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TITAN Factory Wrestling: The Reboot!

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In 2011 following his retirement from the ring,The Titan” Dread knew he wanted to contribute to the world of professional wrestling and give back to the industry that had given him so much. Not wanting the travel or commitment of working for a large company, Dread purchased an old boxing ring and a warehouse near his home in New Mexico. Thus The TITAN Factory was born!


Dread envisioned The Factory as a place a place of rebirth. Here, tomorrow’s larger than life athletes could come and learn to be more than just a generic menacing bodyguard or slow moving monster to be cut down and forgotten. The TITAN Factory would forge future legends. World champions, giants, monsters and heroes who would grace the covers of posters and websites for years to come. Not only would they train fresh recruits from scratch but also retrain the struggling workers who had never learned to properly work their size. This would be the haven of monsters and builder of Titans. Creating a new landscape in professional wrestling that not only challenged the idea that heavyweights can’t work exciting matches but discarded it completely!


Now, over the past decade many men have walked through the doors of the Titan Factory...but only a select few have walked out with Dread’s blessing and the right to call themselves TITANS!





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</summary>TITAN Factory Showcase


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“Fall in!”



The mammoth of a man barking the order was
, legendary professional wrestler and the owner of
The TITAN Factory!
Despite his advanced age, Dread’s imposing size and natural menace made for a rather formidable figure. He was someone his students definitely would not cross or question.


“Now, I’ve got some last minute junk to tie up before showcase tomorrow so Ox is gonna finish today’s training. But before I go, just wanted to say you’ve all worked exceptionally hard this past year so if you’re appearing on this card...it’s because you


Alright Ox, take em through drills! Try not to kill em before the show. Good luck men.”




The aptly named
Ox “Mastadon” Kreviazuk
stepped to the front of the class and nodded at Dread.


, let’s start with the
Drill 1
and work our way up! First two, go!”




Among the group of rookies was
"The All American" Jack Avatar
. The former collegiate wrestling champion hated doing drills for Ox! They’d roll, bump and run the ropes until somebody puked and then start on the hard stuff. Jack was the least experienced in this class. The only one who hadn’t had a match in front a crowd yet. That would all change soon, he was scheduled to compete on the showcase card. All the long hours, the pain, the sweat, would all soon be worth it when he finally stepped in the ring in front of a crowd. He’d pictured it a million times.




The meaty forearm of Ox slammed into Jack’s chest sending him crashing to the mat.
He’d been caught daydreaming again.




Dread Smiled to himself. The sound of slams, grunts, screams and groans rang like music to his ears. It’s was the sound of young men being turned into warriors. He relished in it. He looked over the card once again, stroking his temples in his massive hands. TITAN Factory had hosted the odd
event before but this would be different. This show would launch Dread’s latest idea for the success of his students; a
wrestling federation
to be used as a vehicle to launch his disciples careers. Ever the perfectionist, he knew he wouldn’t be satisfied until everything was exactly right.


Finally, Dread sat back in his chair and held up the card up to the light as if to illuminate some previously unseen imperfection. No...it was good. He had what he wanted.




TITAN Factory Wrestling Presents: Showcase!


Main Event

No Disqualification

Ox Mastodon vs Juggernaut Jones


Semi Main Event

Tables Match

Texas Hangman vs Magwitch



15 Minute Time Limit

James Diaz vs Hammer Hadley



Best Two Out of Three Falls

Logan Wolfsbaine vs Jason Paterson



Tag Team Match

The Hot Taggs vs Wild America


Plus an appearance by wrestling Legend, “The Original Titan” Dread!


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I’m all in for this. Already love the look and feel. Give me all the hoss fights



TITAN Factory Wrestling Presents: Showcase!


Main Event

No Disqualification

Ox Mastodon vs Juggernaut Jones


Semi Main Event

Tables Match

Texas Hangman vs Magwitch



15 Minute Time Limit

James Diaz vs Hammer Hadley



Best Two Out of Three Falls

Logan Wolfsbaine vs Jason Paterson



Tag Team Match

The Hot Taggs vs Wild America


Plus an appearance by wrestling Legend, “The Original Titan” Dread!

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Main Event

No Disqualification

Ox Mastodon


Semi Main Event

Tables Match

Texas Hangman



15 Minute Time Limit

Hammer Hadley



Best Two Out of Three Falls

Logan Wolfsbaine



Tag Team Match

The Hot Taggs


Stoked to see how this goes! Looking forward to the first show!

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<p>Looking forwards to following this.</p><p> </p><p>

Main Event</p><p>

No Disqualification</p><p>

<strong>Ox Mastodon</strong> vs Juggernaut Jones</p><p> </p><p>

Semi Main Event</p><p>

Tables Match</p><p>

<strong>Texas Hangman</strong> vs Magwitch</p><p> </p><p>


15 Minute Time Limit</p><p>

<strong>James Diaz</strong> vs Hammer Hadley</p><p> </p><p>


Best Two Out of Three Falls</p><p>

<strong>Logan Wolfsbaine</strong> vs Jason Paterson</p><p> </p><p>


Tag Team Match</p><p>

<strong>The Hot Taggs</strong> vs Wild America</p>

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Looks great Bison, looking forward to it. It’s the graphics that help add to the immersion and the reason I haven’t gotten in on the dusty action. Just don’t have your guys talent.


Main Event

No Disqualification

Ox Mastodon vs Juggernaut Jones


Semi Main Event

Tables Match

Texas Hangman vs Magwitch



15 Minute Time Limit

James Diaz vs Hammer Hadley



Best Two Out of Three Falls

Logan Wolfsbaine vs Jason Paterson



Tag Team Match

The Hot Taggs vs Wild America


Plus an appearance by wrestling Legend, “The Original Titan” Dread!

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All the yes!


Main Event

No Disqualification

Ox Mastodon vs Juggernaut Jones


Semi Main Event

Tables Match

Texas Hangman vs Magwitch



15 Minute Time Limit

James Diaz vs Hammer Hadley



Best Two Out of Three Falls

Logan Wolfsbaine vs Jason Paterson



Tag Team Match

The Hot Taggs vs Wild America

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The TITAN Factory Presents: Showcase


65 Fans are in attendance at the TITAN Factory tonight! We are ready for some wrestling action in Showcase!


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Dread Puts the Titan Factory on Notice!

Dread makes his way to the ring followed closely by two large men. The makeshift walkway is barely big enough to contain the three massive men and there is come concern for structural integrity of the dusty old ring as they step inside. Dread takes a microphone

“Ladies and gentlemen welcome to another edition of Showcase, presented to you by the one and only home of future legends The TITAN FACTORY!”

The small crowd cheers before Dread holds up a massive hand to silence them.

“You may notice that tonight feels a little bit different. Ya see tonight...TONIGHT we start something new. Tonight is the first of many monthly events held right here in the TITAN Factory!”

More cheers come from the rowdy crowd.

“With that all said, I’ll be settin up shop here at ringside so I can evaluate all the guys here tonight and see who is truly worth of the title, TITAN!”

More cheers as Dread and his large goons step out of the ring and grab chairs at ringside.

Time: 5 minutes




Tag Team Match

The Hot Taggs vs Wild America (Charlie Corner and Jack Avatar)


Our official this evening is veteran referee Xander Summers. Standing in the ring, Summers small stature makes the competitors tonight appear even more massive. The rules are explained and the match is ready to get underway.

Some back and forth between Charlie and Jack before it is decided that Charlie will start the match against Kalder. The two men lock up center of the ring, Kalder with a big shove sends Charlie back to his corner and the irony is not lost. A frustrated Corner stews for a moment before Jack Avatar tags himself in. As Avatar comes in the ring he takes a different approach from his partner and shoots in on Kalder taking him to the mat. Kalder struggles as Avatar maneuvers around landing some heavy blows to Kalder’s body. Avatar gets Kalder’s back and delivers a nice German suplex before tagging back in his partner. Charlie comes in with the boot putting Kalder back to the mat and it looks like Avatar and Corner might be getting in the same page. A frustrated Wolfie clubs Corber across the back as he hits the ropes allowing Kalder to get the tag and the brother take advantage and double team Corner as the referee is distracted preventing Jack from getting in the ring to help his partner.

The Taggs work over Charlie while a riled up Jack Avatar brings the crowd into it from the apron. Eventually Corner hits a big shoulder tackle on Wolfie that allows him to make his way towards Avatar as the crowd claps cheering him on. Charlie gets the tag and Jack comes in like a man on fire taking out the Taggs!

Wolfie to his feet Jack tags back in Corner and grabs Wolfie up for another German. Corner hits the ropes and a drop kick sends his opponent through the German! Jack rolls out of the ring as Corner makes the cover. Kalder tries to come in for the save but he’s a split second too late and Wild America picks up the victory!

Winners: Wild America

Time: 8 minutes



The Dread Army Attacks Wild America


After the match as Wild America celebrates, Dread stands up and begins to clap for the young duo. His smile and laugh don’t indicate that’s he’s having a good time but rather something more sinister. Dread stops with his hands clasped together and with a sick smile barks “Get em!” Over his shoulder at Dreadnought and Original Sinner. The monstrous men storm the ring and begin pummeling Avatar and Corner as the Hot Taggs escape to the back. Wild America is left brutalized and broken in the center of the Ring as dread and his army make their way to to the back.

Time: 4 Minutes




Best Two Out of Three Falls

Logan Wolfsbaine vs Jason Patterson


Referee Xander Summers checks both men while explaining the rules for the matchup. Jason Patterson extends a hand to Logan Wolfsbaine but it is rejected and the two men move to their corners. Summers calls for the bell and the bulls start to circle in the ring.

Patterson signals for a test of strength, and Wolfsbaine looks to oblige before backing off. Patterson doesn’t let it go and tries to goad his opponent into the challenge. Logan seems to be considering testing his strength against the big hoss from Oklahoma before shaking his head and backing off once more. Patterson starts mocking Wolfsbaine, acting like a chicken and getting the crowd involved. A frustrated Logan Wolfsbaine finally gives in and calls for Patterson to present for the test of strength.

As the two lock up, Wolfsbaine goes downstairs and drops Patterson with a low blow causing the official to call for the bell giving the first fall to Patterson by Disqualification.



0-1 Patterson


Wolfsbaine doesn’t seem concerned as he falls back to the ropes before delivering a running knee to the temple of Patterson who is still trying to recover from the illegal strike. Patterson is out and Wolfsbaine makes the cover. Second fall goes to Wolfsbaine.



1-1 Next fall to finish


Logan Wolfsbaine works the booing crowd while the referee checks on Patterson. His hubris proves to be his downfall however as Jason Patterson slides behind for a roll up. The referee counts the three and That’s 2-1 Patterson! The crowd cheers! Patterson rolls out of the ring celebrating while a shocked Wolfsbaine slams his fist on the mat in frustration!

Victor: Jason Patterson

Time: 5 Minutes




15 Minute Time Limit

“The New Monster” James Diaz vs Hammer Hadley


The two men stand center of the ring with quiet calm. Each trying to intimidate the other. Diaz has an obvious height advantage but Hadley is stocky and someone about him just lets you know he’s dangerous. Referee Xander Summers separates the two men to their corners and calls for the bell. Hadley comes out gloves up and begins to move around the ring while Diaz stands firm. Almost quick enough to miss Hadley charges forward with a front kick that sends Diaz back into his corner hard. A frustrated Diaz screams and bull rushes Hadley and the pressure has finally peaked! The two begin to crash across the ring like great bucks wrestling for dominance. The fight spills outside and around the factory narrowly making it back into the ring before Summers can reach 10.

The collision continues with neither man gaining an advantage but each powerful blow being hurled a little more violently as time goes on. A few close falls only serve to bring each man closer and closer to their boiling point as tempers rise. Neither Hadley nor Diaz seems to have the upper hand here. Equally matched and equally unwilling to yield in this contest.

As the clock ticks down Hadley catches Diaz off balance and rolls him into an ankle lock. Hadley sinks it in deep in the center of the ring and Diaz has nowhere to go. The pain on The Monster’s face is obvious but he refuses to quit. Hadley screams at Diaz to tap but he doesn’t have to as the bell sounds signaling the end of the 15 minute time limit. This match is officially a draw.

Winner: Time Limit Draw

Time: 15 minutes



Semi Main Event

Tables Match

Magwitch vs Texas Hangman


This next contest is a real monster battle as the dark and mysterious Texas Hangman takes on the sick and twisted Magwitch. Magwitch carries with him his signature barbed wire covered bat. Summers makes a point of not checking either man for foreign objects as there will be no disqualifications in this one. The only way to win will be when one man goes through a table making the other the Victor.

Magwitch wastes little time and begins swinging his bat wildly at Hangman! Hangman dodges and ducks before catching Magwitch with a powerful right. A few more hard shots and Magwitch drops the bat to cover up and defend himself.

Hangman has Magwitch in the corner as he continues to rain down hard shots on his opponent. Hangman heads to opposite corner before charging and splashing on Magwitch. He hits the twisted clown again causing Magwitch to crumble to the floor.

Hangman poses for the crowd before spotting the barbedwire bat laying in the ring. Hangman has the bat and approaches Magwitch who rolls out of the way at the last second and out of the ring. Magwitch pulls out a table and begins setting it up. Hangman follows him to the outside and begins his assault once more. The two men fight up onto the apron, each teetering towards falling through the table on the outside.

Magwitch gains the upper hand and begins to laugh maniacally. He spits a red mist into the face of Texas Hangman and then launches himself off the apron and through the table. Texas Hangman is the winner.

Winner: Texas Hangman

Time: 10 minutes



Honest Frank Hypes Ox Mastodon vs Juggernaut Jones


Honest Frank leads “The Wild Man” Ox Mastodon to the ring. Frank tells the crowd that Ox is his latest client and together they will crush the so called Titans underfoot. Starting with Juggernaut Jones! A man of no accomplishments yet has the audacity to challenge The Mastodon! Frank promises an “Honest” victory. His words are cut short as Juggernaut Jones music hits and he sprints to the ring.

Time: 5 minutes




Main Event

1 vs 1

Ox Mastodon w/Honest Frank vs Juggernaut Jones


Juggernaut shakes the ropes and roars while Ox beats his chest and returns a roar of his own. The official makes a show of announcing the rules and checking each competitor. There’s a certain something in the air, a calm before the storm that tells you great violence is about to happen. It’s a big fight feel here at the Titan Factory!

These two are wasting no time. The moment the bell rings they charge! It's a collision in the the squared circle and these two are going to tear this place apart! Juggernaut and Ox trade blows and try and and get the upperhand on the the other. Three hard right hands from Juggernaut on Ox staggers the Mastodon. Juggernaut hits the ropes and drives a clothesline into Ox. It's not enough to bring the big man down however. Juggernaut hits the ropes again and levels another clothesline at Ox! A third clothesline finally brings the big man down! Juggernaut off the second rope with a splash and puts Ox down for a close two count.

Mastodon powers out and gets back to his feet! He rushes Juggernaut and runs right over him! Ox goes for the Ten Ton Splash but Juggernaut rolls out of the way and out of the ring. Juggernaut tries to catch his breath but the Mastodon is on him. Ox beats Juggernaut around the outside, occasionally rolling into the ring to break up Summer's 10 count. Honest Frank follows closely behind shouting instructions at his client. Finally Ox rolls Juggernaut back into the ring. Ox looks to be setting up another 10 Ton Splash but Juggernaut gets a boot up and counters! A DDT brings Ox to the mat hard! Juggernaut is calling for a gorilla press! Can he even get the 400+ pounder over his head?!

Honest Frank doesn't care to find out and leaps onto the apron! Juggernaut takes the bait and grabs Frank by the collar! A huge right hand levels Frank and send the mouthy manager crashing to the floor. However this gives Mastodon enough time to recover and Juggernaut turns around into a big boot followed by a 10 Ton Splash. Ox covers for the pin and Xander Summers counts the 3!


Winner: Ox Mastodon

Time: 15 Minutes











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sat upon a metal folding chair in the corner of the locker room, wiping away the sweat with a towel. Leaning back, he exhaled slowly, still trying to catch his breath. It wasn’t
as rough as his matches over in
but definitely more car wreck than ballet.
covered the big veteran. Forty was around the corner and with each passing year it was getting harder and harder to recover.

He sat back deeper in the chair trying not to show as much pain as he felt. The kids in the locker room all came by one by one or in pairs to pay respect and try to get his advice or pick his brain. Had he watched their match? What would he do differently?

Sometimes Ox still felt like the rookie struggling to learn this business. Dread still called him “kid” after all. But being in this locker room full of young guys...he was reminded just how far he’d come to get where he is today. It was surreal sometimes; being the veteran in the locker room. Ox didn’t really think he was up to the task but Dread did.

He now found himself deep in thought about how many more matches he had left in him. So deep, he didn’t even notice his opponent from earlier had approached him.



stood there wiping the paint from his face with a rag before extending towards
for a handshake.

Thank you for the match
said with a smile. “
Hey, thank you
” Ox replied. Thanking your opponent was an old tradition but one
made sure to enforce. Juggernaut got it. Respect was important and the old school values would go a long way in helping to shape the rookie moving forward through different companies.

Goal oriented
didn’t even begin to describe him. He was going to fight his way up from the bottom and become a major star one day. But for right now he was thankful to guys like Ox and Frank for pointing him in the right direction and
for even having a career.



finally stepped from gorilla to the locker room everyone stopped and paid attention. Each one waiting to see what their mentor had observed. Hoping for praise and fearing criticism.


“Men! That went...as well as it absolutely could have. No one was
, no one
missed a que
. Be proud of yourselves! That’s not easy to do! But now we look forward to the future. The next show...the better show. Always try and improve on your last match, men! That’s important!

Now, I got a pretty good idea of where we’re going. Maybe with a few tweaks after tonight. I’ll get the matchups out to you later and we’ll start working on putting them together back here on Monday got it? Go out and have a good time tonight but don’t do anything too

If you’re gonna drink, be responsible. Don’t drive. If you get into a fight, win! And then leave before the cops show up. If the cops do show up, you call me! Remember you represent the
TITAN Factory
, don’t do anything to embarrass the rest of us! Have a good night men.



A cheer goes out from the tired guys listening to his speech and they all start making their preparations to go home. In
locker room everyone stayed till the final match. It was a respect thing.



finished getting changed and gave a few more words of encouragement to Juggernaut. Then reminded him to get some good rest. They had to be on a plane to
Puerto Rico
tomorrow morning to go do this all over again. Beat up and tired, Ox grabbed his bags and headed for the car. Back to the motel to get some sleep himself.



Dread passed Ox on the way to his office and gave him a pat on the back. His original protege. Ox was a good kid. Dread was sorry he hadn’t managed to get him further.

The aging legend slumped into his desk chair and flipped open his notepad. A few erases and corrections. A change or two maybe. We were good to go.


TITAN Factory Wrestling Presents: Rise of the Titans!


Main Event

Rematch from Showcase

Ox Mastodon w/Honest Frank vs Juggernaut Jones


Semi Main Event

No Time Limit

James Diaz vs Hammer Hadley



Tag Team Match

Texas Hangman & Jason Patterson vs Logan Wolfsbaine & Magwitch



Tag Team Match

Wild America vs The Dread Army



Dread will unveil the TITAN Factory Heavyweight Championship!



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Main Event

Rematch from Showcase

Ox Mastodon w/Honest Frank vs Juggernaut Jones


Semi Main Event

No Time Limit

James Diaz vs Hammer Hadley



Tag Team Match

Texas Hangman & Jason Patterson vs Logan Wolfsbaine & Magwitch



Tag Team Match

Wild America vs The Dread Army

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Main Event

Rematch from Showcase

Ox Mastodon w/Honest Frank vs Juggernaut Jones


Semi Main Event

No Time Limit

James Diaz vs Hammer Hadley



Tag Team Match

Texas Hangman & Jason Patterson vs Logan Wolfsbaine & Magwitch



Tag Team Match

Wild America vs The Dread Army



Dread will unveil the TITAN Factory Heavyweight Championship!

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Main Event

Rematch from Showcase

Ox Mastodon w/Honest Frank vs Juggernaut Jones


Semi Main Event

No Time Limit

James Diaz vs Hammer Hadley



Tag Team Match

Texas Hangman & Jason Patterson vs Logan Wolfsbaine & Magwitch



Tag Team Match

Wild America vs The Dread Army


* * *


This is great fun so far. The new renders add so much - I think my favourites are Ox Mastodon and Hammer Hadley, who just have so much character with your takes on their original renders.

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Main Event

Rematch from Showcase

Ox Mastodon w/Honest Frank vs Juggernaut Jones


Semi Main Event

No Time Limit

James Diaz vs Hammer Hadley



Tag Team Match

Texas Hangman & Jason Patterson vs Logan Wolfsbaine & Magwitch



Tag Team Match

Wild America vs The Dread Army

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70 Fans are in Attendance at The Factory tonight!



Dread Unveiling TITAN Factory Heavyweight Championship

Dread makes his way to the ring, flanked by his soldiers, Dreadnought and Original Sinner. He carries a bag in his hands. Presumably with the TITAN Factory Heavyweight championship inside.


“What I hold in my hands is the future. One day soon, this here will be the signifier. The qualifier. There won’t be a World Champion in professional wrestling worth his salt that won’t have come through this Factory and held this title on his way to the top! This title...”

Dread removes the TITAN Factory Heavyweight Championship from the bag




“It may seem like a stepping stone but it is more than that. It’s the entryway to a legacy! The first chapter in an epic or the final chapter of a tragedy. And next month, two men will find out which side of that coin they are on.

The participants in tonight’s main event, Juggernaut Jones and Ox Mastodon. They will face off again next month, with the winner being able to call himself the INAUGURAL TITAN Factory Heavyweight Champion! But just to keep things interesting, the winner of tonight’s match gets to pick the stipulation for the title match! How bout that?”


With that Dread places the belt back in the bag. He and the Dread Army leave the ring and head for the ramp when they’re interrupted by Wild America’s music! The Patriot rock duo sprint down the ramp and immediately launch an assault on their monster outs opponents!




A visibly angry Dread screams at all four men in frustration but his words fall on deaf ears and the four men battle into the ring and the referee calls for the bell.

Rating: 29

Time: 5 Minutes




Tag Team Match

Wild America vs The Dread Army

Referee Xander Summers attempts to gain some control here as the four men continue to brawl. He has little luck as Dreadnought and Original Sinner get their opponents up for stero powerslams and take control of this match.

Outside the ring Dread gets on the mic

“This match will now be a Tornado match! There will be no tags!”

The official throws up his hands and allows the assault to continue. The Dread Army dominates most of the match keeping the smaller team down. A mistimed spot causes Sinner to hit Dreadnought with a big boot by mistake and allows the Patriots to take control. Charlie looks to be setting up for a Corner Cutter on Sinner when the match is interrupted by the Hot Taggs!

Taggs beat down everybody in the ring and Toss both teams to the outside. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Draw

Rating: 15

Time: 8 Minutes



The Taggs Cut a Promo

Kalder begins first

“We will not be cast aside as the pawns in the some grander scheme!”

Wolfie then takes his turn

“We are putting all you punks on notice! We. Are. For real!”




Dread smiles and holds back his men. He approaches the ring and asks for a mic.

“You know what? I like that! That takes real balls! Next month it will be The Hot Taggs

Vs The Dread Army

Vs Wild America!

Three way tag team match!”

Dread drops the mic and heads out with the Army in tow.

Rating: 2

Time: 3 minutes




Tag Team Match

Texas Hangman & Jason Patterson vs Logan Wolfsbaine & Magwitch

Patterson starts the match off against Wolfsbaine. Wolfsbaine is still clearly holding a grudge over his loss to Patterson last month. Patterson and Wolfsbaine lock up and Wolfsbaine takes control. Wolfsbaine brings Patterson to the mat and begins to work him over. A big slam puts Patterson down and a drop kick to Hangman sends him to the floor. A confident Wolfsbaine struts before tagging in Magwitch.

Magwitch hits the ring and starts running the ropes. Then continues running the ropes. Finally he circles back around and tags back in Wolfsbaine.




“What are you doing? This is serious!”


A frustrated Wolfsbaine is busy chastising Magwitch and doesn’t realize that Jason Patterson is behind him. Patterson rolls up Wolfsbaine and the referee counts the three and calls for the bell.

Winner: Texas Hangman & Jason Patterson

Rating: 21

Time: 5 Minutes


Post Match Shenanigans Continue

After the match Magwitch dances around Wolfsbaine who is sitting on the mat with his head in his hands in disbelief. Magwitch approaches Hangman and blows him a kiss. He eats a chokeslam for his troubles. Hangman and Patterson exit while Wolfsbaine is still in disbelief staring at his now incapacitated partner from this evening.

Rating: 8

Time: 3 Minutes



Semi Main Event

No Time Limit

“The New Monster” James Diaz vs Hammer Hadley

Hadley is fired up. There’s no time limit tonight so this be going to a finish. Diaz looks to be taking a calmer approach to this. Ready to use his time wisely. The two approach the center of the ring while referee Xander Summers checks for foreign objects. Diaz and Hadley touch gloves and the bell rings. We’re under way.

Solid back and forth from the two heavyweights trading hard blows in the center of the ring right from the start. Diaz takes a big risk swing but Hadley ducks under and launches Diaz with a T-Bone Suplex! Hadley gets on top and overwhelms Diaz with a flurry in the ground and pound. Diaz manages to use his size and strength to roll Hadley off of him and get to his feet. Diaz throws some punches at Hammer while he’s on his back but he’s backed off by kicks and now both men are on their feet again.

Hadley charges with a flying knee but it misses and Diaz hits a Superman punch! Hadley is down and Diaz goes for the cover and a Two Count!

Diaz reaches down to pick up Hadley by the hair. Suddenly Hammer Hadley springs to life and locks Diaz in a triangle choke! The big man is trapped! Diaz uses his strength to lift Hadley and slam him to the mat but he holds on! Hammer squeezes tighter as Diaz drops to his knees. Referees Summers raises his hand and let’s it drop for a one. Again for a two. On the third attempt Diaz keeps his hand in the air. A quick final burst of strength and James Diaz jerks Hadley up and sends him crashing to the outside as both men go ever the top rope. The official has no choice but the begin his count.






Both men are out on cement floor of the Factory.






The ref calls for a bell and once again we have a draw between these two evenly matched opponents!

Winner: Draw Double Count Out

Rating: 22

Time: 13 minutes



Main Event

Winner Determines the Stipulation for the Title Match

Ox Mastodon w/Honest Frank vs Juggernaut Jones

Honest Frank leads The Massive Ox Mastodon to the ring. Mastodon stomps around the outside before being ushered inside by Frank. Juggernaut Jones is out next and hits the ring at a full sprint! Jones looks ready for war. There’s a bigger prize at the end of this one and both men are going to want the opportunity to make their stipulation and try for an advantage going into the title fight. The rules are explained and both men are sent to their corners as Xander Summers calls for the bell!

Little time is wasted here as the bulls charge and we’re treated to a car crash monster battle once again. Neither man gains an advantage in the early goings as the two prefer to simply slam into eachother at full force trying to establish their dominance. Juggernaut hits Ox with a boot to the midsection and fired off the ropes with a big clothesline. And another! Juggernaut goes for a third but gets caught in a bear hug.

Ox locks it in tight and holds Juggernaut in place. Slowly squeezing the life out of him. The referee asks Juggernaut if he’d like to quit. Juggernaut shoves him away and puts several stiff punches to the head of The Mastodon. Ox is undeterred and hunkers down. Squeezing Juggernaut tighter and shaking him violently. Juggernaut refuses to quit and finally powers his way free from Ox mighty grasp!

The two continue their back and forth. Honest Frank leaps up onto the apron to provide the distraction for Ox. The Mastodon tries to rush Juggernaut from behind but the facepainted warrior ducks out of the way. Ox collided with Frank and turns around into Juggernaut Jones at full sprint who levels the big man with The Pounce! Juggernaut makes the cover!


Winner: Juggernaut Jones

Rating: 22

Time: 10 minutes



Juggernaut Jones Picks the Match Stipulation

Breathing heavy, Juggernaut grabs a mic.

“Dread! You better get in the phone with your contractor and Ox start getting your affairs in order! Because a next month...our title match...is going to be a Tartarus Cell match!”

Juggernaut drops the mic and exits the rings.

Rating: 5

Time: 2 minutes


Show Rating: 22



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Had a hectic work week but hoping to get the show up tomorrow





Main Event

Tartarus Cell Match for the TITAN Factory Heavyweight Championship

Ox Mastodon w/Honest Frank vs Juggernaut Jones


Grudge Match

No Holds Barred, Match Must Have a Clear Winner

“The New Monster” James Diaz vs Hammer Hadley



“The Oklahoma Thunderbolt” Jason Patterson vs “Twisted Metal” Magwitch



Three Way Tag

The Hot Taggs vs Wild America vs The Dread Army


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Main Event

Tartarus Cell Match for the TITAN Factory Heavyweight Championship

Ox Mastodon w/Honest Frank vs Juggernaut Jones


Grudge Match

No Holds Barred, Match Must Have a Clear Winner

“The New Monster” James Diaz vs Hammer Hadley



“The Oklahoma Thunderbolt” Jason Patterson vs “Twisted Metal” Magwitch



Three Way Tag

The Hot Taggs vs Wild America vs The Dread Army

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Main Event

Tartarus Cell Match for the TITAN Factory Heavyweight Championship

Ox Mastodon w/Honest Frank vs Juggernaut Jones


Grudge Match

No Holds Barred, Match Must Have a Clear Winner

“The New Monster” James Diaz vs Hammer Hadley



“The Oklahoma Thunderbolt” Jason Patterson vs “Twisted Metal” Magwitch



Three Way Tag

The Hot Taggs vs Wild America vs The Dread Army

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