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ECW97: Survival on Swanson and Ritner

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NowThenMates -Loving the style! Unique and I found it easy to read and follow.


Appreciate that a ton. I wanted to make the content short enough to follow along, and maybe the PPV's will get a bit longer but haven't decided yet. This comment made me really think I am on the right path to accomplishing what I wanted to as far as readability was concerned. Thank you.


Satyr24 - Really like the setup for this can't wait to see where it goes


Appreciated! I am interested to see where it goes too. I do know ECW is my favorite to write for, so I see this going a bit longer than my other previous attempts with AWA, CVerse etc. Glad to have you along, comment as much as you want.



Thank you everyone!!

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Man what a superb presentation!

I feel like it's good you are rushing to Taz/Sabu and not waiting Barely Legal. The hype for this feud in real life was top notch but in the end dragged a little and the match did not deliver


As for my predictions:








Tommy Rich

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Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating today. Thank you so much for the feedback and predictions.


BigJ - Thank you so much. I am also a big reader/fan of your NWA contribution, so thank you!


TEXASRANGERS13- Thank you so much! It takes a little, but I edit the graphics and write the story at the same time, so it saves a bit of time. I'm also always worried about release days and how often I should release versus how good the quality could be. For me, this is sort of a mix of that because I'm not sure how long is too long in-between times I release.

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Man, this presentation gives so much depth and life to your diary, it's frigging awesome


Thank you! I agree that it adds more depth and as a reader who cannot see my game, I think it clues you into to more of what is going on in the world which is nice. I'm showing my age, but I remember when iwrestling.com was one of the premier websites for pro wrestling.

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<p>Hey guys quickly..</p><p> </p><p>

I am just releasing this one now (without a weekly update) because this show took place the day after the PPV. Usually I will update throughout the week of the happenings in the world, but since this was 24-hours later there is none in-between these two shows specifically. I also understand it's a bit shorter than others, this is just to keep the timeline moving a bit so you're not waiting for me. I hope you understand. Thanks!</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="jOYuWtk.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/jOYuWtk.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p>

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Always felt ECW dropped the ball HUGE by never having a proper long-term Richards/Raven feud, there was enough material to last at least a year. But i don't know if that could have been possible with Stevie's neck injury and their departure to WCW? Anyway this promises to be dope, curious as if Sandman will still be in the feud

Keep up the good work!

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Great show. Love your presentation. It really has the classic ECW vibe to it.


Thank you so much, super appreciate it. ECW was always my favorite promotion to watch, and this is the first time I've ever done an ECW diary, so regardless of how it comes out, it's fun to do. haha. I'm glad you like it!



Great show; bummer about RVD but that makes it fun and very realistic. I also remember the 1wrestling days (and Lords of Pain for that matter, although it might?! still be around)... The Eliminators were such a classic team, but I thought Mustafa might finally carry his weight... (LOL, not).


Well, if we're being truthful. RVD didn't miss his plane - I missed that RVD was booked on AJPW show, but shhhhh that part never made it to television, so if you don't tell anyone and neither do I, they'll never know :) Do you remember iwrestling as well? The namesake of the promotions? I liked them the best, and prowrestling.com. I used to "write" for a lot of them. In the days where 14 year old Tobin thought he was an investigative journalist (copied off of Meltzer, lol)

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I don't honestly remember iwrestling, I was probably afraid of viruses or ruining someones computer at that time. I remember being oddly afraid of certain websites (namely any with more than one pop-up ad...)...


I digress, enjoy the story about copying Meltzer. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.


Dr. Death vs. Terry Funk will make Barely Legal a fun one!


The Sandman on the Simpsons, awesome.

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