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Its been half an year and still not decent mod ?

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What I find interesting is .....................


............... I just would like the mods on this site to have a little consistency.


The point is mainly this last line of your post from what I gather. "WE" been around here for a good while and you know as well as I do that things change, quite a bit. My first post on here was a suggestion or something that compared the game to WWE. I was critiqued in the forums for being a "fan boy" a "mark" a "snark" and that I should watch TnA instead of WWE (as if I never did and found TnA to suck in comparison, my opinion back then). You'd think I was the dumbest person on earth, and I almost said to heck with this forum completely to be honest. I didn't want to be involved in such a hateful group of posters. The reason I stayed was people like you, and even Adam, sticking up for me. Makes me want to stick up for others all the time getting the same type of critique, like the OP here whom I don't think meant to be as insulting as it come off.


I personally don't know if he had a warning or not, as it could have been in his messages. The way things have been this time around with this game, and certain circumstances that we were never in before this year, the highlighted edginess of just about everyone all around the world... I can understand letting a few things ride, and maybe not sticking to the same 'ole same. To be honest, 75% of your post sounds like you're upset when you probably wouldn't be under completely normal conditions. A few things are different, and people are not "perfect", so I expect unusual things until this pandemic thing is took care of.


Understood, but you can't criticize the work of people who ARE willing to take time out of their lives to make these mods. They don't have to do it. The game is perfectly playable without them.


One day, these people may decide not to make mods at all if they're not appreciated.


I think everyone on this forum understands this, but I quoted you to highlight it just in case.


I would caution you to watch your phraseology. Your thread title -- whether intentional or not, is insulting to the people who have worked incredibly hard to make mods that many community members can enjoy.


You are free to offer criticism, you are also free to think that a mod hasn't been released yet that you enjoy. You are free to think that Adam should open the editor up earlier to mod makers to be able to start modding sooner. Those are valid opinions, but you probably want to watch the delivery of your opinion -- particularly in the title of the thread.


While we are a web community, rule number one is to be respectful, even when we don't like something or disagree with something, or wanting to change. Keep that in mind.


I agree 100% with this... I honestly can't think of a single thread that I ever disagreed with this poster though. We had to jump in the thread and read to understand you weren't really trying to be that insulting, but the title....


The entitlement here is baffling, it took 3 pages for it to boil down to "why aren't people making mods on the years I like!?" rather than the there are no decent mods at all for the game.


If you want to encourage people, then maybe don't start by dismissing what people have already sunk hours and hours into working on.


Although I agree with this, the way you said it was just as bad as the way the OP titled this thread.

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What stops a person from making their own mod:


1. Patience

2. Research

3. Skill

4. Knowledge

5. Perfectionism

6. Feeling overwhelmed

7. Lack of motivation

8. Rewards that are far in the future

9. Too many choices

10. The lack of time to be proficient at anything above.




Defending of mods already out is the best answer to the OP's question. "Make Your Own" isn't a realistic option to most people, it's much easier and faster to manipulate someone else's (what most do) to your (personal) liking then build one from scratch.


Having worked on a mod like Modern Warriors in the past, right before I went through some RL crap, it's a colossal amount of work. Until you've scoured youtube watching the battle at the barn fights to figure out how to rate a girls consistency stat.... you will never know. It is only for people who enjoy these kind of things. And if you want the modding scene to grow, you could support a patreon or something. Because you're absolutely correct, it's a ton of work and only a few crazy people can do it well.

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I think that the OP is a little entitled, but of all the things that he said to pick on, this is a bizarre choice.


The UI got a shellacking on release. Suggesting Adam pay another designer would be also thinking 'Adam should pay people to change his product to suit you'. Is that really 'wow'-worthy?


Literally any suggestion that involves someone with a skillset Adam doesn't have, or manpower for sale, would be the same.


I imagine it'd be impossible for legal issues, but paying people with experience of doing something that they've proven to be popular at is literally the opposite of a 'wow, unique perspective' - it's a sensible one.


The difference is that this OP seems to want Adam to pay people to make mods the OP might like. That's over the top ridiculously entitled. Adam released a finished game. If you want mods, choose from the pretty wide selection that is available, or make your own. Adam has zero obligation to facilitate modding.

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The difference is that this OP seems to want Adam to pay people to make mods the OP might like. That's over the top ridiculously entitled. Adam released a finished game. If you want mods, choose from the pretty wide selection that is available, or make your own. Adam has zero obligation to facilitate modding.


Certainly he doesn't have any obligation to facilitate modding, that would be a stupid argument. He's not obliged to release the game at all.


But let's not pretend he put the editor in out of the goodness of his heart - there's clearly an incentive for him to facilitate modding. If there were no real-world mods for the game, it would sell less, as evidenced by the fact that one of the first questions anyone has about TEW is "can I use real people".


Modders are a key part of the ecosystem that helps market and sell TEW. 9 out of 10 posts to the Fantasy Bookers subreddit (8000 subscribers) or the plentiful YouTube videos of the game (many with over 10k viewers) use real world mods.


As I said before, legal issues permiting, it wouldn't be a bad idea to give any top-of-the-line modmakers some early editor access and sort of stipend to ensure mods are promptly released for any future editions of the series.

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But there are very obvious legal issues with this. If GDS were to fund the creation of real world mods, they would need to arrange for licensing agreements with every company, wrestler, broadcaster, etc that ends up in the game.



Since all the mods are user content and the C-Verse exists in the game and is popular enough on its own, GDS can reasonably make the point that third party conent is not the reason why modding the game is as user friendly as it is and that the game is not making money from licensed content. That would go out of the window once modders are actively paid by the company or the company's employees to work on the game/on mods early

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