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[RELEASE] Territory Daze

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I've been playing TEW for many years now but this is the first time I've played a real world mod. I often have played the Thunderverse.


I really have enjoyed it. Being from Delaware I took the challenge of playing ECWA. (I don't believe it started it 1967 and I've been to their shows.) In my game it is June 1972. First off it was easy to make money every month because of sponsorships. I try to keep at least 4 guys on the roster who make at least $200. With only one show a month and starting with a 10 pop I am doing shows rating around 65 which is awesome. The biggest problem is keeping talent. Once the AI started hiring guys to exclusive contracts, I lose average of 2 guys per month. That has led to another problem I can't keep a decent tag team division going. That is why I have yet to create a tag team belt. With constantly losing guys its been a challenge to keep storylines going. I'm not complaining about the mod it's been fun. I just wanted to point out some observations about what has happened.


Now there are 3 things that I thought I might bring up. The NWA World Heavyweight championship has prestige problem. this is suppose to be one of the most prestige belts and it has a 51 rating and in the middle of the pack as far as belts go. I'm not sure if something is off or is it because the game does not handle the alliance titles well enough like in TEW 2016. Also Ben the Wrestling Bear was the CWF Florida Champion for 1.5 years. I'm not sure that you intended that when the bear was added. Also the game does create a women's title when there is a division but I noticed that they are rarely defended and often vacant. (At least in my game)


I've had a good time playing the mod. thank you

The NWA World Heavyweight Championship starts out at 100 prestige so I presume it's because alliance titles aren't handled very well by the AI in TEW20. There's not a lot I can do to help this because at the end of the day, if the AI start handing out the title to people who deeply hit the prestige and/or they're not defending it in quality matches regularly, it will lower naturally. I guess you just got to hope that eventually they'll give it to the right person and it'll climb back up. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do in the editor to ensure it stays high.


As for Ben the Wrestling Bear? No, this isn't something I try to make happen. However, there's not a lot I can do to remedy it. Like all the bears, there stats are severely dampened (apart from the obvious skills that a bear would have) and I've tried to add every attribute possible to make them unable to become stars but as we know, the AI has its own mind. If there was an attribute that meant they'd never become a star, they'd definitely have it.


And, finally, on the women; I believe this is because there aren't enough women in the modification. There is also a small problem with promotions adding women's titles just because they have a women's division which I hope to remedy in the future having made a suggestion in the suggestion forum. Adding more workers is something I hope to do in future updates as to start with, all I was trying to do was update from TEW16 to TEW20.


Thank you very much for your feedback. :)

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I was very excited when TEW announced there would be alliances but between 2016 and 2020 I’m still disappointed how the game handles the belts. I wish there was a way for the player to have more influence on the belt. It would be nice if the AI recognized that these belts are higher than there local belts. Maybe in a future TEW.
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In my game, the wrestling bear is now a tag champ in Florida.


Anyone else having issues with merchandise? I'm almost through February 1970, and I am not seeing the individual merchandise sales by current month or last month. I am selling some merchandise and generating some revenue, but it's all lumped together....

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In my game, the wrestling bear is now a tag champ in Florida.


Anyone else having issues with merchandise? I'm almost through February 1970, and I am not seeing the individual merchandise sales by current month or last month. I am selling some merchandise and generating some revenue, but it's all lumped together....


Personally, I always delete the bears in any of the old timey mods that include them. The game just isn't equipped to deal with that kind of thing. (Also, they were horribly abused animals!) If anything, they should be set as non-wrestlers so that their "matches" have to be angles.


Below a certain level of merchandising, your company won't produce merchandise for individual workers. You probably need to upgrade your operation (it's in the merchandise tab). Historically, I wonder if anyone knows when individual wrestlers started selling t-shirts.

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Below a certain level of merchandising, your company won't produce merchandise for individual workers. You probably need to upgrade your operation (it's in the merchandise tab). Historically, I wonder if anyone knows when individual wrestlers started selling t-shirts.


That's it. I think I'm at level 4 right now, but doing the rapid upgrade at 4% per week.


I wonder if Gorgeous George sold shirts?

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I've done several in game years so far with the mod and its been great. At first I was wishing there was some broadcasters for India....until I googled TV in India and they didn't have national television until 1982, lol. They were way behind getting television and even radio. Bombay(Mumbai) didn't have TV service until 1972.

I do think though that Europe needs more starting broadcasters. They weren't in the stone ages back then like India was, lol

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Loving the mod, lots of fun, thank you! Anyone know where I can get some additional stable logos? Looking to add one for The Andersons or even a Minnesota Wrecking Crew logo. Let me know if anyone knows where some quality classic stable logos can be found.

I'm always happy to take requests. If you have any, feel free to post them here. I'll have a look at a Minnesota Wrecking Crew and/or The Andersons in a little while. :)


EDIT: I couldn't find any official logos, but I put these together:


I've done several in game years so far with the mod and its been great. At first I was wishing there was some broadcasters for India....until I googled TV in India and they didn't have national television until 1982, lol. They were way behind getting television and even radio. Bombay(Mumbai) didn't have TV service until 1972.

I do think though that Europe needs more starting broadcasters. They weren't in the stone ages back then like India was, lol

That's a fair assessment. I'll need to do a bit of research as I know Britain only had a couple of television stations at this point but my knowledge of the rest of Europe in terms of television stations is non-existent. I'll see what I can do in future updates.

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That's a fair assessment. I'll need to do a bit of research as I know Britain only had a couple of television stations at this point but my knowledge of the rest of Europe in terms of television stations is non-existent. I'll see what I can do in future updates.


I'll put some basic details below from a bit of research I'm doing right now for Europe. I'll chuck 'em into my game at some point just to fill things out some more. I don't want to go too far down a rabbit hole and make an exhaustive list of every tv network in every country, lol. There's a lot of subsequent numbered sister channels in European television.


Western Europe:

TF1 - Commercial Terrestrial - Starts in April 1935

France 2 - Commercial Terrestrial - Starts in April 1964

France 3 - Free to Air Terrestrial - Starts in December 1972

Nederland 1 - Commercial Terrestrial - Starts in October 1951



TVE-1 - Commercial Terrestrial - October 1956

TVE-2 - Free to Air Terrestrial - November 1966


Central Europe:

ARD - Commercial Terrestrial - June 1950

ORF - Free To Air Terrestrial - August 1955



Radiotjänst(or SVT1 today) - Free to Air Terrestrial - September 1956


Eastern Europe:

UA:Pershyi - Commercial Terrestrial - February 1939

Belarus-1 - Commercial Terrestrial - January 1956



Channel One - Commercial Terrestrial - April 1938


Southern Europe:

TVR-1 - Commercial Terrestrial - December 1956


Southern Mediterranean:

RAI - Free to Air - January 1954

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I'll put some basic details below from a bit of research I'm doing right now for Europe. I'll chuck 'em into my game at some point just to fill things out some more. I don't want to go too far down a rabbit hole and make an exhaustive list of every tv network in every country, lol. There's a lot of subsequent numbered sister channels in European television.


Western Europe:

TF1 - Commercial Terrestrial - Starts in April 1935

France 2 - Commercial Terrestrial - Starts in April 1964

France 3 - Free to Air Terrestrial - Starts in December 1972

Nederland 1 - Commercial Terrestrial - Starts in October 1951



TVE-1 - Commercial Terrestrial - October 1956

TVE-2 - Free to Air Terrestrial - November 1966


Central Europe:

ARD - Commercial Terrestrial - June 1950

ORF - Free To Air Terrestrial - August 1955



Radiotjänst(or SVT1 today) - Free to Air Terrestrial - September 1956


Eastern Europe:

UA:Pershyi - Commercial Terrestrial - February 1939

Belarus-1 - Commercial Terrestrial - January 1956



Channel One - Commercial Terrestrial - April 1938


Southern Europe:

TVR-1 - Commercial Terrestrial - December 1956


Southern Mediterranean:

RAI - Free to Air - January 1954

Awesome. That's a big help and will come in very handy when I get around to updating Territory Daze again. Thank you. :)

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Wow, this mod is completely different than the 2016 version. And the reason nobody noted the broadcaster issue in 2016 is that you had all of them ticked to must cover home, which turned that 0 into 1 effectively but kept other companies out of the region. In 2020, it seems to require you to have the X pop in that region as long as you have it set to 1 which is similar, but less restrictive. It's an easy fix as you can mass edit everyone appropriate to 1 in the editor.


The only things that I think need to be fixed is the figureheads are nearly all failures on Day 1 which hurts their morale. Bruno is fine, but almost everyone else got dropped. I'd love to know why CWF is the top company in the US as I'm sure you have a very sound reason, but it's just weird. Central States being Medium too is odd since they were never the most profitable fed given how small their cities were. Geigel just ran the NWA a lot.

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Wow, this mod is completely different than the 2016 version. And the reason nobody noted the broadcaster issue in 2016 is that you had all of them ticked to must cover home, which turned that 0 into 1 effectively but kept other companies out of the region. In 2020, it seems to require you to have the X pop in that region as long as you have it set to 1 which is similar, but less restrictive. It's an easy fix as you can mass edit everyone appropriate to 1 in the editor.


The only things that I think need to be fixed is the figureheads are nearly all failures on Day 1 which hurts their morale. Bruno is fine, but almost everyone else got dropped. I'd love to know why CWF is the top company in the US as I'm sure you have a very sound reason, but it's just weird. Central States being Medium too is odd since they were never the most profitable fed given how small their cities were. Geigel just ran the NWA a lot.

Thanks, man. You've always been one of my biggest critics and therefore one of the most helpful in many respects so I appreciate it.


Yeah, I like the figurehead option but I think the criteria for it is too high to merit its inclusion to be honest. In future updates, I might just remove all the figureheads (apart from Bruno) and leave it to work more organically because putting in the people who actually were the faces of their companies at this time doesn't seem to be working without over-inflating their statistics.


Championship Wrestling from Florida isn't any more popular than any other promotion in America (or anywhere else for that matter) so that is a bit of a surprise. It's not like they have more prestige or anything either. That leads me to believe that the South East region is set up to be more important in TEW20 as we no longer have control over this, and that's maybe why they're considered bigger? If that's the case because I can't see anything else that would be causing this, then it's something that I can't change, unfortunately.


I just had a quick look at Central States Wrestling and you're completely right. It's obviously one I missed when I was changing popularity around. Having lowered a lot of promotions, I should have lowered CSW too to ensure they weren't on the same level as the others. In TEW16, CSW was around 60 and SLWC was around 80 so they've become roughly the same when they shouldn't be, obviously. I've fixed it now for future updates and CSW will now be considered "Small".

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Thanks, man. You've always been one of my biggest critics and therefore one of the most helpful in many respects so I appreciate it.


Yeah, I like the figurehead option but I think the criteria for it is too high to merit its inclusion to be honest. In future updates, I might just remove all the figureheads (apart from Bruno) and leave it to work more organically because putting in the people who actually were the faces of their companies at this time doesn't seem to be working without over-inflating their statistics.


Championship Wrestling from Florida isn't any more popular than any other promotion in America (or anywhere else for that matter) so that is a bit of a surprise. It's not like they have more prestige or anything either. That leads me to believe that the South East region is set up to be more important in TEW20 as we no longer have control over this, and that's maybe why they're considered bigger? If that's the case because I can't see anything else that would be causing this, then it's something that I can't change, unfortunately.


I just had a quick look at Central States Wrestling and you're completely right. It's obviously one I missed when I was changing popularity around. Having lowered a lot of promotions, I should have lowered CSW too to ensure they weren't on the same level as the others. In TEW16, CSW was around 60 and SLWC was around 80 so they've become roughly the same when they shouldn't be, obviously. I've fixed it now for future updates and CSW will now be considered "Small".


The issue is that every fed should be around 50 pop in their home area, and it takes 59 plus 35 in a spillover region to go from Small to Medium. So, Florida has 45 in Mid-Atlantic which is the issue with them. CSW has 35 in Mid-South. I had to double-check the math so just pure spillover won't hit 35 until 87.5 which is unlikely any fed will hit so they'll be stuck at Small without a TV deal which without the multi-region stations is impossible.


The Figurehead problem is that it's built for a Hogan/Austin/Rock/Cena which pretty much didn't exist before Hogan, Flair, and Dusty. If you did a 50s mod, Lou Thesz would be a terrible figurehead because he had about as much charisma as Jake "Negative Charisma" Hager had in Lucha Underground. The guys you have are appropriate but they never had the stats for it to work in TEW. Honestly, I'm kind of surprised Bruno worked in WWWF, but that is probably because no one else is on his level at the start of the game.


And my only real complaint is the psych level of everyone in the US is on par with modern mods (post-2001). If the argument is "Well, everyone today just does flippy-@*(( and doesn't tell stories like the old days.", well why isn't that reflected in the mod? If it's "I need to nerf most people to fit into how TEW works in 2020" then the game has even more issues than I thought it did.


Maybe the psych levels were the same in 2016 as I never got far into the mod then due to the super-high pop of the feds (as I had noted to you), but I thought I had a good long list of hires to pick from that aren't there this time. Part of that is with the new Perception system and it being nearly impossible to get unimportant people over without rampant cheating/gaming the system which wasn't a thing before.

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One spillover for CWF is that they were broadcasted on the Spanish channels in NYC. So much so that stars from Florida would come into MSG for the first time and get major reactions from the fans. Ron Fuller, who was extremely popular in Florida in the early 70's attested to this in one of his podcasts. So if you need to raise CWF popularity anywhere, Tri State might be a good place to do it.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="hailthebulldog" data-cite="hailthebulldog" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52039" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>One spillover for CWF is that they were broadcasted on the Spanish channels in NYC. So much so that stars from Florida would come into MSG for the first time and get major reactions from the fans. Ron Fuller, who was extremely popular in Florida in the early 70's attested to this in one of his podcasts. So if you need to raise CWF popularity anywhere, Tri State might be a good place to do it.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Honestly, that's what I thought had done it which is why I had to go double-check when I posted that it was Mid-Atlantic at 35. I haven't run things long enough to see if it matters if any NWA fed hits Medium or not, but I'd doubt it. It's just weird to see them as the top fed is all.</p>
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How is this mod playing? Anyone have any long term saves?


It plays just fine...You just cant expect it to replicate what really happened with wrestling. Think of what wrestling would have become if the territorial system kept in place.


The bio writeups are just great.


My biggest annoyance is great workers like Ricky Steamboat or Ric Flair can sit in the free agent pool for 3-4 years before signing on with a company(in my test runs). That's a hard one to figure out. Its not like they don't have good starting stats.

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How is this mod playing? Anyone have any long term saves?


As SanFran I tend to take over NWA basiclly. Ray Stevens World, Pat US Jr, and Peter Mavia and Partner X is generally after 4 months and hold the titles.


But 2016 this was the only mod i played. some of the little trust but yea this was it. but i only put in about 100 hours in 2016.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="kinqconnor" data-cite="kinqconnor" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52039" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I am loving this mod however in my stupidity i can't see to prevent the game from autogenerating workers, does anyone know how i can stop this?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> This is how I do it.</p><p> </p><p> Delete any 'Free pictures' in your data or save. Turn on the 'Picture Requirement' setting.</p>
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