLAW!?!


Match Rating: 40






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The buzz of the crowd. Even a small, was intoxicating. The chants, the passion, the energy. God I loved wrestling! I stood in the locker room of The Lair after the show. The graduates were all stretching and chatting with one another. Bonds were being formed, friendships made. And everything; all of it, circled around Mauler.


For someone with such a low key level of success, he had this raw charisma backstage. Something which never quite came across in his wrestling. He was a mentor, a trainer and a father figure to a lot of these kids and they idolized him even though most wouldn’t have even known him six months ago.


And here I was. Floating in among them; the writer. It was everything I dreamed it would be. As I watched the Washington twins testing collar-and-elbow tie ups with one another, a bundle of muscle barrelled past me.

Conner Threepwood didn’t apologise after nearly knocking me to the ground. Instead he walked over to one of the benches by a locker, next to Flash and Kix and towelled himself off. He was whispering to them and judging by their eyes flicking in my direction, it must’ve been about me. Feeling uncomfortable, I thought it best to approach them and find out what was wrong.


“Hey guys, great work out there,” I said and they barely acknowledged my presence. “I just wanted to say thanks. You all helped make it go brilliantly.”

Conner threw his towel into the open locker and spun to face me.

“I did NOT sign up to lose for some two-bit promotion. What were you thinking?”

Straight to the point.

“I liked Mauler as the first champion,” I said simply.

“Mauler,” he snorted, while Kix and Savage rolled their eyes. “Mauler, like he’s a name of something. He’s the seventh guy in a gimmick that no one outside this room has even heard about. Never mind cared about.”


I could feel the eyes of the locker on the altercation now. This was a moment, even Mauler VII was watching.


“He’s a good worker and a good champion,” I replied a little louder than I had planned. “He represents what TPW is all about.”

Another laugh with no humour in it. “If he represents what TPW is all about, then this place is about trash. Do you even know who we are?”

“No!” I said pointedly. “Not really.”


There was now this sort of aggressive silence everywhere. Conner’s eyes, which I didn’t think could get any bigger were threatening to pop out of his head in rage. When he replied, he did so in a low and menacing tone.


“I’m the biggest name you could hope to get. And what you’ve just to us is the most disrespectful thing I’ve ever experienced. I’m Conner Threepwood dammit. I’m Indiana’s Finest!”


“Well you’re not in Indiana anymore Dorothy.”


That was too far. I knew it as I said it. His thick arm wrapped around my neck in the blink of an eye and with a wrench I could feel the world starting to dim. I couldn’t even say I blamed him as the power went out of my legs. Then, at the exact point I expected to pass out from the hold, the bright lights of the locker room burst back into focus.


Luke Cannon, Danny Utah and Billy Washington were flanking Mauler VI who was stood over Threepwood, who himself was now on the floor with a nasty red mark on his temple.


“This is the booker man of TPW and you pay him some respect,” Mauler growled, his left hand still held up. “You gotta a problem with how we do things you talk to me, you don’t attack our staff. Got it?”

Flash and Kix sat back down, but Threepwood angrily got back on his feet. Mauler feigned a punch in his direction and he flinched. A couple of the guys laughed and the tension broke.

“Now,” Mauler said. “We got a problem?”

“No,” mumbled Threepwood.

“Good. Everyone else, the same applies to you all. Good job tonight by the way. Enjoy moments like these, they don’t come along often.”




A week after the altercation, Mauler summoned me into his office. We'd spent the week feverishly setting up the booking for our next show, but hadn't mentioned Threepwood, Savage and Kix's behaviour. I wanted to tell him thanks. Thanks for having my back in so many ways, but the time never seemed right. Mauler's office had trinkets and title belts from his wrestling days, all framed in a nice, neat wooden framed cabinet. I was surprised on entering to see a face I didn't recognise. Puffy, but thick, the face was obviously an old wrestler, but one who'd enjoyed retirement a bit too much.


"Hey Bookerman, I've just recorded the podcast," Mauler said. "This is my first guest. Tom Patrick, meet Rick Sanders."


I shook Sanders' hand and it was like having my fingers crushed by a vice. He smiled at my wince.


"We want you to be the first to hear it, so sit down and prepare for one hundred and twenty minutes of old school principals."

"No problem boss," replied. "But listen I wanted to talk about last week. About Threepwood."

"Nothing to talk about," Mauler replied. "It's done."

"But I just wanted to say..."

"Looks like you've got yourself a sensitive soul here Mauler," interjected Sanders. "He talking about that punk you mentioned?"

Mauler nodded.

"Listen kid," Sanders continued. "Wrestlers are scumbags, but they get by on their reputation. Threepwood is a good guy most of the time but he hates rookies. This place isn't for him, it never was. Although I heard the 'Dorothy Line,' that was pretty funny."

"But Threepwood's pretty well known," added Mauler. "And our guy just beat him. That's news. Get it?"

"I suppose," I said surprised at the ruthlessness of the boss.

"Good, now sitdown, shut up and listen to this."




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In the inaugural IRON CLAW!?! Podcast, The Masked Mauler touched on many subjects: How he started in the business as a young whippersnapper in the now-defunct Championship Wrestling from New York. What it was like to wrestling in the Tri State region for the majority of his career and of course his match against Masked Mauler V.


He then spoke more broadly about TPW and his hopes for the future. Mentioning that he was proud of the rookies who were forging their own destiny and how he hopes they all one day become World Champions. He then discusses results from around the US independent scene and specifically picks his favourite matches from each promotion:


CZCW Surf Slam 2019 - Frankie Perez © defeated Masked Cougar for Coastal Zone Championship

GSW Gatecrasher 2019 – Raheem Stash, Cali Slick & Frankie Perez defeated Top Dolla, Busta Capp & Mexico’s Finest

IPW Invincibility X - Frantic Ali © defeated Aldous Blackfriar, Hustle Muvva and Lug Phelan in a Fourway Ladder Match for the IPW Championship Title.

MAW Fan Festival - Bradley Blaze © defeated Cheetah Boy in a match for the Mid Atlantic Championship Title

NSW Powercade I – Ernest Youngman © defeated Harry Allen and Grease Hogg in a match for the NSW World title.

NYCW Gang Wars 2019 – Geoff Borne, Riley McManus & Crockett Tubbs defeated Denny King & The American Cobras.

PSW Homecoming 2019 – Nelson Callum © defeated The Hangman in a match for the PSW Championship Title

RMW New Horizons 2019 – The McWades defeated Brendan Idol and Texas Pete


Finally his special guest was his former tag team partner Rick Sanders. The two discuss their innate chemistry and how they knew from the first match against The Ring Generals that they had something special. The idea for Old School Principals as a name goes to The Stomper, who wasn’t always the best with names, but did ok with them. They’re favourite match together was against The Southern Stars when they had to put them over and make one or both of them a star. Tennessee William was always the better of the two and they’re delighted on his breakout year.


Finally the two friends discuss TPW results and the rumours about Threepwood, Savage and Kix. Rick understands their point of view, but someone had tried something like that against him he’d have knocked them out. Mauler admits he nearly did, but then he thought about it and understand their frustration so he’s giving them all pretty big matches on the next card. After some more road stories about shoot fights which nearly happened, Rick asks Mauler what they’ve got lined up for show number two:


TPW Tiger Action 1

TPW Championship Title: Flash Savage vs. The Masked Mauler ©

Harry Allen vs. Danny Utah

TPW Tag Team Titles: The Tapp Boyz (Quashie & Ngakoue) vs. Washington Project ©

Luke Cannon vs. Conner Threepwood

TPW Pure Title: Drop Kix vs. Smash Barrow ©

Captain Vermont & Pegasus Bolt vs. Marco Barrett & Shovels O’Connell

Silvio iaupati vs. The Masked Mangler

No. 1 Contender for Pure Title: Alexander DuBois vs. Charlie Morrison vs. Imran Khambati




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TPW Championship Title: Flash Savage vs. The Masked Mauler ©

Harry Allen vs. Danny Utah

TPW Tag Team Titles: The Tapp Boyz (Quashie & Ngakoue) vs. Washington Project ©

Luke Cannon vs. Conner Threepwood

TPW Pure Title: Drop Kix vs. Smash Barrow ©

Captain Vermont & Pegasus Bolt vs. Marco Barrett & Shovels O’Connell

Silvio iaupati vs. The Masked Mangler

No. 1 Contender for Pure Title: Alexander DuBois vs. Charlie Morrison vs. Imran Khambati

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TPW Tiger Action 1

Saturday Week 4, July, 2019

Live from The Lair [burlington, Vermont University, New England]

68 in attendance

Commentators: Scotty Parker & Honest Frank


No. 1 Contenders Match for Pure Title

Triple Threat Match

30 Minute Time Limit



Alexander DuBois vs. Charlie Morrison vs. Imran Khambati

  • Three of TPW’s up-and-coming stars battle it out for a shot at Smash Barrow’s Pure Title. The Delicious Desai Imran Khambati is looking for another chance at gold, while Charlie Morrison to still trying to recover from being robbed of a TPW championship match.
  • The Originator of TPW; Alexander BuBois was struggled to equal the skill and story-telling of his fellow graduates, but there’s no one with a better work ethic in the company.
  • It’s something of a styles clash in the matchup with Khambati taking to the sky, Morrison bringing the power and DuBois attempting his own version of ground and pound. Despite this the action is well constructed and the match passable.
  • Morrison gains momentum towards the end of the match and looks set for the victory after hitting DuBois with a powerbomb. As he pins his opponent however, Khambati dives off the top and hits a senton on both men and covers DuBois for the victory and the title shot.


Imran Khambati defeated Alexander Dubois and Charlie Morrison in 10:28 when Imran Khambati pinned Alexander DuBois following a Senton Bomb.


Match Rating: 29




Singles Match

30 Minute Time Limit

Silvio Iaupati vs. The Masked Mangler


  • A battle of two men who lost in the first show as the crowd get to know the competitors better.
  • Iaupati is a Polynesian wrestler, but not from the famous Samoan family. He comes to the ring in full ceremonial blackcloth Tapa and this time performs a Manu Siva Tau war dance directed at his opponent.
  • The Masked Mangler follows a similar path to his nemesis The Masked Mauler. A brutal, power-move machine with a refusal to back down from a fight and a pair of brass knuckles in his plain black trunks.
  • The two competitors don’t suffer from the same styles clash as the previous match with both of them trying to erase their defeats in their respective debuts. The action is a simple power match with them chopping, kicking and suplexing one another.
  • Throughout the match Mangler has no problems going low, or raking Iaupati’s eyes. Any cheating move to gain an advantage and he’ll take it. At one point he grabs the tights and the ropes at the same time, but referee Rock Austin is there to stop the count.
  • During an attempt to use his brass knuckles, The Masked Mangler is caught by Austin again and while arguing, Iaupati rolls him up, making sure to pull his tights for the win.


Silvio Iaupati defeated The Masked Mangler in 10:01 by pinfall by grabbing a handful of tights in a roll-up.


Match Rating: 32




Tag Team Match

30 Minute Time Limit


Captain Vermont & Pegasus Bolt vs. Marco Barrett & Shovels O’Connell

  • Captain Vermont and King Marco Barrett were asked to pick their own tag team partners for the match, with Cap picking fellow masked man Pegasus Bolt and The King choosing ‘The Bully’ Shovels O’Connell.
  • What is clear from the opening bell is that Cap and Bolt have zero chemistry as a team. They constantly miss tags and attempts at tag team moves end in missed shots and poorly executed finishes.
  • The King and the Bully are much better, but only appear so by comparison. Despite the masked men being the obvious heroes, their lack of chemistry kills their support with the crowd and by the end the TPW faithful are actually cheering the villainous duo.
  • It is obvious to anyone watching that the match was meant to go longer than it does, but the issues between Cap and Bolt result in a truncated finish with Shovels hitting cap with his shillelagh, followed by Marco locking in the King’s Cross Armbreaker for the submission victory and to the cheers of the crowd.


Marco Barrett and Shovels O'Connell defeated Captain Vermont and Pegasus Bolt in 10:23 when Marco Barrett submitted Captain Vermont with a King’s Cross Armbreaker after blatantly cheating.


Match Rating: 26


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Thomas Patrick is backstage in The Tiger Centre with a suited and booted Luke Cannon.


Thomas Patrick: “Good evening ladies and gentlemen; what a show we’ve had so far. I’m joined at this time by Rookie Sensation Luke Cannon who put on a show-stealing performance last month against Danny Utah. Luke, welcome to the Tiger Centre.”

Luke Cannon: “Great to be here Tom.”

Thomas Patrick: “Luke, the question I’ve been asked the most since New Beginnings is; where did Luke Cannon come from and what does the future hold?”

Luke Cannon: “Great questions Tom. Firstly, I came from Rainbow City, Alabama. It’s got a small town feel, where everyone knows your name and we treat people with respect and dignity. We Crimson Tiders get results by training hard, working hard and doing our best in everything we do.”

Thomas Patrick: “That’s actually pretty rare in this day and age.”

Luke Cannon: “Depends where you are I guess Tom.”

Thomas Patrick: “True enough, and what can we expect from you in the future?”

Luke Cannon: “That is the question I’ve been asking myself to be honest. Obviously my match with Mr Utah got the world talking, so what I want to do is continue to build the name of Cannon as far and wide as I can. I want to succeed, but you won’t see me bending any rules to do so.”

Thomas Patrick: “Is that a dig at Danny Utah.”

Luke Cannon: “I wouldn’t say a dig. Look, I respect Danny. We pushed each other and got the best out of each other, but sometimes he does things I never would. Y’know?”

Thomas Patrick: “I do know. But with Danny busy tonight, you’re attentions must turn towards ‘Indiana’s Finest’ Conner Threepwood. A man who is not averse to some controversy.”

Luke Cannon: “I heard about all that. I gotta say, that sort of behaviour wouldn’t be acceptable in Rainbow City, and it shouldn’t be acceptable here. That’s all I’ve gotta say about that.”

Thomas Patrick: “Are you going to teach him a lesson?”

Luke Cannon: “I’m gonna beat his ass if that’s what you’re implying?”

Thomas Patrick: “There you have it folks, Luke Cannon is out to teach Conner Threepwood a lesson in respect.”


Angle Rating: 35







TPW Pure Title

Singles Match

Pure Rules

60 Minute Time Limit


Drop Kix vs. Smash Barrow ©

  • The always (apparently) switched on and in the know TPW crowd have obviously heard about the backstage altercation between Kix and TPW management and they let the Outrider know by booing him mercilessly from his entrance until the end of the match.
  • Chants of ‘You’re not one of us” and “Mauler kicked your ass” rain throughout the encounter. Smash, to his credit, plays to the crowd. Conducting them like an orchestra at various points.
  • Kix seems off his game by the reaction, but Smash gets control early and refuses to let up. Another match which had the buildup of a long, slow-build ends up being a lot shorter and a far more dominant performance by Smash.
  • With the crowd’s continuous booing, Smash showboats before pointedly locking in the Crossface for the clean submission victory and his first successful defence of the TPW Pure Title.
  • The crowd sing the ‘Goodbye Na na na nah!” song to send Kix out the building.

Smash Barrow defeated Drop Kix in 9:57 by submission with a Crossface.


Match Rating: 36




Singles Match

30 Minute Time Limit


Luke Cannon vs. Conner Threepwood

  • Following the controversy surrounding Outlander Conner Threepwood and the comments from Luke Cannon, all eyes are on this match-up. Neither man has actually won in TPW to this point, but both have made a name for themselves in one way or another.
  • Threepwood is the more polished performer, but Cannon has a raw charisma that draw crowds to him and the TPW faithful are no different. Much like Drop Kix, they treat Conner Threepwood mercilessly from the opening bell.
  • Cannon is under attack from the opening bell, with Indiana’s Finest using a series of slick chain wrestling to lock his opponent up, transitioning from nasty looking submission to nasty looking submission move.
  • With the crowd firmly on his side, Cannon makes a series of comebacks which are normally cut short by a brutal power move in among the submissions from Threepwood. Despite the crowd noise, he keeps showing a level of professionalism that his recent behaviour wouldn’t suggest.
  • The action is frantic and superb, with both men giving it their all. The crowd, so partisan in favour of Cannon, can’t help but cheer and applaud his opponent with his performance a work of art for an independent scene match.
  • With the crowd chanting loudly, Threepwood goes for a leglock with a heel hook, but Cannon rolls through and applies a modified Arm Bar, which he calls the Cannonlock and with a bridge he pivots and pulls forcing Threepwood to submit, ending the best match in TPW history thus far.


Luke Cannon defeated Conner Threepwood in 9:57 by submission with a CannonLock.


Match Rating: 45

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Back in The Tiger Centre, we now have Honest Frank interviewing Quashie and Ngakoue before their match-up. The two are dressed in basketball jerseys, backwards caps and with heavy chains around their necks and wrists.


Honest Frank: Hello New England, joining me now are the team of Quashie, first name Lebron, and Ngakoue, first name Jordan, who would like to be known going forward as The Tapp Boyz. Boyz, how’s it going?

Lebron Quashie: Yo dawg. Things are tight.

Jordan Ngakoue: Damn right, we got this new swag (he gestures at his chains) and he got our boys’ jerseys (he pulls at his Michael Jordan jersey) and we’re ready yo.

Honest Frank: Yo indeed. Y’know I was once known as the flyest man in all of NYC.

Lebron Quashie:

Jordan Ngakoue:

Honest Frank: Anyway, tonight you Boyz have a shot at the tag team titles. Are you ready?

Jordan Ngakoue: Ready? Please! We was born ready. On the streets, you win or you die.

Lebron Quashie: Pretty sure that’s Game of Thrones.

Jordan Ngakoue: What you talking about Bron baby? That’s the code of the streets.

Lebron Quashie: Nah man, that’s Game of Thrones. That one who loves her bro a bit too much says it.

Jordan Ngakoue: Y’sure?

Lebron Quashie: Y’man.

Jordan Ngakoue: Oh… Well it’s a good line.

LeBron Quashie: That it is.

Jordan Ngakoue: And she pretty tight.

LeBron Quashie: That she is.

Honest Frank: The match?

Jordan Ngakoue: Oh right. Yeah, we gone win.

LeBron Quashie: Damn straight.


LeBron looks at Honest Frank and mutters “Flyest? Man you so old! But we like you.”


Angle Rating: 28






TPW Tag Team Titles

Tag Team Match

60 Minute Time Limit


The Tapp Boyz (Lebron Quashie & Jordan Ngakoue) vs. The Washington Project ©

  • Both teams get a great reaction from the crowd. It’s clear The Tapp Boyz are great at playing the anti-heroes; insulting the crowd on the way to the ring, much to their delight. Meanwhile the Washington Project are the good-looking, all-American heroes. Their new ring attire is even blue with red and white highlights.
  • Following the earlier tag team match, which was a bit of a dumpster fire, these two teams are great together and great against each other. The moves are slick and fast-paced, the tags are on time and the hope spots are solid.
  • Despite being over-powered by the twin brothers, The Tapp Boyz bring a certain amount of increased speed and of course, underhanded tactics, to even the fight. So good is the action that the crowd get into a duelling “Tapp Boyz/Washington” chant.
  • After an extended heat period for the Tapp Boyz where they showed off a series of double-team moves; one of the highlights of the match occurred as Billy Washington, having been beaten down for some time manages to power out of a submission, lifting Quashie in the air as Bobby flies off the top rope with a dropkick, which Billy uses the momentum of to power bomb his opponent for a close two count.
  • With the momentum swinging back to the Washington Project, Ngakoue slides his heavy chain to Quashie without the referee seeing. Bobby Washington is wise to it though, grabs the chain and blasts Quashie with it. The referee turns just in time to see Billy make the cover and counts the 1-2-3. The Washington Project hold up their titles after their first successful defense, making sure to give a wink to the Tapp Boyz on their way backstage.


Washington Project defeated The Tapp Boyz in 11:37 when Billy Washington pinned Jordan Ngakoue after using a foreign object.


Rating: 38


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2nd Sucks by A Day to Remember blasts around the arena as Danny Utah, with Bootsy, wanders down to the ring in his patented sunglasses and leather jacket. The crowd aren’t quite sure how to react to the obvious villainous tendencies, but with an air of laid-back cool charisma. He grabs the microphone, while Bootsy drapes herself on his arm.


Danny Utah: “Well, well, well. Here. We. Are. What’s up New England, nice to see you all looking so… healthy.”

Bootsy: “Fat! He’s calling you fat.”

Danny Utah: “Come on now Bootsy my love, they’re not stupid. Hmmm, actually, good call. Yeah, nice to see you sweat hogs dragging your fat asses out of your momma’s basements, sticking on your two-sizes-too-small t-shirts and coming out to see the Living Legend, Danny Utah in the flesh. Go on; take a good look. See what you could be if you had even an ounce of the charisma, talent and dedications that I have. Seriously, check out these lats. Have you ever seen lats this impressive?”


*The crowd are now booing him almost as loudly as they booed Drop Kix*


Bootsy: “Why y’all booing my man. You’re just jealous! Cos he’s just so dreamy.”

Danny Utah: “Thanks baby girl. But pay them no mind. They are jealous because they’ve never seen a gal as hot as you. Never mind touched one.”


*’She’s a skank’ chant gets going*




*Chant gets louder – Danny smirks and rolls his eyes*


Danny Utah: “So, as I was saying, good job climbing out of your cheetah-incrusted beds to come see me; Danny Utah, do what I do best, beat some nobody. Last week Lukey boy did a good job hanging with me, a few more minutes and I’ve have got him. But he’s already fought this week, so I need a new challenge. So we’re all going to play a game. It’s called The Utah Invitational. I challenge any of those mouth-breathers backstage, or any of you suckling pigs in the crowd to fight me. You win, you can have a date with Bootsy.”


*’No thanks’ chant erupts – Danny ignores it*

Danny Utah: “So, is there someone in this arena who has what it takes to beat me?”


” plays over the speakers as down the entrance walks… Harry Allen.


Angle Rating: 25






Utah Invitational

Singles Match

30 Minute Time Limit

<img alt="" src="https://www.hazardousraine.fwrestling.com/TEW/WickedIntent/Harry Allen.jpg" />F0jRwRD.jpg

Harry Allen vs. Danny Utah

  • Utah looks shocked at the appearance in TPW of Harry Allen, but quickly recovers and takes off his shades and leather jacket and hands it to Bootsy, who gets a wink from Allen as he gets in the ring. She looks disgusted.
  • Harry Allen, one of the independent scenes biggest stars has the full cowboy outfit on and looks ready for a slobberknocker of a matchup. But as always with him, the gimmick and the move set don’t quite mesh. He looks like he’s ready for powerful action, but delivers high-speed, high-flying action instead.
  • Utah doesn’t flinch getting involved with a far more experienced competitor and easily holds his own, using equally as high-octane offense, while mixing in some power moves to show his broad range of talents.
  • Allen, as the ‘big name’ enjoys he majority of the momentum and the crowd are loving the loud-mouthed Utah receiving some punishment. A testament to his ability to get a crowd who want to cheer him, to actually boo him.
  • The main story of the match is Allen trying to hit his new finisher; The Sixshooter, but Utah keeps rolling out the ring to be consoled by Bootsy. The frustration for Allen is palpable, which Utah uses to his advantage.
  • In his frustration, Allen climbs to the top rope to deliver a diving headbutt, but stops to argue with Bootsy who has climbed onto the apron. Doing his best to ignore her, he dives, unaware that Utah has got to his feet and he delivers an almighty super kick in mid-air. Utah then scoops up the barely moving Allen and hits a Utahnator DDT for the pin and victory.


Danny Utah defeated Harry Allen in 10:19 by pinfall with an Utahnator DDT.


Match Rating: 41




TPW Championship Title

Singles Match

60 Minute Time Limit


Flash Savage vs. The Masked Mauler ©

  • In the main event of the evening The Masked Mauler puts his TPW Championship Title on the line against fellow Outlander; Flash Savage. Much like Threepwood and Kix before him, Savage is given an absolute roasting by the small crowd in attendance. And like before, both competitors play into it, with Mauler taking on distinct face-like qualities as the hero of the people.
  • Despite the obvious differences in styles, Savage and Mauler decide to go with a modern take on the David vs. Goliath. The only difference being, Goliath here is the hero. But it works well and the two men seem to have an incredible in-ring chemistry.
  • Savage uses his quickness to try and take the bigger man off his feet, while Mauler uses heavy-hitting power moves to slow down Savage. The results are stellar and once again the crowd are won over, against their own feelings. In fact its so good that it’s a toss-up between this and the Cannon/Threepwood match from earlier for Match of the Night.
  • There are a number of near-falls and just as it looks like Savage is going to get the upset, he tries for a huracanrana, only for Mauler to stop the momentum of the move and modify it into a powerbomb. With Savage on jelly legs, Mauler sets him up and hits an Old School PILEDRIVER!?! For the pin and victory. And with that The Masked Mauler makes defence number one of his TPW Championship Title reign.


The Masked Mauler VII defeated Flash Savage in 24:14 by pinfall with a Piledriver!?!


Match Rating: 45


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With Flash Savage rolling out the ring and heading backstage with his head hung low. Mauler remains in the ring and celebrates with the TPW Championship Title. He raises his hand in a symbol for the Iron Claw (odd considering he used a Piledriver to win). As he spins around, BAM! Superkick to the face.


Danny Utah is grinning and waits in a crouched position, ready to strike. Mauler staggers to his feet and Danny hits a massive Utahnator DDT. With the champion down, Bootsy grabs the TPW Championship Title and places it on Utah’s shoulder. He smiles and strokes the title, unaware that Luke Cannon has rushed to the ring. Cannon spins Utah around, only for Bootsy to pull him out of the way of a short-arm clothesline. Utah and Bootsy leave Cannon in the ring helping Mauler to his feet.


Angle Rating: 16








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I didn't mean to miss predictions on the show! Somehow I missed the card being posted, but good show nonetheless. Sad to see my boy Conner do two-straight jobs, but c'est la vie!


Next card will be up late on Sunday I suspect if that helps for the next one (I'm moving house this weekend so won't be before then). Yeah unfortunately I had big plans for Threepwood, but that first loss hit him hard and he hasn't recovered. But plenty more intrigue and scandal to come.

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Plans, plans, plans...




The strip light from the motel buzzed as I sat on the bed rifling through notes. I’d taken to sticking notes on the wall with bits of string linking wrestlers names and events to one another. A grand plan of story-telling. To the poor cleaning lady I must’ve looked like a madman with a pen. Mauler had warned me not to plan too deeply, because things can change in a second, but I was a writer, and this is what we did.


The last show had gone off without a hitch. Threepwood, Drop Kix and Allen had all left and with them the only negativity in our oasis of a backstage area. They’re notes were removed from the complicated web in accordance and were replaced with other names, Mauler VI had instructed me to get to know the boys more. He didn’t want to do my job for me, and the only way I’d learn, was by doing. But for now I had to get this right. If I could just make enough connections the whole thing would make sense. Probably.


The notes for Masked Mauler VII, Luke Cannon and Danny Utah had the most number of strings attached. These three would form the backbone of the main storyline. But there were gaps. Four gaps in fact. I’d have to fill them at some point. They were important. Nothing worked without those gaps. I drank a cup of cold coffee and stared at it all. Maybe I was going mad. There wasn’t much to do in Vermont beside work and walk. My brain was working overtime.


I grabbed my coat and went for a walk. A few minutes along the main road from the motel and I was in beautiful, leafy surroundings. Hills covered in trees and no sign of life. If I wasn’t so busy this would be a dream place to live. Perhaps it was worth buying a little shack out here? Settle down and accept a slower pace of life. My mobile buzzed.


“Hello,” I said as I answered.

“Kid, it’s me, Mauler. You need to come in, I’ve got a plan I want to run by you.”


Someone in the depths of my mind; the image of a bunch of string and notes toppled from their precarious position into a tangled clump on the floor.




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The Masked Mauler VI begins by thanking Rick Sanders for his appearance last week and promises more special guests next time. For this week he wants to go into detail about the departure of Conner Threepwood, Drop Kix and Harry Allen. As he mentioned before, he understands their frustration, especially for a start-up company, but once you’ve taken the step to speak out and act out, the respect is paused and action must be taken. In this case we wanted to teach the young class a lesson in how to behave, which will serve them well if they ever go to other promotions. The situation will not stop him from looking for more independent talent. In fact he has a well-known tag team booked for the next show.


He then does his now-regular segment highlighting great matches from other independent matches from the month with a view on one match per promotion which shows quality professional wrestling:


CZCW Battle on the Beach 2019 – Frankie Perez © defeated American Flash in a match for the Coastal Zone Championship Title

GSW Degeneration 2019 – BB Colossus, Boneyard & Frankie Perez defeated Omar, Shady K & Raheem Stash

IPW School’s Out – Aldous Blackfriar defeated The Outlaw

MAW The Sam Keith Classic X –Jacobs & Nelson defeated Tennessee Lee & Cheetah Boy to win the Sam Keith Classic

NSW Battlebowl 2019 – Ernest Youngman © defeated Harry Allen in a PSW World Championship Title match

NYCW Fight on Broadway July 2019 – Tennessee William © defeated Hawkeye Calhoun in a match for the NYCW Empire Title

PSW The Big Ass Brawl – Devil May Care © defeated Reckless Antix in a PSW Tag Team Title Ladder match

RMW On the Edge 2019 – Texas Pete defeated Rayne Man for the RMW Northwestern Title


Finally Mauler discusses the explosion of popularity of Danny Utah and Luke Cannon following their barn-storming first match-up and how they figure going forward. He mentions that their appearance in the main event have lead to him making a match for the next show. It’s time to see if one of them can step-up to the next level. He’s got an exclusive for the podcast; at the next show it’ll be Cannon vs. Utah II, with the winner getting a shot at Mauler VII’s title the following month.


TPW Tiger Action II

No. 1 Contenders Match: Luke Cannon vs. Danny Utah

Charlie Morrison vs. Flash Savage

TPW Tag Team Titles: The Nation of Filth vs. Washington Project ©

TPW Pure Title: Imran Khambati vs. Smash Barrow ©

Alexander DuBois & Silvio Iaupati vs. The Tapp Boyz

Pegasus Bolt vs. ‘The King’ Marco Barrett

Captain Vermont & Masked Mauler VII vs. Shovels O’Connell & Masked Mangler




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