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1995: Monday Night Wars & 1996: Hostile Takeover, Double Release!

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On June 23, 1996 Austin's victory speech after winning the 1996 King of the Ring tournament gave rise to the "Austin 3:16" tag line, which would go on to become one of the most popular catchphrases in the history of professional wrestling and the event has been cited by WWE as the starting point of the Attitude Era.


Two weeks later....


Bash at the Beach; Hulk Hogan made his way down to the ring as Nash and Hall fled to the outside. In a surprise move, the longtime fan favorite Hogan then performed two Atomic Legdrops to Savage, revealing himself to be Hall and Nash's partner as The Outsiders returned to the ring to celebrate their new alliance as the stunned crowd looked on. The audience then began to throw trash into the ring. Gene Okerlund entered the ring and asked Hogan why he had turned his back on the fans and how he could align himself with Hall and Nash. Hogan claimed that the three of them were "the future of wrestling" and dubs the new group as "the new world order of wrestling, brother."


Three weeks later....


The rest is up to you!






The advent of Monday Nitro brought with it an intense rivalry between that show and the WWF's Monday Night Raw program. This rivalry is known to wrestling fans as the "Monday Night Wars".


This mod starts at the very first episode of Monday Nitro.


The mod was converted by johnal881 from my 1996 mod (found above) it was then discontinued, rosters had been updated and title lineages taken back to the correct time but not much in the way of anything else. I have since added attributes, altered popularities, updated tag teams, updated worker pictures to the correct time frame, company logos etc. The mod should now be perfectly playable in comparison to 1996: Hostile Takeover


Data 1996 - http://www.mediafire.com/file/twmljblvtjrkf8r/95-96+Data.rar/file


Data 1995 Version 1.2 (02/12/20): http://www.mediafire.com/file/7scw4n2wixfqpht/1995+Data.rar/file


95/96 Graphics (Updated 02/12/20) - http://www.mediafire.com/file/z8g43hctu50lw6d/95-96+GFX.rar/file


I use this image for the no-picture image, you can place it in your skin folder>graphics



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Hello thanks for the post and the work. Personally I created de 1995 mod for personal use, is my first mod, but I would like to share as a freeware work to the community. The reason I discontinued is because I was so stick to my TEW 2016 , 1995 mod that I feel less optimistic to rebook everything again gor TEW 2020. So I decided to keep running my tew2016 save,Cause I feel I spent too much hours playing for drop it hehehe. But I am planning to create alternate mods soon for 2020 or other different date. 80s or 2001.
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I very much appreciate these mods but i'm curious if there are plans to fix the worker pictures using the wrong names. There are 216 workers without pictures when using this pic pack but many of these are due to the picture file names having a "20" appended to it. For example if you want Drew Gulak's picture to work you would need to manually change the picture in the editor and select "Drew Gulak20.gif". There are many workers like this. I have only looked at 1996 so not sure about 1995.


These pictures are for futures agers, the 20 indicates they are current pictures ei. 2020.


You wouldnt use that pic for a debuting age Drew Gulak, the picture pack continues to be added to.


I know Gulak was just an example but he doesn't debut for another 10 years so i wouldn't worry to much about him yet.

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I'm getting a really weird error on the 96 version where it says that Savage and Konnan are unable to be booked by WCW as they are working for WWF for the night. I also run WWF and they aren't being used and aren't under contract. Savage is exclusive to WCW


Just loaded up a game and ran a test, I was able to book both Konnan and Savage without issue. Savage is on an exclusive deal and Nitro and RAW are run on different nights so Im not sure why you are getting that error.


I would suggest either loading up a new save and trying again or re-downloading the data incase anything got corrupt during the download.

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<p>I appreciate the work but the 1995 mod has a lot of errors (I’m assuming from the original, not your work) Yokozuna should be heel and managed by Mr Fuji, Fatu is unemployed (should be in WWF under make a difference gimmick), Austin being unemployed (was in ECW), Hall/Nash/Hogan all having hot catchphrase and groundswell of support when at this time everyone was negative towards Diesels run and more than sick of hulkamania, Luther is missing (he was in WAR) among others.</p><p> </p><p>

That being said again I do appreciate the work that’s got it to this stage, especially when you’ve got your own mod that your focused on.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="rufc4eva" data-cite="rufc4eva" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52107" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I appreciate the work but the 1995 mod has a lot of errors (I’m assuming from the original, not your work) Yokozuna should be heel and managed by Mr Fuji, Fatu is unemployed (should be in WWF under make a difference gimmick), Austin being unemployed (was in ECW), Hall/Nash/Hogan all having hot catchphrase and groundswell of support when at this time everyone was negative towards Diesels run and more than sick of hulkamania, Luther is missing (he was in WAR) among others.<p> </p><p> That being said again I do appreciate the work that’s got it to this stage, especially when you’ve got your own mod that your focused on.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'll get them changes made, anything else you spot please do post</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Kryptonite" data-cite="Kryptonite" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52107" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm assuming the contract thing is because lengths are set to random atleast for 96. Am i blind or is scotty 2 hotty missing from the data?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> No, I mean they are not on exclusive written deals, which they should be.</p><p> </p><p> Also, Curt Hennig's back injury should only preclude him from wrestling, he was a color commentator in 1996.</p>
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I'll get them changes made, anything else you spot please do post


Haven’t got my laptop handy but off the top of my head:


Two dudes with attitudes should be an active team (they teamed at IYH 3), Sir Mo should be King Mabel’s manager he was less of a wrestler at this time, Goldust gimmick name needs changing to weirdo as gay is just offensive, Dan Spivey should be an active wrestler he was appearing as Waylon Mercy, There is no Jim Neidhart/Hart family relationship set, Savio Vega & Razor Ramon should be a team, The Roadie should be Jeff Jarrett’s manager, Brian Adams should have a starting absence he was under house arrest and didn’t return until he was with the Nation in late 96, Skip should be in a team with Rad Radford they where teaming a Rad wanted to be a bodydonna, 1-2-3 Kid & Bob Holly should be a team, Bob Backlund was Dean Douglas manager, Chris Harris debut date should be Oct 2002 I know he had the odd match but then didn’t wrestle till 2002, worker personalities need an overhaul as notorious negative people like the Kliq don’t have negative traits, the hall of fames are completely missing, alter egos are missing, also it appears Eddie Guerrero is missing (he was Black Tiger in New Japan at this time).



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I will be releasing an update to both data sets this evening with all of the things mentioned added/amended.


Personality Attributes are still being looked at and tested as there is only so many times to can see 5 backstage fights, 4 damaged rental cars, 3 fights with fans, 2 mocked pushes per show before it ruins the game.


Most personalities seem very overpowered so I prefer to leave them out rather than have them ruin the mod, as an example. I had Bubba Ray Dudley have a bully personality and he just beat people up every show. I think this would work better if he only did this to people with lower popularity/experience than him rather than established roster members.


I do however love the personalities that effect booking like refuses to put people over / offering to put people over, shining up lower level opponents, passing on knowledge etc.

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I will be releasing an update to both data sets this evening with all of the things mentioned added/amended.


Personality Attributes are still being looked at and tested as there is only so many times to can see 5 backstage fights, 4 damaged rental cars, 3 fights with fans, 2 mocked pushes per show before it ruins the game.


Most personalities seem very overpowered so I prefer to leave them out rather than have them ruin the mod, as an example. I had Bubba Ray Dudley have a bully personality and he just beat people up every show. I think this would work better if he only did this to people with lower popularity/experience than him rather than established roster members.


I do however love the personalities that effect booking like refuses to put people over / offering to put people over, shining up lower level opponents, passing on knowledge etc.


I guess when it comes to personalities its that sometimes we set them to what we know they will become and not what they may of been at the time.


I dont know that Bubba ray would have the same attributes in 1995 and in say 2001+

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="wphill" data-cite="wphill" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52107" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Awesome mod, I know it's probably obvious and I just can't see it but how do I change the background of the wrestlers? For example, if I want to book Owen Hart to leave Camp Cornette, how do I change his background?<p> Thanks.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Just remove him from the stable^^</p><p> Gif-backgrounds change automatically</p>
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