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ECW97: Survival on Swanson and Ritner

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Interested to see what happens with Richards here. He seems to be built up as a contender for the title.


The Hardys seem to be the future for the company, or at least the tag division. If you can hold onto them, that is.


Will be interested to see where you go with RVD/Sabu vs. The Eliminators. They're clearly being set up for a rematch down the line, but they're also being set-up for a ready-made feud with The Harris Brothers.


Love to see where you'll go with the Roberts/Raven dynamic now that Raven is champion. While they may be known for "heel" gimmicks, both have the natural charisma to get the crowd behind them.

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What a show !!

Some really intriguing choices that are full of surprises. I like it that you don't go the obvious way (Raven wins, Sabu & RVD loss, Richards win...) yet it makes TOTAL sense and is really entertaining.

Legit popped for the Stevie win

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Very happy with the result, Raven is the man.


Thank you for commenting, and yes I agree, I like Raven a lot. More to come with him as he is in the middle of a long term direction I have for him.


Interested to see what happens with Richards here. He seems to be built up as a contender for the title.


The Hardys seem to be the future for the company, or at least the tag division. If you can hold onto them, that is.


Will be interested to see where you go with RVD/Sabu vs. The Eliminators. They're clearly being set up for a rematch down the line, but they're also being set-up for a ready-made feud with The Harris Brothers.


Love to see where you'll go with the Roberts/Raven dynamic now that Raven is champion. While they may be known for "heel" gimmicks, both have the natural charisma to get the crowd behind them.


Thank you so much for your comments! Reading your comments I think your picking up what I'm putting down here.


What a show !!

Some really intriguing choices that are full of surprises. I like it that you don't go the obvious way (Raven wins, Sabu & RVD loss, Richards win...) yet it makes TOTAL sense and is really entertaining.

Legit popped for the Stevie win


Thank you J! I popped when Stevie won too, love him. Think he could have been bigger with some direction and a decent push.

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Oh NO not Big Dick Dudley! He was the star of the Dudley Family!


Love that Raven is the champ again, legend and the new face of 1997 ECW!!! Hopefully he'll boost the morale too.


I agree, Taz couldn't stay representing us when he gets in a fight with the entire locker room. Bully's days are sadly numbered as well.


I'm having the same issues with my current ECW save. I can't get the locker room under control and I've lost The Sandman, Sabu, and Devon Storm because of it. Backstage rating has been 0% for like 3 months now lol

Yes, you know the problems! haha. Sadly, I think my issues are with Bully Ray. I've brought in Duncum Jr for the sole purpose of being in the locker room and NOT being a jerk. It's not like he was some talent I NEEDED, but he improved morale. I think you'll see some new signings here shortly that may scratch heads, and that is what I'm trying to do. We'll see where this goes, haha. I'm largely not in control of it as issues like these are never your intended course, but sometimes its where the game leads you haha.

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I agree, Taz couldn't stay representing us when he gets in a fight with the entire locker room. Bully's days are sadly numbered as well.



Yes, you know the problems! haha. Sadly, I think my issues are with Bully Ray. I've brought in Duncum Jr for the sole purpose of being in the locker room and NOT being a jerk. It's not like he was some talent I NEEDED, but he improved morale. I think you'll see some new signings here shortly that may scratch heads, and that is what I'm trying to do. We'll see where this goes, haha. I'm largely not in control of it as issues like these are never your intended course, but sometimes its where the game leads you haha.


Yep, my problems mostly seem to stem from two people Buh Buh Ray and New Jack. Taz was an issue too but he got hurt and has been gone for a while now. I brought in Steve Corino and Charlie Haas last night hopefully they help lol. Also, putting the TV title on RVD made him go from negative to positive backstage influence.

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With Stevie being the one to introduce the Raven character, before their Tag Title reign, its going to be very fighting when these two start this feud. The build has been proper, great work.


Sabu & RVD with the huge win too! Great main event. Looks like the Dudleyz need their Big Dick.

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With Stevie being the one to introduce the Raven character, before their Tag Title reign, its going to be very fighting when these two start this feud. The build has been proper, great work.


Sabu & RVD with the huge win too! Great main event. Looks like the Dudleyz need their Big Dick.


I like that you see the richards/raven slow burn. pointing at you there with respect. lmao on second comment. thanks for comments and reading man.

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Uh, it's a shame that Bubba got off so easy. If he was in Lucha Underground, he would be booked in a Believer's Backlash <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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Uh, it's a shame that Bubba got off so easy. If he was in Lucha Underground, he would be booked in a Believer's Backlash :D


Oh man every now and then something comes along like this that I cannot avoid for the sake of the locker room. Bubba being released doubled locker room morale, so we're on to a good start there but what a talent to lose. Frustrated there like I was when New Jack was gone.

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I am not really sure how to make this announcement since I've never got to this point before.


I will be either pausing ECW 97: Survival on Swanson and Ritner or completely stopping it.


I have had a great time writing this journal and it's the second journal I've ever brought to more than a few shows and canceling it. ECW was an amazing promotion to write for and it always seemed there was a bit of pressure on me to deliver a company I (and so many others) loved.


I feel like I jumped the shark in a few spots where I wish I could have had it back, but overall I think it was a great experience. It was a three-month real-life journal that lasted months in-game and picked up 3-DOTM awards in a row – my only three DOTM's ever.


If this is the end, I want to thank everyone for the amazing words you've said that have picked me up a lot during this journal. I think it's time to move on to see if I can make another promotion or journal as good as this one was – my best one ever.,


I didn't feel inspired towards the end and I felt more like this being a job. I don't want to sacrifice quality for just “doing this to do it” so I felt it was good to either pause until I get the inspiration – or call it a day altogether.


Again, sincerely.. thank you so much for the words and votes and everything that made this journal so special. I appreciate you all, and I will be back with another journal soon.



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I am not really sure how to make this announcement since I've never got to this point before.


I will be either pausing ECW 97: Survival on Swanson and Ritner or completely stopping it.


I have had a great time writing this journal and it's the second journal I've ever brought to more than a few shows and canceling it. ECW was an amazing promotion to write for and it always seemed there was a bit of pressure on me to deliver a company I (and so many others) loved.


I feel like I jumped the shark in a few spots where I wish I could have had it back, but overall I think it was a great experience. It was a three-month real-life journal that lasted months in-game and picked up 3-DOTM awards in a row – my only three DOTM's ever.


If this is the end, I want to thank everyone for the amazing words you've said that have picked me up a lot during this journal. I think it's time to move on to see if I can make another promotion or journal as good as this one was – my best one ever.,


I didn't feel inspired towards the end and I felt more like this being a job. I don't want to sacrifice quality for just “doing this to do it” so I felt it was good to either pause until I get the inspiration – or call it a day altogether.


Again, sincerely.. thank you so much for the words and votes and everything that made this journal so special. I appreciate you all, and I will be back with another journal soon.




take some time, refresh and see what happens next. You need a passion to write I know that. This diary has been amazing but if this is the end I enjoyed it very much and look forward to anything you do in the future

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hey tobin,


Sorry to hear your feelings on this currently, I think a lot of us can understand the burnout which can happen when you become uninspired by the product you are putting out and becomes to feel more like a job. This is a very common issue that successful diaries run into and it is difficult to overcome. It's quite a shame this has happened, as you've certainly struck gold with this one...


I wanted to provide some ideas to perhaps cut yourself a break on mistakes you feel you may have made, plus lowering your expectations on what you feel you should be producing:

  1. perhaps cut down your covered timeline per post from each episode of Hardcore TV, down to just a monthly recap. This should significantly decrease the workload while still getting the satisfaction that comes from booking another month in full and progressing higher level storyarchs and character development;
  2. don't take a long break. I know it may sound counterintuative, but you may find it much harder to get back in the flow of writing and producing the content than you feel continuing to produce it in a slimmed-down version. Taking a short break, something like a week-long, is a good idea to recharge your batteries, but telling yourself you are going to take a long-break and trying to get back into the swing of things could potentially be very challenging;
  3. really try to set a deadline on a short break where you commit to yourself you are going to work through the booking challenges you feel you have and just try to have fun with things. Break out another three month timeline and come up with super high level stories you think you'd enjoy telling and then break them down month by month, then week by week into what you will be booking. The booking may feel different than what you really expected at the start of things, but you are also building your own unique world you have the chance to continue and make even more interesting. I, for one, never expected to see Curt Hennig, and I find it fascinating to imagine him in ECW during this timeframe... and losing Bubba Ray, what another big challenge I'd love to see you overcome... embrace the challenge;
  4. maybe take an extended break or choose to completely cut-out the extra content you are adding to your posts (podcasts, detailed world news, etc.) and slim it down really big news that matters; hard part is this has been a big reason people love your diary and rightfully so, however I think it's understandable for the sake of the diary if these items are no more or only when you are extra inspired to produce them;
  5. reach out to other diary-writers who are 3+ months into the game and ask them how they help prevent their burn-out and how they've recovered making decisions in their game/booking they regret down the road.

Of course, this is all your decision, and your decision is certainly respected. Whatever you choose, everyone will understand and certainly always remember this diary as one of the best, as well as very influential with the presentation.

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I think it's testament to how much fun this has been that lots of people have told you not to quit, and OGpistolpete spent so long constructing a post to give you ideas about how to carry on. Whatever you do next, I know I and a lot of people will check it out. Whether you come back to this, or go elsewhere.


[*]reach out to other diary-writers who are 3+ months into the game and ask them how they help prevent their burn-out and how they've recovered making decisions in their game/booking they regret down the road.


Just thought I'd pick up on this one, even though he didn't ask :D But I just thought, as someone who has had a fair few long-term diaries, there's a few things I do to overcome what I call 'writer's block' or 'burn-out'.


1). Write ahead of where I'm posting - I always write at least 4 shows ahead of what I post on the boards and keep a few 'in the can'. That way, I can take a week, two weeks, even more at times, off writing completely and you guys wouldn't even notice. It takes the pressure off thinking you HAVE to put a show out. Right now, I have 6 SWF shows fully written, and for my two player WWF vs WCW diary with Togg I have 14 fully written, fully formatted, and ready to post.


2). Take what I call 'graphics breaks'. I tend to spend 2-3 days (I don't mean all day, I mean 2-3 hours over a couple of days) making graphics for my next PPV. I might then extend that, update some worker pics, dividers, anything graphic related really. Before I know it, I've not written a single word for the diary in two weeks! Things like this help with writer's block for sure.


3). Realise that it's only a game, and a bit of fun :D Try not to take anything too seriously, and just enjoy it. If you're enjoying it, take a break and come back to it. If you're not, then finish it and start something else up. It's really that simple.


As I said, and others have said, I've really enjoyed your work on this project.

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