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Subtle Face and Subtle Heel?

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I was wondering if you could have a Road Agent note that could be used in companies where they have a Heel/Face divide


Basically if you have two heels going at it, you could tell the Road Agent to make one worker a "Subtle Face" for the match, which means they would work as face for that night only and it would limit the negative effects on the match rating that normally comes from having two people of the same alignment wrestling one another


To avoid it being used unreasonably, maybe it could only be used on one match per show?


Would this be possible? Would anyone be interested in having it as a Road Agent option?

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This is a product setting. You can Loosely enforce your face/heel divide if you intend on doing heel vs heel matches. Or you can not enforce it at all!


But if you're running an old school promotion, thus strictly enforcing the divide, fans wouldn't accept a 'for this match only' kind of turn without you seeing a penalty.


Also when you use "Prepare to turn" that is a worker showing subtle signs.

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Well I've been playing as ZEN and the match still gets a penalty, even with their loosely enforced split


Plus, even classic companies like the WWF in the 80's and 90's would do heel/heel and face/face matches occasionally, and it didn't always affect the crowd heat


It would be nice to be able to do that in the game

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A penalty isn't the same thing as the fans rejecting the match. You can still run face/face or heel/heel, it just isn't as good for that product as face/heel. With the right story, it can still be a solid part of the card. With the right guys, it can still main event the biggest show of the year.


I don't know how much preparing someone to turn affects those penalties. It would be cool if it did. Start sowing the seeds for Kenny Omega to turn heel, and now his matches against fellow babyfaces don't take as big a penalty. With the downside of if you cancel the turn or take too long to do it, then his momentum falls in the toilet.

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A penalty isn't the same thing as the fans rejecting the match. You can still run face/face or heel/heel, it just isn't as good for that product as face/heel. With the right story, it can still be a solid part of the card. With the right guys, it can still main event the biggest show of the year.


I don't know how much preparing someone to turn affects those penalties. It would be cool if it did. Start sowing the seeds for Kenny Omega to turn heel, and now his matches against fellow babyfaces don't take as big a penalty. With the downside of if you cancel the turn or take too long to do it, then his momentum falls in the toilet.


I agree. I don’t think the game is meant to be played by trying to avoid every possible penalty.


The good news is that there are already options for that currently in the game.

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A penalty isn't the same thing as the fans rejecting the match. You can still run face/face or heel/heel, it just isn't as good for that product as face/heel. With the right story, it can still be a solid part of the card. With the right guys, it can still main event the biggest show of the year.


I don't know how much preparing someone to turn affects those penalties. It would be cool if it did. Start sowing the seeds for Kenny Omega to turn heel, and now his matches against fellow babyfaces don't take as big a penalty. With the downside of if you cancel the turn or take too long to do it, then his momentum falls in the toilet.


I agree. I don’t think the game is meant to be played by trying to avoid every possible penalty.


The good news is that there are already options for that currently in the game.

Agree with both.


However.... I can see a complex company having multiple levels of a face/heel divide, in fact we've seen similar in the WWE (not so complex), where one can be hated worse than the other. I use stables sometimes to do something similar, but it really isn't the same thing.


Kind of like when Self was talking about someone turning heel, there is that in between part where they are still not technically a heel, but there are a lot of workers you like more than this one..


The name "Subtle" sounds like a solid enough name for something like that. These guys are heels, unless against another heel. These are faces, unless against another face. So you have something like 100-51% "face/Heel", 50-01% "Subtle Face/Heel" (old ability scale vs new whatever we call the sims traits).

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I wonder if this kind of thing would best be used with a tag that lower the penalty of a face/face or heel/heel match-up one step. I know most mods don't use a face/heel divide for NJPW, but Tanahashi is a really good example of a wrestler who's been able to feel a crowd and know when to "play the heel" for the night.
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